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A10047 A heartie prayer, in a needfull time of trouble. The sermon preached at Theobalds, before his Maiestie, and the lords of the Priuie Councell, an houre before the death of our late soueraigne King Iames. On Sunday, March 27. / By D. Price, deane of Hereford, then in attendance, and now chaplaine in ordinarie to his Maiestie. Price, Daniel, 1581-1631. 1625 (1625) STC 20293; ESTC S115208 20,513 40

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A HEARTIE PRAYER In a needfull time of trouble THE SERMON Preached at THEOBALDS before his Maiestie and the Lords of the Priuie Councell an houre before the Death of our late Soueraigne KING IAMES On Sunday March 27. By D. PRICE Deane of Hereford then in Attendance and now Chaplaine in Ordinarie to his MAIESTIE IER 30.7 Alas for that day was great so that none was like it it was euen the time of IACOBS trouble but he is saued out of it LONDON Printed by M. FLESHER for IOHN GRISMAND and are to be sold at his shop at the Signe of the Gun in Paules Alley 1625. TO THE KINGS MAIESTIE ROyall Master Your gracious aspect to my poore endeuors often presented in your religious presence hath encouraged mee to this Dedication of my last seruice to your blessed Father and first to your Maiestie for the whole world hath no greater Patronage of goodnesse then your selfe and our daily bread and hourely breath serueth vs to beseech the Almightie that you long be the gracious Patrone and Patterne of Religion That I presume to offer it vnto your Maiestie in this time of our iust cause of ioy wherein the Lillies and Roses the Oliue and Vine are conioyned I excuse it by the Pattern I see in Mount Thabor wherein our blessed Sauiour when he shewed his Disciples a glympse of his glory in his Transfiguration hee seasoned their Soules rapt vp in those vnspeakable ioyes with the remembrance of his Passion What this is is like Beniamin the birth of sorrow and of so much sorrow to me as had almost sequestred my Soule from my Body The hand of Heauen that hath wiped away our teares keepe vs long and long from such occasion of tears and Crowne your Royall Person and Gracious Queene with the blessings of Goodnesse which is the continuall Prayer of your Maiesties most humble Chaplaine DANIEL PRICE The Sermon at Theobalds an houre before the death of King IAMES PSAL. 118.25 Saue now I beseech thee O Lord O Lord I beseech thee send now prosperitie THE first fruits of Sinne are Shame and Sorrow and euer since Sinne brought in Death Death the lodge of all mens liues driueth out Sinne and triumpheth ouer Sinners Looke on the foure first Fathers of the World Adam signifieth earthy Abel mourning vanitie Enosh sorrow Kenan lamentation and euer since all times and all places were and are as this time and place representeth vnto vs a time of mortalitie and a Region of death in the shadow of Death Nonne haec est regio mortuorum saith Ambrose Ambr. vbi vmbra mortis janua mortis vincula mortis corpus mortis The present Cloud wherein wee are inueloped and stand all as an amazed poore flocke of sheep beholding a sauage Wolfe worrying our Royall Shepheard looking vpon the wrestling of our Royall Iacob he that is spiritus oris nostri Christus Domini the very breath of our nostrils the Lords Anointed now in Combat with the last enemy that shall be destroyed the contemplation of it striketh vs with a terrible terrour our sighes teares and prayers witnes it and vnlesse the tender mercy of our God whereby the day springeth from on high doe now visit vs to giue light to vs that sit in darknesse and in the shadow of death wee shall finde that our strange neglect of the Sabbath the Lords day doth portend our fatall flight vpon this Sabbath day But Lord whatsoeuer shall become of vs the poore sheepe of thy pasture O looke vpon thy Royall Seruant O hide not thy face from thine Anointed saue now and heare our gratious Soueraigne O King of heauen now hee calleth on thee now that the Angell of Death strugleth with him let the Angell of the Couenant blesse him and as the Angell of Death striueth with him so let the Angell of the Couenant striue for him and free his pretious soule from all paine all sorrow all aduersitie and present it to thy diuine Maiestie without spot or wrinckle O Lord God saue our King mercifully heare vs now we call vpon thee Pitifully behold the sorrowes of our hearts Fauorably with mercy heare our prayers Both now and euer vouchsafe to heare vs O Christ Gratiously heare vs O Christ gratiously heare vs O Lord Christ O Sonne of God O Lambe of God that takest away the sinnes of the world mediate with thy blessed Father if it bee possible that this cup may passe from him or else that his gratious soule may be bound vp in the bundle of life to liue for euermore with thee in glory In the time of Ieremy it was the style of mourning for Royall Personages Alas Alas Ier. 22.18 for that noble Prince wee may take vp that Alas Alas How lately haue wee celebrated Dauids diem solennitatis Psal 77.2 our sacred Soueraignes Inauguration on which day Thursday before his Maiesties death hee that crowneth the yeare with good things crowned the Crowne of our Head our Royall King with an especiall measure of grace in manifesting his heartie and deuout profession of the Faith and Protestant truth which hee had liued in and maintained and resolved to dye in desiring vs all that were present to beare witnesse sealing that resolution with the blessed Sacrament after which diuine repast his soule was setled in so ioyfull a repose as that all worldly content could not compare with it But Alas that day dies solennitatis Psal 81.3 is become dies tribulationis and as Ieremy spake Lam. 2.22 in this solemne day our terrours are round about vs and this Lords day is the day of the Lords anger And therefore let euery sorowfull and faithfull heart pray heartily and cry mightily into heauen Saue now I beseech thee O Lord O Lord I beseech thee send now prosperitie We need not now to call for Sorrow before she come it is now the time that the Church hath allotted to eate the sowre hearbs of repentance in Lent that we may the more sauourly relish the sweet Passover of Easter it is the spirituall Seed-time which ought to bee waterish and wee are wont to be content with a wet Spring to be sure of a ioyfull Haruest Our true sorrow is Repentance which is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an after-wit and after-wisdome wherein when wee see how we haue betraid our selues into the hands of Satan we may iustly wish that the Heauens aboue would weepe with vs the Earth lament the Rocks rend the Mountaines eccho groanes and riuers run with teares and indeed I had prouided by Gods good hand such a portion of food for this daily bread and would haue endeavored by his Spirit to haue watered this Gedeons fleece with that deaw of Heauen For as Ezekiel describing the Temple the Image of Gods Church calleth it Ezek. 48.35 Iehovah Shammah 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Lord is there So all our Prayers and preaching are onely to stir vp these graces of God in your holy deuotion
to pray of all other times at their first entrance to their Gouernment Dauid and Salomon begun their Rule with the rule of Prayer The goodnesse of a priuate man is his owne of a Prince the whole worlds his words are Maximes his actions examples his examples rules Dauid both priuately alone and publikely in the Congregation prepareth himselfe to prayer in this Psalme and the people prouoked by their Kings example pray for the continuance and long life of their Prince and Prosperity That God may distribute to the King gifts proportionable to his greatnesse that the head may enioy all the senses of the whole body that the Church and Common-wealth the King and Iudges Heraclit and Lawes all may flourish for as Heraclitus obserueth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The King is the Image of God the Iudge is the Image of the King the Law the worke of the Iudge and Iustice the end of the Law And Dauid had especiall reason to pray at this his Inauguration for hee knew a great and dangerous warre was in hand the Philistins were his deadly enemies hee had beene among them and knew them and was now to make prouision against them And therefore as Numa Lor in Ps 44. p. 915. when a rumor of Warre was raised Sacrificabo saith hee I will sacrifice so when Dauid foreseeth this feare of forraigne enemies hee betaketh himselfe vnto prayer But I must leaue Dauid at his Prayer and conclude with our times Time is the conclusion of all things Lord send now prosperity And if wee looke vpon our times vpon this sad swift speedy time feathered with flying houres vpon this fatall Yeare Senec. Epist 18. Mensis olim December saith Seneca nunc annus est This whole Yeare hath beene composed of the fall of the leafe and Winter O yee Mountaines of Gilboa how many noble and valiant haue fallen this yeare D. of Richmond E. of Dorset D. of Lennox E. of Notingh E. of Southampton and his Son L. Belfost M. Hamilton they that were louely and pleasant in their liues swifter then Eagles stronger then Lyons How many noble Families haue beene like the naked twigs of Winter shiuering all for cold and dropping downe their teares abundantly How many of the choyce Peeres and Pearles hath Death stolne out of the Coronet of our Nobility How many poore Firre-trees may mourne for their Cedars bee fallen And is not this an ill boading prodigious time wherin with hearts and tongues and teares and prayers wee had need to crye Lord now send prosperity Cast your watry eyes vpon the fatality of this bloody Moneth and not to looke vpon the ancient Triumph of Funerall Solemnities in March March 24. remember how in this Moneth wee were depriued of blessed Queene Elizabeth the Paragon of mortall Princes the Woman after Gods own heart the Virgin-Queene of the Earth the glory of the Christian the enuy of the Infidell World who came so neere vnto the blessed Virgin Mary that shee was borne vpon the Vigil of her birth and dyed vpon the Vigil of her Annunciation Remember the sable time since the Death of the Royall Vine of this Kingdome Martij 20. 1618. die Martis Queene Anne in this very moneth a Queene not superstitious not factious not tyrannous but religious to her God and most gracious to all the Subiects of this Land and her well deseruing seruants Not a Lionesse hunting for the prey as Iezabel or a Typer greedy of the spoile as Athaliah but a sweetly tempered Royall Lady whom Grace and Peace crowned and Glory hath made Conqueror and God Martij 23. 1618. die martis in this Moneth not many yeares since tooke from vs as one of whom the world was not worthy of Inter foelices foelicissima quondam Regis enim Conjux Eilia Mater erat Remember the fatall sicknesse at Royston when that acute and violent disease seazed vpon our Royall Soueraigne in this very moneth when our feares encreased with the minuts and euery messenger was as one of the Chorus in a Tragedie as Iobs messengers euery one adding to the sorrowes of those sad times and when Duxisset mox fila secanda sorores Non sic est visum Sceptris Our Royall Hezekias recouered miraculously to Gods glory Lam. 4.20 the good of the Church and State and great comfort of all his good Subiects But alas our sinnes haue fought against our good and now Death the ledge of all mens liues that sets vpon men with stealing steps insensible degrees threatens a final arest vpon our Royal Master The breath of our nostrils the Anointed of the Lord is taken in the snare of whom we said Lam 4 20. Vnder his shadow we shall liue The Crowne is falling from our head woe vnto vs that we haue sinned for this Lam. 5.16 our heart is faint for these things our eyes are dimme O thou God of Iacob defend him send him help from thy Sanctuarie strengthen him out of Zion for thou Lord remainest for euer and euer thy Throne from generation to generation Lord we beseech thee saue now Lord we beseech thee send now prosperitie It was a diuine Canticle of a sweet Singer of Israel vpon his Maiesties last recouery D. Goodwine Deane of Christ Church why this Moneth was so infestuous to our King Tu Martem odisti Mars odit pacis amantem Hinc tantae clades hinc tot conamina Martis It was about this very time of the yeare say some that the first foundation of Venice was layed Hosp de Orig. F sure I am we stand here vpon a watry foundation the water-Springs of our owne teares are able to sinke vs The computation of some is approued who hold that the world was created about this very time and I remember the first worke in the Creation was that the Spirit of God moued vpon the face of the waters We are now labouring vnder a new Creation the same blessed spirit of God moue vpon our watry faces dry vp the teares of our eyes It is the Liturgie of our Church that teacheth vs that in the midst of life wee are in death But blessed be our God in the midst of death we are now in life there is present a gracious Doue with an O liue branch that shall bring comfortable newes to our world and the waters shall cease I neuer was like to that 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that base flatterer who is In vita Constan as Aurelius Victor well obserued sorex tinea Palatij I know his Princely disposition hath euer hated a Parasite as the worst Traitor God keepe two mischiefes euer from within the smoake of his Court Flatterie and Treacherie the Inquitie of the times may make vs feare these not his gracious inclination but this I may say before God and men and Angels seldome euer haue those yeares promised seldome haue performed so much and we haue seen enough to make vs think we can neuer be enough thankfull to God for him I remember an obseruation of an Historian concerning Charles the Fift Knolls in the Ger. Histor who being borne vpon Mathias day and hauing an Elder brother aliue his Grandmother applied by a Phrophecy that of Mathias election vnto Charles the new borne Prince that as the Lot fell vpon Mathias though last in place so the Lot of the Empire should fall from the Elder brother vpon Prince Charles though last in birth The like Lot is now falling vnto your Princely Highnesse and my prayers be that all your dayes may bee like the two Saints daies of this moneth Foelix and Perpetua that when your Royall Father shall passe à Corona ad Coronam as it was one of the Diuine meditations proposed this morning to his Maiesty by that most honorable Bishop and that he shall exchange this mortall for a Crowne of immortalitie The Lord Keeper that the spirit of your gracious Father may be doubled vpon your Highnesse as the spirit of Elias was vpon Elisha that true Religion may florish vnder you and that you may ride on in Maiesty prosperously because of truth and meekenesse and righteousnes That you may ride on in truth for State without truth is like Pride without Power an vmbrageous Pageant for sight not for seruice That you may ride on in truth and Maiestie for truth without Maiestie is like a Talent hid in a banke or a Candle vnder a bushell That you may ride on in truth and Maiestie and meekenesse for Maiestie without weeknesse is like greatnesse without goodnesse the Politicians Character but the Peoples curse That you may ride on with truth and Maiestie and meekenesse and prosperitie for Maiestie without prosperity is like Heauen without a sun or the Summer without a Haruest That you may ride on in Maiesty truth meekenesse and prosperity and righteousnesse for Maiestie without righteousnesse is like beauty without honestie a wanton dead soule in a painted sepulcher but when your Canopie of Maiestie is supported by truth and meeknesse and prosperitie and righteousnesse Blessings and prayers will be showred vpon you God euen your owne God shall giue you his blessing and God euen our owne God shall send vs prosperitie Which the Lord grant for his mercie for his promise for his Zion for his Sonnes sake Christ Iesus Amen FINIS