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death_n darkness_n light_n shadow_n 7,372 5 9.4624 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02351 The humble addresse both of church and poore, to the sacred maiestie of Great Britaines monarch For a just redresse of the uniting of churches, and the ruine of hospitalls. By William Guild, minister of Aberdene. Guild, William, 1586-1657.; Guild, William, 1586-1657. Issachars asse, braying under a double burden. Selections. aut 1633 (1633) STC 12480; ESTC S119064 14,302 19

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zeale-less-lie through Greede to ruinate those which zealouslie through Godlinesse were formerlie by others alreadie erected Goe to the Yles of Chittim and beholde sende unto Kedar and inquire of the Nations round about If anie such thing bee done let bee by Christians but by verie Turkes and Paganes to their Gods as to the true GOD whome in CHRIST wee worship a-right What Temples or Religious places of theirs once dedicate deface or expose they to contempt ruine and daylie decay as named Christians now-a-dayes who will not onelie first robbe the Rentes from them but next lyke 〈◊〉 who made the daylie Sacrifice of the Temple to cease will abrogate and exile the Exercise of GODS Worship in Worde and Sacramentes out of them and set vp the Abomination of Desolation in the places where it ought not An ill Positive for-soothe admitting no where a Comparatiue Let this clayie Age looke backe also to their Fore-fathers zeale and bee ashamed with their Chappels without their Houses and Oratories within with their Churches piouslie respected and their Hospitals plenteouslie then doted the swarms of Church-man within Townes lyke Baals Prophets sitting at plentifull Tables and those without lyke Aegyptes Priestes aboundantlie provyded for Erecting also daylie and not as now dejecting Religious Temples and lyke Nebuchadnezar first spoyling the Vessels and Treasurie of the Temple and then razing the Edifices thereof first to be Church-robbers and then ere they restore to be Church ruinaters Consider also in that flowrishing and Reverende Neighbour Church of ours where farre lesse Parishes are in sundrie partes● and search as narrowlie as Labau searched the Stuffe of Iaakob if this bee their practise or anie-where else where GOD in mercie hath restored His Gospel to burie the memorie of so manie auncient Churches as Iackob buried the strange gods of his House-holde vnder the Oak● which is beside Sechem Not that anie way I speake against such Vniting as is permitted and clearlie mentionate in that Statute of Parliament to wit vsing the verie words of the Act it selfe Where the Fruites of anie one alone will not suffice to entertaine a Minister and that the Reutes and whole Patrimonie thereof are no wayes aunswearable to the portion or qua●titie of fi●e Chaulders Victuall or fiue hundreth Markes of Silver in yearlie commoditie and value and where for distance of place and other lawfull causes they are not also found incommedious so to bee vnited Of which sorte there are few if anie within the whole Kingdome But where beside distance of place and other lawfull causes why they are imcommodious fayre Parishes and famous Benefices are vnited together the value of the Rentes Fruites and Patrimonie of anie one whereof will exceede farre the meanest fore-sayde proportion to wit of fiue Chaulders Victuall or fiue hundreth Markes Silver yea equall and surmount the highest quantitie to wit of ten Chaulders Victuall or a thousand Markes Silver and double if not triple the same Where such as these then are coupled together lyke Ratches for a Game of Hunting what importeth such a smoothering Vnion but the fore-sayde sadde Sequeles Or what better Fruite can such a bitter Tree produce but sowre Grapes to set the Teeth on edge As Moyses then SIR commiserating the estate of the wronged Daughters of the Priest of Midian who were driven away from the Troghs of Water which they had filled to water their Fathers Flockes As hee I say defended and brought them backe agayne to those places and gaue their Sheepe refreshment So SIR pittie the wronged estate in lyke manner of the Church in your Land defende it lyke-wyse and make patent againe the Doores of so manie Christian Temples shut vp lyke the Caues of the Canaanite Kinges that comfort againe may bee within them ministred to the LORDS people that the Flocke of His Heritage as the Prophet speaketh may bee fed with the Rod of His owne Mouth as in the midst of Carmel and that they may pasture in Bafhan and Gilead as in olde tyme. And as Zacharias the Baptists Father tho for a short tyme bee was stricken dumbe yet as at last his mouth was againe opened by sensible and cleare speaches to prophesie and proclayme that Horne of Salvation that was raysed out of the House of David and D●yspring which from on high had visited his people Israel So SIR restore in lyke manner to speach and prophesie againe these dumbe yea dead-stricken places of GODS Sacred Worship that the same Gospell may bee as yet published and that the same tender mercie in them may still bee manifested through all the corners of your Land to giue light to them that sit in darknesse and in the shaddow of Death and to guide their feete into the way of peace Or as the Whale how-so-ever shee swallowed vp Ionas disg●●ged him againe vpon the drye land Even so SIR how-so-ever this Vniting of Churches throgh the moyen greed of mē hath past the true Cases of manie wherof were never I am perswaded clearlie knowne to your Honourable Commission I yke a wyse Solomon then pronounce the Sentence of Division and that as the two Women which pleaded before him were each one restored to her owne Chylde so that everie Church may bee restored with a competent mayntenance to its owne former and primitiue condition Else it had beene better both for Church and Kingdome that poore as they were still as yet they had remayned severall And let not SIR Abrahams Altar bee as it were 〈…〉 that GOD should bee left to pleade for Himselfe 〈…〉 that Scepter of Royall power which one after another for the defence of His Cause Hee hath put into your hand Let not Christian Temples goe downe into your Kingdome which were as the Tents of the Shepheardes where the LORDS Well beloved went foorth by the steps of the Flocke and there fed her weake and tender Kids with the Spirituall Food of the Bread of Lyfe Especiallie where greater neede is to put vp moe Neyther let the Watch-men which goe about the Citie of whom the Spouse in the Canticles seeketh h●r direction where shee may finde him whom her Soule loveth bee diminished in number where there is more necessitie they should bee augmented Let not Na●ash his enter-pryse come also now-a-dayes in practise where two eyes are to pull out the one and bring a shame so vpon the LORDS Israel Neyther let the barking Dogs bee remooved from the LORDS Flockes except thereby wee would please the devouring Wolues But let the Walles of HIERUSALEM still bee going vp maugre all opposition Repare the ruines of your Church restore the rapines thereof and in the well ordered House of GOD let the Levites beeing restored to their Portions bee reponed also and set in their places who may reade in the Booke of the Law of GOD distinctlie and giue the sense and make the people to vnderstand the same that so your