Selected quad for the lemma: death_n

Word A Word B Word C Word D Occurrence Frequency Band MI MI Band Prominent
death_n destroy_v die_v sin_n 5,036 5 5.2799 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A42143 A sermon preached at Alderly in the country of Gloucester, January IV, 1676/7 at the funeral of Sir Matthew Hale, kt, late Chief Justice of His Majestie's court of the King's bench / by E.G. ... Griffith, Evan, A.M., Minister of Alderly. 1677 (1677) Wing G1995; ESTC R2788 11,865 34

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the_o righteous_a be_v not_o hurtful_a but_o beneficial_a no_o loss_n but_o great_a gain_n and_o advantage_n of_o this_o lesson_n we_o see_v two_o branch_n 1._o that_o the_o righteous_a man_n who_o be_v evangelical_o righteous_a as_o be_v justify_v by_o the_o righteousness_n of_o christ_n and_o sanctify_v by_o his_o spirit_n must_v die_v and_o go_v down_o into_o the_o chamber_n of_o death_n and_o darkness_n and_o the_o house_n of_o rottenness_n as_o well_o as_o other_o 2._o that_o the_o death_n of_o the_o righteous_a be_v not_o hurtful_a but_o beneficial_a no_o loss_n but_o gain_n of_o the_o first_o death_n be_v the_o way_n of_o all_o the_o world_n josh_n 23.14_o the_o way_n of_o all_o the_o earth_n say_v david_n 1_o king_n 2.2_o it_o be_v the_o end_n of_o all_o man_n as_o solomon_n eccles_n 7.2_o and_o the_o righteous_a must_v walk_v and_o pass_v this_o way_n and_o come_v to_o this_o end_n before_o they_o come_v to_o their_o everlasting_a home_n as_o well_o as_o other_o the_o wise_a man_n die_v as_o well_o as_o the_o fool_n eccles_n 2.16_o yea_o in_o this_o respect_n the_o condition_n of_o the_o child_n of_o man_n and_o the_o condition_n of_o beast_n be_v alike_o as_o the_o one_o die_v so_o die_v the_o other_o eccles_n 3.19_o no_o marvel_n if_o the_o condition_n of_o all_o man_n be_v alike_o high_a and_o low_a rich_a and_o poor_a wise_a and_o unwise_a learned_a and_o ignorant_a righteous_a unrighteous_a godly_a and_o profane_a 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d 〈◊〉_d mors_fw-la impudens_fw-la it_o fear_v no_o colour_n spare_v neither_o great_a nor_o good_a abel_n die_v who_o person_n and_o sacrifice_n god_n accept_v as_o well_o as_o cain_n who_o person_n and_o sacrifice_n god_n reject_v abraham_n the_o father_n of_o all_o the_o faithful_a and_o the_o friend_n of_o god_n isaac_n jacob_n joseph_n all_o the_o patriarch_n prophet_n apostle_n evangelist_n and_o holy_a man_n of_o god_n pay_v this_o tribute_n and_o all_o must_v pay_v heb._n 9.27_o statutum_n est_fw-la there_o be_v the_o necessity_n omnibus_fw-la there_o be_v the_o universality_n of_o die_a there_o be_v a_o statute_n law_n for_o both_o enact_v in_o the_o court_n of_o heaven_n which_o no_o mortal_a can_v repeal_n as_o sure_o as_o we_o be_v bear_v to_o live_v so_o sure_o be_v we_o bear_v to_o die_v nasci_n &_o denasci_fw-la ordo_fw-la rerum_fw-la est_fw-la i_o need_v not_o travel_v far_o for_o many_o more_o example_n or_o proof_n of_o this_o only_o turn_v your_o eye_n to_o that_o doleful_a object_n and_o sad_a spectacle_n of_o mortality_n under_o that_o black_a veil_n then_o conclude_v of_o this_o necessity_n for_o if_o art_n and_o learned_a skill_n and_o industry_n of_o physic_n can_v have_v continue_v he_o if_o strength_n of_o body_n can_v have_v preserve_v he_o if_o wisdom_n and_o rare_a gift_n of_o mind_n if_o temperance_n in_o diet_n if_o chasteness_n of_o life_n if_o a_o concurrence_n of_o all_o excellent_a virtue_n if_o piety_n and_o the_o power_n of_o godliness_n the_o life_n of_o holiness_n if_o the_o wish_n of_o man_n yea_o of_o a_o whole_a nation_n if_o the_o prayer_n and_o tear_n of_o the_o godly_a if_o any_o thing_n can_v have_v prevail_v for_o he_o to_o give_v he_o any_o privilege_n against_o death_n arrest_n blackness_n and_o darkness_n have_v not_o at_o this_o time_n cover_v that_o earthly_a tabernacle_n wherein_o late_o lodge_v so_o heavenly_a a_o mind_n quest._n why_o shall_v this_o be_v so_o have_v not_o christ_n die_v for_o the_o righteous_a why_o then_o shall_v they_o die_v death_n be_v the_o wage_n of_o sin_n have_v not_o christ_n suffer_v for_o all_o their_o sin_n wherefore_o shall_v they_o die_v answ_n christ_n by_o his_o death_n and_o satisfaction_n have_v free_v they_o from_o the_o second_o death_n and_o all_o the_o degree_n of_o it_o as_o 1._o spiritual_a death_n in_o sin_n 2._o the_o damnation_n of_o the_o soul_n at_o her_o sepaparation_n from_o the_o body_n 3._o from_o the_o condemnation_n of_o the_o whole_a ●…lan_n at_o the_o resurrection_n go_v you_o curse_v into_o everlasting_a fire_n this_o death_n christ_n by_o his_o death_n have_v abolish_v and_o free_v the_o righteous_a from_o but_o not_o from_o the_o first_o death_n which_o be_v the_o separation_n of_o soul_n and_o body_n he_o have_v only_o change_v the_o nature_n and_o use_n of_o the_o first_o death_n he_o have_v take_v away_o the_o sting_n and_o venom_n of_o it_o all_o the_o evil_a and_o hurt_n of_o it_o of_o a_o punishment_n for_o sin_n he_o have_v make_v it_o a_o passage_n into_o heaven_n of_o a_o curse_n he_o have_v turn_v it_o into_o a_o blessing_n it_o do_v at_o first_o deprive_v man_n of_o good_a but_o now_o it_o put_v the_o righteous_a into_o the_o possession_n of_o all_o good_a the_o righteous_a must_v die_v ratio_fw-la 1._o to_o accomplish_v the_o decree_n and_o to_o prove_v the_o truth_n of_o god_n who_o say_v in_o the_o day_n thou_o eat_v thereof_o morte_fw-la morieris_fw-la thou_o shall_v sure_o die_v gen._n 2.17_o as_o they_o who_o be_v adjudge_v and_o condemn_v to_o die_v be_v dead_a in_o law_n albeit_o they_o be_v keep_v in_o prison_n and_o not_o present_o execute_v so_o our_o first_o parent_n though_o they_o do_v not_o immediate_o die_v be_v subject_a to_o death_n by_o the_o desert_n of_o sin_n and_o so_o in_o they_o all_o their_o posterity_n by_o one_o man_n sin_n enter_v into_o the_o world_n and_o death_n by_o sin_n and_o so_o death_n pass_v upon_o all_o man_n for_o that_o all_o have_v sin_v rom._n 5.12_o now_o that_o the_o decree_n of_o god_n may_v be_v accomplish_v and_o his_o truth_n keep_v inviolate_a and_o stand_v with_o his_o mercy_n man_n yea_o the_o righteous_a man_n must_v die_v the_o first_o death_n if_o man_n shall_v die_v no_o manner_n of_o death_n how_o can_v the_o truth_n of_o god_n appear_v and_o if_o that_o death_n due_a to_o sin_n have_v be_v inflict_v on_o man_n how_o shall_v the_o mercy_n of_o god_n have_v be_v manifest_v this_o controversy_n god_n in_o his_o wonderful_a wisdom_n have_v reconcile_v thus_o piat_n mors_fw-la bona_fw-la &_o habet_fw-la utraque_fw-la quod_fw-la petit_fw-la in_o change_v the_o curse_a nature_n of_o death_n and_o make_v that_o temporal_a which_o be_v eternal_a do_v his_o mercy_n appear_v and_o in_o the_o dissolution_n of_o man_n body_n into_o dust_n for_o a_o time_n do_v his_o truth_n appear_v ra._n 2._o because_o all_o be_v dust_n our_o body_n be_v earthly_a tabernacle_n house_n of_o clay_n the_o foundation_n of_o they_o in_o the_o dust_n job_n 4.19_o all_o flesh_n be_v grass_n and_o the_o glory_n of_o man_n as_o the_o flower_n of_o the_o field_n isa_n 40._o great_a as_o well_o as_o mean_a one_o their_o glory_n fade_v they_o wither_v as_o the_o grass_n and_o meet_v all_o in_o the_o dust_n our_o life_n be_v a_o vapour_n ja._n 4.14_o the_o sea_n never_o rest_v but_o be_v always_o ebb_v or_o flow_v so_o be_v it_o with_o the_o life_n of_o man_n it_o never_o stand_v at_o one_o stay_v every_o day_n cut_v off_o one_o part_n of_o our_o life_n no_o power_n can_v make_v my_o life_n so_o long_o to_o day_n as_o it_o be_v yesterday_o we_o be_v near_o our_o end_n in_o the_o evening_n than_o in_o the_o morning_n job_n 4.20_o we_o be_v destroy_v from_o morning_n to_o evening_n even_o as_o river_n run_v into_o the_o sea_n so_o our_o life_n run_v into_o death_n this_o be_v the_o reason_n which_o the_o lord_n use_v gen._n 3.19_o dust_n thou_o be_v and_o into_o dust_n shall_v thou_o return_v ra._n 3._o because_o here_o be_v no_o continue_v city_n for_o any_o we_o be_v stranger_n and_o pilgrim_n and_o be_v place_v in_o the_o world_n for_o a_o season_n as_o man_n upon_o a_o stage_n to_o act_v our_o part_n and_o then_o must_v be_v go_v to_o give_v room_n for_o other_o one_o generation_n pass_v away_o and_o another_o generation_n come_v eccles_n 1.4_o ra._n 4._o the_o righteous_a be_v take_v away_o because_o the_o world_n be_v not_o worthy_a of_o they_o heb._n 11_o 38._o they_o be_v the_o mean_n of_o blessing_n to_o the_o world_n 1._o by_o their_o presence_n 2._o by_o their_o prayer_n they_o stand_v in_o the_o gap_n they_o stave_v off_o judgement_n from_o the_o world_n the_o angel_n can_v do_v nothing_o to_o filthy_a sodom_n until_o lot_n be_v go_v out_o of_o it_o into_o zoar_n gen._n 19.22_o 3._o by_o their_o example_n and_o 4._o by_o their_o counsel_n but_o the_o wicked_a world_n will_v neither_o follow_v their_o example_n nor_o take_v their_o counsel_n therefore_o the_o lord_n do_v take_v away_o the_o righteous_a in_o mercy_n to_o they_o but_o in_o judgement_n to_o the_o world_n branch_n 2._o the_o death_n of_o the_o righteous_a be_v not_o hurtful_a but_o beneficial_a no_o loss_n but_o great_a gain_n and_o advantage_n this_o will_v appear_v 1._o by_o the_o phrase_n which_o the_o holy_a
ghost_n use_v to_o describe_v the_o death_n of_o the_o righteous_a it_o be_v a_o sleep_v in_o jesus_n 1_o thessalon_n 4._o a_o rest_v in_o hope_n psalm_n 16._o a_o put_v off_o a_o earthly_a tabernacle_n 2_o pet._n 1.14_o a_o fall_v of_o a_o corn_n of_o wheat_n into_o the_o ground_n that_o it_o may_v spring_v up_o more_o glorious_a a_o sow_v in_o god_n acre_n joh._n 12.24_o it_o be_v a_o gather_n of_o they_o to_o their_o father_n 1._o of_o their_o body_n from_o a_o place_n of_o care_n and_o labour_n o●_n trouble_n and_o pain_n to_o a_o place_n of_o easerest_n and_o security_n they_o shall_v enter_v into_o peace_n rest_n in_o their_o bed_n verse_n 2._o 2._o of_o their_o soul_n from_o the_o body_n to_o god_n to_o abraham_n bosom_n from_o a_o earthly_a tabernacle_n and_o house_n of_o clay_n to_o a_o house_n not_o make_v with_o hand_n eternal_a in_o the_o heaven_n from_o man_n to_o angel_n from_o sinner_n to_o saint_n perfect_o righteous_a from_o enemy_n to_o their_o best_a friend_n from_o the_o vale_n of_o the_o shadow_n of_o death_n to_o the_o land_n of_o the_o live_n from_o the_o church_n militant_a to_o the_o church_n triumphant_a from_o earth_n to_o heaven_n whither_o they_o be_v gather_v as_o the_o apostle_n teach_v at_o large_a heb._n 12.22_o 23_o 24._o to_o mount_n zion_n the_o city_n of_o the_o live_a god_n the_o heavenly_a jerusalem_n to_o a_o innumerable_a company_n of_o angel_n to_o god_n the_o judge_n of_o all_o and_o the_o spirit_n of_o just_a man_n make_v perfect_a to_o jesus_n the_o mediator_n of_o the_o new_a covenant_n 2._o this_o will_v yet_o evident_o appear_v if_o we_o consider_v two_o thing_n 1._o the_o evil_n from_o which_o the_o righteous_a be_v free_v by_o death_n 2._o the_o good_a which_o come_v unto_o they_o in_o death_n the_o bless_a estate_n they_o shall_v then_o enter_v into_o and_o so_o continue_v to_o all_o eternity_n for_o the_o first_o they_o shall_v be_v free_v 1._o from_o all_o evil_n corporal_a and_o temporal_a sickness_n disease_n ache_n pain_n grief_n toil_n labour_v cross_n and_o loss_n trouble_n and_o persecution_n which_o god_n child_n as_o long_o as_o they_o live_v here_o be_v subject_a unto_o the_o disciple_n of_o christ_n must_v take_v up_o his_o cross_n through_o much_o tribulation_n we_o must_v enter_v into_o the_o kingdom_n of_o heaven_n act_n 14.22_o we_o must_v look_v for_o affliction_n so_o long_o as_o life_n last_v but_o death_n make_v a_o end_n of_o they_o all_o life_n and_o trouble_n be_v twin_n which_o be_v bear_v together_o job_n 5.7_o man_n be_v bear_v unto_o trouble_n as_o the_o spark_n fly_v upward_o and_o must_v die_v together_o as_o john_n hear_v it_o by_o a_o voice_n from_o heaven_n revelat_fw-la 14._o bless_a be_v the_o dead_a which_o die_v in_o the_o lord_n for_o they_o rest_v from_o their_o labour_n all_o labour_n in_o their_o action_n and_o dolour_n in_o their_o passion_n be_v end_v then_o shall_v god_n wipe_v away_o all_o tear_n from_o their_o eye_n revelat._n 21.4_o again_o they_o be_v often_o take_v away_o to_o prevent_v some_o extraordinary_a evil_n to_o come_v as_o in_o the_o text_n so_o josiah_n 2_o king_n 22._o be_v put_v in_o his_o grave_n in_o peace_n that_o he_o may_v not_o see_v the_o evil_a that_o god_n do_v bring_v upon_o his_o land_n so_o luther_n be_v take_v away_o not_o long_o before_o that_o miserable_a calamity_n which_o the_o lord_n bring_v upon_o germany_n for_o their_o contempt_n of_o the_o gospel_n augustine_n die_v before_o the_o take_n of_o hippo_n paraeus_n before_o ●he_n take_v of_o heydelberg_n happy_a be_v he_o who_o die_v before_o his_o country_n i._n e._n before_o the_o ruin_n and_o desolation_n of_o his_o country_n virgil._n faelix_fw-la nepotianus_n qui_fw-la haec_fw-la non_fw-la videt_fw-la say_v jerom_n of_o his_o friend_n nepotianus_n jerom_n live_v in_o a_o calamitous_a time_n and_o he_o count_v his_o friend_n happy_a that_o he_o die_v before_o he_o see_v those_o calamity_n 2._o the_o righteous_a by_o death_n be_v free_v from_o spiritual_a evil_n as_o 1._o from_o the_o assault_n of_o the_o devil_n our_o life_n here_o be_v a_o continual_a warfare_n the_o church_n be_v militant_a and_o we_o must_v fight_v as_o the_o lord_n soldier_n and_o that_o not_o against_o flesh_n and_o blood_n for_o then_o one_o man_n sword_n will_v be_v as_o long_o as_o another_o and_o one_o man_n skin_n as_o thick_a as_o another_o but_o against_o principality_n power_n ruler_n of_o the_o darkness_n of_o this_o world_n spiritual_a wickedness_n lamb_n against_o roar_a lion_n man_n against_o devil_n and_o not_o for_o a_o natural_a or_o temporal_a but_o for_o a_o spiritual_a and_o eternal_a life_n not_o for_o a_o earthly_a but_o for_o a_o heavenly_a crown_n and_o kingdom_n and_o in_o this_o war_n there_o be_v no_o time_n of_o truce_n if_o the_o devil_n be_v overcome_v one_o time_n he_o will_v sudden_o and_o none_o know_v how_o soon_o give_v a_o fresh_a assault_n but_o death_n end_v the_o battle_n not_o as_o among_o earthly_a warrior_n when_o the_o one_o die_v in_o the_o fight_n the_o other_o get_v the_o upper_a hand_n but_o in_o this_o fight_n the_o devil_n have_v not_o the_o victory_n by_o the_o death_n of_o the_o faithful_a but_o the_o faithful_a at_o the_o end_n get_v a_o full_a and_o final_a conquest_n and_o ascend_v into_o heaven_n there_o to_o triumph_v the_o devil_n can_v assault_v they_o there_o he_o may_v compass_v the_o earth_n but_o he_o can_v enter_v within_o the_o list_n of_o heaven_n he_o never_o come_v thither_o to_o assault_v any_o since_o he_o be_v cast_v out_o though_o he_o tempt_v adam_n in_o the_o earthly_a paradise_n and_o get_v he_o to_o be_v thrust_v out_o yet_o can_v he_o not_o tempt_v any_o in_o the_o heavenly_a paradise_n 2._o it_o be_v no_o small_a evil_n to_o the_o righteous_a to_o live_v and_o converse_v among_o the_o wicked_a to_o see_v the_o land_n dishonour_n god_n as_o just_a lot_n be_v vex_v with_o the_o filthy_a conversation_n of_o the_o wicked_a dwelling_v among_o they_o in_o see_v and_o hear_v he_o vex_v his_o righteous_a soul_n from_o day_n to_o day_n at_o their_o unlawful_a deed_n 2_o pet._n 2.7_o 8._o he_o which_o be_v true_o grieve_v for_o sin_n in_o himself_o will_v be_v also_o grieve_v for_o sin_n in_o other_o so_o david_n psal_n 119.136_o river_n of_o water_n run_v down_o my_o eye_n because_o man_n keep_v not_o thy_o law_n and_o psal_n 120.5_o woe_n be_v m●_n that_o i_o be_o constrain_v to_o dwell_v in_o mesech_n and_o in_o the_o tent_n of_o kedar_n barbarous_a and_o profane_a people_n that_o do_v neither_o know_v god_n nor_o fear_n nor_o love_n nor_o serve_v he_o now_o this_o world_n be_v full_a of_o scandalous_a sinner_n that_o if_o a_o man_n will_v not_o keep_v any_o converse_n with_o such_o he_o must_v go_v out_o ●f_a the_o world_n as_o st._n paul_n say_v 1_o cor._n 5.10_o but_o death_n free_v the_o righteous_a from_o this_o evil_a for_o it_o take_v they_o out_o of_o the_o world_n that_o they_o shall_v not_o behold_v either_o the_o sin_n which_o man_n commit_v against_o god_n or_o the_o evil_n which_o god_n do_v bring_v upon_o they_o yea_o death_n do_v carry_v they_o into_o heaven_n to_o the_o society_n of_o the_o holy_a angel_n and_o the_o spirit_n of_o just_a man_n make_v perfect_a which_o sin_v not_o at_o all_o but_o do_v the_o will_n of_o god_n in_o all_o perfection_n 3._o another_o evil_n from_o which_o the_o righteous_a be_v free_v in_o death_n be_v the_o practice_n of_o sin_n here_o as_o solomon_n say_v there_o be_v not_o a_o just_a man_n upon_o earth_n that_o do_v good_a and_o sin_v not_o eccles_n 7.20_o in_o many_o thing_n we_o sin_v all_o jam._n 3.2_o as_o the_o wicked_a sin_n in_o all_o thing_n so_o the_o righteous_a yea_o all_o the_o righteous_a sin_n in_o many_o thing_n and_o nothing_o be_v so_o grievous_a to_o the_o true_a christian_a as_o sin_n it_o be_v as_o the_o thorn_n 2_o cor._n 12._o or_o barb_a head_n of_o a_o arrow_n in_o the_o tender_a flesh_n a_o splinter_n under_o the_o nail_n it_o wound_v in_o the_o pierce_a in_o and_o wound_v in_o the_o take_n out_o he_o will_v cry_v with_o st._n paul_n o_o wretched_a man_n that_o i_o be_o etc._n etc._n rom._n 7._o but_o death_n destroy_v sin_n this_o be_v a_o mystery_n of_o grace_n sin_n bring_v in_o death_n and_o death_n drive_v out_o sin_n after_o death_n the_o righteous_a shall_v be_v perfect_o sanctify_v and_o make_v like_o the_o angel_n to_o do_v the_o will_n of_o the_o lord_n ready_o willing_o cheerful_o delightful_o and_o constant_o at_o first_o death_n be_v inflict_v as_o a_o punishment_n for_o sin_n but_o now_o it_o be_v use_v as_o 〈◊〉_d mean_v to_o stop_v the_o course_n of_o sin_n tunc_fw-la dictum_fw-la est_fw-la homini_fw-la morieris_fw-la si_fw-la peccaveris_fw-la nunc_fw-la dicitur_fw-la morer●_fw-fr ne_fw-fr pecces_fw-la then_o it_o be_v say_v to_o man_n if_o thou_o sin_v thou_o shall_v die_v now_o
imprimatur_fw-la guilford_n sill_z r._n p._n d._n hen._n episc_n lond._n à_fw-fr sac._n dom._n feb._n 23._o 1676_o 7._o a_o sermon_n preach_v at_o alderly_a in_o the_o county_n of_o gloucester_n january_n iu_o 1676_o 7_o at_o the_o funeral_n of_o sir_n matthew_n hale_v k_o t._n late_o chief_a justice_n of_o his_o majesty_n court_n of_o the_o king_n bench_n by_o e._n g._n a._n m._n minister_n of_o alderly_n london_n print_v by_o w._n g._n for_o william_n shrowsbury_n at_o the_o sign_n of_o the_o bible_n in_o duke-lane_n 1677._o a_o sermon_n preach_v at_o the_o funeral_n of_o sir_n matthew_n hale_v k_o t._n at_o alderly_n jan._n 4._o 1676_o 7._o isa_n 57.1_o the_o righteous_a perish_v and_o no_o man_n lay_v it_o to_o heart_n and_o merciful_a man_n be_v take_v away_o none_o consider_v that_o the_o righteous_a be_v take_v away_o from_o the_o evil_a to_o come_v in_o the_o nine_o verse_n of_o the_o former_a chapter_n the_o holy_a prophet_n threaten_v a_o fearful_a judgement_n that_o be_v like_a to_o fall_v on_o the_o jew_n he_o call_v for_o the_o wild_a beast_n of_o the_o field_n and_o the_o forest_n to_o come_v and_o devour_v mean_v the_o gentile_n which_o shall_v be_v executioner_n of_o the_o lord_n judgement_n and_o because_o the_o lord_n be_v righteous_a in_o all_o his_o way_n and_o holy_a in_o all_o his_o work_n he_o show_v what_o cause_n will_v provoke_v the_o lord_n to_o inflict_v such_o a_o heavy_a judgement_n upon_o his_o people_n as_o to_o give_v they_o up_o to_o be_v devour_v by_o the_o beast_n of_o the_o field_n and_o the_o forest_n such_o savage_a enemy_n the_o first_o cause_n be_v set_v down_o at_o large_a in_o the_o rest_n of_o the_o verse_n to_o the_o end_n of_o the_o chapter_n even_o the_o blindness_n idleness_n covetousness_n and_o security_n of_o their_o watchman_n who_o shall_v have_v teach_v the_o fear_n of_o the_o lord_n the_o neglect_n of_o their_o duty_n be_v a_o special_a occasion_n of_o the_o people_n sin_n be_v allege_v as_o the_o first_o cause_n of_o god_n judgement_n threaten_v the_o second_o cause_n be_v in_o the_o common_a people_n set_v down_o in_o the_o first_o verse_n of_o this_o chapter_n even_o their_o careless_a neglect_n in_o not_o regard_v nor_o consider_v the_o death_n of_o the_o righteous_a when_o many_o of_o they_o be_v take_v away_o to_o warn_v they_o of_o some_o strange_a judgement_n to_o come_v yet_o they_o lay_v it_o not_o to_o heart_n nor_o consider_v but_o continue_v and_o proceed_v in_o their_o sin_n drinking_z and_o fill_v themselves_o with_o wine_n and_o strong_a drink_n and_o merriment_n promise_v themselves_o happy_a day_n as_o it_o be_v the_o manner_n of_o the_o wicked_a to_o be_v most_o secure_a when_o judgement_n be_v near_a unto_o they_o as_o we_o have_v example_n in_o belshazzar_n dan._n 5._o he_o be_v among_o his_o concubine_n and_o his_o cup_n when_o the_o hand_n write_v his_o doom_n over_o against_o the_o candlestick_n mene_n mean_n tekel_n upharsin_n the_o righteous_a perish_v these_o be_v the_o word_n of_o the_o holy_a and_o evangelical_n prophet_n lament_v the_o spiritual_a security_n of_o the_o jew_n chide_v and_o reprove_v they_o for_o their_o great_a stupidity_n and_o spiritual_a lethargy_n wherein_o we_o have_v first_o the_o person_n that_o die_v who_o be_v describe_v by_o two_o excellent_a property_n 1._o righteous_a before_o god_n 2._o merciful_a towards_o men._n second_o the_o manner_n of_o their_o death_n set_v forth_o by_o two_o term_n perish_v be_v take_v away_o the_o sin_n of_o careless_a people_n by_o two_o phrase_n not_o lay_v to_o heart_n nor_o consider_v the_o death_n of_o the_o righteous_a four_o the_o final_a cause_n or_o special_a end_n for_o which_o they_o die_v and_o be_v take_v away_o and_o that_o be_v to_o prevent_v future_a evil_n concern_v the_o person_n here_o be_v two_o great_a problem_n to_o be_v resolve_v hard_a question_n quest_n i._o how_o can_v any_o man_n be_v righteous_a the_o scripture_n say_v there_o be_v none_o righteous_a no_o not_o one_o ii_o how_o do_v the_o righteous_a perish_v the_o lord_n know_v the_o way_n of_o the_o righteous_a the_o way_n of_o the_o ungodly_a shall_v perish_v answ_n i._o there_o be_v a_o legal_a righteousness_n so_o adam_n be_v righteous_a in_o the_o state_n of_o innocency_n be_v create_v after_o god_n image_n this_o righteousness_n be_v forfeit_v and_o lose_v so_o by_o nature_n all_o be_v corrupt_a and_o unrighteous_a there_o be_v none_o righteous_a ii_o there_o be_v a_o evangelical_n righteousness_n and_o this_o be_v twofold_a 1._o the_o righteousness_n of_o imputation_n when_o the_o righteousness_n of_o christ_n be_v impute_v to_o the_o believer_n and_o receive_v of_o he_o by_o faith_n christ_n be_v make_v of_o god_n to_o be_v unto_o we_o righteousness_n 1_o cor._n 1._o jehova_n tsidkenu_fw-fr jer._n 23.6_o he_o be_v make_v sin_n for_o we_o that_o we_o may_v be_v make_v the_o righteousness_n of_o god_n in_o he_o 2_o cor._n 5._o ult_n as_o christ_n be_v make_v sin_n for_o we_o not_o by_o the_o infusion_n of_o sin_n into_o his_o person_n but_o by_o imputation_n of_o our_o sin_n unto_o he_o so_o we_o be_v make_v righteous_a before_o god_n not_o by_o any_o righteousness_n inherent_a in_o we_o but_o by_o the_o righteousness_n of_o christ_n impute_v unto_o we_o 2._o believer_n be_v righteous_a by_o sanctification_n when_o by_o the_o spirit_n of_o christ_n the_o mind_n be_v enlighten_v the_o heart_n be_v mollify_v the_o will_n be_v rectify_v the_o affection_n sanctify_v and_o the_o whole_a course_n of_o their_o life_n be_v reform_v the_o habit_n of_o grace_n plant_v in_o they_o they_o be_v partaker_n of_o the_o divine_a nature_n so_o that_o as_o before_o they_o like_v love_v and_o live_v in_o sin_n now_o they_o abhor_v and_o avoid_v sin_n and_o all_o the_o occasion_n of_o it_o he_o that_o do_v righteousness_n be_v righteous_a 1_o joh._n 3.7_o this_o do_v not_o make_v we_o perfect_o righteous_a but_o imperfect_o not_o before_o god_n but_o before_o men._n jam._n 2.24_o 3._o they_o that_o be_v righteous_a thus_o by_o justification_n and_o sanctification_n be_v also_o merciful_a passive_o and_o active_o passive_o that_o be_v first_o in_o nature_n and_o order_n such_o as_o gad_n receive_v into_o mercy_n and_o favour_n hence_o they_o be_v call_v vessel_n of_o mercy_n prepare_v unto_o glory_n rom._n 9.23_o they_o be_v true_o righteous_a before_o god_n who_o he_o have_v receive_v into_o mercy_n in_o forgive_a their_o sin_n rom._n 4.6_o 7._o active_o for_o such_o as_o show_v mercy_n unto_o other_o these_o two_o be_v always_o find_v together_o in_o the_o same_o person_n as_o our_o saviour_n matth._n 5.7_o bless_a be_v the_o merciful_a for_o they_o shall_v receive_v mercy_n they_o have_v obtain_v pardon_v mercy_n and_o shall_v obtain_v crown_v mercy_n he_o which_o receive_v mercy_n of_o the_o lord_n will_v show_v mercy_n unto_o men._n quest_n ii_o how_o do_v the_o righteous_a perish_v answ_n not_o in_o soul_n for_o that_o be_v immortal_a and_o can_v perish_v by_o any_o mean_n but_o do_v live_v out_o of_o the_o body_n as_o well_o or_o more_o true_o than_o in_o the_o body_n this_o solomon_n teach_v ecclesiast_n 12.7_o the_o spirit_n return_v to_o god_n that_o give_v it_o this_o st._n paul_n desire_v to_o be_v dissolve_v and_o to_o be_v with_o christ_n phil._n 1.23_o and_o lazarus_n enjoy_v at_o his_o death_n be_v carry_v by_o the_o angel_n into_o abraham_n bosom_n luke_n 16._o and_o this_o john_n see_v in_o a_o vision_n revelat._n 6.9_o perform_v to_o the_o saint_n he_o see_v the_o soul_n under_o the_o altar_n neither_o do_v he_o perish_v in_o body_n for_o the_o body_n of_o a_o righteous_a man_n have_v still_o a_o be_v in_o the_o sight_n of_o god_n and_o remain_v a_o member_n of_o christ_n mystical_a body_n this_o union_n betwixt_o christ_n and_o the_o faithful_a be_v not_o of_o soul_n only_o but_o also_o of_o body_n the_o body_n of_o saint_n do_v not_o final_o and_o total_o perish_v their_o dust_n in_o the_o grave_n be_v precious_a in_o god_n sight_n they_o only_o sleep_v in_o jesus_n and_o by_o the_o power_n of_o jesus_n shall_v be_v raise_v again_o glorious_a body_n phil._n 3._o ult_n nothing_o perish_v of_o a_o righteous_a man_n in_o death_n final_o and_o total_o but_o sin_n they_o perish_v in_o appearance_n according_a to_o the_o opinion_n of_o the_o world_n and_o the_o judgement_n of_o flesh_n and_o blood_n the_o proper_a meaning_n of_o this_o expression_n be_v they_o die_v depart_v hence_o and_o be_v no_o more_o see_v their_o place_n know_v they_o no_o more_o or_o as_o the_o other_o word_n be_v add_v exegetical_o they_o be_v take_v away_o or_o gather_v to_o god_n and_o his_o christ_n to_o angel_n and_o saint_n observation_n the_o righteous_a and_o godly_a man_n must_v die_v as_o well_o as_o other_o but_o the_o death_n of_o
it_o be_v say_v to_o the_o righteous_a man_n dye_v that_o thou_o may_v not_o sin_v sin_n be_v the_o mother_n and_o death_n be_v the_o daughter_n and_o the_o daughter_n shall_v become_v the_o destroyer_n of_o her_o own_o mother_n unto_o the_o christian_a death_n be_v a_o perfect_a mortification_n of_o all_o his_o earthly_a member_n and_o the_o destruction_n of_o the_o whole_a body_n of_o sin_n 2._o the_o good_a which_o death_n bring_v to_o the_o righteous_a man_n be_v manifold_a 1._o it_o bring_v he_o into_o the_o presence_n of_o god_n the_o father_n son_n and_o holy_a ghost_n our_o father_n redeemer_n and_o comforter_n a_o immediate_a communion_n and_o fellowship_n with_o the_o sacred_a trinity_n 2._o the_o beatifical_a vision_n of_o god_n to_o see_v his_o face_n rev._n 22.4_o to_o see_v he_o as_o he_o be_v 1_o joh._n 3.2_o 3._o union_n with_o god_n 4._o fruition_n of_o god_n and_o that_o for_o the_o manner_n immediate_o all_o mean_n cease_v for_o the_o measure_n full_o enjoy_v god_n in_o all_o and_o all_o in_o god_n for_o time_n eternal_o for_o ever_o with_o the_o lord_n and_o reign_v for_o ever_o and_o ever_o revelat._n 22.5_o for_o th●_n place_n in_o the_o three_o heaven_n the_o heaven_n of_o heaven_n the_o paradise_n of_o god_n where_o the_o throne_n of_o god_n and_o of_o the_o lamb_n be_v for_o the_o company_n join_v with_o we_o the_o innumerable_a company_n of_o glorious_a angel_n and_o bless_a saint_n from_o this_o fruition_n will_v arise_v endless_a and_o unspeakable_a joy_n and_o pleasure_n and_o glory_n that_o far_o more_o exceed_a and_o eternal_a weight_n of_o glory_n 2_o cor._n 4.17_o usus_fw-la 1._o in_o that_o death_n can_v be_v avoid_v we_o shall_v learn_v to_o prepare_v and_o wait_v for_o it_o to_o have_v our_o loin_n gird_v as_o the_o israelite_n and_o our_o staff_n in_o our_o hand_n ready_a to_o take_v our_o journey_n from_o egypt_n to_o canaan_n as_o fowl_n desirous_a to_o fly_v stretch_v out_o their_o wing_n so_o shall_v we_o be_v desirous_a to_o be_v with_o the_o lord_n stretch_v out_o our_o affection_n towards_o heaven_n as_o abraham_n be_v in_o the_o door_n of_o his_o tent_n when_o the_o angel_n appear_v unto_o he_o and_o elijah_n in_o the_o mouth_n of_o the_o cave_n when_o the_o lord_n appear_v unto_o he_o so_o we_o shall_v be_v ready_a to_o come_v out_o of_o the_o cave_n and_o tabernacle_n of_o our_o body_n when_o the_o lord_n appear_v unto_o we_o by_o his_o messenger_n death_n let_v our_o lamp_n be_v trim_v our_o light_n burn_v and_o always_o watch_v as_o our_o lord_n command_v matth._n 24.42_o watch_z therefore_o for_o you_o know_v not_o what_o hour_n your_o lord_n do_v come_v and_o holy_a job_n practise_v job_n 14._o all_o the_o day_n of_o my_o appoint_a time_n will_v i_o wait_v till_o my_o change_n come_v look_v to_o your_o faith_n that_o it_o be_v unfeigned_a the_o faith_n of_o god_n elect_n to_o conscience_n that_o it_o be_v pure_a undefiled_a void_a of_o offence_n towards_o god_n and_o man_n to_o conversation_n that_o it_o be_v such_o as_o become_v the_o gospel_n that_o be_v holy_a and_o in_o heaven_n a_o good_a life_n will_v sit_v we_o for_o a_o comfortable_a death_n and_o a_o comfortable_a death_n will_v assure_v we_o of_o a_o joyful_a resurrection_n usus_fw-la 2._o death_n to_o the_o righteous_a be_v not_o hurtful_a therefore_o not_o to_o be_v fear_v but_o be_v beneficial_a therefore_o to_o be_v desire_v unto_o the_o gracious_a christian_a who_o conscience_n be_v purge_v from_o dead_a work_n death_n shall_v neither_o be_v fearful_a nor_o bitter_a acerbitas_fw-la non_fw-la mortis_fw-la sed_fw-la culpae_fw-la the_o bitterness_n be_v not_o in_o death_n but_o in_o sin_n as_o a_o serpent_n want_v a_o sting_n may_v hiss_v but_o can_v hurt_v a_o man_n may_v take_v it_o in_o hand_n and_o put_v it_o in_o his_o bosom_n so_o the_o righteous_a man_n may_v welcome_v and_o embrace_v death_n and_o be_v sure_a it_o will_v never_o hurt_v he_o it_o be_v not_o the_o death_n of_o the_o man_n but_o of_o sin_n in_o the_o man_n it_o be_v not_o the_o destruction_n but_o the_o absolution_n of_o the_o christian_a the_o dissolution_n of_o the_o body_n be_v the_o absolution_n of_o the_o soul_n so_o than_o not_o death_n itself_o but_o the_o opinion_n of_o death_n be_v terrible_a for_o since_o it_o translate_v we_o from_o this_o present_a evil_a wo●●d_n and_o va●e_n of_o misery_n and_o the_o shadow_n of_o death_n into_o everlasting_a life_n into_o the_o land_n of_o the_o live_n how_o can_v it_o be_v call_v death_n say_v one_o of_o the_o ancient_n be_v nomine_fw-la magis_fw-la quam_fw-la re_fw-la formidabilis_fw-la formidable_a rather_o in_o name_n than_o indeed_o the_o separation_n of_o the_o soul_n from_o god_n that_o be_v death_n but_o the_o separation_n of_o the_o soul_n from_o the_o body_n be_v only_o the_o shadow_n of_o death_n therefore_o such_o as_o be_v dead_a not_o in_o soul_n but_o in_o the_o flesh_n be_v not_o say_v to_o be_v proper_o dead_a but_o to_o be_v cover_v with_o the_o shadow_n of_o death_n the_o righteous_a man_n who_o be_v evangelical_o righteous_a have_v no_o cause_n to_o fear_v death_n but_o with_o st._n paul_n desire_v to_o be_v dissolve_v and_o to_o be_v with_o christ_n let_v he_o only_o fear_v death_n who_o be_v unwilling_a to_o go_v to_o christ_n it_o be_v true_a which_o solomon_n say_v that_o the_o day_n of_o a_o man_n death_n that_o be_v a_o righteous_a man_n death_n be_v better_a than_o the_o day_n of_o his_o birth_n eccles_n 7.3_o the_o day_n of_o a_o godly_a man_n birth_n be_v the_o begin_n of_o his_o misery_n but_o the_o day_n of_o his_o death_n be_v the_o end_n of_o his_o misery_n and_o a_o entrance_n into_o endless_a glory_n and_o bliss_n usus_fw-la 3._o consolation_n as_o to_o the_o death_n of_o our_o righteous_a friend_n it_o can_v be_v deny_v but_o that_o we_o ought_v in_o a_o special_a manner_n to_o consider_v and_o lay_v to_o heart_n the_o death_n of_o our_o righteous_a friend_n that_o be_v near_a and_o dear_a unto_o we_o of_o who_o we_o have_v good_a ground_n to_o be_v persuade_v that_o they_o sleep_v in_o jesus_n and_o die_v in_o the_o lord_n for_o it_o may_v be_v they_o be_v take_v from_o we_o because_o we_o be_v not_o worthy_a of_o they_o and_o the_o mercy_n we_o receive_v from_o god_n in_o and_o by_o they_o and_o be_v not_o thankful_a unto_o god_n for_o they_o or_o that_o we_o glory_v be_v proud_a of_o they_o and_o trust_v too_o much_o in_o they_o make_v flesh_n our_o arm._n we_o must_v consider_v whether_o god_n have_v deprive_v we_o of_o they_o as_o a_o punishment_n of_o our_o sin_n and_o unthankfulness_n as_o the_o widow_n of_o sarepta_n say_v unto_o the_o prophet_n o_o man_n of_o god_n be_v thou_o come_v to_o call_v my_o sin_n to_o remembrance_n 1_o king_n 17.18_o in_o this_o respect_n we_o have_v cause_n to_o mourn_v and_o lay_v to_o heart_n the_o death_n of_o our_o righteous_a friend_n we_o of_o this_o place_n have_v cause_n indeed_o to_o mourn_v droop_v hang_v down_o our_o head_n like_o bulrush_n to_o weep_v yea_o to_o weep_v if_o it_o be_v possible_a river_n of_o tear_n till_o we_o can_v weep_v no_o more_o with_o david_n because_o our_o honourable_a dear_a lord_n and_o best_a friend_n to_o all_o of_o we_o be_v not_o but_o that_o this_o may_v be_v guide_v with_o wisdom_n and_o that_o we_o be_v not_o swallow_v up_o of_o sorrow_n let_v we_o right_o understand_v where_o he_o be_v not_o he_o be_v not_o in_o a_o prison_n but_o in_o a_o palace_n of_o freedom_n and_o enlargement_n he_o be_v not_o in_o the_o sea_n toss_v with_o wave_n expose_v to_o storm_n but_o arrive_v safe_o in_o the_o haven_n he_o be_v not_o in_o bondage_n of_o corruption_n but_o in_o the_o glorious_a liberty_n of_o the_o son_n of_o god_n he_o be_v not_o in_o the_o way_n and_o upon_o his_o journey_n travel_v and_o toil_a but_o in_o his_o country_n and_o at_o home_n in_o his_o own_o mansion_n in_o his_o father_n house_n he_o be_v not_o in_o the_o hope_n of_o heaven_n but_o in_o the_o actual_a possession_n of_o it_o and_o look_v how_o far_o heaven_n do_v excel_v the_o earth_n eternal_a good_a thing_n momentary_a and_o perish_a vanity_n the_o true_a joy_n of_o the_o saint_n of_o god_n the_o false_a delight_n of_o the_o son_n of_o man_n so_o much_o be_v his_o condition_n better_o than_o we_o be_v or_o his_o be_v when_o with_o we_o oh_o then_o pereat_fw-la contristatio_fw-la ubi_fw-la est_fw-la tanta_fw-la consolatio_fw-la forget_v we_o our_o sadness_n in_o the_o midst_n of_o such_o joy_n and_o let_v these_o consolation_n allay_v the_o bitterness_n of_o our_o grief_n and_o dry_v up_o in_o