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A01684 The remedie of reason not so comfortable for matter, as compendious for memorie. Wherein the ignorant may gather instruction, the learned confirmation, all men consolation. By Charles Gibbon. Gibbon, Charles, fl. 1589-1604. 1589 (1589) STC 11820; ESTC S103125 33,960 84

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some question concerning the Sacrament of the Lords Supper By whom we receiue it with whō we receiue it How oft wee receiue it we ought rather to receiue it at the hāds of the good Minister if it be possible yet we must not reiect the ministerie thereof by the wicked so it be done formallie Artic. pe we maie cōmunicate with euerie one so they be not such as are notoriouslie knowne to be dronkards adulterers and such like for that is prohibited 1. Cor. 5.11 we may receiue at al times so our faith and conformitie bee fit for the same otherwise it will turne to our condemnation saith Paule 1. Cor. 11.27 It is a pitifull nay rather a pestiferous thing to see such placed in the Ministerie as be Ignorant Negligent Impudent in learning in their calling in their liuing For where there is no vision the people perish Prouer. 29.18 For they are accursed that doo the worke of GOD negligentlie Ier. 48.10 For their lewdnes maketh the word of God worse liked of 1. Sam. 2.17 Idle Ministers vnpreaching Pastors and such like are called nothing els but blind watchmen Esa 56.9 domme dogges Esa 56.10 subtile foxes Eze. 13.4 who destroy Gods vine for their own aduantage Godlie Preachers and Pastors will be verie carefull of the sinceritie of their doctrine of the integritie of their liues of all their whole actions that it bee agreeable to the word of God they be cōformable to the same word they bee profitable to the example of others These sayings may moue preachers and such like to be verie carefull watchfull fearefull Because they must one daie yeeld an account of their stewardship Because his bloud shall be required at their hāds that dies in his iniquity thorow their negligence Ezek. 33.6 Because an hard iudgement shall trie him that beareth rule Wisd 6.5 Godlie Preachers Pastors are greatlie to be accepted loued obeyed for their office sake for their workes sake for commandement sake Because they represent the person of God Luk. 9.41 Mar. 10.41 Because they dispose his secretes mysteries 1. Thes 5.13 Because they are appoynted ouerseers and watchers for our soules as those that must yeeld accompt for them Heb. 13.17 S. Peter willeth preachets pastors such like to feed their flock caring for it 1. Peter 5.2 Not by constraint but willinglie Not for filthie lucre but of a readie mind Not as though they were lords ouer Gods heritage but as examples to them S. Paul shewed a most worthie example to preachers and such like by his duetifulnes painfulnes contentment in preaching in labouring in liuing For he ceased not by the space of three yeares to preach and warne euerie one both night and day with teares Acts 20.31 For he wrought with his own handes to minister to his necessities not onelie because he would bee chargeable to none but also to helpe to releeue others 1. Cor. 4.12 For although his liuing was little yet he well accepted of all estates without coueting any mans siluer gold or apparell Acts 20.33 Preachers must teach the word of God whether the people regard it or no Because it may be a testimonie against the vnbeleeuers or neglecters of the same at the latter day Deut. 18.19 Because the Lord will vse the means of his seruāts to make the wicked more faultie to proue his Iere. 7.27 c. Because it is their duetie to bee instant in season and out of season 2. Tim. 4.2 The spirit of prophecying or preaching is sometime giuen to the wicked aswell as the godlie as appeared by Caiphas Iohn 11.51 Saule 1. Sam. 10.10 Iudas the Apostle therefore wee must trie the spirits whether they be of God 1. Ioh. 4 1. The word of God ought not to be exempted from any estate neither ought to be cōtemned in any person in respect of his condition calling or vnworthines professing the same profitable considering God hath called Plowmen from the fields to be Prophets 1. King 19.19 20. Shepherds from the folds to be zealous professors Psal 78.7 Fishermē from their nets to be followers of him Mat. 4.18 We must not condemne or contemne the Ministers of God if by infirmitie they fall into horrible offences for Sathan hath beguiled the most godlie professors as Lot that ancient Patriarke became incestuous Gen. 19.30 Dauid that excellent Prophet committed homicid 2. Sam. 11.25 26 Peter that good Apostle prooued periured Iohn 18.27 It is verie dangerous to despise persecute or conspire the death of the ministers of GOD as may appere by these three examples Iezabel did threaten the death of Eliah yet hee liued and was taken vp into heauen when she died was eaten of dogges 2. King 19.35 36. Saul intended the death of Dauid yet hee escaped and became King but Saul procured his owne death most desperatlie 1. Sa. 31.4 2. Sa. 1.9 15. Herod put to death Iohn Baptist but as his deedes were detestable before God so his end was ignominious to the world for he was eaten to death with wormes Acts 12.13 Preachers Pastors such like of all others are most of all subiect to contempt and enmitie Because Sathan by policie procureth many to a disdaine of their persons as a meane to induce them to a disliking of their doctrine Because the Spirits of error are now spread abroad which wil deceiue the harts of many and cause them to become cursed speakers especially against Gods ministers 2. Tim. 3.2 Because these are those perilous daies wherin it was long sithence prophecied that manie should be despisers of thē which are good 2 Tim. 3 Peter was three times commanded to feede his flocke which is expounded 3. waies with sound doctrine with honest life with good hospitalitie Bar. Ich. 21. This worde behold doth commonlie import some great admiration vnto vs as it is vsed concerning Christ at his Natiuitie Passion Second comming Behold saith the Angel to the Shepheards I bring you glad tidings that vnto you is borne this day a Sauiour which is Christ the Lord. Luk. 2.10 Behold at his yeelding vp of the ghost the vaile of the Temple was rent in twaine the earth shaked stones were clouen the graues opened c. Math. 27.51 Behold saith our Sauiour Christ I come shortlie my reward is with me to giue to euerie man as his worke shall be Apoc. 22.12 Christ Iesus came into the world Not as a Iudge but as a Phisition Not as a destroyer but as a Sauiour Not to call the iust but sinners to repentance Christ Iesus descended came as was promised Of the seede of Abraham Of the tribe of Iuda Of the stock of Dauid Beth-lehem brought him forth Nazareth brought him vp Capernaum was his dwelling place Theoph. Christ Iesus was transfigured vpon Mount Thabor Matth. 17.1 was crucified at Ierusalem Heb. 13.12 was taken into heauen at Bethania Luk. 24.50 He liues vpon the earth before his passion 33. yeres after his resurrection 40. daies Acts 1.8 Christ Iesus consisteth of three parts
guide them by counsell To defend them by power Psal 78.72 c. Such as are called to be Rulers and Magistrates ought to be Men of courage fearing God Exod. 18.21 Men dealing truelie hating couetousnes Exod. 18.21 Men of wisedome and vnderstanding Deuteronomie 1.13 Such as intend euill attempts or vse any rebellious meanes or mischief against Gods annointed Kings and Princes should remēber the end of these 3. examples Dauid hauing but priuily cut off the lappe of King Sauls garment was touched vehementlie in heart for it 1. Sam. 24.5 6. Absalom hauing betraied King Dauid his father came to an vntimely death for he was hanged by the haire of his head vpon an Oke 2. Sam. 18.14 Achitophel being a Coadiutor in preferring the lewd practises of Absalom against his father when hee perceiued his counsell preuailed not he went desperatlie and hong himselfe 2. Sam. 17.23 He that will vse reuerent obedience to his Prince must be verie carefull to consider how dangerous it is to offend in thinking euill in vttering euill in committing euill for the soule of the heauē shal carrie the voyce and that which hath winges shall declare the matter Eccle. 10.20 for it is written Thou shalt not speake euill of the Ruler of thy people Exod. 22.28 for if the Lord doth detest the euill intent and forbid filthie speaches how much more doth he abhorre the act of euill and wil punish the malefactors There be 3. points commendable and necessarie for him that is in authoritie To haue the fauour of the people To procure their wealth To bee gentle and louing toward them Ester 10.3 c Good and godlie Magistrates ought to be obeyed in respect of Conscience Feare Necessitie Because they are ordained of GOD whose will is they should be obeyed Rom. 13.5 Because they are his ministers to take vengeance on all that do euill Rom. 13 4. Because where no rule is all things goe to ruine Iudg. 16.6 Herein consists the whole duetie of Magistrates To defend and preserue the godlie 1. Pet. 2.14 To bridle and punish the wicked 1. Pet. 2.14 To iudge righteouslie betweene both Deut. 16.18 Magistrates ought continuallie to remember That the higher they are placed the sorer is their triall Wisd 6.8 That their negligence in suffering euill is their iniquitie That the ill example of themselues is a double sinne There be three things not tollerable in anie Magistrate Partialitie Crueltie Briberie in respecting persons in ministring iustice in detayning right for that is abomination in the sight of GOD. Leu. 19.15 Deut. 1.17 for such measure as they mete shal be met to thē againe Matth. 4.24 for fire shall consume the houses of bribes Iob. 15. Hee that will bee master ouer a godlie houshold must knowe his owne duetie to his familie as Wife Children Seruants and how to vse them being well disposed euill inclined The duetie of the housholder is To knowe the state of his flocke Pro. 27.23 To instruct them in the feare of God Psal 78.5 To prouide carefullie for his familie 1. Tim. 5.8 The husband ought to haue a speciall honest care and loue to his wife in 3. respects Because she commeth of his owne flesh and therefore who will bee bitter to his owne bodie Because they are the weaker vessels and therefore who will not beare with their infirmities Because she was made as a comforter to man therfore he is worse than a beast that wil be cruel to her There be three causes should mooue and make the wife obey honor and submit herselfe to her husband The prioritie of mans creation The superioritie of his placing The iniquitie of the womans procuring because Adam was first formed then Eue afterwarde for his sake 1. Tim. 2.13 because man was made to beare rule whereunto Paule verie well alludeth and saith that as Christ is the head of the Church so is the man of the woman Ephes 5.23 because the man was deceiued by the womā wherevpon God enioyned her amongst other this punishment of subiection 1 Tim. 2.14 Gen. 3.16 Parents must euer haue a great regard of their children in obseruing three things That they bring them vp carefullie in the information of God least they growe graceles Ephe. 6.4 That they bridle them discretly while they are yong least they grieue them when they are old Prouer. 22.6 That they prouoke thē not too rigorously at anie time least they discourage them Col. 3.21 Such children as are obedient to their parents shall haue this benefite They shall liue long vpon the earth Ephe. 6.1 2 3. They shall prosper in all their proceedings Ephe. 6.1 2 3. They shall haue ioye of their owne children Eccle. 3.6 Children ought to obey their parents by the law of God by the course of Nature by the rule of Reason So it bee in the Lord. Mat. 10. ●7 Masters should continuallie remember That they haue a master aboue that seeth all That they shal receiue for the wrong they offer of him who respecteth no persons That they bee as carefull to redresse their owne faults as readie to reproue their seruants escapes Herein consists the duetie of Seruants To obey their masters in the Lord without murmuring To doo their duetie in singlenes of heart without eye seruice Ephe. 6.6 To suffer patientlie rebukes and chastisements without resisting Riches oftentimes be the meanes to cause Impietie Securitie Miserie As appeares by the parable of The yong man Mar. 10.22 The rich man Luke 12. Diues and Lazarus Luk. 16 Wicked wealthie worldlings should do well to consider continuallie of these places Amos. 6. vers 1. Esai 65. vers 13. Iam. 5. vers 1. A rich man shall hardlie enter the kingdome of heauen Matth. 20. Such as gather their goods by vsurie briberie extortion or such like vnlawfull meanes what followeth They gather them for such as Salomon saith as will be good to the poore Prouer. 28.8 The rust of their gold siluer as Iames faith shall be a witnes against them and eate their flesh as it were fire Iam. 5.3 They lie in graue like sheepe as Dauid saith death gnaweth vpon them Psal 49.14 Although worldlings do make their God of their goods yet the iust man doth but esteeme Gold and siluer to be coloured earth yea but dung Phil. 3.8 Worldlie wealth and voluptuous feeding to be filth and famine Dignitie delight to be smoake which the ayre consumeth sodainlie Riches are good in this respect If wee can vse and bestowe them to that end they are giuen vs. If we can as willinglie leaue them as receiue them If we set not our hearts on them as they increase Psal 62.10 It is a vaine thing for a man to hunt so greedilie after worldlie goods or take such great delight in gathering Because hee shall beare nothing with him when he dieth Psal 49.17 Because hee cannot prolong his life with them though he hath abundance Luk. 12.15 Because they will not auaile him in the daie of wrath
verie fitlie compared in the Scriptures to thornes to chaffe to tares Because they be as prickes to procure hurt to the godlie Because as the winde doth scatter the chaffe so shall they be soone cut off from the face of the earth Because as tares are to bee bound in bundels burnt so shall they be in hell fire Wicked men are called by sundrie names and compared in the Scriptures to Foxes to Dogges to beastes Because they are subtill in vndermining doing of mischiefe in so much as the Church requireth to haue the foxes takē awaie Cant. 2.15 Because they are currish in controlling and barking against all goodnes Hereof Paule willeth the Phillip to beware of dogges Phil. 3.2 Because they are prophane in their liues and degenerate frō their kinde worse than beasts So Paule complaineth that hee fought with beastes at Ephesus after the manner of men 1. Cor. 15.32 The wicked and vngodlie are not to be Supported purposelie Accompanied willinglie Condemned vtterlie Because it is abomination before God to iustifie the wicked Prouer. 17.15 Because it is dangerous for hee that toucheth pitch shall be defiled Eccle. 13.1 Because the Lord wil haue mercie on whom he will and when he please Rom 9.15 These sayings maie terrifie such as attempt any euill The face of the Lord is against him 2. Pet. 3.12 Tribulation and anguish shall be vppon his soule Rom. 2.9 There shall be no ende of plagues to him Prouer. 24.20 God tempteth no man to euill but we are drawne to it By the diuell who watcheth to worke our ouerthrowe By our owne concupiscence to consent to his suggestions By vicious companie and ill perswasions of others when we be seduced The Diuell will vndermine vs in our musings if we take not great heed for in them Barn He talketh with vs wittilie He eggeth vs cunninglie Hee deceiueth vs craftelie whom if we resist by faith the Lord will Ouerlook vs fighting Succour vs fainting Crowne vs ouercomming The Diuells haue knowledge after a sort for They beleeue there is a God and feare and tremble Iam. 2.19 They can pleade Scripture for their owne purpose Matth. 4.6 They acknowledge Christes comming to iudgement Matth. 8.29 The Diuell hath three euill properties he is Subtill Strong Cruell as a Serpent as a Lyon as a Tiger For hee can transforme himselfe into many shapes yea into an Angell of light and vse manie shifts to deceiue withall For hee is not so busie in seeking daylie for his pray as he is forcible to resist where he assaulteth For where hee hath any enterance at all he will neuer rest vntill he bringeth to confusion The Diuell vsed three pollicies to tempt Christ in the wildernes perswading him To distrust in God To the desire of riches and honor To a vain cōfidence of himselfe Beza Mat. 20. Wee haue 3. cruell foes that fight against the spirit in this life the Flesh World Diuell The fiercest foe in this fight is the Diuell whō wee may expell with these three weapons Faith Praier the word of God We ought not to followe the lustes of the flesh but leade our liues holilie Beza 1. Pet. 2.11 Because those lusts although they flatter vs yet they cease not to fight against our saluation 2. Cor. 10.3 Because we are citizens in heauen and therefore ought to leade our liues thereafter although we be strangers here Because the glorie of God is greatlie set foorth by that meanes whilest by example of our honest life euen the most prophane men are brought vnto God and submit themselues vnto him There are many walk in this world saith Paul Phil 3.19 Whose God is their bellie Whose glorie is their shame Whose end is damnation The whole world lieth in wickednes 2. Ioh. 5.19 The wretchednes of this world made Salomon say Iob say Paule say The day of death is better than the day one is borne Eccle. 7 3. My soule is cut off though I liue Iob. 10.1 I desire to bee loosed from this life Phil. 1.23 What should we so accompt of this world seeing The fashion of it goes awaie 1. Cor. 7.31 The wisedome of it is mere foolishnes Iob. 37 The amitie of it is enmitie with God Ia. 4.4 Vse this world as though you vsed it not saith Paule 1. Cor. 7. These 3 things may withdrawe a man from desiring long life in this world The wretchednes of his life The grieuousnes of his sinnes The greatnes of his accompt because it is but a continual temptation and full of miserie because they will more increase by cōtinuance because it wil be the more fearefull at the yeelding vp The godlie desire to be out of this world Because it is variable and nothing but vanitie Because of the innumerable euills they are subiect to Because they long to be cloathed with the heauenlie habit Life is verie sweete and so sweete that it hath prouoked the godlie to prolong the safetie of it by shifts Dauid doubting of euill dealing fained himselfe mad to saue his life 1. Sam. 21.13.14 Paule perceiuing their crueltie that would kill him had rather in the night bee let downe in a basket than abide Acts 9.25 Peter fearing death did forsweare his master Iohn 18.27 The faithfull and godlie in this world doo dailie Fight Faint Fall by reason of their Aduersarie Infidelitie Infirmitie Yet they shall not be cast away Psal 37.24 These 3. things are worthie to be considered He that liueth best doth dailie sinne He is happie that hath grace to repent He is blessed to whom God imputeth no sin Although euery man is a sinner yet euerie sinne is not of like consideration for some sinne of Ignorance of Infirmitie of Malice as Paule did 1. Tim. 1.13 as Dauid did 2. Sam. 11.2 c. as Nebuchad-nezzer did Dan. 3.1 Euerie sinner must beware of these three things of procrastination presumption prouocation In delaying the time of repentance Matth. 24.50 In sinning still vpon hope Rom. 6.1 In sinning obstinatlie against the holie Ghost Sinne is nothing els but A sweet poyson A flattering death A destructiō of the soule wherof there be two sorts Original Actuall Adam did further his fall and increase his sinne in the garden three waies By ambition By hypocrisie By impenitencie because he thought to be as God knowing good from euill Gen. 3.6 because hee hid the cause of his nakednes which was the breach of Gods commandements Gen. 3.10 because hee was so farre from acknowledging his transgression that he burdened God with his fault in that hee had giuen him a wife Gen. 3.12 It appeareth by this that sinne is Excerable Detestable Intollerable because it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth Gen. 6.6 because hee destroyeth dumme creatures for our cause Zephan 1. vers 3. because hee would not spare his onelie sonne for our sinnes It is an exceeding comfort to a Sinner to consider That God is as well a father as a Lord. That Christ is as well a