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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B00559 A treatise declaring, and confirming against all obiections the just title and right of the moste excellent and worthie prince, Iames the sixt, King of Scotland, to the succession of the croun of England. Whereunto is added a discourse shewing how necessarie it is for the realme of England, that he be in due time acknowledged and admitted to the succession of the kingdome. Philodikaios, Irenicus. 1599 (1599) STC 19881.5; ESTC S94721 21,845 46

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title by inheritance Whereby it appeareth of how great account was the right of inheritance in his judgement and in the judgement of the people at that time Also Richard the third who after a farre more wicked maner vsurped the croun Sir THO. MOORE in his hist of RICH. the 3. judged not that anie approbation which hee might haue by Parliament could serue his turne except he did forge himself a title by deuising and publishing an vntruth to his owne mothers infamie which was that his brother King Edward was vnlawfullie begotten and that therefore his children coulde not lawfullie succeed to the croun so much did euen that wicked vsurper attribute to the nighnesse of the right lawfull blood in his owne conscience And not onelie the example of these two Kings but also of all the Princes which we haue had from King Edward the third hitherto whereof manie are renowmed for their rare wisdome and justice sheweth vs plainlie in how great regarde we ought justly to haue the right of succession by the next lawfull blood in that sundrie of them haue with armes pursued and maintained their title to the crowne of France whereof once they had possession by right of blood and none of them hitherto hath forgone their said title notwithstanding whatsoeuer frenche Lawes and acts of Parliament to the contrarie The like also hath beene the iudgement of our Parliaments concerning this matter of succession as it hath alwaies appeared by their consent in approuing the title of our Kings to the crowne of France and by their owne statutes approouing the right of the next lawfull blood to the crowne of England so oft as the ouer great power and authoritie of such as vsurped the Kingdome did not restraine their liberty By all these examples alledged by mee appeareth the great prerogatiue which is due to the next lawfull inheritour of the croune Wherefore I am perswaded that as hir Maiestie and the Parliament haue not hitherto made anie such act as is alledged by Dolman or anie other that might bee prejudiciall to the King of Scotlands title so they wil heerafter rather further him by declaring him publiklie right lawful inheritour of the Kingdom than anie wise go about to stop or hinder him not onelie in respect of his vndoubted right and of the prerogatiue and fauour due to the same but also for the manifold and great benefits which the Realm shall receaue by his admission as by the discourse following shal be made manifest A discourse shevving hovv expedient and necessarie it is for the Realme of England that the King of Scotland be in due time acknowledged and admitted for lawfulll successour to her Maiestie HAuing hitherto sufficientlie declared the King of Scotlands just title to the croune of England and disprooued such obiections as are made against the same I thought good brieflie to shew how expedient and necessarie it is for the weale publike of this Realme that he be in due time acknowledged receaued for lawfull successour to hir Maiestie To begin therefore with the consideration of his right there is no doubt but in respect thereof his admission will procure greater peace and quietnesse to the common wealth than the vnlawfull intrusion of any other For all the honest and faithfull subiects of this Kingdome will in conscience and dutie submit themselues more willinglie to the next lawfull heire succeeding according to the auncient lawes and custome of this countrie than to another comming to the croune by vnlawfull vsurpation And such as for their own priuate advantage or other respects would wish and go about to procure the disturbance of the common wealth wil haue the lesse pretence occasiō and meanes to effect their wicked desires and intentions the next lawful heire being aduanced Yea euen they who pretend any title to the croun would be rather perswaded and content to yeeld to him than to anie other of their competitors hauing lesse right Also the preferment of the next lawfull heire in that he is alreadie a King wil procure the greater peace quietnes to the common wealth For the titlers themselues the rest of our noble-men whose example and authoritie draweth commonly the people after them in matters belonging to the Royal succession will rather submit themselues to the next lawfull heire beeing alreadie a soueraigne Prince than to another not hauing so just a title and beeing but of their own rank and degree And trulie it behooueth them so to do for that if any of themselues be preferred before the rest they may haue the juster occasion to feare the jealousie and suspition of one advanced from the degree of a subject to the dignity of a King The advancement of which kinde of persons hath manie times as both our own histories others testifie procured the destruction not onlie of such as resisted them but also of those who assisted furthered them to the croun yea and of such of their own blood as they suspected might haue any wise disturbed or endangered their estate The trueth heereof is manifest by the example of King Edward the fowrth and Richard the third who both not onlie destroied and bannished their enemies of the house of Lancaster with their adherents but also the former of them put to death his own brother George Duke of Clarence and the other murthered his young nephues Edward the fift and his brother yea the principal men who of subiects made them Kings were by them destroied to wit the Earle of Warwick by King Edward the Duke of Buckinghame with others by King Richard As the like inconuenience might be justly feared if any of our owne titlers should be preferred before the rest so there is no meanes so effectuall to make such as are of the blood Royall and the reste of our nobilitie free from all such dangers and from all suspition and feare therof as the preferring of a Prince whose preheminence in dignitie far aboue them joined with the certaintie of his manifest right and the confidence which he may iustlie put in so many meanes and helpes as hee shall haue to assure his estate will make him to stand the lesse in jealousie and mistrust of others and consequently not to vse those wicked practises which inferiour persons raised from the degree of subiects to the dignitie of Princes and that by no iust title woulde by all likliehood vse for their establishment Which inconuenience is so much the lesse to bee feared in the advancement of the present King of Scotland as he hath alreadie giuen sufficient proof of his tender affection and bountie towardes such as are of his kindred and of his fauour and clemencie towards such of his Nobilitie as haue not shewed themselues ouer malitious and obstinate in offending him How much more then is it iustlie to be looked for that he will shew himselfe thankfull bountifull towardes all such of our Nobilitie and other good subiects as will highlie deserue his
A TREATISE DECLARING AND confirming against all obiections the just title and right of the moste excellent and worthie Prince IAMES the sixt King of Scotland to the succession of the croun of England WHEREVNTO IS ADDED A DISCOVRSE Shewing how necessarie it is for the Realme of England that he be in due time acknowledged and admitted to the succession of the Kingdome The Preface SEING the great diuersitie of opinions which is found in men of all Estates throughout this Realme concerning the Royall succession and fore-seing the manifest danger of ciuill and forraine warres which thence are lyke to ensue to the notable hurte and domage if not to the vtter ruine of this noble Kingdome except the subjects thereof bee in due time rightlie informed to whom by right the croun falleth next after her Maiestie I thought it my dutie being a member of one bodie with them trulie to informe so manie of them as I might concerning this matter by publishing this treatise wherein the right of the next lawfull successour is declared and confirmed against all obiections And for that I know it to be the opinion of sundry men that in this present controuersie it is not onlie to be considered to whom by right the croune appertaineth but also whether his admission may be auailable or hurtfull to the common wealth I thought good to adde to the saide declaration defence of his right a discourse shewing howe necessarie and expedient it is for the common wealth that hee be in due time acknowledged and admitted to the succession of this Kingdome Both which parts I haue brieflie handled thinking it ynough to proue and confirme them with a competent number of weighty and forceable arguments the rather for that the former part hath beene more at length declared and confirmed by others in treatises alreadie published and the other point is of it self so cleare and manifest as fewer reasons than I alledge may be sufficient for the certain proofe and euidencie therof I hope that you my deare countrie-men for whose instruction and behoofe I haue published this little pamphlet will thankfully accept this my good meaning and honest endeuour making your profite therof by embtacing and furthering so iuste and honorable a cause as is heere recommended vnto you and procuring thereby together with your owne safetie and advantage the peace honour prosperitie of this your natiue countrie With which happie fore-sight beseeching God to indue you I hartilie bid you fare-well IRENICVS PHILODIKAIOS The right of the King of Scotland by descent of kindred is declared BEing to declare who by all right is next to our soueraigne Ladie Queen Elizabeth in the succession of the kingdom I thought it needeles to draw the descent of such as with anie reason or probabilitie may after her Maiesties decease lay claime to the croun further of than from the vnion of the houses of Lancaster and York in the persons of the most renowmed King Henrie the seauenth and of Elizabeth eldest daughter to King Edward the fourth right and lawfull heires of both the Royall families For as for the Erle of Huntington and others descended from George Duke of Clarence youngest brother to King Edward the fourth they may not justlie be greeued if they be placed in rank after such as are lawfullie descēded from the heire of their own house of York joyned in mariage to the head of the familie of Lancaster And as for the king of Spaine and his sister the Infanta for whome farre sought titles haue beene forged by some fugitiue Persons of our own nation desiring for the alteration of Religion to make this flourishing common wealth a praie to the enemies therof I am perswaded there is none that hath the hart of a true subiect or naturall English-man how soeuer hee bee affected in Religion that will not vtterlie abhorre and detest the defending or approouing of anie such titles tending to the great dishonour and vtter subuersion of this Realm and to the notable disgrace of so manie worthie Princes as since the time of King Henrie the sixt hitherto therin haue reigned But desisting from the mention of titles no les false than odious I come to the orderlie descent of Henrie the seuenths progenie King Henrie the seuenth of that name had issue by Queene Elizabeth besides Prince Arthur and an other who deceased without succession Prince Henrie Ladie Margaret and Ladie Marie King Henrie the eight who succeeded to his father had issue King Edward Queene Marie and Queene Elizabeth now reigning Ladie Margaret eldest daughter to King Henrie the seauenth was maried to Iames the fourth King of Scotland who begat on her Iames the fift father to Marie Queen of Scotland Douagier of France whose onlie sonne and heire is King Iames the sixt who at this present reigneth and hath alreadie issue Prince Henrie Ladie Elizabeth and another daughter The said Queen Margaret after the death of King Iames the fourth was maried to Archibald Earle of Angus and by him had a daughter called the Ladie Margaret Dowglasse which was wife to Mathew Stewart Earle of Lenox by whome shee had two sonnes Henrie Lord Darlie and Charles whereof Henrie beeing the elder was ioyned in mariage to Marie Queen of Scotland and of her begat the king that now is And Charles the younger brother maried Elizabeth the daughter of Sir William Candish by whome he had one only daughter yet liuing named the Ladie Arbella Marie the younger daughter of King Henrie the seuenth after the decease of her first husband Lewes the twelth King of France by whome shee had no issue was maried to Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolke by whome she had two daughters Ladie Frances and Ladie Eleonor The Ladie Frances was maried to Henrie Gray Marques of Dorcester afterward Duke of Suffolke who begat of her three daughters Iane Katherine and Marie The eldest of them Ladie Iane was maried to Gilford Duldey the sonne of Iohn Duke of Northūberland of whom she had no issue being sone after her mariage put to death by Queene Marie for taking on her the croun Ladie Catherine first espoused to Henrie Harbert eldest sonne of William Erle of Pembroke this contract being dissolued had by the Earle of Hartford after a priuie contract made betwixt them as they both alledged the Lord Beauchamp and his brother who are yet liuing Ladie Marie the youngest who was betrouthed to Arthur Lord Gray of Wilton died without issue Ladie Eleonor the second daughter of Ladie Marie Duchesse of Suffolke was maried to Henrie Clifford Erle of Cumberland who had by her a daughter named Margaret that was married to Henrie Stanley Erle of Darbie by whome shee had issue Fernande William and Frances This is the orderlie succession of such as are descended from the vnion of both the Royall families of York and Lancaster whereby it is euident that the issue of King Henrie the eight failing in our soueraigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth the right of the