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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00610 Two homilies vpon the first, second, and third articles of the crede, made by maister Iohn Feknam Deane of Paules Feckenham, John de, 1518?-1585. 1555 (1555) STC 10745; ESTC S117525 8,370 18

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seconde article whiche was cōceyued by the holy ghost borne of the virgin Marye doeth put vs to knowledge of hys humanitye In the vnderstandynge of bothe the whiche natures doeth consist the whole perfect knowledge of Christe And touchynge the firste it is with muche diligence of our partes to be obserued that where as our Crede teacheth vs to beleue in Iesus Christe hys onely sonne meanyng that Iesus Christ is the onely sonne of God the father That we do not furth withal lyke carnal men fantasey with our selues any kynde of carnall propagation to be betwene God the Sonne and God the father But the maner of generatiō betwixt thē to be such that it is not to be mused vpō farre exceding al wit imaginatiō of man When God the first person in Trinitie is a very father to God the sonne the secōde person not by carnall generation nor yet by predestination Of the which Paule to the Ephesians Ephes i. Grace peace vnto you from God the father whiche hathe predestinate you in adoptiō of the sōnes of God nor by creatiō Of the which Deu. xxxij Deut. xxxij Is not he thy father which made the created the nor by redēption of the which the prophet Esaye sayth Esay lxiii Tu dn̄e pater noster redemptor noster Thou o lord art our father our redemer nor yet by any sacramētal regeneratiō of the which S. Peter speaketh i Pet. i. Blessed be god and father of our Lord Iesus Christ which hath regenerate vs And to be short nor yet father by adoptiō of grace or cōference of glory But God the first person is father to God the son by an eternall generatiō of the which the prophet Esay speaking sayth Esay iij. Generationem eius quis enarrabit who is hable sayth the prophet to expresse or to shew this his eternal generatiō Whē in this generation God the sonne is begot of the nature and substance of God the father beynge the very same substaunce with God the father coequal eternal with God the father The mysterie therof is so wonderfull that Esay the prophet sayeth It can not be expressed and therfore not to be reasoned vpon but to be beleued of all men and euery man to say I beleue in Iesu Christe his onely sonne by eternall generation our Lorde In the whych article of our Crede beside that we are taught to beleue this eternal generation of Christ therby his deitie and diuine nature wee are by the same article taught also to beleue that he is our Iesus and sauiour our Christ preist and prophete our lord protector and defend or when to beleue in Iesus Christ his only sonne our lord is to beleue that Iesus Christ was eternally preordeyned and appointed by the decre of the whole Trinitie to be our lorde redemer and to pacifie the wrath and indignation of god the father towardes vs and to reconcile vs into his fauor and to loose deliuer vs from the yoke tyrannye of Sathan synne death helfyre all their armie that they shal no lōger against vs preuaile but hath made vs free from them and taken vs into his owne protectiō and made vs partakers of his iustice his power his life his felicitie and of all other his goodnes and hath in suche plentifull and aboundant wayes powred vpon vs his holy spirit and graces as his fayth to illumine and directe our weake reason and iudgementes his charitie to rule our willes and affections his wisedome to gouerne our feble weaknes his cleare brightnes to put awaye our darknes that we maye be bolde to saye and beleue that neither synne nor death nor hell shall haue anye longer power or preuayle agaynste vs but after this transitorye lyfe we shal perpetually reigne with him in glorye ioye and felicitie And therfore of our partes worthely to be beleued and called Iesus that is to saye our sauiour to be called Christ that is to saye our annoynted kynge and priest And to be called Lorde that is to say our redemer and gouernour when for our sakes he hath done fulfylled the very office of a sauiour of a priest and of a lorde and kynge Of a Sauiour in that he hath accordynge as the angell sayde saued hys people from their synnes Of a priest Math. i. in that he hath offered vp his owne bodye in sacrifice vpon the altar of the Crosse for vs. In the whiche oblation he was both the priest and the sacrifice it selfe And of a kynge and Lorde in that he hathe lyke a moste myghtye conquerour ouercome and vtterly oppressed hys enemyes and hathe nowe spoyled them of the possession of mākinde which they wanne before by fraude and deceyte by lyenge and blasphemynge and hathe broughte vs nowe into his possession dominion to reigne ouer vs in grace and mercy lyke a moste louyng Lorde and gouernour And therfore sythen he is our Iesus and sauiour our Christ priest and sacrifice our Lorde kynge and gouernour let vs put our whole trust and confidence in hym For he is the lambe of God whiche taketh awaye the sinnes of the worlde Iohn i. xi Ibidem Iohn x. He is oure resurrection health life and saluation He is the waye trueth and life no man cometh to the father but by him He is the good shepherd by whom we be saued from the wolfe the dore by whom we must enter into by grace He is the vine Ibidem xv.i. Cor. x. in whom we being ingraffed must nedes bringe furth much fruite He is our wisedom righteousnes iustification and redemption He is oure peace Ephes ij i Timo. ii Apocs i. xxi our mediatour and aduocate and finallie he is alpha and omega that is the beginning and endinge of our saluation Let vs therefore haue the selfe same fayth and affyaunce in hym in all poyntes whiche we haue in God the father acknowledgyng him to be our lord our Christ our sauiour lyke as we are taughte in this seconde article of our crede most fyrmely to beleue in Iesus Christe his onelie sonne our Lord. The seconde article apperteignynge to the seconde person in Trinitie touched in the homylie of this day doeth teache vs to beleue hys humanitie and humane nature saying which was conceiued by the holy ghost borne of the virgin Mary For declaration of the whiche article ye shal vnderstande that when the tyme was come in the which it was before ordeyned and appoynted by the decree of the whose Trinitie that mankynde should be ransomed and redemed then the sonne of God Iesus Christ the seconde person in Trinitie and very God descended from heauen into this worlde and toke vpon him the very habite forme and nature of man in the same to worke suffre and fulfyll all those thynges which were necessarye for the redemption and saluation of man vnto whom God the father commaunded the worlde to geue full credite saying to al men Ipsum audite Heare hym Who descendyng from heauen dyd lyght downe into the wombe of the blessed virgin Mary Mat. xvij and dyd take vpon hym of her fleshe our very fleshe very nature substance so did in her vnite conioyne together the same nature of man with his godhead in one person with suche an indissoluble and inseperable knot and bonde that he being one person Iesus Christ was then and euer shal be in the same person verye perfect God and very perfecte man Whiche holy worke of Christes incarnatiō was brought to passe not by the seede of man but by the holy ghost descendyng into the wombe of the blessed vyrgyn and there of her fleshe and substaunce workinge this ineffable incomprehensible mystery of the incarnation of Iesus Christ and that without any motion of concupiscence or spot of synne So that she bothe in the conception also in the birthe and natiuitie of our sauiour Christ and euer after reteyned styll her virginitie pure and immaculate his conception birth beynge by the onely workemanshyppe of the holy ghost accompleshed in her without any violation or detriment of her virginitie Christes birth beynge altogether thus pure holy and vndefiled that he myght be impollutus pontifex an vndefyled priest and byshoppe to make sacrifice and oblation to God the father for oure synnes and that he myghte by his immaculate purenes purge the fylthines of our synnes and that he beyng the lambe sente of God to take awaye the synnes of the worlde myght beyng without all spot wemme purge and make cleane the great malice of our synnes and the fylthy wickednes of the same that oure fylthynes beynge in thys wyse by hys purenes clensed and put awaye we myghte with him fynally enioy the benefyt and profit of his most holy conception and blessed incarnation of his ioyfull birth and natiuitie of his baptisme fastynge and temptation of his great paynes trauayles and laboures by preachynge teachyng and myracles doyng of his many wrongefull reprofes rebukes and infamies by the Iewes of his most tedious agonye when he swette both water and bloud of his fatigation and faintyng vnderneth the crosse of his crucifixion and nayling moste pytyfull hangynge vpon the same of hys death passyon and yeldynge vp of hys spirite into the handes of God the father and finally of his honorable burial his glorious resurrection merueilous ascension into the ioyes of heauen and of eternal glorye Vnto the whiche he bring vs all that by so many paines traueiles hath so derely bought it for vs not by corruptible golde or siluer but by the effusion of his most precious bloud To whom with God the father and God the holy ghost be all praise honor and glory for euer and euer Amen Excusum Londini in aedibus Roberti Caly. 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