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death_n body_n soul_n unite_v 4,194 5 9.8657 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B07516 Sommons to doomes daie sent vnto his beloved England, as a memoriall of his deepe printed loue and loyaltie. / By Henoch Clapham.. Clapham, Henoch. 1595 (1595) STC 5345.7; ESTC S91454 27,025 82

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white Horse in the * Rev. 6.2 first seales opening namely vppon the worde of truth meeknes and righteousnes so shall hee returne for the perdition of the Antichristian body vpon the same worde or * Revel 19.11 c. white Horse issuing out of Heaven the Church then opening and the armies of faithfull issuing foorth with him for the destruction of the Gentiles the Beast the earthly Kings false Prophetes and Idolatrous marked People At the perimplishment whereof I look for the generall obedience of Israel prophecied plainely of by Isaiah 59.20 60. by Zechariah 12.10 c. by Paule Rom. 11.25.26 and the glory of their Church figured out plainlie Revel 21. compared with Isaiah 60. All which well waighed some may say Many things fore prophecied of and yet vnfulfilled are to fall out before that day therefore not like it is at hand I answere how things are effected abroad in the world I nor thou wholie vnderstand Secondly I feare that the multitude of the worlde will not perceiue these effects nor acknowledge the holy Church but rather arise with weapons to assist * Revel 20.7 c. Gog and Magog against the Church till fire come downe from heauen devoure them Thirdly the Apostle Peter not ignorant of the former prophecies did notwithstanding in his time crye out The day of the Lord is at hand 1. Epist 4.7 teaching vs so to fix our eye on this great day as no numbers of yeares foregoing may be deemed a day in comparison of that eternitie of time that then beginneth This Time finite and endable that infinite and without end as to the elect saved so to the reprobate damned as also to stirre vs vp to account of Time as God accompteth time that is future time to be present before our eies the glasse of time runne the Iudge at the doore and therefore accordingly to prepare our selues to judgment This necessarilie by the way now to the vse of the doctrine Will the day of the Lord come as a theefe even then when all the inhabitants of the earth shall no more discerne the time then did Sodome Gomorrha Zeboim Admah the fire and sulphure rained downe vppon them Oh how had wee neede to watch and * Luk. 21.34 to take heede to our selues as our Saviour admonisheth lest at any time our hearts be oppressed with surfeting drunkennes and cares of this life lest that day come vpon vs vnawares how had we need to watch and pray continuallie that wee may bee compted worthie to escape al these things that then shall come to passe and that wee may stand before the Sonne of man If a servant knew that his Lord at such a time would come he would happelie within that time orderly dispose of all things but alasse we are ignorant of the time of our Lords repaire Sure we are he wil come but how sodainly we know not except even then when we least dreame of his comming If any man say tush tush the day of the Lord is not neere I answere but thou knows that thy day is neere Admit the Great day be farre of yet thy death-day is not farre off What lease hast thou of thy life but till to morrowe and when thou art dead all the world is dead with thee As thou falls so receiues thy soule judgment Haue thou bene never so righteous if thou be cut downe in sinne vnrepented off * Ezech. 18. all thy former righteousnes shall be forgotten thou shalt vntill the greate day of the Lord be chained in the prison of horrour where the vnfaithfull and disobedient to * 1. Pet. 3.19 Noahs preaching are stil pent in that general doome the body shall be vnited with his soul and as they sinned togeather so liue a never dying death togeather Let not the Devill therefore sounde in thine cares the day of the Lord is nor neere wherein all souls shall be judged considering there is a day neere wherein thy soule shall be judged Death may as suddenly arrest thee vnto this particular doome or Fore-session as fire shall sommon the whole world vnto that generall Assises and Iudgment He that now saith Heart be at rest may by and by heare Oh Ideot this night they shall take away thy soule When Noah preached the end of all flesh they eat drank married builded planted sported out the daye and slept out the night but then even then the Cataracts of Heaven burst open and the waters belowe mounted aboue their bounds swelling till they overpeered the highest mountaines suffocated all flesh excepting them in Noahs Arke when with the fat franked Boare and rainging Heifer they deemed themselues most happy even then they became haples and accursed With the faithfull Sorrowe is ouer night and ioy in the morning but with the prophane and vnbeleever Ioye is ouer night and sorrowe in the morning Feare feare tremble then oh thou Earthworme who savours nothing but earth and dust as doth the serpent who was appointed to * Gen. 3.14 glide on the earth and to feede on dust Salomon knew it a * Prou. 28.14 blessed thing alwaies to feare and art thou wiser in thinking thy self blessed living fearelesse As the lightening flashing sodainely from East to west so shall the comming of the Son of man be Outward conjectures may bee drawne of his neere approching as is Faith liuely hard to bee founde Coldnes of loue vnnaturalitie c. but the period of time be it day moneth yeare as vncertaine as is the day moneth yeare of the theeues assailment vnto the housholder Ephes 6. As wise housnolders therefore haue we alwaies ready the helmet of Saluation not of Damnation the brestplate of Righteousnes not of Iniustice the girdle of Truth not of Falshood the sheild of Faith not of Vnbeliefe the sword of the Spirite not of the Flesh shooes prepared to carrie vs to Vtter forth and to heare the Gospell of peace not to carrie vs from vttering and hearing he peaceable Gospell and aboue all other things let vs Alwaies pray that come the Day generall or particular wee may be founde well exercised that when the wicked shal yell and roare and crie out to the mountaines to cover them then wee may with comfort lift vp our heades because that is the daye of our Redemption But because the Apostle wel knew that the bare and naked saying The day of the Lord will come sodainlie wold smallie availe to rowse vp persons addicted vnto the things of the worlde hee in the next place joineth with his comming such an effect as happilie may cause churlish Nabal to tremble The Heauens saith hee shall passe away with an hissing noise the Elements shall loose with heate and the Earth vvith the works therein shall be burnt vp Heere sed pace Doctorum dixerim by Heauens I vnderstand the celestiall globes of the seaven planeticall or wandering Starres together with the firmamentall sphere and first Moouer as