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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13875 A treatise of libertie from Iudaisme, or An acknowledgement of true Christian libertie, indited and published by Iohn Traske: of late stumbling, now happily running againe in the race of Christianitie Traske, John, d. ca. 1638. 1620 (1620) STC 24178; ESTC S118597 25,197 50

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fulfilled by the flesh but by Faith onely So that by Christ wee doe fulfill both the Forme and the Truth the Letter and Spirit the olde and new Couenant By Faith wee are formally righteous according to the Lawes exact rule by Loue truly righteous according to the Morall Truth of the same Law So that by this the Morall Law is confessed to be still holy iust and good if lawfully vsed 1. Tim. 1. 8 9. It serues still to conuince all men of sinne and to bring them to Christ for perfect obedience and full satisfaction yea so farre are wee from granting the Laws abolishing in part or in whole that we still affirme God will bee euer iust and transgressors shall neuer escape his terrible and powerfull hand Neither shall this Law lose its force in all sorts of men yea in the godly themselues to weaken the old-man and to humble them daily vntill it may bee triumphantly said O death where is thy sting O Hell where is thy victorie The sting of death is sinne and the strength of sinne is the Law But thankes bee vnto God who hath giuen vs the Victory through our Lord Iesus Christ 1. Cor. 15 55 56 57. And this is that by which all Enmitie is slaine and Peace made yea all that beleeue whether Iewes or Greekes Male or Female bond or free haue free accesse by one Spirit to worship the Father through the Sonnes mediation and this Liberty is part of that Glorie which the very Angels themselues desire to behold 1. Pet. 1. 22. CHAP. III. Answeres to some Obiections which seeme to be against this Libertie HAuing now expounded and testified there are some Questions to bee examined that doe concerne this Liberty that all lets being remooued the imbracing thereof may be the more boldly perswaded to all that shall acknowledge so glorious a condition and the contrarie appeare as it is an intollerable bondage too heauie for any to vndergoe Obiect And first some say If it bee so that the Law Morall is still of force why then haue wee left off the Seuenth Day Sabbath which that Law expresly inioynes our Lord obserued the Apostles were taught to keepe and did obserue after Christs death and Resurrection Resol The answere is That a Sabbath wee doe keepe and a Seuenth Day wee doe still obserue vnto the Lord yet not that Sabbath not that Seuenth Day so wee haue learned to obserue no dayes nor moneths nor times nor yeeres as that Law inioyned Gal. 4. 10. But wee haue learned to esteeme all dayes alike in respect of that Law that olde Letters seruice Rom. 14. 5. wee are not now so to serue God Rom. 7. 6. A new spirituall seruice wee are to yeeld And that a Sabbath Day we doe still acknowledge it is by vertue of the Commandement it selfe as farre as it is Morall which saith Remember that thou keepe holy the Sabbath Day or remember the Sabbath Day to sanctifie it as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee Exod. 20. 8. Deut. 5. 12. But all the strife is what day it must be kept seeing the seuenth from the creation was blessed to that end and made holy for that purpose And what God hath blessed is blessed for euer what he hath made holy no man may pollute He is not as man that hee should repeat he hath spoken and it cannot be reuersed This is granted to be vndoubtedly true but withall the end must be considered why that day was instituted vpon the ground of creation to be also obserued in that manner And for this let vs heare the doctrine of the Lord of the Sabbath where hee saith That the Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath Mat. 2. Matt. 12. If then man were not made for the Sabbath but the Sabbath for man God may also dispose and change it for mans good for whom it was made as well in the day it selfe as the manner of keeping it Neither may it be said that the day remaineth any longer blessed and holy then man for whom it was made and whom it serueth can receiue holinesse and happinesse thereby Seeing man is not subiect to it but it is subiect to man by vertue of Christs Lordship which as the Sonne of man he hath of the Sabbath Mark 2. 27 28. And as it partly appeareth by some bodily labours which Christ himselfe commanded some to doe in case of necessitie as to take vp their beds and goe to their houses which some held vtterly vnlawfull at that time and by that the Priests might without scandall kill and dresse and offer the sacrifices on that day Mat 12. And Children were also circumcised on that very day Iohn 5. 8. 9. Iohn 7. 22 23. Now then as with the destruction of Israels common-wealth the holy temple which serued their vse was destroyed and the holinesse vanished and Canaans blessednesse is also gone as it stood distinguished from other lands And all mans holinesse and happinesse naturall is now vanished the Iewes prerogatiue aboue all other nations abolished So also the holinesse and blessednesse of that seuenth day is vanished and quite done away with the death and destruction of man himselfe Indeed had man to this day retained and continued in his first estate that day had retained its first blessednesse and continued its holinesse still but as little comfort as man hath left in himselfe at this day of any holinesse or blisse by vertue of creation so little benefit shall man find in that daies obseruation on that ground and in that manner as it was inioyned And in steed of blessednesse and holinesse which he may for a while fondly expect by obseruing that day he will soone find the great arerages of curses which he runs daily into by that laws transgression So that if God at this day did require that dayes obseruation in that manner no flesh could stand with any comfort before his maiestie As for their Argument à principio from the beginning Man himselfe hath beene also from the beginning yea mans creation is more ancient then that daies institution yet as that proues not mans blessednesse now by that his creation is so ancient vnlesse he seek it another way so is that no sound reason to proue that day to bee now obserued by man seeing wee haue many probabilities that it was neuer obserued resurrection Mat. 13. 34. Ioh. 16. 25. And it might parabolically denote that they should pray that they might not be vtterly extirpate and rooted out as they must be if surprized in the Winter when they cannot flie farre or on the Sabbath day when they were secure and not willing to escape or take filght at all For that if they be set vpon when they were either vnwilling or vnable to escape they must then perish and be vtterly destroyed for euermore The sum then of that Prayer is that God would lay no more vpon them then they were able to beare but giue them an issue with the triall
And whosoeeuer is not free from the Lawes rigour must needes be subiect to sinnes tyranny Free then we are from the Law as it is wraths Minister as it can doe vs no good as it is weake through the flesh Rom. 8. 4. Neither doth it at all auaile vs to iustification though for obedience it still serueth to curbe our old man and to quicken the new man though the flesh bee now become so contrarie to it as it is not nor can euer bee subiect thereto Rom. 8. 7. And Christ in vs doth the will of God for vs in truth and without vs hath satisfied Gods wrath for vs and also performed that formall obedience which God requireth so that within and without all our perfection is nothing else but the perfection of Christ himselfe If then wee are free from the morall Law in respect of Iustification how much more from that Law of Commandements contayned in Ordinances Ephes 2. 15. called also the hand-writing of Ordinances Col. 2. 14. which was against vs and contrarie to vs being a middle wall of partition to keepe vs that are Gentiles in the flesh from any fellowship with Israels Common-wealth and from all participation in their glorious priuiledges Ephes 2. 14. The bond-woman that Law and her Sonne the flesh is now cast out and quite expelled by true Beleeuers and the free-woman the Promise with her Sonne the Spirit is onely to bee respected for that the inheritance is now by promise The Law as Hagar was added after the promise was made And as Abraham after the Promise that he should haue a Sonne tooke Hagar Gen. 16. and of her begat Ismael who was not the Seed who must inherit so also long after the free Promise of Saluation made to Mankinde through Christ alone and that onely by Faith in him Abrahams Seed tooke the Law and by the works thereof sought to inherit but found the Law not it by which any inheritance could bee obtayned From all this learne we not to burden our selues beyond our power nor to hold fellowship with one that is mightier and richer then our selues for that the Earthen Pot and the Kettle agree not together nor our outward man the flesh with the spirituall Law and for vs in the point of Iustification to seeke to bring our old man the Lawes obedience is to bring drosse to fire to put a weake Infant or a liuelesse Carrion to the Combate with a mightie Giant yea to bring the Lawes workes to the corrupt mans practice is to set a new piece in an old Garment to put new Wine into old Bottels neither can such an earthen Pot as is our olde man and the Kettle the Law bee smitten one against another without the Pots danger for as the euent of these would bee the greater rent of the garment so fondly patched the bursting of the Bottels so ignorantly filled and the dashing of the earthen Pot in pieces so all that euer indeuour to yeeld that Law-obedience as to seeke to be righteous therby with this dead body though a delight they may haue in the inward man and a desire and indeuour so to doe with the outward man yet the good they would they shall neuer perfectly effect and the euill they would not that shall they performe Rom. 7. This was that made Paul cry out for our example to bee deliuered or set free from so dead a bodie And concludes also that from it hee is freed by CHRISTS owne death God hath deliuered him from his dead bodie by Iesus Christ and so from the Law from sin and consequently from Hell and this is that Liberty of which we are possessors of this onely this it may be said If the Sonne hath made you free you shall bee free indeed If then the flesh be crucified the Law is satisfied If the flesh haue obeyed the Law is fulfilled And this is done euen in our owne whole nature and that as it is said by Iesus Christ wee liue now no more the life of the flesh For that all such as so liue are all their life time subiect to bondage and in feare of death and damnation And yet that this Libertie may the better appeare we may consider in the next place the persons set free And they are all such as are borne not of bloud nor of the will of the flesh nor yet of the will of man but of GOD Iohn 1. 12. For that which is borne of the flesh is flesh Iohn 3. 6. And flesh and bloud can neuer enter the Kingdome of GOD neither may corruption inherit incorruption 1. Cor. 15. 50. And wee haue learned that all flesh is as grasse and all the glorie of man as the flower of grasse the grasse must wither and the flower fall away but the Word of the Lord indureth for euer Isa 40. 1. Pet. 1. 24 25. And wee are borne againe not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the Word of GOD which liueth and abideth for euer So that the free men and such as are set at Libertie are not such as are borne of men but those that are borne of God they onely know this Libertie and are truely acquainted with the priuiledges thereof they are such as doe now finde in them the power of the Spirit of Life they doe mind heauenly and spirituall things are quickened in their dead bodies Col. 2. 13. in part to yeeld true and sound obedience to the spirituall Law They haue the Spirit of the Sonne inabling them with boldnesse to call God Father and the same Spirit witnesseth to their spirits that they are the children of GOD Rom. 8. 15 16. They can deny themselues groaning in themselues to be set free in body as they are in spirit from the bondage of corruption and yet can wait patiently for that full Redemption they haue the spirit of Prayer and Prayse and are conformable in a great measure to Christ himselfe These are called to Liberty and entred into the glorious Liberty of the sonnes of GOD Rom. 8. 21. Neither are such free men Lawlesse or at all fruitlesse for as sinne that is serue sinne they can neuer as they haue formerly done Rom. 6. 1. Iohn 3. 9. So are they exercised in the spirits fruites and in them they abound Loue Ioy Peace Long-suffering Gentlenesse Goodnes Faith Meeknesse Temperance they can now declare Gal. 5. 22 23. These enuy not vaunt not themselues are not puffed vp behaue not themselues vnseemly seeke not their owne are not easily prouoked thinke no euill reioyce not ininiquitie but reioyce in the Truth beare all things beleeue all things hope all things and indure all things And if this be lawlessenesse such lawlesse persons are wee become yet are we sure that such are not without Law to God but in the Law to Christ It is the royall and perfect Law of Libertie which these haue attayned and in it they walke That is their mirror and continuall glasse in which they behold