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A13732 The soules alarum-bell Wherein the sicke soule (through the horror of conscience) being awakened from security by the sight of sinne, hath recourse to God by meditation and prayer. By H. Thompson. Thompson, Henry, fl. 1618. 1618 (1618) STC 24024; ESTC S100563 111,521 484

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An● thou must purpose with thy selfe to doe ●othing that day which may displease God but meditate in thy minde some godly meditations desiring his assistance for the furtherance of the true seruing his omnip●tent Mai●sty ● A Prayer before wee settle our selues to our De●●tions O Most gracious Lord giue me leaue to present my selfe before thy diuine Maiestie and to poure out my vnworthy prayers in the sight of thy most mighty and glorious presence Behold mee O Lord not in my merits but in the multitude of thy mercies I now com● to make manifest my necessities and to vtter my griefe● vnto thee I come as a poor● and needy wretch vnto ● God of infinit glory I com● as a worme of the Earth vnto my Soueraigne Make● and Creatour I come as ● guiltie hainous offende●● I am not worthy to lift v● mine eyes to Heauen mu●● lesse to open my mouth in thy glorious presence o● presume to talke with ● Lord and King of so great ● Maiesty being my selfe bu● slime and ashes but ô Fathe● of mercies and God of all comfort thou promisest that who asketh shall receiue ● who knocketh shall bee le● in who seeketh shall finde● Thou inuitest the greatest ●inners and refusest not to ●eelde thy assistance to any ●hat will vse it grant mee ●herefore grace now to pray ●nto thee as my duety and ●hy desert requireth grant ●e a pureintention a fer●ent deuotion and an atten●●ue mind that it be not car●ed away with impertinent ●oughts nor any other di●raction but with humble ●eart firme hope and per●ct charity I may effectual●e pray vnto thee and aske ●f thee that which thou see●t most for thy glory and ●y good gra●t Lord I be●ech thee that thou wilt ●elpe mee to pray worthily ●at thou maiest mercifu●ly ●rant my Petitions keepe ●y thoughts from wandring r●straine my imaginations and preserue my sences from being distracted● defend O Lord my weak● heart from ghostly assaults● and so fixe my minde vpon thee that I be not carrie● away from consideration o● thy presence grant mee distinctly to pronounce my words attentiuely to apply my thoughts and to bee wholly rauished and possessed with zeale and true deuotion O Lord grant me to aske forgiuenesse with ● deepe contrition and ful● purpose of amendement ● grant me to craue thy benefits with hearty thankfulne●● for those which I haue receiued Grant mee to pray for my selfe with a perfect resignation vnto thy will and ●or all others with true cha●itie and sincere affection Affoord O Lord such com●ort to my soule as thou ●eest fit ●or mee and by the ●ssistance of thy spirit inspire ●hy good motions into mee ●hat I may feele them forci●ly accept them thankefulie and fulfill them effectu●llie Finally I humbly be●eech thee of thy mercy and goodnesse that I may praise ●hee with a true repentant ●eart to appease the fury of ●hy anger against me where●y I may come to enioy ●ith thy Maiesty eternall ●lorie without end Amen A Morning Prayer O Most gracious LORD and Omnipotent Father thou which made●● Heauen and Earth the Sea and all that is therein together with thy dearely beloued Son IESVS CHRIST and with thy holy Spirit thou hast brought vs to the beginning of this day thorow thy goodnesse now we beseech thee that this day wee fall into no sinne bu● that we may accomplish thy holy will by directing ou● words framing our thoghts and disposing our doing accordingly Helpe vs an● further vs O Lord in all ou● Prayers that whatsoeuer w● doe may alwaies take beginning from thee and being so begun wee may proceede in true seruing of thee who art the Fountaine 〈◊〉 light and most peereless● spring of Wisdome LORD vouchsafe that the beames of thy wonderfull glorie may beate against my darke and smal vnderstanding and driue from me two kinde of mists to wit sinne and ignorance wherein I was borne Thou O Lord that makest the tongues of little Infants to be eloquent teach me to rule my tongue and let thy grace and blessing bee pou●ed on my lippes Giue mee sharpnesse of vnderstanding thy heauenly word and ability to retaine it a facility to serue a good kind of interpretation a good place to vtter my words and that they may tend to thy glory and guide my entrance to the matters I speake of direct my proceeding in the same and make perfect my conclusion Come Holy Ghost fill my heart with thy faith and kindle in mee the fire of thy loue doe thus good Lord who diddest bring the Gentiles to the vnity of thy saith by all kindes of diuers and strange languages send out Lord thy holy Spirit and all things shall be created and thou shalt make fresh the face of the Earth and thou that hast taught the Hearts of thy faithfull by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost giue mee the same spirit right vnderstanding and alway to reioice in thee make mee forsake Sathan and cleaue to thee ô Christ who art the way truth and life shew me thy wayes ô Lord and teach me thy pathes direct my steps according to thy word that no vnrighteousnesse reigne ouer mee Ma●e my going perfect in thy wayes that my steps be not moued Lord whi hart the Father of grace an● mercie desend me from my enemies and receiue mee at the houre of my death Good Lord grant I may depart in a good houre out of this World and that I may arise from the death of sinne and walke in newnesse of life that when I shall rise againe at the latter day when our life shall be seene manisestly of all men I also may bee openly but fauourably seene of thy glory who liue●● and reiguest one GOD World without end Amen Another Prayer for the Morning O Lord God and my heauenly Father I do here present my selfe with my morning sacrifice vnto thy Omnipotent Maiestie crauing thy mercifull aide for the strengthening of my weake faith at this present that thereby I may be made the more apt and able to serue thy heauenly Maiesty in all holinesse and true sincerity of heart And now that the time allotted for my feeble senses is expired and that the spring of the morning approacheth I offer vp my bounden duety of praise and thankesgiuing to thy euer blessed and glorious Maiestie vpon whom all the houres and moments of life depend for adding yet more space vnto my daies for granting me a larger time of repentance for the obtaining of thy grace and exercise of vertue and amendement of my sinfull life O eternal and euerliuing God who art the guardian to all true beleeuers make me euermore to magnifie and extoll thy mercies and in true token of this my thankefulnesse hauing nothing more neere vnto me then my selfe I here offer and present my selfe body and soule vnto thy hea●enly will and pleasure beseeching thee to dispose of me as of thine owne to direct the remainder of my life to thy Honour and seruice
grant me perfect patience in all tr●bulations and aduersitie Preserue me from pride ●re enu●e couetousnesse and from all offences contrarie to thy law suffer no false delight of this deceiueable life by fleshlie temptation and fraude of the ●●end to blind mee at the houre of my death I beseech thee O Lord grant me such a light of thy ghostlie wisdome that I may doe those things which are most acceptable to thee grant mee grace to doe hurt to nobodie but to helpe those with good counsell which haue offended thee and make me to proceede in vertue vntill such time as I shall see thy Omnipotent Maiestie and let me not turne to those sinnes which I haue sorrowed for and accused my selfe of The horrible sentence of endlesse death the terrible iudgement of damnation thy wrath ire and indignation mercifull Lord let them neuer fall vppon me thy mercie and thy merites euer bee betweene them and me Lord grant mee grace inwardlie to feare and dread thee and to eschew those things whereby I might offend thee giue mee a contrite heart for that I haue offended thee good Father remoue my sinfull dispositions which dull mine heart and like lead doe suppresse me Let me not forget the riches of thy goodnesse of thy patience of thy long sufferance and benignitie let the threatning of paine and torment which shall fall vpon sinners the losse of thy loue and of thy heauenlie inheritance euer make me feare to offend thee Suffer mee not deare Father to liue and die in sinne but soone call me to repentance when I haue displeased thee and grant mee grace trulie to loue thee and when I offend thee smite mee not with thy wrathfull indignation I beseech thee but let it be thy gentle rodde of correction Let the remembrance of thy kindnesse and patience conquer the malicious wretched desire in mee draw me Lord to thee by thy holy spirit and doe with mee according to thy mercie and not after my vnthankefulnesse withdraw t●y sword of vengeance O Lord for thy great mercie sake and grant me to be the childe of saluation whereby I may haue glorification cleere fight and fruition of the Deitie and bee euer present to see the glorious Trinitie O sweete Sauiour Lord Iesus Christ grant me grace for to remember perfectlie the danger of death and the great account which I must then giue to thee Lord dispose so of mee then that my soule may bee acceptable in thy sight turne net thy louing face then from me but be a merciful King meeke Iudge at that dreadful houre of my visitation that I may not haue the ●igour of thy righteousnesse which is Goe●e c●rsed into euerlasting fire prepared for the Diuell and his Angels but to heare that comfortable saluation which thou doest giue to thy chosen Come yee blessed of my Father and enioy the Kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the World Let this hope of thy mercies comfort my sick weake soule that I neuer fall into desperation of thy endlesse mercie For the merites of thy Sonne Christ Iesus I beseech thee grant mee these petitions which I haue asked of thee haue mercie on me awretched sinner And I beseech thee bring me to thine euerlasting glorie there to rest in blisse World without end A Prayer to GOD to defend vs from euill company and our tongues from vttering ●ll words O Lord Iesus grant mee grace to ●lie euill companie and when I come among them for thy glorious passion I beseech thee to preserue me that no occasion of sinne ouercome me and send me comfort from thy omnipotent Maiestie to withstand al illusions of the flesh whereby thy blessed name may be dishonoured Keepe my mouth good Lord from slanders ill speaking lying false witnessebeating cursing swearing vncharitable ch●ding dissolute laughing and words of vanitie Make me blessed Lord with dread to remember that thou presentlie hearest me and that the least of my words shall iudge me Suffer not my heart to be light of credite in hearing that which is detraction obloquy rancour and ire Represse all inordinate affections of carnalitie and where I haue by euil fellowship offended thy Maiestie I beseech thee for the helpe of thy mercies in so offending thee let thy power protect me thy wisdome direct me thy fatherlie pittie correct me and send me a gracious life and a blessed ending and with thy goodnes preserue me from euerlasting damnation and terrour of mine enemie Jn my temptations I beseech thee Lord to helpe me and to keepe my soule from consent to sinne For the tender loue thou bearest to mankinde repell the power of my aduersaries which intend the damnation of mee Possesse my soule O Sauiour with all humble sub●ection to thy law and make mee pure in spirit meeke in speaking patient in suffering to hunger after righteousnesse and to bee mercifull to all them that be in miserie Make mee peaceable in conue●sation cleane in heart vnto godlie meditation and ioyfull to suffer persecution for thee Let all my powers and desires bee ruled according to thy will let all my petitions be ordered by thy wisdome to the euerlasting profit of my soule Lord keepe my soule and my bodie whereby I may be patient in suffering iniuries rebukes let me leade that life which thou knowest to be most to thine honor and my eternall felicity Fill mine heart with contrition and mine eies with teares that I neuer be forsaken of thee Awake my dull soule from the sleepe of sin and send mee helpe Lord from Heauen to ouercome the olde serpent with all his crafts Deliuer me from the enemie of da●kenesse and his great crueltie let thy obedience recompence for mine obstinacie thy abstinence for my superfluitie thy meekenesse and thy patience for my pride irefull heart enmitie Thy charitie for my malice thy deuotion for my dulnesse thy louing heart for mine vnkindnesse thy holy death for my wretched life Lord grant mee grace in the time of prayer to fixe my minde on thee and at that time to remember the perils of bodie and soule which I haue escaped and the benefits that I haue receiued thorow thy great mercie And I thanke thee most Heauenlie Father for all the Creatures which thou hast made to helpe man and that thou hast made man after thine owne Image in glorie to honour thee The motions of my running mind the desire of mine vnstable heart in time of praier stop and stay Lord I beseech thee and represse the power of my ghostlie enemie which then doth with-draw my minde from thee and thy true seruice to many vaine imaginations Lord I beseech thee to take me into thy power and with thy goodnesse glad me Lord let my minde be so occupied in goodnesse that my prayers may bee acceptable to thee Heare now sweet Sauiour the voice of a sinner who would faine loue thee and with the heart as greatlie please thee as euer hee hath offended thee I
longer to abide in this state will not bee permitted them If we did but vnderstand and know what manner of battell this is and what manner of burthen is then to bee borne by man in this houre wee would then verily bee other manner of persons then heretofore we haue beene All these things Faith teacheth Nature proclaimeth Experience testifieth and it is euident to euerie one of vs that wee shall come vnto that state wherein wee will desire with all our heart that wee had bridled ourselues from all our wickednesse that we 〈◊〉 exercised all the workes of vertue that we had liued 〈◊〉 al holinesse and not spent our time in vanitie Let vs not imitate foolish men who looke vpon present things onely let vs wisely ●rouide for things to come and so by the grace of God wee shall bring to passe by our godly meditation and praiers that the same houre which to others is the beginning of sorrowes to vs shall be the beginning of joy and felicitie Thus far is shewed what may befall a man at the point of death vntill the moment of his departure Now let vs see how the body is bestowed after the separation of the soule from it After the dissolution the body lieth vpon the ground not a humane body but a dead carcasse without life without sense without strength and so fearefull to looke vpon that the sight thereof may hardly be indured to be short it is little better as touching the substance then the body of a horse or a dogge which lyeth dead in the fields and all that passe by stop their noses and make hast away that they be not annoyed with the sight and ●linke thereof Such is Mans body now becom though it were the body of a monarch Emperor or King Where is now that maiestie that excellencie that authoritie which it had afore-time when men trembled to behold it and might not come in presence thereof without all reuerence and obeisance Where are all those things become were they a dreame or a shadow After all those things the funerall is prepared which is all they haue of all their riches and possessions and this also they should not haue if in their life time they did not appoint it for their dignitie and honour The Prophet Dauid saith truely Be not thou afraid though one be made rich or if the glory of his house be encreased for hee shall carry nothing away with him when he dieth neither shall his pompe follow him A pit is digged seuen or eight foot long and that must serue euen Alexander the Great whom the World could not containe In this pit the dead carkasse must dwell alone continually whereto as soone as it is come the wormes doe welcome it and the bones of other dead men are constrained to giue place In this house of perpetuall obliuion and silence the carkasse being wound in a sheete and bound hands and feete is shut vp though it neede not to haue so great labour bestowed vpon it for it would not runne away out of that prison though the hands and feete were loose If we doe but consider a little of the Tombes and Sepulchers of Princes and Noble men whose glory and maiesty we haue seene when they liued heere on earth and do behold the horrible formes and shapes which they now haue shall wee not erie out as men amazed Is this that glory is this that highnesse and excellencie where now are the degrees of their waiting seruants where are their ornaments and jewels where is their pompe their delicacie and nicenesse all these things are vanished away with the smoake and there is now nothing left but dust horror and stinke Now leauing the Body in the graue let vs consider how the soule entreth into the new World As soone as the soule of the sinner is dissolued from the flesh it beginneth to passe through a Region vnknowne where there are new Inhabitants and a new manner of liuing What then shall the miserable and sinfull pilgrime doe when he shall see himselfe alone in such an vnknowne Region being full of feare and horror how and by what meanes shall he defend himselfe from those most fierce theeues and horrible monsters which in those vast Deserts doe assaile passengers this verily is a fearfull journey and yet the iudgement is much more fearefull which in that place is exercised Who is able to expresse the vprightnesse of the Iudge the seueritie of the iudgement the diligence of inquisition and the multitude of witnesses in this iudgement teares will not preuaile praiers will not be heard promises will not be admitted repentance will be too late riches honourable Titles Scepters Diadems these will profite much lesse The inquisition will be so curious and diligent that not one light thought nor one idle word not repented of in the World past shall be forgotten For truth it selfe hath said that of euery idle word which men haue spoken they shall giue an account in the day of iudgement how many which doe now ●in with great delight ye● euen with greedinesse of heart will be then astonished ashamed and silent Then shall the daies of thy mirth be ended and thou shalt be ouerwhelmed with euerlasting darknesse and instead of thy pleasures thou shalt haue euerlasting torments When Ieremy had remembred all the calamities and sinnes of the Iewes at the last he imputed all to this Shee remembred not her end So if wee may iudge why naturall men care for nothing but their pompe why great men care for nothing but their golden gaine why voluptuous Epicures care for nothing but their pleasure why the pastor careth not for his flock nor the people for their pastor we may say with Ieremy They remember not their end When Salomon had spoken of all the vanities of men at last he opposeth this against all Remember thou shalt come to iudgement As if hee should haue said Men would neuer speake as they speake thinke as they think nor doe as they doe if they were perswaded that their thoughts words and deeds should come to iudgement What if wee had died in the ●aies of our ignorance like Iudas that hanged himselfe before he could see the passion resurrection or ascention of CHRIST IESVS We are therefore to number our daies and our sinnes too But alas how many daies haue we spent and yet neuer thought why a●y day was giuen vs but as the old yeer went and new came so wee thought that a new would follow that and that another will follow this and God knoweth how soone we may be deceiued for so they thought that are now in their graues This is not to number our daies but to prouoke God to shorten our daies Which of vs haue not liued twenty yeeres yea and some thirty or forty and happely some many more and yet we haue neuer applied our hearts aright vnto wisedome O if we had learned but euery yeere one vertue since we were borne we might
beseech thee saue my enemies from thy wrath and forgiue them that haue offended thee like as I would bee forgiuen in those things whereby I haue offended thee Giue mee grace to order my life O Lord and the workes of my bodie soule with resolued intent neuer to offend thee whereby I may receiue the reward of thy infinite ioy and eternall felicitie O Lord Iesus Christ grant mee whatsoeuer thy diuine wisdome knoweth most expedient for mee and that this miserable life is not worthy to obtaine Grant at the houre of my death I neuer fall from thee when as I shall bee accused for my hainous offences and sinnes committed against thy omnipotent Maiestie I beseech thee breake my froward heart and make it obedient vnto thee Lord keepe me from sudden death and preserue mee so by thine almightie hand and grant me sweete Father to haue a contempt of this World that I may with a i●yfull heart come into thy blessed presence Let the remembrance of thy death make mee ioifull wherby I may endure temptations tribulations and make mee so to loue thee that I may come to inherite that ioifull immortall and glorious life most excellent blisse and endlesse felicitie which is ordained in thy heauenlie Kingdome and for thy seruants prepared Lord grant me these supplications which I haue made to thee at this present grant me here in this Pilgrimage a gracious life and ● blessed ending free from debt and deadly sinne and after my death bring mee to euerlasting life there to haue an endlesse blisse and felicitie Amen A Prayer to GOD for hi● great goodnesse vnto Man O My Soueraigne Lord Iesu the very true Son of Almightie God that sufferedst death for my sake I beseech thee Lord haue mercie on mee that am a wretched sinner but yet thy creature For thy tender passion keepe me from all perils bodilie and ghostlie and especiallie from all things that may turne to thy displeasure And with all my heart I thanke thee most mercifull Lord for the great mercies which thou hast shewed me in the great dangers which I haue beene in as well in soule as in bodie and that thy grace and endlesse mercie hath alway kept and saued mee since the houre of my birth vnto this day Lord I beseech thee let thy mercie be continued towards mee and for my great offences vnkindnesse wretched and sinfull life Lord ● humblie aske pardon for the same at thy Almighti● hands And I thanke thee mo●● gracious Lord for thy gre●● benefits and graces which thou hast so largely bestowed on me before many other Creatures who haue bette● deserued then I. Lord I doe here meekeli● prostrate my selfe in heart a● it becommeth thy seruant promising neuer to offen● thee more tendering all honour and praise to thy holi● name who liuest raigne one God World witho●● end Amen A Prayer to GOD to deli●er vs from our ghostlie Enemies MOst deare Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ I beseech thee of thy benigne goodnesse and mercie to protect saue keepe and defend me against the assaults of my ghostlie enemies for I haue no other trust hope nor succour but thee alone Grant me therefore most gracious Father to dread loue thee aboue all things in this present life and after this life ended to enioy the Kingdome prepared for all true beleeuers Further I beseech thee that thou wilt vouchsafe out of thy great mercie and clemencie to shew thy bountifull goodnesse vpon me an● to forgiue me all my sinnes and grant that I may perseuere euerlastinglie in al● goodnesse and serue thee aright that after this life ● may raigne with thee in euerlasting glorie Worl● without end Amen A Prayer to GOD da●lie to be saide O My most blessed Lord the wel spring of pity and Fountaine of endlesse mercie I humbly beseech thee to giue mee grace so to spend this my transitory life in vertuous and godly exercises that when the day of my death shal come though I feele paine in my body yet I may feele comfort in my soule and with a faithfull hope of thy mercie imbrace thy messenger so contentedlie that I may w●llingly thorow thy grace and strength depart out of this vale of mis●ri● in loue towards thee and charitie towards the World that I may hasten me to that glorious Coun●rey wherein thou hast purchased mee an inheritance for euer with thy most precious bloud O my sweete Sauiour and Lord Iesus Christ I beseech thee while thou doest suffer mee to liue in this World be so gracious a Father as to giue vnto me a contrite and cleane heart quiet and patient a bodie chaste humble and obedient to follow thy will and alwaies ready to do thee seruice To thee O God bee al● praise which hast ●ermitte● mee to accomplish thi● worke grant O ●ord● i● may bee to thee ac●eptable to my soule healthf●l and to others profitable through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen A Prayer to be vsed at all times O Heauenly Lord and Omnipotent Father the patterne of all goodnes and follower of all vertues most stoute ouerthrower of all wickednesse and sharpest rooter vp of vices mercifullie behold my frailety and pronenesse to euill Helpe me with thy super●al power that I may learne ●o despise all earthly plea●●res and the vanities there●● and loue all celestiall and ●eauenly things Make mee resist all sinne which stands betweene thy ●aiesty and my weake spi●●t ready to ouerthrow mee ●● thy mercies were not assi●●ant to my poore soule Make me to withstand all ●●mptations firmely to im●race vertue to eschew all ●orldlie honours and car●all delights and to bewaile ●●ine offences committed in ●y sight I beseech thee restraine my ●●bridled desires with thy ●●uing hand whereby I may ●●staine from a leude and ●ose life and accustome my selfe with goodnesse to th● end that by thy benefit an● gift of grace by the true wo●shipping and seruing of th● Omnipotent Maiestie I ma● possesse the Crowne of eue●lasting life in thy Kingdome● prepared for thine ●le● World without end Amen A Prayer to bee daily saide vnto our Lord Iesus Christ O Maker of Heauen an● Earth King of King● Lord of Lords which of nothing diddest make mee t● thine Image and likeness● and didst redeeme mee wit● thine owne blood when I sinner was not worthy t● name to call or with he● to thinke vpon thee Humbly I desire meek●ie pray thee that thou gent●ie wilt behold mee thy sin●ull and wre●ched seruant O haue mercie on mee thou which ●adst mercy on the woman of Canaan vpon Mary Magdalen vpon the ●ublican vpon the thiefe ●anging on the Crosse Vnto thee I confesse Lord ●y sinnes which if I would cannot hide from thee Haue mercy Lord on me or I am a wretched sinner ●hich haue sore offended ●ee in pride couetousnsse ●luttony letchery vainglo●●e hatred enuie adulterie ●●est lying backbiting ●orting dissolute and wan●●n laughing idle words ●aring tasting sleeping ●orking and many more waies
of friendship and amitie betwixt vs. Namely that thou wilt be my mercifull Father and that againe I may be thy obedient childe Lord thou soest I doe not aske of thee riches honours or long life but onelie this euen this thing alone which with all possible importunity I vrg● and neuer wil cease to craue that from this present houre to my liues end I may neuer more offend thy diuine Maiestie nor defile my conscience with anie mortall ofsence O Lord grant ● poore sinner this his humble suite for Christ Iesus his sake my alone Sauiour and Redeemer Come holie Spirit the sweetest comforter of Mankinde I beseech thee take the possession of my soule purge and cleanse mee of all sin sanctifie me throughout wash what is corrupted water what is dried heale what is wounded bow what is ●●iffened warme what is cooled call home what is straied make mee ●rulie humble and resigned ●hat thou maiest bee pleased ●o stay and abide with thy seruant O most blessed light and glorious lampe illuminate my minde with the heauen●ie beames of thy wisdome O Paradise of pleasures ● Fountaine of purest de●ights my God giue me thy ●elfe In flame my soule with ●hy celestiall loue teach me ●ouerne me direct and pro●ect mee through the whole ●ourse of my life Establish my mind against ●ll elusions and inordinate feare grant me a right faith an assured hope a si●cer● and perfect charity and that I may preferre thy blessed will pleasure before a●● things in Heauen and Earth And now sweete Iesus vpon the knees of my heart I humbly craue pardon o● these and all other my trespasses knowne and vnknowne yea so inspire my heart with thy spirit that seriouslie I may resolue of amendement of life for the time to come That I may carefullie reforme my selfe of those vsual errors into which this day past and so often as heretofore I haue beene accustomed to fal that I may renewall my good purposes and intentions and accordinglie put them in practise that so finallie after this my short life spent in thy seruice I may at length close vp my daies in peace and happilie end in thee who art blessed for euer Who with the Father and the Holy Ghost liuest and raignest euer one God World without ende Amen A Prayer for Night O My most Soueraigne Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ Lampe of light truth I miserable wretch most humbly beseech thee to with-draw and keepe my minde from wandring thoughts distractions this night Lord heare the gro●nings of those who vnder then of sinne and infirmiti●● crie vnto thee Lord loose ●he bonds and shackles of iniquitie wherewith I haue bound my selfe and out of the darke prison of wickednesse whereinto I haue run and captiuated my selfe deliuer my sinfull soule O Lord As thou art my skilful Phisician and best knowest my diseases take me to thy cure O Soune of God my Creatour Redeemer and Sanctifier let thy vnspeakable loue remaine in my soule for euer that I may enioy thee and ioy in thy countenance Thou that leddest the Israelites thy seruants throgh the red Sea and deliueredst them from the bondage of Phar●ah and his cruell Ministers discharge mee of the grieuous weight of my sins where-with my soule is so heauilie laden Thou that desendedst Daniel in the Lions denne desend me this night and euermore Thou that pardonedst Dauids vnspeakable sinnes be mercifull vnto me thou Sonne of God and Sauiour of the World in whom 〈◊〉 lie is my saluation by whom I may become an Angell in Heauen and without whose mercie am a diuell in hell Good God looke graciouslie vpon mee wash me O Lord whose iniquities are as red as bloud and I shall appear before thy almighty Throne as white as snow Lord deliuer mee now this night and in the houre of my death from all the malicious temptations of the old Serpent my enemie adopt mee here thy sonne below that I may become thy seruant aboue and liue with thee and raigne with thee in those ioies which are euer during who with the Father and the Holie Ghost euer liuest raignest World without end Ame● O Lord looke downe from Heauen vpon mee miserable wr●tch that lie here prostrate at thy feete crauing mercie of thy Omnipotent Maiestie for those sinnes which I haue committed this day against thee I humblie beseech thee O Christ which a●● my onelie Sauiour and Redee●●er to extend thy accustomed goodnesse to me this night that I may bee defended from the danger of the enemie and all euill which may befall mee this night good Lord take mee into thy protection of safegard that I may take safe and quiet rest this night to the end I may be the better enabled the next day to serue thee in all godlinesse holinesse of liuing whereby I may haue thy blessings powred downe plentifullie vpon me to the reliefe of me and mine and that after this painefull life ended I may dwell with thee in life euerlasting Amen A Praier to GOD for grace and to d●sp●se the vanitie of the World O Gracious and Omnipotent Father haue mer●ie on mee and forgiue me the great offences which I haue done in the sight o● thee Grant me grace for the loue of thee to despise sinne● and all worldlie vanitie● helpe mee to ouercome all temptations to sinne and the malice o● my ghostli● enemies and to spend my time in vertue and labou● acceptable to thee Repress● the motions of my sinfu●● flesh that mine h●art may bee enamoured of vertue to liue to thine honour and to the comfort of my soule O Father strengthen mee in soule and bodie to execute the workes of godlinesse to the glorie of thy blessed name and profit of my Christian bretheren whereby I may come to thy euerlasting ioy and feli●itie Grant me a firme purpose most mercifull Lord to amend my life and to make recompence for those yeers which I haue misspent to thy displeasure in euill thoughts delectations consentings wordes workes and euill customes whereby I haue deserued damnatiō Lord make mine heart obedient to thy will comfort mee and gi●e mee grace to haue my most ioy and pleasure in thee giue me heauenly meditations gostlie sweetenesse and zeale of thy glorie Rauish my soule with a burning desire to the heauenlie ioy where I shall euerlastinglie dwell with thee ●rant me sweet Sauiour contempt of all damnable pleasure of sinne and misery grant mee a true remembrance of my saluation with a feare of damnation and 〈◊〉 remembrance of thy goodnesse thy gifts great ●i●dnesse shewed to me from my creation vntill this present houre O Lord reduce into my minde my sinnes and disobedience whereby I haue offended thee Lord grant me a right spirit and perfect contrition to obtaine thy grace and from filthy sinne to purge mee O God make mee constant and stable i● faith hope and charity with continuance in vertue direct my will that it may not offend thee but