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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10732 The celestiall publican A sacred poem: liuely describing the birth, progresse, bloudy passion, and glorious resurrection of our Sauiour. The spirituall sea-fight. The mischieuous deceites of the world, the flesh, the vicious courtier. The Iesuite. The Diuell. Seauen seuerall poems, with sundry epitaphs and anagrams. By Nathanael Richards Gent. Richards, Nathanael, ca. 1600-1652. 1630 (1630) STC 21010; ESTC S115928 35,361 164

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Eye E uer beheld His Life was Vertues Story D epriu'd by death for his Immortall Glory Duke Richmonds Ghost To his Princely Dutches. L ife of that Loue to me on Earth most Deare O cease to grieue for me let no sad Teare D rop from thy Fun'rall Eyes Death came I went O 're ioyd from Earth to Heau'ns pure Parlaiment W hy then sad sweet which once my heart did burne I n true Loues Flames why dost thou sit and mourne C leare Eyes Looke vp ioy in th' Allternall Trine K eepe teares for sinne so Turtle liue Diuine S aint like they liue where Vertue rules high blood T ' is most most fearefull to be Great not Good V nlocke thy treasure then Heau'ns steward be A nd what I left vndone doe thou for me R eward thy Seruants Good Deeds lead the way T o make vs liue best in the latter day So farewell Sweet Good God from wayes vneuen Thy Ship of Life steere to the Land of Heauen Duke Richmonds Epitaph FRom fogs of vanity thicke Cloudes of Vice Lockt from each Soule seducing vaine Entice Here lyes Entoomb'd a gracious Prince whose Birth Almighty God fram'd of the purest Earth Through euery Conduite of the Flesh high straines Of Royall blood ranne through his Azure Veines Like a faire printed Godly pleasing Booke So did his Dead Corpes Liuing rarely looke His Eyes toth ' compleate carriage of his Head Were Leaues of Loue where none that knew but Read A Body so befitting euery Limme Neuer was more becoming then in Him But now in Graue that Forme is chang'd to Clay Which liuing shin'd like to a Sommers Day Gone is the subiect of my mournefull verse His Sun is set turn'd to a sable Herse Lodg'd in the Night within a death bed laide Form'd by rude hands the Picke Axe and the Spade To put the world in minde these dayes of sinne Death shall deface as if they ne'r had bin Witnesse the sad rememb'rance of that day When this dead Duke so early snatcht away How soone that Morne when to Attend his King For to enact some memorable thing Death by the King of Kings which writ was sent To send his Soule to Heau'ns pure Parlaiment An Epitaph Pawse Reader for me thinkes I see appeare Sorrow in thy Face there dropt a tender teare I' st euen so reade on here shalt thou finde His Heau'n on Earth the beauty of his minde No vaine affecting Pompe Pride nor Ambition Bred in the bosome of his sweet condition * Deseruing Loue Courteous he was to all * A Louer of Iustice Foe to Sathans thrall * True Friend to Vertue Learning wholsome Lawes * Wonderfull valiant in a Righteous Cause * Patron of Piety Fauourer of Arts * A Noble Cherrisher of all good Parts * What flourishing Vertue e're made Man blest * But tooke a Lodging in Duke Richmonds brest Heau'n gaue him high Birth Scotland Princely Name France courtly Language England Eternall Fame The modest garbe of graue ciuilitie Meeknesse with Loue and true Humility Vsher'd his Soule the perfect Path to proue The Rich content of Great Iehoua's Loue Round Crown'd with Glory sempeternall Light Glit'ring in Heau'n blest in his Makers sight He Liues that was not onely Great in blood But what is farre more Rare a Great man Good The Lord Marquesse HAMLETON His Epitaph I f there be sighes a Teare or grieuous Groane A Sorrow yet neuer to Mortall knowne M ake here your Rendeuoze sighs teares each moane E ach Eye behold by Fatall stroake here lies S trucke into Earth True Honou'rs Noble Prize H ow e're his Body in sad sickenesse sped A ngels with his faire Soule to Heau'n are fled M auger the poyson'd shafts of death and Hell L ing'ring disease Earths Witch-craft or sinnes spell E ternity so grac'd him Death was vext T o see him liue and therefore slew him next O f all to all our Worthyes lately sent N euer to die in Heau'ns True Parlaiment Arthur Lord Chichester His Epitaph A dmir'd blest Chichester Councellour at warre R eu'rent State worthy Wisedom's Earth-bred Starre T o the true griefe of Kingdomes he is gon H is faire Sun-set cold as the Marble stone V ictorious Viceroy O with what a zeale R ul'd he Hybernias troublesome Common-weale C urb'd rough hair'd Kerne in conqu'ring Rebels hearts H ee was belou'd and fear'd for his rare parts I ustice and Mercy Vsher'd him the way C onstant to Gouerne that could best obay H onour and Vertue still in him combinde E xprest the fulnesse of his Noble Minde S ighs turn'd to Teares sad Teares to greiuous groanes T hose sighs Teares to hunder'd thousand moanes E xprest for Him wise valiant most descreet R are Fruit made ripe for Heau'n for Earth too sweet To the Right Honorable Robert Earle of Warwicke his Anagram in Latine ROBERTVS RICH Anagramma CHRISTE ROBVR Englished O CHRIST my Strength Relligio Virtus Pietas hoc nomine constat CHRISTE ROBVR sacrae Relligionis Apex How well thy Name and Vertue do's agree Firme Faith is found in that all worth in thee To the Right Honourable Sr. Iulius Caesar Knight Mr. of the Rolls c. His Annagram IVLIVS CAESAR Annagramma IVS AC LIS VERA Englished IVST DEALING AND TRVE STRIFE IN this your Honours Anagram I finde Iust Dealing Arm'd with a Religious Minde Fixt in your Soule Friend to despised Art And Noble Vertue O thrice happy Heart Jacobs true strife with God for glorious Fame Shines in the Vertue of your Noble Name By your Just Dealing And True Strife with sinne You conquer Hell a holy Battle winne Striue on faire soule thy Zeale makes Heau'n thy friend And Heau'ns high Chanc'ry Court thy Iournies end VERSES Vpon the Principall Coate at Armes of my Honorable Friend Sir HENRY HART Knight of the Noble order of the Bath SYmbolus iste hominem designant honore Potentem Rex Leo concessum est Ceruus Princepsque Terrarum Thus exprest in English This Noble Armes faire Honor decks antient worth inuests The Lion is the King I grant the Hart the Prince of Beasts Attributes belonging to the Hart. Ingenious quicke long liu'd Chaste Noble wise Are attributes found proper that arise To this braue Creatures praise more to impart SERTORIVS lead his Army by a Hart And ALEXANDER tooke great pride to decke With Golden Collars the soft veluet Necke Of those Heroicque Rangers that tooke breath Hunder'd yeeres after Alexanders Death This being iust how much more stirres vp Art That Noble Name set in a bounteous Hart. An Acrosticke Compos'd at the Marriage Of my honour'd Friend Sir Thomas Stanly with the LADY his wife that now is Fidelitie Honor Loue M arriage that Sacred tye vniteing Hearts A mple in Circular Loue which neuer Parts R are gentle Bride in your blest Heart hath plac't Y our Husbands Heart he that so thinkes him grac't S o farre beyond expression nothing can T ell his high Ioy by you a Happy man A
bloody Crucifixe Simile * Satan and Death like sawcie serieants went * To seize on him to sheere that Innocent * Blest Lambe of God But he who was to saue * All that belieu'd they had no power to shaue * His Patience Death and Diuels force did quell * He tooke the Great Leuiathan of Hell * With the hooke of his Crosse made him his slaue * Captiu'd the Diuell and subdued the Graue Simile * Like a long lookt for Booke Christ in the Presse Was kept to come in Print forth for to blesse * Our soules with that Saluation which do's giue * New Life whereby Eternally wee liue INRI Suffer'dst the Crowne of Thornes t'empale thy Braine The Key of Heauen Which downe thy Checkes forc'd showres of Bloud to raine Suffer'dst the piercing LAVNCE that like a FLOVD Sluc'd from thy wounded Side thy pretious BLOVD Nayl'd to the Crosse there CHRIST lost Soules to winne Suffer'd the World 's huge pond'rous weight of Sinne. Deare Sauiour sweet sweet was thy deare Compassion Dearely exprest in that most bitter PASSION When whipt and scourg'd thou mildly suffer'dst all Blowes Buffets Blasphemies VIN'GER and GALL Insulting Foes Reproach Mockes Scoffings Scorne Thy SINEWES to be Rackt thy BODY Torne Heau'ns Wrath Hel's Rage On CHRIST all Torments fell To saue our Soules frō those blew flames in Hell At which th' amazed EARTH with horrour shooke Darkenesse possest the WORLD Day Light forsooke INRI CAN muddie Mortals minde their Actuall EVILLS And not Christs SVFF'RINGS Such resemble Deuils HAPPY the MAN whose sacred SOVLE is bent FOR Christ's ENDVRINGS firmely to REPENT What Tongue What Pen Not all Man's Wit can tell CHRIST'S Torments they exceeded paines in Hell Her wonted course the Sunne obscur'd his Light At Death of IESVS CHRIST that bloudy sight Made HELL to quake Diuels with Admiration Tremble to see the Cause of MANS Saluation Oh the rich thought strike strike amazing Thunder Shake Natures Frame this impious Age with wonder And all for MAN Ingratefull wretched MAN Are we not bound to loue and feare Him than O yes to spend whole houres dayes months yeares In true Repentant Showres and Flouds of Teares Blest Blest O Blest Be that Diuinity The PYRAMID OF Paradice Three Sacred Persons GOD in Vnitie WHOSE glorious Rauishing Resurrection Restor'd Vs lost to Grace Oh PERFECTION Purifie thou my Soule my Heart my Minde Snatch mee from Earth to Heau'n make mee inclin'd Wholy to Thee All worldly Pompe despising Fixe my THOVGHTS euer On thy Blessed RISING Giue MEE A Sempeternall Reuerence To Thy ALL-glorious high Omnipotence I that am clog'd with sin wretchednesse Desp'rate thoughts hunting after Worldlinesse Thy Blest Protection craue cleare the great score Of all my fowle misdeeds that I no more So great a Sinner prooue Lord let my strife Against my sinnes Raise me from Death to Life And from the Foote of vggly sinnes disgrace Mount mount my SOVLE to th' Pyramid of Grace Did each one truely know the true delight Wherein the wise contemplate Heau'ns rich sight 'T would fright th' excessiue sinners God-lesse face Make him as in a Glasse see his disgrace Teare op'e his eyes that all amaz'd with horrour Trembling he may behold with dreadfull terrour A guard of Furies sucking at his soule That he may see his sinnes horrid and foule Liue as in sulphurous flames discerne his Euill See the fierce Deuill and cease to be a Deuill Cease from damnations Heire licentious life Cease from extreames in sinne soule-murdring strife Abhorre to studie state with greater Zeale Then Zeale to Heau'n or the soules Common-weale Abhorre with solemne Oathes periur'd to teare And racke the Name of Christ dreadlesse of feare Wounding afresh with trembling feare I write Wonder of Angels that great God of Light His wounds with Othes of wounds flesh bloud hart Horrour of darkenesse O blaspheming part Too too much vs'd 'mong God-lesse soules who still Infinite good pay with infinite ill As if no thought remain'd of future good No teares for him that shed his pretious bloud But as the comely Actor Simile whose faire part Vpon the stage presents an honest heart For two houres space a Vertuous Noble Minde His Sceane expir'd basely to vice inclinde Drinke Drabs and Oathes making no other vse With his faire Part but with excesse abuse * O you that stand on Pynacles of state * Let not the World deceiue you least too late * From off your slipp'ry height you come in thrall * o pash your selues in peeces past recall * Sell not fare Lord-ships to keepe Lady-ships * Nor sucke damnation from a strumpets lips * Touch not those Spells of Sparta let e'm Rot * When Vertue rules in Man Lust liues forgot One onely Iemme that 's all the store I haue Great of that little nothing which shall craue Of Heauens Greate En's not for my selfe alone But for thee Reader thee and euery one Rarenesse of Rare example and withall An euerlasting skie of Grace to fall Vpon our warre on Earth desiring Heauen For wayes on Earth are crooked all vneuen * Saue me O saue me thou Eternall Terror * To damned soules I doe confesse each Error * The many thousand sinnes vnseene vnfelt Which long too long in my hard heart haue dwelt * To thee to thee thou Euer-liuing being * Of an Eternall Maiestie All-seeing * With penitent Heart I come I call I cry * Pardon my sinnes helpe thou All-viewing Eye * Looke downe Soule-sauing sacred God of Truth * Forgiue th' infinite follies of my youth * Shield me Diuinitie from Satans Ginnes * Lord lay not to my Charge my Parents sinnes * Glory of Goodnesse in thy Mercy heare mee * Let Hate Reuenge nor Enuie ne'r come neare mee * Let neither Pride nor hope of gaine deceiue mee * Nor pleasure nor the want of Meanes bereaue mee * Of sense least senselesse wholy I despaire * And so become the wretched Childe of care * O sacred Sauiour make me euer trie * To liue by honest Meanes or let me die * Though griefe and I haue well acquainted beene * Lord let me neuer grieue but for my sinne * So shall thy Mercy ne'r forgetfull stand * While I haue Tongue a Pen a Head a Hand THE SPIRITVALL SEA-FIGHT EM'prour of Angells O thou King of Starres Mans perfect solace ' gainst sins bloody Wars When I behold with contemplation Eye The siluer Spangles of thy Glorious skie Me thinkes in that Blew-paper-Booke of Heau'n I see waies of Mortalls all vneu'n The wretched soule of Man in euery Place Liues as in Hell on Earth without thy Grace Temptation on Temptation past controule Alures the Body to betray the Soule Hell's Blacke Prince Troopes of spirits eu'ry day Inuade my sinne-seidg'd-soule Furies display Infernall Banners while the Drumme of Death Beates a dead March and e're I can take Breath Sounds shrill Alarums hot Assaults beginne The soules fierce Fight muffl'd in cloudy sinne I liue beset Millions
poysons to this Soule of mine * There 's no true Ioy on earth but what 's diuine Lord teach me for to prize this world at naught Vpon thy Blessednesse be all my thought * Make me my God in hate to impure liues * Kicke at that Life which Life of Heau'n depriues Make me to feele those wonted holy fires Which rapt my soule in sanctifide desires Rauisht all sense and with admir'd amaze Expos'd me to that blessed burning blaze Of glorious contemplation thoughts diuine Then like Heauens Tapers in my Soule did shine Simile But now that Glory failes my soule hath seru'd Folly so long 't is readie to be steru'd Darke sinnes desire hath dimm'd the Christall sight Of Meditation turn'd my Day to Night To dismall Night where onely I may see My selfe alone stand like a desolate Tree Forsaken of all her Leaues the Fruite dead And eu'ry Branch of comfort withered Naked performance of Heauens sacred Word Pulls Hell on me Me thinkes the flaming sword Of Gods iust vengeance houer's o're my head Th' Element burnes Simile the starres like molten Lead Threaten destruction while distressed I Like a condemned wretch sentenc'd to die Stand quaking at the Horrour dreadfull woe Shiuers my sinfull soule What shall I doe Pitty me King of Thunder Heau'n and Earth Mercifull Maker thou that didst giue me Birth Thou that canst muster Angels in the skie To safegard soules from blacke impietie Thou that dost feede and clothe and still perseuer To giue me Health be mercifull for euer I that am poore weake feeble and too apt By the worlds whorish wayes to be entrapt I that am slothfull dull and negligent Vnmindfull of thy dread Commandement Beseech thy pardon forgiue my coldnesse In seruing thee pardon that sinfull boldnesse Pardon all idle prate sinnes rotten talke Let not my steppes tread that accursed walke Which leades to lewdnesse base delight in Pleasure Desire of Pompe Vaine-glory Tott'ring Treasure Deale not O deale not with me as my merit Truely deserues driue out the vggly spirit Of all vncleannesse from my filthy flesh My drooping soule with sanctitie refresh Shrowd me beneath thy sacred Countenance Giue me thy Seruant Dauids Repentance The Patiency of Job Paul's Puritie And soule-afflicted Peters weeping eye With holy Teares Lord make me to reiect The sinne I sinne-sicke sinner most affect Heare me Miraculous Maiestie and giue A Period to my cares let me not liue Frustrate of heau'nly thoughts O send redresse Thou bidst me write keepe me from Idlenesse From all ill Company All waies vniust Sinne Satan and the Laborynth of Lust Simile * Like Joseph Mighty Maker make me fly * The tempting Baites of Beauties burning Eye * Diuert my sad distressed soule from vice * And Rauish me with loue of Paradice * Let not my wand'ring Eyes swimme in the fire * Of Lust-stung lookes nor let the loose desire * Of womans naked Paps burne out mine Eyes * With sencelesse gazing make me to despise * All base desires sinnes of ill-gouern'd youth * All wicked Customes gainst thy sacred Truth Suffer me Worme vnworthy not in vaine To call on thee let me some comfort gaine Or kneele for euer happie man were I To kneele and pray and praying thus to die My Armes are spread come sempeternall Essence Rauish my soule come blessed penitence Giue me a thousand stabs my soule has need Of many thousand Teares then let it bleed Pierce pierce my stubborne Heart make that the Inne Of Grace which yet is but the house of sinne At my dull follies I 'le no longer wincke Sorrow shall be my Pen sad Teares my Incke Misery my Paper whereon I 'le write The sorrowes of my soule my Youth's delight My Paths of Pleasure prodigall expences My scarlet Crimes and all my blacke offences This Booke I 'le Dedicate vnto my Heart My Heart chiefe Actor in sinnes Tragicke part My Heart vnprincely Reuelling within My Body that Banquetting House of sinne There chain'd to th' Magicke Musicke of free-will Riots in poyson'd pleasures lewdly ill All that belongs to th' Body eu'ry part My soule alone excepted serues my Heart Best pleas'd and best at ease with pleasures Bane Most glad to be most bad and in that vaine Traitor to Truth Each Limme a Mortall Foe To worke my vniuersall ouerthrow And to that end with rude insatiate eyes Runne all a whoring after vanities Soule-damning Banquets Pompe bewitching ioy Forsake eternall Glory for a Toy Debarring hope of Heau'n and sweete Saluation For moment pleasure licorish damnation O false false Heart false to thy dearest friend Wound me no more for pittie make an End I pittie thy blacke life nor can forbeare For thee to shed many a bleeding Teare Thou art my foe and yet to see thee feed Fat for Hells shambles my poore soule do's bleed Bleeds inward vndiscern'd of any Eye Except my God and my owne misery What shall I doe faine would I shunne the sinne My frailty most delights to wander in And yet I cannot when I striue gainst vice To stand most firme I 'me tript vp in a trice * Oh what a misery 't is to haue a minde * For to be truly honest well inclinde * And not to be suffer'd such is the state * Of my sad bleeding soule vnfortunate Poore soule that liues like Fortunes foot-ball tost In hazard eu'ry minute to be lost As is the ship 'mong Rocks Simile steerd by the skill Of an imperfect Pilats desp'rate will Which like a fruitlesse naught respected fly Simile Carelesse of danger paine or misery Cutting the Ayre flies at selfe-will so fast Till in the Spiders web 't is caught at last So pleasure soothing pleasure doth beguile The sinfull Body with her couert guile Being the onely cause when life for breath During her short space vainly striues gainst death Then like a mast-lesse Barke in stormy weather Simile The soule driues vp downe it knowes not whether At last for life misse-led sinnes that excell Body and soule at once Iumpe into Hell * O thou the King of those eternall fires * Which spangle Heauen good God grant my desires * Infuse in me thy Grace or I shall stray * And so become a fearefull Cast-away * Helpe or I sinke belowe the lowe degree * Of sinnes extreamest infelicitie * Come come Lord Iesus O come thou and giue * Helpe to my helplesse soule I that doe liue Simile Like the distressed Bird trapt in a Snare Caught by a lime-twig flying from the Ayre In which distresse for comforts sweete reliefe Poore Innocent with wings adds woe to griefe So fares my soule striuing sinnes snare to fly Forc'd by deceit liues snar'd in penury Accompaned with comfortlesse despaire With sobs and grones and selfe-consuming care In Sable sorrow sits there sighs and mournes Simile Wastes and consumes like a spent Taper burnes Onely for a slash ready to goe out With multitude of sinnes circl'd about The very thought do's shake me and