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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B07429 A candle lighted at the lampe of sacred scriptures. Or, A catechisme conteining all truths fundamentall, and none but fundamentalls. By Richard Bifield, minister of Gods word, and pastor in Long Dutton.. Byfield, Richard, 1598?-1664. 1627 (1627) STC 4237.5; ESTC S91269 24,615 54

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one God who is three in persons A. He is a Spirit whose name is Ioh. 4. 24. Exod. 3. 14 1 Tim. 1 17 Gen. 17. 1 Mat. 19. 17 I AM the eternall the Almighty the only wise and good Q. Wherein did God manifest his wisdome power goodnes A. In that he made the world and Gen. 1 Heb. 11. 3. Rom. 1. 20. all things therein in the beginning of nothing and all very good Q. How did he make man A. Male Female after his owne Gen. 1. 27. image Q. What was this image chiefly A. Knowledge righteousnes and true holines Ephe. 4. 24 Col. 3. 10. Q Did man remaine thus righteous A. No they sought out many inventions Eccle. 7. 29 Q How did they fall A. Adam and Eue did eate of that Gen. 3. 1. 6 fruite of which God had said yee shall not eate of it Eve first was beguiled by the Serpen● then gaue to her husband and he did eate Q But that they sinned and fell what is that to vs A. By one man sinne entred into Rom. 5. 12 the world and death by sinne and so death passed on all men in whom all haue sinned Q. What is our estate then by nature A. All men are borne in sinne Rom. 3. 23 Psa 51 5 Iob 11. 12 15. 14. Gen. 8. 21 1 Ioh. 3. 4 liue therein from their youth vp Q. What is sinne A. The transgression of Gods Law Q What is the wages of sinn A. Death Q When God had made the world Rom. 6. 32 doth he leaue it without regard A. Not so he seeth and vpholdth Pro. 15. 3 Heb 1 3 all by the word of his power Q. Doth this his prouidence reach to all A. Yea to the Sparrowe lightning Mat 10 29 30 on the ground and the numbring of the haires of our head Q. He saueth then both man beast Psa 39 6 1 Cor 9. 9 10 1 Tim. 4 10 A. True but his care is generall over all but more especially towards them that beleeue Q. Yet many miseries befall men A. The Lord doth it Amos 3. 6. Q. But if the Lord guide all how cometh sinne into the world is he the author of sinne A. No yet he hath made all things for himselfe even the wicked for the psal 5. 4 5. Pro. 16. 4. day of evill Q. God is holy then when we are wicked what shall be come of man A. He must perish for euer but for the Christ of God Hos 13. 9. Mat. 16. 26 Q. Who is the Christ the Sonne of God that was promised should come into the world A. Iesus of Nazareth Ioh 11. 27. 8. 24 Q. What was his office A. To saue his people from their Mat. 1. 21. sinnes and therefore called Iesus the Sauiour Q. Did any helpe in this worke A. Not any there is but one mediator 1 Tim. 2. 5. betweene God and man Q. Were our workes or ought in vs the cause of this salvation A. Wee are saued according to Gods grace i● Christ Iesus and not according to our workes or ought in vs. 2 Tim. 1. 9. Q. How then are we saued by Christ A. A new couenant or agreement Ier. 31. 31 32. 33. 34. Ioh. 3. 16 1. Ioh. 2. 25 is giuen to vs in him wherein God promiseth to bee our God and to giue forgiuenesse of sins and life euerlasting to euery one that beleiueth in Christ Q. How came we to vnderstand this Act. 3. 22. 23. Iohn 118. 17. 26. A. Christ Iesus is the great Prophet and hath revealed the whole councell of his father Q. When A. By the Prophets and Apostles and in these last dayes by himselfe here Heb. 1. 1. on earth Q. But our sins separat God vs A. He is a Priest for euer after the Heb. 6. 20. 2. 17. psal 110. 4 order of Melchisedech to make reconciliation for our sins Q. But the enemies of our saluation he flesh the world the diuel are mighty A. He is our King and Lawgiuer Esa 33. 22. 24. Q. What kind of Kingdome is his A. His kingdome is not of this Ioh 18. 36. Rom. 14. 1● ●orld neither consisteth in meate and ●rinke but in righteousnesse peace ●nd ioy in the Holy Ghost Q. Who may be subiects ●● this king●ome A. Any of all Nations Psal 2. 8. Q. How long lasteth it A. For euer Luke 1. 33 Dan 2 44. Q. When was he ordained of God to this great worke A. From before the foundation of 1 Pet 1 20 the world Q. When was he manifested A. In these last times the fulnes Gal 4 4 of time Q. How A. The sonne of God tooke on him the seed of Abraham and was in Heb 2 16 4 15 all things like vs sin only excepted Q. How did he become flesh A. He was conceiued by the Holy Luke 1 35 Mat 1 18. 23 Ghost and borne of the virgine Mary Q. He was not then sinfull as we are A. He did not sinne neither was guile found in his mouth 1 Pet 2. 22 Q. That he is righteous what is that to vs A. Hee is the end of the Law for Rom 10 4 5. 6 7 8 9 righteousnesse to evety one that beleeveth Q. What else did he for vs and for our saluation A. He humbled himselfe and became obedient to the death even the Phil 2 6. 7. 8 death of the crosse Q. That was an accurssed death A. He was made a curse for vs. Gal 3 13 Q Did he suffer any thing else A. He was buryed and layd three 1 Cor 5 4 dayes and three nights in the heart of the earth Mat 12 40 Q Was n●thing here to be considered but the mallice of the Iewes A. Yes chiefly we must note he was Act 4 27 28 delivered therevnto by the determined counsell of God Q Why was the Lord pleased thus to bru●s● him A. He was our suretie was woūded Heb 7. 22 Esa 53 5 6 for our transgressions and on him was the chastisement of our peace for the Lord layd on him the iniquities of us all Q. What benefite reape we thereby 1 Pet 2 24 Eph 2 14 16 Col 1 20 21 Act 2 24 1 Cor 1● 4 A. Our peace is made with God with his stripes we are healed Q. Was he holden downe of death A. It was impossible he should he rose againe the third day according to the scriptures Q. What followed after his resurrection A. Hee ascended vp on high and Psa 68. 18 Ephe 4 8 led captivity captine and gaue gifts to men euen to the religious that the Lord might dwell among them Q. What is that glory the father hath bestowed on him Psal 110. 1. Heb 8. 1. A. Hee sitteth on the right hand of the Throne of Maiestie in Heauen Q. How long must he
thus sit A He must raigne till the Father 1. Cor. 15. 15. hath put all his enemies vnder his feet Q. What is his speciall worke now at the right hand of his Father A. He euer liueth there to make Heb. 7. 25. 26. request for us Q. For whom maketh he request A. Not for the world but the elect Ioh 17 9. only Q. Doe not Angels and Saints make intercession for vs A. Abraham is ignorant of vs and Israell knoweth vs not Esa 63 16 Q. How long must the heauens receiue our Sauiour A. Vntill the time of the restitution of all things Act 3 21. Q. When shall that be A. At the day of iudgment Q. Shall their be such a day A. Yea God hath appointed a day in the which hee will judge the world Act 17 31 in righteousnesse Q. When shall this be A. Of that day and houre knoweth no man but it shall be in the end Mar 13 32 Mat 13 40 Ioh 6 44. Rev. 10 6. of the world at the last day in the last time when time shall be no more Q. Who shall be iudge A. Iesus Christ as he is the sonne of man whō we shall see come in like Ioh 5 22. 27. Act 1 11. manner as the disciples saw him goe vp into Heauen Q. Who shall be iudged A. All both iust and vniust small 2 Tim 4 1 Reu 20. 12 13. Rome 14 12. and great quicke and dead euery one shall giue account of himselfe to God Q. Of what shall they be iudged A. Of all they haue done in their bodyes that is while they liued in 2 Cor 5. 10. Eccles 12 14 Mat 10. 36 their bodies euen euery secret thing euery idle word the hid things of darkenesse and the counsell of their harts Q. How shall men receiue their iudgment A. According to that they haue done whether good or bad 2 Cor. 5 10. Q. Well is it with them that are in Christ for to them is no condemnation who are in him A. They that haue the Spirit of Rom. 81. 9. Christ Q. What is this Spirit A. The Holy Ghost who proceedeth Ioh. 15. 26. Act. 5. 3 4. Mar. 3. 19. from the Father the Sonne and is God equall with the father and the Sonne Q. Where might wee pertake of this spirit A. In the word whereby he worketh still as once he spake by the Prophets Esa 59. 21. and Apostles Q. What is his speciall and peculiar worke in them that shall be saued A. The new birth for hee is the sanctifier of the Church Io● 3. 5. Q. What else doth he A Hee preserueth vs in the estate of ho●ines for euer Q. How A. By leading vs into all trueth by Ioh. 14. 26. 1 Ioh. 2. 27 Rom 8. 14 Z●● 12. 10. Ephe. 4. 30. bringing all things to our rememb●ance by being in vs a spirit of adoption of prayer of counsell of truth sealing vs vp to the day of redemption Q. What is sanct●fication A. To die to ●in and to rise againe Rom 6. 4. 8. 10 1 per 2. 24. to newn●sse of life Q. Is this of absolute necessity A. Else we shall neuer see God Heb 12 14 Math. 5. 8. Q. Are any perfectly holy in this life A. Noe we know in part and beleeue 1 Cor 13. 9. 10. in part Q. May one then haue a good hart to God who is of an euill life A. Those that are sanctified are 1 Thes 5. 23. sanctified throughout both in soule and body and spirit Q. Can such sinne to death A. He that is borne of God cannot 1 Ioh. 3. 9. 5. 16. 17. 18. sinne because his seed abideth in him Q What is the chiefe grace of the spirit in our new birth A. Faith which purifieth the heart 2 Cor. 4. 13. Act 15. 9. Gal 5. 6. and worketh by loue Q. What is faith A. The beleife of the truth or the 2 The 2. 13 Iohn 1. 12. receiuing of Christ as he is offered in the promises of the gospell Q. How doth the Holy Ghost work this faith in vs A. By hearing the word preached Rom 10. 14 Q. In whom is this sanctification of the spirit and beleife of the truth wrought A. In those only whom God hath from the beginning chosen to saluation 2 The 2. 13 Act 13. 48. And praedestinated to the adoption of children by Iesus christ to himselfe Eph. 1. 4 5. Q. Is faith a common guift A. No all men hath not faith therfore it is called the faith of Gods elect 2 Thes ● 2. Tit. 1. 1. Q. What moued God to chuse some passe by others A. The good pleasure of his owne Ephe. 1. 5. 6. will to the praise of the glorie of his grace Q. How doth he bring his chosen to saluation A. Whome he foreknew them he predestinated to be conformed to the Rom. 8. 29 30. image of his sonne whom he predestinated them he calleth whom he calleth them he iustifieth and whom he iustifieth them he glorifieth Q. What are those his chosen called A. The Church because they are Ioh. 17. 14. a company called out of the world by the voyce of Gods cryers his ministers Q. Was there euer a church of God vpon earth and shall there bee so to the end A. Yes the foundation of Gods election remaineth sure and Christ 2 Tim. 2. 19. is the rocke on which it is builded so that the gates of hell shall not preuaile Mat. 16. 1● against it Q. How is this Church noted out A. Shee is holy Ephe. 5. 2● 27. Q. How else A. Shee is catholique for in euerie Act. 10. 34. 35. nation he that feareth God and worketh righteousnes is accepted of him Q. Who is the head of this Church A. Iesus Christ alone Ephe. 1. 22. 23. Col. 1. 18. Q. What is the condition of the Church in this life A. Shee is militant subiect to crosses Mat. 16. 24. 25. Ephe. 6. 12. afflictions temptations and persecutions of all sorts Q. Doth the benefit of Christ death resurrection belong to all A. No they belong onely to the Ephe. 5. 25. Church Q. Where is this Church to be found A. Where the word of God is sencerely preached and embraced and Ephe. 5. 26. Mat. 28. 19 20. the Sacraments according to Christs institution administred there the Lord hath his Church Q. What is the signe of a true visible Church A. That shee bee Apostolique that is built on the foundation of the Prophets Ephe. 2. 19 20 22. and Apostles doctrine Q. Is there not vnity in the Church A. There is but one body one spirit one hope of your calling one Ephe 4. 4. 5. 6. Lord one faith one Baptisme one God and Father of all who is aboue all through all and in them all Q. What ariseth hence A. The