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B00084 G[ods] ac[re] o[f] la[nd.] Manured dressed and maintained; / by six devines [Ch: G. Will: P. M. Ro Do: Play. A. Dene. M. D.]. 1616 (1616) STC 11925.7; ESTC S92705 41,637 131

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vnity amongst brethren The sacrament of the Lords supper Sacraments M. Dent. is vnworthyly receiued when wee receiue it onely by the visible signe without regard of the invisible grace when wee receiue it more of custome then good consideration or more for feare then good affection when wee receiue it disorderly being drunked or with a corrupted conscience continuing in malice or enmitie The sacrament of the Lords supper must bee receiued reuerently therefore let euery one try and examine his knowledge Eaten effectuall therefore let euery one try and examine his faith Disgested thankfully and therefore let euery one try Article Religio 26. and examine his repentance Good Ministers are most fit to minister the holy Sacraments yet Good Ministers most fit wee may receiue them by the euill because they doe it in Christ his name and not in their owne because their wickednesse cannot take away the effect of the ordinance because of Christs institution promise so it bee rightly receiued by faith These three things are to bee noted whereof hitherto hath arisen some question concerning the sacrament Note three things of the Lords supper By whom we receiue it we ought to receiue it at the hands of the good minister if it be possible yet wee must not reiect the ministrie thereof by the wicked so it bee done formally With whom we receiue it wee may communicate with euery one so the 1. Cor. 5. 11. bee not such as are not notoriously knowne to be Drunkers Adulterers and such like for that is prohibited How ought we receiue it we may rereiue 1. Cor. 11. 27 at all times so our faith confirmity bee fit for the same otherwise it will turne to our condemnation saith Paule It is a pitifull nay rather a pestiferous thing to see such placed in Apittifull thing the ministry as bee Ignorant in learnning for where there is no vision the Prov. 29. 18. people perish Negligent in their calling for they are accursed that doe Iere. 48 10. the worke of God negligently Impudent in their liuing for their lewdnesse maketh the word of god worse liked of 1. Sam. 2. 17. Idle Ministers vnpreaching Pastors and such like are nothing else Idle Ministers Esa 56. 9. 10. Ezek. 13. 4. but Blind watchmen Dumme dogges Subtill Foxes who destroy Gods vine for their owne advantage Godly Preachers will bee very Godly Preachers carefull of the sinceritye of their doctrine that it bee agreable to the word of God Of the integrity of their liues that they bee confirmable to the same word Of all their whole actions that they bee profitable to the example of others These sayings may moue Preachers and such like to bee very carefull Sayinges to moue Preachers Because they must one day yeeld an accompt of their Stewardshippe Watchfull Because his blood Ezek. 33. 6. 1 shall be required at their hands that dies in their iniquity through their Wisd 6. 5. negligence Fearefull Because an hard Iudgement shall try him that beareth rule Godly Preachers and Pastors are greatly to bee accepted for their office sake Because they represent Luke 9. 41. Mark 10. 41. 1. Thes 5. 13. the person of God Loued for their workes sake Because they dispose his secrets and misteries Obayed for Commandement sake Because they are appointed Ouerseers and watchers for our soules as those Heb. 13. 17. that must yeeld accompt for them S. Peter willeth preachers pastors 1. Pete 1. 18. and such like to feede their flocke caring for it Not by constraint but willingly Not for filthy lucre but of a willing mind Not as though they were Lords ouer Gods heritage but as examples to them S. Paule shewed a most worthy example to preachers and such like by An example to preachers Acts 20. 31. his dutifulnesse in preaching For hee ceased not by the space of three yeares to preach and warne euerie one both night and day with teares by his painefulnesse in labouring For he wrought with his owne hāds to minister to his necessities not 1. Cor. 4. 12. onely because he would be chargeable Act. 20. 23. to none but also to helpe to relieue others by his contentment in liuing for although his liuing was little yet hee well accepted of all estates without coueting any mans siluer Gold or apparell Preachers must teach the word of God whether they regard it or no because it may bee a Testimony against Deut. 18. 19 the vnbeleeuers or neglectors of the same at the latter day Iere. 7. 27. because the Lord will vse the means of his seruants to make the wicked more faulty to proue his because it is their duty to be instant in season 2. Tim. 4. 2. and out of season The spirit of Prophesiyng and Io. 11. 51. 1. sam 10. 10. 1. Ioh. 4. 1. preaching is sometimes giuen to the wicked aswell as to the Godly as by Caiphas Saule Iudas the Apostle Therefore we must try the spirits whether they be of God The word of God ought not to Gods word not to be exempted to any be exempted from any estate neither ought to be contemned in any person in respect of his condition calling or vnworthynesse profesing the same profitably considering God hath called Plowmen from the fields to be Prophets Shepheardes 1. King 19. 19 Psal 78. 7 Mat. 4. 18. from the folds to be zealous professors Fishermen from the nets to be followers of him We must not condemne or contemne Ministers not to bee contemned the Ministers of God if by infirmity they fall into horrible offences for Sathan hath beguiled the most Godly professors as Lot Genes 19 30 that ancient Patriarke became incestious Dauid that excellent prophet 2. Sam. 11. 25. committed Homicide Peter that good Apostle proued periured Ioh. 18. 27. It is very dangerous to despise pensecute or conspire the death of A dāgorous thing the Ministers of God as may appeare by these three Examples 1 Iesubel did threaten the death 2. Kin. 19. 35. 36. of Eliah yet hee liued and was taken vp into heauen when shee died and was eaten of Dogges 2 Saule intended the death of Dauid yet he escaped became King 1. sam 31. 4. but Saule procured his owne death 2. sam 1. 9. 15 most desperately 3 Herod put to death Iohn Baptist Acts. 12. 13. but as his deedes were detestable before God so his end was ignominious to the world for he was eaten to death with wormes Preachers Pastors and such like Preachers subiect to contempt M. Gray of all others are most of all subiect to contempt and enmity Because Sathan by pollicy procureth many to a disdaine of their persons as a meane to induce them to a disliking of their Doctrine Because the spirits of error are now spread abroad 2. Tim. 3. 2. which will deceiue the hearts of many and cause
Loue our enemies himselfe did so whose example wee ought to ymitate Because it is not Luke 3. 24. Mat. 5. 46. prayse worthy to loue where wee are beloued for so doe the Hypocrites and Publicanes Because it Rom. 12. 17. 20. is our duty not onely to suffer iniury but also to doe good Such as continue in malice and Mark 11. 25. hatred should consider their praiers are vnprofitable if they aske mercy and forgiue not The Lords supper 1. Cor. 11. 27 is prophaned if they receiue it vnworthyly They themselues are 1. Ioh. 3. 13. 15. but Manslayers if they liue not in charity These three thinges saith the Sonne of Syrach My soule loueth 3. thinges to be loued Eccle. 25. 1. Vnity of Brethren Loue of Neighbours And agreement of man and wife Euery one ought to know how Knowledge how to liue farre and in what manner he ought to loue A mutuall friend in God because in louing other he shall offend God for he that loueth father or mother much lesse a common friend more then mee saith our Sauiour Christ is not worthy of mee Mat. 10. 37. A malicious foe for the loue of God because he cannot loue God 2. Ioh. 4 20. whom hee hath not seene if hee loueth not his brother that hee hath seene A manifest sinner for humanity sake because wee ought to haue a consideration of his soule though we haue a detestation of his 2. Thes 3. 15. sinnes according to the councell of the Apostle who willeth vs to accompt such a one not as an enemie but admonish him as a brother There bee three things prohibited which ought not to bee vsed of 3. Things to be prohibited any to their very enemies To enuie their estate Because enuie turneth to a mans owne euil in the end Galat. 2. 21. according as it was written No enuious persons or such like shall not inherit heauen To reioyce at their full because it is dangerous Pro. 24. 18. least the Lord see it as Salomon saith and it displease him and hee turne his wrath from him to bee auenged on thee To render euill for evill because it is the part of a Rom. 12. 20. good Christian not to vse the meanes to further a mischiefe but to ouercome euill with good Dauid beeing both a Prince and Psal 78. 72. A Kings charge a prophet sheweth wherein a Kings charge standeth To prouide faithfully for his people To guide them by counsell To defend them by power Such as are called to bee Rulers Magistrats and Magistrates ought to bee men of courage fearing God Men Exo. 18. 21. dealing truly hating Couetousnes Deut 1. 13. Men of wisedome and vnderstanding Such as intend euill attempts or vse any rebellious meanes or mischiefe against Gods annoynted Kings and princes must remember Kings and Princes should remember the end of these three Examples 3. examples 1. Sam. 24. 5. 6. Dauid hauing but priuily cut off the lappe of a King Sauls garment was touched vehemently in his hart for it Absolon hauing betrayed King 2. sam 18. 14. Dauid his Father came to an vntimely death for he was hanged by the haire of his head vpon an Oake Achitophel being a coadiutor in preferring 2. sam 17. 23. the lewd practises of Absolon against his father when hee perceiued his counsell preuailed not hee went desperately and hanged himselfe Hee that will vse reuerent obedience to his Prince must bee very Daungerous to offend carefull to consider how dangerous it is to offend in thinking euill for the foule of the heauen shall carry Eccle. 10. 20. the voyce and that which hath wings shall declare the matter In Exod 22. 28. vttering euil for it is written Thou shalt not speake euill of the rule of thy people In committing euill for if the Lord doth detest the euill intent and forbid filthy speeches how much more doth hee abhorre his act of euill and will punish the Malefactors There bee three poynts commendable a●d necessary for him 3. Commendable points Hest 10. 3. aec that is in authority To haue the fauour of the people To procure their wealth To bee gentle and louing towards them Good and Godly Magistrates Magistrats obeyed Rom. 3. 5. ought to bee obayed in respect of Conscience Because they are ordeyned of GOD whose will is they should bee obeyed Feare because they are his Ministers to take vengeance Rom. 13. 4. Iudg. 16. 6. on them that doe euill Necessitie because where no rule is all things goe to ruine Heerein consists the whole duty Magistrats duty Wis 6. 8. of Magistrates That the higher they are placed the sorer is their tryall That their negligence in suffering euill is their iniquity That the ill example of themselues is a double sinne There bee three thinges not tollerable in any Magistrate Partialitie Leuit. 19. 15. Deut. 1. 17. in respect of persons for that is abhomination in the sight of god Mat. 4. 24. Crueltie in ministring Iustice for such measure as they meete shall be met to them againe Bribery in detayning right for fire shall consume Ioh. 15. the houses of bribes Hee that will bee Master ouer a Masters duty Godly Houshold must know his owne duty to his Family Wife Children and seruants and how to ●se them being well disposed or euill enclyned The duty of the Housholder is Pro. 27. 23. Psal 78 5. 1 Tim. 5. 8. To know the state of his flocke To instruct them in the feare of GOD. To prouide carefully for his family The Husband ought to haue a Honsholders care speciall honest care and loue to his Wife in three respects Because she commeth of his owne flesh and therefore who will bee biteer to his owne body Because they are the weaker vessels and therefore who will not beare with their infirmities Because shee was made a comforter to man and therefore hee is worse then a beast that will bee cruell to her There bee three causes should Wife obedient moue and make the Wife obey honour and submit herselfe to her husband The Priority of mans 1. Tim. 2. 14. Creation Because Adam was first fo●med Eue afterward for his sake The Superiority of his placing because man was made to beare rule Ephe. 5. 23. Superioritie Whereunto Paule very well alludeth and saith That as Christ is the head of the Church so is the man of the woman The iniquitie of the womans procuring because the 1. Tim. 214. Gen. 3. 16. man was deceiued by the woman whereupon God inioyned her amongst other this punishment of subiection Parents must haue a great regard Parentes of their children in obseruing three thinges That they bring them vp Ephe. 6. 4. carefully in the Information of God least they growe gracelesse That they bridle them discreetely Pro. 22. 6. while they are young least
submit themselues vnto him There are many walke in this world saith Paul whose God is Phil. 3 19. their belly whose glory is their shame whose end is damnation The wretchednes of this worlde made Salomon say the day of death is better then the day one is borne Eccle. 7. 3. made Iob say My soule is cut off Iob. 10. 1. though I liue made Paul say I desire to bee loosed from this life Phil. 1. 23. What should wee so account of this world seeing the fashion of it goes away The wisdome of it is meere foolishnesse The amity of 1. Cor. 7. it is enmity with God Vse this world as though ye vsed it not saith Paule These three thinges may withdraw Note three things a man from desiring long life in this world The wretchednesse of his life because it is but a continuall temptation and full of misery The grieuonsuesse of his sinnes because they will more increase by continuance The greatnesse of his Accompt because it will be the more fearefull at the yeelding vp The Godly desire to bee out of Godly their desire this world because it is variable and nothing but vanity because of the innumerable euills they are subiect vnto because they long to bee clothed with the heauenly habit Life is very sweete and so sweete that it hath prouoked the Godly to Life sweet M. Dodd prolonge the safety of it by shifts Dauid doubting of euill dealing fained himselfe mad to saue his life Paule perceiuing their cruelty that would kill him had rather in the night bee let downe in a Basket then abide Peter fearing death did forsweare his Master The faithfull and Godly in this world doe daily Fight by reason of their aduersarie Faint by reason of their Infidelity Fall by reason of Psal 37. 24. their infimity yet the shall not bee cast away These three thinges are worthy to bee considered hee that liueth three things to be considened best doth daily sinne Hee is happy that hath grace to repent Hee is blessed to whom God imputeth no sinne Although euery man is a sinner yet euery sinne is not of like consideration for some sinne of Ignorance 1. Tim. 13. 2. Sam. 11. 2 Dan. 3. 1. as Paul did some of Infirmity as Dauid did some of Malice as Nabuchadnezzar did Euery sinner must beware of Sinners to beware of 3. things Mat. 24. 50 Rom. 6. 1. these three things of Procrastination In delaying the time of repentance Of Presumption In presuming still vpon hope Of Prouocation In sinning obstinately against the holy Ghost Sinne is nothing else but a sweete poyson a flattering death and a destruction Sinne two sorts of the soule whereof there bee two sorts Originall and Actuall ADAM did further his fall and increase his sinne in the Garden 3. Adams fall waies by Ambition because hee Gen. 3. 6. thought to be as GOD knowing good from euill By Hypocrisie because Gen. 3. 10. he hid the cause of his nakednesse which was the breach of gods Gen. 3. 12. Commaundements By Impenitency because hee was so farre from acknowledging his transgression that hee burdened God with his fault in that he had giuen him a wife It appeareth by this that sinne is Execrable because it repented God Sinne execrable Gen. 6. 6 Zepan 1. 3. that he had made man on the earth Detestable because hee destroyed dumme creatures for our cause Intollerable because he would not spare his onely Sonne for our sinnes It is an exceeding comfort to a sinner to consider That God is as An exceeding comfort M. Rog. well a Father as a Lord. That Christ is as well a Sauiour as a Iudge That the Scriptures includ as well a Gospell as a Law Sinners should not despaire of Gods mercy if they did but perceiue Sinners not to despaire his goodnesse which appeareth vnto them by his readynesse in calling before they cry saith the Lord I will answere and whilest Esa 65. 24. they are yet thinking what to speak I will heare By his worthynesse in Wis 11 20. sparing hee maketh as though hee saw not the sinnes of men because they should amend By his vnwillingnesse in stricking hee taketh Ezek. 18. 23. no pleasure in the destruction but in the conuersion of Sinners What greater comfort can sinners haue sith Christ himselfe saith Sinners comfort Aske and ye shall haue Seeke and yee shall find Knocke and it shall be opened vnto you I stand at the doore and knocke c. Hee that will obtaine mercy by Apoc. 3. 20. true repentance must acknowledge his sinnes sorrowfully with the Prodigall Sonne Must shew a hearty contrition for the same and loath them Must doe good workes worthy Acts 26. 20. amendment afterward Hee that is fully perswaded of the forgiuenesse of his sinnes it behooueth him to remember these three Remembrance of 3. things things The mercy of God that he be thankefull vnto him for his gratious goodnesse shewen vnto him by remitting his offences and receiuing him into his fauour The Subtilty of Sathan that hee watch and pray continually for the Deuill 1. Pet. 5. 8. goeth about like a roaring Lyo● seeking whom he may deuoure The frailty of himselfe that seeing his owne infirmity hee may the rather depend vpon God and craue his mercy to increase his faith and strengthen his weakenesse or else he shall not bee able to withstand the opposite euils he is subiect to God sheweth himselfe to all his people Mercifull to the Elect In M. Pe. pardoning their sinnes Good to the Reprobate Albeit they cannot feele the sweete comfort of the same Iust to both of them In giuing Iudgement The Lord will not reiect the suit of a sinner neither accept of it vnlesse in asking he hath a speciall regard of these three thinges Of the time For the Lord will not bee found at all times but requireth opportunity Heereof saith the Prophet Esay Seeke the Lord while h● Esa 55. 6. may bee found and call vpon hi● while he is neare The Fiue foolish Virgins comming to late were excluded Mat. 25. 12. Of the manner For the Lord will not onely haue such as call vpon him depart from iniquitye but will also haue their prayers proceede from the very hart Then shalt thou call saith the same Prophet to the Hypocrites Esay 58. 9. and the Lord shall answere thou shalt cry and hee shall say heere I am Of the end For God requireth not onely opportunity of vs in asking as appeareth by the woman of Canaan but also respecteth the Mat. 15. 28. end of our requests in asking according to his will otherwise wee may aske and receiue not because wee aske amisse to consume it on our Iam. 4. 3. lusts Hee that will reclaime a sinner Obseruation of 3. things D. King must obserue three thinges in handling of him which the
they grieue them when they are old That they prouoke them not too rigorously at any time least they Collo 3. 21. discourage them Such Children as are obedient to Childrens duty their Parents shall haue this benefit They shall liue long vpon the earth They shall prosper in all M. Perk. their proceedings They shall haue ioy of their owne Children Children ought to obey their Parents by the Law of God by the course of nature by the rule of reason so it be in the Lord. Masters should continually remember Maisters duty That they haue a Master aboue that seeth all That they shall receiue for the wronge they offer of him who respecteth no persons That they bee as carefull to redresse their faults as ready to reproue their seruants escapes Heerein consists the dutie of seruants To obey their Masters in Seruants duty Ephes 6. 6. the Lord without murmuring To doe their duty in singlenesse of heart without eye-seruice To suffer patiently rebukes and chastisements without resisting Riches oftentimes be the meanes Riches to cause Impiety as appeares by the Parable of the young man Security as appeares by the Parable of the rich man Misery as appeares by the Parable of Diues and Lazarus Wicked wealthy worldlings Amos. 6. 1. Esay 65. 13. Iam. 5. 1. Mat. 20. should doe well to consider continually of these places A rich man shal hardly enter into the kingdome of heauen Such as gather their goods by vsery bribery extortion or such Pro. 28. 8. like vnlawfull meanes what followeth They gather them for such as Salomon saith will bee good to the poore The rust of their gold Iam. 5. 3. and siluer as S. Iames saith will bee a witnesse against them and eate their flesh as it were fire They lye in graue like Sheepe as Dauid saith and death gnaweth vppon Psal 49. 14. them Although worldlings doe make Phil. 3. 8. Worldlings God their God of their goods yet the iust man doth but esteeme Gold Siluer to bee coloured Earth yea but dunge Worldly and voluptuous feeding to bee filth and famine Dignitie and delight to be smoake which the ayre consumeth suddenlie Riches are good in this respect If wee can vse and bestow them to that end they are giuen vs If wee can as willingly leaue them as receaue them If wee set not our Psal 62. 10. hearts on them as they increase It is a vaine thing for a man to hunt so greedily after these worldly goods or take such delight in gathering Esa 49. 17. 1. Tim. 6. 10. Because he shall take nothing with him when he dieth because hee cannot prolong his life with them though hee hath abundance because they will not auaile Ephe. 5. 5. him in the day of wrath Coueteousnesse is contemptible Coueteousnesse Eccle. 6. 2. c in any especially in such as GOD hath sent plenty vnto because it is a plague to a rich man to want a liberall heart Because it is the root 1. Tim. 6. 10. of all euill Because it will bee their owne destruction in the end Riches should not make a man high minded if hee did but thinke vpon God Because hee is but his Steward ouer them for a time Because hee can ympouerish him as he Iob. 1. 12. Acts. 12. 23. did Iob. Because hee can punish him as he did Herod God hath chosen in this world Gods choice Foolish thinges to confound the wise Weake thinges to confound the mighty Vile things thinges 1. Cor. 1. 17. which are not to bring to nought things that are Although begging bee a miserablelife yet wee must not despise the Begging poore For he that despiseth them despise him that made thē For God hath made them as instruments for Pro. 17. 5. Deut. 25. 11. the triall of our hearts and charitie For God hath chosen the poore in Iam. 2. 5. this world that they should be rich in faith and heires of his kingdome Aduersitie and pouerty is oftentimes Iob. 1. Aduersity sent of God for the triall of our faith as appeares by Iob whose safety of substance was taken away For amendment of our liues as appeares by the Prodigall sonne who by these crosses was reclaymed For Pro. 20. 13. neglect of our vocation as appeares by Salomons saying loue not sleepe least thou come vnto pouerty Wee ought to giue to the poore for the glory and honour of GOD. Pro. 3. 9. Giue for Commaundement sake Mat. 5. 16. For good example to others Giue for necessitie sake For a signe of Iam. 2. 18. the sincerity of our profession Giue for natures sake Poore a comparison Pro. 12. 10. It may appeare vnto vs by way of comparison wee ought to giue to the poore for if a good man will haue pitty on his beast how much more ought we to respect a Christian Ioh. 3. 16. If wee ought to lay downe our liues for our brethren how much more ought wee to relieue them with our goods If a Factor ought to dispose his goods where his temporall Master pleaseth how much more ought wee to distribute them where our eternall Master appoynteth Hee that giueth to the poore Gifts to the poore secret Mat. 6. 2. Rom. 12. 8. Eccle. 35. 10. must bestow his beneuolence 1 Secretly without ostentation 2 Liberallie according to his abillitie 3 Chearefully without grudging This assurance hath hee that giueth Pro. 19. 17. Pro. 28. 27. Mat. 25. 40. to the poore Hee lendeth to the Lord He shall not lacke He shall not want his reward The poore ought rather to bee bidden to Feasts then the rich because such haue most need Because Mat. 25. they can make no recompence Because it is most acceptable to God Feasting is not amisse so it bee vsed In remembrance of Gods benefits Nehe. 8. Feasting allowed For the maintenance of mutuall friendship Towards the reliefe of the poore Wee must bee more mindfull of the poore if wee did but remember A daungerous thing Pro. 28. 27. how dangerous it is To hide our eyes from them such shall haue many curses To stoppe our eares at their cry such shall cry and not bee Pro. 21. 13. heard To shew no mercy at all such shall haue mercilesse condemnation Iam. 2. 13. Pure Religion consists in this To visit the fatherlesse and widdows Barnard Religion in aduersitie To follow the Example of Christ To keepe thy selfe vnspotted of the world Such as will bee perfect Christians in Religion ought not to bee Reuel 3. 19. Christians Hot Cold Luke-warme but zealous professors It is very daungerous to deale A daungerous thing craftily in this worlde because it greatly offendeth God who is the Author of truth Because it defraudeth a mans Neighbour with a shew of honest meaning Because it destroyeth the deceiuer in the end Pro. 19. Hypocrites may well Iuggle with the