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death_n hell_n sin_n sting_n 5,056 5 11.5139 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02191 The prisoners prayers. Or, An heauenly helpe to deuotion. Composed by H.Greenwood, preacher of the word of God Greenwood, Henry, b. 1544 or 5. 1628 (1628) STC 12335; ESTC S119047 30,102 212

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pulled out it can doe no harme therefore giue me the wisdome of thy Spirit that I may pull out the sting of death which is sin then death shall not affright mee for as death to the wicked is dismall and packeth to hell so to the godly it is amiable and passeth their soules to heauen grant then deare God that death may be to mee as to all thy Saints seruants the gate to life the end of sinning and sorrowing and the passage of my poore soule to life and glory euerlasting O Lord grant I may euer haue death in mine eie that I may euermore desire it abhor it neuer that I may neuer doe any one act but that I durst doe if I were now dying and called to thy strict tribunall to giue an account for it in my person thus grant mee grace to liue in thy feare and dye in thy fauour and obtaine that blessednesse spoken of in the Reuelations Reuel 14.13 Blessed are they that dye in the Lord thus prepare me for the first death and saue mee from the second in the merits of the Lord Iesus Amen A Prayer for a woman in Child-birth MY most louing gracious God thy power is mighty and thy goodnesse answerable to them that feare thee thou art so potent as thou canst doe more than euer thou wilt doe from feare and danger thou canst and wilt deliuer all those that put their trust in thy mercy thus thou sauedst Sydrach frō the fire Dan. 3.27 and didst diuide the Sea to saue the house of Iacob from the host of Pharaoh Exod. 14.28 Lord I beseech thee saue me from my present danger of Child-bearing and bring mee safely through my present straight and miserie thou O Lord that canst make hard things easie shew now thy might and mercy vpon mee Matth. 19.26 that which is impossible with man is easie with thee to bee accomplished I confess O my God that the woman was first in the transgression and therefore this was her iudgment that in sorrow should shee bring forth yet notwithstanding euen through child-bearing she being truely humbled for her sinne shall bee saued 1 Tim. 2.15 if she continue in faith with holinesse Giue me O Lord to rest comfortably vpon thee for deliuerance Lord grant I may cleaue vnto thee in the extreamitie of my paines If I perish Lord I will perish in thy bosome Lord moderate my torments remember Lord I am but dust vnable to beare thy heauy displeasure for my sinne lay no more vpon mee than thou wilt inable mee comfortably to beare thus good Lord blesse me in my soule in my body in the fruit of my wombe for Iesus Christs sake Amen A Prayer after Child-birth MY most deare gracious God whereas thou hast commanded me to call vpon thee in the day of trouble and vpon deliuerance to glorifie thy Name O Lord according to my bounden duty from the bottome of my heart I desire to magnifie thy Name for that thou hast thus graciously preserued mee from paine and peril of Child-birth let me neuer O Lord forget this thine vnspeakable goodnesse and mercy but let it lead mee into all obedience as I liue yet by thee giue mee grace to liue vnto thee and the praise of thy great Name I thanke thee also gracious God for that thou hast made me a ioyfull mother of children good Lord grant I may labour to bring them vp in thy holy feare that as I am an instrument of their generation which is sinfull and damnable so make mee an happy instrument of their regeneration without which neither I nor they can euer see thy Kingdome O God And good Lord I pray thee grant that I may also submit vnto my husband in all due obedience according to thy will that I may be a comfort vnto him liuing faithfully louingly chastly and godlily with him till death vs depart that so thy blessing may bee vpon him my selfe my children and family from this time forth for euermore Amen A Prayer for the Traueller by land ALmighty GOD by whose prouidence all things are directed supported and preserued I pray thee blesse mee in mine out-goings and incommings make I pray thee this my iourney prosperous vnto mee keepe me from sinning and bad society and that by the watch of grace keepe mee also from all outward perills from perill of theeues peril by beasts perill by lightning Psal 91.12 and from dashing my foot at any time against a stone and that by the watch of thy holy and heauenly Angels And good Father as thou didst goe with Iacob and defend him in his long perillous voyage to Laban Cen. 35.3 and didst bring him safely backe againe so I pray thee preserue mee in this my iourney from all dangers bodily and ghostly and bring mee safe home againe to my friends and family for Iesus Christ his sake Amen A Praier for the traueller by Sea O Most mercifull gracious heauenly Father I beseech thee in this my dangerous voyage by Sea to prosper defend mee Lord make it profitable and aduantageable vnto mee to this end I pray thee direct my course with safety and giue mee fauourable and conuenient winds defend mee from raging tempests that they may not ouerturne mee saue mee from all dangerous rocks and sands that they may not despoile mee keepe me safe also from piraticall and tyrannous enemies that they may neuer preuaile against me To this end Lord giue me and my whole company to bee constant and instant in praier with thee to spend our houres in hearing and reading thy holy and heauenly Word to flye and shun all euill and when I come to the hauen where I would be Lord giue mee to praise thee for my safe arriuall and saue mee from the sins of the place and people whither I goe and let me not bee corrupted or peruerted by them but grant by my good counsel and holy conuersation I may labour the conuersion of them which mercy if thy Maiesty shall vouchsafe to grant I shall more reioyce in heart than if I had won the whole world And good Lord I pray thee giue mee a safe and timely returne with credit profit comfort that so I tasting of thy mercies in this life I may not faile of saluation when I die and that for Iesus Christs sake Amen A Prayer for the Church O Most glorious mercifull Lord God I pray thee for thy mercies sake behold from heauen thy Church and people honor them Lord that honour thee and confound them that rise vp against thee great is our present misery the earth and world throughout good Lord saue thy seruants from the hands of all their enemies thy Church is euery where despised and despighted and trodden vnder foot of the wicked of the world O Lord sleepe not but arise in thy power and let all thine and our soes bee scattered Giue O Lord thy Gospell a free passage for the
confesse with a heauy heart O Lord that I grow but poorely in the power and might of grace Lord quicken mee Lord abound thy graces in mee Ioh. 6.12 thou that madest bread grow double thy graces in mee as that oile increased 2 King 4.6 Lord increase the oile of thy graces within mee Ioh. 2.7 as those water pots were filled so fill my soule with thy goodnesse euen vp to the brim and let my cup runne ouer with thine euer-flowing mercies that hereby I may bee made more able to serue thee in holinesse and also more assured of euerlasting happinesse in Christ Iesus to whom thou gauest the Spirit without measure to whom with thee and thy holy Spirit bee all glorie returned now and for euermore Amen A Prayer for perseuerance in Grace MY most deare gracious GOD many are the troubles of the righteous and those that truely profess thy feare Name haue man and deuill against them for Cain wil hate Abel for good and Ismael mock Isaac for God thus they persecuted the Lord Iesus and the Prophets O Lord hereupon I pray thee giue mee magnanimity and courage that nothing may draw me from thy law thy loue thy feare grant I may hold the faith to the death Reuel 2.10 that so I may haue a crowne of life for hee that endureth to the end Matth. 10.22 the same shall be saued but reuolters and back-sliders shall goe vnder the earth and great shall be their torment in hell Giue me to look vpon the constancy and courage of thy holy Martyrs who went as cheerefully to the flame as to a delicate feast my blessed Sauiour suffered ten thousand times more for mee than I can doe for him therefore grant that I may lose my life rather than thy loue for hee that will saue his life shall lose it and hee that loseth his life for thy Names sake shall euerlastingly saue it Come then torment come torture come what will come come welcome nothing shal separate me from my Lord Iesus O Lord giue me to this end to bee sincere in thy seruice to be increased in thy graces to be inflamed with the loue of thy Law and zeale of thy glory to consider the disgrace that is done to thy truth by reuolting and the danger of back-sliding and the incomparable glory laid vp in heauen for those that defend thy faith with their dearest blood that so I may neuer bee daunted at whatsoeuer torment but passe couragiously and cheerefully through the same to life and glory euerlasting in the might and merit of the Lord Iesus thy Sonne my Sauiour Amen A Prayer for preparation to the Sacrament O Almighty and most gracious Lord God great is thy mercy and rare is thy loue to mortal and miserable man in that thou hast not onely giuen him thy Word to beget faith but also the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of the Lord Iesus to seal him to life and saluation good Lord I pray thee so addresse my soule and prepare my heart that I may receiue the same thy holy and heauenly ordinance to my comfort not condemnation 1 Cor. 11.29 for whosoeuer eateth and drinketh vnworthily eateth drinketh his own condemnation therefore holy Father grant I may neuer come to this thy holy table without the wedding garment without holy and due preparation prepare then deare God my heart hereunto especially in these six and seuerall Graces First I beseech thee grant that I may come with knowledge knowledge of my self knowledge of my blessed Sauiour Iesus knowledge of this most reuerend ordinance and of the holy vse of the same that I may graciously and wisely distinguish that bread Sacramentall from bread at home it prefiguring the Lord Iesus that Bread of my soule that came from heauen Secondly grant I may come with humiliation of soule for the Lords breakings heale none but the broken heart contrite soule If I cannot roar for my sinnes that killed the Lord Iesus the roarings of the Lord Iesus cannot ease me Againe prepare me by faith to rest vpon thy Son for mercy and forgiuenesse If my heart be thus humbled for sin what shall hinder me to beleeue for thy grace in Christ Iesus is giuen only to the humble therfore grant as my mouth eateth the bread my soule by faith answerably may bee comforted by the merits of Christ Iesus Fourthly I beseech thee to giue me sound repentance to die to sinne to liue to my blessed Redeemer in holinesse and righteousness all the daies of my life Fiftly giue mee a thankfull heart to thy sweet Maiesty for the redemption of my poore soule in the merits of thy Sonne Lastly giue me loue to my brethren as thou hast pardoned my sins so giue mee thy grace that I may freely and heartily pardon those that haue offended me and wish the holy Sacrament as effectuall vnto them as mine owne soule Lord grant vnto me all these my requests for the honor of thy great name in the worthy merits of the Lord Iesus Amen A Prayer for the Gospels continuance MOst holy heauenly Lord God of all thy mercies vouchsafed to thy Church on earth none like that of thy word therefore it is said by thine Apostle shewing the prerogatiue of the Iew aboue the Gentile that to them were committed the oracles Rom. 3.2 of God as though thy Law was the principall of thy blessings their preferments I pray thee then good Father continue thy Word Sacraments vnto vs of this nation and our posterities after vs till Iesus come in the clouds to iudgement To this end Lord giue vs that wee may walk in the light while the light thus clearely shineth vnto vs Reuel 2.5 lest for our contempt and prophaneness thy candlestick be remoued from vs whatsoeuer iudgement thou wilt please to afflict thy Church withall Lord saue vs from the famine of thy Word the famine of bread brings but a bodily death but that of thy Word brings perpetuall destruction to body and soule O Lord also continue good and faithfull Pastors Teachers of thy Flocke grant a bright shining Lampe to euery candlesticke and an able instructor to euery Congregation that many hereby may bee drawen from darknes to light from the power of sinne and Sathan to the knowledge and saluation of thee O God for thy mercies sake in the Lord Iesus Amen A Prayer for preparation to Death O Lord God most mighty and glorious seeing I am of a mortall condition and the time of my death vncertaine and as I am found in death so shall I bee in iudgement if in sin impenitent condemned then for euer if vigilant in godlines then imbraced to heauenly saluation Good Lord grant I may prepare for this day and so liue here as I may liue with thee in heauen for euer 1 Cor. 15.56 Death is a Scorpion and the sting of this Scorpion is sin now if the sting of a scorpion be