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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10036 The doctrine of the sacrament of the Lords Supper handled. And plainely layd open out of the 1. Cor. 11. 23.24. &c. Wherein the nature of this sacrament is faithfully discussed, the matter of it, together with the necessity of often receiuing, truly declared; the words of consecration embowelled, and errours with the cauills of papists soundly confuted. By Richard Preston preacher of Gods word at Rushden in Northamptonshire. Preston, Richard, d. ca. 1624. 1621 (1621) STC 20283; ESTC S115177 102,646 398

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lazy calling wee get our liuings easily by pattering on a booke a little c. some say and it is no maruell that they must labor for vs. But we see by that which hath beene spoken that they are greatly deceiued Our Sauiour compareth the worke of a Minister to things of great labour as to plowing fallowing planting watering rearing an house seeding of Cattell watching by night c. In all which great diligence is required The worke of an husbandman is neuer at an end sometimes he fallowes sometimes he stirs sometime he carieth out his cōpasse sometimes he sowes sometimes he harrows somtimes he weeds yea euery moneth brings with it new worke So the Minister that is Gods husbandman if he haue care to doe his duty shall neuer finde time to be idle neither shall any man haue any iust cause to say that because hee is a Minister therefore he hath an easie occupation 2 Here may be reproued idle Ministers who are notwithstanding called to this high calling such are blinde Watchmen that haue no knowledge and dumbe Dogges that cannot barke Isa 56.10 they lye and sleepe and delight in sleeping If they cate the fat and clothe themselues with the wooll Eze 34.3 they care not greatly what becomes of the flock such slow bellies are from the Diuell fishers of money rather then from God fishers of men they can hunt wel after many liuings yet bend themselues to doe no good It were to be wished that the gouernours of the Church would vse their authority to reforme this grosse idlenesse of Ministers Oh that these wells without water were stopped vp 2. Pet. 2.17 and these clouds without raine were dispersed Iude v. 12. that Gods people might obtaine the riuers of waters and those streames that shall neuer run dry Vse 2 2. Vse of this Doctrine may serue to teach vs with care and conscience to looke to our callings when one thing is concluded another most beginne still the end of one is the beginning of another we must euer be doing something either preaching or praying or reading or conferring or visiting the sicke or studying or admonishing c. When we haue planted knowledge then practise must bee vrged when practise is approued then perseuerance must be pressed when perseuerance is allowed thē progresse must be vrged there is still 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 something left to doe And to conclude as it was with Peter touching his net so it is with all painefull ministers touching their office they busie themselues sometime in preparing sometimes in mending sometimes in casting abroad sometimes in drawing in their nets alwayes in necessary employments This Cup is the New Testament in my blood That which hath bin formerly deliuered touching the bread that sacramentally it is the body of Christ may here be spoken touching the Cup that sacramentally it is the blood of Christ And as there it was said This is my body that is a Sacrament of my body So it is here said and elsewhere in Mathew and Marke This is my blood that is Mat. 26.28 Mar. 14.25 a Sacrament of the New Testament in my blood Now for the better vnderstanding of these words we are to marke and consider what a Testament is and what things are therein contained Secondly what the difference is of the Olde and New Testament Thirdly the benefit that wee from thence may gather Testamentō est externa morituri voluntas qua bona sua dispensal et quibus vult gratuito largitur Musc in Coen Do. 1 Touching the nature of the word Testament we must vnderstand it to be a promise or a couenant made betweene one that is sicke and ready to yeelde vp his Ghost and his children or other his deare friends to whom hee bequeatheth his goods and lands and it is impressed in paper with pen and inke yet so as that paper is a full testimony witnesse or signe of all the gifts and Legacies that the party sick and ready to depart promised gaue and bequeathed to his children or friends In like manner Christ his Testament was his finall promise and couenant made to his Elect touching his gift of Grace and free remission of sins confirmed vnto them at his departure out of the world not in paper but in the powring and shedding forth his blood for the blood of Christ giues life to this Testament as Moses plainely tells vs There is life in the blood This word Testament implies a promise Leuit. 17.11 and therefore teacheth vs that This Sacrament doth confirme strengthen Doct. nourish our faith because it seales the promise we should beleeue As it is with those to whom Legacies are bequeathed they neuer are in doubt or feare of the payment because say they it was his will and Testament but the more they thinke of them the more they are confirmed So it is with all the faithfull nay they in better case for the executors of a mortall man may fly or dy or be bankrupt they may fully assure themselues of the payment of their Legacies bequeathed vnto them by Christ who who will neuer faile them for what hee hath promised in his last will and Testament shall be established The things to bee considered in and about a testament are such as these 1. The Testator 1 The Testator who makes his will and testament and that is Iesus Christ Mat. 16.16 Mar I am 1.17 Isa 9.6 Heb. 1.2 the eternall Sonne of God the Author of euery good and perfect gift the euerlasting Father the heire of all things c. Hee had free liberty and power to make his last will and testament Ob. But a seruant in the house Ob. of his master and a sonne vnder the gouernement of his father can be no Testators Christ was both a seruant and a sonne how could he then be a Testator Sol. God gaue all power and authority vnto him Sol. as Christ himselfe testifieth Mat. 28.18 All power is giuen vnto mee in heauen and in earth and God made him the heire of all things as hee saith in another place All things are deliuered vnto mee of my Father Luk. 20.14 Mat. 11.27 therefore hee had free power to be a Testator Secondly God his Father sent him into the world for this end that he should confirm with his death this new Testament Behold saith the Lord the daies come that I will make a new couenant with the house of Israell Ier. 31.31.32 Heb. and with the house of Iudah c. The Legacies 2 The Legacies that the Testator bequeathed are many but principally Redemption Eph. 1.7 Col. 1.14 liberty from the powers of hell death Sathan flesh world sinne c. by his blood he hath redeemed vs and free remission of sinnes This is my blood which is shed for many Mat. 26.28 for the remission of sinnes These Legacies were Christs own proper goods they did not
belong to any other Christ might therefore more freely bequeath them No man can bee a Testator of another mans goods inheritance 2. They were not deserued nor of merit Non potest Test●menta liter Legari quod debetur ex merito Meritum enim transit in that cannot bee called a gift by will and testament that was first earned it is rather a debt due and excludeth al fauor and good will which is required in a Testament debitum Debitum autem excludit gratiam quam libera requirit Testamenti beneuolentia Musc Much deceiued then are the aduersaries of Gods Church in respect of their pardons and of their merits 1. By their pardons granted them by one or other of their holy Fathers the Popes they looke for remission of sinnes but they may looke long enough ere sinnes can bee pardoned by a Pope nothing can purge vs from them but the blood of Christ Iesus 2 By their merits they shall neuer procure those Legacies left by Christ to his Church he gaue them freely but they will haue them deseruedly they scorne his gift they will either earne it or not haue it and so they are like for euer to go without it 3 The heires of the Testator 3 The Heires Rom. 8.17 They are the Sons of God and true beleeuers Christ in making this his last will and testament was not partiall giuing much to one little to another and disinheriting a third but he gaue to all the faithfull alike euen to all that beleeued in him remission of sinnes Ob. But it may be said Ob. that Christ herein did much wrong to his naturall mother bretheren sisters and other his kinsfolkes they aloue should haue beene his heires Sol. I answer heere Sol. Christ lookes not at his kindred his brethren and sisters by nature flesh and blood haue small part in these Legacies but he looks at his bretheren and sisters by Grace to whom the Couenant was made It is not the priuiledge of nature but of adoption that can challenge inheritance giuen by his will 4 The Executors 4 The Executors they were his Apostles successiuely all diligent and faithfull Ministers whom hee entrusted with the carefull performance of this his will and testament who while they carefully and faithfully preach the Word administer the Sacraments performe other duties laid to their charge are said to be good and faithfull Executors and as Paule saith they are right disposers of the mysteries of God 1. Cor. 4.1 5 The death of the Testator 5 The death of the Testator A will is as good as no will so long as the Testator liueth hee may adde to it or take from it what he pleaseth but when he is dead it is in force and strength as the Spirit of God reacheth vs Where a Testament is Heb. 9.16.17 there must also of necessity be the death of the Testator for a Testament is of force after men are dead otherwise it is of no strength whilest the Testator liueth This Testament of Christ was confirmed and ratified by his owne death and blood-shedding as the Couenant God made with Israel was with the shedding of the blood of Bulls and Goates 6 The Condition of the Heire 6 Lastly there are conditions required of the heire which he must keepe So also of the heires of Christ which they must obserue they must beleeue in him and make particular application of him and his merits vnto themselues saying with the Apostle He dyed for me and gaue himselfe for me Gal 2.20 They must walke worthy of those Legacies in his Testament bequeathed vnto them being holy mercifull and humble as hee was they must come as neere to his diuine nature as possibly they can and resemble his Image Yea seeing all of vs are called to bee heires let vs not bee proud of our inheritance bequeathed but rather let vs bee obedient to him that gaue it let vs bee thankfull for such a gift let vs giue our selues againe to him that hath beene so liberall to vs let vs no more minde earth and earthly things and let vs giue good possessions to our sonnes and dowries to our daughters that is let vs labour for their plantation in the most holy faith that they may bee co-heires with Christ rooted and built vp in him A new Testament Secondly Christ doth not onely speake of a Testament to shew vnto vs that the first couenant wherein were the ordinances of diuine seruice Heb. 9. reade the whole Chapter and a worldly Sanctuary For there was a Tabernacle made the first was called the Sanctuary wherein was the Candlesticke the Table the Shewbread The second was called the holiest of all wherein was the golded censer the Arke of the Couenant the golden pot that had Manna Aarons rod and the Tables of the Couenant c. is renewed by Christ All the ceremonies carnall ordinances and sacrifices which did remaine vntill the time of reformation came are abrogated and dissolued For Christ being come an high Priest of good things to come by a greater and a more perfect tabernacle not made with hands did so wash the face of the old Testament with his blood as I may so speake that one would not thinke it the same but rather a new Testament Euen now it was shadowed with a thousand ceremonies and now they are gone from it as the mist before the Sun 2. It is called a new Testament because of the often renewing of it Gen. first to Sem then to Abraham after to Dauid and now both to Iew and Gentile that it might be for euer a new Testament 2. Sam. 7.14 to distinguish it from the old from which it differs not in substance but in circumstance in regard of administration thereof The Law was giuen by Moses but grace and truth came by Iesus Christ Iohn 1.17 The Law is the ministration of condemnation But the Ghospell or the new Testament is the ministration of righteousnesse 2. Cor. 3.9 The Law or the old Testament gendreth to bondage but the Ghospell is free Gal. 4.24.28 and maketh vs children of promise The old Testament was confirmed by the blood of Goates Bullockes Exo. 24.8 Leu. and Rammes but the new Testament is confirmed by the blood of Christ In the old Testament Christ was promised but not exhibited in the new Testament the promise is fulfilled he is exhibited Mat. 3.17 The old Testament was full of types shadowes and figures Moses put a veile on his face that the children of Israell could not stedfastly behold the end of that which is abolished 2. Cor. 3.13 But the new Testament is the substance of those shaddowes the sacrifices and ceremonies with the Priest-hood are taken away the veile is rent we may behold as in a glasse with open face the glory of the Lord the new Testament therfore doth as far excell the