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A68393 The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments, &c. vsed in the Englishe Congregation at Geneua and approued, by the famous and godly learned man, Iohn Caluyn.; Book of common order. English Church (Geneva, Switzerland); Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564. Instruction et confession de foy. English. 1556 (1556) STC 16561; ESTC S109631 153,918 420

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thy worde nowe sowen emongest vs may take suche depe roote that neither the burninge heate of persecution cause it to wither nether the thorny cares of this lyfe do choke it but that as seede sowen in good grownde it may bringe forth thirtie sixtie ād an hundreth folde as thy heauenly wisdome hathe appointed And becawse we haue nede continuallie to craue many thinges at thy handes we humbly beseche thee ò heauēly father to graunt vs thy holy 4 luk 11. b. rom 8. c. Iam. 5. d. 1. Ioh. 5. c. rom 12. c. wisdome 9. c. spirite to directe our peticions that they may procede frome suche a feruēt mynde as may be agreable to thy moste blessed wyll And seinge that our infirmitie is hable to do nothinge without thy helpe 5 2. Cor. 3. a. Io. 15. a. phil 2. b. and that thou arte not ignorant with how many and greate 6 psa 40. c. 1. pet 1. a. temptations we poore wretches are on euery side inclosed and compassed let thy strenghe ò lord susteyne our weaknes that we beinge defended with the force of thy grace may be sauely preserued against all assaultes of Satan who goeth abowte cōtinually like a 7 2. Peter 5. b. roaringe lyō sekinge to deuoure vs. 8 luk 17. a. Encrease our faith ò mercifull father that we do not swarue at any tyme frome thy heauēly worde but augment in vs hope and loue with a carefull kepinge of all thy commaundementes that no 9 Psal 95. b. Hebr. 3.4 c. hardnes of harte no hypocrisie no 10 1. Ioh. 2. c. concupiscence of the eys nor intysementes of the worlde do drawe vs away frome thy obedience And seinge we lyue nowe in these moste 11 1. Tim. 4. a. 2. peter 3. a. 2. Tim. 3. a. Iude a. b. c. d. perillous tymes let thy fatherly prouidēce defende vs against the violence of all our enemies which do euery where pursue vs but chiefely againste the wicked rage and furious vproares of that Romyshe idoll ennemie 12 2. Thes 2. a. 1. Ioh. 2. c. reue 13. d. 17. d to thy Christe Fordermore forasmoche as by thy holy Apostle we be taught to make our 13 1. Tim. 2. a. prayers and supplications for all men we praye not onely for our selues here present but beseche the also to reduce all suche as be yet ignorant from the miserable captiuitie of blindnes and error to the pure vnderstandinge and knowlage of thy heauenly trueth that we all with one 14 Rom. 15. b. 1. Cor. 1. b. Ephe. 4. a. consent and vnitie of myndes may wourshippe thee our onely God and sauiour And that all Pastors shepherds and ministers to whome thou hast committed the 15 Ioh. 21. d. Matt. 28. d. 1. Cor. 9. c. Mark 16. d. dispensation of thy holy woord and 16 1. Peter 5. a. charge of thy chosen people may bothe in their lyfe and doctrine be fownde faithfull settinge onely before their eyes thy glorie and that by theim all poore shepe which wander and go astray may be gathered ād broght home to thy foulde Moreouer becawse the 17 prouer 21 a. hartes of rulers are in thy hands we beseche thee to direct and gouerne the hartes of all kinges Princes and Magistrates to whome thou haste cōmitted the 18 Rom. 11. b. Ioh. 19. b. sworde especially ò lord accordinge to our bondendutie we beseche thee to mainteyne ād increase the honorable estate of this Citie For the prosperous estate of Geneus into whose defense we are receyued the Magistrates the counsell and all the whole bodye of this commō weale Let thy fatherlye fauor so preserue theym and thy holy spirite so gouerne their hartes that they may in suche sorte execute their office that thy religion may be purely mainteyned 19 1. Tim. 1. a. lam 1. d. māners refourmed ād synne ponished accordinge to the precise rule of thy holy woord And for that we be all 20 1. Cor 12. d. rom 12.2 mēbres of the mysticall body of Christ Iesu we make our requestes vnto the ò heauenly father for all suche as are 21 Iam 5. c. afflicted with any kinde of crosse or tribulation as warre plague famine sikenes pouertie imprisonement persecution banishemēt or any other kinde of thy roddes whether it be 22 2. Cor. 1. b. Heb. 13. a. calamitie of bodie or vexation of mynde that it wold please thee to gyue them pacience and constancie tyll thou send them full deliuerance of all their troubles And as we be bownde to loue and 23 Exo. 20. b. honor our parentes kinsfolkes friendes and contrye so we moste humbly beseche thee For England to shewe thy pitie vpon our miserable contrie of England which once through thy mercie was called to libertie and now for their and our synnes is broght vnto moste vile slauery and Babylonicall bondage Roote owte from thence ò lord all raueninge 24 Matt. 7. c. act 20. f. wolues which to fyll their 25 Ezech. 34. a. Rom. 16. c. philip 3. d. bellies destroie thy flocke And shewe thy great mercies vpon those our bretherne which are persecuted cast in 26 Heb. 13. d. Rom. 8. g. psal 43. d. prison and dayly condemned to deathe for the testimonie of thy trueth And thogh they be vtterly destitute of all 27 Ioh. 16. f. mans ayde yet let thy swete comfort neuer departe frome them but so inflame their hartes with thy holy spirite that thei may boldely and chearefully abide suche 28 1. peter 1. b. tryall as thy 29 Act. 2. d. Matt. 10. d. luk 21. d godly wisdome shall appoint So that at lenght aswell by their 40 Rom. 14. b deathe as by their life the kingdome of thy sonne Iesus Christ may increase and shyne through all the worlde In whose name we make our humble peticions vnto thee as he hath taught vs. Our father Which arte in heauen etc. ALMIGHTIE and euer lyuinge God vouchsaue we beseche thee to grant vs perfite contynuance in thy liuely faith 1 luk 17. b. augmentinge the same in vs dayly tyll we growe to the full measure of our 2 Ephes 4. a. perfection in Christ wherof we make our confession sayinge I beleue in God c. Then the people singe a Psalme which ended the minister pronounceth one of these blessinges and so the congregation departeth THE lord blesse you and saue you Nom. 6. d the lord make his face shyne vpon you and be mercifull vnto you the lord turne his countenance towardes you and graunt you his peace THE grace of our lord Iesus Christ 2. Cor. 13. d. the loue of God and communion of the holie ghoste be with you all so be it IT shall not be necessarie for the minister dayly to repete all these thinges before mentioned but beginnynge with some maner of confession to procede to the sermon which ended he either vseth the prayer for all
examine thē selues following in their hartes the tenor of his wordes A CONFESSION OF OVR SYNNES FRAmed to our tyme out of the 9. chap. of Daniel O lord God which arte 1 Nehem. 1. b. Iob. Psal mightie and dreadeful thou that kepest couenant and shewest 2 Exod. 20. a. luk 7. g. mercie to theym that loue thee and do thy commaundementes 3 Gen. 3. b. rom 5. b. 1. Ioh. 1. d. Psal 32. c. 106. a we haue synned we haue offended we haue wickedly and stubburnely gone backe frome thy lawes and preceptes We wolde neuer 4 Ieu 26. c. Deu. 28. b. Iere. 26. a. 29. b. Nehem. 1. c. obey thy seruantes the Prophetes that spake in thy name to our kinges and princes to our forfathers and to all the people of our lande O lord 5 psa 11. b. lam .. d Iob. 4. d. 9. a. 25. b. rightuousnes belongeth vnto thee vnto vs perteyneth nothing but open shame as it ys come to passe this day vnto our miserable contry of Englande yea vnto all our nation whether they be farre or nere through all landes wherein they are scattered for the 6 offences that they and we haue committed against thee so that the 7 Psal 89. c. Ier. 26. b. 27. a. 7 Ieu 26. c. Deu. 27.28.30 curses and ponishmentes which are wryten in thy lawe are nowe powred vpon vs and thou hast perfourmed those wordes wher with thou didest menace vs and our rulers that gouerned vs in bringinge the same plagues vpon vs which before were threatened And yet notwithstandinge bothe they and we procede in our iniquitie and sease not to heape synne vpon synne How misrable it is to retorne to the olde vomitt For they which once were well instructed in the doctrine of thy gospel are nowe 8 2. pet 2. d. prou 26. b. Hebr 6 a. 10. e. gone backe frome the obedience of thy trueth and are turned agayne to that moste abhominable Idolatrie from the which they were once called by the lyuely preachinge of thy worde And we alas to this day do not earnestly repent vs of our former wickednes neither do we rightly 9 Psal 19. d. Deu. 31. d. 29. d. ezech 5. b. consider the heauynes of thy displeasure Suche is thy iuste iudgementes ò lord that thou 10 Rom. 1. d. ponishes synne by synne and man by his owne inuentions so that there can be no ende of iniquitie except thou 11 Esa 65. d. Rom. 10. c. preuent vs with thy 12 Eph. 2. ● b. vndeserued grace Therfore 13 Psal 85. a. Ierem. 31. c. conuert vs ò lord and we shal be conuerted for we do not offer vp our prayers trustinge in our 14 Titus 3. a. 2. Timoth. 1. b. owne rightuousnes but in thy manifolde mercies And althoghe thou haste once of thy especial grace deliuered vs from the miserable thraldome of error and blindnes and called vs many tymes to the swet 15 Gal. 4.5 a libertie of thy gospell which we notwithstādīge haue moste shamefully abused in obeinge rather our owne 16 Gal. 5. b. c lustes and affections then the admonitions of thy 17 zachar 7. b. prophetes yet we beseche thee once agayne for thy 18 psal 23. a. 25. c nams sake to powre some comfortable droppe of thy accustomed mercies vpon vs 19 Psal 71. a incline thyne eares and open thyne eyes to beholde the greuous plagues of our contrie the continuall sorrowes of our afflicted bretherne and our wofull banishment let all people take hede by our example And let our afflictions and iuste ponishemente be an admonition and warninge to other nations emongest whome we are skattered that with all reuerence they may obey thy holy gospell lost for like contempte in the ende like or wourse 20 Matt. 11. c. 12. d. Luk. 10. c. plagues fall vpon theym Wherfore ò lord heare vs ò lord forgiue vs ò lord consider and tary not ouer longe but for thy deare sonne 21 Iohn 16. e. Iesus Christe sake be mercifull vnto vs and delyuer vs So shall it be knowen to all the worlde that thou onely arte the selfe same God that euer sheweth 22 psal 103.108 a 136. a. mercie to all suche as call vpon thy holy name AN OTHER CONfession for all states and tymes O Eternall God and moste mercifull father we confesse and acknowlage here before thy diuine maiestie that we are miserable 1 Rom. 3. c psal 14. b. synners 2 psal 51. a. conceyued and borne in synne and iniquitie so that in vs there is no 3 rom 7. d. goodnes For the 4 Gal. 5. c. fleshe euermore rebelleth against the spirite wherby we contynually transgresse thy holy preceptes and commaundementes and so purchase to our selues through thy iuste iudgement 5 Rom. 2. a. Iere. 3. g. Isa 40. b. death and damnation Notwithstandinge ò heauenly father forasmoche as we are displeased with our selues for the synnes that we haue committed against thee and do vnfeynedly repent vs of the same we moste humbly beseche thee for Iesus Christes sake to shewe thy mercie vpon vs to forgiue vs all our synnes and to increase thy holy spirite in vs that we 6 Col. 3. a. Rom. 6. a. Ephe. 4. c. 5. a 1. petr 2. a. acknowlaginge from the botome of our hartes our owne vnrightuousnes may from hensforth not onely mortifie our sinfull lustes and affections but also bringe forth suche fruites as may be agreable to thy moste blessed wyll not for the worthynes therof but for the 7 Rom. 5. a Hebr. 9. d. Eph. 2. d. merites of thy dearely beloued sonne Iesus Christe our onely sauyour whom thou hast already giuen an oblation and offeringe for our synnes and for whose 8 Ioh. 14. b. 16. c Math. 7. b. Iam. 1. a. sake we are certainly persuaded that thou wylt denye vs nothinge that we shall aske in his name accordinge to thy wyl For thy 9 Io. 3. d. Ro. 8. b. c. g. spirite doth assure our consciences that thou arte our mercifull father and so louest vs thy childrene through hym that nothinge is able to remoue thy heauenlye grace and fauor from vs to thee therfore ò father with the sonne and the holy ghoste be all honor and glorye worlde with owt ende So be it This done the people singe a Psalme all together in a playne tune which ended the minister prayeth for thassistance of Gods holy spirite as the same shall moue his harte and so procedeth to the sermon Vsinge after the sermon this prayer followinge or suche lyke A prayer for the whole estate of Christes churche ALMIGHTIE God and moste mercifull father we 1 1. pet 5. b. humbly submit our selues and 2 Nom. 26. a. Deu. 9. c. Iosu 7. b. fall downe before thy maiestie besechinge thee frome the botome of our hartes that this 3 Mat. 13. a. b. seede of
estates before mentioned or els prayeth as the spirite of God shall moue his harte framinge the same accordinge to the tyme and matter which he hath intreated of And yf there shal be at any tyme any present plague famine pestilence warre or such like which be euident tokens of Gods wrath leu 26. d. Deu. 28. b. 3. kyngs 8. d 2. kyngs 24. c as it is our parte to acknowlage our synnes to be the occasion therof so are we appointed by the scriptures to giue our selues to mournynge fastinge and prayer as the meanes to turne awaye Gods heauie displeasure Therfore it shal be conuenient that the minister at suche tyme do not onely admonyshe the people therof but also vse some forme of prayer accordinge as the present necessitie requireth to the which he may appoint by a common consent some seuerall daye after the sermon wekely to be obserued THE order of Baptisme FIrst note that for asmoche as it is not permitted by Gods woord 1. Cor. 14. f. 1. Tim. 2. d. Matt. 28. d. The transgression of Gods ordināce is called iniquitie and Idolatrie and is compared to witchcrafte sorcerie 1. Sam. 15. o How dangerous also it is to enterprise any thinge rashely or without the warrant of Gods woorde thexāples of Saul Oza Ozias Nadab and Abiu oght sufficiently to vvarne vs. 1. Sam. 13. c 2. Sam. 6. b. 2. Chro. 26. c. leu 10. a. Nom. 3. a. that wemen should preache or minister the Sacramentes and it is euident that the sacramentes are not ordeined of God to be vsed in priuat corners as charmes or sorceries but left to the congregation and necessarely annexed to Gods woord as seales of the same therfore the enfant which is to be baptised shal be broght to the churche on the day appointed to comen prayer and preachinge accompanied wyth the father and god father So that after the Sermon the chyld beinge presented to the minister he demaundeth this question DO you present this childe to be baptised earnestly desiring that he may be ingrafted in the mysticall bodye of Iesus Christ The answer Yea we require the same The minister procedeth THEN let vs cōsider dearly beloued how almyghtie God hath not onely made vs his children by 1 rom 8. c. Gal. 4. a. Ephe. 1. a. 2. c. adoption and receiued vs into the fellowship of his churche but also hath promised that he wil be our 2 Gen. 17. a. Exod. 20. a. Deu. 7. b. Esa 59. d God and the God of our childrē vnto the thousand generation Whych thinge as he confirmed to his people of the olde testament by the sacrament of 3 Gen. 17. b. Rom. 4. b. circumcision so hath he also renewed the same to vs in his new testament by the sacrament of 4 Col. 2. e Gal. 3. d Act. 2. f baptisme doing vs therby to wyt that our infantes apperteyne to hym by couenaunt and therfore oght not to be defrauded of those holy signes and badges 5 Act. 10. g wher by his children are knowen from infidells and pagans Neither is it requisite that all those that receyue this sacramente haue the vse of vnderstanding and fay the but chiefelye that they be conteyned vnder the name of 6 Act. 2. 2. Cor. 7. c. gods people So that remission of synnes in the bloode of Christ Iesus doth appertaine to thē by Gods promise Which thing is most euident by 7 1. Cor. 7. c sainct Paul who pronounceth the childrē begotten and borne either of the parents being faythful to be cleane and holy Also our sauiour Christ admitteth 8 Mar. 10. b. mat 19. b. luk 18. c. psal 22. d children to his presence imbrasing and blessinge theim Which testimonies of the holy ghoste assure vs that infants be of the number of Gods people and that remission of synnes doth also apperteyne to theim in Christ Therfore wythout iniurie they can not be debarred from the common signe of Gods children Neither yet is this owteward action of suche necessitie that the 9 rom 4. b. Gal. 3. a. Iam. 2. d. Gen. 15. b. 17. b lacke therof shuld be preiudiciall to their saluation yf that preuented by deathe thei may not conueniently be presented to the church But we hauinge respect to that obedience which christians owe to the voice and ordinance of Christ Iesus who commanded 10 Mark 10. b. Matt. 28. d. to preache and baptise all wyth out exception do iudge theym onely vnworthy of any felowship wyth him who contemptuosly refuse suche ordinary meanes as his wisdome hath appointed to the instruction of our dull senses Furthermore it is euident that baptisme was ordeined to be ministred in the element of 11 matt 3. c. 1. Peter 3. d. 1. Ioh. 5. b. Cor. 10. a. water to teache vs that lyke as water outwardly dothe washe a way the fylthe of the bodye so inwardly dothe the vertue of Christs blood purge our sowles from that corruption and deadly poyson wherwith by 12 Ephe. 2. a. nature we were infected Whose venemous 13 rom 7 dreggs althogh they continewe in this our flesh yet by the merits of his deathe are not 14 rom 4. a. Gal. 3. a. psal 32. a. imputed vnto vs by cause the iustice of Iesus Christ is made 15 Rom. 6. a gal 3. d. Iudas Simon Magus Hymeneus Alexander Philetus ours by baptisme Not that we thinke any suche vertue or power to be included in the visible water or owtward action for many haue bene baptised and yet neuer inwardly purged but that our sauiour Christ who commanded baptisme to be ministred will by the power of his holy spirite effectually worke in the harts of his 16 Act. 2. g. 13. g. elect in tyme conuenient all that is ment and sygnified by the same And this the scripture calleth our 17 Eph. 3. a. 1. Cor. 12. b. Rom. 6. a. Coll. 2. b. regeneration which standeth chiefli in these two points in mortificatiō that is to say a resisting of the rebellious lustes of the flesche The fruit of baptisme standeth in two points mortificatiō and regeneration and in newnes of lyffe wherby we continually stryue to walke in that purenes and perfection wherwyth we are cladd in baptisme And althogh we in the iourney of this lyffe be 18 1. peter 5. b. Luk 22. d. Iob. 7. incumbred wyth many ennemies whych in the way assayle vs yet fyght we not wyth out fruite For this 19 Rom. 5. a. 1. Peter 1. a. Iam. 1. a. Ephe. 6. b. continuall battaill which we fight against synne deathe ād hell is a most infallible argumēt that God the father mīdfull of his promise made vnto vs in Christ Iesu doth not only gyue vs motions and courage to resist theim but also assurance to 20 1. Cor. 15. g Osee 13. d. Heb. 2. d. Iob. 16. d. ouercome ād obteine victorie Wherfore dearly beloued it is not only of necessitie that we
of heauen earth it is he that by hys bountyfull goodnesse myghtye power and hyghe wisedome doth conducte and guide the whole order of nature It is he that sendeth raine and drought haile tempestes and fayre wether he sēdeth fertilite and barennes dearth and plentie health and sycknes to be shorte he hath all thynges at commaundement to do hym seruice at his owne good pleasure ¶ The minister What saiest thou as touching the deuels and wicked persons be they also subiecte to hym and at hys commaundement ¶ The childe Albeit that God dothe not guide them wyth his holy spirite Concernyng deuylles yet he doth brydell them in such sort that they be not able to styrre or moue without his permission and appointment yea moreouer he doth compel them to execute his will pleasure although it bee cleane agaynst theyr intent purpose ¶ The minister To what purpose doth it serue thee to knowe this ¶ The childe The knowledge hereof doeth wonderfully comforte vs for we might thinke our selues in a miserable case if the deuylles and the wycked had power to do any thynge contrary to Gods wil or appointment And moreouer we could neuer be quiete in our cōsciences yf we shuld think our selues to be in theyr daunger The deuill hath no power but of God But forsomuche as we know that God brydeleth them fast and chayneth them as it were in a prison in suche wise that they can do nothing but as he permitteth we haue iuste occasion not onely to bee quiete in mind but also to receyue most confortable ioye since God hath promysed to bee our protectour and defender ¶ The minister Sonday 5 Go to then lett vs come to the seconde parte of our beliefe The second parte of the beliefe ¶ The childe And in Iesu Christe his onely sonne our Lorde ¶ The minister What is bryeflye the effecte and substance of thys parte ¶ The childe It is to acknowledge the sonne of God to be our sauiour and to vnderstand the meane wherby he hath redemed vs from death and purchased lyfe vnto vs. ¶ The minister What sygnifyeth thys worde Iesus by whych thou namest hym ¶ The childe It is as muche to saye as Sauyour This word Iesus Matt. 1. and thys name was geuen vnto him by the angell at Gods commandement ¶ The minister What is that of more estimacion than if that name hadde bene geuen vnto hym by men ¶ The childe Yea a great deale for since Goddes pleasure was that he shoulde be so named it geueth vs certayne knowledge that he is our very sauiour in dede ¶ The minister What sygnifyeth then thys woorde Christe whiche foloweth after This word Christe ¶ The childe This word Christe doth expresse more effectually his office and doth vs to wete that he was anointed of oure heauenlye father to sygnifye that he was ordeined to be a kynge Prieste and Prophete ¶ The minister How hast thou the knowlege hereof ¶ The childe By the scripture whiche doth suffyciently teache vs that anointynge dyd serue for these three offices or dignities the which be also attributed vnto hym in many places of the scriptures ¶ The minister But what maner of oyle was it wherewith he was anointed ¶ The childe It was no such material oile as we vse and as did serue in olde time to the ordeininge or institutiō of kynges Priestes and Prophetes but a farre more excellent oyle euen the grace of Gods holy spirite wherof the aunciente anointing in the olde testamente was a fygure ¶ The minister What maner of kyngdom is that wherof thou speakest ¶ The childe Thys kyngdome of Christe The kingdome o Christe is not earthly but spirituall the substaunce wherof doeth consist in Gods worde and in his holy spirite wherin is conteined both ryghteousnesse and lyfe euerlastynge ¶ The minister And what is his Priesthoode ¶ The childe It is an offyce and auctorytie to presente himselfe before God The pristhoode of Christe Heb. 7.8.9 10.13 to obtayne grace fauour for vs and to pacifye hys fathers wrath by offering vp the most acceptable sacryfyce of hym selfe vnto him ¶ The minister Why callest thou hym a Prophete ¶ The childe Bycause that he came downe into the worlde wherein Christ war a Prophete Esa 7. Hebr. 1. to brynge vnto vs the moste worthy ioyfull embassie or message of God his father to declare at large most euidently to the worlde his fathers wil and to finishe all reuelations and Prophecyes ¶ The minister Commeth there any profite vnto thee by those names and dignities of Christe ¶ The childe Yea they altogether belonge to our comfort and proffit For Christ did receiue all these of hys father to make vs partakers therof wherby we myghte euerye one receyue of hys fulnesse ¶ The minister Declare thys thyng vnto me more at large ¶ The childe He receiued the holy ghost in moste full perfection with all the giftes and graces of the same to bestowe them on vs and to distribute them vnto euerye one of vs in the measure and quantytye that God knoweth to be moste mete and expediente for vs and so by this meanes wee drawe oute of hym as if it were oute of a fountayne Christ is the fontayne of all goodnes all the spirituall gyftes that we haue ¶ The minister To what vse doth the kyngdom of Christ serue vs ¶ The childe To what vse the kyngdōe of Christ serueth vs. To set vs in libertie of conscience to lyue godly and holily that we beinge enriched with hys spirituall treasures and armed with his power may be able to ouercome the deuyll synne fleshe the worlde whych bee euery one pernycyous enemies vnto our soules ¶ The minister What profite haue we of his priesthoode ¶ The childe The profyte of Christes priesthoode Hebru vii viii.ix.x.xiii First by this meanes he is our mediator to bring vs into the fauour of God his father and againe hereby wee haue a fre entrye to come in and shewe oure selues boldely before God and to offre vp our selues with al that belongeth vnto vs for a sacrifice and in thys poynt we are felowes after a sorte of his priesthood ¶ The minister The vtilitye of his office in that he is a Prophete is yet behynde The childe Since our lorde Iesu hath receyued this office to become the master and teacher of hys flocke the ende of this dignitie is wherfore Christ was a prophete to bring vs to the righte knowledge of god and of his trueth so that wee myght become Gods houshold scholers and of hys familye ¶ The minister This is then it that a man may briefly gather of thy wordes that these thre titles or names of Christ do include thre sundry offices the which God hath geuen vnto his sonne to the entent to bestow the fruit profite of the same vpon his elect ¶ The childe Ye saye truely ¶ The minister Sonday
sayeth that he was hanged on a tree to the intente that he myghte take vpon hym our curse Deu. 21. Gal. 3. and so dyscharge vs. for that kynde of deathe was accursed of God ¶ The minister What is it not a greate reproche and dyshonoure vnto our Lorde Iesu to say that he was accursed and that before God ¶ The childe No not a whit for he through hys almyghtye power by taking the curse from vs vnto hymselfe did in such sort make it voyde and of none effecte that he hymselfe neuertheles continued still so blessed that he was able to fulfyll vs also with hys blessynges ¶ The minister Make an exposiciō of that that foloweth ¶ The childe In so muche as deathe was a cursse or punyshement appointed vnto man for synne Christ euen in sufferinge death vainqueshed death therfore our sauiour Christ did suffer death and by suffering ouercame it And to the entent also to make it the more certaynly knowen vnto vs that his death was not a coloured or counterfaited thing it pleased hym also to be buryed after the common maner of other menne ¶ The minister But it appeareth not that any profyte cummeth to vs by thys that Christe hathe wonne the victory of death seing that we it not withstanding cease not to dye ¶ The childe The death of the faithfull is a right passage to life euerlasting That doth not hinder for the deathe of the faythfull is nowe nothing elles but a readye passage to a better lyfe ¶ The minister It foloweth then necessarily hereof that we oughte in no wyse to be afrayde of deathe as though it were a dredefull thīg but rather it behoueth vs willingly to walke the trace of oure heade and capitayne Iesu Christ who hath walked and troden the same waye before vs not to the entente to leade vs to our destruction but to procure vs an euerlastynge sauegarde ¶ The childe It is euen so ¶ The minister Sonday 10 What is the sence of that clause whiche is putte to afterward as touchyng his descendyng into hell ¶ The childe The vnderstāding of this Christe went down into hel The ryghte meanynge therof is that Christ dyd not onelye suffre a naturall deathe which is a departyng and goyng asunder of the body and soule but also that his soule was in woōderfull dystresse beyng wofully pressed and enduring grieuous tormentes and as it were hellyke paynes Actes 2. which Sainct Peter calleth the sorowes or pangues of deathe ¶ The minister For what consideration sustained he those paynes and in what sorte ¶ The childe Becawse he presented hymselfe before God to be a sacryfice satisfactory and to make amēdes in the behalfe of synners it was mete that as he did beare the wayght and burthen of our synnes so lykewyse he shoulde feele this horryble anguyshe and greuous tormente of conscience whiche synne bryngeth beyng in case as if God had vtterlye forsaken hym and ben haynously displeased agaynste hym And in verye deede he was brought to suche extremytye of anguyshe that he was dryeuen to crye my God my God Matt. 27. Mark 15. why haste thou forsaken me ¶ The minister Why was God then angry with him ¶ The childe Nay howbeit it was cōueniente that God shoulde punyshe hym in suche sorte Esa 53. 1. Peter 2. to veryfie ād performe the wordes of Esay the Prophet who saieth that he was beatē with the hāde of his father for our sinnes ād that he dyd suffer the punishmente due to oure trangressyons ¶ The minister But howe coulde it be that he was in suche dreadefull anguyshe as though God hadde vtterly forsaken hym seing he was God hymselfe ¶ The childe We must vnderstande that he was in such destresse onlye as touchīge his humanitye And to the intente that he myghte feele these panges in hys manhoode hys Godhead dyd in the meane tyme for a lytle space kepe it selfe close as if it had bene hydd that is to saye it dyd not shewe not vtter the mygh therof ¶ The minister But how could thys be that Christe who is the health of the world could bee vnder such condemnacion ¶ The childe He was not so vnder it that he shuld cōtynewe in the same For he hath in suche wise felte these terrors whiche wee haue spoken of that he was not ouercome of the same but hath rather therby made battayll agaynst the power of hell to breake and destroye it ¶ The minister Hereby then we see the difference betwene that anguish or vexacion of mynde whiche Christe dyd suffer The difference betwene the anguishe of Christes spirit and the conscience of the wicked and that whyche the impenytente synners dooe abyde whome God doth punyshe in hys terryble wrath for that verye payne whiche Christe sustained for a tyme the wycked must endure continually and that whych was vnto Christ but a goade as it were to prycke him is vnto the wycked in steade of a glaiue to wound them to death ¶ The childe Trueth it is for oure sauyoure Christe notwithstandynge these vexations euē in the myddes of his tormētes did not ceasse to put a ful trust euermore in God but the damned synners do dispaire withoute al confydence in Goddes goodnes yea they stomake agaynste God in so muche that they blaspheme hys maiestye ¶ The minister Sonday 11 Maye we nowe gather suffyciently of this that is sayed what fruite or profite cōmeth to vs by the death of Iesus Christe ¶ The childe Yea very well The profite ād vertue of Christes death stādeth in .iii. pointes and fyrste of all we see that it is a sacryfice wherwith he hath fully aunswared and satysfyed hys fathers iudgement in our behalfe and therby also he hath appaised Goddes wrath whiche worthely hanged ouer vs hath broughte vs into his fauoure againe Secōdlye that he shedde his bloud to purifie ād clense our soules from al maner of spottes fynally that he hath so cleane wyped awaye oure synnes through his precyous death that God wil neuer hereafter haue remēbraunce of them to call vs to any reckoninge yea euenso that the obligation or hande wrytynge whiche was to be shewed forthe againste vs to oure cōdemnation is nowe cleane cancelled and vtterlye made voyde ¶ The minister Haue we no other profite besydes this of his death ¶ The childe Yes verely that is if we be true membres of Christe our olde man is crucyfyed and our fleshe is mortyfied to the ende that no euyll lustes or affections doe herafter beare rule in vs. ¶ The minister Expound the article folowing ¶ The childe 1. Peter 3. He rose the thirde daie frō death to lyfe wherī he shewed that he had vaynquished gottē the victorie of death and synne For through his resurrection he swalowed vp death he broke asōdre the chaines wherwith the deuill did holde vs in captyuitie fynally he destroied all hys power and kyngdome ¶ The minister Tell me how many
What foloweth now next ¶ The chide The fourth part of our beliefe The fowerth part which is of the churche where it is sayde I beleue that there is a Catholique or uniuersal churche ¶ The minister What is this Churche ¶ The childe It is the felowship or congregation of them that belieue what the church is whom God hathe ordeyned and chosen unto life euerlasting ¶ The minister Is it necessary that we beleue this artiticle ¶ The childe Yea it is a thyng very necessarye onlesse we mynd to make Christes death vtterlye voyde and of none effect and to make all those thīges superfluous ād to no purpose whiche we haue rehearsed alreadye for the church is the verye fruite that proceadeth of all Christes dooinges ¶ The minister This is thā thy sayīg that all which hither to hath bene declared For what purpose Christe suffered deathe doth touche the cause ād grownde of our saluatiō insomuche as God hath receiued vs into his fauoure by the meanes of our sauiour Iesus Christ hath stablished this grace in vs through his holy spirite But nowe the effect that cūmeth of all this is declared vnto vs to geue the more euidēt assurance therof ¶ The childe It is euen so as you say ¶ The minister What meanest thou by saying The holy churche ¶ The childe I call the Churche holy in this sence because that those whō God hathe chosen he iustifieth renueth vnto holynes ād innocēcy of lyfe to make his glory to shyne in thē Ephe 5. And also oure sauiour Christe hath sāctified his churche which he redemede to the ende it myght be glorious and without spot ¶ The minister What meaneth this worde Catholique or vniuersall ¶ The childe The meaning of this word catholique Ephe. 4. 1. Cor. 12. It serueth to put vs in remēbrāce that as there is but one head of the righte beleuers euē so it behoueth thē to be knit together in one bodye ī such sorte that there be not diuers churches but one churche alonely disꝑsed thorowout the whole worlde ¶ The minister Declare as touchīg the communiō of sainctes ¶ The childe The communiō of the faithfull That clause is putte to for a more playne declaration or setting furth of the vnitie and coupling together of the membres of Christes church Moreouer it doth vs to vnderstand that al the benefites that Christe hath geuē and all the good that he hathe done for his church belongeth to the profite and saluacion of euerye faithfull personne for so much as they haue all a common partaking together ¶ The minister Sonday 16 But where thou namest the churche holye is the holinesse therof now alreadi vpright and perfecte ¶ The childe No verely for it is in contynuall battayll so longe as we are in this world and laboreth alwaye vnder imperfectiō ād infirmities which shal neuer be cleane taken a way vntill we be al together coupled to our head Iesu Christ by whome we are perfitly sanctified and made holy ¶ The minister Is there no other way to knowe this church but by beliefe or faithe ¶ The childe Yes verely there is a church or cōpanye of Goddes people which may be sene to the eye forsomuch as God hath geuē outwarde tokens and Sacramētes by the whiche we may knowe the same But here in this place mēciō is made onely of the peculiar and chosen cōpani of Goddes childrē whō whom he hath chosen to euerlasting lyfe the whiche feloweshyppe cannot be perfectely discerned here by our sences nor by outward tokens ¶ The minister What is there more ¶ The childe Touchinge the forgiunes of sinnes I beleue the remission of our synnes ¶ The minister What is the ryghte or proper signification of thys woord Remissyon ¶ The childe It signifyeth properlye that God doeth freelye forgeue al the sinnes of them whiche beleue in hym in suche sorte that they shall neuer be called to any accounte neyther shall they make anye aunswere before Goddes iustice seate therby to receyue any punishement ¶ The minister It is easy than to be gathered of this that we doe not merite or deserue by any satisfaction or amendes that we can make that God shoulde pardon our synnes ¶ The minister Ye say true for oure sauiour Christ hath made the full payment himself and hath sustayned the payne due vnto the same for we of our parte be not able to make anie maner of recōpence but we are drieuē to seeke vpon God that of his mere liberalitie we may obtayne this benefyt frely ¶ The minister Wherefore doest thou make mencion of remissyon immediatelye after that thou hast spoken of the churche ¶ The childe Because that no manne can receyue forgeuenes of his sinnes vnles he be incorporated Ther is no remission of synnes without the body of the churche and ioyned in the felowshyp of Goddes people and so continue in the vnitie common partakynge of Christes benefites with the same hys bodye euen to th ende lyke a true membre of hys Churche ¶ The minister By thys saying than without the churche ther is nothing but hel death and damnacion ¶ The childe That is most certayne for all such as do deuide disseuer them selues from the body of Christe to the intente to make a sect and breake the vnitie therof are vtterly destitute of al hope to enioy euerlasting lyfe whiles they kepe themselues so diuided and a parte ¶ The minister Sonday The 17 What foloweth more ¶ The childe Of oure resurrection The rysyng agayne of the body and lyfe euerlasting ¶ The minister Whereto serueth thys article in our beliefe ¶ The childe It doeth vs to vnderstande that our ioye and felicitie consysteth not in anye thynge vpon earthe the which knowledge maye serue vs for two necessary purposes The firste it serueth to teache vs to passe through this transitory world as if it were through a strange countreye settyng litle by the thynges of thys worlde and not settyng oure affectyon on thynges of so vnstable continuaunce Then secondarily it putteth vs in coūfort that although as yet we haue no full taste or enioying of the felicitie which our Lord god hathe freelye prepared for vs in our sauiour Christ that yet we oughte not for that to dyscourage our selues but paciently to wayte for hym vnto the tyme that he shall appere ¶ The minister What shal be the maner of our resurrection ¶ The childe Al they which be dead before that tyme shal then take theyr own bodyes agayn vnto them 1. Cor. 15. howbeit they shal be of a nother sorte or fashion that is to wete they shal be no more subiecte to death or corrupcion and yet notwithstanding they shal be of the selfe same nature and substaunce as before And suche as shal then remayne alyue God wyll rayse them vp maruelously and sodainely chaunge theyr bodyes in the twinklinge of an eye as we haue sayd before ¶ The minister
and badges of our profession that is to say by them we protest openly that we are the people of God and make open profession of our christen relygyon ¶ The minister What shall we then iudge of him that refuseth to vse them ¶ The childe We ought not to count hym a christen mane for in so doing he refuseth to confesse or knowledge hymselfe to be a christian and what is that els but as it were couertly to refuse Christe ¶ The minister Is it inough to receyue them bothe once onelye in oure lyfe tyme ¶ The childe Baptisme was ordeyned to be receiued but once wherefore it is not lawfull to be christened again but it is other wise to be thought of the supper ¶ The minister What is the reason therof ¶ The childe How it is that we receaue the supper oftimes though we maye be but once baptysed This by baptysme God doethe brynge and receyue vs into his churche and when he hath once receyued vs he declareth also to vs by the supper that he wyll feede vs continually ¶ The minister Sonday 55 To whome belongeth the minystracion of baptisme and of the Lordes supper ¶ The childe Vnto them who haue taken charge to preach openly in the churche To whom the ministracion of the sacramētes doe belonge for the preachyng of Goddes worde and the ministracion of the sacramentes be thynges ioynctely belongyng to one kynde of office ¶ The minister Is there not a substancyal profe to be brought for thys ¶ The childe Yes verely Mat. 28 for our Lorde geueth speciall charge to hys Apostles as well to baptyse as to preach and as touchyng the supper he geueth them iniunction to folowe hys exaumple nowe he did the parte of a minyster in that he gaue and distributed it to others ¶ The childe The pastours who be the mynysters of the sacramentes ought they to receyue indifferently euery person that commeth ¶ The childe As touchyng baptisme whoe oughte to he shut out frō the supper forsomuche as there be none in our tyme baptysed but lytle chyldren there oughte to be no choise vsed but as cōcerning the supper the minister muste haue so muche dyscrecyon as to refuse to geue it to them that be vtterly vnworthy ¶ The minister Wherfore ¶ The childe Because that otherwyse the supper of the Lorde should be defyled and dishonored ¶ The minister But yet our Lorde admytted Iudas to the holy supper notwithstanding his wickednes ¶ The childe wherefore Iudas was admitted to the supper Yea for his wickednes was hytherto hyd ād albeit oure Lorde knewe it ryghte well yet was it not notoryous and knowen vnto men ¶ The minister What waye is to be vsed then towardes the hipocrites ¶ The childe The minister ought not to exclude ādshut oute them as vnworthy but he must tary vntill it shall please GOD to make their close wyckednesse knowen ¶ The minister What if he hymselfe knowe or if he be prieuely aduertised of any suche ¶ The childe That is not a sufficiente cause for him to denie them the supper vnlesse he haue the thinge tryed by suffyciente profe and ther with the iudgement of the congregacion ¶ The minister Is it then meete to haue a polytyke order touchynge thys matter ¶ The childe What els if the congregacion be wel ordered there muste be certayne appoynted to watche and take dyligente heede for suche opē crimes as may be committed and they hauynge auctorytye ought in the name of the whole congregation to inhibite such as be by no meanes mete neither can be partakers therof withoute the dyshonoure of God and the offence of the faythfull The ende of the instruction of children in the fayth THE MANER TO EXAmine chyldren before they be admitted to the Supper of the lord ¶ Fyrst the Minister asketh IN whome doest thow beleue ¶ The childe answereth I beleue in god the father and in Iesus Christ his sonne and in the holy ghoste and loke to be saued by non other meanes ¶ The minister The father the sonne and the holy ghost be they any more then one god ¶ The childe No althogh they be distinct in persone ¶ The minister What is the effect of thy fayth ¶ The childe That god the father of our lord Iesus Christ and so by hym of vs all is the beginnynge ād principall cause of all thīges the which he gouerneth in such sorte that nothinge can be done with owte his ordinance and prouidence Next that Iesus Christ his sonne came downe into this world ād accomplished all thinges which were necessary for our saluation And ascēded into heauen where he sitteth at the right hād of the father that is that he hath all power in heauen ād in earth And shall come agayne frome thence to iudge the whole world Forthermore that the holy ghoste is very god becawse he is the vertue ād power of god ād imprīteth ī our hartes the ꝓmesses made vnto vs in Iesus Christ And fynally that the churche is sanctified and delyuered from their synnes through the mercies of god and shall after this life rise againe to lyfe euerlastinge ¶ The minister Must we serue God accordinge as he hath commaunded or elles as mens traditions teache vs ¶ The childe We most serue hym as he hath taught vs bi his word and cōmaundementes and not accordinge to the commaundementes of men ¶ The minister Canst thow kepe gods commaundements of thy selfe ¶ The childe No verely ¶ The minister Who then doth kepe and fulfill theym in thee ¶ The childe The holy ghoste ¶ The minister When God then geuethe thee his holy ghoste cāst thou parfytely obserue theym ¶ The childe No not so ¶ The minister Why God doth curse and reiect all such as do not in euery point fulfyll his commaundements ¶ The childe It is true ¶ The minister By what meanes then shalt thow be saued ād deliuered frome the curse of God ¶ The childe By the death and passion of our lord Iesus Christ ¶ The minister How so ¶ The childe For becawse that by his death he hath restored vs to lyfe and recōciled vs to God his father ¶ The minister To whome doest thow make thy prayers ¶ The childe I pray to God in the name of our lord Iesus Christ our aduocat and mediator referring all my prayers to that scope which Christ our sauiour hath left vs as a moste sufficient and absolute rule ¶ The minister How many Sacraments are there in Christs Church ¶ The childe Two Baptisme and the lords Supper ¶ The minister What is ment by Baptisme ¶ The childe First it signifieth that we haue forgiuenes of our synnes by the blood of Christ Secondly it setteth before our eyes our regeneration or newe spirituall birth ¶ The minister What signifieth the Supper of the lord ¶ The childe That by the spirituall eatinge and drinkinge of the body and bloude of our lord Iesus Christ our sowles are norished vnto lyfe
frome heauen of whome who so euer eateth shall lyue for euer and raigne with hym in glorie worlde without ende So be yt A Thankes geuinge after meales LEt all nations magnifie the lord Psal 117. let all people reioyce in praysinge and extollinge his great mercies For his fatherly kindnes is plentifully shewede forth vpon vs and the trewth of his promesse endureth for euer WE render 1 Col. 3. c. thākes vnto thee ò lord God for the manifold benefites which we contynually receyue at thy bountefull hande not onely for that it hath pleased thee to feede vs in this present lyfe geuinge vnto vs all thinges necessarie for the same but especially because thow haste of thy free mercies 2 Rom. 8. c. Tit. 3. b. fashioned vs a newe into an assured hope of a farr better lyfe the which thowe hast 3 2. Tim. 1. b. declared vnto vs by thy holye gospell Therfore we humbly beseche the o heauenly father that thow wylt not suffer our affections to be so 4 1. Ioh. 2. ● entangled or rooted in these earthly and corruptible thinges but that we may alwayes haue our mindes directed to thee on 5 1. Tim. 2. b. high continually watchinge for the 6 1. Cor. 1. b comminge of our lord and sauyor Christ 7 Rom. 8. d what tyme he shall appeare for our full redemption to whom with thee and the holie ghost be all honor and glorie for euer and euer So be it Euenynge prayers O LORD God father euerlastinge and full of pitie we acknowledge and confesse that we be not 1 Luk. 15. d. 18. c worthie to lyft vp our eies to heauen muche lesse to present our selues before thy Maiestie with confidence that thow wilt heare our prayers and grawnt our requestes if we consider our owne deseruinges for our consciences do accuse vs ād our synnes witnes against vs ād we knowe that thow arte ā vpright iudge which doest not iustifie the sinners ād wicked mē but 2 Exod. 2. a. ponishes the fautes of all suche as transgresse thy commaundementes Yet moste mercifull father since it hath pleased thee to 3 Psal 50. c. commaunde vs to call on thee in all our troubles and aduersities promesinge euen then to helpe vs when we fele our selues as it were swalloued vp of death and 4 Psal 18. a desperation we vtterly renounce all worldely confidence and flee to thy soueraigne bountie as our onely stay and refuge besechinge thee not to call to 5 Psal 79. b. remembrance our manifold synnes and wickednes wherby we contynually prouoke thy wrath and indignation against vs neither our negligence and vnkindnes which haue neither worthely estemed nor in our lyues sufficiently expressed the swete comfort of thy gospell reueled vnto vs but rather to accept the obedience and death of thy sonne Iesus Christ who by offeringe vp his bodie in 6 Hebr. 9 10 sacrifice once for all hath made a sufficient recompence for all our synnes Haue mercie therfore vpon vs o lord and forgiue vs our 7 Psal 19. d offences Teache vs by thy holie spirite that we may rightlye waye theym and earnestly repent for the same And so muche the rather o lord becawse that the 8 Psal 58. a reprobate ād suche as thow hast forsakē can not prayse thee nor call vpon thy name but the 9 Psal 5. e repētinge harte the sorowfull minde the consciēce oppressed 10 Psal 107. a hungringe and thirstinge for thy grace shall euer sett forthe thy prayse and glorie And albeit we be but 11 Psal 22. a. wormes and dust yet thow arte our creator and we be the worke of thy handes yea thow arte our 12 2. Cor. 6. b. father and we thy children thow arte our shepherde ād we thy flocke thow arte our redemer and we the people whom thow haste boght thow arte our God and we thyn enheritance 13 Ier. 10. b. Psal 6. a. Correcte vs not therfore in thyne anger ò lord neither accordinge to our desertes poneshe vs but mercifully chastice vs with a fatherly affectiō that all the world may knowe that at what 14 Eze. 18. d tyme so euer a synner doth repent hym of his synne frome the bottome of his hart thow wylt put away his wickednes owt of thy remembrāce as thow haste promesed by thy holy Prophete (.) This marke directeth vs to that part of the morninge prayer that is for thincrease of the gospell which also may be sayd here as tyme erueth Finally forasmoche as it hath pleased thee to make the night for man to rest in as thow haste ordeyned hym the day to trauell graunt o deare father that we may so take our bodely rest that our soules may contynually 15 Luke 12. e. watche for the tyme that our lord Iesus Christe shall appeare for our deliuerance owte of this mortall lyfe and in the meane season that we not ouercome by any 16 Mat. 6. b. tentations fantasies dreames or illusions may fully set our mindes vpon thee loue thee feare thee and rest in thee furthermore that our sleape be not 17 Luke 21. e. excessiue or ouermoche after the insaciable desires of our fleshe but onely sufficiēt to content our weake nature that we may be better disposed to lyue in all godly conuersation to the glory of thy holy name and profett of our brethern So be it A PRAYER MADE at the first assemble of the congregation When the confessiō of our faithe and Whole orders of the church Was there red and approued O lord God almightie and father moste mercifull there is 1 3. king 8. c. none lyke thee in heauen nor in earthe which workest all thinges for the glorie of thy name and the comfort of thyne elect Thow dydst once make man ruler ouerall thy creatures and 2 Gen. 1. d. 2. b. placed hym in the garden of all pleasures but how sone alas dyd he in his felicitie 3 Gen. 3. d. forget thy goodnes Thy people Israell also in their wealth dyd euermore runne 4 Exod. 23. b. astray abusinge thy manifold mercies lyke as all fleshe contynually rageth when it hath gotten libertie and externall prosperitie But such is thy wisdome adioyned to thy mercies deare father that thow 5 Ezech. 18. g. sekest all meanes possible to brynge thy chyldrene to the sure sens and lyuely feelinge of thy fatherly fauor And therfore when prosperitie wyll not serue then sendest thow aduersitie graciously 6 Hebr. 12. a. Prouerb 7. a. correctinge all thy chyldren whome thow receyuest into thy howshold Wherfore we wretched and miserable synners render vnto thee moste humble and hartie thankes that yt hath pleased thee to call vs home to thy folde by thy fatherly correction at this present wheras in our prosperitie and libertie we dyd neglect thy graces offred vnto vs. For the which negligence ād many other greuous synnes wherof we now accuse our selues before thee thow mightest moste iustely haue gyuen vs vp to 7 Rom. 1. d reprobate mynds and induration of our hartes as thow haste done others But suche is thy goodnes ô lord that thow semest 8 Esa 47. d. to forget all our offences and haste called vs of thy good pleasure frome all Idolatries into this Citie moste christianlye refourmed to professe thy name and to suffer some 9 Matth. 5. a. crosse emongeste thy people for thy trewth ād gospells sake and so to be thy 10 Luk 24. g. Acte 1. a. wytnesses with thy prophets and Apostles yea with thy dearely beloued sonne Iesus Christ our head to whome thow dost begynne here to fashon vs lyke that in his 11 1. Ioh. 3. a. glorie we may also be lyke hym when he shall appeare O lord God what 12 Psal 8. a. are we vpon whome thowe shuldest shewe this great mercye O moste louynge lord forgyue vs our vnthankefulnes and all our synnes for Iesus Christs sake O heauenly father increase thy holie spirite in vs to teache our hartes to crye 13 Gal. 4. a. Abba deare father to assure vs of our eternall election in Christ to reuele thy wyll more and more towards vs to confirme vs so in thy trewthe that we may lyue and dye therein and that by the power of the same spirite we may boldely gyue an accompts of our faith to all men with humblenes and mekenes that 14 1. Peter 3. c. where as they backbyte and slaunder vs as euyll doers they may be ashamed and once stopp their mowthes seinge our good conuersation in Christ Iesu for whose sake we beseche the o lord God to guyde gouerne and prosper this our enterprise in assemblinge our bretherne to prayse thy holie name And not onely to be here present with vs thy chyldrene 15 Math. 18. d. according to thy promesse but also mercifullie to assist thy like persecuted people our bretherne gathered in all other places that they and we consentinge together in one 16 Rom. 15. b. spirite and truethe may all worldly respectes set a part seke thy onely honor and glorie in all our and their assembles So be it 1. Cor. 3. No man can laye any other foundation then that which is layed euen Iesus Christe INTRATE PER ARCTAMVIAM Imprinted at Geneua by Iohn Crespin Anno. D. M.D.LVI the tenthe of february