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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06348 A Godly and short treatise vpon the Lordes prayer, the xii articles of the Christian faith, and the Ten commaundementes. Some, Robert, 1542-1609. 1580 (1580) STC 16814.5; ESTC S2219 13,019 45

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God his children Luke chap. 21. verse 28. Philip chap. 3. ver 20.21 1. Thessa chap. 4. ver 16.17 for then they shal haue ful possession aswel in body as soule of Gods euerlasting kingdome Matthew cap. 25. ver 34.49 It will bee a fearefull day to the wicked 2. Thessalonians chap. 1. verse 7.8.9 For then Gods vengeaunce shall bee plentifully powred vppon them Apocalips chap. 20. ver 15. Matthewe chap. 25. ver 41.46 I beleeue in the holy Ghoste By holy ghost I vnderstand the third person of the holy Trinitie proceeding frō the father and the sonne Iohn cap. 15. ver 26. who as he is true God Act cap. 5. ver 3.4 1. Cor. cap. 3. ver 16. so by his inwarde and heauenly working in our harts he assureth vs that wee are of the number of Gods children Rom. chap. 8. ver 16. and that we are shal be cloched with Christ as with a precious garment and haue Christes benefices plentifully and with a full horne powred vpon vs. The holy Catholike Church that is to say I beleeue that almightie God had from the beginning of the worlde hath presently in the world and shall haue vntil the ende of the world his church on the earth Ezdr. cap. 9. ver 8. Esay cap. 29. ver 18.22 though not alike visible at al times in the eyes of men Esay chap. 49. ver 21 Dan. cap. 7. ver 21.22 Apoc. chap. 12. ver 6. The visible Churche is the company of those which make profession too serue the true god in Christ The Church is called holy not because it is without sinne or cannot be dusked with some spot for the whole Church prayeth for pardō of their sinnes Math. cap. 6. ver 12. But for that Iesus Christe who is the head of the Church is holy and that the holinesse of the Church is begun in this life The Church is called Catholike or vniuersall because it is not tyed to any time persons or place Ezech cap. 11. ver 22.23 Mat. cap. 23. ver 37.38.39 Act. cap. 13. ver 27.28 but because it is scattered ouer the face of the world according to the plesure of almightie God This Catholike Church of God standeth not in multitude of persons Act cap. 19. ver 27. Apo. cap. 28. ver 28. but in weight of trueth Ephe. chap. 2. ver 20 otherwise Christe himselfe and his Apostles had not byn Catholike for his flock was very litle Luk. ca. 12. ver 33. and the catholik or vniuersal consent of the world stoode against it Acts. cap. 4. ver 26.27 The communion of Saints By Saints are mental the faithful whersoeuer sanctified by the holy Ghost so that this is the meaning of this Article I beleeue that there is a communion or felowship of and amongest the children of God This communion or felowship of Saints is first especially with Iesus Christ who as he is the onely head of the Church Col. cap. 1. ver 18. Eph. cap. 4. ver 15.16 So he giueth life and spirituall giftes to the faithful who are his members This communion or felowship is also amongst the godly themselues appeareth euidently by vnitie of faith by partaking of the holy Sacraments lastly by relieuing one another either with spiritual graces Heb cap. 3. ver 13.1 Thes chap. 5. ver 11.14 Which must bee vsed to the comfort and good of others according to our calling or els with part of those external blessings which the Lorde in mercy hath made vs stewards of 2. Cor. cap. 8. ver 3.11.12 Heb. cap. 13. ver 16. The forgeuenes of sinnes that is to say I beleeue that Almightie God hath doth and will forgiue me and al his children al our sinnes committed both before and after baptisme 1. Iohn cap. 1. ver 7.1 Pet. cap. 2. vers 24. howe greate and many so euer they bee Esay cap. 1. ver 18. Mat. cap. 12. ver 31 not for any worke or merite of ours Luke cap. 17. ver 10. Esay cap. 43. ver 25. and chap. 64. ver 6. but for the death bloodshed of the immaculat lambe Iesus christ 1. Pet. chap. 1. ver 18.19 Apoc. chap. 1. ver 5. With whose righteousnes because we are clothed we may assure our selues that we are deliuered from eternal death which is the stipende and wages of sinne Rom. cap. 6. ver 23. Almightie god hath and doth bestow many good things dayly vpon vs for which wee are greatly and deepely bound vnto his maiestie but this benefite of washing vs from our sinnes in Christs blood if it be compared with the other doth as farre passe thē as the Diamond doeth the Peeble stone The resurrection of the body that is too say I beleeue that all mens bodyes euen the selfe same wee carrye about vs in our life time and no other then they as touching the substaunce whether they rotte in the Graue or bee any otherwise consumed shall bee raysed vp againe at the last day and bee ioyned to their soules Iob. chap. 19. ver 26.27.1 Cor. cap 1.5 ver 52.53 Philip cap. 3. ver 22. At which time the godly shal haue ful possession of eternal life and the wicked of eternall death Iohn cap. 5. ver 28.29 The life euerlasting That is to say I beleeue that as I haue the seede of eternal life already sowne in my heart which is very sweete and a sure staffe to rest on in all miseries of this life whatsoeuer so I shall be perfectly happy in the life to come and shal then there praise the Lorde God without ceassing and yet without weatinesse Apoc. cap. 21. ver 4. If Gods children do beleeue eternal life then they neither can nor ought to doubte of the certayntie of their saluatiō for faith and doubting cannot stand togeather 2. Cor. chap. 13. ver 5. Rom. chap. 8. vers 14.16.7 The Lorde for his mercy sake increase our faith and giue vs grace to liue alwayes in his feare that when we shal leaue this transitorie life we may haue the ende of our faith which is the saluation of our soules purchased vnto vs by the precious death and bloodshed of our Lorde and onely Sauiour Iesus Christe Amen Without faith it is impossible to please GOD. Heb. chap. 11. vers 6. Sinne is a breaking of Gods law 1. Iohn 3. ver 4. either in woorde thought or deed The ten Commaundements of almghtie God The first 4. Commaundements teache vs our duetie to God The 6. last teache vs our dutie towards men 1 THou shalt haue no other gods but me that is thou shalt put thy trust in god only worship him only Deut. cap. 6. ver 13. Mat. cap. 4. ver 10. The Lord cannot abide to haue any ioyned with him Deu. cap. 6. ver 14.15 He will either haue al or none Ezec. cap. 20. ver 39. Iosua cap. 24. ver 23.24 They which trust in any other then God alone doe forget the Lorde Psalm 44. ver 20. 2 Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any
none of gods which say they need not forgiuenes of sinnes As we forgeue them that trespasse against vs. Iniuries doone vnto vs must be forgiuen forgouttē Gen. chap. 50. ver 21. Col. cap. 3. ver 13 If we be reuiled in worde or euill intreated indeed we must neither be hard to forgiue nor hastie to reuenge wee must forgiue an hundred pence if we wil be forgiuen ten thosand talents Mat. cap. 18. ver 35. Our forgiuing of other is not the cause why wee are pardoned Gods mercy is the cause Ephesi cap. 2. ver 45. but it is a certaine argument that God hath and will forgeue vs yf wee can finde in our hearts vnfeynedly to forgeue other Mat. cap. 6. ver 14. 5 And lead vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euil That is to say Deliuer vs from euill that wee bee not carried into temptation By temptation are meant all euill motions which do allure vs to sinne By euyl I vnderstande the Deuilliso that this is the meaning of this petition though euyll motions O Lord do continually assault vs and fight against our soules yet assist vs mightily with thy grace that wee neuer be ouerwhelmed of thē We desire Gods defence against our enimie we haue great need so to doe The Diuell is mighty Ephesi cap. 6. ver 12. Wee weake and not able of our selues too withstand him Ephesi 6. ver 11. Colos chap. 1. ver 11. But in Christe we ouercome for stronger is hee that is in vs then he that is in the worlde 1. Iohn cap. 4. ver 4. If wee needed not Gods ayde this prayer were in vaine We are taught in this petition that God leadeth some into temptation Esay cap. 6 ver 10 Rom. cap. 1. ver 24. The wordes are plaine And leade vs not into temptatiō It seemeth strange that God shuld lead into temptation It is strange I confesse to mans reason but Gods doing is aboue our reason His iudgemēts are alwayes iust though they bee often secrete and God then leadeth intoo temptation whē he punisheth one sinne by another when by taking away his spirite and ditection he leaueth man to himselfe For thine is the kingdome and the power and the glory for euer Amen We may bee bolde too aske and sure to obtaine at Gods handes our godly desires for his kingdome power and glory cannot bee taken from him Gods kingdome is mightie glorious euerlasting Earthly Princes if they bee compared with God are nothing and theyr kingdomes laste but a while Wicked men had not neede to wage battell against the Lorde they fight in vayne and hurt themselues most Dan. cap. 4. ver 32. Gods kingdome wil be aloft do what they can Dan. cap. 4. ver 31. Ephe. cap. 1. ver 21. God geue vs grace to be to continue his children that wee may haue a crowne of glory in his euerlasting kingdome for his Christes sake Amen Is any among you afflicted let him pray Iames chap. 5. ver 13. ¶ Faith is the gift of God Philip. Cap. 1. ver 29. Faith is an assured knowledge of Gods fatherly goodwill vnto vs by Iesus Christe and a trust in the same good will which hath ioyned with it an earnest care to liue a godly life The Articles of our Faith I Beleeue in God c. To beleeue in God is to put our whole trust affiance in god We must apply this belief euery man to himself otherwyse it will not profite vs. The plaister if it be not layd to the wounde will neuer heale the sore The iust man shal liue by his owne faith Rom. cap. 1. ver 17. The father almighty c. God is almighty because althings are vnder his gouernment and are ruled not by chaunce but by his heauenly prouidence Dan. cap 4 ver 32. Mat. cap. 10. ver 29.30 Ephe. cap. 1. ver 11. If it were not thus Sathan and the wicked who can do nothing without Gods sufferance Iob. cap. 1. ver 2. would easily ouerthrowe vs. Maker of heauen and earth By heauen and earth are meant al creatures whatsoeuer and wheresoeuer they be Apoc. cap. 10. ver 6. When wee confesse God to be maker of al creatures wee doe not deny that he hath care of preseruing them in theyr estate Heb. cap. 1. ver 3. That were in deede the high way to ouerthrowe his prouidence and suche thoughtes doe not become the children of God AND in Iesus Christe c. The Sonne of GOD is called Iesus because hee saueth his people from theyr sinnes Math. cap. 1. ver 21. His name is according to his office He is called Christe because hee was annoynted with the giftes of the holy Ghoste not by measure as we are Ephe. cap. 4. ver 7. But without measure Iohn cap. 3. ver 34. That he might powre on vs great store of heauenly graces Our pouertie is great but by Iesus Christe we are contimally enriched his Storehouse cannot be emptied and his Fountaine can neuer be dryed vp The Sonne of GOD was annoynted a Prophet to open vnto vs the will of God and the glad tidinges of the Gospell Luke cap. 4. ver 18. He was moynted a Priest too redeeme vs from eternall deathe by the Sacrifice of his owne body offered once not often by himselfe not by others Heb. cap. 9. ver 26.28 And to make continual intercession for vs miserable sinners Heb. cap 7. ver 25. He was annoynted a king to gouerne vs by his worde which is his Scepter and by his Spirite whiche is the earnest of our inheritaunce His onely Sonne our Lorde Christ is our lorde because wee are not our owne but his Wee are his because we are bought with a price 1. Cor. cap. 6. ver 20. Not with siluer and golde but with his precious blood 1. Pet. chap. 1. ver 18.19 Wee haue good cause too loue Christe For hee bought vs dearely Act. cap. 20. ver 28. Apocal. cap. 5. ver 9. Wee must honour and feare him For he is our Lorde Malach. cap. 1. ver 6. Which was conceaued by the Holy Ghoste If Christe had beene conceaued by man he had not beene voyde of sinne Iohn chap. 3. ver 6. Iob cap. 25. ver 5.6 and therefore vnfit to deliuer vs from sin Heb cap. 7. ver 26. Borne of the Virgin Mary Christe was like vnto vs in all things onely sin except Heb. cap. 4. ver 15. He tooke our nature vpon him Heb. cap. 2. ver 14. It is happy for vs that hee did so for by this meanes the Deuil that had power of death is destroyed and we are reconciled vnto the fauour of GOD. Heb. cap. 2. ver 14.17 Suffered vnder Pontius Pilate Christes life vppon the earth did not much differ from death but a little before and at his death barbarbarous crueltie was practised Math. chap. 27. ver he was innocent by the iudgemēt of Pilate but most vniustly condemned by that wicked hypocrite Math. cap. 27. ver 24.