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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03693 A caueat to preuent future iudgements: or, An admonition to all England more specially, to London and other places where the death of plague hath lately beene. By Robert Horn Minister of the Word. Horne, Robert, 1565-1640. 1626 (1626) STC 13820; ESTC S116563 23,180 39

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euill of sin and God cannot make such a breach in his iustice as to spare for sin when men doe not spare to sin God is righteous and not mercifull onely and therefore Dauids song to him is of his mercy and iustice Psal 101.1 Thirdly God should doe wrong if it were not right to visit mans transgression with the rod and his iniquity with strokes Psal 89.32 but the God of iudgement cannot doe but what iust is and it is iust to giue to euery mother her owne childe that is correction where it is deserued and more where more is due therefore God afflicting for sin it followeth that sin is the deseruing cause of that affliction whatsoeuer An instruction in all we suffer Vse 1 whether by sicknesse or otherwaies to confesse the right father euen that which hath begotten all that with the seede of sin wee must confesse our sins to bee cause of all and learne to profit by the hand to amendment I say then hath God lately crost vs in our trades it is because we traded with sin haue our fields kept their Sabbaths it is because we haue not kept Gods Sabbaths haue they beene full of weedes our hearts haue been fuller of the weeds of sin hath God touched vs in our bodies it is because wee haue so dishonored him in our bodies doth the Land mourne and may we not say because of Oathes the Land mourneth Ier. 23.10 So for euery sorrow we must say this is our sorrow that is that which we are worthy of and comes to the right owner Ier. 10.19 If God lay his finger vpon vs touching vs in our estate with want or in our name with disgrace nay if he lay his whole hand vpon vs smiting vs with the calamities of Pestilence Famin or Sword we must cleare the Lord in al in al say Righteous art thou O Lord iust are thy iudgements Psal 119.137 Dauid when it was told him from the Lord by Nathan that euil should be raised against him out of his owne house that the Sword should be laid vpon it that his wiues should be defiled and the childe die 2. Sam 11.12 pleaded to all this no other defence but I haue sinned against the Lord verse 13. And he confesseth that when all those iudgements should come and be executed vpon him which God by his Prophet had threatned yet God was free and he in fault The like confession made Daniel for the people or rather against the people for the Lord in as fearefull a iudgement as could be executed vpon a Nation Dan. 9.5 6 7 11 12 13 14. which was that the Lord was iust and that they had deserued somuch and more what Dauid Daniel did in a Plague and calamitie the greatest vnder heauen that must wee doe in like manner and iustifie the Lord in all his iudgements for no iudgement is executed which is not executed for sin the law reads the sentence and God giues it if God poure out the dregges of his wrath it is because we are frozen in our dregges of sin Zeph. 1.12 the earth is filled with cruelty before God will fill it with water Gen. 6. and 7. Chap. and Sodom burneth with lusts before God will burne it with fire Gen. 18.20 19.5.24 25. So Iudah serueth sin before God will giue vp Iudah to serue in Babel Shee will not serue the Lord for 70. yeeres therefore shee must serue a strange Lord in a strange Land And now for our selues of this Nation the Lord hath lately broken in by a terrible Plague and shall we think other but that the sins were strong and masculine that called for it and if so should it not make vs in all that is come to confesse Gods righteousnes and our owne open shame because we haue sinned against him Dan. 9.8 should it not make vs to search and trie our waies and to turne againe vnto the Lord or make vs to new-cast our selues that we may be a people holy to God Tit. 2.14 If wee doe not rather if wee will not what hope sin continuing the cause of Plagues but that the effect should follow great Plagues for sin either God must loose his iustice or we perish if wee will not be reformed this was more largely spoken of in my Commentary on Psal 9 1. ver 10. the words there shall no euill c. Doctrine and Vses there A reproofe of those who being vnder the hand of God in their many sins Vse 2 neuer giue God glory by confessing vnto him his righteousnesse and their iniquities against themselues but fret at the rod and open wide against him that striketh with it so did that reprobate Mat. 25.24 who charged his Lord to be a hard man and an vnreasonable taker one that had a very hard law a law that reaped where it neuer sowed if they doe not what he commandeth the law is intollerable and who can helpe it or whose fault is it but his who should haue giuen them better grace so say Reprobates so said Cain and that Gods punishment was aboue the fault Gen 4.13 The Hypocrite when God laies smart vpon him and paies him in iustice for iniquity and for sins fareth like a beast that is sticked hal'd with ropes vsing neither meekenes nor entreaty but with roaring and strugling and straining himselfe doubleth his paine He neuer considers his sin in which he is bound fast vnto iudgement but complaines of his punishment also he flutters like a bird in a Net when God hath caught him but what is gotten by strugling thus vnder Gods hands they that are so impatient vnder the rod must be bound to a forme and what doe we get by running against the rocke and stone of offence but a dashing in fitters with the Plague-sore of a tormented conscience if then we will not bee as the most wicked when wee are in fault we must humbly as the most penitent submit when we haue to do with the Lord reuerencing his iust law and cleering him If hee follow vs with iudgements he is iust or if he reiect vs he is iust holy and righteous If he take away our corne in the time of haruest he may doe it sin prouoking him if hee bring the Plague againe why may he not who taking it away in mercy may in iustice reduce it for sinne if he kill with death we cannot complaine the wages of sinne being in our hands Rom. 6.23 and the issues of it in his The last reason perswading followeth Lest a worse thing come vnto thee THis last reason goeth off with a threatning shot It hath a full charge telling the man whom Christ healed that if he did so againe that is so as before he should not carry it so easily or then it should bee worse with him then euer God hauing an yron rod to breake those whom his rod of correction cannot make better And indeed the Lord hath many iudgments in his store-house that can neuer be emptied
we thinke or can wee imagine that God sent and took away so great a fire of Plague saue for some few sparkes that yet remaine here and there vntroden out only to hold talke of it and not to feare that God that hath power ouer all Plagues Then are we as blockish as those Iewes whom Ieremy reprooueth for learning nothing of the feare of God by his blessings yea though he reserued vnto them the appointed weekes of the haruest Ier. 5.24 But Gods children and all whom the Lord hath made wise to their Saluation wil heare the Rod and him who hath appointed or betrothed it Mich. 6.9 If the father brings a rod the fearefull childe will tremble the whip of Pestilence is a sore Rod they tremble at it whom God hath sealed By it or in sight of it they gather themselues and all their wits together taking them vp from their stray waies before the decree which is at the seale come forth or be executed against them Zeph. 2.1 or they fan winnow themselues from the chaffe of sin which cānot abide in the winde of the Lords iustice is driuen to hell with sinners and all that forget God They trie their waies and bring them to the touch turning vnto God Lam. 3.40 and so are better by the rod Gods louing correction makes them whole The wicked not so A reproofe of those who set all Gods iudgements or Vse 2 workes done in iudgement at naught There are that despise counsell and will none of Gods correction Pro. 1.25 such are neuer the better by his word calling them nor by the whip lashing them whether God be angry or well pleased they are all one Let the earth be moued they are not moued and let the hills tremble they feare not In the sad daies of a Land caused by Pestilence dearth or the rumours of warre they drinke wine in bowles and anoint themselues with the chiefe oyntments not troubled for the affliction of Ioseph Am. 6.6 no aduersity can make them change their merry note which they chaunt to their instruments of musick ver 5. and they put the day of euill farre off verse 3. They consider not the rod and prouoke the striker neither can punishments awe them nor blessings winne them for punishmēts if they touch not them no matter wher they light and for blessings they take them as gifts of fortune or with Papists as their due and merit from God they rise not by them to obediēce they liue in them to the giuers dishonor Hence so few to this day see to any amendment notwithstāding the singer of God or rather whole hand in so grieuousa Plague or stroke vpon Londō neuer the like or so great in any memory now liuing But though God hath now stopped the sore that so ran ceased not yet how soone he may open it againe who knowes who should not consider he is the same God that he was euer and the God that hateth iniquity as much as euer he did The Pestilence that was so lately sent what was it but the fruit of an euill tree that is of the Realms sin Our Land was all ouer-runne with sin Our Cities and great Townes were as the Pot and the men in them as the flesh spoken of by Ezekiel Chap. 11.3 Our Masters in Israel were many of them no Teachers and some that taught threw down by euill example what they builded by doctrine eating and drinking with sinners Mat. 24.49 the poore sheepe were smitten with ignorance all good fellowship was and did consist in pots of drinke and pipes of smoake In the whole Land there was a large confederacie and increase of sinfull men The sinnes of the Churches spoken of Apoc. 2. and 3. Chapters were the sins of some of better note in their cold loue of the truth and for pride fulnes of bread and abundance of idlenesse the very sins of Sodom what were they but Englands crying sins Thus it was with vs and this wee were when the late Plague began and if we fall againe vpon this euill byas of old custome to like sins or worse not remembring Gods late hand what can we expect but a new Plague or the old renewed God hath other roddes of correction in his Schoole and yron rods to breake vs if we will not turne at the correction past or if we will sinne still prouoking God in the Church and grieuing him in the Common-wealth the Lord will watch vpon worse Plagues to bring them among vs for when one affliction cannot preuaile he can send another and many till we be made better or confounded Leuit. 26.18.19 So much for the finger directing to the benefit the benefit it selfe followeth Thou art made whole CHrist heere remembers the man of the benefit hee had so lately and strangely receiued in his health which was giuen him not mediately in the Poole of Bethesda but immediately by diuine power And these words are the ground of the subsequent admonition first as if the Lord Christ had said sin made thee sick God hath made thee whole fall not backe to thy sins past lest the relapse make thee worse then euer Quest Quest Answ Doct. But who made this man whole Answ God by his power and Christ as God whence learne that as God can make sicke so it is he onely that can make whole We reade as much in the Text of Hannabs song which Text speaketh of a greater matter for it saith the Lord killeth and maketh aliue bringeth downe to the graue and raiseth vp 1. S●m 2.6 Now it is easier to raise from sicknesse to health then to bring from death to life Therefore Hezekiah King of Iudah went the right way for health when he turned his face to the wall and prayed vnto the Lord Esay 38.2 hence Moses in his song saith what we haue heard Hanna in her song to say Deut. 32.39 And the Prophet Hosea exhorting the people that went farre from God in their sinnes to draw back by repentance giues this for one reason that the Lord would heale them Hosea 6.1 as if there were no Physitian but he nor balme of healing but by him further also so much the king of Israel none of the best rather one of the worst confessed saying that he must haue Gods place who will take vpon him to heale a man of his Leprosie 2. King 5.7 the reasons Hence Reasons our health is commonly and truly called Gods blessing and here corporall Physitians or Physitians of the body are as the spirituall of the soule for they are but Ministers by whom we beleeue 1. Cor. 3.5 and so these are but Ministers of health and God is the giuer he that maketh an vnbeleeuer faithfull is he that maketh a sicke man whole and this is God for Faith is the gift of God Ephes 2.8 Secondly sin causeth sicknesse and impaiteth health Micah 6.10.13 but God onely forgiueth sins it was alledged by the Scribes