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death_n body_n life_n separation_n 4,198 5 9.8832 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A68972 Here begynneth the lyfe of saynt Radegunde Bradshaw, Henry, d. 1513. 1525 (1525) STC 3507; ESTC S104675 21,988 60

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Shewyng howe for thy vertu and mekenesse Thy vigils fastynges and deuocion Thy wepynges waylinges and tendernesse Thy bytter penaunce and sharpe affliction Thou shalt haue merite and glorificacion And in my diadem thou shalt sure be A precious gēme resplendent with beaute Swete virgyn to the I playnly expresse To Iesu thy spouse thou shalt come hastely From wordly vexacion payne and besenesse To abyde and endure in ioy perpetually Whiche singuler comfort and visyon gostly Secretly she shewed vnto systers twayne Uertuous in lyuyng suche grace to optayne Sone after this sayd gostly reuelacion Sickenes approched her and infirmite The messanger of deth and wordly seperacion Dayly increasyd with wo and penalyte Her body was brought to suche debilyte That she sore dred her lyfe euery day The panges and passions doubled alway As she endured suche langore and sickenes She send for her systers and all the couent Exortyng them to vertu and goodnesse Principally to kepe our lordes commaundment With gostly perfection and be euer pacient Use mekenesse in hert and true charite With loue vnto god from the hert fre She sayd dere systers I pray you euerychone Dayly to obserue the essencials thre Of saynt Benettes rule your holy religion Parfyt obedience and wylfull pouerte With the floure of clennesse and pure chastite Kepe your doctrines and customes sperituall With gostly obseruauntes and cerimonies all Honour and loue our lorde aboue all thyng Occupy the tyme in meditacion In deuout prayer and discrete fastyng In vigils penaunce and contemplacion Call vnto mynde your strayte profession Obserue the order ye be professyd vnto Remembre this lesson what so euer ye do Also my counsell is that ye shal be content With the visitacion of god all myghty Whether he send you pleasure or punysshement Quietnes vexacion helth or infirmite For this ye knowe by his auctorite The childe whome the father loueth most dere He doth most punysshe tenderly in fere ¶ With what pacience and deuocion lady Radegund receyued y e blessyd sacrament extreme vnction afore her departure AFterward she askyd the holy communion With mycle reuerence and humilite To comfort the soule agayne temptacion At the sharpe passage of this mortalyte Where preistes and clarkes were all redy Theyr offyce to supple right conuenient And brought with them the blessyd sacrament At whose commyng this reuerent Radegunde With gostly comfort humbled her body Sayeng to the sacrament with hert iocunde Welcome my maker god sonne almighty Welcom my redemer and kyng of glory Welcom my ioy comfort and solace My trust my treasure in euery place As the church techith I beleue stydfastly That thou descendyd from blis eternall And was incarnat in mayden Mary Suffred passyon and deth moost thrall Man soule to redeme from payne infernall And that thou institute thy blessed body In furme of bredde to vs sacramentally Thus with great wepyng and feruent deuocion In true fayth hope and charite Radegunde receyued the holy communion To preserue the soule from ieopardy With all obseruaunce and suffrage gostly After all this she askyd extreme vnction For spirituall comfort and saluacyon And as she lay in suche extremite Sufferyng great payne abyding the houre She be toke her soule vnto the custodie Of Ihesu her spouse our blessyd sauyour Also to visyt her they came with great honoure Many sad citesyns wyddowes virgyns pure Lamentyng and wepyng for her departure They held vp theyr handes towarde heuen on hye Pyteously cryeng made great lamentacion Sayeng O blessyd lorde god almyghty Why suffers thou this mayde departe from vs alon Fatherles childerne without consolacion Good lorde if it be thy wyll and pleasure Permyt her to abyde with vs and endure O blessyd abbasse thou art our succoure Our singuler comfort both day and nyght Our helpe and refuge agayne all langoure Our speciall defence vnder god almyght Alas swete maistres and lady bryght Why wyll you departe from vs so hastely But agayne deth may be no remedy ¶ Of the departure of this holy abbasse and howe she apperyd y e same houre to a noble prefect curyng hym from sickenesse of his throte THis venerable virgyn exspired sothely The .xiii. day of August to blis eternall Angels were present with mycle melody To receyue the soule from the lyfe temperall For euer to reigne in the see celestiall To haue her merite and glorificacion For her great vertue and contemplacion And at the same houre of her departyng Quareours laboryng in the mounte therby Herd swete armony of angels singyng One sayd howe the voyce of a sad company Ascendeth to the eares of god almyghty Suffre her no lenger to endure distres Take her to ioy and eterne quietnes Whan the angels sayeng thus endyd was They receyued the soule of this fayre lady And brought it syngyng to the celestiall palace As afore is sayd to reigne eternally Unto whiche place of endles glory Pray for vs abbasse and holy moniall That we may thyder come both one and all Manyfolde merites and myracles memoratyue Magnifien this mayde with great magnificence Enduryng the tyme of this present lyfe And at her departure knowen by experience For she apperyd gostly in presence The same houre she passyd from this lyfe dolorous To a great gouernoure called Demolemus This sayd Demolemus was paynfully cruciat In his brest and throte by host and swellyng His breth restrayned with passyons tortuat Ryght like to exspire at euery hours endyng Radegunde bad hym straytely commaundyng To lose .vii. presoners within his Iayle and holde And he shulde haue helth and pleasure manyfolde Whiche visyon past he waked sodenly Callyng to mynde her wyll and commaundement Knewe well by the visyon that this noble lady Than was departed from this lyfe present Prouyng the trueth by messangers diligent Afterwarde he sende his seruaunt to the prison Deliuerd all captyue from payne and affliction Incontynently by merit and grace of this abbasse Demolemus mended of sickenes and infyrmite His throte and his heed whiche wofull was Were sone delyuered from all penalyte His breth restored at his owne lyberte This forsayd ruler and the prisoners all Praysed this virgyn with mynde speciall Whiche sayd myracles notyfied playne Thorowe the countrey and all the region Many poore prisoners sufferyng great payne Made dayly prayers and humble supplicacion Unto this lady promisyng an oblacion Desiryng her suffrage with humylite Were saued from deth and put at lyberte ¶ How saynt Radegund cured one of her seruauntes from the plage of fier sittyng in her chayer without auctorite and right SOone after the departure of this pure virgin A woman of Uiuoberga one of her famylye Of hye ambicion willyng to domyn Sat in her cha●er right presumptuously Commendyng her selfe that place moost worthy So whan she had done this offence greuous The punysshement of god fell on her dolorous Her body brenned as doth a hote furnace The finde ascended to the ayre on hye The payne continued and neuer ceassed was Thre dayes and .iii.