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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09077 A double catechisme one more large, following the order of the common authorized catechisme, and an exposition thereof: now this second time published: the other shorter for the weaker sort: both set forth for the benefit of Christian friends and wel-willers. By Richard Bernard, Master of Arts, and preacher of Gods word at Worsop in Nottingham-shire.; Large catechisme Bernard, Richard, 1568-1641. 1607 (1607) STC 1936; ESTC S113787 23,289 50

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necessarie 6. My hope to waite without appointing God either the time place manner or quantitie of the matter 7. My will to vse afterwards all the honest meanes appointed to obtaine the same Q. VVhat be the true properties of prayer A. 1. That it be in true loue for we must remember to pray for all our brethren not departed this life for there is no Purgatorie 2. It must bee made onely to God for him only can we call heauenly Father neither to Saints nor Angels 3. In the name of Christ through whom onely he is our Father by adoption 4. In faith for that he is a Father and will not deny his children 5. Without a carnall conceipt of God vaine babling or wandering thoughts for he is in heauen Q. VVhich be the sixe petitions A. Hallowed be thy name c. Q. VVhat do these teach you A. The summe of all the things which I can lawfully aske at Gods hand for body or soule wherof the first three concerne the glorie of God and the latter three the good of man Q. VVhich is the first petition and vvhat desire you in it A. The first is Hallovved be thy name and I desire therein in the first place that I and all other may acknowledge God so truly in his word and workes as in euery of our thoughts wordes and deeds he may be highly worshipped and praysed Q. VVhich is the second and vvhat desire you in it A The second is Thy kingdome come and desire that he will send vs the meanes thus to honour his name that is his word and spirit with all things that do further thereunto that so the elect may be gathered and Christ come to the last iudgement to giue vs his kingdome of glorie Q. VVhich is the third petition and vvhat desire you in it A. The third is Thy vvill be done and I desire that as we haue the meanes to glorifie him so here we pray to do not ours but his will as all his commaundements and word teacheth vs and as the blessed Saints and Angels do in heauen heartily wi●hout hypocrisie willingly without grudging readily without lingring faithfully without sinister respects ioyfully without murmuring and constantly without wauering vnto the end Q. VVhich is the fourth petition and vvhat desire you in it A. The fourth is Giue vs this c. and I desire that he will provide those necessaries for our bodies without which we cannot serue him and that we may depend patiently vpon his prouidence vsing diligent labour and all honest meanes to helpe our selues and others Q. VVhich is the fifth petition and vvhat desire you in it A. The fifth is And forgiue vs our trespasses c and I desire that he would forgiue all of vs friend or foe our sinnes lest they either hinder vs of the former mercies or cause them to be taken frō vs and that he will perswade our consciences that we are forgiuen by giuing vs grace to forgiue freely and to forget those offences whereby in any thing or any way our neighbours haue bene grieuous vnto vs. Q. VVhich is the sixt and last petition and vvhat desire you in it A. The sixth is Leade vs not into temptation c. and I desire that as he will pardon vs so he would also giue vs the gift of continuance that though we be tempted yet may we ouercome and be deliuered from sinne and Sathan and neuer fall againe any more from God Q. VVhich is the confirmation A. For thine is the kingdome c. Q. VVhat learne you by this A. I do learne hereby two things 1. that it is a reason not to moue God but to stir vp our affections and to strengthen our faith in asking Q. Hovv doth it this A. When it teacheth me to acknowledge the kingdome to God our Father that is his dominion and right ouer all and that his power is the greatest to compell all to do what he will and as he will and his glorie the highest which himself maintaines and we seeke aboue all Q. VVhat is the second thing vve learne A. 2. A thanksgiuing and praysing of God which we ought to vse in the end as the second part of prayer which is done in giuing to God his owne the rule power and glorie which we desire him to manifest by graunting our petitions and we will acknowledge the same not for a time but for euer and euer Q. VVhich is the conclusion A. This word Amen Q. VVhat meane you by this vvord A. That I am perswaded by the aforesaid reasons that my request is graunted and shall bee performed as my father shall see it conuenient for me and his glorie in time and place And therefore I say it is so or so it shall be which is Amen The fifth part Q. VVhat is a Sacrament A. It is a visible signe and seale of inuisible graces commaunded and ordained with a promise by Christ in the Church to be administred publikely by a lawfull Minister with the preaching of the word which Sacrament with all the rites thereof doth represent and conuey by proportion and relation in the present vse inuisible graces first Christ and then all his benefites for further assurance of the same things which God hath made by the promise of his word vnto a true beleeuer who is with Christ by the holy Ghost vnited and made one Q. VVhat meane you by Christ all his benefits A. Whole Christ God and man with his righteousnesse iustice holines and redemption who as he is Christ one person of two natures is truly said to be really present in the Sacraments not properly in his humanitie but by the communion of properties Q Hovv may you be sure that you haue receiued true benefite by the Sacraments A. If I do feele a dying to sinne and liuing vnto righteousnesse getting strength and also increasing therein daily by the force of Christes death and resurrection Q. Hovv many Sacraments are there A. Two and no moe Baptisme and the Lords Supper VVhat is Baptisme A. It is the first Sacrament in the new Testament by which such as are within the couenant are either washed sprinkled or dipped in the water in the name of the Father Sonne and holy Ghost Q. VVhat is the outvvard signe and rite A. Water and washing Q. VVhat is the inuisible grace A. The bloud of Christ which cleanseth vs of all sinne originall and actuall past and to come Q. Are vve then no more sinners A. Yes in ourselues for originall sinne still is sinne in vs but we are washed from it because it shall not be imputed nor any sinne else vnto me a true beleeuer Q. VVho are to be baptized A. Not onely such as be of yeares that can do testifie their faith but also infants of either father or mother professing Christ and baptized for the promise of saluation belongs to them and to their children Q. Is baptisme so necessarie to saluation that vvithout it children cannot be