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A05808 The manuall of prayers, or the prymer in Englyshe set out at lengthe, whose contentes the reader by the prologe next after the kalendar, shal sone perceaue and there in shal se brefly the order of the whole boke. Set forth by Ihon late bysshope of Rochester at the co[m]aundement the ryght honorable Lorde Thomas Cro[m]wel, Lorde Priuie seale Uicegerent to the Kynges hyghnes.; Book of hours (Salisbury). English Church of England.; Hilsey, John, d. 1539. aut 1539 (1539) STC 16010; ESTC S105269 116,690 240

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thou refreshest me thou shalt stretche forth thyne hande vpon the furyoufnesse of myne ennemyes and thy ryght hande shall saue me The Lorde shall make good for me yee thy mercy O Lorde endureth for euer despyse not then the worke of thyne owne handes Glorye be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be ¶ The antheme ¶ Haue mercy on me Lord and heare my prayer ¶ The Chapter THe benignite and humanite of God oure sauyour hath appeared not for the dedes of ryghteousnesse which we wrought but after hys great mercy he saued vs by the fountayne of the newe byrth and renuynge of the holy goost which he shed on vs abundauntly thorowe Iesus Christ our sauyour ¶ Thankes be to God ¶ The hymne O Lorde of the worlde the sauyour Which hast thys daye saued vs In thys nyght be our protector And in all tymes be gracious Mercyfully helpe vs nowe And spare vs to the prayenge Our synnes awaye also do thou And our darknesse thou lyghten Thou of our sense the renuer Wyth harty desyre we do praye That wyth chast mynde and pure From our beddes ryse we maye O vyrgyn Mary moost gracyous O mother of Christ incomperable To thy sonne praye for vs That he in the houre of death be fauourable Glory be to the Lorde of myghtes moost That of a virgyn chast was bore Glory be to the father and to the holy goost To them be prayse for euermore So be it ¶ The versycle ¶ Kepe vs Lorde as the apple of the eye ¶ The answere ¶ Vnder the shadowe of thy wynges defende vs. ¶ The songe of Simeon Nunc dimittis seruum tuum domine LOrde nowe lettest thou thy seruaunt depart in peace accordyng to thy promysse Lorde my eyes haue sene thy sauynge helthe Whych thou hast prepared before the face of all people Lyght to be shewed vnto the Gentyles and to the glory of thy people of Israell Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it ¶ The antheme O Lorde saue vs wakynge and kepe vs slepynge that with Christ we maye wake and quietly to rest in peace ¶ The versycle ¶ O Lorde heare my prayer ¶ The answere ¶ And gyue hearynge to my clamoure ¶ The prayer LOrde whyche by the annunciacion of the aungell hast gyuen vs knowlege of the incarnacyon of thy sonne Iesus Chryste poure thy grace into oure hartes that we trustynge in hym through hys passyon and death maye be brought to the glory of the last resurrection By thesame our Lorde Iesus Christ which lyueth reygneth one God with the father and the holy goost worlde wythout ende So be it A memory of the passion of Christ THe hope of our lyfe euer to endure Of Iesu the noble and blessed body At cōplyne tyme was brought to sepultur Spyced and adorned fragant and swetely Of scripture complete was then the mystery Therfore Iesu graunt me thy woundes tender And thy death busely styll to remember ¶ The summe of the whole or fynall prayer O blessed Christ these houres canonicall To the I offer with meke deuocion For as thou hast suffred those paynes all In thy greuous agony by lyke season So by the remembraunce of thy passion Make me accordynge to thy busynes Partener of thy crowne and glory endles ¶ The versycle ¶ We worshyppe the Christe wyth prayse and benediction ¶ The answere ¶ For thou redemest the worlde from all afflitiō ¶ The prayer O Lorde Iesu Christ in whose power al thynges are put and there is none that cā resyst thy wyll which dydest vouchsafe to be borne to dye and to ryse by the mysterye of thy moost holy body and by thy fyue woundes and by the effusion of thy moost precyous bloude haue mercy on vs euen as thou knoweste to be necessary for oure soules and bodyes delyuer vs from the temptaciō of the deuell and from all thynges with the which thou knowest vs to be troubled with and kepe vs and strength vs in thy seruyce vnto the ende and geue vs true amendemement and space of true penaunce and of our synnes also graunte vs remission and make vs brethren and systerne frendes and enemyes to loue together and wyth all thy sayntes in thy kyngdome wythoute ende to haue ioye Whyche lyuest and reygnest God wyth God the father and the holye gooste worlde withoute ende So be it Let vs prayse the Lorde And geue hym thankes wyth one accorde The gloryous passyon of our Lorde Iesu Christe delyuer vs from sorowfull heuynes and brynge vs to the ioyes of paradyse So be it ¶ A memory of our Lady The rodde of Iesse hath floryshed Replenyshed with the holy goost Which vpwarde to go vs hath monyshed In passynge the hylles to Zacharies coast ¶ The versycle Holy mother of God make thy peticion ¶ The answere That we maye obteyne Christes promission ¶ The prayer WE beseche the Lorde Iesu Christ that the most holy vyrgyn Mary thy mother may praye for vs vnto thy holy mercy nowe in the houre of deathe whose soule in the houre of thy blessed passion the swearde of sorow perced tho rowe which yet in thy glorious resurrection excedynge gladnesse made ioyfull whyche lyuest and raygnest for euer ¶ The dolorous passion of the vyrgyns sonne Brynge vs to the blysse of the fathers kyngdome So be it O mercyfull father haue pytie therfore On vs poore wretches myserable and thrall Seynge thy sonne that vyne cluster pressed sore And from the pestylens of death eternall Kepe vs by voydynge the fende infernall And ioyne vs wyth them whych rewarded be With eternall lyfe seynge the deytie ¶ The versycle ¶ We do praye the do praye the father of Christe moost mercyfull ¶ The answere ¶ That thou intende and defende vs from death that is moost sorowfull ¶ The prayer GRaunt vs we besech the father almyghty thy grace that we whych of the incarnacion natiuity passion glorious resurrecciō and meruelous ascencion of the sonne of the commynge also of the holy gooste wyth reuerence do make a remembraunce by the grace of the same holy goost we maye ryse from the death of the soule wyth the lyfe an eternall lyfe by Iesus Christ our Lorde So be it ¶ A prayer of Christ oure sauyoure HAyle heauenly kynge father of mercye oure lyfe our swetnes our hope all hayle vnto the do we crye which are the banyshed chyldrē of Eua vnto the do we sygh wepynge and waylyng in the vale of lamentaciō come of therfore our aduocate cast vpon vs those mercyfull ioyes of thyn and after this our banyshment shewe vnto vs the glorious lyght in thy heuenly kyngdome o mercy full o holy o swete sauyoure ¶ The prayer ALmyghty eternall God whych by the operaciō of the holy goost dyddest wonderfully prepare the body and
so you must beare your Crosse As he mortifyed our synne in his flessh beyng crucifyed on the crosse So ought you to mortyfy and slaye synne in your bodyees crucifyeng your flessh with the lustes and desyres For as Saynt Paule sayth Gala. v. they that are Christes hath so crucifyed theyr flessh Wherfore deare reader commynge to the presence of the blessed bodye of Christe of these thynges be not forgetfull but aboue all be not vnfaythful let fayth in thys matter be thy guyde And when by faythe thou beholdest Christes body by a thankfull remembraunce Remembre also the death and passion of the same bodye remembrynge the death of the bodye in the whyche thy synne was slayne beynge Crucyfyed on the crosse Remembre also to mortifye synne in thyne owne body by crucyfyenge it wyth the Iustes and desyres To thys purpose deare reader thou shuldest heare masse therfore note well and marke thys lytie rude thynge that by it thou mayest be stablyshed in thy fayth and learne by the hearynge of masse so to remembre Christes death and passō that lyke a true Christen thou mayest beare Christes crosse in thys lyfe that by the meryte of Christes death suffred on his crosse thou mayeste come to the eternall lyfe ¶ Vale. ¶ A prayer to be fayde before masse O Lorde Iesu Christe which art our very byshoppe and dyddest offer thy selfe vnto God the father a pure and immaculate hoost on the aulter of the crosse for vs myserable synners whiche also gauest thy flesh vnto vs to eate and thy bloude to drynke and madest thys mysterye of thy body and bloude in the power of thy holy sprete for a remembraunce of thy moost holy passion sayeng As of ten tymes as ye do these thynges ye shall do them in the remembraunce of me I therfore o lorde vn worthy synner of a deuoute mynde haue repared hyther vnto thy tēple although a synner to heare se that blessed sacrifice of praysynge whych thou thou thyselfe commaundest to be done for a memoryall of thy holy passion to the intente the I mygh● sture vp in me a fresh remembraunce of thy moost blessed death and to geue the thankes for that mooste mercyfull charyte that moued the to bye and redeme my soule wyth so great pryce Graunte me moost mercyfull Lorde not onlye to se thys mysterye wyth my bodely eyes but specyally to se it wyth my inwarde eyes of fayth and therby to haue holly a louely and a thankefull remembraunce of that blessed passion and death and there in to continue vntyll the houre of my death So be it ¶ A prayer to be sayde at the eleuacion tyme. HAyle very body incarnate of a vyrgyne Nayled on a crosse offred for mans synnes Whose syde beynge perced bloude ranne out plenteously At the houre of death let vs receaue the bodely O swete O holy O Iesu sonne of Mary ¶ A prayer to be sayde after the masse O Lorde God omnipotent whiche not of oure desertes but thorow the inestimable merite the blessed passion of thy sonne Iesu Christe hast redemed man and reconcyled hym to thy fauoure graunt vnto me moost myserable synner whyche haue here vnder the forme of breade and wyne by faythe sene the body and bloude of my saueoure in the remembraunce of hym so to remember his death and his sayenge that I maye take his Crosse and folow him all the dayes of my lyfe that I maye all flesshly Iustes and synfull lyuyng vtterly forsake that I maye al aduersite afflyccion and persecution paciently suffre And so folowynge thy sonne Christe here with my crosse may also continue in thy fauour vnto the which I am reconcyled by partakynge of the merites of his blessed passion and finally that I maye come vnto thy glorye whiche thou haste promised vnto thy elect thorow our Lorde Iesu Christ thy sōne Which lyueth and reyghneth with the in vnite of the holy ghost worlde without ende So be it ¶ The Prologe to the Dirige ¶ We reade in sondrye places of the Byble most deare reader that the antique people the Hebrewes had a certayne maner of lamentation for the dead as we read how Iacob was lamented and of Aaron and of Moyses in the last chapter of Exodus how they were lamēted of the people certayn dayes in lyke maner we haue of the funerall that was among the Iewes as in the last of Genesis we haue howe Ioseph was inbawmed and in the gospel howe the holy wemē prepared swete spyces to the funeral of christ of those olde Iewyssh customes hath there exepte into the church a custome to haue a certayne suffragies for the dead called dirige of Dirige the firste antheme hereof but by whom or whan these suffrages were made we haue no sure euidence of wrytyng but dyuers auctors do ascrybe it to diuers as some to S. Isodore some to Saynt Gregory some to Pelagius but whether he or the other made it or this tyme or that it forceth not muche for thys we are suere of that Saynt Paule taught vs that we shulde no vse suche lamentacion or mortnynge for the deabe as thoughe we were without hope but we shuld rather reioyce as in them that cest in the stepe of peace And as for such suffrages as are set forth in the Dirige the collettes excepted they are no more to be applyed for the dead thā for the quycke But whether these were ordeyned at the fyrste to be sayde for the soules departed or no I wyl make no doctryne oftt but this I know well that the reader of these maye haue a great learnynge and knowledge of the miseries and shortnesse of the lyfe of man and maye learne hereby to dye well and to haue a hope and truste of the laste resurrection And for this onely cause haue I also set forthe in thys primer a dirige of the whiche the thre fyrste lessons are of the miseries of mans lyfe the myddell of the funerall of the deade corpus and the last thre are of the last resurrection For the office of the funerall althoughe it profyte not the soule yet here in we not onely do testifye oure fayth that we haue in the last cysynge but also do accomplysshe the worke of charite in buryenge of the deade ¶ The Euensonge of the dirige ¶ The antheme I shall please The C.xiiii Psalme Dilexi quoniam That he hath enclyned his eare vnto me therfore wyll I call vpon hym as longe t s I lyue The snares of death compassed me rounde aboute the paynes of hel gate holde vpon me I founde trouble and heuynesse Then called I vpon the name of the lorde o lorde delyuer my soule Gracyous is the lorde and ryghteous yee oure God is mercifull The lorde preserueth the simple I was broughte downe and he helped me Turne agayne then vnto thy reste O my soule for the lorde hath gyuen the thy desyre And why thou haste delyuered my soule from death myne eyes from teares and my fete from
we haue not thoughte it nether to vs greuous nether to thys prymer superfluous to set them in thys place ¶ The .i. prayer O Iesu endles swetnesse to all that loue the a ioye passynge and exceadyng all gladnesse and desyre Thou sauyoure louer of al repentaunt synners that lykeste to dwell as thou saydeste thyselfe wyth the chyldren of mē for that was the cause why thou wast incarnate and made man in the ende of the worlde Haue mynde blessed Iesu of all the bytter sorowes that thou suffred in thy manhoode drawynge nygh to thy moost holsome passion the whyche passion was ordeyned to be in thy deuyne herte by counsayle of the holy trinite for the raunsume of al mankynde Haue mynde blessed Iesu of all the great dreades anguyssh●s and sorowes that thou suffredest in thy tender flesh before thy passiō on the crosse when thou wast betrayde of thy disciple Iudas to the Iewes whiche of singular affeccion that thou haddeste to them shulde haue bene thyne especyall people after tyme that thou haddest made thy prayer vpon the mounte of olyuete swettest there both bloude and water Also haue mynde of the great anguyshe that thou wast in when thou waste taken of the false Iewes and by false wytnesse accused And at Ierusalem in tyme of Easter in the floryshynge youthe of thy body without trespas receauedest thou thy iudgement of death vpon the crosse vniustly where also thou wast dispoyled of thyne owne clothes blyndfelde buffeted bounde to a pyllar and scourged with thornes crowned and wyth a reede smytten on the heade and with innumerable paynes thy body was all to brused and torne For mynd of this blessed passion I beseche the benygne Iesu graunt me afore my death very contricion true confessiō and amendement of my lyfe and of all my synnes remissyon So be it Our father c. ¶ The .ii. prayer O Blessed Iesu maker of all the worlde that of a man maye not be measured whych closeste in thy hande all the earth Haue mynde of thy bytter sorowe fyrst when the Iewes fastened thy blessed handes to the crosse wyth blunt nayles And to encrease more thy paynes they added sorowe vpon sorowe to thy bytter woundes whan they perced thy tender fete because thou woldeste not accorde to theyr wyl And so cruelly they drew thy blessed body in length and bredth to the measure of the crosse that all the ioyntes of thy lymmes were both loused and broken for mynde of thy blessed passion I beseche the benygne Iesu geue me grace to kepe with me both thy loue and thy dred So be it Our father whych art in heauen c. ¶ The thyrde prayer O Iesu heauenly phisicion haue mynde of thy langour and blewnes of thy woundes and sorow that thou suffred in the heygh patible of the crosse whan thou waste lyfte vp from the earth that thou wast al to torne in al thy lymmes wherof ther was no lymme abydyng in his ryght ioynte so that no sorow was lyke to thyne because that from the soules of thy fete to the toppe of thy heade was no whole place and yet forgettynge in maner all those greuous paynes thou praydeste deuoutly and charitably to thy father for thy enemyes sayenge father forgeue it thē for they wote not what they do For thy charitable mercye that thou shewedest to thyne enemyes and for mynde of those bytter paynes graūt me that this mynde of thy bytter passion be to me plenary remission and forgeuenesse of all my synnes So be it Our father which art in c. ¶ The .iiij. Prayer O Iesu very fredome of angels the paradyse of all goostly pleasures Haue mynde of the drede and hydeous fearfulnes that thou suffred whan all thyne enemyes lyke vnto mooste wodde lyons compassed the about smyttynge the and spyttynge on the scratchynge the and wyth many other greuous paynes tormentynge the for mynde of all these dispytfull wordes cruel beatynges and sharpe tormentes and all the cruell paynes which thyne enemyes put the to I besech the blessed Iesu delyuer me from al myn enemies bodely and goostly and geue me grace to haue the defence and protection of helthe euerlastynge agaynst them vnder the shadowe of thy wydges So be it Our father which c. ¶ The .v. prayer O Iesu myrrour of the dyuine clerenes haue mynde of that drede and heuynesse whyche thou haddest when thou hangest naked myserable on the crosse and all thy frendes and acquayntaunce stode agaynst the and foundest comforte of none but only thy moost louynge mother faythfully standynge by the with great bytternes of harte whom thou dyddest betake to thy welbeloued disciple sayenge-Lo woman thy sonne and lykewyse to the disciple Lo thy mother I beseche the blessed Iesu by the swearde of sorow that thē persed hyr harte to haue compassion on me in all my troubles and afflictions bodely and goostlye and geue me cōforte in al tyme of tribulaciō So be it Our father which arte c. ¶ The .vi. prayer O Iesu kynge moost worthy to be loued and frende moost to be desyred Haue mynde of the sorow that thou haddest whē thou beheldest in thy myrroure of thy moost clere maiesty the predestination of all thy chosen soules that shulde be saued by the merytes of thy passion for mynde of the depnes of thy greate mercye whiche thou haddest vpon vs loste and dysperate synners and namely for the great mercy that thou shewedest to the thefe that honge on the crosse sayenge this Thys daye thou shalte be with me in paradyse I praye the benygne Iesu to shewe thy mercy on me in the houre of my death So be it Our father which art c. ¶ The .vij. prayer O Iesu well of endles pytie that saydest on the crosse of thy passion by inwarde affection of loue I thurste that is to saye the helthe of mannes soule for mynde of thys blessed desyre I besech the benygne Iesu kyndell our desyre to euery good and perfyte worke the thyrst of concupyscence and burnynge of al worthy loue in vs vtterly kole and extynguyshe So be it Our father which art c. ¶ The .viij. prayer O Iesu swetnesse of hartes and goostly pleasure of soules I besech the for the bytternes of the aysell gall that thou tasted and suffred for vs at the houre of thy death graunte that we maye worthely receaue thy moost blessed bodye and bloude the which was betrayde and shede for the remedy of oure synnes and comsorte of oure soules So be it Our father which art c. ¶ The .ix. prayer O Iesu royal strength and goostly ioye haue mynde of the anguyshes greate sorowes that thou suffred whan thou cryed to thy father with a myghty voyce for the bytternesse of thy death and also for the scourgynge of the Iewes sayenge thys O my God O my God why haste thou forsaken me By thys paynfull anguyshe for sake not vs in the anguyshes of oure death oure blessed
crosse to be led with nayles to be through persed with eysel and gall to be gyuen drynke vnto and to be lyfte vp in the crosse amonge theues to be deputed wyth the moost vylest dethe to dye and with a spere to be wounded thou Lorde by these moost holy paynes whych we thy vnworthy seruaūtes do rendre and by thy holy passion delyuer vs from the paynes of hell and vouchsaufe to brynge vs wretched synners whyther as thou broughtest the penytent these crucyfyed wyth the. Which lyuest and reygnest wyth God the father in the vnyte of the holy goost for euer worldes wythout ende So be it ¶ The glorious passion of our Lorde Iesu Christ delyuer vs from sorowfull heuynesse and brynge vs to the ioye of paradyse So be it ¶ A memory of the compassion of our lady ¶ The antheme ¶ Holy mother of god mayden immaculate Of whom it pleased god to receaue our nature And to dye for vs wretches synners deplorate We beseche the hartely vyrgyn moost pure To pray to thy sonne that it may be his pleasure To graunt vs his fauoure by thy intercession And to be partakers of his moost holy passion ¶ The versycle ¶ Holy mother of God make thy petycion ¶ The answere ¶ That we maye optayne Christes promyssion ¶ The prayer O God whych vnto mākynde by the fruyte of the vyrgynytye of the blessed vyrgyn Mary hast gyuen the gyftes of eternall helth Graunt to vs we besech that she for vs may praye by whom we haue receyued the authour of lyfe the Lorde Iesus Christ whych wyth the lyueth reygneth God worlde without ende So be it ¶ The gloryous passion of the vyrgyns sonne Brynge vs to the blysse of the fathers kyngdom So be it The thyrde houre O God bende thyselfe into my helpe Lorde hast the to helpe me Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it Prayse ye the Lorde ¶ The hymne COme holy goost O creatour eternall In our mynde to make visitation And fulfyll thou wyth grace supernall Oure hertes that be of thy creacion Remember Lorde authoure of saluacion That sometyme of a vyrgyn pure Without helpe of mannes operacion Thou tokest vpon the our frayle nature And as thou of thy clementie and mere mercye specyall Aboue her desertes hast chosen amonge all other And toke her to such fauour and grace supernall That thou woldest be her sonne and she to be thy mother So we beseche the Christ moost tender Graunt that thy seruauntes with a deuout moode Maye oftymes swetely remember The effusion of thy precyous bloude O vyrgyn Mary moost gracious O mother of God incomperable To thy sonne praye for vs That he after death be fauourable Glory be to the Lorde of myghtes moost That of a vyrgyn was bore Glory to the father and the holy goost To them be prayse for euer more So be it ¶ The .xxxij. Psalme Exultate iusti REioyce in the Lorde O ye ryghteous for it becometh well the iust to be thankefull Prayse the Lorde wyth harpe synge psalmes vnto hym wyth the lute and instrumēt often strynges Synge vnto hym a new songe yee synge lustely vnto hym and with a good courage For the worde of the Lorde is true and all hys workes are faythfull He loueth mercy and iudgement the earth is full of the goodnes of the Lorde By the worde of the Lorde were the heauens made and all hoostes of them by the brethe of hys mouthe He gathereth the waters together as it were in a bottell and layeth vp the depe in secrete Let all the earth feare the Lorde and let all them that dwell in the worlde stande in awe of hym For loke what he sayeth it is done loke what he commaundeth it standeth fast The Lorde bryngeth the counsel of the Heathen to nought and tourneth the deuyses of the people But the counsell of the Lorde endureth and the thoughte of hys harte from generacion to generacion Blessed are the people that holde the lorde for theyr god and blessed are the folke whom he hath chosen to be hys herytage The Lorde loketh downe frō heauen beholdeth all the chyldren of men from his stronge sete he cōsydereth them that dwell in the worlde He only hath fashyoned all the hartes of thē and knoweth all theyr workes A kynge is not helped by hys owne greate hoost nother is a gyant saued by the myght of his owne strength A horse is but a vayne thynge to saue a man it is not the power of his strength that can delyuer hym Beholde the eye of the lorde loketh vnto thē that feare hym and put theyr trust in his mercy That he maye delyuer theyr soules from death to fede them in the dere tyme. Let our soule paciently abyde the Lorde for he is our helpe and shelde So shall oure harte reioyce in hym because we haue hoped in his holy name Let thy mercyfull kyndnesse O Lorde be vpon vs lyke as we put our trust in the. Glory be to the father c. As it was in the. c. The C.xviij. Psalme Beati immaculati BLessed are those that be vndefyled in the way which walke in the waye of the Lorde Blessed are they that kepe his testimonyes and seke hym wyth theyr whole herte Which walke in the wayes do no wyckednesse Thou hast gyuen strayte charge to kepe thy commaundementes O that my wayes were stablyshed to kepe thy statutes So shulde I not be confounded whyle I haue respecte vnto all thy commaundementes I wyll thanke the wyth an vnfayned herte because I am learned in the iudgemētes of thy ryghteousnesse I wyl kepe thy statutes o forsake me not vtterly Where withall shall a yonge man clense his way euen by rulynge hymselfe after thy worde With my whole herte do I seke the O let me not go wronge out of thy commaundementes Thy wordes haue I hyd wythin my harte that I shulde not synne agaynst the. Praysed be thou O Lorde O teache me thy statutes Wyth my lyppes wyll I be tellynge out all the iudgementes of thy mouth I haue great delite in the waye of thy testimonies as in all maner of rychesse I wyll exercyse my selfe in thy commaundementes and haue respecte vnto thy fotepathes My delyte shal be in thy statutes I wyll not forget thy wordes Glorye be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it ¶ The C.xlvi Psalme Laudate dominum PRayse the Lorde for it is a good thynge to synge prayses vnto our God yee a ioyfull and pleasaunte thynge it is to be thankefull The Lorde shall buyld vp Ierusalem and gather togyther the outcastes of Israell He that healeth the cōtrite in harte and byndeth vp theyr woundes He that telleth the nombre of the starres and calleth them all by
theyr names Greate is our Lorde and great is his power yee his wysdome is infinite The Lorde setteth vp the meke and bryngeth the vngodly downe to the grounde O synge vnto the Lorde wyth thankes geuynge synge prayses vpon the harpe vnto our God Which couereth the heauē wyth cloudes and prepareth rayne for the earth whych maketh the hey and grasse to growe vpon the mountaynes to the seruyce of men Which gyueth foder vnto the cattell and fedeth the yonge rauens that call vpon hym He hath no pleasure in the strength of a horse nether delyteth he in any mans legges But the Lordes delyte is in them that feare hym and put theyr trust in his mercy Glorye be to the father to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnyne and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it ¶ The antheme ¶ The Lorde is mercyfull yee so mercyfull that the earth is full of his mercy by the whyche he hathe sente his sonne borne of a womā and made bonde vnto the law to redeme them that were vnder the lawe ¶ The versycle ¶ O Lorde heare my prayer ¶ The answere ¶ And let my crye come to the. ¶ The prayer O Lorde whych by the annunciation of thy angell hast gyuen vs knowlege of the incarnacion of thy sonne Christ we besech the poure thy grace into oure hertes that we trustynge in hym throughe his passion and death maye be broughte to the glorye of the last resurrection By the same our lorde Iesu Christ which lyueth and reygneth one god wyth the father and the holy goost worlde wythout ende So be it ¶ A memory of the passion of Christ ABoute thre houres after the sonne ganne sprynge All the Iewes cryed Iesus to crucifye And in skorne they him clothed with purple clothing And in stede of a crowne on his head they dyd tye A crowne of thorne that prycked cruelly And had hym forth to a place where he dyed And with a howghe crosse on his sholders they layed ¶ The versycle ¶ We worshyp the Christ with prayse benedictiō ¶ The answere ¶ For thou redemest the world by thy holy passiō ¶ The prayer O Lorde Iesu Christ the sonne of the lyuynge God whych from the bosome of the father from heauens dydest descende to the earth and on the woode of the crosse dydest suffre fyue woundes and shed thy precious bloude for the remission of our synnes we mekely beseche the that in the daye of iudgement we maye be on the ryght hande heare thy swete sentence Come ye blessed of my father enioye ye the kyngdome prepared for you from the begynnynge of the worlde In the which kyngdom thou lyuest reygnest God wyth the father for euer So be it ¶ The glorious passion of our Lorde Iesu Christ delyuer vs from sorowfull heuynesse and brynge vs to the ioye of paradyse So be it ¶ A memory of our Lady HOly mother of God whych hym haste conceyued That of all the worlde coulde not worthely be receyued Thy sonne beseche thou with humble intercession Vs for to purge of oure transgression That by thy sonne redemed we maye to the place ascende Where thou dwellest with hym world without ende ¶ The versycle ¶ Holy mother of God make thy peticion ¶ The answere ¶ That we maye obtayne Christes promyssion ¶ The prayer O God whyche woldest thy sonne to be incarnate of the wombe of the blessed vyrgyn Mary graunt to thy meke peticioners that we whych beleue her verely to be the mother of God by her prayers before the we maye be helped By the same our Lorde Christ So be it ¶ The gloryous passion of the vyrgyns sonne Brynge vs to the blysse of the fathers kyngdom So be it O God bende thyselfe into my helpe Lorde hast the to helpe me Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it ¶ Prayse ye the Lorde ¶ The hymne COme holy goost O creatoure eternall In our myndes to make vysytacion And fulfyll thou wyth grace supernall Our hartes that be of thy creacion Remembre Lorde authour of saluacion That somtyme of a vyrgyne pure Wythout helpe of mans operacion Thou tokest vpon the our frayle nature And as thou of thy clementie and mere mercye specyall Aboue her desertes hast chosen amonge all other And toke her to such fauour and grace supernall That thou woldest be her sonne and she to be thy mother So we beseche the Christ moost tender Graunt that thy seruauntes with a deuout moode Maye oftymes swetely remember The effusion of thy precyous bloude O vyrgyn Mary moost gracious O mother of God incomperable To thy sonne praye for vs That he after death be fauourable Glory to the Lorde of myghtes moost That of a vyrgyn was bore Glory to the father and to the holy goost To them be prayse for euermore So be it ¶ The antheme ¶ Taste and se howe frendely c. ¶ The .xxxiij. psalme Benedicam dominum I Wyll alwaye gyue thankes vnto the Lorde his prayse shall euer be in my mouth My soule make her boost in the Lorde the poore oppressed shall heare therof and be glad O prayse the Lorde with me and let vs magnifye hys name togyther I sought the Lorde and he hearde me yee he delyuered me out of all my troubles Drawe ye nere vnto hym and be ye lyghtened your faces shall not be ashamed Thys poore man cryed vnto the Lorde and he herde hym yee and delyuered hym oute of all hys troubles The angel of the Lorde pytcheth his tent rounde aboute them that feare hym and delyuereth them O tast and se how frendly the Lorde is blessed is the man that trusteth in hym O feare the Lorde ye that be his sayntes for they that feare hym lacke nothynge The ryche shall wante suffre hunger but they whiche seke the Lorde shall wante no maner of thynge that is good Come hyther O ye chyldren herken vnto me I wyll teache you the feare of the Lorde Who so lysteth to lyue and wolde fayne se good dayes Let hym refrayne his tonge from euell and hys lyppes that they speake no gyle Let hym eschewe euyll and do good let hym seke peace and ensue it For the eyes of the Lorde are ouer the ryghteous and his eares are open to theyr prayers But the face of the lorde beholdeth them that do euel to destroye the remembraunce of them out of the earth When the ryghteous crye the lorde heareth thē and delyuereth them out of al theyr troubles The Lorde is nye vnto them that are contryte in herte wyll helpe such as be of an humble spirite Great are the troubles of the ryghteous but the Lorde wyll delyuer them out of all He kepeth all theyr bones so that not one of them is broken But mysfortune shall slee the vngodly and they that hate the ryghteous
shal be gylty The Lorde wyll delyuer the soules of his seruaūtes and all they that put theyr truste in hym shal not offende Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be Sa be it The C.xviii Psalme Retribue seruo tuo O Do well vnto thy seruaunte that I may lyue and kepe thy wordes Open thou myne eyes and so shall I spye out wonderous thynges in thy lawe I am a straunger vpon earth O hyde not thy cōmaundementes fro me My soule breaketh out for the very feruēt desyre that I haue alwaye vnto thy iudgementes Thou rebukest the proude cursed are they that departe from thy commaundementes O tourne fro me shame and rebuke for I kepe thy testimonies Prynces also sate and spake agaynst me but thy feruaunt was occupyed in thy statutes For in thy testimonies is my delyte and they are my councellers Glorye be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnyge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it The C.xvi. Psalme Laudate Dominum omnes O Prayse the Lorde all ye Gentyles laude hym all ye people For his mercyfull kyndnes is euermore and more towarde vs and the truth of the Lorde endureth for euer Glory be to the father and to the sōne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it ¶ The antheme ¶ Tast and se howe frendely the Lorde is blessed is the man that trusteth to hym for our fathers lorde hoped in the they trusteth in the and thou dydest delyuer thē they called vpon the and were holpen they put theyr trust in the and were not confounded ¶ The versycle ¶ O Lorde heare my prayer ¶ The answere ¶ And let my crye come vnto the. ¶ The prayer LOrde whyche by the annunciacion of thy aungell hast gyuen vs knowlege of the incarnacyon of thy sonne Iesus Chryste poure thy grace into our hertes that we trustyng in hym throughe hys passyon and death maye be brought to the glorye of the last resurrection By the same our Lorde Iesus Christ whiche lyueth reygneth one God wyth the father and the holy goost worlde without ende So be it ¶ A memory of the passion of Christ THe syxt houre spryngynge before the myddaye Iesus handes and fete to the crosse they nayled With the shamefullest deathe that they contryue maye They hōge hym betwene two theues that the bloude downe trayled And than for payne great thurst hym assayled His thurst for to quenche they profered hym gall Thys lambe so illuded bought our synnes all ¶ The versycle ¶ We worshyppe the Christ wyth prayse and benedyction ¶ The answere ¶ For thou redemest the worlde by thy holy passiō ¶ The prayer LOrde Iesu Christ the sonne of the lyuynge god which for our redempcion in the syxt houre dydest ascende the patyble of the crosse and shedest thy bloode thorow thy fyue woundes for the remyssion of our synnes we mekely beseche the that after our death through the meryte of that same passion we maye entre the gate of paradyse whych lyuest and reygnest God wyth God the father in the vnyte of the holy ghost worlde wythout ende So be it ¶ The glorious passion of our Lorde Iesu Christ delyuer vs from sorowfull heuynesse and brynge vs to the ioyes of paradyse So be it ¶ A memory of our lady O Blessed Mary and holy vyrgyn Which dydest conceyue of the holy goost The gouernoure of the tryple engyn The sonne of god of myghtes moost Remember vs of charite whych of God haste contemplacion To praye for vs to the deyte To tourne from vs hys indygnacion ¶ The versycle ¶ Holy mother of God make thy peticion ¶ The answere ¶ That we maye obtayne Christes promyssion ¶ The prayer TO our fragylyte mercyfull God graunte thy helpe that we whych of thy holy mother of God and virgyn Mary do make remēbraunce by the helpe of her intercession we may ryse frome oure iniquites thorow Christ oure Lorde So be it ¶ The glorious passion of the vyrgyns sonne Brynge vs to the blysse of the heauenly kyngdom O God bende thyselfe into my helpe Lorde hast the to helpe me Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it Prayse ye the Lorde ¶ The hymne COme holy goost O creatour eternall In our mynde to make visitation And fulfyll thou wyth grace supernall Oure hertes that be of thy creacion Remember Lorde authoure of saluacion That sometyme of a vyrgyn pure Without helpe of mannes operacion Thou tokest vpon the our frayle nature And as thou of thy clemēcy mere mercy specyal Aboue her desertes hast chosen amonge all other And toke her to such fauoure and grace supernal That thou woldest be her sonne and she to be thy mother So we besech the Christ moost tender Graunt that thy seruauntes with a deuout moode Maye oftymes swetely remember The effusion of thy precyous bloude O vyrgyne Mary moost gracyous O mother of God incomperable To thy sonne praye for vs. That he after death be fauorable Glory be to the Lorde of myghtes moost That of a vyrgyn was bore Glory to the father and to the holy goost To them be prayse for euermore So be it ¶ The antheme ¶ The Lorde is c. The .lxvi. psalme Deus misere● GOd be mercyfull vnto vs blesse vs and shewe the lyght of hys countenaunce vppon vs and haue mercy vpon vs. That we maye knowe thy waye vpon the earthe thy sauynge helth amonge all Heathen Let the people prayse the O God yet let all people prayse the. O let the people reioyce be glad that thou iudgest the folke ryghteously and gouernest the nacions aboue the earth Let the people prayse the O Lorde let all people prayse the the earth hath brought forth her fruyte God euen our owne God gyue vs hys blessynge God blesse vs and let all the endes of the worlde feare hym Glory be to the father and to the sōne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it The Cxviij psalme Adhesit pauimènto MY soule cleueth to the duste o quyckē thou me accordynge to thy worde I knowleged my wayes and thou heardest me O teache me then thy statutes Make me to vnderstande the waye of thy commaundementes and so shall I talke of thy wonderous workes My soule slōbreth for very werynesse O set me vp accordynge to thy worde Take fro me the waye of iniquite and graunt me mercy accordynge to thy lawe I haue chosen the waye of truth thy Iudgementes haue I not forgotten I stacke vnto thy testimonyes o Lorde confoūde me not I haue ronne the waye of thy commaundemētes when thou hast comforted my harte
soule of the gloryous vyrgyn and mother Mary to th ende it shuld be a mete habitacion for thy only begotten sonne graunt that we maye be saued from all instante euylles and eternall death throughe the inestimable merites of hym in the remembraunce of whose death we take ioye and comforte By the same Christ our Lorde So be it TO the holy and indiuisible trinite to the humanite of Iesu Christ crucifyed glory infinitly be geuē of euery creature world wythout ende So be it Blessed be the swete name of oure Lorde Iesu Christ the sonne of the glorious vyrgyn Mary for euermore And the soules of all true beleuers beynge departed through the mercy of God maye reste in peace So be it Praysynge be to God peace vnto the lyuyng and rest vnto the dead So be it ¶ Here after followeth a deuoute prayer vnto Iesus our sauioure O Bontefull Aesu O swete Iesu O Iesu the sonne of the pure virgyn Mary full of mercy and truth O swete Iesu after thy greate mercy haue pitie vpō me O benygne Iesu I praye the by the same precious bloude whych for vs myserable synners thou wast cōtent to shedde in the alter of the crosse that thou vousafe clene to auoyde all my wyckednesse and not to despyse me humbly thys requyrynge and vpon thy mooste holy name Iesus callynge Thys name Iesus is the name of helth What is Iesus but a sauyoure O good Iesus that hast me created and wyth thy precyous bloude redemed suffre me not to be dampned whō of nought thou hast made O good Iesu Christ let not my wyckednesse destroye me that thy almyghty goodnesse made and formed O good Iesu reknowlege that is thyne in me wype clene away that aleneth me frō the. O good Iesu whā tyme of mercy is haue mercy vpon me and destroye me not in tyme of thy terryble iudgemente O good Iesu though I wretched synner for my moost greuous offences haue by thy very iustice deserued eternall payne Yet I appell from thy very ryghteousnesse and stedfastly trust in thy inefiable mercy So that thou as mylde father and mercyfull Lorde wylte take pitye vpon me O good Iesu what profyte is in my bloude syth that I muste dyscende into eternal corruption Certaynly they that be dead shall not magnifye the nor lykewyse all they that go to hell O mooste mercyfull Iesu haue mercy vpon me O moost swete Iesu deliuer me O moost meke Iesu be vnto me synner fauourable O Iesu admytte me a wretched synner in to the nombre of thē that shal be saued O Iesu the helth of them that beleue in the haue mercye vpon me O Iesu the swete forgyuenes of all my synnes O Iesu the sonne of the pure vyrgyne Mary endue me wyth thy grace wysedome charite chastitie humilite yee and in all my aduersyties stedfast paciēs so that I may perfectly loue the and in the to reioyce and haue my only delyte in the worlde with out ende So be it ¶ The antheme O Glorious kynge whych amongest thy sayntes arte laudable and neuerthelesse ineffable thou art in vs Lorde thy holy name hath ben called vppon by vs therfore do not forsake vs Lorde God and in the daye of iudgement vousafe to bestowe vs amonge thy sayntes and electe o blessed kynge ¶ A prayer vnto Christ O Maker of heauen and erth kyng of kynges and Lorde of Lordes whiche of nothynge dyddest make me to thy ymage and lykenes and dyddest redeme me wyth thyne owne bloude whome I a synner am not worthy to name nether to call vpō humbly I desyre the and mekely praye the that gently thou beholde me thy wycked seruaunt and haue mercy on me whych haddest mercy on the woman of Canane and Mary Magdalene whych dyddest forgeue the publicane and the these that hanged on the crosse vnto the I cōfesse oh moost holy father my synnes whyche yf I wolde I can not hyd fro the. Haue mercye on me Christ for I wretch haue sore offēded the in pryde in couetous in glotony in lechery in vayn glory in hatred in enuy in adultery in thefte in lyenge in bacbytynge in sportynge in dyssolute and wanton laughynge in ydle wordes in hearynge in tastynge in touchynge in thynkynge in speakynge in workynge and in alwayes in whiche I afrayle mā and moost wretched synner myght synne my faulte my mooste greuous defaulte Therfore I moost hūbly pray besech thy gentelnes whych for my helth descended frō heauē which dyd holde vp Dauid he shuld not fal into synne Haue mercy on vs oh Christ which dyddeste forgeue Peter that dyd forsake ye. Thou art my creatoure my helper my maker my redemer my gouernour my father my lorde my god my king thou art my hope my trust my gouernyng my helpe my cōforte my strength my defence my redempcion my lyfe my helth my resurrection thou art my stedfastnes my refuge or so coure my lyght my desyre and my helpe I mooste humbly and hertly desyre and praye the helpe me defende me and make me stronge and comforte me make me stedfaste make me mery geue me lyghte and vysite me reuiue me agayne whyche am dead for I am thy makynge and thy worke Oh Lorde dispice me not I am thy seruaunt thy bonde man although euyll althoughe vnworthy and a synner But what soeuer I am whether I be good or bad I am euer thyn therfore to whome shal I flye excepte I flye vnto the If thou caste me of who shal or wyll receaue me yf thou dyspise and turne thy face from me who shall loke vpon me and recognise and knowlege me although vn worthy commynge to the for although I be vile and vnclene thou canst make me clene yf I be sick thou canst heale me Yf I be dead and buried thou canste reuyue me for thy mercy is much more thē my iniquyte thou canst forgiue me more than I can offende Therfore oh Lorde do not consyder nor haue respecte to the nombre of my synnes but accordynge to the greatnesse of thy mercy forgeue me and haue mercy on me moost wretched synner Saye vnto my soule I am thy helth which saydest I wyll not the death of a synner but rather that he lyue and be conuerted Turne me oh Lorde to the and be not angry with me I praye the mooste meke father and for thy great mercy I moost hūbly besech the that thou brynge me to the blysse that neuer shall cease So be it ¶ The .xv. prayers called the xv Ooes ¶ The .xv. prayers followynge called commonly the .xv. Ooes are for forth in diuers laten prymers wyth goodly prynted prefaces promisynge to the sayers therof many thynges doth folyshe and false as the delyueraunce of xv soules out of purgatory with other lyke vanities yet are the prayers selfe right good vertuous yf they be sayde without any such supersticious trust or blynde confidence And for as much as these prayers are a goodly and godly meditacion of Christes passiō
the supper of the LORDE in the which amonge many goodly sentences of the Sacrament as indede there is plentye he hathe thys sentence Christe thys sacrament sometyme doth call hys body sometyme hys fleshe bloude somtyme bread Thys commen bread the chaunged into flesh and bloude doth procure lyfe c. Although thys is very manifestly spoken yet more playnlyer he speketh in another sentence Thys bread sayeth he that the Lorde gaue vnto his disciples throughe the omnipotency of the worde chaunged not in figure or in outwarde forme but in nature is made flesh and as in the person of Christ the manhode was seue and the Godhed hyd so in the visible Sacramente the deuyne nature inuisible infundeth hymselfe to the intente that vnto the Christian religion about the Sacramentes shulde be deuotion Is not thys as playnly spoken as any man can speake To thys man beynge so auncient an holy martyr we shuld and ought to gyue credence before v C. Swynglins or any such other Yet that we maye se the argument of many good men which yet were in dyuers tymes some other shal be recyted S. Ambrose differreth not in sentence from these he sayde Because that by the death of the LORDE we are delyuered of it we declare oure selues to be myndefull in that we eate his bodye and drynke hys bloude whych were offred for vs. In the .vi. boke of the sacramentes he doth treate of the same also He also sayeth yf the worde of Helyas was of such power that he causeth the fyre to come downe from heauen Shall not the worde of Christ be of such power that it shal chaūge the substaunce of thynges that is the substaunce of breade wyne into the substaunce of hys bodye and bloude It is rede of all the workes of the worlde that he sayde the word they were made Therfore the worde of God that is the sonne of God whyche coulde of nothynge make all thynges that were can not he chasige the thynges that be into it that they were not Thou seest gentle reader the sentence of S. Ambrose thou mayest perceaue that he agreeth wyth thother S. Hierome also a man both of great learnynge and holynes dissenteth not from thys doctryne he sayeth After that the figuratyue Easter was fulfylled and Chryste wyth hys Apostles hadde eaten the Easterlambe he toke the breade whych conforteth the herte of man and went to the true Sacrament of Easter that euen as in the prefiguracion of hym Melchysedech the preste of the hygh God dyd offrynge bread and wyne he also wolde set forth the truthe of his body and bloud Saynt Austen also a famouse man bothe of lyfe and of lernyng varyeth not from those men but saythe thys in the forme of breade wyne whych we se we do honour thynges that we do not se that is the body and bloude of Christ Beholde the sentences both faythfull and godly And for as muche as the wrytters of them were men to be reputed and not disdayned esteme them of authorite S. Gregory also a man of good authoritye followed the same trade sayenge As the diuinitie of the worde doth fyll all the worlde so in many places is the body of Christe consecrated and yet be there not many bodyes of Christe but one body and one bloude Eusebius Emisenus also a mā not to be despysed sayth thys The inuisible prest with his worde by a secret power doth chaūge the visible creatures into the substaūce of hys body and bloude pondre nowe gentle readers the vnyforme consent of these doctours which as for a certayne of them althoughe they were in dyuers tymes and contryes yet the holy goost theyr scole mayster and the mayster of truth taught them all as concernynge the poyntes of our fayth one lesson of truth So that they all do agre in thys truth that in the Sacrament of the aulter is the very body of Christe Many mo mayebe rehersed that do agre in thys poynte whyche playnly were ynough to fyll a hole boke Therfore shall they be omytted trustynge that these fewe yf theyr auncient holynes and learnynge be pondered with the places of scripture aboue rehersed are sufficiente to staye a Christians herte yf he be not already drowned in heresye Seyng then that the scriptures which can not be but one and these famouse doctours agreyng to the same do teache that in the sacrament of the aulter is the body of Christe Let euery true Christian not with a dissemblyng mouth for feare of payne but with an vnfayned herte for the loue of the trouthe not onely professe but also beleue that in that sacramente is the very bodye of Christe Thys sacramente consecrated not by the power of the minister the preste but by the power of God workyng in hys word spokē of the prest people shuld frequēt for the purpose for them whych Christ dyd institue it Christ when he hab●● consecrated hys body delyuered it to hys Apostles sayde Thys do you in the remembraunce of me Then shulde all Christians frequent this sacrament for the remābraunce of Christ To what remēbraunce of Christ Verely to the remēbraunce of hys death That euery Christiā seynge or receyuyng his body shuld remēbre alwayes haue before theyr eyes that Christes body for they sake whych of themselues were vnable and vnsufficient to make amendes was delyuered to his enemyes and for theyr offence whyche they by none of theyr merites coulde put awaye was he whypped and scourged beaten and deluded nayled on the crosse and wyth a spere thorowe the herte perced and thys frely oute of that swete vessell to wass he awaye the offence he shed water and bloude Thys to them by hys passion redemed and by the same to the father reconcyled he hathe gyuen the meryte of his passion which vnfaynedly hath is and shal be sufficient for the synnes of all the worlde for he sayde Thys is my body whych for you shal be delyuered And thys is my bloude which for you shal be shed After this sorte al ye Christians when you se or receyue the Sacrament haue of Christ such a remembraunce and forget not to be thankefull For to this purpose you shuldese or receyue it and not to make a gasyng stocke of it when you haue sene you haue all done So that you thynke you haue no more to do but to se it or to receyue it And this that thankeful remembraunce of that blessed death or passion with the acknowlegyng of the frutes and benefytes of the same is forgotten and though as no parte of our duetye which of trouth is the chefe parte of our duetie as often as we by fayth do se the body of our sauyour Christ in that Sacrament And further when the death of Christ is thus remembred then shulde men also remembre that as Saynt Peter sayth i. Pet. iii. Christ hath suffred leauing an ensample vnto you that you shuld folowe his steppes which is as he dyd beare the Crosse
fallynge I wyll walke before the Lorde in the lande of the lyuynge ¶ The antheme I shall please the lorde in the region of the lyuynge ¶ The antheme Vo is me The C.xix Psalme Addominum cum WHan I am in trouble I cal vpon the Lorde and he hath herde me Delyuer my soule O Lorde from lyenge lyppes and from a deceytfull tonge What rewarde shal be geuen or done to the thou false tonge Euen myghty and sharpe arrowes with hote burnynge coles Wo is me that my banyshment endureth so lōge I dwell in the tabernacles of the sorowfull My soule hath longe dwelled amonge them that be enemyes vnto peace I laboured for peace but when I spake therof they prepared them to battayle ¶ The antheme Wo is me for that my banyshment is prologed The C.xx Psalme Leuaui oculos meos I Lyfte vp myne eyes vnto the hylles from whence commeth my helpe My helpe commeth from the lorde which made heauen and earthe He shall not suffre thy fote to slyppe neyther shall he that kepeth the fall into a slomber To he shall neyther fall a slepe nor slomber which kepeth Israell The Lorde kepeth the the Lorde is thy defence more then the ryght hande The Sonne shall not burne the by daye nor the Moone by nyght The Lorde kepeth the from all euel the Lorde kepeth euen thy soule The Lorde kepe thy goynge in and goynge oute from thys tyme forth and euermore ¶ The antheme The Lorde kepeth the from all euell he kepeth euē thy soule ¶ The antheme Yf thou The C.xxix Psalme De profundis OVte of the depe called I vnto the O Lorde Lorde heare my voyce O let thyne eares consyder well the voyce of my complaynte Yf thou Lorde wylt be extreme to marke ouriui quities O Lorde who maye abyde it But there is mercy wyth the and because of thy lawe haue I abyden the O Lorde My soule hath abyden in his word my soule hath trusted in the Lorde From the mornynge watche vntyll nyght let Israell trust in the Lorde For which the Lorde ther is mercye and hys redemption is plenteous And he shall redeme Israell frō al his iniquities ¶ The antheme Yf thou lorde imputest mens synnes vnto them Lorde who shall abyde it ¶ The antheme The workes The C.xxxvii Psalme Confitebor tibi domine I Wyll geue thankes vnto the o lorde with my whole herte for thou hast hearde the wordes of my mouth euen before the goddes wyll I synge prayses vnto the. I wyll worshyppe towarde thy holy temple and prayse thy name because of thy louynge kyndnes and truth for thou hast magnifyed thy worde accordynge vnto thy great name When I call vpon the heare thou me and endue my soule with much strength All the kynges of the earth shal prayse the o lorde whan they heare the wordes of thy mouth Yee they shal synge in the wayes of the lorde that greate is the glory of the Lorde For though the Lorde be hyghe yet hathe he respecte to the lowly as for the proude he beholdeth hym afarre of Though I walke in the myddeste of trouble yet shalte thou refreshe me thou shalte stretche forthe thyne hande vpon the furiousnes of myne enemyes and thy ryght hande shall saue me The Lorde shall make good for me yee thy mercy o Lorde endureth for euer despyse not then the worke of thyne owne handes ¶ The Antheme Lorde despyce not the workes of thyne handes ¶ The versycle From the gates of hell ¶ The answere Lorde delyuer theyr soules ¶ The antheme I hearde a. ¶ The songe of blessed Mary Magnificat anima mea dominum MY soule magnifyeth the Lorde And my sprete hath reioyced in God my sauyoure For he hath loked on the lowe degre of hys hande mayden beholde now from hense forth shall all generacions call me blessed For he that is myghtye hathe done to me greate thynges and blessed is his name And his mercy is alwayes on thē that feare hym through out all generacions He hath shewed strength with his arme he hathe scattered them that are proude in the imagynaciō of theyr hartes He hath put downe the myghty frō theyr seates and hath exalted them of lowe degre He hath fylled the hungrye wyth good thynges and hath sent awaye the rych emptye He hath remembred mercy and hathe holpen hys seruaunt Israell Euen as he promysed to our fathers Abraham to hys sede for euer ¶ The antheme ¶ I haue herde a voyce from heauen sayenge blessed be the deade whiche dye in the Lorde Lorde haue mercye on vs Christe haue mercye on vs Lorde haue mercye on vs. Our father The C.xlv Psalme Lauda anima PRayse the Lorde O my soule whyle I lyue wyll I prayse the lorde I wyl prayse the Lorde as longe as I shall remayne O put not your truste in princes nor in the chyldren of men for there is no helpe in them For when the breth of man goeth forthe he shall turne agayne to hys earth and so all his thoughtes peryshe Blessed is he that hath the God of Iacob for hys helpe and whose hope is in the Lorde hys God whych made heauen and earth the see and al that there in is Whiche kepeth his promyse for euer whyche helpeth them to ryght that suffre wrōge whych fedeth thy hongry The lorde louseth men out of preson the lorde geueth syght to the blynde The lorde helpeth them vp that are fallen the lord loueth the ryghteous The lorde careth for the straungers he defendeth the fatherles and wedowe as for the waye of the vngodly he turneth it vpsyde downe The Lorde thy God O Syon is kynge for euermore and thorowe out all generacyons ¶ The versycle From the gates of hell ¶ The Answere Lorde delyuer theyr soules ¶ The versicle I trust to se the goodes of the lorde ¶ The answere In the lande of lyfe ¶ The versicle Lorde God heare my prayer ¶ The answere And geue hearynge to my clamour ¶ Let vs praye GOd to whom it is approbried to be mercyful euer and to spare be mercyfull to the soules of thy seruauntes of eche kynde and forgeue them all theyr synnes that they beynge lowsed frō the bondes of death maye ascende vnto lyfe O God the Lorde of pardon Graunte vnto the soule of N. thy seruaunte the yeares mynde of whose deathe we haue in remēbraunce a place of reste the blessed ful quyete and clerenesse of the lyghte O God whyche haste caused thy seruauntes in pontificall dignitie to be accompted amonge the prestes apostolyke Graunt we beseche the that they maye enioye in heauen the contynuall company of them whose office they dyd beare sometyme heare in earth O God the graunter of pardon and the louer of mans saluacion we besech thy mercy that thou wylt suffre the congregacion of our brothers and systers beynge departed oute of thys worlde through the intercession of blessed Mary the vyrgyn and S. Michel tharchangell and all holy sayntes to come to the congregacion of euerlastynge
death to gyue our fete into the waye of peace Glory be to the father and to the sōne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it ¶ The antheme ¶ Christ moost mercyfull hath redemed vs let vs reioyce and alwayes geue thankes to God ¶ The versycie ¶ O Lorde heare my prayer ¶ The answere ¶ And let my crye come vnto the. ¶ The prayer GOd almyghty and oure mercyfull father which hast so excedyngly loued vs thy chosen chyldren that thou woldest vouchesafe to gyue vs thy only and welbeloued sonne Iesus Christ our sauyour to suffre death for our synnes so that all that stedfastlye beleue in hym myghte not peryshe but haue lyfe euerlastynge we besech the for thy abundaunt mercy and for the inestimable loue which thou barest to thy sonne Christ our sauyour gyue vs of thy grace poure thy fauour into oure hartes that we maye beleue feale and knowe perfytely that thou only arte our God our father and to vs an almyghty helper delyuerer a sauyour from synne frō all the deuelysh powers of hell and of the worlde and from death and that by thy sonne our Lorde Iesu Christe So be it ¶ The memory of the holy goost ¶ The antheme ¶ Come holy spirite of God inspire thou the hertes of them that beleue in the and kyndle in them the fyre of thy loue ¶ The versycle ¶ Sēde forth thy spirite they shal be made new ¶ The answere ¶ For so renuest thou the soule of man ¶ The prayer O God which hast instructed the hartes of the faythfull by the inspiracion of the holy goost graunt that we in thesame spyryte maye fauoure the truth and euermore reioyce in hys holy consolaciō By Christ our lord So be it ¶ A memory of the moost holy Trinite ¶ The antheme Delyuer vs saue vs iustify vs O blessed Trinite ¶ The versycle Blesse we the father the sonne with the holy gooste ¶ The answere Prayse we hym and exalte we hym euermore ¶ The prayer ALmyghty euerlastynge God which hast graunted to thy seruauntes thorow confession of the true fayth for to acknowlege the glorye of the eternall trinite and to honoure the one god in thy almyghty maiesty we besech the that through our stedfastnesse in the same fayth we maye be alwayes defended from all aduersytie which lyuest and reygnest one God worlde wythout ende So be it ¶ A memory of our Lady ¶ The antheme ¶ O glorious mother of God O perpetuall vyrgyn Mary which dyddest beare the Lord of al lordes and alone of all other dydest gyue sucke vnto the kynge of angels we beseche the of thy pytie to haue vs in remembraunce and to make intercession for vs vnto Christ that we beyng supported by his helpe maye come vnto the kyngdom of heauē ¶ The versycle O holy mother of God perpetuall vyrgyn Mary ¶ The answere Praye for vs vnto the Lorde Iesus Christe ¶ The prayer GRaunt we beseche the O Lorde God that thy seruauntes maye enioye contynuall helth of body and soule and throughe the gracious intercession of blessed Mary perpetuall virgyn that we maye be delyuered from thys present heuynes and to haue the fruycion of the eternall gladnesse By Christ our Lorde So be it ¶ A memory of all sayntes ¶ The antheme ¶ All ye blessed sayntes and electe seruauntes of God haue vs in remembraunce before God that through the helpe of youre prayers it maye please hym vs to assocyate wyth you ¶ The versycle ¶ Reioyce in the Lorde you that be iustifyed ¶ The answere ¶ And be you all glad that in herte be rectifyed ¶ The prayer WE besech the good Lorde that thou beyng pleased with the prayer of all thyne holy sayntes wylt bothe graunt vs pardon of our defautes and gyue vs also perpetuall remedy for them By Christe our Lorde So be it ¶ A memory of the passion of Christ HE that is the greate profounde sapience And diuine truth of the father on hye Which for mankynde of his benyuolēce Hymselfe hath made both God and man verely Was sold and bought by the Iewes trayterously And about mydnyght perturbed and taken And of hys disciples anone forsaken ¶ The versycle ¶ We worshyp the Christ with prayse benedictiō ¶ The answere ¶ For thou redemest the world by thy holy passiō ¶ The prayer LOrde Iesu Christe sonne of the lyuynge God set thy holy passion death betwene thy iudgement and our soules both now and at the houre of death and more ouer vouchesaufe to graunte vnto the lyuynge mercy grace to the deade pardon and reste to thy holy churche peace and concorde and to vs synners lyfe ioye euerlastynge whyche lyuest and reygneste God wyth the father and the holy goost worlde wythout ende So be it The glorious passyon of oure Lorde Iesu Christ delyuer vs from fearfull heuynes and brynge vs to the ioyes of paradyse So be it ¶ A memory of the compassion of our Lady ¶ The antheme HOly Mary of all godly women the godlyest Praye for vs of all holy women the holyest That he oure prayers accepte maye in good wyse Which of the was borne reygneth aboue the skyes By whose charite and mercyfull grace Our greuous synnes maye take no place ¶ The versycle ¶ Holy mother of God and virgyn perpetuall ¶ The answere ¶ Praye thou for vs to the Lorde celestiall ¶ The prayer HOly Lorde Iesu sonne of the moost swete vyrgyn Mary whych suffredest death for vs vpon a crosse shew vnto vs thy mercye and graunt vnto vs and vnto all that deuoutly haue in remembraunce the compassiō of thy moost holy mother by her prayer prosperous lyfe in thys present world and through thy grace eternall glorye in the worlde to come wherin thou doest reygne one god with the father the holy goost world with out ende So be it The glorious passion of a vyrgyns sonne Bryng vs to the blysse of the heuenly kyngdom So be it ¶ The pryme O God bende thyselfe into my helpe Lorde hast the to helpe me Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it Prayse ye the Lorde COme holy goost O creatoure eternall In our myndes to make vysytacion And fulfyll thou wyth grace supernall Our hartes that be of thy creacion Remembre Lorde authour of saluacion That somtyme of a vyrgyne pure Wythout helpe of mans operacion Thou tokest vpon the our frayle nature And as thou of thy clemēcy mere mercy specyal Aboue her desertes hast chosen amonge all other And toke her to such fauoure and grace supernal That thou woldest be her sonne and she to be thy mother So we besech the Christ moost tender Graunt that thy seruauntes with a deuout moode Maye oftymes swetely remember The effusion of thy precyous bloude O vyrgyne Mary moost
gracyous O mother of God incomperable To thy sonne praye for vs. That he after death be fauourable Glory to the Lorde of myghtes moost That of a vyrgyn was bore Glory to the father and the holy goost To them be prayse for euer more So be it ¶ The .liij. psalme Deus in no. HElpe me o God for thy name sake and delyuer me in thy strength Heare my prayer o God consydre the wordes of my mouth For straungers are rysen vp agaynst me and the myghty whyche haue not God before theyr eyes seke after my soule But loo god is my helper it is he that vpholdeth my soule He shall rewarde euyll vnto myne enemyes and in thy truth shalt thou destroye them A free wyll offrynge wyll I gyue the and prayse thy name O Lorde because it is so confortable For thou haste delyuered me out of all my troubles so that myne eye seeth hys desyre vpon myne enemyes Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is nowe and euer shal be So be it The C.xvii Psalme Confitemini domino O Gyue thankes vnto the Lorde for he is gracyous his mercy endureth for euer Let Israell nowe confesse that his mercy endureth for euer Let the house of Aaron now confesse that his mercy endureth for euer Yee let hym now that feare the Lorde cōfesse that his mercy endureth for euer I called vpon the Lorde in trouble the Lorde hearde me at large The Lorde is my helper I wyll not feare what man doth vnto me The Lorde is my helper and I shall se my desyre vpon myne enemyes It is better to trust in the Lorde thā to put ony confydence in man It is better to trust in the Lorde then to put ony confidence in prynces Al the Heathen compassed me rounde about but in the name of the Lorde I wyll destroye them They kept me in on euery syde but in the name of the Lorde I wyll destroye them They came about me lyke bees and were as hote as fyre in the thornes but in name of the Lorde I wyll destroye them They thrust at me that I myght fall but the Lorde was my helpe The Lorde is my strength and my songe and is become my saluacion The voyce of ioye and myrthe is in the dwellynges of the ryghteous for the ryght hande of the Lorde hath gotten the victory The ryght hande of the Lorde hath gyuen me the preeminence the ryght hande of the Lorde hathe gotten the victory I shall not dye but lyue and declare the workes of God the Lorde The Lorde hath chastenyd corrected me but he hath not gyuen me ouer vnto death O pen me the gates of ryghteousnesse that I may go in there thorowe and gyue thankes vnto the Lorde this is the dore of the Lord the ryghteous shall entre in thorowe it I thanke the that thou hast hearde me and arte become my saluacion The same stone which the buylders refused is become the heade stone in the corner Thys was the Lordes doynge and it is merueylous in oure eyes Thys is the daye which the Lorde hath made let vs be glad wyth ioye in it Helpe nowe O Lorde O Lorde sende vs nowe prosperite Blessed be he that cōmeth in the name of the lorde we wyshe you good lucke ye that be of the house of the Lorde God is the Lorde and hath shewed vs lyght O garnyshe the solempne feast with grene braūches euen vnto the hornes of the aulter Thou art my God and I wyll thanke the thou arte my God and I wyll prayse the. O gyue thankes vnto the Lorde for he is gracious and his mercy endureth for euer Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge and as it is c. ¶ The .cxiv. psalme Lauda anima mea PRayse the Lorde O my soule whyle I lyue wyll I prayse the Lorde yee as longe as I haue any beynge I wyl synge prayses vnto my God O put not your trust in prynces nor in the chyldren of men for there is no helthe in them For when the brethe of man goeth forth he shall turne agayne to his earth and so all his thoughtes shall peryshe Blessed is he that hath the god of Iacob for hys helpe and whose hope is in the Lorde hys God whyche made heauē and earth the see and al that therin is Whyche kepeth hys promyse for euer whych helpeth them to ryght that suffre wronge whyche fedeth the hungry The Lorde louseth men out of preson the Lorde gyueth syght to the blynde The Lorde helpeth them vp that are fallen the Lorde loueth the ryghteous The Lorde careth for the straungers he defēdeth the fatherles and wydowe as for the waye of the vngodly he turneth vpsyde downe The Lorde thy God o Sion is kynge for euermore and through out all generacions Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy goost As it was in the begynnynge as it is now and euer shall be So be it ¶ The antheme ¶ Let vs not put our trust in prynces nor in the chyldren of men nor in nothynge that is erthly but in Iesus Christ the onely sonne of the vyrgyn by whom we haue all saluacion ¶ The versycle ¶ O Lorde heare my prayer ¶ The answere ¶ And let my crye come to the. ¶ The prayer O Lorde whych by the annunciation of thy angell hast gyuen vs knowlege of the incarnacion of thy sonne Christ we besech the poure thy grace into oure hertes that we trustynge in hym throughe his passion and death maye be broughte to the glorye of the last resurrection By the same our lorde Iesu Christ which lyueth and reygneth one god wyth the in vnite of the holy goost worlds wythout ende So be it ¶ A memory of the passion of Christ ¶ The antheme The fyrste houre in the mornynge early Iesus was brought by the handes of the Iewes Before the iudge Pylate to be iudged cruelly Where many a false wytnesse dyd hym accuse In the necke they hym smyt hys bandes the handes dyd bruse They spyt and defyled there hys godly face The lyght of heauen replete wyth all grace ¶ The versycle We worshyp the Christ with prayse benediction ¶ The answere For thou redemest the worlde through thy passiō ¶ The prayer LOrde Iesus Christ the sonne of the lyuyng God whych for our redempcion dydest vouchesaufe to be borne and circumcysed of the Iewes to be reproued of Iudas with a kysse to be betrayed to be taken to be bounde and with bandes before Anna Cayphas Herode and Pylate to be presented and before them to be illuded wyth buffettes blowes scourges and with a rede to be betē thy face to be couered with spyttynges to be spytted with thornes to be crowned of false recordes also to be accused of euyl iudges to be iudged as an innocēt lambe berynge the