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death_n law_n sin_n sin_v 8,157 5 9.6294 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15877 The rekenynge and declaracion of the fayth and belefe of huldrike zwyngly byshoppe of ziiryk the chefe town of Heluitia, sent to Charles .v. that nowe is Emproure of Rome: holdynge a parlement or counsayll at Ausbrough with the chefe lordes and lerned men of Germanye, the yere of our Lorde in the moneth of July.; Ad Carolum Romanorum imperatorem Germaniae comitia Augustae celebrantem, fidei Huldrychi Zuinglij ratio. English Zwingli, Ulrich, 1484-1531.; Joye, George, d. 1553.; Holy Roman Empire. Reichstag (1530 : Augsburg, Germany) 1548 (1548) STC 26139; ESTC S105862 32,224 70

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Fourthly I knowe that olde Grādsyre ou● fyrste parent was throughe that loue of hym selfe hytherto brought the deuyll throughe enuy entysynge and mynistring that pernycious counsayl that he desyred to be lyke vnto god This great cryme when he had commytted it he dyd eate that forboden and deadly apple wherby he became gyltie death now made the enemye of his owne God This man therfore when god myght nowe by his iustyce haue vtterly loste and dampned hym yet of his mercyable goodnes he toke a more easy way with hym that is to wyt he chaūged this deadly euerlastynge payne of both body soule into a transytory condycion or state that is he made hym but a bōde seruāte whom he myght haue perpetually sayd in tormētes This bonde condycion of seruytute syth nother y e man hymselfe nor yet any mā borne of hym may auoyd and take away for what can y e bonde mā beget but a bonde mā he threw thrusted al his posterite throuhe y e deadly taste of thaple also into bōdage And here this is my mynde as touchyng Orygynall syn synne is called verely y t that is commytted agaynst the lawe For where as is no law thereis no trāsgression where as is no trāsgressiō there is no syn ꝓperly so called takynge synne for that iniquite cryme vngodlynes actually cōmytted gyltie death I knowledge therfore that ou● fyrste parent synned y t actuall and oryginall syn whiche is verely synne iniquite cryme vngodlynes But they y t are borne of hym syn̄ed not lyke maner to Adam For which one of vs his posteryte deuoured eate any forbodē apple in paradyse wherfore we must nedes graunt y t oryginall syn as it is in the chyldren of Adā is not a syn properly actually cōmytted agaynst the lawe But may be called properly our byrth sore or naturall syknes also our naturall synfull cōdycion synfull seruyle state Our sore or syknes it is called because as he thorowe y e loue of hīselfe fyl euen so do we fall It is called also our synfull cōdycion and state because y e lyke as he became a seruaūt bonde vnto death euē so are we borne the bond seruaūtes the chyldren of wrath vnder the power of death albeit I care not gretly thoughe men call this sore syknes cōdicion syn after Paule yea suche syn so y t who so euer be borne in it they be thenimies aduersaries of god For to this state y e condiciō of y e cōcepcion byrth brīgeth thē not any actual ꝑpretacion doyng of syn but in that y t this syn our fyrste parēt once cōmytted it wherfore y e cryme syn once cōmitted of adā is the verye cause of thopen treason agaynst gods maiestie and of our death and enemyte betwyxt god vs. And this is verely synne But the syn̄e which cleaueth vnto vs at oure concepcion is verely that naturalis on full sore and decease it is that condicion and state yea it is that necessite to dye Vvhiche so●e condicion had neuer hapened vnto vs by our byrth onely had not t●is synne viciated and pollu●ed our cōcepciō natiuite The synne therfore and not our byrth is the cause of our mis●rable calamite Oure natyuite is no nother couse then is that thing which foloweth of the principall cause This my sentence I confyrme with auctorite ensample Paule Ro. v. sayth If that by y e synne of onely one man death got the mastry ouer all men c. Euen so dyd grace with the gyfte whiche is ryghtwysnes raigne into lyfe by onely one man Iesus christ Here we se synne takē properly for it was onely Adam by whose fault death hangeth ouer oure heades In the .iii. chap. also he sayth Alla●e synners and destytute of that glory of god that is to saye all haue loste that glorious symylitude and beutifull ymage of god wherin man was fyrste created an innocent perfyte without spot or tymple Here is synne taken for the sore or syknes for our synfull condicion and natiuite wherby we loste our similitude so that all men be called synners yea and that are they be borne that is to saye all are in the cōdiciō and state of synne death before they synne auctually Vvhich sentence is constantly cōfyrmed by Paules wordes agayne Roma v. saynge But death obtayned the mastrie and went thorow euen from Adam vnto Moises yea that thorow euen those whiche had not synned as had Adam transgressed Lo here ye se death euē vpon vs infantes althoughe yet we haue not synned as dyd Adam And wherfore for he hath synned But we syth we haue not syn̄ed as dyd he wherfore shuld death deuoure vs Verely because he died for his synne he thus deade that is to saye adiuged to death the sentence layde vpon hym dyd beget vs. Vve therfore dye but thorowe his fault and thorewe oure owne condycion and sore or dysease or els yf thou haddest leuer so call it thorow our owne synne so that thou takest synne for not auctuall an ensample A man taken in batayll deserueth by his vnfaythfulnes and enemytie to be kept and holden a bonde man of whō as many as be borne are become seruauntes and bonde men borne as they saye in theyr maisters howse They be bōde not through theyr owne fault or gylt but through the cōdycion whiche foloweth y e fault For their parētes of whom they be borne deserued this bōdage through theyr owne synne As for theyr children they haue not this synne but the payne punysshment of the syn that is to wyt the condycion the seruitute pryson These thynges yf it lyke you to call synne because they be inflycte for the synne I wyl not agaynesay But as for origynall synne by the reason of the cōdycion and contagion I knowledge it to be borne and cōceyued in all that be gotten of thaffect and desyre of man and womā And vs to be naturally the chyldren of wrath I knowe it but by the grace whiche hath restored the fall throughe the seconde Adam christe I doubte not to be receiued among the chyldrē of god and that by this waye whiche foloweth ¶ The .v. article Fyfthlie hereby it is manifeste that yf we be restored in Christ the secōde Adam vnto lyfe as we were gyuen ouer in the fyrste Adam vnto death that then be we to fole hardye to dampne any chyldren borne of christen parētes yea or yet the heathen mennes chyldren thoughe they dye without baptisme or cyrcūcision for yf Adam were able to lese all mankynde by one synne christ by his deth hath not reuyued and redemed all mankynde frō that plage gyuen thorughe Adam then was there not lyke health gyuen throughe christe neyther can it be lyke trewe whiche God forbyd that as in Adam all were dead euen fo in christ all be restored to lyfe But howe so euer men diffyne of the