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death_n grave_n sin_n sting_n 4,163 5 11.3993 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10911 The summe of Christianitie reduced vnto eight propositions, briefly and plainly confirmed out of the holy worde of God. Rogers, John, fl. 1560-1580. 1578 (1578) STC 21183; ESTC S112989 19,396 49

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woorde They which through want of knowledge or weakenes of the minde are not sufficient vnto the well gouerning and brideiing of them selues must as the Lord hath commanded be instructed and strengthened by others that either by mercifull admonition and exhortation they may bee recouered from sinne or else may be saued by terrors and threats of the iudgements of God beeing thereby as it were by violence taken out of the fire of destruction Unto this appertayneth that notable exhortation of the Apostle Let vs obserue and marke one another not vnto enuy or occasion of sin but to stirre vp our selues mutually and euen to whet one an other vnto the duties of charitie and to all good workes The other kinde of discipline is publike consisting of three partes First of the preaching of the lawe which is as a two edged sworde in the hande of Gods ministers to offer vp his people an holie and blameles sacrifice vnto his maiestie not onely opening our eyes that we may see and knowe what is that good perfect and acceptable will of the Lorde but also through the working of the holy Ghost conuerting our soules and fashioning them after the image similitude of him that made thē Secondly admonitions exhortations and counsels ministred by such persons as the Lord hath appointed for the ouersight of their brethren Thirdly of conuenting of the offendours before the Churche in open congregation to bee iudicially admonished or according vnto the qualitie and degree of their offence forbidden the Supper of the Lord or cut of from the Churche vntill by remorse of sinne with smart and shame of punishment laide vpon them for the same they shal with certaine testimonies of true and vnfeigned repentance humbly desire to be restored vnto their former estate amongest the people of God. The weakenes of conscience must often times be holpen by ciuil punishment publikely or priuately to be executed by magistrates parentes maisters and others whom the Lorde God hath authorized and armed with the swoorde of iustice and rodde of correction not for the profite onely of suche as offende but also for the example terrour of others that at least by awe of punishment they may feare to doe euill For as indulgence and impunitie nourisheth increaseth wickednesse as Salomon saith and wicked men so godly seuerity of punishment chaseth away sin and lessoneth the number of offendours In punishing it must be remembred that it be not dumme and silent but ioyned with doctrin admonition exhortation that the force thereof may work the more in the hart of the offenders It may not be the reuenge of our priuate griefe but of the dishonour of the name of God of the breach of his holy commaundementes It must be ioyned with calling vpon the name of the Lord that as it is his good ordinance so it may be both giuen and receiued according to his wil and blessed by his spirit to the reforming of those that haue done amisse and forwarnings of others Finally all meanes are to be vsed that the conscience of the offender may be touched with the horror of his sinne and feare of Gods iustice that we may cleere our selues of all corruption by directing the punishment not against the person but against the sinne beeing greeued that we are compelled to flye to that extreme remedy and yet to doe it with á godly courage and zeale as caryed with most iust hatred and indignation against sinne Unto the abating of the rage of our corrupt and degenerate nature the Lord yeeldeth vs no small helpe by afflictions and aduersities which therefore are called chastisementes and corrections because we are thereby reformed as the Prophet saith before I was corrected I went astray but now I haue kept thy commaundements In so much as he professeth that it was good for him that hee had beene afflicted and acknowledgeth that of very trueth the Lorde had chastened him meaning thereby that as the Lord hath couenaunted with his people all good things so is it also a parte of his couenaunt to punish and correct his children as he knoweth to be expedient for them the reason whereof is rendred by the Apostle For if wee iudged our selues we should not be punished but when we are punished we are nurtured of the Lorde that we might not be condemned with the world The ende of all is that the workes of Satan in the corruption of our nature with the fruites of the same might vtterly be abolished and ▪ that the image of God not blemished onely but euen cancelled and defaced by the fall of Adam might be renued and repaired in vs The first happeneth vnto vs in the dissolution of this earthly tabernacle from which time we sinne no more as appeareth by that vehement and lamentable exclamation of Saint Paule Miserable man that I am would God I were deliuered from this bodie of death The second though begon increased in this life shal not be fully accomplished vntill our Sauiour Christ returne from heauen be made glorious in his Saints For albeit we are now the childrē of God it hath not yet appeared what we shall bee but our life is hid with Christ in God and we knowe that whē Christ which is our life shal be made manifest we also shal be made manifest with him in glorie Then shall we be clothed with that glorious tabernacle not made with handes eternall in heauen then shall mortalitie be deuoured of immortalitie then shall Christ who alreadie is crowned with glorie and honor returne our redemer from heauen and chaunge our vile bodies that they maye be made like vnto his glorious bodie according vnto that power whereby he is able to subdue all thinges vnto him selfe Then shall it be accomplished which is written death is swallowed vp in victorie O death where is thy sting O graue where is thy victorie For the strēgth of death is sinne and the strength of sinne is the lawe But thankes be vnto God who hath giuen vs victorie by Jesus Christ our lord Therefore let vs be strong and immoueable in the trueth abounding alwayes in the worke of the Lord seeing we know that our labour is not in vaine in the Lorde But the day of our redemption shall once appeare wherin the trumpets shal blow and the deade shall rise those that are found aliue shall be changed and wee all which beleeue shall meete the Lorde in the ayre and so reigne with him in glorie for euer which time shoulde long since haue come vpon the worlde sauing that the Lord is pacient to vswarde and will not that anie of vs should perishe and not of vs onely which now liue but of those also which shal be raised vp in posteritie after vs whom he hath likewise appointed vnto saluation and will in his good time call by the ministerie of his Gospell least we without