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death_n darkness_n light_n shadow_n 7,372 5 9.4624 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00392 A sermon made: by the famous doctor Erasmus of Roterodame; Liturgia Virginis Lauretanae. English Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536. 1533 (1533) STC 10508; ESTC S101706 13,968 44

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maryed all thoughe theyr substaunce or rychesse be neuer so slender or small and thoughe that they haue a great many of chyldren for that wyne whiche Iesus gyueth makethe dulcet and swete all thynges be they els neuer so heuy sorowfull and paynfull Moreouer this thynge also is to be marked that as it is syttyng or due that the chyldren do obeye and folowe the wyll of theyr mother so lykewyse it is conuenyent aud semely that the auctoryte of the parentes do gyue place to that whiche the gospell calleth vs for in this nothyng is to be consyderyd or regardyd but only what maketh most to y e glorye of god and to y e cōmune soule helthe of the people That his mother callynge vpon hym doth saye they haue no wyne it is a poynte of a certeyn louyng sollicytude or carefull dylygēce that she gyueth place to y e auctoryte of her sone answeryng here to outwarde apparaunce somwhat hardelye or sharpely in this wyse woman what haue I to do with the it is a poynte of certeyne wyse humblenes and mekenes agayne y t she sayth pryuely to the mynysters what soeuer thynge he shall say vnto you do it it is a poynte of a certeyn trust confydence that she had in her sone Nowe a dayes certeyne fathers mothers abusen theyr auctoryte that they haue ouer theyr chyldren whyles they compell theym whether they wyll or not to entangle theym selfe in wedlocke or ellys in the order of preesthode or to put them selfe into some Relygyon or ellys whyles they drawe them backe from the preachynge of the gospell or whyles the father or mother compelleth theyr sone beyng a prynce or gouernoure to begyn betayle or warre whiche shall be cause of great hurte or destruccyon to the cōmen weale For the prynce or gouernoure in as moche as he beareth a publyke persone is a cōmen offycer he maye safely not hurtynge the naturall loue and reuerence whiche he oweth vnto his father make answere to his father on this wyse in this thyng I wyll not take you or regarde you as my father I wyll more regarde the profyte of the cōmen welth the gouernaunce wherof I haue taken vpon me then I wyll regarde the pryuate auctorytie of my father Here is perauenture a mā hauynge wyfe chyldren at home and his mother cōmaūdeth hym to go in pylgrymage to saynt Iamys in Cōpostella bycause she hath made suche a vowe or promesse lette hym say to his mother In other thynges I wyll take you and obey you as my mother but in this thinge I muste obey god whiche cōmaundeth me to prouyde se vnto my wyfe chyldren For whose cause it is well don and accordynge to godes cōmaūdemēt that a man do also forsake his father or mother and these thynges we haue spoken as touchynge to the lyterall sense of the gospell but for as moche as our lord hathe turned the water of the vnsauery lawe into the beste wyne it is ryght accordynge or mete that we also do get out some more pryue and hydde sense or meanynge It was no great thynge y t a yonge wenche was ioyned to a husbande in matrymonye But it is a very great mystery to be honoured euen of the Angelicall spirites that the spyryte that is to wytte the sone of god is ioyned with y e flesshe of man that is to say the nature of god with y e nature of man For the sone of god toke vnto hym our nature by a meruaylous glue it was brought to passe y t the same person was bothe god man There was present in the same our lord Iesu at this same spyrytuall maryage bothe the spouse the spouses there was present in that spyrytuall brydale feaste that blyssed wombe in whiche that wonderfull and vnspecable maryage was celebrated made in whiche wombe as in the worke-house of the holy ghost that Gyaunt of thre substaunces was formed whiche shulde vaynquyshe depresse and subdue all the tyrannye of Satan There is also another mysterye of the sayd maryage the sone of god feruentlye loued the churche whiche he hathe puryfyed with his owne blode to the intent y t he myght haue her a Spouses mete and accordyn for hym selfe hauynge no maner wembe or spotte neyther any wryncle in her at all and for y e loue of this spouses this meruaylous and wonderfull wo wer descended from heuen cam into the wombe of a virgyn from whense beynge clothed with the robe or vesture of our flesshe came forthe as a spouse or brydegrome from his bryde chambre This wombe of y e virgyn was certeynly that yate whiche Ezechyell sawe towarde the rysynge of the sonne out of y e whiche yate there arose or spronge the lyghte Iesus chryste to men syttyng in darkenes in the shadowe of deth whiche yate remayned styll closed or shytte to y e prynce the sone of god enterynge in also brought forth to vs the same Prynce clothed in the body of man as ī his weddynge garment the seale or closure of her chastyte beynge vnhurte he then after he was come forthe of this chambre wedded a newe spouses the churche he maryed her hauynge no dowry or rychesse he maryed her beynge in captyuyte he maryed her beynge fylthy contamynate But her thus deformed and full of spottes he hath puryfyed with the bath of his most precious blode he hath raunsomed her beynge prysoner with his owne precyous deth and her beynge bare and naked he hath plentefully enryched with spyrytaall gyftes vertues The soule of euery one of vs moste dearely beloued brethren is the spouses of Chryste we haue ben raunsomed and bought with an excedynge great pryce from the thraldom of the deuyll lette vs not nowe wylfully falle agayne into his seruytude and bondage We haue ben freely wasshed from fylth let vs not nowe lyke swyne retorne agayne vnto the soyle or myre of vyces and synnes we haue ones receyued the doctryne of the gospell we haue dronke in the moste swete spyryte of Iesu lette vs not nowe beynge vnkynde to hym for his so great lyberalyte twardes vs ronne agayne to the adulterer the deuyll but contynuynge in the fayth promyse made at the receyuyng of baptysme by whiche promyse we haue renounsed the deuyll and all his pompes let vs alwayes haue in remēbraūce that we were spoused to one husbande that we shulde kepe our selues a chaste virgyn to our spouse Chryste lette vs not suffre our senses to be corrupted by the wylynes and crafte of y e serpent from the sympfycyte whiche is in chryste Iesu Chryste is a Ialous louer not without good cause whiche dyd gette or wynne and set at lybertie his spouses to hym selfe so dearely lette vs gyue dylygence that we maye be present alwayes at this spyrytuall weddynge or maryage lette vs by vnfayned fayth by pure and perfyte charyte cōtynue and abyde in the embrasynges of our