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A20806 The sicke-mans catechisme, or path-way to felicitie Wherin is contained great variety of sound directions and most sweete co[n]solations collected and contriued into questions and answers, out of the best diuines of our time, by Thomas Draxe minister of Gods Word. Wherevnto is annexed two most comfortable and powrefull prayers. Draxe, Thomas, d. 1618. 1609 (1609) STC 7186; ESTC S117551 39,347 134

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kill another to ease him of his paine muchlesse to kill a mans selfe Thirdly it is commonly a note of a reprobate And thus much touching the obiections The seauenth Chapter The benefites and priuiledges of death Question HAue the Godly any profit and aduantage by death A. Much and many waies Q. What benefits and priueledges haue they by death A. Two sorts of benefits priuatiue that remoue euill and positiue that ad good Q. What are the priuatiue benefits of death An. Foure first it perfectly fréeth Gods children from all temptations and from all sinnes both originall and actuall and herein consisteth a maine part of our blessednesse for if he be blessed whose sinnes are not imputed much more hee whose sinnes are wholy taken away Secondly it easeth vs of all the miseries afflictions paines and aduersities of this present life Thirdly it deliuereth from the euill world and from all sinnefull company and from all the tiran●…e of Gods and our enemies in so much that our eyes shall neuer sée nor our eares euer heare the abhominable practises of the wicked much lesse can they hurt or infect vs and what an vnspeakeable blessing is this Lastly it preuenteth sinne and misery to come for the Godly are taken away that their soules should not bee infected with sinne and that they should ●…ot with their e●…es behold euill nor the inordinate confusions in church or common-wealth Q. What vse is to be made of th●…se priuatiue blessings An. We must first learne patience and suffer temporary afflictions without fainting because shortly our euill shall determine Secondly let vs pray and s●…ke for and wish and waite that blessed time ●…hether of ●…eath or the last iudgement that shall f●…ée vs from all the euills whereof in this world we labour Section 1. Question What are the positiue benefites that wee receiue and enioy in death An. First death bringeth our soules into the immediate the glorious and euerlasting fellowshippe with GOD the Father God the Sonne and God the holy Ghost where wee shall haue perfection of knowledge absolute purity of will and affections and fulnesse of ioye for euermore Psalme 16. vers 11. Secondly wee shall with all the Saints and Angells behold and haue communion with Christ in glory world without end Lastly death putteth vs into actuall and perfect possession of all the good things that Christ hath purchased for vs which should we●… and withdrawe vs from the loue and liking of this vaine world and inflame vs with an earnest desire of enioying the heauenly Canaan so long agoe purchased and prouided for vs. Section 2. Q How can death make the faithfull and the Godly perfectly blessed séeing that their dead corps lie and rot in their loathsome graue An. It may very well be for first he that hath redéemed both body soule and giuen vs two excellent sacraments namely baptisme and the Lords supper to signifie and seale the same hath by his death embaulmed yea buried our death Secondly it being mistically spiritually and vnseparably vnited vnto Christ the fountaine of life and so remayning in the couenant of grace and fauour of God frée from all sinne and paine cannot be but in part blessed and in a sort partaker of life Lastly it resteth swéetly in the earth as in a bedde of downe vntill the last iudgement in a blessed expectation of the generall and glorious resurrection Que. Shall the body then certainely arise againe An. It shall vndoubtedly be raised vp againe at the last day For first the sacred scriptures the almighty power and promise of God and the effects of Christs death doe sufficiently proue it 1. Cor. 15. ve 13. 14. Secondly the bodies of the saints raised vp in the time of the old and newe Testament explane the same Thirdly Gods mercy cannot perfectly appeare in the glorious resurrection of the Godly nor his iustice in the perfect punishment of the wicked vnlesse there be a resurrection both to glory and confusion Lastly the death of the righteous is but a swéete sleepe wherein they rest from the labours of this life and out of which they shall in a moment be raised at the sound of the last trumpet Quest. The bodies of the reprobate shall as well bée raised vp againe as the bodies of the elect and how then can it bee any such singular benefite An. Yet notwithstanding it is a rare benefise for the resurrection of the iust and vniust is distinguished the one from the other by the causes and endes For the Godly arise by vertue of CHRIST their head and by vertue of his resurrection but the bodies of the wicked by the power of Christ as their iudge onely who shal arraigne and condemne them Secondly they differ in their endes the bodies of the Saintes arise in glorie to eternall glorie but the bodies of the wicked shall rise in shame to eternall shame and confusion Qu. If the Godly bee thus blessed as soone as they are dead is it then lawfull to mourne for the dead Ans. It is lawfull so that our mourning bee moderate and ioyned with hope for wee haue many holy practises in the scriptures of this mourning 1. Thes. 4. 14. I●…h 11. Phi. 2. 27. Questi What shall wee thinke of them that bewade the dead immoderately Ans. It is contrary to the hope of a blessed life and resurrection and calle●… Gods wisdome and iust decrée into question Qu. For what ends and in what considerations are wee to mourne for those that are dead in the Lord Ans. First because our sinnes and vnthankefulnesse haue bereaued vs of their confortable fellowship Secondly we must here by bee more effectually stirred vppe to entreate the Lord to bée good vnto vs and to turne away from vs those euills that their vntimely deathes many times prognosticate The eight Chapter Touching the way whereby wee may attaine to blessednesse Question VVHere is the way to attaine true blessednesse to be found Answer Onely in the worde of GOD that is the meane seede and instrument of eternall happinesse Isay. 30. 21. Q. How many things are by Gods word required that a man may die well Answ. Two things First a preparation before death Secondly a right behauior and disposition in death Q What is the preparation against death Answer It is the ac●…on of a repentant sinner whereby hee prepareth himselfe for the Lord. Q. Is this duetie necessary Answ. Yes for f●…t GOD so commandeth in many places of scripture Mark 13. 37. Luk. 12. v. 40. Secondly this present life is the onely time of getting the wedding garment and of reconciling and preparing our selues for GOD and his kingdome Titus 2. verse 11. 12. Luk. 13. ver 25. Thirdly we shall neuer lightly die the death of the righteous vnlesse wée liue their life and as death hath left vs so shall the last iudgement finde 〈◊〉 Quest. May we not defer this duetie vnto death An. No in any wise for the longer that
no worke of nature but of grace regeneration Thirdly the séed and roote of grace in Gods elect is neuer wholy taken away for Gods gifts are without repentance and Christs int●…rcession for their encrease and preseruation in grace is alwayes effectuall Ioh. 11. v. 42. The Sick-man But my faith is often-times dead and without all life and motion how 〈◊〉 can I be assured of Gods mercy The Minister Thy faith is not extinct but only for the time ouer-clowded with the mist of sinne and couered vnder the ashes of infirmitie it is like to a trée which in 〈◊〉 winter season albeit it bring foorth neither 〈◊〉 flowre nor fruite yet it hath life and s●…ppe at the roote which 〈◊〉 the spring time will ascend vp and appeare Secondly God respecteth rather the qualitie of faith then the quantitie if it be a true faith though as little as a graine of Mustard séede God accepteth of it for one drop and dramme of faith is of m●…e force to saue then an Ocean sea of sinne and corruption to condemne Thirdly and lastly faith without present ioy and feeling is more forcible and preuailing then faith with it for it onely relyeth vpon Gods power truth and promises yea when God sheweth himselfe an enemie to vs and séemeth to kill vs we by it beléeue in God and by faith waite on him whereas it is an easie matter for a man in the apprehension of sensible comfort and ioy to beléeue The fourth obiection The sick-man But the fearfull iudgments of God such as of late years haue bin that most inf●…tious and destroying pestilence the horrible and vn-matchable Gunne-powder treason the vnheard of breach of the sea and inundation of waters the late extreame and killing frost this present pinching and vnexpected dearth vnseasonable wether and many other publike and priuate iudgements vpon Church and common-wealth which I sée and heare of doe much dismay mée and cause me to doubt of Gods mercy Minister A. True it is that these and diuerse other punishments haue béene executed vpon vs for the neglect yea contempt of the blessed word of God and the powerfull ministerie of it for our want of zeale against the enimies of the truth for prophanation of the Sabboth for oppression of the poore for blasphemie for hypocrisie and for licentious liuing c. But notwithstanding if there be but one good man in a generation hée shall not for the multitude of transgressors be depriued of Gods mercies but finde comfort in the greatest plagues and punishments whatsoeuer Secondly though being once by faith ingrafted and incorporated into Christ yea and maried vnto Christ the author and fountaine of life and happinesse thou canst neuer miscarry nor perish For euen as the Disciples in the ship when a mighty storme for their triall and demonstration of Christs power was raised vp could not possibly perish the Lord of glory being there present in the ship so hauing Christ the Lord of glory dwelling in thine heart by his spirit how canst thou do amisse or why should thou doubt of Gods mercifull prouidence who ordereth all things for thy good The fift Obiection The sick man But my great vnworthinesse and vnthankfulnesse maketh me to suspect and feare that God will not performe that hée hath promised nor finish the good worke that he hath begun in me Minister A. This is indéed a gréeuous temptation yea the sorest of all others but this cannot hinder God from performing his promises For as the making of his couenant of grace with vs and the offer of his sauing promises vnto vs procéeded onely from his frée goodnesse and méere mercie without any respect to our workes or worthinesse so the accomplishing of his promises is to be onely ascribed to the same grace and goodnesse Thirdly as hath before bin particularized not the greatest ●…rmers and offenders in the old and new Testament haue euer by reason of their owne vnworthinesse bin denyed or depriued of Gods mercies but vpon confession of their sinnes desire of pardon and the purpose and beginning of amendment of life were pardoned and receiued into Gods euerlasting fauour Q. Is it necessarily then required of vs that we confesse and acknowledge our owne vnworthinesse A. Yes without question for hereby we are made capable of Gods mercies and blessings God doth depresse the proud and exalt the humble he filleth the hungry soule with goodnesse but the rich in their owne conceit onely hée sendeth away emptie Luke 1. 52. 15. and Christ was sent not to call the righteous in their owne opinion but sinners in their owne sense and confession to repentance Q. Séeing that God doth not simply forsake or cast off any for his vnworthinesse what vse make you of this point A. We must learne hence neuer to call Gods mercy truth and goodnesse into question but we must make it the foundation of our confidence and hope for it is vnchangeable infinite and euerlasting and thus dooing we shall haue no cause to feare euill but to looke to finde all good things in Christ our treasure husband and head The fourth Chapter Of Death and the cause of it Question VVHen the sick person is once perswaded of the pardon of his sinnes for the time past and present what further duty remaineth to be performed A. He is to be prepared and armed against the feare of death the assaults of Satan and the ●…errour of the last iudgement 〈◊〉 Q. Now that hée may bée prepared and armed against death what points are to be considered A. Seauen points specially I. what death is II. The certainty of it III. The causes and kindes of it IV. The exceptions that are taken against it V. The benefits of it VI. The preparation and furniture against it And VII what disposition and behauiour is required in death it selfe Of these in order Chapter the fift Of death his causes and kindes Question VVHat is death A. It is the taking away of life or the dissolution and separation of the soule from the body ordeined of God and for the punishment of sinne imposed vpon Adam and all his posteritie Rom. 6. 23. 1. Cor. 15. 21. Col. 2. 13. Q Doth God yet impose death as a punishment A. Yes for euery man sinneth and the very infante is not without originall corruption and therefore all must of necessity no persons order or degrée excepted at length die the temporall death Eccle. 3. ve 3. Psal. 49. v. 10. Heb 9. 27. Q. What is the procuring and deseruing cause of death Ans. Sinne whereby man brake Gods commandement Q. How was sinne first brought into the world A. Satan in the forme of a serpent perswaded Eue to eate of the forbidden aple Eue assenting to satan did eate of it and gaue it to Adam who harkned to her and thus they both of them sinned and brought death vpon themselues and all their posterity Q Why then were not Adam and
Eue immediately after their fall put to death An. First because the threatning of death was not absolute but included a condition of faith in Christ that was to be borne and that should breake the serpents head Secondly Adam and Eue incontinently vpon their fall became mortall in their bodies and accursed in their soules Thirdly God by his clemency and indulgence towards them would make a way to make knowne his mercie Quest. If all men by reason of sinne must néedes die why did not Enoch and Elias in the time of the old Testament die the death of all but were rapt aliue into heauen Ans. First their translation was extraordinary and proper to themselues onely Secondly they were figures and tipes of the generall resurrection Thirdly their translation was nothing els but an extraordinary death for they were changed in a moment from mortality to immortality Obiect But at the day of iudgement many shal be found aliue howe then can all men bee said to die Answ. All the elect at the sound of the trumpet shall in a moment bée changed from corruption to incorruption and from mortality to immortality which is a kinde of death Qu. Now seeing that sinne is the cause of death what vse are we to make of it Ans. Wee must bée mooued hereby to take notice of and acknowledge Gods seuere wr●…th against sinne and by consequence we must learne to hate and shun all kind of sinne The sixt Chapter Of the diuers sortes of death and of the degrees of spirituall death Question OF how many sorts is death A. Of two sorts ●…mely ●…ily or spirituall Q. What is bodily death An. It is the first death or the separation of the soule from the body Q. Is the particular time of bodily death made knowne to any directly before hand Ans. No for that time in respect of vs is most vncertaine and God hath reserued it in his owne power and disposition only Q. Why so Ans. That wée should not defer and put off our repentance from day to day but labour to be in a readinesse and waking yea and waiting for our Lords comming euery day Mark 13. v. 37. Q. What then may this present life in consideration of his short continuance and vncertaintie bée compared vnto Ans. To a vapor to smoake to a shaddow to a weauers shutle to grasse and to the flowre of the field which are of short and vncertaine continuance Qu. But why doe the children of God die this temporall death séeing that their sinnes which are the cause thereof are forgiuen A. First because their sinnes howsoeuer forgiuen are not wholy in regarde of the corruption and remainders of them taken away and abolished before death Secondly this corruptible flesh and bloud cannot inherite the kingdome of God 1. Cor. 15. 50. Thirdly that they may be in some sort made conformable to Christ his death Lastly that the godly may learne and finde by experience the difference betwéene this mortall life and that immortall glory in the world to come and that they may haue experience of Gods power in raysing vp the dead Q. What is spirituall death A. It is a separation of the whole man both in body and soule from the fauour and gratious fellowship of God and a subiecting of him to eternall condemnation and hell fire begun in this world and accomplished in the world to come Q. What is the cause of the spirituall death Ans. Sinne so farre foorth as it is ioyned with vnbeliefe and impenitencie for not sinne simply but sinne not repented of damneth Que. Are there degrées of spirituall death Ans. Yes there are thrée in number Q. What is the first degrée of spirituall death A. It is when a man by reason that his soule is depriued of spirituall life faith and repentance and for that his body is a fitte instrument to put any sinne in execution is subiect to Gods wrath and appointed to punishment Quest. What is the second degrée of it An. Condemnation or euerlasting forment whereby the soule immediatly after the departure of it out of the body is carried by the diuells into hell Quest. What is the third and last degrée of it An. When in the nay of iudgement the soule and body being reunited and ioyned together shall for euer-more féele Gods intollerable indignation and endure the vengeance of eternall death Quest. How can this last kinde of death be so called properly séeing that both the bodies and soules of the reprobate shall alwayes suruiue and remaine a●…ue Answ. That life is no true life for such an vnhappy condition deserueth rather to be called death then life for the damned are vniuersall excommunicated from the fauour and glory of GOD and are vtterly and for euer bereaued of all holynesse and happynesse Qu. Are Gods children fréed and exempted from these kindes of spirituall death An. Yea for they are deliuered from the first degrée of spirituall death by regeneration whereby they are renewed in all the part of their soules affections They are deliuered from the second kinde when their soules forthwith after their departure out of the bodie are carryed vp into heauen Apoc. 14. 13. The third degrée they are fréed from at the day of iudgement when both body and soule shall be glorified together and liue together for euer in heauen Q. Is it not good yea and the entrance into eternall blisse for the godly to dye A. Yes certainly for it is better to dwell with God then with men Secondly they hereby forth-with enter into the possession of euerlasting happinesse The sick-man Q But there are many fearefull accidents and occurrences to which the godly themselues are subiect in their sicknesses and deaths therefore how can it be good for Gods children to dye A. Propound and impart them vnto me and I will giue thée the best satisfaction that I can The sick-man 1. Obi. Death is the wages of sinne the curse of the lawe and the enimy of Christ and his children how then can it be good A. It is not such by it owne nature and in it selfe but it is changed and the property thereof is altered by Christ his death in so much that of a curse and punishment it is turned into a gentle and fatherly correction and is made a narrow entrance and a short cut into euerlasting life And in this last respect it may bée aptly compared to the redde sea which drowning the AEgiptians gaue a miraculous passage to Gods people into the blessed land of promise and euen so death which sendeth the reprobate spéedily to hell doth in a moment let in the godly into the kingdome of heauen Q. In what respects and considerations may death be said to be an enemy A. First in respect of the originall of it for the enuie of the deuill brought it into the world namely as an outward and remote cause Secondly because it is opposite to Gods promise
of the duties which the sick person oweth vnto God The xvi Chapter Question VVHat are those duties that a man is to performe to him selfe or his owne person An. They are two-fold for they belong either to the soule or to the body Qu. What is the duty which he oweth to his owne soule An. Hee must arme and strengthen him-selfe agninst the feare of Satans assaults against the immoderate feare of death and against the Terrour of the last iudgement Qu. How is a man to be armed and strengthned against Satans assaults Ans. By considering and beléeuing that Christ hath ouercome and bound for vs the strong man Satan that had the power ouer death Qu. What is the second duty that he oweth to his soule Ans. To arme himselfe against the immoderate feare of death Qu. Is it not good then that men should in some moderat sort feare death Ans. Yes for it putteth vs in mind of the greeuousnesse of our sinnes and what wee deserue if God should deale strictly with vs. Secondly it holdeth men backe in their extremities from laying violent hands on themselues for they that are thus desperately minded do not so much as once thinke of Hell and the torments of it Ques Séeing the feare of death is thus profitable why must the sicke bée armed against the feare of it An. Because death approaching naturall feare doth most of all shew forth it selfe astonish the sicke mans senses and causeth despaire Qu. What are the meanes to comfort him against the feare of death An. They are of two sorts namely practises and meditations Q. What are the practises A. They are two First the sicke parties must not so much feare death as cast their eyes vpon euerlasting life Secondly they must consider death not in the bright coullor of the lawe for then our weake eyes cannot endure to behold it for then it is a cruell sergeant armed with the anger and curse of God nor in it selfe for then it is to men vnregenerate the very entrance into hell yea hell mouth it selfe But we must take from it the fearefull maske and visard of the law and behold it as it is set forth in the mixt and tempered coullor of the Gospell and as it is changed by Christ his death who hath not onely deaded it by his owne death but also quickned it so that it is to the beléeuers bodie a temporary and a swéete sléepe and to their soules the gate of saluatiō wherby they enter into y e possession of life euerlasting Q. Why must not a Christian man vnmeasurably feare death A. First because it is to the godly the end of all euils all sinne errour and misery Secondly because after death he passeth presently to a better state Thirdly because he hath immediate fellowship and communion with the holy Trinity with the elect Angels and the glorified Saints And thus much of practises The 2 Section Qu. What are the Meditations which serue for this purpose An. They are principally foure which are the foundation of all the rest Qu. What is the first meditation A. That euery mans death as hath bi●… before prooued procured by his own sins is fore-séene and appointed in Gods eternall decrée together with all the circumstances thereof Psal. 139. 15. 16. Q. What benefit will hereby redound vnto vs Ans. It will arme vs against all feare distrust and impatiency in the howre of death Psa. 39. 10. Gen. 42. Q What is the second meditation A. The consideration and contemplation of the in●…stimable glory laid vp for vs and of the eternall and vnspeakable blessednesse prouided for vs. Q. What profit shall we receiue hereby Answ. It doth withdraw vs from the resting in this temporall miserable life and lifteth vp our mindes and affections vnto God yea and maketh vs with Iob Moyses and others cherefully and willingly to endure afflictions Q. What is the third meditation Answ. The spirituall and vnseparable coniunction and fellowship which the beléeuers both in their soules and bodies in life and death haue with Christ. For for their bodies and soules are in the fauour and couenant of God and they both shall be re-united together in the last day be both eternally glorified Que. What is the fourth meditation Ans. The speciall promise of Gods presence and assistance in death and in all other distresses for we haue Christ our companion in affliction 1. Pete 4. 13. Qu. What vse are we to make hereof Ans. Wee must liue by faith and not by sense beléeuing the things promised which we sée not and hoping for things that séeme desperate Que. How or how many waies doth God manifest his presence in sickenesse Ans. Thrée manner of waies first by lessning and moderating the paines of sickenes and death and by giuing them strength and patience Secondly by refreshing and comforting the spirit after a wonderfull manner Thirdly by the gard and ministery of the good Angells which defend the Godly against the Diuell and his Angells Psa. 34. for they are present with and attend vpon Gods seruants in their sickenes and are ready to carry the●r soules into heauen The 3 Section Quest. How are the sicke to be armed and strengthned against the strictnesse and terrour of the last iudgement where in the diuell the law and our owne conscience shall accuse vs of infinite faults Ans. First wee must acknowledge our sinnes for that is the way of iustification Ioh. 1. 9. Psa. 32. 5. In matters of felony as we say confesse and be hanged but in matter of diuinity confesse and be saued Secondly wee must flie and appeale to Iesus Christ and content our selues with his righteousnesse onely and then hee absoluing vs who shall condemne vs and he making intercession for vs who can preuaile against vs. Rom. 8. verse 34. And thus much of the duty that the sicke man is to performe in respe●… of his soule The xvii Chapter Of Physicke and preseruation of bodily health Question WHat is the duty that the sicke are to performe to their bodies Ans. They ought to be carefull to preserue health and life vntill God take it wholy away Que. Then it is lawfull for any man to kill himselfe Ans. No for wee must in no wise depart out of our standing vntill God out heauenly generall command vs. Secondly euery man is bound to cherish and nourish his owne body and therefore he must not destroy it Thirdly all murder is forbiden and interdicted and therfore much more the killing of a mans selfe Fourthly if a man kill him-selfe hee doth not escape misery but runne into it Fiftly if it be a wickednesse to kill another man for to ease him of present paiae then it is a more horrible wickednes to kill himselfe Lastly the killing of a mans selfe is commonly and generally noted for a marke of a reprobate and faithlesse man Que. Why must we preserue life and health A. For two reasons first that we may
and inlarge thy Sion and thy Ierusalem euen after my death build vp the wals of it repaire the decaies of thy Church and confound Antichrist and the vpon me yet notwithstanding I herein acknowledge thy infinite goodnesse and compassion in Christ that thou haste in slicted them vpon me not as plagues and curses as they are in their owne nature to the vnbeléeuing and vnrepentant but as fatherly corrections and chastisments messengers of death and immortallitie and meanes to prepare me for and conuay mee to thy kingdome For hereby thou my most deare Father intendest and workest mine amendment makest triall of my faith hope patience and thankefulnesse preuentest sinne to come and stirrest vp in me a desire and longing expectation of euerlasting rest happines UUherfore I most humbly beseech thée to pardon and remoue my sin the cause thereof perfit my repentance for the same increase my faith and hope graunt me strength and patience with comfort to indure this thy visitation sanctifie it vnto me and conuert it to my saluation in the end Restore me if it be thy good pleasure in thy good time to my former and perfect health that I may performe vnto Turke and the rest of the obstinate enemies of it Uouchsafe to bee a father vnto my wife children and family supply their wāts whether spiritual or boddily plant thy feare in their hearts and make them constant in all duties of holynes righteousnes that they may liue and die in thy fauor and at length be made partakers of eternall ioy and glory Giue O my heauenly father a blessed assent to these my petitions and graunt me all other thinge which thy wisdome séeeth good for me for thy sonne Iesus Christ his sake mine onely Redéemer Mediator to whome with thy Maiesty God the holy Ghost bée giuen al honour praise and glory now and for euermore Amen A thansgiuing to be vsed of a sicke man if he recouer I Yéeld render and ascribe vnto thée O Lord my God al honor praise thanks and glory for all thine infinite vnmeasurable vndeserued mercies in Christ whether they concern my body or soule this life or a better and in particular for his present benefit of redéeming my soule from death and my body from the graue that I should yet liue the longer in the land of the liuing to set forth thy glory to do more good in my calling and standing and the more perfectly to prepare my selfe for my latter end and for thy kingdome O Lord my God this is thy work it procéedeth only from thy grace and mercy and not from any goodnes or merit of mine But séeing thy might and mercy so meruailously appeareth in my recouery and I of my self am more ready to forget thē remember and to grow remisse carelesse for the time to come then to serue thée in godly feare and grow vp in grace sanctification I beséech thée to write the memory of this thy mercy in my heart w t the Diamond of thy spirit graunt me grace y t denying mine own wit wil sence I may follow y e direction of thine holy word and submit my selfe to the blessed gouernment of thy spirit Make mee a willing and happy instrument of further good in my vocation and trade of life and grant déere father that as I growe in yeares so I may grow and increase in grace and obedience that I may liue in thy feare and fauour and die in peace and then see thy glorious face and inioy the immediate and most blessed fellowship of Christ my sweet Sauiour and of all thy Saints and Angels for euermore Uouchsafe me louing and gratious father these mercies and al other things néedfull for me for the merits obedience and mediation of thy beloued Sonne Iesus Christ to whom with thée and the holy Ghost thrée persons one al sufficient God bee praise in the Church throughout all generations for euer Amen Amos. 3. 6. Ioh. 5. 14. 2. Sam. 12. Psal. 16. 7. Iob. 13. 26 Lam 3 41. Psal. 30. v. 6. Deut. 8. 2. 13. 3. Cant. 5. 5. 6 Hos. 5. 15. Rom. 8. ●…say 8. 20. 〈◊〉 33. 15 Act. 4. 12 Isay 43. ve 25. Ier. 31. 34 〈◊〉 Sam. 12 12. 13. Psal. 51 ve 3 and 4. Dan. 9 6 Luk. 18 13 Iob. 19. 25 1 Ioh. 1. 〈◊〉 Psal. 119. 59 Iam. 1. 23. Isay. 8. 20 Rom. 3 ver 23. Gen. 6 〈◊〉 5 Eph. 2 3 Iob. 33. ve 16. 17 18. 2 Chr. 21 17. Rom. 8. ve●… 20 22. Iere. 5. v. 3. Lam. 3. ver 22. Psal. 130. 6. Rom. 5. ve 20. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 v. 18 Gen. 7. 〈◊〉 c. Gen. 8. v. 1 Simile ●…sal 30. v. 7. 8. 9 1. Ioh. 〈◊〉 Iob. 13 1●… Mat. 15 v. 23. ad 29. Gen. 7. 1 Mat. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 28. Rom. 3. v. 3 Luk. 5 31. Vse Phil. 1 23 Gen 2 17 Heb. 9 27 Rom. 5 12 Rom. 5 1●… Psa. 96 v. 〈◊〉 et 10 〈◊〉 1. Ioh. 3. 〈◊〉 Gen. 3. v. 6 Rom. 8. 1●… 1 Tim. 2. 14. 1 Thes. 4 14. 1 Cor. 15. 51. Phil. 1. 23 Luk. 12. v. 40. Rom. 8. v. 29 Luk. 13. v. 3. 15. Rom. 6. 2 Luk. 12. 20. 21. Luk. 16. 23 2. Thess. 1. vers 9. Rom. 6. v. 23 Gal. 3. 10. A similitude Math. 26 v. ●…9 Luk. 2. ve 29. ●…om 8. v. ●…3 34. Math. 4. ve ●…4 et 7. Psal. 31. 15 Rom. 7. ●…4 Isay 57 ve 1. 2. 2 Kings 22. 20. Isa. 57 1. Math. 22. 32. Lu●… 23. ve 1●… 32 a●… 44. Luk. 23. 〈◊〉 40. 2. Tim. 2●… 25. Luk. 13. 〈◊〉 24. Senec. lib. 3 Epist. 26. Iob. 42. 6. Ionah 4. 〈◊〉 4. 5. 1. Cor. 15. v. vl●… Hebr. 11. v. 9. 10. Iam. 1. 〈◊〉 Rom. 3. v. 〈◊〉 Rom. 7●… v. 7. Hebr. 2. 1●… Gal. 2. 20. Rom. 8. 13. Math. 7. 2●… Luk. 13. vers 25. 〈◊〉 C●… 5. 〈◊〉 Luk. 5 19. Leu. 13. 45 46. Psa. 39. 1●… 〈◊〉 2. 2. Cor. ●… Apoc. 12 Psa 6. 1. Luk. 16. 〈◊〉 5. 29. Ioh. 9. ●…in 20. 7 Act. 7. ve●… 60. Math. 5. v. 25. Math. 10. Iosua 24. v. 14. 13. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. 15. Act. 20. 28. Rom. 8. 17. Heb. 9. v. 16. Gen. 18. 19. 1 Sam 2. 30. Pro●… 15. 16. Io●… 4. 24. Rom. 8. ver 26. Psa. 31. 5. Gen. 12. 1●… 1. 23. 1. 〈◊〉 18. 1. Cor. 4. 7. ●…hil 1. 23. ●…om 7. 〈◊〉 Cor. 5. ●…oc 14. 〈◊〉 Isay 38. 18.
THE SICKE-MANS Catechisme OR Path-way to felicitie Wherin is contained great variety of sound directions and most s●●●●●e cosolations Collected and con●ri●ed into Questions and Answers out of the best Diuines of our time BY THOMAS DRAXE Minister of Gods Word Wherevnto is annexed two most comfortable and powrefull prayers LONDON Imprinted for Henry Holland and are to be sold by I. W. at Christ Church dore TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL LEARned religious and Martiall Gentleman Sir Richard Warbarton Knight grace peace and plentifull increase of all holynesse and happinesse AMongst all the temporary and ordinary penalties and punishmēts of mās transgression surely sicknesses diseases malladies aches yea most of all death it selfe together with all their seuerall accidents and temptations are most grieuous yrkesome and vnwelcome For they are simply in themselues and in their owne nature cōsidered plagues and curses they produce fearefull effects in the vnregenerate namely impatiency vnquiet nesse horrour blasphemy desperation and the practise of vnlawfull cures and remedies Wherefore it is right worshipful a worke of no meane art skil experience soundly to catechize the sick to rectifie their iudgements to bring thē to a true sense confidence of sin to begette faith in them to cause them in hope and patiency to wait vpon God to prepare them to dye well and blessedly but it is opus labor It requyreth the tonge of the learned and a messenger or interpreter one of a thousand such as haue bin of late times M r Spineus and M r Perkins two bright and glo rious stars in the French and English Firmament but now Saintes in heauen who haue learnedly and largely trauaild in this point Wherefore it may s●…eme a needles matter for any man to write further of this subiect my self may bee thought morebolde then wise in presuming to put forth any newe matter or to change or ad ought yet because no mans worke is absolutely perfect and for that variety of treatises is both delightsome and desireable and because the fraile memory and the simple capacity of very many cannot comprehend large and profound discourses but best profiteth by short and easy instructions I haue vppon these groundes drawne and contracted the large treatises of the aboue-named Authors into plaine and compendious questions answers with diuers additions and illustrations of mine owne hoping that in the dilligent reading hereof the ignorant shall get knowledge the wauering finde resolution the distressed receiue comfort the presumptious bee humbled the tempted armed against Satans assaultes and all that are well affected bee prepared for God and directly guided to eternall glory Wherefore vppon this expectation also induced by the earnest request of a much respected friend I haue thought good to publish it and vpon due consideration to consecrate and commend it to your fauourable protection patronage For first you are very learned and wil iudge well you are most kind and curteous and wil take all in good part and you are vnfainedly relligious and wil giue intertainment to any matter of godlynesse Secondly you in an heroicall zeale and r●…solution haue both in the time of Queen Elizabeth a Princesse of most renowned memory of incomparable excellency sithence fought for Christ his blessed Gospell and therefore what thing more pleasing vnto you then matters of religion consciēce Lastly hauing receiued so manifold kindnesses from you I can by none other meanes better testifie my thankful heart Thus intreating your worshippe to read accept off and make vse of my Catechisme and yeelding you many thankes for all your fauours I heare most humbly take my leaue God almighty who hath giuen you recouery of health and increase of spirituall comfort in a religious Cittie perfit both the one and the other in you blesse and protect you and your most godly and vertuous Lady grant you both a long and blessed life in this world and consumation of holynesse and happinesse in the world to come February 12. 1609. Your Worships in the Lord at commaund THOMAS DRAXE A Table of the principall points contained in this Catechisme The 1. Chapter Sicknes described The causes of it Obiections answered The way to find out secret sinnes The ends why God ●…mposeth sicknesses The diuers effects of them according to their subiects Certen rules of comforting the sicke The first rule what The benefite of it The 2. Chapter Sinne the cause of sicknes Sinne to be confessed Sinne of omission The knowledge of the lawe a meane to find out sinne Gods iudgements to be made knowne to the sicke To bee sencelesse of Gods iudgements how dangerous The 3. Chapter Perswasion of Gods loue and presence in sicknesse necessary The greatest sinnes pardonable and pardoned in them that repent Obiections of other mens vnworthines Obiections against want of feeling Faith neuer wholy lost Generall calamities no preiudice to the saluation of the Godly Obiection of a mans owne vnworthynesse answered The 4. Chapter The sicke to be prepared against death What death is How brought into the world Why were Adam and Eue spared Why Enoch and Elias were translated aliue into heauen The 6. Chapter Bodily death what Why the time is vnknowne Why the Godly die Q. What spirituall death is The seuerall degrees of it Sundry obiections and exceptions against death confuted Q. Whether sudden death bee simply euill Q. Whether all that kill themselues be certenly damned The 7. Chapter The priuatiue benefits of death or the euill it freeth vs from The positiue benefit of it The temporary death of the body no curse to the Godly The body shall rise and why Whether it be lawful to mourne for the dead and how The 8. Chapter The way to happinesse conteined and declared in the scriptures Preparation against death what The necessity of it When to be performed The example of some that repented at their death is no rule for vs to delay our repentance The 9. Chapter The meditation of death necessary It is very profitable The obiectes of it The 10. Chapter Wherein the sting of death lyeth Quest. How knowne and taken away The 11. Chapter The first degree of entring into eternall life The diuers kindes of it The 12. Chapter Why and how a man must enure himselfe to die well The 13. Chapter Preparation must be speedy and hearty and why The 14. Chapter Offalse preparation Auricular confession superstitious needeles impossible For ●…he sicke man to receiue the Sacrament it is not simply necessary Obiections answered Extreame vnction not now necessary The 15. Chapter Reconciliation and the renewing of faith and repentance towards GOD necessary Thankes-giuing necessary The 16. Chapter The sicke must haue a care of his soule Feare of death how good How we are to be armed against it Practises and Meditations against it The 17. Chapter Phisike lawfull and necessary It is meanes of preseruation of life What Physitions are to be chosen Preparation of soule and body in the
vse of the meanes The end of Phisike The 18. Chapter The sicke must sorgiue and desire forgiuenesse of others The Magistrats the Ministers and the masters of the familes duty The making of a will necessary According to what rules it must be made The 19. Chapter To die in faith necessary and what it is To die in obedience necessary and what it is The end of them that die well is blessed Consolations against the imagined calamities of our posterity viz. wife chilldren Consolations against losse of honour profit and pleasure in this life Death how farre forth to be feared Q. How farre forth not to be feared Whether that a man may lawfully desire death In what respects The summe of the whole treatise The Sick-mans Path-way The first Chapter concerning sicknesse Question WHat is sicknesse Ans. It is according to Philosophie and Phisicke a priuation of health or an ill disposition and passion in the body contrary to nature Qu. But how define you it according to diuinitie Ans. It is Gods rod and instrument to chastice vs for our sinnes and to put vs in minde of our mortalitie it is the herbinger and messenger of death and by vertue of Christs death it is a narrow and spéedy passage to euerlasting life Q. From whence or from what causes doe sicknesses and diseases procéede A. They procéede from God as the inflicter and imposer of them for he is the author of the euill of punishment but they arise from sinne as the de●…eruing and procuring cause Psalm 39. Leuit. 26. 16 Deut. 28. vers 22. 23. 24. Q. How can God that is simplye good yea goodnesse it selfe be the cause of euill namely sicknesse diseases paine c. A. Gods goodnesse and iustice doth and may very well consort together in the beléeuers for as God in his iustice doth correct his children for their disobedience so doth he temper and qualifie it with his mercy and goodnesse that these afflictions are finite tolerable and tend both to the temporall and eternall good and profit of his children Psal. 25. v. 10 Rom. 8. v. 28. Q. What vse are we to make of this point A. Wée must first descend into our selues acknowledge our sinne and wickednesse yea and condemne our selues for it 1. Cor. 11. 31. Secondly we must be so farre of from fretting murmuring repining against God that we must iustifie God in all his chasticements not to require the reasō of them for they are alwayes good and holy albeit we doe not alwayes sée the particular reason of them Thirdly we committing our selues to Gods will must earnestly entreate the Lord to restore vs to our former health or else to receiue vs to his euerlasting kingdome Obi. But God hath in his beloued Sonne Christ Iesus forgiuen yea and taken away the guilt dominion curse of sinne which is the cause of their sicknesses and why then doth he not withall remooue the effect viz. sicknesse diseases c A. Albeit the guilt curse and dominion of sinne be remooued from the beléeuers yet the reliques and stumpes of sinne remaine and inherent corruption is but in part abolished and therefore so long as we liue in this world the Lord must néeds more or lesse one way or other fatherly chastice exercise vs. 1. Cor. 11. 31. Heb. 12. v. 6. 8. Obi. 2. But Gods children cannot alwayes finde out the peculiar sinnes that are the proper and immediate causes of their sicknesses and diseases A. Yet not withstanding we must suspect accuse and condemne our selues and withall iustifie and cléere the Lord for there is some secret and hidden sinne of pride worldlinesse lust enuie vanitie oppression c. for which wee are corrected albeit it bee not presently made knowne vnto vs. Q. What course must we take to finde out this Achan or secret corruption A. We must as I will in the next Chapter more fully shew examine our selues by the strict rule of Gods law Secondly we must entreate the Lord by prayer to reueale the sinne vnto vs. Thirdly and lastly we must take notice of the checkes of our conscience yea and the taunts reproches of our enimies Q. What are the principall ends why God laieth sicknesses diseases aches c. vpon his children A. They are principally these foure to witt mortification and preuention of sinne triall and exercise of Gods graces in vs manifestation of Gods glorr and lastly our saluation and eternall happinesse Q. But to speake of each of these ends particularly yet briefely how doth God mortifie and preuent sinne by sicknesse A. First God doth hereby declare his iustice and anger against sinne past and present that his children might be more effectually stirred vp to search them out consider of them and be sory for them Secondly God hereby doth correct the pride of prosperitie and remooue all vaine confidence in carnall wisedome riches beautie friends that we may waite patiently and onely vpon his power truth promises and learne to séeke for heauenly things so that by this his correction he taketh away the myst of errour from our eyes purgeth our hearts from the drosse of corruption and fanneth vs from the chaffe of sinne and hereby prepareth vs either for health or heauen Q. Doth God by sicknesse and the like afflictions preuent sinne to come A. Yes certainly thus pride was preuented in blessed Paul 2 Cor. 12. ver 7. 8 Security in Dauid Psal. 30. 6. 7. and neglect of preparation in the Corinthians 1. Cor. 11. v. 31. Q. What is the second end of Gods chasticements A. To trie and make knowne to themselues and to others their faith hope patience repentance constancie yea to exercise quicken and encrease in them these and other graces that they may be thankfull to God for them and may be as mirrours and lamps vnto others Q. Are not also by this triall and exercise decayed graces recouered A. It is most certaine for hereby deadnesse and drowsinesse of heart is cured and men are mooued more feruently to séeke and pray vnto God then they did before Psal. 30. 6. Q. What is the third end A. The declaration and manifestation of Gods power glory and goodnesse in their deliuerance either by life or death Iohn 9. vers 3. Q. What is the last end A. After that God hath reformed humbled and exercised them and made them to relie wholy vpon him and to waite wish for their saluation to bring them by death into the heauenly Canaan where they shall haue immediate fellowship and raigne with Christ for euer-more Q Séeing that sicknesses diseases and the like chasticements haue such comfortable and blessed effects and euents in Gods children what is the reason why they should not be the same in the wicked and vngodly A. The difference lieth first in their persons the elect are accepted of God and therefore like the good golde they are made more pure and bright by visitations and afflictions
Ergo we must not looke to haue our rest and heauen here Fourthly they that dote and surfet vpon these earthly and out-ward things are void of faith hope and repentance and so perish and therefore it is better willingly to forgoe these things then to bee vndone by them Lastly we must looke for true and euerlasting honour the pretious and proper riches sincere and neuer discontenting pleasure in the paradice of heauen onely and bid auant to these earthly matters when they hinder vs in the course of Godlinesse and most destrously forsake them when the Lord by death calleth vs to the kingdome of glory and the felicity thereof Que. Ought a man to feare death Ans. He ought partly to feare it and partly not to feare it Questi Why must a man feare death An. First because it is the destruction of nature and a paineful correction Ques What vse is to be made hereof Ans. We must feare sinne that is the cause thereof and acknowledge Christ an enemy to it and offended with sinne Que. What is the second reason why we must feare death An. Because by the death of the Godly the Church or common wealth suffereth losse and we are beréeued of the saffe and stay of our comfort 2. Reg. 2. Qu. What if a man in death sée no way how to escape Satans temptation Ans He must close his eyes commit his cause to God and put on the spirituall armour of faith hope and the word of God Que. What if a Godly man doubt and his flesh tremble to enter into another life Ans. We must not yeeld to these temtations but resist them and our spirit is to be commended into Gods hand and then Christ with all his Angells will come and bee our guide to eternall life Secondly we must stoutly vndergo it and meditate vpon Christs sufferings and the issue and end wil be happy deliuerance Que. What if Satan contrarywise laboureth to expell all feare to make a man careles and laboureth to perswade him as he did maister Knoxe to rest in an opinion of his owne merits and so would puffe him vp with pride arrogancy Ans. He must consider and confesse that his owne righteousnes is foule and deformed he must resist and withstand that temptation and attribute all the glory of his saluation to God alone Que. In what and for what causes must we not feare death Ans. For fiue causes first because we haue hence a cause and an occasion to shew our subiection obedience to God Secondly because we are fréed from sin which is a principal part of our glorification Thirdly because the very body lying in the graue is refreshed against labours and is deliuered from death and misery and shall rise againe in glory Fourthly it conueieth translateth the soule vnto eternall life wher God is perfectly serued it hath blessed fellowship with Christ and all the Angells and Saints of heauen Lastly because by death GOD purgeth and disburdneth his Church of euil men Qu. Séeing that death is the cause of so great good to the godly may a man lawfully desire it An. Yes so that it be not of impatiency or desperation Secondly Iob many others haue desired death again again and are not therfore reproued Qu. May a man simply desire death An. No truly but a man must walke in his calling and standing so long as it shall please God For the godly had rather liue to sette forth Gods glory thē for their owne temporall commodity Qu. In what respects is death to bée desired An. So farre forth as it is a meane to frée and deliuer vs from the burden and contagion of sinne and from the miseryes and troubles of this life Secondly as it is a meane and instrument to the manifest vision of God and to the immediate fellowshippe of God and Christ. Lastly our desire must bee moderate and agréeable to Gods will and good pleasure Quest. May a man contrariwise desire long life An. Yes so the end and scope of his life be to doe acceptable seruice to God and to further and maintaine Gods religion and glory and labour to help and forward other mens faith c. Phil 1. 24. 25. Quest. If the death of the godly bée so blessed what shall wee thinke of the death of the wicked An. It is altogether accursed and fearefull Que. Why so Ans. First because it is the dissolution of nature and the wages of sinne Secondly for that by reason of Gods iustice pursuing the wicked in euery place and because they haue no peace of conscience death is to them the beginning of euerlasting damnation For they féele no mitttigation of theyr gréefe in death nor haue so much as the least hope and expectation of ease and deliuerance Qu. What is the conclusion and sum of all that hath bin said An. Wee must striue and continually indeauour to liue and dye well and godly that wée may bee blessed both in life and death and that we when this earthly life and pilgrimage is ended may liue and triumph for euer with our Lord Iesus in heaue●… which the Lord in mercy graunt and effect Amen A prayer to be vsed of a sick man O Lord GOD great and fearefull iust in thy iudgements intollerable in thy displeasure and yet bottomlesse in thy mercies kéeping couenant and mercy to them that loue thée and obey thy commandements I poore wretched sinner that am but dust earth and ashes vnworthy of the least of mercies and most iustly deseruing all temporall and eternal iudgements doe here present and prostrate my selfe before thy throane of grace And I fréely confesse vnto thée that I am conceiued borne in originall corruption prone vnto al wickednes vntoward backward to any goodnes ful of alimperfections that I haue by mine actuall transgressions which are many mighty broken all thy holy lawes and Cōmandements and that therefore amongst many other euils this present sicknesse ache pain and weakenesse is deseruedly come thée my purposes and vowes of obedience and thansgiuing doe better and further seruice vnto thy Maiestie and be the more prepared for thy Kingdome But if it be thy will decrée and pleasure by this sicknesse to finish my daies I then intreat thy good Maiestie to renue me in the inner man as the outward man decayeth and grant that as the bodie dyeth so thy grace may liue and grow in me open the eyes of my vnderstanding that I may know what the hope is of my heauenly calling and the riches of the glorious inheritance that thou haste laid vp in store for me that by this meanes I may dye in the true faith of Christ in willing obedience to thy Maiesty and in thy fauour and loue of my neighbour and so when this life endeth I may beginne a better and dwell with thée and with all the triumphant company of Saintes and Angels praise and magnifie thy name for euer Blesse