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A17892 The alphabet of prayers very fruitefull to be exercised and vsed of euerye Christian man. Newly collected and set forth, in the yeare of our Lorde, 1564. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed in the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions. Cancellar, James, 1565 (1565) STC 4558; ESTC S109602 28,466 96

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of thy mercye not doubting but that thou wylte haue mercy on mee Thou hast O Lorde Iesu giuen thy selfe an acceptable Sacrifice to thy Father to appease hys wrath and to bring al sinners truely repenting vnto hys fauour Accept mee therefore sweete Iesus truly repēting my sinnes ▪ among the number of them which shall be saued and that I may leade a Godly and innocent lyfe so that after thys lyfe I may attayne lyfe euerlasting thorow the merits of thy death Passion Amen ¶ A Prayer to Christ our Sauiour O My Sauiour Christ Iesu which diddest saye I will not the death of a synner but that he liue and conuerte Vouchsafe I beseeche thee to looke vppon me moste wretched synner with those mercifull eyes wyth which thou once diddest beholde and looke vpon Peter bytterly weeping in the court of Pilate wherewith also thou diddest looke vppon Mary Magdalene the penitente at the feast of Simon lykewyse vppon the Theefe hanging on the crosse and cause me thorowe thy greate goodnesse that I maye worthylye bewayle my synnes and weepe wyth Peter and with Mary to loue thee wyth a pure and perfecte loue and with the Theefe that I may beholde and see thee which wyth God the Father and the holy Ghost raygneste GOD worlde wythout ende Amen ¶ A Prayer to Christ our daily to be saide O Mercyfull Lorde Iesu I beseeche thee to bee mercifull vnto mee a wretched synner as for all my iniquitie and my negligences and all my immortifications I put them all into thy most precious woundes O Lorde putte awaye all my sinnes washe mee cleane wyth thy precious bloud sanctify me with thy bitter passion and death clense me perfectly restore againe vnto me the innocency which thou O Lord gauest me in baptisme that I may truly please thee I worship and lande and glorifye thee I prayse and giue thankes vnto thee my Lorde Iesu Christe for all thy mercies and benefits which y u dayly bestowest on me I thank thee O sonne of the liuing God which for y e exceding great charity that thou diddest beare toward me haste vouchsaued to be made man Thou wouldest for my sake be borne in a stable and as an Infante be wrapped in clothes to be swadled and layde in a manger to be fedde wyth the lyttle mylke of the Mayden and Virgin thy blessed Mother Thou diddest for my sake suffer needynesse and pouertie and many other agonies dyddest thou suffer O Lorde for my sake as to be apprehended and taken shamefully and to be bounde vnworthily and to be condemned vniustlye thus wyth innumerable sorrowes wast thou brought to y ● shamefull death of the Crosse wherevpon for my sake thou diddest shead thy most precious bloud Graunt me therefore moste mercifull Christ alway to acknowledge thy great loue and kindenesse towarde me which hast suffred for mee that I may after thys lyfe liue wyth thee euerlastingly Amen ¶ A Prayer to the blessed Trinitie O Holy blessed and glorious Trinitie the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost three persons and one God haue mercy vppon me Lorde omnipotent and euerlasting God without beginning or ending whom we doe confesse one in Trinitie and thre in vnitie I prayse thee I worship thee I glorifie thee and giue thankes vnto thee for thy mercifull goodnesse and clemencye whiche wouldest that I being in the darkenesse of all error and ignoraunce shoulde be made partaker of thy grace mercy I beseche thee also moste blessed and glorious Trinitie bring to passe the woorke of thy mercifull goodnesse begonne in mee and leade me in all pietie and Godlinesse and cause me alwayes to thinke speake and doe those things which shall be acceptable in thy syght y t after this lyfe I may haue the fruition of thy deitie which liuest and raignest God in perfect vnitie world w tout end ¶ A Prayer vpon the Peticions of the Lordes Prayer O Almighty and Eternall God whiche vouchsauest that we as it were thy heauenly children should euery one of vs call thee oure Heauenlye Father graunte that among vs by purenesse example of liuing thy most holy name may be sanctified that all other nacions beholding our vertuous deedes that thou workest in vs may be stirred to blesse and gloryfie thee Graunt O Lorde that the Kingdome of thy grace and mercy may raigne continually in our heartes so that we may be partakers of the Realme of thy glory and Maiestie Graunt that vnto the very death wee refuse not to followe thy Diuine will and that we according to the example of the Celestial Citizens agreeing together quietly vnited in spirite al controuersie in opinions layde aparte the lusts of the flesh being subdued and all flattering assaults of the worlde and the Diuel ouercome neuer wrastle against thy most holy wyll Graunt O Lord for our body needefull sustenaunce that we may the more freely serue thee Giue vs we besech thee O mercifull Father that Heauenlye bread the body of thy sonne Iesu Christ the very foode and health of our soules Giue vs the breade of thy Diuine preceptes that we may truely walke and liue in them Giue vs the breade of thy heauenly word which is the strong fortresse sure defence of our soules that we being well fed and fylled wyth thys foode maye worthyly come to the celestiall feast where as is no hunger Graunt O Lorde that we paciently beare and suffer our Enimies and suche as hurte vs and wyllingly forgiue the offences committed agaynste vs that so we may fynde thee O Lorde mylde and mercifull in forgiuing vs oure trespasses Graunt O Lorde that we be not vtterly led into temptation that thereby we should be loste but in all perilles of temptation and in the middste of the stormy tempestes of tribulations let vs thy children perceyue and feele thy Fatherly succoure readye to helpe vs least that we ouercome wyth the naughtye craftes and deceytes of the tempters shoulde be drawen into euerlasting destruction but when we be well assayd approued and pourged wyth the fyre of temptation then let vs finishe oure course and so well and valiantly fyght that wee maye for euermore lyue wyth thee in that heauenly Citie where and agaynst the which no manner of temptation can preuayle Finally graunt most mercifull Father that we thorow thy benigne goodnesse may be deliuered from all euilles present and to come bothe of body and soule and that at the last the yoke of the fowle fiende being shaken of wee may possesse the herytage of thy Heauenlye Kingdome which thy Sonne wyth hys precious bloud bought for vs thy Children and there for euer to haue fruition of Celestiall delectations accompanied wyth Angels and blessed Saincts thorowe the help benignity and grace of our Sauior Iesus Christ to whome and to thee our Father the holy Ghost be glory and honor now and euer Amen ¶ A comfortable Meditation of the reconcilation and atonement made by Christ to God the Father OAlmighty God
please thee to giue ▪ vs true repentance to forgeue vs al our synnes negligences ignorances to endue vs with y e grace of thy holy spirite to amend our liues according to thy holy worde We beseeche thee to heare vs good Lord. Sōne of god we besech thee to heare vs. Sonne of God ▪ we beseech thee to heare vs. O Lambe of God that takest away the synnes of the worlde Graunt vs thy peace O Lambe of God that takest away the synnes of the worlde Haue mercy vpon vs. O Christ heare vs. O Christ heare vs. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Lorde haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Christ haue mercy vpon vs. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Lord haue mercy vpon vs. Our father which art in c. And lead vs not into temptation But deliuer vs from euill Amen The Versicle O Lorde deale not wyth vs after oure synnes The Aunswere Neither reward vs after oure iniquities Let vs pray O God mercifull Father that despiseste not the sighing of a contrite heart nor the desire of such as be sorowefull mercifully assyst our prayers that we make before thee in all our troubles aduersities whensoeuer they oppresse vs graciously heare vs that those euills which the crafte and subtilty of the diuell or man worketh agaynst vs be brought to nought and by the prouidence of thy goodnesse they may be dispersed that we thy seruaunts being hurt by no persecutiōs may euermore giue thankes vnto thee in thy holy Church thorow Iesu Christ our Lord. O Lorde arise helpe vs and deliuer vs for thy name sake O God we haue heard with oure eares and oure fathers haue declared vnto vs the noble workes thht thou didst in their dayes and in the olde time before them O Lorde arise helpe vs and deliuer vs for thine honour Glory be to the father and to the sonne and to the holy Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and euer shall be world without ende Amē From our enimies defend vs O Christ Graciously looke vpon our afflictions Pitifullye beholde the sorrowes of oure heartes Mercifully forgiue the sinnes of thy people Fauourablye wyth mercye heare oure Prayers O Sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon vs. Both now and euer vouchsafe to heare vs O Christ Graciously heare vs O Christ Graciously heare vs O Lorde Christ The Versicle O Lord let thy mercy be shewed vpō vs. The Aunswere As we doe put our trust in thee Let vs Praye WE humbly beseeche thee O Father mercifullye to looke vpon our infirmities and for the glorie of thy names sake tourne from vs all those euils that we most righteously haue deserued and graunt that in all our troubles we may put oure whole truste and confidence in thy mercye and euermore serue thee in holinesse purenesse of liuing to thy honour and glory thorowe oure onely Mediatour and Aduocate Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen A Prayer for the Queene O Lorde Iesu Christ most high most mighty God euerlasting King of Kings Lorde of Lordes the onely ruler of Princes the very sonne of God on whose right hande sitting doest from thy throne beholde all the dwellers vpon earth wyth most lowely heart I beseeche thee vouchsafe wyth fauourable regarde to beholde our moste gratious soueraigne Ladye Queene Elizabeth and so replenishe hir wyth the grace of thy holy spirite that she alwaye may encline to thy will and walke in thy way kepe hir farre of from ignoraunce thorowe thy gift let prudence knowledge alway abounde in hir royal heart so instruct hir O Lorde raygning vppon vs in earth that hir humaine Maiestie alwaye obey thy Diuine Maiestie in feare and dread Indue hir plentifully wyth Heauenly gyftes Graunt hir in health and wealth long to liue Heape glorye and honour vpon hir Glad hir with the ioy of thy countenaunce So strengthen hir that shee maye vanquishe and ouercome all hir enimies and be dreade and feared of them and finallye after thys lyfe I beseech thee good Lorde that shee may attaine euerlasting ioy and felicity where thou raignest God with the Father and the holy Ghost Amen A Prayer to be sayde in the time of extreme Sicknesse O Lorde Iesu which arte the onelye health of all men liuing and the euerlasting lyfe of thē which dye in thy fayth I wretched Sinner giue and submit my selfe wholly vnto thy blessed wyll And I being sure that the thing cannot perishe which is committed vnto the mercye willingly therefore beseeche thee moste mercifull Lorde Iesu Christ that thou wilt by thy grace make strong my soule agaynst all temptations and that thou wylte couer and defende mee wyth the buckler of thy mercy against all the assaultes of the Diuell I see and acknowledge that there is in my selfe no hope of saluation but all my hope confidence trust is in thy mercye I haue no merits nor good works which I may alledge before thee of sinnes and euill workes alas O Lorde I see a great heape but yet thorowe thy mercy I trust to be in the number of them that shall be saued to whome thou wylt not impute their sinnes but take them to euerlasting lyfe Thou Lorde wast borne for my sake thou diddest suffer hunger and thirst for my sake thou diddest praye and fast for my sake finally thou diddest all good workes and deedes for my sake and gauest thy moste precious bodye to dye thy bloud to be shead on the crosse for my sake Now therefore moste mercifull Sauiour let all these good things profit mee which thou freely hast giuen me that hast giuen thy selfe for mee Let thy bloud washe and cleanse awaye the spottes fowlenesse of my sinnes let thy righteousnesse hide and couer mine vnrighteousnesse let the merits of thy passion and bloud be the satisfaction for my sinnes Giue me O Lorde thy grace that my fayth and saluation in thy bloud wauer not in me but euer to be firme and constant that the hope of thy mercy neuer decay in me that charitye waxe not colde in me finally that the weakenesse of my fleshe be not ouercome with the feare of death Graunt also mercifull father that when Death hath shut vp the eyes of my body yet that the eyes of my soule may still beholde and looke vpon thee that when death hath taken away the vse of my tong and speache yet that my heart may crye and saye vnto thee O Lorde into thy handes I giue and commit my Soule and wyth thy holye Martir Steuen beholding thee in my soule may say Lorde Iesu receiue my soule vnto thee which liuest and raignest God euerlasting with the Father and Holy Ghost Amen ¶ A Prayer of Chrisostome ALmighty God which haste giuen vs grace at this time wyth one accorde to make oure common supplications vnto thee and doeste promise that when two or three be gathered togyther in thy name thou wylte graunt their requestes fulfyll nowe O Lorde the desires and peticions of thy
my Sauiour and my Christ for thy names sake Amen After the Communion fay thus O Lorde Iesu Christ which hast vouched safe Spirituallye to giue vnto mee in these holy mysteries thy bodye and bloud mortifye whatsoeuer is euil in mee and garnishe mee wyth thy merites and vertues that thou mayst delyte to abide and dwel in mee Renue my spirite my soule and my body with thy excellent grace that I may be made lyke vnto thy holy humanitie frame me after thine owne hearts desyre knit me vnto thee moste neerely that I maye be chaunged altogither into thee And graunt that I may doe nothing speake nothing nor desire nothing but that which maye be acceptable vnto thee which arte my God my Sauiour and Redemer to whome with the Father holy Ghost be all honor and glorye for euer and euer Amen ¶ The fift Psalme for the Remission of Sinnes ALmighty God Lorde of Lordes great and dreadfull is thy name which by thy Worde haste made Heauen and Earth and all things contayned in them All things be vnder thy dominion and rule both man and beast and all other liuing creatures and thou haste mercy on whome thou wylte and haste compassion on whome it pleaseth thee Against thee holye Father against thee haue I sinned done euill I haue bene an offender euen from my cradell and since I sucked my Mothers brests I haue not seased to do euill But what am I Lorde that I dare speake to thee I am thy poore creature and a worme most abiect Beholde Lorde I haue nought and of my selfe I am nought thou art onely good righteous and holye thou orderest all things thou giuest all things thou fulfillest all things with goodnesse Beholde I am thine O righteous Father and one of them whome thy onely deare Sonne hath redemed and of thee which arte iudge of all men I aske mercye Cast not away O Lorde a contrite and penitent heart humbly calling vpon thee but turne the eyes of thy mercy towardes me and forgiue me the sinnes of my youth Cast not thy dartes at me nor laye not thy heauy hande vpō me O Lord for I haue borne thine anger a longe while and of the Cuppe of thy displeasure haue I dronke very deepe Cast me not away from thy presence neither take thou thy holye spirite from mee but giue me the comforte of thy helpe and stablishe me in thy truthe Destroye mee not O mercifull Father bicause of mine iniquitie but be thou mercifull vnto mee for thy Sonne Iesus Christes sake Destroye me not vtterlye nor leaue me in my sinnes for thou art a God full of mercye and verye gratious to them which trust in thee Dailye sorrowe ouercommeth mee and sadnesse possesseth my heart I looke for a time of health but my griefe continueth still Enter not Lorde into iudgement wyth thy Seruaunt for if thou accuse me I shall neuer be quite and if thou marke my sinne and iniquitie no man shall deliuer me Excepte thou helpe me of thy goodnesse and mercye howe maye I which haue offended thee be raysed vp from my sinnes Euen of thee therefore O holy Father which arte the God of mercye I wretched sinner doe aske mercy and for the glorye of thy name be no longer angrye wyth mee For as thou arte God so arte thou gratious and mercifull and pacientlye sufferest sinners and wouldest that no man shoulde perishe but that all men should turne to penaunce For albeit y t no man is able to beare the punnishment which thou dost threaten against Sinners yet thy mercye which thou haste promised is great and vnsearcheable Forgiue for thy name sake O Lord Almightye all my sinnes and put oute of thy sight all mine offences Giue me a newe heart and take frō me al wicked desires that I may euermore knowe what thing is acceptable in thy sight Giue light O Lorde to mine eyes that I sleepe not in death and then my sinnes shall not preuayle against me Graunt me holye Father y t I may euer desire and wyll that which is most pleasaunt and acceptable in thy sight and that I haue no desire to will or not to wyll but as thou wilt Glory be to the Father c. As it was in the begin c. The Uersicle Cut Lorde my sacke of sorow in peeces The Aunswere And clothe me with gladnesse The Prayer ALmighty and most mercifull Father I wretched sinner moste humbly beseeche thee that thou of thy goodnesse wylte not remember the offences of my youthe but that according to the greatnesse of thy mercye thou wylt turne fro mee the payne that I haue iustlye deserued for synne and that by thy grace I maye while I am in thys vale of miserye euermore be renued in the spirite of my mynde that a pure lyfe maye alwayes appeare in me Amen ¶ The sixt Psalme wherein he desireth to be hearde of God HOw long O Lord shall my minde be troubled wyth paynefull sorrowes and heauye thoughtes howe long shall carefull cares torment my heart How long O God wylt thou reiect my prayers which dailye I poure out before thee wylt thou Lorde heare mee at no time or wilt thou now ceasse to shew mercy Haste thou O Lorde cast me awaye for euer or wylte thou neuer hereafter be pleased wyth mee Thy hande is not weakened but it maye helpe and thine rares be not stopped that they refuse to heare I beseche thee O righteous father for Iesus Christes sake that y e sighings and inwarde desires of my heart maye moue and encline thee to heare mee I haue ben an vntrue and frowarde childe to thee I haue not feared thee nor shewed due reuerence vnto thee but haue bene euer disobedient stubbourne against thee I am in prison and bound in fetters of sorrowe tyll thou with thy gratyous presence vouchsafe to visite me bring me againe to liberty and ioye Keepe thy mercy therefore for me alwayes O Lorde and the couenaunte which thou haste made with me let it be surely perfourmed Kepe me Lord frō sinne and I shall then dread neyther death nor Hell and as thou alwayes hast bene mercifull to penitent sinners so nowe good Lorde forgiue my sinnes Kepe my heart in thee and then shall I reioyce in thy mercy for that thou hast looked on me and hast regarded my soule in my great distresse Let me neuer hereafter goe awaye from thy wayes nor leaue me not now in the depenesse of my troubles Loe nowe be the dayes of health and grace nowe is the accepted time for in death who shall remēber thee O Lord or in Hell who shall prayse thee Lorde beholde therefore my weakenesse and fraylenesse best knowen vnto thee and looke downe from Heauen vppon the sorowe and heauinesse of me thy poore creature My lyfe is as it were in the middest of fierce Lions whose teeth are like vnto speares and the sharpenesse of them lyke vnto the sting of Scorpions Mollifie my hearte O Lorde
their malice confounde their deuises wherewith they lyft vp themselues against Christ Iesus thy Sonne our Lorde We be not able of our selues to stand against their assaultes except thy vndeserued grace and mighty arme defende and deliuer vs. Performe therefore thy promises made to Iacob thy Seruaunt and stop the mouthes of thy cursed Enimies Call to repētance thy seely sheepe and forgiue all those that wilfully obstinately rebell not against thy holye Worde Looke also we beseche thee vpon thy poore dispersed which for thy truth sake are compelled to wander frō place to place and ridde them oute of their daily greuances that we may all with one voice and vpright heart and pleasant countenance extolle and magnifie thy holy name Amen An other Psalme for the Church vnder the borowed speache or name of a Uineyarde HEare O thou Shepeherde of Israell thou that leadest Iacob lyke a flocke of sheepe howe long wylte thou be angrye ouer the Prayers of thy people In Egipt thou haddest a Uineyard which thou broughtest among the Heathen thou plantedst it there and it tooke roote so that the whole lande was couered withall Lo the hilles were couered with the shaddowe of it and so were the strong Cedre trees wyth the bowes therof Maruellous was the increase of it after it had taken roote and so was the name of it among all nations Neuerthelesse thou haste suffred the hedge thereof to be broken downe so that the wylde Bore oute of the wood hath rowted it vp and the beasts of the fielde haue deuoured y e Grapes therof O Lorde thou God of hostes let them perishe in thy wrathe that thus haue destroyed and layde waste this thy pleasant vine whose braunches spreade from see to see Preuent we beseeche the O Lorde the malicious enimies of this thy vine and so shall wee wyth voyce and heart laude and praise thy holy name Amen The Uersicle Turne thee O God looke downe from Heauen The Aunswere And beholde the Uineyarde whiche thy right hande hath planted The Prayer A Rise O Lorde looke on thy vineyarde that it be not deuoured of the wicked haters thereof Let thine enimies be scattered the righteous O Lorde make thou pleasant and mery let them blow abrode thy Magnificence let them sing prayses pleasant songes vnto thee let them most highly aduance thy Maiestye let thy glory grow let the Kingdome of Christ from Heauen among the chosen be enlarged be thou O Holy Father the Protector of them namely whom the world forsaketh and pursueth for Christes sake Howe drye O Lorde is the flock of thine heritage poure downe largely we praye thee therfore the showers of thy grace that the Churche thy Spouse may deale large spoiles of the conquered Sathan In thy house O Lorde let vs dwell in peace concorde giue vs all one heart one minde and one true interpretation of thy worde that al that beleue in thee by Christ our Lorde might lifte thee vp w t praises And giue to thy people cunning and power to withstande sinne and to obey thy worde in al things Graunt it so to be most mercifull Lorde for thy Sonne Iesus Christes sake Amen Here followeth certaine Prayers very profytable to be exercised ¶ A Prayer to God the Father for the obtayning of mercy for his Sonne Christes sake O Holy Father remember not the offences of my youth but thinke vpon thy great mercies and couenant made vnto mee in Christ Iesus thy Sonne my only Aduocate and Mediator He it is O holy Father whom thou diddest sende to be the obtainer of mercye for my sinnes Hee was made weake to make me strong Hee was wounded for mine offences He gaue his body to be beaten and his Cheekes to be stricken He turned not away hys face from them that scorned him spyt vpon him He gaue himself to death for them which were offenders Thorowe hys loue and mercye he hath redemed them that were loste and by his bloudsheading on the Crosse he hath pacifyed all things in Heauen and in Earth Behold holy Father therfore who it is that thus hath suffered and forgiue the sinne of him that is redeemed O Heauenly Father for thys thy Sonne Iesus Christes sake write in my heart loue to thy lawe and hate to all sinne y t I may be worthy thorow the merites of his death and passion to dwell wyth him and thee euerlastingly to whome with thee and the Holy ghost be all honor prayse and glory Amen ¶ A Prayer for the obtayning of a good Lyfe O Heauenly Father God Almightye maker of Heauen and Earth and all things contayned in them I beseche thee that thou wilt vouchsafe of thy goodnesse to directe sanctifye and keepe my heart and bodye my senses my doings my talke and cōmunication in thy holy lawes and in the workes of thy Commaundements and that thy holy Angell may be with mee to direct my feete into the way of peace truthe and health that I maye deserue to be whole safe and free in thee and by thee bothe here and in the worlde to come Thou y t art the Sauiour of the worlde and king of glory heare me saue mee which liuest and raignest God in perfect vnitie worlde wythout ende Amen A Prayer to the Father wherein we desire to doe those thyngs that may please him O Heauenly Father haue thou pitie and compassion vppon the weakenesse of me thy vnworthy Childe be thou prest and redy O holy Father to helpe me alwayes shewing thy mercye vppon mee and prosper thou me in whatsoeuer I Godly go aboute so that thou giuing me lyght I may see what things are to be accepted before thee and thou encoraging me I may haue an earnest desire to doe the same and thou being my guide I may come where to obtayne them for I hauing nothing but mistrust in my selfe doe yelde and commit my selfe full and wholye vnto thee alone which workest all things in all creatures to thy honor and glory Amen ¶ A Prayer to Christ the Sonne of God O Bountifull Iesu O sweete Sauiour O Christ the Sonne of God haue pitie vppon mee mercifullye heare me and despise not my Prayers Thou hast created me of nothing thou hast redemed me from the bondage of sinne death and Hel neither with gold nor syluer but wyth thy precious bloud which thou offeredst vpō the Crosse for all mankinde Caste me not awaye O Lorde whome thou by thy great wysedome hast made nor let y e wickednesse of my youth destroy y t which thy goodnesse hath builded Whilest I am here O Iesu haue thou mercy on mee and whilest I haue tyme giue me thy grace to repent Looke vpon mee O Lorde wyth thy mercifull eyes as thou diddest vouchsafe to looke vpon Peter thine Apostle that after his example I may bewayle my sinnefull lyfe that obtayning thy fauoure I may dye therein I acknowledge that of my selfe I haue deserued euerlasting death but yet I appeale to the highe throne