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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19485 The brazen serpent: or, the copie of a sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, Decemb. 31. 1620. By Iohn Andrevves, priest and preacher of the VVord of God at Saint Iames Clerkenwell in Middlesex Andrewes, John, fl. 1615. 1621 (1621) STC 591; ESTC S122344 23,076 64

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acceptione conceptum ipsamque Carnem Verbi incarnatione conceptam Doe thou assuredly beleeue and make no scruple of it at all that the Flesh or Humanitie of Christ was not conceiued in the Virgins womb before it was assumed by the Word but that the very Word God himself was conceiued in the taking of his flesh and that his flesh was conceiued in the Incarnation of the Word m Aug. Ep. 3. ad Volusianū Cū enim verbum Dei permixtum est Animae habenti Corpus Simul animam suscepit corpus Idem li. 1. 3. de Trinitate cap. 17. After all these comes Damascen in his third Booke de Orthodoxâ fide cap. 2. and m 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Damascen ibid. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Id. lib. 3. cap. 22. saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 at the same instant that the Humanity of Christ was flesh it was also the flesh of God the Word it was at the same moment liuing flesh indued with a reasonable Soule and vnderstanding The Ancients taught thus therefore 't is no nouell Doctrine And it is no vnsound Doctrine For besides that it is consonant to good reason and diuinitie wee haue not only all the followers of D. Luther that embrace it but others also as Peter Martyr in his exposition vpon the Creede on those words Conceiued by the Holy Ghost borne of the Virgin Mary His words are these Spiritus Sanctus in eam sc Virginem descendit principali sua vi ex illius jam gratiâ purificato sanguine singularem perfectum Hominem creauit qui miraculosè fuit ab aeterno Sermone assumptus The Holy Ghost came downe vpon the Virgin and by his Operatiue power hauing now purified her blood by his Grace created an extraordinary singular and perfect Man which was miraculously assumed by the eternall Word The very selfe-same is deliuered by Amandus Polanus in Syntag. Theologico libro sexto cap. 14. which I forbeare for breuities sake to repeate vnto you neither may we maruaile seeing that the first Adam in a moment of the slime of the Earth was made by Gods power a man perfect and complete in all parts and faculties if that our Sauiour Christ the second and more excellent Adam was at the first moment of his conception made by the handyworke of God the Holy Ghost a perfect absolute man and not only perfect Man but perfect Christ that is King n Cyril lib. de Fide ad Theodosium in sine Aug. lib. 15. de Trin. ca. 26. Nazianzen Oratione 4. de Theologia Hieronym in Ps 132. Origen Hom. 1. in Cant. Fulgentius de Incarn cap. 10. Anselm in Cap. 1. ad Hebr alij complures Priest and Prophet as the Fathers doe truely teach vs. But against this which hath been deliuered some perhaps may pick a quarrell and say that Christ was not without all manner of sin for al that were in Adams loyns and are descended from Adam did sin in Adam for it is written Rom. 15. 12. By one man sinne entred into the World and by Sinne Death and so death went ouer all men for so much as all men haue sinned If all men haue sinned then Christ for Christ is man and according to the flesh was in the loynes of Adam as all others were and therefore S. Luke fetcheth his pedegree frō Adam Luke 3. last Therfore it should seem that Christ was not quite free clean from all sinne To which I answer first by denying that all and euery one that were in Adam did sin in Adam or were guilty of Adams sin The guilt of Adams sin laid hold on such only as were in him both according to the substance of their flesh and also Secundum rationem Seminalem according to the carnall way of Propagation by which man is begotten of Man Of all such the Apostle speaketh when he saith By one man sinne entred into the World and went ouer all men namely ouer all that were begotten and born of Man and Woman But Christ was in Adam according to the substance of his flesh only but not according to the ordinary way of Generation for he was conceiued by the Holy Ghost and born of a pure Virgin who neuer knew man carnally therefore he sinned not in Adam But yet S. Paul saith Rom. 6. last Death is the stipend of sin but Christ suffred death Therefore it seemes that he was guilty of sinne otherwise death durst not haue arrested him I answer Death did not arrest him by any lawfull warrant or authoritie of her owne because He had no sin He might haue brought an action of false imprisonment against her but he voluntarily and of his owne accord went to Death and suffered it to attach him that he might set vs free from sinne and death So saith Esay 53. Oblatus est quia o Christus de Adae propagine vnus extitit in quo Diabolus quod Suum diceret non haberet Qui dum in Eum saeuit Quē sub peccati lege non tenuit Ius impiae dominationis amisit Leo. de pass Hom. 12. D. Athanasius lib. 4. ad Antioch Antequam Caput inclinasset mors propiùs accedere verebatur voluit he was offered vp because he would for had Hee not beene willing none could compell or constrain him to it Wherfore Christ himself saith Ioh. 10. 17. I lay down my life that I may take it againe No man taketh it from me but I lay it downe of my selfe I haue power to lay it downe and I haue power to take it vp againe And therefore when he hangeth vpon the Crosse he staies not Deaths leasure till death come to take away his life but willingly and couragiously he meets him in the way and like a Champion that p Quantum voluit vixit quādo voluit tradidit spiritum Chrysost hom 104 Vide August Tract 120. in Ioann D. Hall Ser. de Pass 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 scornes to bee ouercome nay knowes he cannot be yeeldeth in the midst of his strength that He might by dying vanquish Death Therefore Saint Iohn 20. 30. saith that he bowed his Head and gaue vp the Ghost not bowing as commonly men doe because he had giuen it vp before but because he would doe it Nature in him was strong enough hee might haue liued but he gaue vp the ghost and would die to shew himselfe Lord of Life and Death Thirdly In the lifting vp of this Serpent is shadowed the Passion of Christ Moses did fasten the Serpent to a long Pole and so hanged it vp on high that all the whole Host of Israel might looke vp to it and looking be healed of the Serpents biting So Christ at his Passion was lift vp on the Crosse that q Leo Hom. 11. de passione all might looke at him with the eye of Faith and by vertue of his death might escape Death the wages of sinne and receiue health and Saluation Heere is the difference The
Brazen Serpent gaue them but health and life of Body only and that for a time but Christ giueth eternall Health eternall Life to Body and Soule both This Serpent was but the meanes and instrument of that life which God by it gaue to such as were Serpent-bitten but Christ is the Author the cause the very Originall of eternall Life And as it was not possible for the Israelites being once stung euer to be cured except they did looke vp to the Brazen Serpent So is it not possible for any man since the stinging of Adam by the Old Serpent in the beginning of the World to be saued but by IESVS CHRIST and him crucified Fourthly this Brazē Serpent was but one and set vp by Moses that Many Thousands of the people that were stung by thousand other Serpents might recouer health and all such as were either before or behind it on the right hand or on the left if they did but turne towards it and behold it were healed So Christ is but one Sauiour one Mediatour yet His death is sufficient to take away the venome and smart of all our sinnes and not ours only but of the whole World nay of a Million of Worlds If they would but fixe their Eye vpon him and beleeue in him for Christ is the end of the Law to Righteousnesse to euery one that beleeueth Rom. 10. 4. a Sauiour he was to such as beleeued that He would be sacrificed for them long before he was borne of the Virgin as to Adam to Noah to Abraham and Dauid For Abraham reioyced to see my Day saith Christ and he saw it and was glad He saw it by the light of Faith 1500. yeeres before Christ manifested himselfe in the Flesh For as Leo saith Refudit se in aetates praeteritas mysterium illud tam illis qui praecesserunt vtile quàm nobis qui sequimur The Mystery of our Redemption by the death of Christ as the Sunne at one instant disperseth his beams ouer the whole Horizon from East to West did shoote it selfe to all Ages past present and to come For He was the Lambe slaine from the beginning of the World Reu. 13. 8. as beneficiall to such as dyed before his comming if they looked towards him as to vs that liue after him for as it is in Mat. 21. 9. All that went before him and they that followed after cryed Hosanna to the Sonne of Dauid That is they expected Saluation from Iesus Christ and by him only Neither from any Man were that man Moses nor from the workes of the Law but only from the Blood of the MESSIAS As these Israelites when they were bitten by the Serpents although they roared and cryed to one another yet not any was able to heale or helpe either himselfe or any other No not Moses but God only by the Brazen Serpent Fifthly I beseech you consider the meanes which God made choice of to giue life to the Children of Israel It was a Serpent as it were dead for it had no life in it Being but a piece of shining Brasse And some Naturalists affirme that if r Hemingius one be poysoned with the sting or venome of a Serpent the very looking on shining Brasse is present death to him In which the power of the miracle doth more plainely discouer it selfe Because God made that which of it selfe is the cause of Death to become to such as vsed it according to his Ordinance a cause of Life and Health Working one Contrary out of another giuing Life by Death So it is in Christ For by his death all true beleeuers are translated from Death to Life Which is so strange a wonder that it cannot sinke into many mens heads how it should euer bee brought to passe that Christ his death should procure and conuay euerlasting Life to vs. When Christ tels the Iewes Iohn 12. 32. that Hee must be lifted vp that is hanged on the Crosse and so dye and giue his Life for the life of the World They could not be perswaded that if he were the right Christ the Sauiour of the World that hee should die at all but liue for euer Therefore verse 34. The People answered him We haue heard in our Law that Christ bideth for euer then how dost thou say that he must be lifted vp that is hanged on the Tree and suffer death vpon the Crosse And therefore 1. Cor. 1. 23. Christ crucified that is hope of euerlasting life by such a one as like a notorious malefactor suffered death vpon the Gallowes is said to the Iewes to be a stumbling block and to the Gentiles foolishnesse So it pleaseth carnall men to deeme of the Mysteries of our Saluatiō because they are aboue their shallow Reason they account them meere foolishnesse But the Wisedome of God in this to such as are enlightened with super-naturall light appeareth to be the greatest and the very foolishnesse of God is wiser then the greatest wisedome of Men and the weakenesse of God is stronger then Men 1. Cor. 1. 25. But to make both his Wisedome and power knowne vnto Men it hath pleased God many times to bring one contrary out of another As at the first he made Heauen and Earth and all things else of what of Nothing only by the power of his Word And what more contrary to all things which haue a Being then nothing which hath no Being at all Whence was the order the Beautie the wel-composed frame of the Vniuersall World fashioned was it not out of an empty rude vnshapen and indigested lump or Chaos Did not Hee bring light out of Darknesse and what more contrary to Light then Darkenesse So Christ by the very shame of the Crosse purchased to vs eternall Glory and by his Death giueth vs redemption from eternall death and euerlasting Life to all true members of his mysticall Body And this must needes be so For considering that Christ is perfect God who made all the World and that with a word of his mouth being able if he pleased with one word to make a thousand Worlds as great as this Considering I say that He Christ IESVS the most high God did take vpon him as to morrow the day of his Circumcision to be ſ Gal. 5. 3. our Suretie to pay to his Father our Debt of death Temporall and Eternall He being more worth then all the Spirits of Men and Angels in a thousand Worlds because he is the Maker of them all His death must needs be more satisfactorie to Gods iustice and wrath then if all the Men and Angels in Heauen and Earth should for mans sins haue suffred all the endlesse and Numberlesse torments of Hell for euer and euer and if the Surety suffer death and pay the debt is it not reason that the principall go quit and free and haue his life spared Wherfore in Ioh. 18. 7. when the Officers came to apprehend Christ he asketh Whom seeke yee and they said Iesus of Nazareth