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A08830 The benefite that Christians receiue by Iesus Christ crucifyed. Translated out of French into English, by A.G. 1573; Dal beneficio di Christo. English Benedetto, da Mantova, fl. 1534-1541.; Flaminio, Marco Antonio, 1498-1550.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606, attributed name.; Paleario, Aonio, 1503-1570, attributed name. 1573 (1573) STC 19114; ESTC S120980 53,945 119

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thirst after rightuousenesse he cannot taste of the swéetnesse of Iesus Christ how swéete it is to talke of him to thinke of him and to follow his most holy lyfe But when we once throughlye knowe our owne infirmitie by meane of the Lawe let vs herken to sainct Iohn Baptist who poynteth vs to the souerein Phisicion with his fingar saying Beholde y Lamb of God which taketh away y sinnes of the world For he it is that deliuereth vs from the heauie yoke of the law abrogating and disanulling the curses and sharp threatnings of the same healing all our infirmities reforming our frée will returning vs to our auncient innocencie and repayringe in vs the image of our God insomuch that according to sainct Paules saying lyke as by Adam we be all dead so by Iesus Christ we are all quickened And it is not to be beléeued y the sinne of Adam which we haue by inheritance from him should be of more force then the ryghtuousnes of Christe the which also we inherit by fayth It séemeth that m●n hath great cause to complayn that without any reason why he is conceiued borne in sinne and in the wickednesse of his parents by meanes of whom death reigneth ouer all men But now is all our sorow taken awaye inasmuch as by a lyke meane without anye occasiō giuen on our behalf rightuousenesse euerlasting lyfe are come by Iesus Christ and by him death is s●ayne whereof sainct Paule maketh a verie goodly discourse which I purpose to set downe here folowing Wherefore sayth he lyke as by one man sinne entred into the world and death by sin euen so death went ouer al mē ●orasmuch as all men haue sinned For vntill the Lawe sinne was in the worlde but sin was not regarded as long as ther was no law Neuerthelater death reigned frō Adā vnto Moses euen ouer thē also y sinned not after y like maner of y trāsgressiō of Adam who was a figur of him y was to come But yit the gift is not so as is the offence For if through the offence of one manie be dead much more the grace of God and the gift by grace which is by one man Iesus Christe hath abounded vnto many Neyther is the gift so as that which entred in by one the sinned For the fault came of one offence vnto condemnation but the gifte is of many offēces to iustification For if by the offence of one death reigned through one much more shall they which receiue the abōdance of grace and of the gift of rightuousnes reigne in life through one that is Iesus Christ. Likewise then as by the offence of one the fault came on all men to condemnation so by y ryghtuousenes of one the benefyte abounded toward all men to the iustification of life For as by one mans disobedience many wer made sinners so by the obediēce of one shall many also be made righteous Moreouer the law entred ther vppon that the offence shold aboūd neuertheles where sinne aboūded ther grace abounded much more that as sinne had reigned vnto death so might grace also reigne by rightuousenes vnto eternal lyfe through Iesus Christ our lord By theis words of saint Paule we manife●tlye perceiue the thing to be trew which we haue said heretofore that is to wit that the lawe was giuen to make sinne knowē which sinne we do also know no to be of greater force thā Chris●es rightuousenes wherthrough we be iustifyed before god For euen as Iesus Christ is strōger than Adam was so is his ryghtuousenes more mightie than the sinne of Adam And if the sinne of Adam was sufficient ynough to make al men sinners children of wrath without ani misdéed of our own much more shall Christes ryghtuousnes be of greater force to make vs all rightuouse and the children of grace without any of our owne good workes which cannot be good vnlesse that before we do them we our selues be made good as Awstin also affirmeth Hereby a mā may know in what an errour they bée who by reason of some great offence despayre of gods good wil imagining that he is not willing to forgiue couer and pardon all sinne hauing alredie punished and chastized al our sinnes and iniquities in his owne onely begotten and déerebeloued sonne and consequently graunted a generall pardon to all mankinde which euery bodye inioyeth that beleueth the Gospell that is to say which beléeueth the happie tydings that the Apostles haue published through the whole worlde saying We beséeche you for Iesus Christes sake be yée recon●yled vnto God for he that neuer knew sinne was made a sacrifyze for our sinne that we might become rightuouse in him The Prophet Esay foreséeing this great goodnes of God writeth these heauēly words which do so well peynt out the passiō of our Lord Iesus Christ and the cause ther of as it is not to be found better descrybed euen in the writings of the Apostles Who sayth he will beleue our report to whom is the arme of the Lord reueled But hée shall grow vp before him as a braunche and as a roote out of a drye gdound he hath neyther forme nor beautie when we shall sée him ther shal be no forme that we should desire him He is despized and reiected of men he is a man full of sorowes and hath experience of infirmities wée hidd as it were our faces from him he was despized we estemed him not Surely he hathe borne our infirmities and caried our sorowes yit we did iudge him as plaged and smitten of god and humbled but he was wounded for our trāsgressions he was broken for our iniquities The chasismēt of our peace was vppō him and with his stripes we are healed All we like shéepe haue gone astraie we haue turned euery one to his owne waye and the Lord hath layde vppon him the iniquitie of vs all he was oppressed he was afflicted yit dyd he not open his mouth He is brought as a shéepe to the slaughter and as a shéepe before the shearer is dumme so he openeth not his mouth O great vnkindnes O thing abhominable that we which professe our selues Christians and here that the sonne of God hath taken al our sinnes vppō him washed them out with his preciouse blud suffering himselfe to bée fastened to the crosse for our sakes should neuertheles make as though we would iustifie our selues purchace forgiuenes of our sinnes by our our owne workes as who would say that the deserts ryghtuousenes and bludshed of Iesus Christ were not ynough to do it vnlesse we came to put to our workes ryghtuousnes which are altogither defiled and spotted with selfeloue seflyking selfeprofit and a thousande other vanities for which we haue néede to craue pardon at GODS hande rather than reward Neyther do we thinke of the threatnings which saint Paule vseth to the Galathians who hauing bin deceiued by falseprechers beleued not
But it concerneth the true Christians who though they fight manfully agaynst the fleshe the worlde and the diuill doe notwithstanding fall darly and are constreyned to say Lord forgiue vs our offēces Theis are they to whom we speake to comfort them and to hold them vp that they fall not into despayre as though the blud of christ washed vs not from all sin and that he were not our aduocate and the attonementmaker for his members And therfore when we be prouoked to dowt of the forgiuenesse of our sinnes that our own conscience beginneth to trubble vs Then must we furnish our selues with trew fayth and out of hand haue recourse to y preciowse blud of Iesus Christ shed for vs vppon the alter of the Crosse and distributed to his Apostles at his last supper vnder the veyle of a most holie Sacrament which was ordeyned by Christ to the end y we should celebrate the remembrance of his death that by the same visible Sacrament our trubbled consciences myght be assured of our attonement with god The blissed Iesus christ made his last wil when he said This is my bodie which is giuen for yow and this is my blud of the new Testament which is shed for manie to the forgiuenes of their sinnes We knowe that a Testament sayeth Sainct Paule although it be but a mans Testament yet neuertheles if it be allowed no man despyzeth it or addeth anie thing to it and that no testament is of force till the testator be dead but hathe full poure after the parties decease Then did Iesus Christ make his Testament wherin he promisethe forgiuenesse of sinnes and the grace and good fauour of himselfe and his father togither with mercie and euerlasting lyfe And to the intent that the sayd Testamente should be of full force he hathe confirmed it with his owne preciowse blud and with his owne death By reason wherof sainct Paule sayeth that Iesus Christe is the mediator of the new Testamēt that by his dying for the redemption of those transgressions which were in the former testament they that are called might receyue the promis of the eternall inheritance For whersoeuer is a Testament there must also be the death of the Testator for the Testament is confirmed by the deathe of the partie insomuch as it is of no valu so long as the maker of it is aliue Wherfore we be verye certein and assured by the death of Iesus Christ that his Testament is auaylable wherby all our misdéeds are pardoned and we made heyres of eternall life And for a token and faythful pledge hereof in sted of a Seale he hathe left vs this diuine Sacrament which not onely giueth our sowles assured hope of their euerlasting Saluation but also warrant●th vnto vs the immortalitie of our flesh forasmuch as it is euen now quickned by that immortall flesh of his and in a certein maner becōmeth parttaker of the immortalitie therof and he that is parttaker of that diuine flesh by faith shall not perish for euer But vnto him that receyueth it withowt the sayd fayth it turneth to a daungerouse poyson becawse that like as when bodily sustenance fyndeth the stomacke incumbred with euill humors it corrupteth likewyse and woorketh greate anoyance euen so if this spirituall féede lyght into a sinfull sowle that is full of malice and misbelef it casteth it headlong into some greater ruine not through it owne default but bycause that to the vncleane and vnbeleuer al things are vncleane notwithstanding that the things be sanctified by the Lordes blissing For as sayeth Sainct Paule he that eateth of that bread and drinketh of that cup vnworthely is giltie of the bodie and blud of the Lord and he eateth and drinketh his owne damnation bycause he maketh no difference of the Lordes bodie For he maketh no difference of the Lords bodie which presumeth to the Lords supper without fayth charitie And forasmuch as he beleueth not that bodie to be his lyfe and the clenzer of al his sinnes he maketh Iesus Christe a lyer and treadeth the sonne of God vnder foote estemeth the blud of the Testament wherby he was fāctified but as a comon or worldly thing doeth greate wrong to the spirit of grace and he shal be punished verye sore at Gods hand for this his vnbéelef and wicked hipocrisie For wheras he reposeth not y trust of his iustificatiō in the passiō of our lord sauiour Iesus christ yit neuerthelesse he receyueth this moste holie Sacrament maketh protestation that he putteth not his trust in anie other thing Wherby he accuseth himself and is a witnesse of his owne iniquitie and condemneth himself to euerlasting death by refuzing the lyfe which god promiseth him in that holie Sacramēt And in this poynt when the Christian féeleth that his enemies are lyke to ouercome him the is to wit when he beginneth to dout whether he haue receiued forgiuenes of his sinns by Iesus Christ that he shal not be able to withstand the diuel and his tēptatiōs that the accusation of his owne dowtfull conscience comes to presse him so as he beginneth to feare least helfyre shold swallow him vp and death hold him in his euerlasting bands by reason of Gods wrath I saye when the good christian féeleth himself in such agonie Let him get him to this holie Sacrament with a good hart and stowt courage and receiue it deuoutly saying in his hart and answering his enemies thus I cōfesse I haue deserued a thousand hells euerlasting death by reason of the great sinnes which I haue committed But this heauenly sacrament which I receyue at this present assureth me of the forguiuenes of all my misdoings of myne attonement with god For if I haue an eye to my works ther is no dowt but I acknowledge my self a sinner and condemne myne owne selfe in suche wise as my conscience should neuer be quiet if I should think that my sinnes are pardoned me for my workes sake But when I looke to the promises and couenantes of God who promiseth me forgiuenes of my sinnes by the blud of Iesus Christ I am as sure that I haue obteyned it and that I haue his fauour as I am sure that he which hath made the promises and couenants cannot lye nor deceiue and through this stedfast fayth I become ryghtuouse by Christes rightuousenes wher through I am saued and my conscience quieted Hath he not giuen his most innocent bodie into the handes of sinners for our sinnes Hath he not shed his blud to wash away my iniquities Why thē doost thou vex thy self O my soule put thy trust in the Lord who beareth thée so great loue that to deliuer thée from eternal death it hath pleased him that his only sonne should suffer death and passion who hath taken vppon himselfe our pouertie to giue vs his riches layd our weakenesse vppon himself to stablish vs in
that the iustification by fayth was sufficient of it selfe but went about stil to be made rightuous by the law Unto whom S. Paule saieth Iesus Christe shall nothing profyt you that iustifie your selues by the Lawe for you be falne from grace bicause that we thorough the spirit of fayth wayte for the hope of rightuousnesse Now if the séeking of rightuousnesse forgiuenes of sinnes by the kéeping of the lawe which God gaue vppon mount Sinai with so great glorie and maiestie be the denying of Christ and of his grace what shal we say to those that will néedes iustifie themselues afore God by their owne lawes and obseruāces I would wish that such folkes should a little compare the one with the other and afterward giue iudgment themselues God myndeth not to doe that honour nor to giue that glorie to his owne lawe and yit they will haue him to giue it to mennes lawes ordinances But that honour is giuen onely to his onely begotten sonne who alone by y sacrifice of his death and passion hath made full amends for all our sinnes past present and to come as sainct Paule and sainct Iohn declare Wherfore as oftē as we apply this satisfactiō of Iesus Christs vnto our soules by fayth out of all dout we obteyne forgiuenes of our sinnes and become good rightuouse before God through his ryghtuousnes And therefore after that sainct Paule hathe said that as touching the ryghtuousenes of y lawe he had liued vnblameable he addeth yit whatsoeuer I haue gayned by it I haue accounted it in al respects to be but losse for the loue of christ And specially I esteme al things to be losse for the excellēt knowledge of Iesus Christ my Lord for whome I haue counted all thinges to be losse déeme them but as dung so I may win Christ bée foūd in him not hauing myne owne rightuousenesse which is of the lawe but the righteousnesse which is by the fayth of Iesus Christ which rightuousnes is giuen of god I mene the rightuousnes of faith that I may come to the knowledge of Iesus Christ. O most notable wordes which all Christians ought to haue ingrauen in their hartes praying God to make them to tast it perfectly Lo how S. Paule sheweth plainly that whosoeuer knoweth Christ aright estéemeth all the works of the law to bée hurtful for so much as they make vs to swarue from our trust in Iesus Christ to whom euery man ought to impute his saluation to trust only vnto him alone And to inforce this sentence the more he addeth further that he estéemeth all things but as dung so he may gayne Christ and be foūd incorporated in him declaring thereby that whosoeuer trusteth in his own workes and pretendeth to iustifie him selfe by them getteth not Iesus Christ nother is ingreffed into him ▪ And forasmuch as the whole mistery of our faith consisteth in the truth hereof ●o the end we might the better vnderstand what he ment to say he addeth and repeteth oftentimes y he had nothing to doo with al the outward iustification al the rightuousnes that is groūded vppon the keping of the law but that he wold cloth him selfe with y rightuousnes which God giueth by faith to al thē y beleue that all our sinnes are fully chastized punished in Iesus Christ that Iesus Christ as S. Paule saieth is made our wisdome rightuousnes holines redemption to the end as it is written y he which will glorie should glorie in the lord not in his own workes Uery true it is that in the holy scriptures ther are some texts to be found which being misvnderstode séeme to gaynsay this holy doctrine of S. Paules to attribute iustification remission of sinnes vnto works to charitie But those authorities haue alredy bin wel expounded by somme who haue shewed playnly y such as haue vnderstode thē in the sence aforesaid vnderstode them not aright Wherfore my déerebeloued brethren let vs not folow the fond opinion of y bewitched Galathiās but rather let vs folow y truth which s. Paul teacheth vs let vs giue the whol glorie of our iustification vnto Gods mercy to y merits of his sonne who by his own bludshed hath set vs frée frō y souereintie of the law from y tyrannie of sin death hath brought vs into y kingdom of god to giue vs life and endlesse felicitie I say yet further y he hath deliuered vs from y dominion of the lawe insomuch as he hath giuen vs his holy spirit who teacheth vs all truth and that he hath satisfied the lawe to the full giuen the same satisfaction vnto al his members that is to wit to all true Christians so as they may safely appéere at Gods throne bicause they be clothed with the rightuousnesse of hys Christ and by him deliuered from the curse of the lawe Then cannot y lawe any more accuse vs or condemne vs nor moue our affections or appetites nor increase sin in vs And therefore Sainct Paule saieth that the Obligacion which was against vs is cancelled by Iesus Christ discharged vppon the trée of the crosse insomuch as he hath set vs fr●e from the subiection of the lawe and cōsequently from the tyrannie of sin death which can no more hereafter hold vs oppressed bicause it is ouercome by Iesus christ in his resurrectiō so cōsequently by vs which are his members in such maner y wée may say with Saincte Paule and with the Prophet Osee Death is quyt● vanquished destroyed O Death wher is thy 〈◊〉 O Hel wher is thy victorie The sting of Death is ●in and the strength of sin is the lawe But God bée praysed who hath graunted vs vic●orie by our Lord Iesus Christ. He is the bles●ed séede that hathe crusshed the head of y ve●emous Serpent that is to wit of the Diuell insomuch that all those which beléeue in Ie●us Christ reposing their whole trust in his grace doo ouercome sin death the Diuel and Hell as Christ hath done Hée is that blessed séede of Abraham in the which god hath promised blissednesse to all Naciōs It behoued euery particuler person to fight with the sayd horrible Serpent and too deliuer hym selfe from that curse But that enterprise was so great that all the force of the whole world knitte together was not able too go through with it Wherfore our God y father of mercie being moued with compassion of our miseries hath giuē vs his only begottē sonne who hath deliuered vs from y veni● of the Serpent is him selfe become our blissednesse rightuousnes condicionally y we accept the same renoūcing al our own otward iustifications Then my déere bréethren let vs imbrace the rightuousnesse of our Lorde Iesus Christ and lette vs make it ours by means of fayth let vs assure our selues that we bée rightuouse not for our
of them as of our owne bodies for they be members of our bodie whereof Christe is the heade And this is the godly loue and charitie which springeth and procéedeth of the true vnfeyned faith which god hath breathed into his electe which faith as sayeth Saint Paule worketh by loue Howbeit for asmuch as the lyfe of our Lorde Iesus Christ wherewithall wée must bée clothed was a continuall crosse full of troubles reproches and persecutions if wee will fashion our selues like vnto his life we must continually beare the crosse as hée him selfe sayeth If any man will come after mée let him forsake him selfe and take vp his crosse and followe mée But the chief cause of this crosse is for that our GOD purposeth to mortifie the affections of our minde and the luftes of our fleshe by that exercise to the end wée may conceyue in our selues the great perfection wherein wée bée comprised by our Lord IESUS Christ by being graffed into him Also his will is that our fayth béeing fyned like golde in the fornace of troubles should shine bright to his glorie Moreouer his intent is that we by our infirmities should set out his great power which the worlde in dispite of it beholdeth in vs in asmuch as our frayeltie becommeth strong by troubles and persecutions and the more that it is beaten downe and oppressed so much the more is it strong and stedfast Whereof the Apostle Sainct Paule sayeth we carrie this treasure in earthen vesselles that the excellencie of the power might bée Gods and not ours On all sides wée suffer tribulation but we are not ouercomme wée be poore but not ouercomme of pouertie wée suffer persecution but yit are we not forsaken we be dispised but yit we perish not and so we dayly beare about vs the dying of our Lord Iesus Christ in our bodie that the life of Iesus Christe may also be openly shewed in vs And séeing the case is so that our Lord Iesus christ and all his deare Disciples glorified God by tribulations let vs also imbrace them ioyefully and saye with the Apostle Saincte Paule GOD forbid that I should glory saue in the crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ and let vs so deale as the world may whither it will or no perceiue see with his eies the wōderful effects that god worketh in such as sincerely imbrace the grace of his gospell Let vs so deale I say as the worldlings may sée with how great quietnes of mynd the trew christians indure the losse of their goods y death of their children flaunders the diseases of y bodie the persecutions of false christians and also that they may sée how the only true christians do worship God in spirit truth taking in good worth at his hand whatsoeuer happeneth holding al that he doth to be good rightfull holie praising him alwaies for the same whither it be in prosperitie or aduersitie thāking him as a most graciouse and louing father and acknowledging it for a right great gift of gods goodnes to suffer any aduersitie and che●●y for the gospell for folowing the steps of Christ specially forasmuch as we know that tribulation ingendreth patience and patience triall and trial hope and hope maketh vs not ashamed I say that patience ingendreth triall bicause that wheras God hath promised help in truble to such as trust in him we find it by experiēce in that we continew strong and stedfast all the while and are vpholden by the hand of God which thing we could not doo with all the powers that we haue of our owne So then by patience we fynd that our Lord gyueth vs the help that he hath promised vs at our néede whereby our hope is confirmed And it were an ouergreat vnthankfulnesse not to trust to such an ayd and fauour for the tyme to come as we haue found by experience to be so certein and stedfast heretofore But what néede we so manie wordes It ought to suffyze vs to knowe that the trew christians are through tribulation clothed with the image of our lord Iesus christ crucifyed which if we beare willingly with a good hart we shall in the ende be clothed with the image of Iesus Christ glorifyed For as the passions of Iesus Christe doe abound so through him shal the consolations ouerabound if we suffer with him here bylowe for a tyme we shal also reigne with him there aboue for euer The sixt Chapter ¶ Certein remedies against distrust BUt forasmuch as the diuell mans wisedome labour continually to dispossesse vs of this most holy fayth wherthrough we beleue that all our sinnes are chastized punished in Iesus christ that 〈…〉 preciouse bludshed we be reconcyled to the maiestie of god it is verie néedful for a christiā to haue his weapons alwaies in a redines to defend himself from y sayd most mischeuouse temptation which séeketh to beréeue the sowle of hir lyfe Among the sayd weapons in my iudgment y mightiest and best are Prayer the often vse of the holie Communion the rememberinge of holie Baptim and the minding of predestination In our Prayer wée may well say with the father of the poore Lunatik person of whom mencion is made in the Gospell of Saynct Mark Lord Iesus help myne vnbeléef Or else we may say with the Apostles Lorde increace our fayth And if there reigne in vs a continewall desyre to grow in fayth hope and Loue we will continewally pray as sainct Paule instructeth vs. For Prayer is nothing else but a feruent mynd settled vpō god By the remembering of Baptim we shall assure our selues that we are at peace with God. And forsomuch as ● Peter sayeth that y Ark of Noe was a figure of Baptim therefore like as Noe was saued from the flud by the Arke bycause hée beléeued the promises of GOD so also are we by fayth saued in baptym from Gods wrath Which faith is greunded vppon the woord of our Lord Iesus Christ who saieth that he which beléeueth and is baptized shal be saued And good right it is for in baptisme wée put on Iesus Christ as the Apostle Sainct Paule affirmeth and consequently we bée made partakers of his rightuousenesse and of all hys goods and vnder this preciouse robe the sinnes that our frayelty committeth lye hieden and couered and are not imputed vnto vs And so according as Saint Paule sayeth the blissednesse which the Psalmist speaketh of apperteineth to vs namely Blissed are they whose misdooinges are forgiuen and whose sinnes are couered Blissed is the mā to whom the Lord imputeth not sinne But it standeth a christian in hande to take good héede that vpon these wordes he take not libertie to sinne for this doctrine belongeth to none such as honor them selues with the name of Christians confessing Christe with their mouth and yit denie him in their déedes