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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10735 The doctrine of the Lords supper By way of question and answer, gathered out of 1. Corint. chap. 11. ver. 23. to 33. By Charles Richardson, preacher at S. Katharins neare the Tower of London. Richardson, Charles, fl. 1612-1617. 1616 (1616) STC 21014; ESTC S119813 11,301 38

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Ier. 31.31 32 33 A. It is a compact of mutu●ll reconciliation betwéene God and man in and through Christ Iesus Q. VVherein consisteth that Ieremy 31.34 A. 1. In a gracious promise of remission of sins and euerlasting life on Gods part Marke 1.15 2. In faith in Gods promises and repentance on mans part Qu. VVhat resemblance is betweene this Couenant and a last will or Testament A. 1. As he that maketh the Testament hath no benefite by it himselfe so Christ no benefite by this Couenant but all redoundeth to the Church Q. VVhat else Heb. 9.16 17. Ans 2. As a Testament is neuer of force till the Testator be dead so this couenant was made effectuall by the death of Christ Q. Why is it called a new Testament A. To distinguish it from the old Testament that was made with the Fathers before Christ Qu. Was not the couenant of Grace in the Lawe the same that is in the Gospel Ans Yes For substance and in respect of all the causes it was one and the same 1. Deut. 9.5 2 Tim. ● 9 The efficient cause of both is the méere mercy of God without any respect of workes 2. The matter of both is Christ Genesis 3.15 and 12.3 2 Cor. 5.19 Heb. 13.8 Apoc. 13 8 Heb. 11. tot Rom 4.23 24 Heb. 11.9 10 13 Gen. 47.9 Num 23 to Psal 116.15 without whom no man is receiued into Gods fauour 3. The formall cause of them both is faith 4. The end whereunto they bother cited men is eternall life Quest How then doe they differ one from another A. 1 The promises in the olde Testament were for the most part of temporall blessings but the promises in the new Testament are of spirituall 2. In the olde Testament there were many ceremonies and sacrifices burdensome and costly in the new Testament there are but a few they light and easie Matth. 11.13 Heb. 11.13 Iohn 1.29 Galat. 3.1 3. In the olde Testament all things were deliuered obscurely in Types and Figures but in the new Testament the mysterie of our saluation is plainely and openly reuealed Iohn 7.38 39 Acts 2.17 Ierem. 31.14 4. There is ordinarily a greater measure of the graces of Gods Spirite in the New Testament then there was in the Olde Deut. 32.8 9 Matth. 10.5 6 Marke 16.15 Acts 10.15 34 Rom. 3.29 Ephes 2.14 15 5. The New Testament is made knowne to more people then the old was For that was only knowne to the Iewes but this is published to all nations 6. In the old Testament Christ was onely promised 1 Pet. 1.20 2 Tim. 1.9 10 but in the new Testament he is exhibited Quest Why was it necessary that the bloud of our Sauiour Christ should bee shed Ans 1. Because it was figured in the olde Testament in the Paschall Lambe and in the Sacrifices Leuit. 17.11 Heb. 9.22 2. That hee might make his sacrifice perfect and sufficient Q. Why doth hee not say This is my body of the new Testament as well as This is my bloud c. Ans Because although the new Testament be established by the offering vp of whole Christ Iohn 19.34 yet his death was more manifest in the sheding of his bloud then in the sufferings of his flesh Q. VVhat commaundement did our Sauiour annex vnto these words A. Doe this in remembrance of me Qu. What remembrance of Christ is commanded heere Ans Not an historicall remembrance such as is in the Diuell nor a bare and idle remembrance as if it did not appertaine vnto vs but an effectuall remembrance whereby wee doe apprehend and apply Christ with all his benefites to our selues by faith and so call to minde his sacrifice as by it we may conceiue present comfort in our consciences and assured hope of euerlasting life Q. VVhat are the actions that were performed by the Disciples and must be performed by euery receiuer A. They are two Q. VVhat is the first A. To take the bread and wine at the hands of the Minister Q. VVhat doth this action signiffe A. That in like manner wee must receiue Christ Iesus into our hearts by a true and liuely land Iohn 1.12 and 6.35 Q. VVhat doth it admonish vs Psal 24.7 8 Ephe. ● 17 Apoc. 3. ●0 A. To prepare and cleanse our hearts for the rec●●uing of so honourable a guest Q VVhat is the second action An. To ease the bread and drinke the wine Q. VVhat doth this action signifie 1 Cor. 10.16 Ioh. 17.21 Ephe. 5.30 A. The vnion and communion which we haue with Christ Q. VVhat is this vnion Iohn 6.56 A. It is a consolating of our persons with the person of Christ Q. What a manner of vnion is it that we haue with Christ Ans Not corporall and bodily but spirituall and supernaturall yet reall and true Q. By what meanes is it wrought in respect of Christ Ephes 4.16 Ans By his Spirit whereby all the faithfull are knitte vnto Christ as the members of the body by ioynts sinewes are coupled to the head Quest By what meanes is it wrought in respect of vs Galat. 2.20 Ans By a particular application of Christ and his merits to our owne soules Q. What doth it admonish vs of A. Of that Christian concord and fellow his that ought to be among the members of Christ Rom. 12.5 and 15.5 6 1 Cor. 1.10 Acts 4.32 Esay 11.6 Q. VVhat arguments are there in the administration of the Lords Supper to perswade vs thereunto Ans 1. 1 Cor. 10.17 Because we all do eate of one Bread and all drinke of one Cup. 2. Because many graines of wheate doe make one loafe of bread and many grapes make one cup of wine Quest VVhat is the end of the Lords Supper A. To shew forth the death of Christ till he come Q. How must we shew forth the death of Christ Ans Two wayes in speach and in action Q. How in speach Ans By giuing thankes to God for the great benefite of our redemption Psalme 116.12 Luke 1.68 Q. How in action Ans 1. 2 Cor. 4.10 Galat. 6.14 By suffering crosses and afflictions for Christ his sake 2. Rom. 6.4 By feeling the power of Christs death in killing our corruptions and sinnes Quest Why doth the Apostle in the next place set downe the right vse of the Lords Supper Ans To teach vs that the ordinances of God must not bee separated from their holy vse Quest VVhat order doth the Apostle obserue in setting downe hereof An. First he sheweth the abuse of the Lords Supper and then the remedy of it Quest VVhat is the abuse of the Lords Supper Answer To eate and drinke vnworthily Q. Who doe eate and drinke vnworthily Ans Not onely such as are altogether vnworthy to come but euen they also who being worthy doe not come as they ought Quest Who are they that are altogether vnworthy Ans There are some
A. There is a mangling of his ordinance Apoc. 22.18 19 Galat. 3.15 and a detracting from his last will and Testament both which are condemned Quest What iniury is done to the Church A. The conscience of the godly are depriued of that most swéete promise which Christ hath annexed to the Cup. Matth. 26.28 Q. What are the actions to be performed in the administration of these signs A. Some of them were performed by Christ and are now to be performed by the Minister and some by the Disciples to be done by the receiuers Q. What are the actions to be done by the Minister A. They are thrée Q. What is the first of them A. To take the bread and wine and to blesse the same Q. What meane you by that 1 Tim. 4.5 1 Sam. 9.13 A. By prayer to separate them that they may be sacramentall bread and wine Q. What doth this action signifie Iohn 10.36 and 6.27 A. That Christ Iesus was set apart by the Father to be the Redeemer of the Elect. Q. How was Christ set apart to this worke A. Thrée wayes Q. Which are they 1 Pet. 1.20 Galat. 4.4 Matt. 3.16 17 A. 1. In Gods eternall decree 2. In his incarnation 3. In his baptisme Q. What doth this action admonish vs Rom. 12.1 Pro. 23.26 Ans That wee must likewise set our selues apart to his seruice Qu. What is the second action to bee done by the Minister A. To breake the bread and to powre out the Wine Q. What doth this action signifie Esay 53.4 5 1 Pet. 2.24 Matt. 20.28 A. That Christ his body was broken with sorrow and his bloud shed vpon the Crosse for our sinnes Q. What doth it admonish vs A. 1. Zech. 12.10 2 Sam. 24.17 That our soules should bléede with remorce and sorrow for sinne 2. Galat. 2.20 That we must for euer loathe and detest our sinnes 3. Coloss 1.24 1 Thess 1.6 Matth. 20.22 That wee must be content to suffer any thing for Christ his sake Mat. 10.38 Que. What is the third action to bee done by the Minister A. To giue the bread and wine to euery particular receiuer Q. VVhat doth this action signifie Ans That God doth likewise giue Christ Iesus with all his merits to euerie true beleeuer Iohn 3.16 Q. VVhat doth it admonish vs A. 1. 1 Cor. 6.20 1 Pet. 1 17 18 19 That we must wholly giue our selues backe againe to Christ 2. That we must be willing for Christ his sake to giue somewhat to the reliefe of our poore brethren 1 Iohn 3.17 and 4 11 Q. What words did our Sauior Christ vse in administring these signes A. Words of promise concerning the Bread and the Cup. Q. VVhat are he words concerning the Bread A. This is my body which is broken for you Quest What is the meaning of these words Genesis 17 10 11 and 41.26 27 Exudus 1● 13 1 Cor. 10.4 A. This bread is a signe to represent and a seale to seale vnto you my body with the benefites of my passion suffered in the same Q. What may we learne from thence A. The great goodnesse of God to his Church that hath not only giuen vs his word and promises but for the better strengthning of our faith hath also giuen vs his Sacraments to seale the same vnto vs. Q. Is not the bread really turned into the body of Christ after these words be pronounced by the Priest A. No by no meanes Q. VVhy so A. 1. Because it ouerthroweth the nature of the Sacrament Q. How prooue you that A. Because in euery Sacrament there must be these two things the signe and the thing signified But if the bread cease to be bread and be turned into the body of Christ then the Sacrament hath lost his outward Signe Q. VVhy else A. Because it is plaine in the text that our Sauiour Christ tooke the bread and wine into his hand he brake the one and powred out the other and did himselfe eat and drinke the same Now none of all these can bee true of the reall body and bloud of Christ Q. VVhy else An. Because the Bread is called the Communion of the body of Christ 1 Cor. 10.16 therefore it is not his body it selfe Q. VVhy else A. Because the Apostle calleth it bread still after the consecration to teach vs 1 Cor. 11.26 27 28 that the substance of bread remaineth Q. VVhy else A. Because diuerse absurdities would otherwise follow Q. VVhat are they A. 1. Matth. 28.6 Acts 1.9 11 and 3.21 That Christs body should be in many places at once which is contrary to the nature of a true body Q. VVhat else A. That Christ should haue two bodies one borne of the Virgine Mary and another made of the bread Q. VVhat else Ans That we should not in the Lords Supper receiue the body of Christ that was crucified for vs but an other body made by the Priest Que. But may not this be done by a miracle A. No. Q. VVhy so An. 1. Because Miracles are ceased neyther haue the Priests now anie promise thereof Exodus 4.3 4 Iohn 2.7 8 9 2 Because in euery Miracle there is a visible and sensible change But heere is no such thing we see and feele and taste bread still as we did before 3. Because Miracles though they be beyond and aboue nature yet they are not against nature to ouerthrow it as this doth in making the finite body of Christ to be in many places at once 4. Because a Miracle is an extraordinarie worke of God belonging to certaine times and persons But the Sacraments are for all times and for the whole church Q. But can not God by his omnipotencie doe this An. Wee are not in this case to respect what God can doe but what hee will doe now he hath not any where reuealed that he will doe this and therefore we are not to beléeue it Q. What are the words concerning the Cuppe A. This Cup is the new Testament in my bloud which is shed for you Matt. 26.28 Luke 22.20 and for many for the remission of sinnes Que. VVhat is the meaning of these words A. The Cup that is the wine in the Cup which I offer vnto you is a pledge and seale of my Testament to establish and confirme the same Q. VVhat is meant by the word Testament Answ Eyther a Couenant or a last Will. Q. How many kinds of Couenants is there Ans Two the couenant of Workes and the couenant of Grace Q. VVhat is the couenant of Works A. It is a compact of perfect obedience to the will of God Leuit. 18.5 vpon condition of eternall life if it be obeyed and of eternall death if it be not obeyed Q. Is any man able to keepe this couenant Rom. 3.23 Ans No for all haue sinned and are are depriued of the glory of God Q. VVhat is the couenant of grace