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A00173 The life or the ecclesiasticall historie of S. Thomas Archbishope of Canterbury; Annales ecclesiastici. English. Selections Baronio, Cesare, 1538-1607.; A. B., fl. 1639. 1639 (1639) STC 1019; ESTC S100557 287,552 468

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THE LIFE OR THE ECCLESIASTICALL HISTORIE OF S. THOMAS ARCHBISHOPE OF CANTERBVRY COLLONIAE M.DC.XXXIX TO THE MOST REVERENT FATHER IN GOD RICHARD SMYTH BISHOPE OF CHALCEDONE c. MOST Reuerent and my most honored good Lord I haue alwayes apprehended the life and Martirdome of that most excellent Prelate and vndaunted Champion S. Thomas Archbishope of Canterburie a most perfect Paterne of a good Pastor yea and of a good subiect too as one wisely discerning Gods part from Caesars and giuing to ether their owne without which there can be no Christian iustice Take his owne golden and last words for it written to King Henry his soueraigne Prepared I am not onely to die but also to suffer a thousand deathes and all torments whatsoeuer for Christ's sake Yet whether I die or liue Cod. Vat. l. 5. Epist 54. I am and shall euer be yours and what euer becomes of vs and ours God euer blesse you and your issue So that I haue iudged no tyme mispent in culling the peeces out of the most authenticall and best Authors which haue concurred to the making vp of this litle bulke or Epistolarie processe of his life and death which I hope will appeare most contentfull and satisfactorie to all and fittest to frame a right iudgment in any as not being crooked and fitted to selfe endes by artificall amplifications but furnished by knowne fact and made good by so many and so ir●eprochable witnesses as it cannot indeed be suspected to be in any part disguised or forced by corruption or malice but to deliuer a naked truth Now amongst all those whom I duely reuerence and honor in earth I could find none to whose patronage this poore worke of myne might laye a more iust clayme then to your Lordship like as in my iudgment your Lordshipe can pretend no Patrone in Heauen to whom you may haue a more confident recourse or with whom you might haue more sympathie being considered such as he liued in this earthly habitation for Religiousnesse zeale contrie cause constancie None which comes more home to your vse in respect of your long delay in banishment and the opposition you haue found euen amongst some of your children and those domesticalls of faith In a word in reading it you will not fayle before your death to reade a great part of your owne renowned life May it I beseech almightie God be long contentfull prosperous in earth and followed out with an eternally blessed one in heauen These are and euer shall be the zealous wishes of all good men and in particular of Your Lords. most humble and deuoted seruant A. B. THE PREFACE TO THE Epistolarie and Ecclesiastical History of sainct Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury INTENDING to present vnto your viewe out of that reuerent an renowned author Cardinall Baronius the great controuersie beetweene the Church and kingdome of England wherein the cheife actors in this our disturbed nation were that mightie King Henry the second and our Metropolitane sainct Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury and in forraine countryes that most holy wise Pope Alexander the 3. and Lewes the pious king of France with many Catholicke Princes and among the Scismatickes the potent Emperour Fredericke with his idoll Octauian seeking by all meanes to intrude themselues and put their sickles into this haruest where the Diuel the father of their execrable scysme like a deepe polititian taking aduantage of their hellish discord had in this vnfortunate Iland sowed the cockle of dissention I thought best in regard this canker soe spreade it selfe through the Christian world and this history was collected out of the Epistles written by the cheifest rulers in that age to lay open briefely the state of the westerne Church and kingdomes vnited therein whereby your mindes receauing light may better discouer thinges otherwise obscured First therefore to delineate the time I must somewhat touch the raigne of Pope Adrian Alexanders predecessour who being the only man of our English nation that euer steered saint Peeters ship and was not only for his singular vertues wisedome and learning preferred to the Apostolike Sea but also himselfe the Apostle who conuerted the Norwegyans to the Christian faith I thinke it no vnnecessary digression to treate of his origine progresse and most high preferment At Abbotts Langley in the County of Hertford neere kinges Langley Nicolas Breakespeare afterwards Pope Adriā borne in England where Edmund of Langley receaued his first breath from whom all the kinges of England and Scotland haue these many yeeres descended was borne Nicolas Breakespeare who afterwarde exalted to the gouerment of the Church of Rome and called Adrian the fourth ruled in matters of faith and Religion the whole Christian world His father was Robert Breakespeare a yonger brother of the family of Breakespeare whose place concurring with the name is seated neere Vxbridge in Middelsex now in the possession of Ashby His father saith Iohn Stowe after the death of his wife and before the departure as I conceaue of his sonne out of the realme professed a Religious life in the Monastery of saint Abbans wherein Stowe ignorantly not maliciously ran into an errour for Pope Adrians mother as shall bee afterwards showed ouerliued him It appeareth in a Counsell celebrated in Normandie by Pope Alexanders Legates with the Archbishop of Roane and Bishops of the same Prouince anno Dom. 1172. how before that time men might enter into religion leauing their wiues in the world for there was made a Canon afterwards prohibiting it And so might Robert Breakespeare in this precedent age as it is affirmed bee a Monke in saint Abbans and his wife as it is certaine ledd a retyred life vnder the Archbishop in Canterbury The name of Breakespeare beeing truly English and about the time of the Conquest inuincibly proueth they were of the Saxon not of the Norman race Breakespeare it selfe was in the raigne of king Iames the inheritable mansion of a knight and how great in forepassed dayes God knoweth But as sainct Thomas sayth in his Epistle to Gylbert Bishop of London what hath a priest a religious man to doe with these worldly flourishes I will descend to his humiliation which was his ascent first to honor then to heauen All that followeth is collected out of Card. Baronius Leauing as Abraham his countrey and kindred hee trauelled in his youth to pourchase learning and comming to Arnulate professed religion in the Monastery of saint Rufus where hee was called first to bee Prior then Abbot of the house whereupon it fortuned that for serious occasions of the Church commended to his charge hee went to the Apostolike Sea and hauing fully finished all his busines and now intending to returne Pope Eugenius of blessed memory retayned him there and by consent of his brethren Pope Eugenius Adrian Bishoppe of Alba. did consecrate him Bishop of Alba. A while after seeing his vertues and wisedome hee designed him Legate a Latere of the Apostolike Sea into
Saintes recounteth his charitable benignity Thus fare Peeter who although hee were the king's faithfull seruante yet seeking rather the honor of God then men omitted not as much as in him lay to defend vnder hand the cause of saint Thomas AN. DOM. 1165. Now followeth the yeere of our Lord 1165. with the xv Indiction according to times computation An Embassage to the Pope from mawde the Empresse in the beeginning whereof an Ambassag was sent from Mawde the Empresse mother of Henry king of England to Pope Alexander wherin shee beesought his Holines to ioyne in league the kinges of France and England which if hee could accomplish a peace was likely to ensue beetweene the king of England and saint Thomas When Iohn of Salisbury who was resident in Alexanders courte had notice heereof hee certifyd saint Thomas thereof by letter beeginning thus When as lately I sollicited my Lord the Pope incouraging him and carefully insinuating a way which meethought I vnderstood for reducing to him and you the tranquillity of peace hee answered that hee conceaued a hope of peace from wordes of the Empresse who vpon a vowe sent then the Abbot of saint Martyrs thither promising the king of England could easily bee perswaded to what soeuer my Lord desired if his Holines would as hath bin long wished confederate the two kinges wherein beecause my Lord the Pope is forward the king of France as surely it semeeth will easily inclyne vpon the Popes conference with the kinges and that his Holines had allready inuited the king of France to keepe the feast of the Purification with him Thus far concerning the conceaued hope of Peace and added moreouer That hee spoake with the king of France whom hee found very fearefull least vpon such occasion hee should bee withdrawne from the communion of the Church of Rome and leauing Pope Alexander cleaue to the scysmaticall faction These thinges thus signifyed Salisbury beeseecheth saint Thomas to employ himselfe rather in prayer then the study of learning from whose letters receaue these notes which in Quadrilogus are recyted out of Herebert concerning sainct Thomas while hee remayned as yet in the Monastery of Pontiniacke hee was so much affected to the reading of holy scriptures as daily after the Cānonicall houres the sacred bookes were scarce euer out of his handes whereupon by reason of his loue to the Scriptures and labour employed therein hee did in shorte tyme soe profit as most often in the nice and obscurest sentences hee excelled his instructors themselues moreouer hee bestowed his life in studying the Ecclesiasticall Cannons which endeauours of his in these dangerous tymes were no whit pleasing to Iohn of Salisbury whom saint Thomas held in no smale estimation as well in reguard of his singuler honesty as also his learning who confident of his credit with this saint admonisheth him in the same letters of these thinges worthie remēbrance saying My counsel my desire my instant intreaty is that you wholly conuert your mynd vnto our Lord Cod Vat. lib. 1. Ep. 31. and the suffrages of prayers beecause as it is written in the Prouerbes the name of our Lord is the strongest tower whereunto if any man flye Prouerb 18. hee shall bee deliuered out of all extremities Put of in the meane time as much as you may all other businesses The ptofitable admonition of à friend to S. Thomas beecause allthough they seeme maruilous necessary yet what I perswade you is more highly to bee preferd in regarde it is farre more necessary The lawes and Cannons ef the Church doe profit but beelieue mee this other woorke is now of more importance those ornamentes are not sutable to this season for they are not soe much the procurers of deuotion as of curiosity Doe you not remember how in the distresse of the people as it is written the Preists and Ministers poured out their teares beetweene the porch and the Altar Ioel. 2● Psal 76. ibidem saying Spare ô Lord spare thy people I was exercised sayd the Prophet and I sweeped my spirit in the day of tribulation seeking our Lord with my handes Which teach vs that spirituall excercise with cleansing and examination of the conscience turneth away the scourge and obtaineth the mercy of God Who riseth with compunction from perusing the lawes and Cannons Nay I say more these exercises in schooles doe sometimes puffe vp knowledge to swell in pride but seldome or neuer inflame vs with deuotion I had rather you would meditate on the Psalmes and spend your life in saint Gregorie's Moralles then beecome a Philosopher after the Scholastical fashyon it is farre better to confer with aspirituall father for amendment of manners by whose example you may bee incensed then to sifte and discusse pointes of controuersies appertayning to secular literature our Lord knoweth with what intent with what deuotion I suggest these thinges Accept them as you please but if you performe this God will euer assist you that you shall neuer haue cause to feare what soeuer man deuiseth against you our Lord seeth that in these instant streightes of afflictions wee are not to hope as I thinke in any mortal creature c. Thus Iohn aduised saint Thomas very conueniently In the meane time S. Thomas oppressed with extreme afflictiōs although absent yet with letters doth prosecute his busines writing as well to the king of England as also to the Bishoppes who ought to exhorte and admonish their Prince To the king hee directed these letters which Roger in his Cronicle deliuereth in these wordes To his Dread Soueraigne Lord Henry by the grace of God the famous king of England Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine and Eearle of Anioue Thomas by the same grace the humble seruāt of the Chuch of Canterbury The letter of S. Tomas to the king of England sendeth greeting and all wishes of well-doinge To speake of God is the parte of a free and well quieted mynde which causeth mee soe to speake to my Lord And I would wee might treate peaceably I humbly beeseech you my Lord to endure with patience some litle admonition concurring with the grace of God which was neuer voyd for the saluation of your soule and deliuery of myne I am on all sides beeset with extremityes for tribulation and perplexities haue found mee in the midst of two most weyghty and fearefull matters plunged I say beetwene these two important thinges dreaded silence and Admonition Let mee cease to speake death is then threatened mee nor can I auoyd the hand of our Lord saying If thou shalt not showe the offendor his fault and hee thereby dyeth in his sinne Ezech. 3. I will require his blood at thy bandes On the other side let mee admonish I see not how to eschewe which God forbid my Soueraignes indignation fearing moreouer least that should beefall which the wise man foretould saying when hee who pleaseth not commeth or sendeth to make intercession or motion it is to bee
againe by wryting Appealed to the same Sea and assigne for the terme of our Appeale the day of our Lords Ascension humbly beeseeching with all the deuotion wee can deuise that taking more sound aduise you would spare both your and our trauell and expences and in that sorte to repose your cause as it may finde a speedy redresse And soe father wee wish you well to fare in our Lord. Hetherto the Bishop of London together with his Associates of the same Prouince vnto whom sainct Thomas thus replyed Thomas the humble seruante of the Church of Canterbury to Gilbert Bihoppe of London ●od Vat lib. Epist 108. as once now againe wisheth him soe to passe through temporall prosperity as hee looseth not eternall felicity The answer of S. Thomas 〈◊〉 Gilbert Bishop of ●ondon and ●●e other ●●●hop It is a wonder yea an exceeding maruayle that a man of wisedome lerned in the holy Scriptures and at the least in habit bearing a showe of religion should soe manifestly I spare to say vnreuerently without all feare of God bee aduersary to the truth an oppugner of iustice and confounding all right with wrong indeauor the ouerthrowe of the state of the Church which the Allmighty himselfe hath builded For it is truth that sayth The gates of hell shall not preuaile against her Hee is not therefore a man of a sober mynde who intendeth her ruine but like one who binding a mighty montayne about with a rope attempteh to ouerthrowe it And haue wee passionately run into anger and hatred that prouoked to wrath wee are incyted to darte such wordes as these at our brother Associate and fellowe Bishoppe God forbid But thus much haue wee collected out of your letters which wee receaued by the handes of your Archdeacon Neither truly can wee gather grapes of thornes or figges of thistles That it may playnly appeare whether this bee soe or not let vs lay them open and bring to light their contentes The end compared with the beeging resembleth a Scorpion this maketh his entry with flattery that stinging vs terribly attempteth to shut vs vp in silence For what is it else first to acknowledg your bounden subiection to vs and promise obedience annexed to subiection then for auoyding your obedience to flye off to an Appeale What are there with mee is and is not saith the Apostle Neither ought the same to bee with the Apostles scholler The Disciples necessarily receaued from our Lord power to tread vpon Serpents and Scorpions and Ezechiel at this day dwelleth with Scorpions Ezechiel 2. And consider in what sense you say Wee flye to the remedy of an appeale You call your selfe the follower of Christ and yet in these wordes you are found otherwise for Christ hath recommended to vs obedience as the efficacious yea the most effectuall remedy of all our mischeifes and that not only by word but alsoe by most euident example beeing made obedient to his father euen to the very death and with what face can you then call that a remedy which is the impediment of obedience and is not to bee termed a remedy but more truly a detriment And vpon what confidence doe you presume heerin to haue probable hope to procure any patronage or protection to sheild you from your obedience beefore him who for the chasticing of all disobedience has receaued as well his office as a commandement It is ill to hope in him and withall greeuously to offend him The first and second repulse which you haue allready suffered may well hinder you from such presumption for first your selfe in person and then your letters composed for perswasion haue by experience proued how firmely hee stood how truly hee was the vicar of Peeter whom you could neuer moue by prayers giftes admonitions or promises But now the third tyme bee is to bee attempted that by the example of his Master hee may after a third temptation tryumph with victory Ioan. 21. And that nothing may bee left vnattempted to encrease our vexation you haue fixed the Terme of your Appeale allmost a whole yeere hence neither take you any compassion of our banishement or of the labor of the holy Church the spouse of Christ which with his blood hee purchassed and to omitte these yet truly not to bee omitted neither haue you a carefull eye ouer our Lord the king whom you pretend to fauor who as long as hee proceedeth in this sorte against vs and the Church of Christ cannot without perill of his soule either march to warre or liue at home in peace Let vs passe to the rest You recyte some troubles which arose in and by our departure let the authors and counsellors of this perturbation feare least themselues fall into perturbation You set vs forth with great prayses in regarde of the beeginning of our peregrination and doubtelesse it is not the parte of a wise man to neglect his fame but who is discreete ought in censuring himselfe to beeleiue none sooner then himselfe Wee are accused of iniuryes offered our Lord the kinge but beecause you name not any wee knowe not whereunto wee are bounde to answer and beeing superficiously accused wee doe but superficiously excuse our selues neuertheles meane whyle receaue this from vs wee are guilty of nothing neither yet are wee therefore iustifyed You maruayle at the threatening or cōminatory sent out by vs against him what father who seeth his sonne runne astray can bee silent who doth not chastice with the rod to preuent the slaughter of the swoard The parent despayreth of the sonne whom with threatening or discipline hee correcteth not God forbid wee should thinke with you that our Soueraigne beeing impatient to endure correction should fall downe to the extirpation of Apostacy for the plantation of the heauenly father will not easily bee pluked vp by the rootes The shipp is tossed with a most terrible tempest wee are her Pilot and you perswade vs to sleepe You heape together and set before our eyes the benefittes beestowed on vs by our Lord the king Gilbert Becket Portgraue of the Citty of Lōdon in the raigne of K. Stephen was father to S. Thomas Godfrey de Maund●uil was Portgraue of Lōdon in the time of the Conqueror and Willam Rufus Hugh Bouch and Aubrey de Vere in the raigne of Henry the first Next Gilbert Becket as before Peter Fits walter Portgraue in the time of King Henry the 2 And the successiuly Iohn Fits nigel Ernulphus Buchel and Wiliian Fits-Isabell all which Iohn Stowe witnesseth Heerby you may see what worthie mē were then Portgraues of London and soe consequently of what accōpt Gilbert Becket the father of saint Thomas was Portgraue was then the highest Gouernor of the Citty and recounte how were raysed by him from a lowe degree to the heygth of Fortune we wee may truly answer heereunto a litle and yet neuerthlesse not frō how lowe a degree as you thinke If you consider but the tyme wherin wee were