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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10957 The English creede consenting vvith the true, auncient, catholique, and apostolique Church in al points, and articles of religion, which euerie Christian is to know and beleeue that would be saued. The second part, in most loyal manner to the glorie of God, credit of our Church, and displaieng of al hæresies, and errors, both olde and newe, contrarie to the faith, subscribed vnto by Thomas Rogers. Allowed by auctoritie.; English creede. Part 2 Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. 1587 (1587) STC 21227; ESTC S116387 55,407 97

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an instrument theie that receiue Baptisme rightlie are graffed into the Church the promises of forgiuenes of sinne and of our adoption to bee the sonnes of God by the holie Ghoste are visiblie signed and sealed faith is confirmed and grace encreased by vertue of praier vnto God 3 The Baptisme of yong children is in anie wise to bee retained in the Church as most agreeable with th institution of Christ. The Propositions 1 Baptisme is á signe of profession and marke of difference whereby Christian men are discerned from other men that be not Christians 2 Baptisme is à signe or seale of the regeneration or newe birth of Christians 3 Infants are to be Baptized by the word of God 1 Howe the Sacramentes are tokens and therefore Baptisme is á signe of the true Church which be christians it maie be read Out of the vvord of God in the fifth proposition of the 19. Article In the publique vvritinges of the Protestant Churches Confes Heluet art 20. Heluet. 2. cap 19. 20. Basil. art 5. sect 2. France art 35. Flan. art 34. Ausburg art 13. Saxon. art 1● This declareth that vvee are Christians and Not Nazarens who were And so as Hierome noted of them wet neither Iewes no● Christians with the Iewes circumcised VVith the christians baptized Not Euchyts who condemn Baptisme Not Mani●●●ans vvhich baptize not anie Not Cataphrygians vvhich baptize the dead Not Papists that baptize B●l● and babels where-as none but reasonable creatures to be incorporated into the visible Church are to be baptized Not of Tho. Aquinas opinion that maketh the vovv or profescion of Moncherie as good à token of Christians as baptisme Not of Origē his mind vvhich De●endeth à Baptisme of fire Thinketh hovv after the resurrection vvee shall haue neede of Baptisme 2 Baptisme of S. Paul is called the washing of the nevve birth Tit. 3. 5. of others the Sacrament of the nevve birth to signifie hovve theie which rightlie as al do not See art 25. pro. 3 ●● receaue the same are ingrafted into the church 1. Cor. 12. 13. Are as by a seal from God assured That their sins be pardoned forgiuen Act. 2 38. Hovv theie are addopted to be children of god Tit. 3. 5. Are confirmed in faith Mat 16. 16. Doe encrease in grace by vertue of praier vnto Cod. Act. 22. 1. 9 This do the Churches reformed by subscription approoue Confes. of Heluet. 1. art 21. Heluet. 2. c. 20. Bohem. cap. 12. France art 35. 38. Flan. art 34. Ausburgh art 9. Saxon. art 13 VVittem c. 10 Sueau cap. 17. But no parte of the true Church doth thinke That Baptisme is onely à badge of our profession and nothing auaileable vnto euerlasting life as some Libertines do hold which the Bannisht do saie That the vvater at Baptisme is not holie in respect that it is applied to an holie vse That th' ordinarie and common vvorthines among the Turkes and Ievves is the same to them that baptisme is to vs. That of so great efficacie is the Coole or hood of S. Francis as the Baptisme of Christe as the Franciscanes do reach That Original sin is not pardoned in infants at Baptisme because theie haue none original sinne at al vvhich the Pelagians deliuer As the Papistis do publish That none can enter into the state of grace vnlesee he bee baptized That Baptisme serueth to the putting avvaie of Original sinne onelie and not of actual sinnes besides vvhich the children of God do and shal commit That Baptisme bringeth grace exopere operato euen because it is ministred and receaued That being once baptized vvee can no more be tempted vvhich error the Iouinians did maintaine 3 Although by expres●● tearmes vvee bee not commaunded to baptize yong Children yet vvee beleeue theie are to bee baptized For in asmuch as in the word of God vvee finde that The grac● of God i● vniuersal and partaineth vnto al therfore the si●ne or seale of gra●e is vniuersal belongeth vnto al so vvel yong as old Baptisme is vnto vs as Circumcision was vnto the Iewes but th'infantes of the Iewes vvere circumcised therefore the children of Christians are to be baptized Children belong to the kingdom of heauen Mat. 19. 14. are in the couenant Therefore the signe of the couenant is not to bee denied them Christ gaue in commaundement that vvithout exception al should be baptized Math. 28. 19. Therefore yong children are not to be exempted Christe hath shed his blood aswel ●●r washing-awaie the sinnes of Children as of th' elder sort Therefore it is verie necessarie that the●e should be partakers of the Sacrament thereof This good Christians which ●●aue renounced poperie as theie like of so theie allovv the Baptisme of yong Children as maie appear in the Confession of Heluet. ● a● 21. Heluet. 2. c. 20 Bohem. c. 12. France art 35. Fland. art 34. Ausb art 9 Saxon. art 13. VVittem cap. 10. Sueau cap 17. Oppugned i● this truth by The pelagians The Her●deon● Th'anabaptists The F. of Loue VVho denie the baptism of infants or yong children 28 ARTICLE Of the Lordes Supper THE Supper of the L. is not 1 onelie à signe of the loue that Christians ought to haue among themselues one t'another but rather 2 it is à Sacrament of our redemption by Christs death Insomuch that such as rightlie worthilie and with faith receiue the same the bread which we break is à partaking of the bodie of Christ and likewise the cup of blessing is à partaking of the blood of Christ. 3 Transubstantiation or the chaunge of the substaunce of bread and wine in the Supper of the Lord cannot be proued by holie writ but it is repugnaunt to the plaine wordes of Scripture ouerthroweth the nature of à Sacrament and hath giuen occasion to manie superstitions 4 The bodie of Christ is giuen taken and eaten in the Supper onelie after an heauenlie and spiritual manner and the meane whereby the bodie of Christ is receiued and eaten in the Supper is Faith 5 The Sacrament of the Lords Supper was not by Christes ordinance reserued carried-about lifted-up or worshipped The Propositions 1 The Supper of the L. is à signe of the loue that Christians ought to haue among themselues 2 The L. Supper is à Sacrament of our redemption by Christes death and to them which receiue the same worthelie by faith à partaking of the bodie and blood of Christe 3 The bread and wine in the L. Supper be not changed into another substance 4 The bodie of Christe is giuen taken and eaten after an heauenlie and spiritual and not after à carnal sorte 5 To reserue carie-about lift-up or worship the Sacrament of the Lords Supper is contrarie to th'ordinaunce of Christe 1 The Supper of the Lord is à token of the loue that Christians ought to haue among them selues For vvhich cause it is called The Lordes table 1. Cor 10. 21 The Lordes Supper 1. Cor. 11. 20. A communion of the Saints of God 1. cor
10. v. 16. This is the doctrine also of other Churches besides as mai appear by the ●onfession of Heluet. 2. c. 21. Basil. art 6. Bohe. c. 13 Fland. art 35. Saxon. art 14. Sueau c. 18 So think not those men VVhich contemne this Sacrament of Loue with Th'anabaptistes vvhich rail vpon it being vsed after the institution of Christe and call it VVith the Papistes A Table Prophane Detestable The cup of diuels A kinde of idolatrous meates VVhich denie it manie Christians and all owe it onelie to à few Antichristian shauelings VVhich abuse it with Halters and hollow harted Christians Corinthians that wil Drinke the cup of the Lord and the cup of the diuels Participate at the Lords table and at the table of diuels 2 The Supper of the Lord Is to al christians à Sacrament of our redemption by Iesus Christe Math. 26. 28. Luke 22. ver 19. 20. Marke 14. 24 1. Cor. 11. 24 To such as receue the same It is the partaking of the bodie blood of Christ. 1. cor 10. 16. worthelie 1. Cor. 11. 28. c. By faith 2. Cor. 13. 5. Iohn 6. 35 A trueth this is not onelie in harte beleeued but by publik writings al so testified to the vvorld by our neighbour Churches Confes of Heluet. 2. cap. 11. Heluet. 1 art 22. Basil. art 6. Bohem. ca 13. France art 37. Flan. art 35. Ausb touching the Masce art 1. 3. Sax. art 14. VVittem cap. 19. Suca c. 19. This proposition diuerslie hath bin assailed For Some either deniing or not acknowledgeing the benefits of this so heauēly à Sacrament doe saie It is not à seale of spiritual graces but onelie à signe of Christian profession It is to bee receaued onelie for obedience take to the Princes procedings but is of non effect to the perfect ones an opinion of the Family It doth neither good nor hurt to the receauers the Mescalians error It is not à signe assuring the harts of the faithful hovv their sinnes bee forgiuen For vvee must alvvaies doubt of the remission of our sinns saie the Papists It is to bee receaued to the comfort of the bodie onelie but is no refreshing of the soule Som haue conceaued doe hold most erroneous opinions touching the manner of receuing the same deliuering to the world that It can profite such as haue no faith euen Babes or infants in this error wer the Nectorians Graecians Moranians that I saie not Cyprian Origen Austine VViked men destitute of al knoledge true sense of godlines and for no cause but onlie because theie receaue the same The dead bodies of men th' error of certaine condemned long agoe It can benefit such as recaue it not at al if it be ministred on their behalf being Theis errors the Papistes stifelie doe defend Absent vppon the seas in wars yea by death Praesent and yet do not participate but the Priest for them 3 Transsubst●tiation or the change of the substance of bread and wine in the supper of the Lorde we do vtterlie denie and the reasons mouing vs thereunto are for that It is repugnant to the plaine wordes of the Scripture For I wil not drinke hence-forth of this fruit of the vine saith our Sauiour Christ Matt. 26 29. Mar. 14 25. which fruit had it realie bine either the blood o● by waie of concomitance the verie bodie and blood of Iesus Christ then our Lorde and Sauiour had eaten himselfe vvhich is not onelie blasphemous to be spoken but also impossible to be done and directlie against the word of God vvhere commandement is often giuen that the blood with flesh not of beast much lesse of man must not bee eaten Gen. 9 4. Leuit. 17 14. The heauen muste conteine Iesus Christ vntil the time that al things be restored saith Saint Peter Acts. 3. 21. If Christ corporalie according to his humanitie be in heauen then is he not in the Sacrament As often as yee shal eate this bread ' not Christ his real bodie and drinke this cup not the real blood of Christ ye shew the Lords death til he come saith Saint Paul ● Cor. 11 20. Therefore he is not come which he must be being vnder the formes of bread and wine It ouerthrovveth the nature of à Sacrament For where there is none element there can be no Sacrament Because the word comming vnto Th'element maketh a Sacrament It hath bine the occasion of manie superstitions For from hence proceeded The reseruing of the transsubstantiated bread for sundrie superstitious ends Th' adoring of the bread euen as God himselfe and that of priest and people The carieng-about in pompous procession of their wa●er God The popish feast called Corpus Christi daie The due cōsideration hereof hath moued the reformed Churches to detest transsubstantiation as in hart word so by writing Confes of Hel. 2. cap. 21. Hel. 1. art 22. Basil. art 6. Bohem c. 13. VVittem c. 19. Abominable therfore be the popish errors that In Th'eucharist there is not the substance of bread and wine but onelie the meere accidents and qualities Substancialie realie the bodie blood together with the soule and diuinitie of our L. Iesus Christ and therfore whole Christ is conteined in the sacrament of Eucharist Vnder each kind and vnder euerie part of each kinde seueralie whole Christ is comprised After the consecration in the wonderful Sacrament of Th'ucharist the bodie blood of our Lorde Iesus Christ is and that not onelie in the vse while it is taken but afore also after in the hostes or consecrated peeces reserued or remaining after the communion In the holie Sacrament Christ th' onelie begotten sonne of God is to be adored with the verie worship of Latria Marcus also that detestable haeretike held that the wine of the lords Supper was conuerted into blood 4 Although our Sauior Christ bee in heauen as hath bine proued and therfore can not corporalie be giuen taken and eaten yet we beleeue that by à secret and incomprehensible vertue of th● holie Ghost hee doth nurish quicken vs by his verie bodie and blood apprehended by à liuelie faith For the better vnderstanding of this great mysterie wee are to note that the regenerate haue à double life with in them whereof One is carnal and temporarie vvhich theie haue brought with them from their first comming into the world This life is common to al men good bad and is praeserued by earthlie and material bread common also to al and euerie man One is spiritual and heauenlie giuen vnto them in their second birth which is through the worde 1 Pet. 1. 23. This life is peculiar onlie to the elect of God and maintained by the bread of life vvhich came-downe from heauen which is Iesus Christ Iohn 6 51 He nurisheth and susteineth the spiritual life of all Christians if he be eaten that is receiued of them spiritualie through faith Iohn 6 35. Rom. 3 25 vvhich spiritual bread that he might the