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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B12280 An explication of those principles of Christian religion, exprest or implyed in the catechisme of our Church of England, set downe in the Booke of Common Prayer Vsefull for housholders, that desire heaven in earnest: and are willing to discharge their dutie in examination of their charge, before they send any of them to our communion. Begun and finisht in Barstaple, in the Countie of Devon, according to his maiesties late pious directions, for the renewing and continuing of the ordinance of catechising, so generally sleighted and neglected: now thus farre published respectively for the benefit of that corporation. Crompton, William, 1599?-1642. 1633 (1633) STC 6057; ESTC S114531 131,550 448

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such petitioners Matth. 7.8.9 10 11. what man is there of you whom if his some aske bread will giue him a stone if he aske fish will giue him a Serpent if ye then being euill know how to giue good gifts vnto you children how much more shall your Father which is in Heau●n giue good things to them that aske him Q. What may bee obserued from all in generall A. First the priuiledges of a Child of God who hath libertie to speake vnto God directions how and assurance to be heard in euery petition 1 Iohn 5.14 Mat. Secondly the excellencie of prayer and of this aboue all other yeelding vs an euident testimony of the diuinity of Scripture Iames 5.16 Thirdly the necessity of knowledge that we may beleeue and assent vnto the promises of God Masters and parents are bound to instruct their charge in all these particulars Fourthly Mat. 6.33 that order we are to obserue in prayer first for spirituall after for temporall blessings Q. Which is the last duty required in this Catechisme to be done for saluation after baptisme A. A prepared reuerent and often receit of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper 1 Cor. 11.26 Q. What is a Sacrament A. An outward visible signe ordained by Christ consecrated by his Word for the conueyance of inward Rom. 4.11 inuisible grace to his adopted sonnes and daughters or thus Acts 2.38 39.22.16 A diuine seale of conditionall promises not signifying onely but truely exhibiting offering and sealing Christ with all his benefits to the worthy receiuer Quest How many things are required to make a Sacrament A. Foure First a command of Christ Matth. that such ordinances shall bee vsed in the Church for such ends Secondly a promise annext to this command Thirdly signes signifying whether wee respect the sensible Elements or the actions necessary for the preparation thereof Fourthly grace signified by that created substance wee see or taste Q. Whether or no doth the efficacy of Sacraments depend vpon outward circumstances as vpon the holynesse of the place or worthinesse of the person administring A. No but vpon the truth and power of diuine institution 1 Cor. 3.7 presupposing that matter and forme be obserued according to the first ordination Q. Why did Christ leaue Sacraments in his Church 1 Cor. 11.25 A. First for pledges of his loue to mind vs of something promised 1 Pet. 3.21 to assure vs of performance and to bind vs ouer to some seruice Deut. 6.20 Secondly to be as conduits to conuey the Water of Life vnto thirstie soules Thirdly for the further propagation of the Gospell men seeing Sacraments will bee moued to aske what they meane and must bee answered out of the Word of God Ioh. 13 35. which is the deed containing the couenant Fourthly Exod 12.22 23. for the preseruation of Christian amitie and heartie loue amongst those which are entred into this association and Communion with Christ and Christians Fifthly for distinction of his company from all other societies vsing them not or not aright Q. When is a Sacrament rightly vsed A. First 1 Cor. when the Authors form is obserued with all possible care and purity without mingling or mangling adding or taking away Secondly Mat. 22.12 when su●h persons onely are admitted to whom the Sacraments belong i. the houshold of faith Thirdly when the Church proposeth the same ends in administration which Christ did in his ordination Fourthly when receiuers vnderstanding are mindfull of the oath there taken and carefull to keepe it Q. What doe wicked impenitent sinners receiue in this Sacrament Mat. 22.12 1 Cor. 11.27.29 A. First such ought not to come thither they stand excommunicate by the word and should be kept backe by force of Ecclesiasticall discipline Acts 8.13 Secondly if they presume to come vnprepared at their perill be it they receiue nothing but the bare outward Elements to their further condemnation because they are not actually for any thing they know within the couenant no promise belongs vnto them Q. What is the Lords Supper A. It is the other Sacrament of the New Testament 1 Cor. 11.23 24. Mat. 26.26 ordained by Christ in memory of his death till his comming againe whereby his sanctified members are daily nourished in eternall life and haue their assurance sealed vnto all the benefits of his passion Q. Why is this Sacrament to bee administred and receiued often A. First because it is as food to nourish vs or a nourishing Sacrament Secondly that where there is a multitude which cannot all conueniently come at one time successiue opportunities might be offered for all to come at one time or other Thirdly Math. 6.11 our inward man lookes for it as the outward man doth for daily bread that those breaches made by spirituall combates may bee repaired and our couenant renewed Fourthly 1 Cor. 11.26 it is a meanes to helpe the weaknesse of our memory who are exceeding apt to forget what Christ hath done for vs to grow secure cold and carelesse Q. Doth the administration of this or the other Sacrament alwaies require preaching of the Word at the same time A. First an opening of the couenant a declaration of the substance of a Sacrament to the vnderstanding of such whom it concernes is required before the administration of either Sacrament in the plantation of a Church Mat. 28.19 Act. 2.40 33. least men receiue they know not what Secondly preaching by way of explication and application is most conuenient seasonable and profitable at the same time Thirdly but not absolutely necessary where the Gospell hath beene before and may be after preacht and prest as in settled Churches it is or ought to be Q. Why was the Sacrament of the Lords Supper ordained A. First for a continuall remembrance of that one sufficient sacrifice of the death of Christ 1 Cor. 11 25 once offered for the sins of all penitent beleeuers Iohn 20.27 Secondly for the confirmation of their faith vpon the promises Thirdly for the conueynig of benefits arising from both but no way to be a propitiatory sacrifice neither for the liuing nor for the dead as the Papists would haue it to be Q. How many parts are there in this Sacrament A. Two First visible signes signifying bread and wine Iohn 6.63 1 Cor. 10.16 conconsecrated by a lawfull Minister according to the forme prescribed in Scripture Secondly inuisible g●ace signified the body and blood of Christ offered to euery beleeuing guest at that Table Q. What is it that we do feed vpon there A. First All good and bad feed vpon bread and wine consecrated Mat. 26.26 or may and ought to receiue both if either be taken purposely from any the Sacrament is maimed Ioh. 6.50 51 Secondly only the beleeuing penitent sinners doe feed also vpon the body and blood of Christ really and truely Q.
bitter death tels me hee hath suffered enough already Q. What doe you meane by this when you confesse hee was dead Math. 27.46 A. Viz. That the body and soule of Christ were really seuered for a time as in the naturall death of any other Q Why did Christ dye A. First to show the truth of his humanity and realty of his suff●ings Secondly G●n 2.17 Cor. 5 14. ●●b ● 15 ohn 3.16 Rom. 11.22 to satisfie iustice ●o the full who had before th●●a●ned man with death Thirdly to va●qu●sh death by taking away the sting and making it a passage vnto life Fourthly to manifest the infinitnesse of Gods loue to mankind with the seuerity of his iustice against sinne in one and the same act Fifthly that by a propitiatory sacrifice hee might establish the couenant which could not bee without such bloud-shedding Q. What doe you learne from the death of Christ A. First a threefold assurance First that by his death I am freed from a double death in part from the first wholly from the second Secondly that being dead with Christ 1 Cor. 15.55 Heb. 2.14.15 Rom. 8.1 I shall now euer after liue the life of Christ Thirdly that the new couenant of grace is now of force Col. 3.3 Heb. 8.6.7 9 16 17. Secondly a threefold resolution First neuer more to liue in any knowne sinne seeing Christ dyed for sinne Secondly to cleaue vnto him with an ardent vnseparable loue Thirdly to lay downe my life for him and his truth to spend all my time and strength in his seruice who hath not spared to spend his bloud for me Rom. 1 Ioh 3.16 Iohn 7.31 Rom. Ephes 5.14 Thirdly to condemne a threefold error First of the Iewes expecting another Christ cleauing to shaddowes obseruing ceremonies which were to dye with Christ Secondly of Papists that maintaine a continuall sacrifice offering vp and so killing Christ often when as hee was to dye but once Thirdly of carnall Protestants who lye still snorting vnder the dead sleepe of sinne yet thinke to be saued by Christs death Q. What doe you vnderstand by this when you say he was buried A. Viz. that Christs body after death was in a desent manner laid in a tombe or graue where it also remaines the same without alteration or corruption Mat. 27.60 Psa 16.10 preserued by the presence of the diety Q. Why was Christ buried A. First to show vs that in his greatest extremity hee had some wel-willers Mat. 27.58 Rom. 6.6 Hos 13.14 Mat. 28.6 Heb. 2.15 who performed this office of loue vnto him Secondly to confirme the truth and certainty of his death Thirdly that he might follow death wrestle with him in his owne Castle and beate him out of his owne supposed inuinsible hold Fourthly by his presence to take away the horrour of the graue to sanctifie it to be a chamber of refuge a sweet bed of rest and a passage to immortality Q. By whom was he buried A. Ioseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus two of his fearefull Disciples in time of need became boldest Luke 23.50 when such as had made fairer showes denyed or left him Q. Why was Hee buried by rich men A. First because they were best able to performe it in a conuenient manner Christ was the Sonne of Nobles fit it was he should be buried by men of honour Prou. 3.9 1 Tim. 6.17 Secondly to teach rich men two things First to be helpefull with their substance to the members of Christ in distresse Secondly not to shun as ashamed the meanest office which may bring any glory to God 1 Pet. 4.10 Psal 84.10 or comfort to his Church Q. What may you learne hence A. Two things especially First a lesson of consolation cheerefully to follow my Sauiour to the graue Mat. 28.6 Esay 26.19 20. where he once lay Secondly a lesson of imitation and that First to performe the like vnto any of my Christian brethren Secondly Acts 8.2 Rom. 6.4 Exod. 34.6 to spend some time euery day in burying of my sinnes in and with him who was once buried for sinne Q. What meane you by these words He descended into Hell A. First that Christ after his death and buriall was detained as a prisoner vnder the bondage of death Psal 16.10 Acts 2.31 for one whole day and two nights Secondly during this space that he triumphed ouer Satan in his owne Kingdome the manner how is vnknowne Q. Why did Christ descend thus A. That beleeuers in him might not descend Heb. 2.14 15. that death might not detaine them as prisoners nor Satan triumph ouer them Q. What doe you learne from it A. First to confute Papists teaching that the soule of Christ descended into Hell to deliuer some soules there detained and that the soules of iust men may suffer paine after death equiuallent to the torments of Hell crossing both the end and effect of Christs descent Gen. 18.27 Iob 40.4 Heb. 10.36 Luke 21.18.19 Secondly to descend with Christ to the lowest step of humiliation to be vile in my owne eyes that I may be pretious in Gods sight through Christ Thirdly to possesse my soule in patience and hope from the lowest ebbe of misery God is able to restore Christ was dead buried and descended into Hell yet raised againe Q. Which is the fift Article A. The third day he rose againe from the dead Q. What doth this Article containe A. The first full step or degree of Christs exaltation and that is his resurrection Q. Who was it that was thus exalted A. Iesus Christ as God and Man Acts 2.24 1 Cor. 15.4 the same person that was humbled euen to the death of the Crosse was raised to liue for euer in glory Q. What doe you meane when you say Christ rose againe A. First that the soule and body of Christ were reunited Acts 41 42 43. Secondly that Christ was freed from all infirmities of humane nature keeping still all the properties of a true Body Thirdly that the Diety did more fully open it selfe adorning the humanity with all those finite excellencies as such a creature is capable of Q. How was He raised A. First Iohn 8.18 Ephe. 2.5.6 Mat. 27.53 by his owne power Secondly as a publike person attended with some others who rose with him as an earnest of the great and generall resurrection Q. Why was Christ raised An. First for the cleerer manifestation of his Diety Secondly for the impletion of types and prophesies and for confirmation of that truth formerly by him taught Rom. 1.4 Psal 16.10 Mat. 12 39. Rom. Thirdly that his Disciples might be assured of his victory ouer death Fourthly that he might apply the merits of his passion and perfect the office of Mediation Fifthly to cause a double resurrection to the faithfull the first to newnesse of life here and the second to a life of immortality in heauen hereafter Q. When
by that awefull reuerence and respect he giues to the word and ordinances of Christ 2 Tim. 2.19 Thirdly by the Spirit of prayer and power ouer formerly preuailing corruptions Luk. 21.13 Ioh. 15.19 Fourthly by that enmitie manifested by men of this world against him only for religion and vertues sake I haue chosen you out of the world saith our Sauiour therefore the world hates you Rom. 8.16 Fifthly by the inward testimony of the Spirit Gal. 15.19 perswading him vpon good grounds to cry Abba Father and by some appearing fruits of the Spirit Sixthly by a conscionable vse of the meanes 1 Thes 1.4 5. yeelding readily vnto it both for profession and practice Q. What is Creation A. It is a raising or framing vp of man by the finger and power of God Gen. 1.26 Reu. 14.11 out of the dust of the earth after the Image of God in righteousnesse and true holinesse hauing breathed into him the breath both of a naturall and spirituall life at once Q. To what end did God create man and especially after this fashion A. First Ephes 2.10 Gen. 18.27 to serue him and seek his glory Secondly that hee should not be proud of himselfe Thirdly that he might not forget his Maker bearing his Image about on his brest Fourthly that he should not abuse any of his fellow-creatures mispend his breath which is diuine nor liue one life with●ut the other Q. What doe you vnderstand by this terme Redemption Rom. 8.29 30. A. First that there was a meanes appointed to recouer mankinde out of the state of damnation 1 Pet. 1.18 19. Secondly that this meanes consisted in paying of a sufficient price for the ransome of all Thirdly that this price was in Gods eternall purpose fully paid for the satisfaction of diuine iustice before mercy tooke place in the deliuery of any from the bondage of corruption Q. Who paid this ransome and thus became our Redeemer A. Iesus Christ the eternall Sonne of God made man shedding his precious blood in that painfull and shamefull death of the Crosse 1 Pet. 1.18 19. C●l 1.14 Gal. 3.13 therein to wash their soules from the deepe staine of sinne and become a powerfull Mediatour in their behalfe Q. Were all redeemed by his death A. First a sufficient ransome was paid for all Secondly onely they enioy the benefit who either vsing the meanes are stirred vp and quickned by the Spirit to sue out their pardon Iohn to lay hold on Ch●ist by th● h●nd of a liuely faith Ioel 2.32 applying his promises and merits to themselues or not able to vse the meanes Luke 1.68 haue Christs merits applied vnto them extraordinarily as infants idiots strangers c. may Q From what were the Elect redeemed A. First Gal. 3.13 Col. 1.13 from the curse of the law brought on them by their brea●h of the first couenant of workes Secondly from the power of sinne and Satan Heb. 2.15 Thirdly 1 Thes 1.10 from a slauish feare of death Fourthly from eternall torments deserued and reserued for vnbeleeuers and misbeeleuers in Hell-fire Q. To what end were they redeemed A. First to serue their Redeemer in holinesse Luke 1.74 Phil. 1.29 2 Tim. 2.12 and righteousnesse all their dayes hauing communion with him receiuing life and motion from him Secondly to suffer with him and for his sake persecutions reproaches disgrace and death Thirdly to raigne with him in glory hereafter for euermore Q. What is vocation A. First Generally it may be described to be a sufficient invitation Mat. 11.28 directed from the loue of God to men in miserie and pointing out for thē the way to mercy Luke 14.17 18. Acts 16.14 offering life in the means sufficient to make fire-brands of hell Rom. heires of heauen Secondly more specially it is an effectuall perswasion calling in time and at seuerall times Gal. 1.15 of Gods Elect in Christ from sinne to grace from sicknesse to health from darkenesse to light Phil. 3.14 and from the state of death to life Q. How doth the Lord call men A. Two waies first outwardly and so diuers waies First by reports of mercy shewed or iudgements inflicted vpon others as Rahab was called Iosua 2.10 2 Cor. 33.12 Secondly by afflictions inward or outward reall or verball as Manasses with diuers other called or prepared thereby for an effectuall calling Thirdly most ordinarily and vsually by his Word in the ministery of men which being preacht and prest with wisedome zeale and power is Gods Ordinance to effect a three-fold worke First Acts 16.14 to open his heart that is to be called by the Law Zach. 13.1 Iohn 5.3 4. 1 Cor. 1.21 so as to let him see himselfe in his naturall estate Secondly to offer him balme from Gilead the merits and blood of Christ to cure and cleanse his blacke and wounded soule 2 Thes 2.14 1 Cor. 3.5 Iohn 3.8 by the promises in the Gospell Thirdly to stirre vp his affection trembling at the sight of himselfe in a longing desire to haue this remedie applied Secondly inwardly God speakes to the heart First by the reflecting voice of conscience telling him what is best to be done Secondly by the worke of his owne spirit gently bowing the will enlightning the vnderstanding ordering the affections c. and neuer leaues moulding till such be called and brought obediently subiect to the Gospell of his Sonne Q. Doth not Satan labour much to hinder this calling A. Yes much and many waies Gal. 3.1 Pro. 1 10 11 Mat. 13.19 20. as First by delusion ioyning with mans deceitfull heart to counterfeit graces and so to perswade men they are called when they are not Secondly by avocation busying men with contrary employments Thirdly Luk. 14.18 by temptation telling men they are not called when they are 2 Pet. 1.10 we should therefore giue the more diligence to make our calling and election sure Quest How may a Christian know when he is called or whether he be called or no Ans First euer when hee enioyes the meanes or feeles any inward motions to good 1 The. 5.19 then let him perswade himselfe he is called Secondly if he be heartily seperate in affection and conuersation from the wicked world Rom. 5.5 Iohn 8.32 and the corruptions therein purposely cleauing vnto the Lord in holinesse of life Thirdly if hee perceiue the loue of Christ issuing from that coniugall Vnion betweene him and his Church shed abroad in his heart by a longing desire it Fourthly if he bee sensible of any spirituall liberty Gal 4.15 inward peace Psa 119.11 Mat. 10.41 secret ioy grounded on the knowledge of diuine mysteries Acts Fifthly if hee doe earnestly affect the meanes and messengers sent to call him he may be assured of an effectuall calling and consequently of his redemption and election Q. But suppose