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A09502 Spirituall exercyses and goostly meditacions and a neare waye to come to perfection and lyfe contemplatyue, very profytable for religyous, and generally for al other that desyre to come to the perfecte loue of god, and to the contempte of the worlde. Collected and set foorthe by the helpe of god, and diligente laboure of F. Wyllyam Peryn bacheler of diuinitie and pryor of the friers preachers of greate Sayncte Bartholomes in Smythfyelde. Peryn, William.; Essche, Nicolas van, 1507-1578. Exercitia. 1557 (1557) STC 19784; ESTC S114592 137,241 328

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to be an outcaste to be scornyd to be afflictid beaten to be rebukyd of al parsones when I do the most seruyce for so were thou handlyd when thou dydest most good and greateste myracles ¶ Graunt me grace moost gracius sauior that I may be so bare pore in spryte that I may wyshe or desire nothing but rather I may thynke it a greuus paine and vnmesurable sorow to haue any thyng and that it may be my singular pleasur ioy to haue nothinge and to want my necessaryes for thy sake ¶ Graunt me grace good Lord to abhore al delyght and pleasure and swettnes in al thing saue in the only that I may desyre in al thyng rudenes homlines and bitternes in meat and drinke I may desyre that thing should rather be bitter then swete remembring thou my deare redemer drankyst for my sake sowre vyneger gall And generally in al laboure trauel sorow shame paine and greafe graunte me grace to conforme my selfe in al thing to thy blessyd example with discreacyon as my wretchid nature is able to suffer to thy honor and glorie ¶ Gracyus good Lord Iesu graunt me thi special grace that I mai oft time haue swet meditacion of thy bitter passion with most true and earnest compassion and sorow for the pure loue of the when I consider what greate payne sorowe and afflyccyon thou didst suffer for my sinnes what deadly and payneful agony sorowful heuynes thou sufferedst in thy moost louynge swete and tender hart when thou swettist both water and blood thou weptest vppon the crosse for our sin and vnkindnes And that I may sorowe the greate dyshonour of thy blessyd celestyal father and namely for the intollerable payne and turmentes that thou were in but in speciall that thou tokest for thy sorowful and mooste lamentable mother whom thou louydst most tenderly when thou dydyst behold her redie to die for very sorow and heuynes For thy passyon was a passyon mooste paynful vnto thy mooste blessid and tender mother more greuus more bitter then euer was turmēt or martyrdom to any saint that euer sufferid for the. ¶ Graunt me moost swet Iesu oft tyme to reuolue in my hart thes two sorowful and painefull passions of the and of thy mother and to lament morne sorow in my harte wyth the my most louyng Lorde Iesu and wyth that blessed mayd thy swete mother Make me one good Lord with that by moste intyre loue that I may sorow and lament as much yea and more thy paynes then yf I sufferyd them my self ¶ Good lord neuer let thi rebuke shame reuilinges depart out of my mind nor out of the very bottom of my harte nor thy bitter scorgyngs thy thornes thy woūdes precious death neuer be out of my mind that what so euer is in me may be ful of thy paines passion that I may cōtinually sorow therfore to thy honor my soule helth ¶ Gracius good lord and deare sauior Iesu graūt me grace to mind oft time thy bitter paine and passion with most reuerent and louely admiracion depely and amyably to consider Fyrst what thou art that suffredst so louingly kyndly for me that I may reuerently see and parceaue that it was no smalle personage that was so crewelly put to death for my sake but it was the very sonne of al myghty god the second parsone in trinitie very god and man moost myghtest moost excellent infinitely good most noblest in comparyson of whom al the goodnes all excellency al wysedome al nobilitie that is in al creatures or can be thought of al vnderstandynge or wyt is nothing For this mightye maiestie and mooste vnmesurable excellencie incomparably transendyth surmoūteth al things in heauen or earth ¶ Graunt me grace also good Lord to consider how greuous and cruel paines so noble and excellent maiestie sufferid for me howe greate trauel and labor how greate hunger thurst cold heate watche temptacions feare parsecucyon agony bloody swete mooste crewel comprehēsion spyttinges reuiles sore bondes scorginges mockes scornes sorow shame cōfusyons beatynges greuous strokes innumerable plages and woundes and most crewel and payneful death For in thy passion very honour and glorie it selfe was dispisid and dishonored rightousnes was condempned the iuge of al the world was iuged the harmeles was rebuked and accusyd and the innocent was defamyd god hym self was blasphemyd god man ouer trodden life it selfe was slaine the sun was eclipsid the moone was darkenid the starres were sparkelyd Yet al those paines and passion didest thou moost innocente lambe suffre and bare most paciently for mi sake which were able and couldest yf it had pleasid the haue drownyd in the botomeles pyt of hell al those vnkynde and cruel creaturs and wyckyd people ¶ Graunt me grace to consider of whome my gracyus good Lord Iesu thou sufferedist so cruelly For if thou haddest sufferyd of them whome thou haddest harmyd or hatyd it had not byn so wonderfull But thou sufferedest of thē whom thou didist specially chose and syngularly louyd vnto whome thou shewedst specyall goodnesse and all kynd of benignitie And for thy great goodnes and benyfittes for thy great vertues and myracles for thy most holy conuersacyon and doctrine thou were cruelly tormented and put to death of most vylaines beyng moost excellent and valyant prynce The moost wisest ye the eternall wisedom of the father of most ignorant Most holiest of moost sinful Most godlyest of moost vngodlyest Moost righteus of most wickyd The euerlasting and eternall brightnes of god of the most and foule and filthy drosse and durte of the worlde The Lorde of hys owne seruauntes The kyng of hys owne subiectes The sauioure and benefactoure of them that he hath saued done most for ¶ God almyghty of hys vnkind and wretched creature It may make me most gracious lorde Iesu more to wōder and meruell when I consider and waye deapelye wyth my selfe for whom thou sufferedst For most louyng lorde and mercyfull sauiour thou suffredst for most vile slaues most sinful enymies most wretchyd caytifes ye very deuelles and dyabolycall persons and the very chyldren of the deuyll by imytacion for the contemners and dyspycers of the maiestie of god and most vnkinde and vnthankeful to the infinite goodnes of their lorde and maker of the which nomber oh mercyfull sauioure Iesu I am one I haue greate cause therfore wyth louely admyracion to laude and prayse thy mercyfull goodnes towarde me and al mankind and wyth moost lowly thankes to ioye in thy moost blessed mercy ¶ Graunt me therfore most gracious Iesu to haue ofte in the meditaciō of thy passion gostly ioye and gladnes with thankes geuyng vnto the for the redempcion of mā kynd for the restoryng of the quieres of angels and for thy dyuine clemencye and godly mercy ¶ Graunt me grace moost mercyfull Iesu wyth gostly gladnes to remēber how mercyfull how louyngly thou hast redemed al mankynd
specially me by thy moost blessyd passion and death remembryng howe willingly how gladly how deuoutly thou offredst thy selfe to most cruel death for my sake There is no creature that euer louyd hym selfe so well as thou dydest and dost loue me ¶ Great cause haue I to reioyse in the swete Iesu For by thy death and passion thou haste restored agayne the blessed gloryus quieers of angelles not creatyng new angels but mercyfully placing penytent soules in the hygh orders of the blessed angelles and so hayst made by thy most precyous death one hygh heuenly colege and one blessed flocke of angelles and men Whereof thou arte the very trew shepeherd Thou arte the glorius and most royal kyng vpon whō al we that be of that blessed heuenly courte shall perpetually wayte and serue in ioye euerlastyng thorough the merites of thy precious death and most blessed passion ¶ Graunt me grace moost gracious sauioure Iesu not only faythfully to folow thy passion to haue compassion thereof reuerētly to maruel and to reioyce goostly therein but also that I al together maye be resolued into the that I maye alway whereuer I be so earnestly mynde thy passion that I may departe from the memorye of myne owne selfe and of all thynges yea abstracted from al the world I may be wholy turned into the my lorde Iesu crucyfied And that of very mindful loue of thy blessed passion I may feale nothing wythin my selfe nor se nothing outwardly but the my lorde in payne and passion for me ¶ Graunt me grace most gracious lorde Iesu wyth moost vehemente desyre of my harte to enter into the ineffable treasure of thy blessed passion And therin moost mekely moost deuoutly wyth moost feruente and burnyng loue forgettynge vtterly my selfe to rest by inward swetnes That the more I loue that tender death and payne the more perfectly I may rest therin and the more that I rest therin the more I may loue the whyche suffered so great payne for me to the be therfore al glory and honour now and euer Amen ¶ The seuenth exercise to come to the pure pouertie and loue of thyne euen chrysten THou must circumcyse and purge thy soule very ernestly from all knowlege loue and remembraūce of all creatures excepte them only whome thou must neades haue vse in god and for god and kepe thy sensies wyttes at all tymes streghtly from all superfluitie vanytie and ydelnes And kepe also thy bodye alwaye in symple homlynes in sobryetie and pouertye And cast frome the ac on s all thinges that myght let the or be any impedyment at any tyme betwene thy soule and god yea if it were but a momente of time And that thou myghtest fulfyl this the better thou shalt marke well and dylygently all the meanes and lettes vysyble and inuisyble al creatures sensible and insensyble that euer dyd let the or were any impedymente or meanes betwene the god or yet may be hereafter And turne thi whole harte verely and perfectly from thē so cut them of from thy soule and turne thy whole harte to god Thou shalt also cōsyder wether thou be in suche place state wherein thou maiste come to perfeccyon yf thou be not thou must then seke suche a place and state Al exteryal and outwarde thinges must be cut of and resigned which thou vsest aboue more then very and iust necessitie with the which bare necessitye only for the loue of the pouertie of chryst thou must be contented That is to saye wyth two cotes or habytes to change and in like sorte of other necessarye apparell wyth a fewe bokes wyth one or two sober meales in the daie according to the time chosinge alwaye in all thynges the vyler or more homlier that meke symplycitie may euery where shine apere in the in thy desires For outward pouertie wyshed for and desyred in harte doth helpe wonderly moch to come to the verye profite and peace of the harte And specially when thou arte very wel cōtent to lacke thy necessaries or whē necessite compellyth thou dost vse necessaries in symplycite wyth tedyousnes yerkesōnes Moreouer a great forderaunce to perfection are these thynges To forsake vtterly al exquisite delectacion wilful fansy to any thinge to loue pouertie Yf it seme expedient for the person it is good also to make a vow to flye the vnnecessarye company of all creatures A stronge and stedfast cleauyng vnto god Symple and pure obedyence a worde both to god and to thy superiours A dylygent keping of thy hart mouth and of al thy dedes and such other These thou must exercise folowe and take as the very oportune and conuenyent meanes to perfectiō Thou must also exchew and a voyde all impedymentes as thy conscience or thy coūseller shal teache ye. Thou must therfore make a diligent serch of thy cōscience least any vice or faute be it neuer so lytle do sticke or cleaue inwardly or outwardly fast vnto the. Loke ther do remayne not wyth the curious superflus or any vnnecessarye thyng For so longe as it is so wyth the the holy gooste can neuer worke perfectly in thee For the greate synnes in to the which we fal vnwares or of frayltie bewayle them god forgeuyth them sooner then the leaste faut that dothe cleane and remayne in vs specially when we wil not acknowlege or wyl not or care not to amende it ¶ Thou shalt after thes exercyse thy selfe in very true loue of al men accordynge to the example and the charytie of thy sauyor Iesu Chryst whiche with moost burninge loue and desyre spent or bestowid him selfe al together for al men he also taught and shewid the way of saluacion and of perfeccyon with moost holy godly doctryne he gaue hym selfe also mooste wyllyngly and louinglye vnto al payne contumely and confusyon that myght chance vnto hym for their saluacion Wherfore yf thou wilt take vpon the his lyfe vnfaynedly thou must folow him in this point of loue Thou must also leade alway an holy a godlyke lyfe before al men that by thi lyfe they may be drawne and prouokyd to folow the lyfe of Iesu Chryst thi Lord. Thou shalt teache wyth some good exhortacyon thyne euen chrysten yf it may stand with thy state and vocayon at tyme conuenyent the way to euerlastyng lyfe Wherefore when thou cōmest to thy euen christen thou shalte leaue vaine talke except thou haue any necessite or necessary matter and shalte talke with hym of vertue and of grace such things wherby he may be the better exhortyng him to the loue of god to folow the holy lyfe loue of Iesu chryst and that he wyl consyder the nobilitie worthynes of hys soule howe in his soule god prynted his owne ymage lykenes hathe redemed the same his owne selfe and howe the loue of god is the very lyfe of the soule euen as the soule is the lyfe of the bodye as
the length thou most paynefully most miserably yet most louynglye and willinglye sufferest moost crewel moost bytter and moost shamefull deathe for me specially and for all mākynd and so well thou yet louyst me that if nede were thou art redy to suffer the lyke yea more paynfull passion more cruel death rather then I should perysh if I wold faithfully loue and serue the. ¶ O Most louing and mercyfull sauyoure Iesu I moost vnkind sinner haue neglected and set at nought the that haue done so muche for me and I haue offended as vnkyndly and as greuously as though thou haddest done nothing at all for me For I haue contynually offendyd and synned all my life but specially ī these N. Thou most here remember thy special dedly sinnes one after another and be speciallye sorye yf tyme wyll serue And generally I confesse my innumerable enormytes wherin I haue contēpned and offendyd the. Fyrst in breking of thy holy .x. commaundementes In the .xii. Artycles of the catholyque fayth The statutes and commaundementes of holy churche In the .xii. coūsels of the gospell In breking such priuate vowes as I haue promised In the .vii. mortal sinnes ¶ Omytting the .vii. workes of meryc gostly and in not doing the .vii. gyftes of the holy inspiracions I haue misused the gyftes of grace lent vnto me I haue mysused my v. vyttes or senses outwarde and my senses inward I haue misspent al the powers members and myghtes of my body and of my soule I haue mysspent the gyftes of nature the gyftes of fortune the giftes of the holy goost I haue not desposyd me to haue constante fayth perfect hope and burning charitie which are the thre theological vertewes I haue not had in me the foure cardinall vertues Prudence Iustice Fortytude and Temperaunce I haue not labored to haue in me the .xii. frutes of the holy gost I haue not labored so ernestly to com to perfection of lyfe and to the perfect loue of the as I wolde haue done to come vnto hyghe dignitie and honour of the worlde I haue sinned and lyued sinfully in euerye place in euery state in euery office that I haue lyued in by word by dede thought in omission in losse of my tyme and in vnkyndnes and vnthankfulnes towardes the my Lorde God towardes thy blessed mother and all thy blessed angels and saintes And agaynst all myne neighbors against the good folkes the blessed frindes of god agaynst the weake and sinners agaynste my benefactours and frendes agaynste my superiors my egalles my inferiours agaynste the quicke and the deade against the sowles in purgatory againste all creatures against my owne selfe agaynste both my body and my soule for I haue misvsed these creatures to the great dyshonor of the my lord god to the iniurye of myne neghbours and to the condemnacion of myne owne soule So that ther is no gyfte nor benefyt that thou haste geuen me nor no good thing in the whiche I haue sought the sincerely and purelye For I haue lesse or more sought myne owne commodytie myne owne wyll or pleasure Thus in all my hole lyfe I haue ether done commytted sinne eyther omyttyd and not done my dewty or els doing my dewty or any good woorke I haue not done it so syncerelye purely as I ought to haue done Wherfor I forsake here al kynde of sinne and al my dedes good and bad and I runne only vnto thy greate mercy and infinyte merytes ¶ O most mercyfull petyfull and most louyng lorde Iesu I moost humbly lowly beseke thy mercyful goodnes for thy most holy concepcion and natiuitye For thy blessed conuersacion and moost holy lyfe For thy moost harde and sore laboure and trauel for the great sorow and heuynes of thy blessed harte for thy most payneful agonye and bloudy sweat for al thy bytter and most paynfull passion for al the cruell effucion of thy moost precious bloud for thy most painful most cruel moost bytter and shamefull death graunt me mercy and forgeuenes of all my vnkindnes and sinne mortyfye in me al that offendeth the worke in me suche vertues as moost maye please thy blessed wyll in me to thy honour my saluacion Amen O Moste gloryus mother of mercy and ladye of grace my syngular help and comfort in heauen and in earth nexte vnto my lord god and sauyor Iesu I humbly beseke the for that holy passyon death and al the paines that thy deare sonne Iesu sufferyd in thy sorowfull syght For al the sorow heuines and most bytter compassion that thou sufferedst for him and me optain for me cleane remyssyon of al my synnes and all the paines that I haue deserued for them and increase of al vertue perfeccion Here praye to thy specyall aduowryes O Mooste blessyd and holy N N. N. N. and al ye moost holy and blessed company of heauen for al the paynes and labours that ye suffered here by the grace of the holy goost and for the very loue and honoure of god I humbly beseche your blessyd charyte pray for me vnto my lord and swet sauyour Iesu that he vochesaf to remyt my wickednes and synnes and so to confyrme me in his grace and loue that I neuer returne to syn agayne Here turne thy heart agayne vnto thy Lorde Iesu saynge ¶ And were I dayly fall and am redy to syn vochesafe to graūt me oh Lorde grace euer moore as ofte as I fal to arise againe with perfect sorow hate of syn and with most lowely cōfidēce trust of his blessed swet mercy That the multytude of my syn and mi great frailtie driue me not to disperate sorowe and inordynatte heuynes Nether let me mistrust the great and most gracius redynes of thy moost louyng mercy that is euer redye to forgyue as ofte as we do repent be yt neuer so ofte Draw me not to presūpcyon but that I how so euer whan so euer and how often soeuer I offend the I may moost lowly and mekely acknowelege my wretchydnes and frayltie and repente myne offences and synnes wyth a fyrme purpose to amend and with an vnfayned trust of remyssyon and forgeuenes in the infynyte merytes of thy most blessed blood payneful passyon and most precyus death to the glory honoure of thy mercy ful charytie most myghty maiestie Amē ¶ The Thyrd exercyse of reformacyon of the soul in the fyue wyttes sences COnsider how thy fyue wittes are wonderful wekened and dysorderid by the fall of our forefather and parent Adam But a greate deale more infected and disorderyd by thy owne actual synnes the great abuse of thē Wherefore that they may be redyer brought againe vnto ther former and original purenes wherin they were before the fall of adam thou must nedes shut vppe and refrayne from all misuse of all thy senses as thy syghte hearing taisting with thy tong smellyng and fealyng in the crucyfied humanitie of Chryst accordyng to hys exāple wyth so
fyue sensies and in al thy most innocent body and blessyd soule graunte me grace vtterly to extynguyshe and to mortyfie in my selfe all sensualytie and sensual delectacyon as in meate and drynke in worde talke in gesture or behauoure in seynge curyouse thynges to haue gaye and pleasaunte thynges to here newes and in vsynge my fyue sensies vaynely euery where wythout reasonable necessytye graunte me moost gracyous Iesu grace to mortyfye perfectly in my selfe all suche naturall and vnnessesarye comforte and solace by moost perfecte turnynge of my harte from all thyng wherein sensualytie wolde reaste and to lyfte vp of my harty loue and desyre to the for suche sensualyte delectacion naturall comfort makyth goostly exercyse vnsauery and more harder ¶ Good lorde graunte me therfore grace wyth all my power to auoyde out of my harte all affeccyon to any solas or comfort or to any sinne be it neuer so lytle whiche synne I woulde not vtterly leaue that all sensuallytie maye be mortyfied in me and so shal al goostly affeccion the better incresed to thy honour and glory ¶ Gracyous Iesu whiche waste forsaken of all thy frendes worldly sauynge only of thy blessyd mother whiche also dydest not regarde the pleasure or dyspleasure of any person and fleddyst al worldlye worshyp and honour graūte me grace for thy pure loue and honor vtterly to mortyfie in me all loue and worldly affeccion to any persō in this worlde For oft tyme the loue and feare of creatures wordly causeth me oftin to be redy ether to do that I shoulde not do ether to omyt that whiche I ought to do desirynge ether to please them ether fearing their dyspleasure And for this cause I do many of my good workes I feare me to receaue some honor or comoditie of them ether to exchewe some damage or confusiō at their handes Wherefore moost blessyd sauiour mortyfie in me by thy grace all the carnal affeccyon loue vnto my kynsfolke and to my frendes for theire benefytes so that wythout all accepcyon of person and pryuate loue I may syncearly loue in all men ye in myne ennimyes only the my lord god and thy blessyd Image graces vertews that I neuer flatter loue nor dessemble wyth any mans vyces but that I may indifferently and moost hartely wyshe and desyre the soule helthe of euery man Mortyfye in me good lorde al suche fauoure in ordynate whyche myght ingender in me any dysquietnes dystraccyon or desyre of person to haue hys fauoure fryndeshype or presence and thus paynte my harte and mynd wyth many fansies in the tyme of praier And when I shuld turne my hart vnto the it infectyth it and defyleth it as it were a very poyson of the loue of god ¶ Grant me good lord to loue the only and for thy sake to renūce and for sake the loue of al creatures that the ymage and memorye of the only maye remayne onlye in my mynde at al tyme and season ¶ O most blessed Iesu whose blessed soule was euer occupied and ful of heauenly cōtemplacion I moost humbly beseke the in the merytes of that precyous woūd of thy godly and most louinge harte graunte me grace by thy mightiful helpe most perfectly to mortifie in me the intolerable combreaunce of vayne and vnprofytable yea and vycious phancies whiche wonderfully do occupie my mynde moost commenly in the tyme of prayer though I do not consente vnto them yet they do defyle some what the soule and harte and makyth heuy the holy goost and do muche hurte and damage vnto the profyte in spirituall lyfe I knowelege most merciful lorde that all these cogitacions do aryse and growe by reson of my neglygens and vnmortifycacion bycause I do not dylygently laboure and wyth vyolence compel my harte to be occupied in good thoughtes but suffer it to wander both vicyusly and ydelly wasting my tyme and therfore when I wold turne in my hart and recolect my spyryte whooly vnto goostly thoughtes I fynd my harte laden wyth innumerable dystraccyons whiche greatly do hynder my profyt and encreace in perfeccyon Wherefore most louynge Lorde graunte me grace so deapely and perfectly to prynte in my hart and memorie thy blessid image the louely remembrance of thy moost bytter and blessyd passyon and death of thy moost ardent vnmesurable charyte of thy most low and profund humylyte of thy moost blessyd pouertie thy myldnes thy obedyens wyth all thy holy vertues with the memorie of al thy moost mercyfull benefites giftes graces geuen vnto me and all mankynd that the earnest oft memory of thes may occupie my hart alway and put out of place al the remembrance of other transytory thynges good or bad And the oft cogytacyon and memory of the may turne into a pure affeccion And the knowlege of the may also be turned into moost perfect loue And wyth my outewarde sylence I may haue holde also moost perfect sylence from the Iangelyng of al vayne fansies in my hart that thou only mayst rest ther in ¶ Most mercyful redemer Iesu whych sufferedst moost cruell kynd of passyon and death graunt me in the merytes of all thy paynes and passyons grace most perfectly to mortyfie in me al care natural passions as ioy and sorow hope and dread loue and hate and shamfastnes that nothyng may rest in my hart but thou only Lord. For when any of thes occupie my hart yea thoughe it be a thyng lauful yet the care the loue feare or hope sorow or hate of the thyng do greatly dystracte the mynd darkenyth the hart it mynyshyth deuocyon and make all goostly exercyse vnsauery and yrkesome Wherefore moost merciful Lorde ryd my my affeccyon desyre from al thynges vnder the that I may also dyspyse contēpne my self for the pure loue of the then shal no thyng make me glade nor sory but thou only So shall my hart be frea from al thing and from the care loue feare hope Ioy. Then shal I wyth ease by thy grace at all tymes recollect my whole spyryte inwardly vnto the and so in the and with the to rest to thy honour and glorie ¶ O moste meke Iesu whose pacyens and swettnes of hart was so great that thou wast not discontentyd wyth them that cruelly and paynefullye put the to deathe but of burnig excellent charitie thou praidist moost charytablely for them as thoughe they had ben thy deare frendes in merites of the whych thy moost pacyent passyon and thy most meke death whych thou sufferedst for me graunt me grace fully to mortyfie in my selfe al bytternes of hart angrines agaynst myne euen christen specyally that dothe aryse of a wyckyd or a cankeryd conscience and secreat enuy towardes myne euen chrysten for the grace which he hathe more then I whereby I should desyre him to fal to syn and to be as wyckyd as I or els should wyshe and goo about to obscure and hyde his vertue and grace lest he shuld be preferred and
better set by then I. ¶ Graunt also good Lord thal I may vtterly mortyfie in my selfe al that anger bytternes that may aryse in me of any rancor or hate for any displeasure done in tyme past to seke wher what I myght find in mine euē christē to his dispraise or rebuke Also al that anger that arysyth in me oft time when I haue not that whiche my vnmortyfyed desyre wolde haue and causeth me some tyme to murmur in my heart agaynst them that lettyth me frome suche thynges that I would haue as my prelates or any other ¶ Good lord of thy great mercy graūt me helpe to mortifie in me the angrines of my harte whiche I haue many times agaynste the vyces of other or rather agaynste them where I ought to haue compassyon pitie But mercyful Lord this arysyth of presūpcyon of myne owne lyfe and merits whyle I thinke my selfe ryghteous or better then other And thus do I rashlye iudge them theire dedes and waxe wrathful agaynst them and their dedes Wherfore mercyful lorde graunte me grace wyth the swetnes of meke pacience and of perfecte charytye vtterly to mortyfie al bitternes of stomake and angrynes that I may loue most hartely all me yea my most ennimes and suche as seketh my death and as hartely to pray and to do for them as though they wer my entier frends and in very dede so they are for they brynge vs vnto great merytes ¶ Moost mercyfull sauiour most worthye of all worshyp honor and prayse whyche for my sake diddyst suffer the greatest shame and most worldy confusyon that the spytefull malyce of the moost enuyous Iewes coulde deuyse I moost humbly beseke the for all the rebukes sorowfull shames and confusions that thou suffredst graunte me grace to mortyfye in my selfe all my affeccyon and appetyte of vayne glorye vayne prayse and pryde the delyght and vayne ly kynge of my selfe of my wordes dedes of thy gracyes and giftes by most cleare knowlege and seyng of myne owne vyle wretchydnes and wretchyd vylenes and by vnfayned desyre of all contempte that I may euer more ascrybe al my goodnes goodes gostlye and bodily vnto the my lorde god only rekenyng my selfe most vnworthy of the least of them bothe for the enormytie the fylthynes and the multytude of my synnes and vnthankefulnes and for that that I had fallē vnto innumerable mo and more enormius sines yf thy grace only had nat preseruyd me and also bycause that there is not so wretchyd a synner in the world but if he had the graces that I haue he wolde serue and honoure and loue the more faithfully and trewely then I do Wherefore moost mercyfull Iesu graunt me grace from my very harte to desyre vnfaynedly to be contempned dispised mocked and ouer troden of all the worlde and to suffer all wordly shame and confusion that when any of these come I maye with a glad and Ioyfull harte receaue them as at thy hād my lord god to thy glory honor ¶ Moost mercyfull sauyoure Iesu whiche hangest moost paynefully vpon the holy crosse thre long houres for me destitute of al comforte and consolacion inwarde and outwarde as though thou haddest ben the very enemye of god graunt me grace and power to mortifie in my selfe al desire of al delyghte and swetnes sencible in grace deuocion loue sensible whiche is only in the nether powers of the soule which swetnes sencible though it be in grace in loue deuocion and prayer yet it is not very sanctimonie or charitie but good lord certaine gyftes of thy goodnes sente vnto vs weke sinners to comforte our wekenes not to rest in them but that we comforted with them should laboure more ernestly to mortifie our selues and the seking of our selfe For Lorde God loke howe muche I am mortified to al creatures and to my selfe so muche I haue of trew sanctimonie and very charitie Wherfore moost gratious Iesu graunte me grace to dye perfectly vnto the desyre of al conforte voth bodely and gostly And to be fully constante with al derelyccion and desolaciō That for thy sake and wyl forsakinge here al comforte and abidinge al desolacion I maye of thy mercy haue the celesteal consolaciō which thou dydyst promyse sayinge blessed be ye that sorowe for ye shal haue consolacion to thy glory and honoure ¶ O most mercyfull redemer of my sinnefull soule whiche sufferedst so sorouful so paynefull so bytter and cruell payne and passion that there was neuer no paine nor passyon lyke vnto thine that wyth suche mekenes suche obedyence longanymitie and pacyence as neuer was sene nor hard of graūt me most wrathful wretche grace perfectly to mortyfye all Inpacyens in al bodyly aduersytie infamye rebuke mockes contumelie syckenes trouble payne persecucion and desolacion and in losse dammage or hurte whiche maye chaunce or come vpon me by thy sufferaunce good lorde wyth the whiche thou arte wonte to trye thy moost deare belouyd and electyd as golde in the furnes In the whyche also thou thy selfe my most deare Lorde Iesu was greatly tryed whiche sufferydst wyth moost mylde mynde and pacyente hart all contumelie all scorne sore strypes spytetynge scorges the turmente vpō the crosse and so many paynes as thy enemies could deuise And yet was thou redie to suffer moche more for the honoure of god the father for oure soule helth ¶ Moost gracyous Iesu therefore graunt me grace wyth moost meke and perfecte pacyence all outwarde and inward aduersitie hurte or grefe to suffer and beare it so longe as it shal please the that I neuer in hart word nether dede do shew any point of rancore or gruge that I maye beare no sorow norbytternes in my hart but I may euer rekē my selfe worthy of much worse and more payne offering my selfe to suffer what euer thou shalte send me And that I maye of most louely affeccion to be lyke conformable in sufferyng vnto the wyth greate desyre abyde and loke for al aduersytie and payne whereby I maye obtayne the abundaunce of grace to thy glory ¶ O most louyng lord Iesu whose propertye is to haue mercy and of thy in effable mercy dydest suffer moost cruell deathe passion that trew repentaunt siners were they neuer so abhomynable and enormius shoulde obtayne ful remyssion of ther enormytes graunte me moost wretched sinner I humble beseke the grace to mortyfie in my selfe all scrupulosnes of consiencie by most full confydence trust and hope of thy vnmesurable mercy and by thy most swet goodnes I knowlege moost mercyfull sauyoure that this aryseth in me for lacke of confidence in the and this lacke of confydence spryngeth of the slender loue that I haue towarde the. For they that haue a feruente and a greate loue they haue a greate hope but I wretched sinner haue a lytle slender charytie therefore I haue not such confidēce as I ought to haue in thy mercy but by reasō that the loue of my selfe is vnmortyfied
into this stable sure ioye that he maye he refresshed with the magnificētie of the goodnes of god Let him approche and ascend vnhye in harte by contemplacion of these and let the most excellente and inenarrable clemēcye of Iesu be exalted in his harte Fyftly thou must haue medytacion of the moost blessed passion of oure sauyoure Iesu to reuolue thy harte and to transforme it into him the whiche thou doyst when thou doyst not only folowe and haist compassion thou merualyst and reioysest but thou art wholy cōuerted and turned into thy lord Iesu christ crucyfied so that in maner euery where and alwaye the lorde Iesu chryst crucyfied metyth wyth the yea then arte thou veryly and trewly resolued into hym when thou leauyng thy selfe and going out of thy selfe and surmountynge and transsendynge all thing yea aboue thy selfe abstracryd from all thynge thou arte all together turned into thy lorde Iesu crucified so that thou canst se nothinge thou canst feale nothynge with in thy self but only christ crucified scornid reuyled and put to payne of pure loue for ye. ¶ Syxtly thou must consyder behold that most blessed passiō of thy lord to come to rest of inward swetnes the which thing thou dost whē thou being resolued as I sayd dost not cesse with a thursty hart or or feruent desyre to reuolue tosse in thy mind the most blessed passiō And enteryng as far as thou arte able into that infynite treasure of that blessyd passiō mekely and deuoutly thou doist melt for pure and deuoute loue and wyth feruent deuocyon and burninge loue thou falleste from thy selfe and doeste reste all together in chryste crucified But the more that thou doste cleue leane vnto him onlye so moch the more thou fallest decaiest from thy self dost relent by most deuout loue and how moch the more that thou dost decay leaue thy self by loue and deuocion so moch the more thou dost cleaue art knyt vnto thy loue that dyed for the and doyst rest in hym And so doth the cleauinge vnto chryst by loue and louely deuocion increase one the other vntyll the spouse of chryst that is to saye thy soule be all to gether swallowyed vp and deuoured of that moost burning hoote furnes of loue of the passiō of thy spouse most dere beloued in whose blessed armes thy soule restyth a slepe haue therfore medytacion of the moost blessed passion of thy lord Iesu in folowyng it to purge thy mynde hart By compassiō to get loue and vnion wonderyng at it to eleuate lyfte vp thy harte reioysing therin do delyte and conforte thy hart resoluing to come to parfect conformacion and lykenes resting therin kepe thy deuocyon ¶ Aspyracions ¶ Gracious lorde and swet sauiour which sufferidst most paineful passiō for my loue graunte me grace in the merytes of the same passion most faithfully to folow it ¶ Mercyfull and most petyfull lorde Iesu which art full of pytye graunt me grace to take compassion and to lamente thy moost Innocente and wrongfull death and most paynefull and gracious passion ¶ Graunte me good lord I humbly beseke the that I maye so ernestly mynde thy bytter passion that I may sorow it as tenderly as though I sufferyd it my selfe ¶ Oh deare lord sauiour prynt thy most bitter death blessed passion in my harte that I maie neuer feale nether any thing dysire saue the my louyng lorde crucified for me ¶ My most gracious sauyour Iesu make my stubburne and sturdy harte melte and be resolued of very pure and deuoute loue in the meditacion of thy moost precious death painefull passion ¶ The practise of the syxte exercise MOOST mercyfull sauioure Iesu I wretched siner do knowlege that I am infinitly bounde vnto the for the innumerable most singular benefites which thou moste louingly and lyberally hast bestowyd vppon me and al mankynd but specyaly for the ineffable benefit of my redemcyon by thy mooste crewel death and passion from the thraldom of the deuyl sin and hel And for that thou hast franchessid and made vs the children and heyres of heauen For the which benefyt specially we remaine and are become bond detters vnto the and thoughe we can neuer make a iuste recōpense for it yet of thy gracyus goodnes thou wylt mercyfully accepte that whiche we are able to make be it neuer so simple And bycause that amonge all that wee can do there is nothyng more acceptable to the than with thankeful and oft medytacyon to folow thy most blessid lyfe and passyon pryntyng and perfectly expressing it in the powers of our soule in al sensies of oure bodye therfore I moost humbly beseke the moost gracyus Lord Iesu graunt me the grace so perfectly to conforme me in my whole lyfe vnto thy blessid life and passion that al my cogitaciōs my words midedes and maners may be so lyke vnto thy holy thoughtes wordes dedes and blessyd maners that wher euer I be sean harde or felte ther mai nothing be found in me but that which was foūd in the my lord Iesu And lyke as thou were crucyfyed in thy blessyd humanytie so graunt me grace by the merytes of thy crucifyxion to crucyfie nature and sensualytie by the acquyringe of al true vertue ¶ Graunt me grace also to consider and to conforme my soule vnto thy mooste heuy and sorowful soul that I may continually lament thy great dishonour the losse of soules my sinnes and the sinnes of all men ¶ Good lord graunt me grace so depely to print in my hart thy bitter paineful passiō very loue that I may feale more the paine that thou suffred for me then any payne that I haue or should haue if I where woūdid in myne owne bodie ¶ Graunt me good Lord Iesu that my spirite may euer burne in thy loue be eleuat and minde euer more the vtterly resignid into thy blessid pleasure ¶ Graunt that my soule also may be contryte compassyonate with the mortified vnto al creatures ¶ Graunte that my bodie also to be ful of trauel payne and afflyccyon for thy honor and thus I may be conformable and lyke vnto thy blessid humanyte ¶ Graunte me moost louyng Lord Iesu thy grace to exercyse moost effectuusly thy holy and mooste blessid passyon by perfect ymitacion by perfect cōpassion by perfect admyracyon by exultacyon and ioy by perfect resolucion by perfect rest ¶ Graunte me grace wyth often memory of thy blessid lyfe and passion to folow thy blessid example in suche vertues as aperith in thy holy passion and lyfe For thy blessid passion and lyfe is the mooste holyest and hyest relygion and the rule and example of al vertue and perfectyon ¶ Graunt therefore moost merciful Lord Iesu that thy passion may be the very rule of al my lyfe ¶ Graunt me grace that I may wyshe and desyre from the bottome of my hart wyth al delyght of my soule for thy loue to be contempned set at nowght
dysfygured and fully defaced it in me wyth innumerable synnes dailye fautes vyces and imperfeccyōs and haue brought and made my soule farre vnlyke that my lord god Wherefore now I moost humbly beseke the in that the moost blessed and burning loue which mouid thi mercy to make me lyke the to redeeme me with so cruel payneful and shameful death and passyon of my lord and sauyor Iesu thi only most dear sonne consume burne vp vtterly destroy in me al my vnlykenes toward the in me al mi sinfulnes mi vices al mi fauts and my imperfeccyons al my inordynate passyons and redynes to syn al the mysorder and abuse of my sences inward and outward al noughty and inordynate affeccyons to any creature al my impacyens and scrupulusenes And graūte me most deare Lord and most mercyful father with most burnyng desyre at this tyme and euermore to aske and most vehemently to craue of the my most gracyoꝰ lord the perfect lykenes in me of thy most gloryus and blessid sōne my Lorde Iesu ¶ Oh mercyful Lorde and most gracyous god wochsafe to adorne and decke my bare soule withal those moste holy vertues and graces that he was adorned bothe in his blessyd dyuynitie and his holye humanitie most specyally with those vertues whyche apeared in hym in the tyme of hys mooste shameful death and payneful passion ¶ Graunt me the perfect affecciō and most harty desire of most lowe mekenes by most perfect abyection and contempt of my selfe desyryng from the botome of mi harte now and euer to be abiect and vyle ¶ Graunt me most perfect desyre and affeccyon of most perfect pouertie pacyencie and charytie and in thes vertues mooste busely dyligently and affectuuslie to trauel and exercise my selfe in them Specyally by moost ardente and burnyng desyres and most deuout and cōtinual prayers vnto the vntyl that I may feale in on selfe in al dammage wrongs rebukes sclanders pains yea in the time when grace is subtracted taken away from me then to haue a most harti desyre to suffer most hartly al greues for the loue of the and so perseuer vnto the end that I myght herein be conformable and lyke vnto my Lorde Iesu that suffered of pure charitie so moch so many greuus paynes to thy honoure and glory and for my saluacyon Amen THat day that thou doyst vse this exercise thou shalt haue oft in thy mynd such desyres shorte prayers euery where where euer thou be and lerne to force thy hart with most harty affeccion and earnest desyre to remember them and wishe for the in thy mind and to desyre the crying most hartely earnestly and deuoutly in this maner or lyke ¶ Aspyracyon for thys exercyse ¶ Oh mooste blessyd sauyor Iesu howe vnlyke am I vnto the which art so gracyous so good so ful of grace and vertue And I wretchyd synner am ful of al vyces wyckednes dystroy good Lord al my sinneful deformyties and restore in me thy blessyd image to thy honor and glorye ¶ Oh merciful Iesu that died for my loue make me to dye to al the world for the true loue of the. Mortifie in me al impacyence al inordynate passyons and affeccyons to any creature that thou myghtest haue al my loue and whoole hart ¶ My most gracyous Lorde and sauyoure Iesu put in my soule and hart most perfect pacyence obedience most perfect charytie with all other of thy blessyd vertues that it may be lyke thy blessed humanytie ¶ Oh blessyd loue of my soule set me so on fyre in thy loue that I may thinke that all payne shame confusion and turment that is possible to be suffered is to lytle to be sufferyd for the that al my delyght and desyre may be in the myddes of al my prayer to suffer for thy loue al thing swete Iesu ¶ Swete sauyour Iesu whiche dyddest suffer moost payneful death for my sin mortyfie in me by thy specyall grace the great redines vnto sin in me al my viciousnes fautes al my negligences and imperfections that I may come to the goostly vnion in the by moost burnyng loue and ardente charytie THou must moost feruently desyre aske in thy harte and deuoute mynd contynually of god that thou maist be made lyke conformable vnto his blessyd crucified humanitie specially in this point that thou in al thynges neuer seke nor desyre any thyng that partayninge to thyne owne selfe or thy owne commodytie but only that whiche belongyth to thy lord Iesu how thou mayst moost feruently perfectly honour serue and please and be lyke hym euermore And how thou mayst most exactly forsake thyne owne wyll and contempne thy selfe and loue hym forgettyng in maner thy selfe and al thynges And for the vehemente burnynge loue of hym thy mynde may runne so muche vpon hym that thou dost take no hede nor consyderest not what is bytter what is swete nether hour time nor space nor place nor markest not one persō from another but in al thynges thou must seke consider and remember thi lorde god and hys blessid wil pleasure and honour seing verely thy sauioure christ in his members And thus doyng thou doyst lyue a contemplatiue lyfe in an actiue life For in thy outwarde doynges thou hayst contemplacion goostly of god and fyndest hym euery where and in euery thynge specially thou do recollect thy selfe wholy and dost enter into thy hart and serchynge the bottome therof resoluyng and resigninge thy selfe dost put thy selfe wholy in the handes of god For then thou arte in maner transformed into god or deifyed And vnto what thynge soeuer thou turne thy selfe to and what good worke soeuer thou doyst thou shalte thinke that god doth it and not thou And to forder the in this goostly exercyse thou must indeuer thy self as nere as thou canst in al thinges euer more choose that whiche is most to goddes honour or most lyke vnto chryst and his example or most profytable to thyne euen chrysten or most against thine proper wyl or most grefe and payneful to thy body wyth dyscrecion or moost rebukeful worldy whereof thou arte wordly ashamed so it be not sinful Euer thou must crye out vnto thy lord god in thy hart vnfainedly I am nought I haue nought I can do nought but sin only I seke nought I desyre nought but Iesu a lonly Yf thou do this truly contynewe faithfully in thys spyritual worke and trauel god at length wyl without dout here thy dyligent knockyng and delyuer the from al the trouble goostly from al the tumulte noyse and cōberaunce of cogitacions and fansies and from al earthly affeccyons which thou canste by no better meane put away then by the contynual and feruent desire of the loue of Iesu the whiche desyre he muste nedes in spyre in the and geue it and worke it in the whiche he wil very wyllyngly and redily do so thou in the meane time do feruently aske by mooste deuout prayer yf thou wylt
to folowe thy most redye mercye cōpassion and pitie thy bontefullnes and lyberalytie toward me yea to mine enemies aduersaries that I be neuer dyspleased nor angry wyth any mā that I neuer hate iudge or contēpne any man but that without accepcion of persō I may with a fatherly affeccion loue and honoure for thy sake al persons specyally such as be disesed or afflycted tempted or greued thoughe they be myne enemyes I may faithfuly and louīgly serue them and do them good also with my prayer and my helpe to the vttermoste of my power I may succour them in al necessites but chiefely I may seke and desyre their soules helth that I may sorow their sinnes hartely pray for thē And for the vertuous the good I may geue thankes to the as I woulde for my selfe ¶ Graunte me most swete sauyour grace to folow thy holy verytie truthe to flee and exchewe all kynde of vntreuth ¶ Graunte me to folowe also godlye zeale against myne owne vyces specyally al other mennes the which holy zeale may deuoure me all to gether for the helthe of chrysten soules ¶ Graunte also good lorde that my lyfe al my dedes maye euermore agre with my harte and godly wordes that they maye be conformable also vnto the verteus of thy most holy lyfe ¶ Graūt me also most gracius Iesu most hartye and inwarde thankefulnes whereby I may with al mekenes most lowly acknowlege all thy benifites geuen vnto me by the and by thy creaturs and that I may esteme them and regarde them worthely laudyng and praysyng the wyth all deuocion and geue vnto the moost humble and hartie thankes ascribyng them wholy and purely wythout subtraccion of any parte of them only to thy infinitie goodnes thinking my selfe most vnworthy of them yea I may thinke my selfe one that dothe mysuse al thy gyftes that I may neuer delyghte in them nor rest in none of them be it neuer so lytle but rest and delyght only in the fynally whiche art the geuer of al and wyth out the all they can nothinge profyte me ¶ Vnto the lefte hand of Iesu I Laud and prayse the geue most humble thankes vnto the most mightie Iesu for thy almightie fortitude and strength and for the incomprehensible loue and payne of the precius wound of thy lefte hand in the whiche moste blessed wound I mooste lowly and mekely commend and commit me whooly with al my sinnes offences but speciallye all my cowardenes and wekenes against temtacion and sinne Al my neglygence and slowthfullnes Al the losse of my time and idelnes Al the impuritie and sinful filthines of my bodie and soule And my intemperance excesse in meat drinke and of other bodily necessaries Al my coueties gredines and inordinate loue and pleasure that I haue had in vse or keping of any thinge withal vices that appertaine to thes or any of them that they may be forgeuen and be purged in thy precyus bloud and merites And most merciful sauyor Iesu I humbly beseke thi infinite goodnes for thy most crewel payne and sorow that thou suffredst in the precyus wound of thy lefte hand and for that great charitie that causyd the to suffer and abide the same for my sinnes I beseke the in the honor of thy most almightye strenghth thy moost holy purytie thy moost wonderful temperance and thy most blessed pouertie graūt me so much strenghth as is necessary for me to thy glory and honor and my soule helth by the whiche goostly strength I may be able to rule my wyt and soule with al my senses and powers so that nether ferynge man nether the world nor my owne fleshe I may strongly boldely for thy sake whiche gauest me strēgth passe thorow and dispise al thinge as thoughe they pertaynyd nothynge vnto me and that I may not stay nor stycke at nothyng vntyl I come vnto and optayne that which I most desyre that is to say to be one spryte and remayne one in one spyryte wyth the my Lord god ¶ Graunt me also most blessed Iesu grace to folow thy moost louely chastitie of bodie puryte of hart wherby I may vehemētly detest vtterly abhorre al fylthy vnclēnes And that I may contynually kepe chaistly al my cogytacyons and my senses from al syn occasyon thereof from al impuritie and cleauynge vnto any creature And in al vncleane temtacions as oft as they shal chance vpon me graunt me grace spedely without any taryance alway to renounce them and to rūne vnto the with a myghty turninge of my hart that with my whole mind and desire And so with a pure mynd and affeccyon I may cleaue and stycke fast to the only ¶ Graunt me grace mooste myld sauyor Iesu to folow thy moost holy sobryetie temperance wherby I may restrayne and mortifye al the powers and affeccyons of my soule and the senses of my body from al inordynate delectacyon and pleasure and from superfluitie excesse in meates drinkes that I may moderatly vse only necessaryes without delyght in them with thy feare not turnynge my affeccion from the but that the vppermost powers of my soule may remayne strongely in the louely knot and burnyng desire of the. ¶ Graunt me also most blessed Iesu grace to folowe thy mooste blessed voluntarye pouerte The which who might come to it bringyth a man by a merueilus neare way spedely vnto god ¶ Graunte me therfore good Lord by that pouertie to be and to abide euer losid bare and verely poore in spyryte outwardlye from al affeccyon and tēporal thinges and inwardly from al loue and rest in any of thy gyftes sperytual that I may vse with sorow and yrkesomenes yea my veri necessaryes that I may neuer desyre to kepe or possesse any thinge but al naked and bare I maye reste betwene thy naked and bare armes not kepynge nor reseruynge any thyng in my hart or desyre but only a pure intente to please the and to seke how I may do it and that moost perfectly by thy grace and merciful helpe And al the daies of my wretchyd lyfe but specyally at the dredful howre of my death graunt me moost merciful Iesu to haue a suer and trustie refuge and succure in the precius woūd of thi blessed lefte hand Moste swete sauyor Iesu I humblye beseke the that where I wretche by reason of my great enormities and syn am vnworthy to be hard or to optayne thes petycyons of the thy moost blessed and inmaculat mother marie mai optaine thē for me to whose blessed prayer intercessions merites I commend them that by her they may be admittid into thy most godly gracius presēs bring to me of thy mercy forgeuenes grace to thi glory honor Amē ¶ The sixte Exercyse to optayne a conformitie folowyng of christes lyfe passion THou must also exercyse thy selfe in the whoole shape and prefyte medytacyon of the lyfe
me of nought not a stone but like vnto thy most blessed and godly ymage and lykenes and hayst created all the worlde to do me seruice Thou hast preseruid me in the womb of my mother where I myght haue peryshed as many doth that neuer commyth to byrth From my byrth thou hast perseruyd my lyfe both in bodye and soule and broughtest me to holy baptyme where I myght haue dyed wythout it as many do and do therby loose the blysse of heuen for oryginal sinne And from that tyme hether to thou hast prouyded for my necessaryes Fyrst by my parentes and frendes and afterwardes by other meanes So that I haue had alwaye succoure at thy mercyful hand whyche contynually hast and dost prouide for me wyth muche more louely care then euer dyd my natural mother and hast cheryshed me both in body and soule And like a most carefull and louynge parente father thou hast dost deliuer me daily from innumerable perels and daungers both of body and soule whiche innumerable tymes syth I was borne I might and should haue fal in if thou haddest not most mercyfully delyuered and defendyd me How long hast thou lyke a mercyful pityful parent borne wyth my great enormytes and innumerable deadly sinnes mortal wher thou myghtest Iustly haue dampned me both body soule yet of thy infinite mercyful goodnes thou hast taryed and abydē my conuersion because thou woldest not dampne me though I dyd deserue a thousand thousād tymes And whyle thou haist so paciently suffered me so detestable and contumelius towardes the my lorde god sclanderous vnto the world ther hath many that were ferre better then I for lesse syn then myne bene vtterly dampned for mysse lyfe Moreouer though I were am neuer so destable and greuous a synner in thy syght yet thou of thy infynite mercy hast neuer lefte me vtterly but hast by dyuers meanes and many holy mocions and inspiracyons called and prouokyd me to repentaunce And though I gaue no eare to the but in maner contempnyd and set the at nought yet thou ceased not vntyl at the length wyth thy myghtyful power grace thou broughtest me agayne to grace and repentaunce and of thy ineffable goodnes hayst brought me to this most blessed state of relygion and yet doyst not mysse but fatherly dost prouid daily for my necessaries though I be neuer so vnkind and vnthākeful to the. And by cause no synne be it neuer so greate and enormious should dameme yf I wyl repent thou hast geuē to most cruell death and passion thine owne sonne and by his merites and for hys sake thou arte redy to in due me wyth al kynd of vertue and grace And specyally blessyd be thy in effable goodnes and mercy For thou hayst indued me wyth N.N.N. ¶ In this place remember thy speciall benefittes that thou thynkest thy selfe specially bounde to thanke almyghty God for Turne thy thought and meditaciō here vn thy sauyour Iesu deuoutly saying O Most louing Lord and deare sauyour Iesu now I turne my harte vnto the. O most swet Iesu most faythful frind and true louer of my pore soule for whose sake and saluacion thou wast incarnatyd and came in to this wretchid mysery and suffered innumerable labors fatigacyons sorows and incōmodyties much wronge and heuines great pouertye paines thou sufferedst for me many a teare thou shedest wyth many a sore syghe many afore rebuke reuyle blasphemie great shame and much worldly confucyon thou sufferedest Many a sore stroke and sharpe strype thou haddest for my sin And of most tender true loue and most burnyng charytie that thou barist to me thou sufferedest most paineful passion and creuel death ¶ Thou swetest and shedest al thy precyus blod not leuyng one drop within thi blessid bodye And after moste deadly and mooste mortal panges and pynchynges of deathe iii. longe howres hangyng moost paineful vppon the crosse at the lengthe with the moste cruel bitter and paynefull stynge of dredful death thou yeldest vp thy blessid soule for to saue and redeme my synful soule ¶ What poynte of loue coldeste thou haue shewed more Yet besyde al thes thou hayst most louyngly left to my weake and wretchyd soule for my gostly comforte and strengthe the very same bodie and bloode wherwith thou boughtest me and al the world in the most blessid sacrament of the aulter that I might often se the often receaue the remember that great loue thou beredyst towardes vs and so to lerne as to loue the agayne and of very loue to delyght in the medytacion of thy moste bitter and blessyd passyon with harty desyre to folowe the in it And specyally to lerne and affectuusly to consider that great loue and charytie thou shewdest to me here in that mi hart might be inflamed and set on fyer with the loue of the. Wherefore most mercyful sauyor and most louynge and louesome lord Iesu of that great charytie and burnyng loue which causyd and mouyd the to suffer al thy bytter paynes and passyon and in the merytes of thy most precyous blood and blessyd death kyndel now in my cold harte the blessid fyer of thy moost deare loue and make me to loue and to delyght in the to set al my ioy felycitie plesure in the loue and desyre of the my lord that by perfecte loue and blessyd charytie my soule may be knyt and made one with the. The whiche vnyon wyth the in loue is the beginnyge the perfeccion and end of al cōtemplacion here in earth and of the blessyd fruycion of thy godhead in heauen Where thou art all in al thynges to thy glory and honour sempyternal without end Amen ¶ This foresaid praier vse daily by inward desire and harty deuocyon that by costome thou maiste when thou wylt set thy harte on fyer with the loue of thy Lord with a litle laboure and thoughte of his passion other benefytes Yf thou canst come to thys redines of loue then haist thou the very instrument and redy way to contemplacyon for yt is the rote beginnynge of lyfe contēplatiue Thou shalt also that daye that thou haiste this exercise in custome vse and accostome thy selfe euery where where euer thou be what euer thou doo to haue in thy mynde and wyth hartye and burninge desyre to say not in voyce but in hart and mind one of thes louely swete sentences which may be callid dartes of gostly loue And lyke as the worldly or fleshely louer hath styl his burnyng desyre to his paramour and is redy in euery place corner wher he metith with his loue to expres by louely and swete wordes his feruent and hote desyre that he beryth vnto her loue with depe sighes and most harty lamentable cōplaynt with such meane to set his loue on fyre and to wound as it wer her hart with loue towards him agayne euer so with thes or such lyke louely and swete sentences we do open vnto our louer Iesu