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A72540 The dampe of death: beaten backe with the glorious light and life of Iesus Christ / In a sermon preached at Lancaster assises in Lent last, to the condemned prisoners there, and before the honourable iudges, and worshipfull of that countie. By William Leigh, bachelor in diuinitie, and pastor at Standish Leigh, William, 1550-1639. 1613 (1613) STC 15423; ESTC S125476 21,274 65

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Luk. 15. Vers. 17. as the louing Fatheer did his lost Childe and say This my Sonne was dead and is aliue againe and he was lost but is found Thirdly Mannah fell from Heauen Exod. 15. Vers 15. when they thought not on it nor knew it not and therefore vpon the sight they said Manhu quid hoc what is this Christ fell downe from heauen like a shower of Raine vpon a fleece of wooll in softnes and in silence his owne knew him not but said Is not this the Carpenters Sonne Who is this that both winde and Seas obey Suddenly hath the Sonne of God rushed vpon you and hath violently taken you out of your sinnes and it cannot be but vpon the sight and relish of his sweete mercies Yee say to the astonishment of your saued soules Manhu who is this that thus fills and feedes our soules with vnspeakable ioy and dulcet loue Fourthly Mannah fell from heauen when Israel was furthest fallen from God murmuring in the wildernes against Moses their gouernour Exit 16. v. 2.3 and Aaron their priest and wishing they had died in Egipt and had neuer heard of Canaan Christ came into this world a Sauiour from sinne when all the world was dead in sinne when the Scepter was gone from Iudah and there was neuer a Prophet left when the sacrifices were ceased and the holy lampes were put out when the house of God was made a denne of theeues and the world was tyred with traditions I say he came when the Lawe was perished from the Priests and the kingdome was in an Ataxie Then euē then came Christ to repaire our ruines to redeeme vs from sinne death and damnation feeding vs with heauenly foode to life and immortalitie And now tell me you that are to die were yee not violently taken to grace when yee were furthest fallen from God when running on in sinne did he not repaire your ruines and did he not thinke vpon you ere yee thought vpon him are not these his mercies pressing out your teares of repentance are they not mercifull preuentions meeting with your miseries doth he not euen now by this temporall death deliuer you from eternall destruction both of body and soule for euer Surely the Lord hath found you out in an acceptable time when you may redeeme a bad life with a blessed death and in the waste and roaring wildernes of this world wherein yee haue wandered tedious waies he hath filled you with Mannah and brought you to Canaan I meane to heauen the land of your inheritance But me thinkes I see you sigh in the silence of your soules and say with griefe of heart notwithstanding all I haue said of Christ in whom yee are hidde and secured alas and woe is me therefore though I be hidde in my Christ yet I die in my sinne and then am I gone with those reprobate Iewes Of whom Christ saide Yee shall seeke me and shall dye in your sinnes whither I goe can yee not come Io. 8. V. 21. Wherevnto I answere to breake off sinne by repentance is a blessed thing but to liue in the solace of sinning and so to die is most woefull and miserable And therefore I say 1. That it if one thing to dye in sinne 2. An other thing to dye with sinne 3. And a third thing to die for sinne The Reprobate from God they die in their sinne whiles they perseuere in sinne to the ende hauing neither sense nor feeling of their wickednes but make shipwracke of a good conscience without care to cure the malady of their soules either by Faith in Christ or Repentance towards God And so one liueth in his Idolatrie and dyeth in his Idolatrie another liueth in his Adulterie and dyeth in his Adulterie a third liueth in his oppression ad dyeth in his oppression a fourth liueth in his malice and dyeth in his malice a fift liueth in his stealth and dieth in his stealth All in their impenitence against the Lord and neuer breaking off their sinne till sinne haue lodged them in their graues and buried them in their impietie Absolon liued in sinne and died in sinne he liued in sinne when he lay with his fathers concubines in the sight of the sonne Absolon died in sinne when in the height of his ambition pride and rebellion his owne lockes hanged him and Ioabs speare pearced him quaelis vita finis ita such a life such a death he sinned with sollace but he died with sorrowe So I may say of Saul Iudas Pharaoh Iulian and of al the damned crue of desperate Epicures who dare say in despight of God and Christ of death and doome let vs eate and drinke to morrowe we shall die and so an end Nay then is no end but a beginning of sorrow neuer to end But to die with sinne is so to kill sinne in this mortall body as not to suffer it to rise rule and rebell like a tyrant but to suppresse it with a continuall fight and mortification and though happily wee cannot beate backe the fume but it will smoake in vs yet must wee striue to quench the flame that it burne vs not to sinders And thus haue the godly of all ages died with their sinne and so fought against sinne as they neuer died in their sinne alwaies crying with the blessed Apostle Miserable man that I am who shall deliuer me from this body of sinne And with holy Iob If I wash my selfe with Snowe water Iob. 9. v. 30.31 and purge mine hands most cleane yet shall thou plunge me in the pitte and mine owne cloathes shall make me filthie These feele their sinnes but withall they finde a sauiour these sorrow for their sinnes and yet reioyce in their Infirmities They feare a daunger but they finde a deliuerance yea they knowe and are well assured that though sinne doe abound yet grace doth superabound they wash their stoles in the blood of the lambe and their red bloodie sinnes are made shim white in the tincture of his blood euery drop whereof is sufficient to redeeme a thousand worlds In a word 2. Cor. 12. v. 9. these are they who reioyce in weakenes and take pleasure in their infirmities that the power of God may dwell in them these are they whom Sathan often buffeteth least they should be exalted out of measure with the aboundance of reuelations these pray to be deliuered and though they preuaile not yet doe they heare to the solace of their saued soules euen from him whose lippes are powdered with much grace My grace is sufficient for thee for my power is made perfect through weakenes my grace hath preuented thee my grace doth assist thee my grace shall perfect thee these are they who mince with no merit but relie vpon the meere mercie of their Christ euer liuing in sinne and yet dying to sinne with an assured hope that their sinnes are purged pardoned forgotten and not imputed as and if their soules should thus solace
themselues in the free remission of their sinnes those sinnes which thou hast not purged ô my Christ those hast thou pardoned Lastly to die for sinne is so sole and proper to Christ as it can be said of none to haue done it but himselfe For he trode the winepresse alone and of all the world there was none to helpe him he alone was the lambe of God that tooke away the sinnes of the world and the glorious voyce that came downe from heauen fell vpon him and none other This is my welbeloued sonne in whom I am well pleased heare him What should I say more he died he died the Iust for the vniust the innocent for the delinquent and he that knew no sinne died for all sinne all curse and execration lay vpon him who deserued none that it might be laide off vs he matched all miserie that he might merit all mercy Nay he died for our sinnes a dolorous death that he might gaine for vs an eternall and glorious life Good Lord how much are we obliged to thee and to thy death we sinned and thou smarted for vs we were in debt and thou dischargedst it we were euen dropping downe to hell and in suffering thou hast made vs soueraignes in heauen No sacrifice no salue no electuarie could cure the maladie of our sinnes but the death of the Phisitian must be the life of the Patient and therefore in this I may say in some sense as Tulli did to his wife Terentia in that his wofull exile In hoc miserior sum quam tu quae es miserima quod calamitas communis est vtrisque nostrum culpa mea propria herein might it well beseeme me ô my Christ to be more afflicted then thou whose afflictions are aboue all afflictions that the fall is common to vs both but the fault is properly mine for I haue sinned and thou hast smarted the Iust for the vniust And here the rather to breake your hearts with the balme of Christ his loue who died for your sinnes let me assure you in the faith how diuersly this his vnspeakable loue is confirmed and sealed vnto you both by bond and baile for he hath sworne to your saluation and he hath put in himselfe body for body Nay soule for soule to answere the rigour of his father that you his children might be free Psal 9.10 For the first true it is the Lord hath sworne and it hath not repented him thou art a Priest for euer after the order of Melchizadecke A Priest to pray a Priest to bleede a Priest to pleade neuer wanting to stand vp in the gap for vs most miserable sinners Had it not beene enough to haue prayed for vs vpon Mount Oliuet but he must bleede for vs vpon Mount Caluerie And had it not beene sufficient there to haue bled for vs but yet in the heauen of heauens to stand for vs an aduocate euen there to pleade our cause according to that of Saint Iohn If any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father 1. Ioh. 2. euen Iesus Christ the righteous c. Now in this oath and couenant he hath made with vs and for vs I obserue 1. Stabilitie In that it is from God for so it is said the Lord hath sworne he hath sworne that it is much and he hath sworne neuer to repent him of that he hath done that is more it repented God that he had made man but it neuer repented him that he had redeemed man so much more excellent then is the worke of our Redemption aboue that of our Creation this of Creation greeued for but that of Redemption neuer repented of and no maruell sith the sinnes of the olde water were once washed away with olde water but these with new blood strained out of the vaines of Christ euery droppe whereof was sufficient to redeeme a thousand worlds and therefore I may well say of this gift aboue all that euer God gaue to man that these gifts of God are Ametamellonta without repentance And this is the holy couenant the Lord made with vs before the world was for the safe keeping whereof he hath put in his Christ to enter both bond and baile Life for life body for body soule for soule as the blessed Apostle saith A Suretie of a better Couenant the worthines whereof as I haue said is 1. In firmitudine as confirmed by oath for the Lord hath sworne 2. in perpetuitate as abiding euer for of his kingdome there is no end 3. in pactionis modo ratified with blood neither of Buls nor Calues but with the pretious blood of Iesus Christ 4. In fine virtute as purging our sinnes purchasing our place and pleading our cause whereas Moses testament was established vpon no such sauing grounds for it was confirmed without oath and but for a time with the blood of Buls and Goates with the ashes of an Heyfer scattered in the ayre nor with any promise of eternall saluation but of a temporall rest and Canaan And thus of the aboundance of Christ his grace we haue all receiued grace for grace A grace preuenting when hee thought vpon vs ere we thought vpon him and met our miserie with his mercie A grace assisting supporting our frailtie and fashioning our faith and obedience to his holy will and a grace perfecting Neuer leauing vs till hee haue made vs to appeare before his Father in perfect beautie thus saying Oh Father here am I and the Children which thou hast giuen mee and nowe pardon them because thou hast plagued mee Me me adsum qui feci in me conuertite ferrum ô Rutuli nihil iste nec ausus nec potuit It is I that haue beene made sinne for them and paide the raunsome for their deathes thou ô my GOD hast turned thy furie vpon mee I haue selte it ô turne it from them that they fall not who neither durst nor could endure my danger or drinke of my Cuppe Shall not the Iudge of all the worlde doe according to right That which thou hast punished in mee thou mayest not punish in them againe Oh my GOD heare my prayer forgiue them for they knew not what they did and forgiue them their sinnes with the punishment of their sinnes for me thy sonne and their Sauiours sake And heere seasonable to you be it spoken who are but lookers on and beholders of these wofull tragedies these are now readie to be sacrificed and to act the last and best part of their life vpon the Altar of their Crosse you stay behinde how long God hee knoweth and must endure the warres and woes of this wicked world take heede you trample not vnder your feete the blood of that couenant which these penitent sinners haue laide to their hearts and treasured vp in their dearest thoughts Nor doe you thinke that onely they are sinners vpon whom this Tower of Siloah is fallen for and if yee doe not repent yee shall likewise perish I dare not for my