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A01148 The conuersion of a most noble lady of Fraunce In Iune last past, 1608. Madame Gratiana, wife to the high and mightie lord; Claudius, Lord of Tremoille; Duke of Thouars; peere of Fraunce, and Prince of Talmonde. A most Christian epistle, written by her, to the ladyes of Fraunce, to resolue them in the cause of her conuersion from popery, to the the profession of Gods Gospell: and aduising them to imitate her religious example. Truely translated out of French. Tremoille, Charlotte Brabantina, Duchess of, 1580-1631.; Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. 1608 (1608) STC 11262; ESTC S102563 29,611 56

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not then your faire selues guiltie of such foule and polluted behauiour nor be you present where Christs name is misprised erecting another Altar against the Altar of his Crosse and renewing his sacrifice by substitution of a newe one as if his were but a yeare old or like to the sacrifices of brut beastes lame or imperfect Or as if the means which he hath ordained for the application thereof as the preaching of the Gospell and administration of his instituted Sacraments were insufficient to conuay their vertue vnto vs. For this is the fairest fruite of their pretended sacrifice that the reiteration and daily renewing thereof is branded with the marke of insufficiencie and imperfection as you heare the Apostle to auouch the same when he speakes of the sacrifices of the old Lawe which were performed often True it is that they would faine ground their sacrifice vpon Gods word but good Ladies marke in what manner I beseech you and be Iudges your selues for the case is very cleare Behold say they Iesus Christ making his Supper with his Apostles said Doe this in remembraunce of me Doe that is as much to say according to their glosse as make or performe this sacrifice because that Christ had said before This is my bodie which is giuen for you But if it pleased them to read all they should better perceiue the words and meaning of our Sauiour which indeed are nothing lesse then agreeing with their glossing The Euangelists doe record vnto vs that our Lord Iesus hauing taken bread and giuen thankes brake it and said to his Disciples Take cate this is my bodie which is giuen for you doe this in the remembraunce of me And how doe this why no otherwise but euen to doe it in the same manner that is to say To take the bread and distribute it among them to be eaten for no other mention is made there either of offering or of sacrificing For you see sweete Ladies that Christ himselfe vsed no other words but Take and eate And the holy Apostle Saint Paule doth sufficiently shewe vs that of these words doe this there is no other vnderstanding to be made but that which hath bin declared alreadie For in speaking of the wine at the same Supper he reciteth likewise the same words spoken by our Lord Iesus Christ Doe this alwayes and as oftentimes as you shall drinke in remembraunce of me Which importeth as much as if he had said Alwayes or as oft entimes as you shall drinke of this wine in this Sacrament Drinke it in remembrance of me that this may be in remembraunce of my Death or continue as a memoriall thereof Which manner or phrase of speaking the Apostle himselfe adioyneth in the following verse For alwayes or as oftentimes as you shall eate of this bread and drinke of this Cuppe you shall shewe the Lords death vntill he come Consider now good Ladies I beseech you that these are none of our glosses but the very expresse text it selfe where you see manifestly by Saint Paules owne exposition what thing it is the Lord would haue vs to doe concerning as well the people as the Pastour For the commandement Doe this directeth it selfe to all the faithfull to wit That we should eate this bread of the Sacrament and drinke the wine in remembraunce of his death and passion According as the words doe signifie themselues when he spake of his bodie which is broken and giuen for you and likewise of his bloud which is shed or dispersed for you All which he spake hauing regard to that which soone after should ensue His bodie was to be deliuered ouer to death and his bloud to be shed vpon the Crosse for vs poore wreched and miserable sinners And the reason why he spake so of the time present which is giuen which is shed is the common Latine verssion or translation allowed by the Counsell of Trente expressing thereby the time to come which shall be giuen which shall be s●…ed then which nothing can be more manifest honored Ladies if it pleased you but to open your owneeies For then you should perceiue that there Christ made on mention of offering And if they would presse these words which is giuen to conclude thereby that euen then when Iesus made his Supper he offered vp his bodie in sacrifice Of necessitie and by the selfe same reason they must also conclude these words my bloud which is shed that euen then he did shed his bloud which cannot be neither could be for his bloud was not shed but vpon the Crosse Good Madames entreat the very learnedst of your Romaine Sacrificers to shew vs but one place in the Scripture where it is commaunded vs to sacrifice Iesus Christ againe For the place rehearsed maketh not any iote for them and they know likewise well enough that the Greeke word Poiein vsed by the Euangelists reciting the words of our Lord and Sauiour and Saint Paule after them Also the word in the Siriack tongue Habad which our Lord himselfe vsed could neuer be vnderstood to Sacrifice or Offer Goe we on then to some other proprieties of the Masse I come now to the Idolatrie which we find in the second part of the Masse to wit at the Sacrament and that is in this They propose or hold vp a piece of bread to the people to be adored and worshipped by them for God saying That there is the blessed bodie of our Sauiour hidden vnder the accidents of bread although it doe not appeare to be so and the faithfull can discerne but bread only To prooue their idolatrie in this point I will goe no whither else but to the direct institution of the Supper according as our Lord himselfe did institute it which they altogether depraue only to confirme and establish their Idoll wherein gentle Ladies I craue not only your patience but also your dilligent regard Behold how Iesus Christ promiseth vs that we shall be partakers of his bodie and of his bloud At all times or as oftentimes as we shall celebrate this misterie according as he did celebrate the same with his Apostles In distributing the bread he said Take eate this is my bodie which is given for you doe this in remembrance of me Likewise in deliuering the wine he said Drinke you all of this for this is my bloud c. where we may discerne that he putteth the commaundement in the first place in saying to vs that we shall take eate and drinke Then he annexeth the promise wherein he testifieth vnto vs that that which we eate is his bodie and that which we drinke is his bloud To enjoy then the effect and benefit of this promise it behooueth that the faithfull doe take and eate the bread drinke the wine which is giuen to them In briefe there is the communion of many faithfull in doing that which Iesus Christ representing to the whole Church did performe in
like manner they haue prouided that the people shall vnderstand nothing that they say for they speake to them in a strange language but this is most certaine and I desire you Sister Ladyes to obserue it that the prayers before mentioned doe remaine yet in the Canon of their Masse to condemne them of impudence both before God and men So that if a more learned iudgement then my weake womans capacitie should search into the originall of this euill it would be found out as indeed it is very likely that their enioyning and constraining the people to confesse and declare their sinnes to the Priest was purposely intended before their admission to receiue the Sacrament And this doe they also without any ordenance of God who commaundeth vs to confesse and declare our sinnes to him and require pardon as hee promiseth to giue the same to all that are truely repentant assuring and certifying vs thereof yea sealing it in our soules and consciences by his owne word in his Gospell when hee is preached vnto vs and when we beleeue effectually wherevpon and in regard whereof the mynisterie of the Gospell is thus tearmed by the Apostle He hath giuen vs the ministery of reconciliation The people then finding the burden of sinne to be very heauy as indeed it is were vainely perswaded to make a particular numeration of their sins to the Priest or minister of the Church which growing to a liberty and licence by little and little by ignorance and malice in their Pastours the course thereof was not cut off as it ought to haue been But yet the people then were thereby granted this benefite that they might communicate in the Sacrament once a yeare or twise or thrise for them of greatest deuotion but all the residue of the people must leaue the Priest alone at the Altare there to communicate by himselfe And thus one errour grewe to beget another when once they began to decline from the direct pathes of perfection and since then they haue made a custome of assembling the people together but not inuiting them to the Communion onely to heare their Masses sayd or sung in diuers angles of their Temples for which they are not ashamed and Ladyes I am sure you know it perfectly to demand a price or valuation for ech seuer all Masse a thing most horrible and the like neuer heard of Thus the Communion of the Sacrament is not onely violently taken from the people but the Sacrament it selfe by this meanes is made no account of For wheras both Priest and people ought to meete together in one place there to heare together the declaration of his bitter death and passion and to participate in common in the Sacrament of this vnion O deere Ladyes I cannot speake it without teares or you heare it without much hearts griefe if you were as you should bee That that diuine place I say should now bee become a meere faire or maket to traffique and merchandise those sacred blessings which God out of his owne bountie made a liberail gift of and freely bestowed vpon all his faithfull seruaunts to their singular comforte and endlesse consolation But not to wander too farre from mine intended purpose I come now to another most manifest sacriledge committed likewise in the Masse to wit that in those Masses where they doe admit the people to the Communion eyther at the feast of Easter or when they command a generall communicating They then defraud the people of one part of the Sacrament namely the Cup. Oh what an audacious insolence is this Iesus Christ distributed the wine as well as the bread when hee made his Supper with his Apostles and spake hee not to make publike notice thereof when giuing them the Cup hee said Drinke you all of this And after him the Apostle left the very same instruction to the Church of Corinth Let eoh man saith hee prooue and examine himselfe and so let him eate of this Bread and drinke of this Cup. But your Romaine disciples vnder the shaddow of some supposed inconueniences imagined onely by themselues as if they would seeme to bee wiser than the Maister haue ordayned that the people shall communicate but vnder one kind and that is of the bread only Is not this an enormous sacriledge to separate them a sunder which God hath ioyned together yea and by his own expresse institution But let them be well assured that the Authoures and fauourers of a crime so haynous shall one daye yeeld a most strickt account therefore True it is that they alleadge their Concomitancy in excuse of this matter a woord expresly forged whereby to maintaine their sacriledge and herein they seeme to auouch that the bloud keeps company with the body and therefore is alwayes with the body But when wee answere them that Iesus Christ knewe this Concomitancy as well as they and yet notwithstanding he did not forbeare to distribute both the signes of Wine and Bread what reply they then Why then they further inferre in answere which indeed can carry it selfe for no answere at all It was Iesus Christs will that in his Supper wee should consider his bloud separate or apart from his bodye and that wee should represent before our eyes his death euen as his blood was spilt and shed And therefore in giuing the Cuppe he sayth Drinke you all of this For this is my bloude of the newe Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sinnes Now such Concomitance of the body and of the bloud cannot agree or consent with the death of Iesus Christ because to bee both in the body to bee shed out of the body are contrary things wherfore it necessarily ensueth that that can haue no place in the Sacrament which bringeth vs directly to the confideration of the death of Iesus Christ guides vs not to the effusion of his bloud It behooueth then that wee haue the effusion or streaming forth of his precious bloud euen as if it were present before our eyes if wee would celebrate the Sacrament according as Iesus Christ did ordaine it because aboue all it doth most assure vs in the Sacrament that our sinnes are forgiuen vs in his bloud which is our cleansing and washing But if these reasons may gaine no place with you faire Ladyes nor them that are both your aduersaries and ours who for the most part build onely vpon traditions At least yet will them to allow the Canons of their Popes which doe manifestly condemne them in this poynt and for a president behold what is said in one of the Canons of the Pope Gelasius Wee haue vnderstood that there are some who taking only a portion of the blessed body do abstaine from the Cup of his precious bloud And because it is not knowne vpon what superstition they doe this we will that they shall receiue the Sacraments together or that they abstaine
liuely faith that Iesus Christ is in heauen sitting at the glorious right hand of his Father and all the Communicants in our Christian assembly are so instructed and resolued and to heauen doe they eleuate both their eyes and minds contemplating their Lord and Sauiour there and hoping to partake of eternall life there with him whereof the present action is a sure pledge and earnest pennie Thus doe wee pronounce Christes death and passion thus doe wee acknowledge the effusion and shedding of his bloude whereof the Bread broken and Wine deliuered in the Cuppe or Challice for wee are not Ceremonious of eyther word because in Gods feare eyther of them is to vs indifferent remaineth to vs as a perfect remembraunce and the fruites thereof wee hope doe continue among vs and so with thankfulnesse we all receiue his benefits And worthie Ladyes because it may bee you would gladly know what other obseruatiōs there are in Gods Church which induced my conuersion and in time may draw others As a verie young Scholler scarcely yet well intred I will set yee downe a briefe summarie of so many as my weake memorie and the breuitie of time will permit me Here is no inuocation vpon any Saints no not vpon the blessed Virgin Marie yet both of her and all other Gods chosen Saintes wee hold that reuerend estimation which wee are commaunded to doe The adoration and worship here vsed is to the onely euerliuing and eternall God and according as hee hath manifested himselfe in his word to wit the Father the Sonne and the sanctified Spirit or holy Ghost One onely and true God in these three persons or Hypostasis in whose name likewise all heere are baptised Here are no other Images admitted into our Temples but that onely which our great God hath consecrated to himselse for his owne pecuculiar vse and to remaine for euer And that is the Preaching of the Gospell with the true vse of the Sacraments instituted by him whereby wee discerne the nature of God and his good will towards vs more liuely and better figured in the whole Mysteryes of our Redemption then they can bee described in a million of wodden or carued Images or in any other matter whatsoeuer Neyther is there recourse made to any other intercession for obtaining Gods fauour vnto vs but to Iesus Christes intercession onely hee being our alone Mediatour and Aduocate And hee is likewise the onely reconciliation for our sinnes and wee present none other but him to God in all our prayers eyther priuate or publike Nor is heere acknowledged any other purgation or Purgatorie but onely the bloud of the selfe same Iesus Christ Thus are wee cleansed by vndoubted faith in him accompanyed with true and vnfained repentance and that is to bee done in this life onely which is the time both for beleeuing and of well doing In like manner heere is no confession made of any other oblation sacrifice or satisfaction wherby to abolish deface and wipe out our sinnes but that alone which Iesus Christ made once for all vpon the tree of his Crosse to GOD his Father Nor doe wee heere hold it expedient or needefull that there should bee any superstitious countenaunce renewing or dayly reiteration thereof In regarde that hee neuer gaue any such charge to any mortall man For wee are assured that his owne sacrifice is daily fresh and in full efficacy to obtaine grace for vs remission of our sinnes and life euerlasting For though hee dyed once for vs poore wretched sinners he liueth yet againe at this day and for euer and sitteth at the right hand of God his father to make continuall intercession for vs. As for the order of Confession which is here obserued and none other else acknowledged in this Church it is in this manner When wee assemble and meete together wee make a publike and solemne confession of our sinnes to God who giueth vs also true absolution of them by his h●ly Gospell when wee being heartily repentant receiue by faith his vndoubted promises according as they are davlie for that purpose preached and deliuered vnto vs by the Pastors and ministers of Gods Church being congregated in our Ecclesiasticall assemblyes In breefe honourable Ladyes heere is neyther taught or beleeued any other meanes for our saluation then that which God himselfe hath reuealed in his holie woord And that is to embrace and receiue in a sanctified fayth Working by loue the graces and mercies of God offered and presented to vs in Iesus Christ by the Gospell The preaching wereof wee receiue and giue attention vnto with all reuerence as beeing that onely doctryne which is able to saue our soules And wee are perswaded that to turne aside how little soeuer it bee from Iesus Christes omnisufficient sacrifice to our owne workes satisfactions deseruings or the merites of Saints and their sufferings or any other meanes whatsoeuer to confide or put any hope at all therein of our saluation were flatly to forsake the cheefe corner stone and to build vpon another foundation then God himselfe hath layde For there is not any other name under Heauen whereby wee can or shall bee saued but the alone name of Iesus Christ For bee was deliuered to death for our sinnes and is risen agayne for our iustification there cannot bee then saluation in another If this doctrine bee hereticall as your Romaine Iesuites and Priests sticke not to proclayme it they must then pronounce the holy Apostle Saint Paule to bee an hereticke Saint Peter and all the rest of the Apostles to bee Heretikes who preached the very same and haue left it so to vs in their owne writings whereof God himselfe will one day be the Iudge Censure now discreete and well-iudging Ladyes if the singlenesse and pure simplicitie of this approoued doctrine maintained poynt by poynt and warranted by the word of God whereunto it hath alwayes submitted it selfe and dare auouch her true title in the face of any Counsell doe deserue those slaunders and calumniations which the Diuell by his blasphemous brood doth daylie belch foorth against it And in the other Scale of your vnpartiall opinion holding an euen hand to poyze the weight and an vpright soule to conceiue the worth of both rightly consider the now Romish Religion the practises blasphemies and abuses therein committed and then let God direct and order your verdict For I will not so wrong the hope I haue of you rashly to forethink that you will be ouerawed with pompe of Ceremonies thunder cracks of curses the case and hollow closure for monstrous impieties Neyther that you will bee scrupulous of spirit as to let the spacious spreading title of their Church without any truth or equitie to warrant it altogether sway you in your opinion For the Church of Christ sets not forth her selfe to sale by the luster and pompe of exteriour ornament or by antiquitie or such like
this first Supper For that which Iesus Christ said to his Apostles Take eate drink ye all of this he spake the very same to all the faithfull euen to the ending of the world As that which he adioyneth sufficiently declareth My body which is giuen for you My bloude which is shed for you so is his bodie giuen and his bloud shed for the faithfull Hence then ensueth that to all the faithfull appertaineth the commaundement of taking eating and drinking because he made the promise generally to all and not only to the Apostles Ministers of the Church And we may see this testified by the Apostle Saint Paule speaking at large vpon this misterie these are his words For we that are many are one bread and one bodie because we all are partakers of one bread Wherefore Ladies it appeareth plainly that the bodie of Iesus Christ and the communion of his bloud likewise are not to be giuen to vs in this Sacrament but when many faithfull shall communicate together according as Christ deliuered vs an example with his Apostles Take away then the communion which Iesus Christ himselfe hath ordained he being the heauenly Lord Maister and Author of this holy Sacrament And then the promise there unto annexed touching his body bloud which he hath giuen for all faithfull communicants hath no place at all but is vtterly voide For it remaineth no longer a Sacrament nor as he ordained it because the right vse of the Sacrament consisteth heerein that the faithfull should communicate together according as he hath commanded saying Take eate drinke yee c. this must be done vpon necessitie if you would haue it to be a Sacrament or the same which Iesus Christ hath instituted namely the communion of many faithfull assistants to eate and drinke all together in this blessed banquet for this is the essence of the Sacrament as you may discerne very apparantly Let vs now come to see what is done in the Masse Surely good Ladies it is so farre off from being any communion as it may be rather tearmed a kind of excommunication For both you and I know and so do all else that know what the Masse is that the Priest separates himselfe from all therest of the assemblie to eate and drinke by him selfe alone the bread and wine which he hath consecrated a part and how doth he consecrate them Insted of consecration which ought to be done by preaching and publishing openly and aloude the promises of our Lord and Sauiour directed not to the bread and to the wine which are proposed but as signes vnto vs But to the faithfull persons assisting the communion present there to communicate Iesus Christ being he that euen then consecrates the bread wine to make them Sacraments of his bodie and bloud by his heauenly Priesthood which yet ceaseth not and when this misterie is celebrated according to his institution But the Priest deales quite contrarie for he as if he were affraid to be heard of the people makes his consecration by blowing or breathing vpon the bread and wine and mutters or mumbles very softly and low all the words of his institution As if it could please the Lord of truth and life to haue his word murmured out of a dead mouth as it were in celebrating his sanctified misteries of whose truth by this behauiour there iustly may arise some doubt or question Or as if it were offence to him that stands in feare of no power whatsoeuer to haue them pronounced with the loudest voyce to be heard and vnderstood of all In the Gospel the vertue nature and vse of Baptisme are expressed clearely and openly Iesus Christ making his Supper did not mutter in any lowe voyce either vpon the bread or wine to deuine or coniure therinto his bodie and bloud But he pronounced aloude and euidently to his Apostles That he gaue them there his body and his bloud exhorting them to perseuere in the selfe same kinde of action at all times or as often as they should meete to reiterate the same The remembrance of his death and passion Euen as if he had beene then certainely assured that no vtilitie or benefit could be had by Sacraments except whatsoeuer was represented to the eye might bee declared and warranted by the word of God For otherwise it were to abuse the people in a fond kind of deuotion to make a shew of ceremonies before them and neuer to deliuer or declare what they signifie and what coherence or agreement they haue with truth Therefore when publike declaration is made of such mysteries with a chearefull predication to edifie the hearers entring into their vnderstanding and winning impression in their hearts by assured perswasion of the promises accomplishment Briefely when the grace of Iesus Christ is pronounced vnto vs and his promises exposed Euen then and in that instant doth his glorious power descend to performe the worke and then is the true consecration acted indeed Hereupon Saint Augustine saith very well That the word of consecration is the word of faith preached And that word conioyned with the terrene outward signe maketh the same a sacrament Adding presently after I meane the word of faith which we preach What consecration then is there in the Masse when insteed of all this namely exposing to the people the recited promises and declaring aloud the words of our Sauiours institution it is done in a manner of secret coniuration and so are the words whispered which behauiour is more proper to charmers then to be vsed in such a holy and diuine Sacrament What shall wee then thinke of them when they dare forsake the rule of their Lord and Maister to follow their owne fantasies Seing then it is so and that in the Masse there is neither any lawfull consecration nor as themselues cannot deny any such Communion as Iesus Christ hath ordained for one alone doth both eate and drinke and that is the priest and one man alone cannot make a Communion It followeth then deere Ladyes and very necessarily that the body of Iesus Christ is not in the Masse where the Priest communicateth by himselfe And therefore the bread which he makes to bee adored then euen as if it were the body indeed of our Lord is no such matter but remaineth still very bread euen as it was before his consecration being neyther more or lesse then as if it were in any other place out of the Churches assembly and the Priests and whosoeuer for his owne pleasure should speake the very same words of their institution vpon any other piece of bread And although they perswade themselues that they haue and do hold in their hands the very body of Iesus Christ vnder the bread or in the bread and therefore make the people to worship it yet it is most certaine that there is nothing else but an Idoll and which without any reason they make
for there we haue no commandement to honour him but wee rather choose to worship him according as we ought and that is in spirit and truth Iudge now good Madames where reason abydeth most on your side or ours and whether your Priests commit not manifest Idolatry in their actions when they receiue and admit the people to the communion of a Sacrament which neuer was ordained by Iesus Christ May not wee then well and truely say that they haue no communion at all but what is of their owne inuentions And that which they carry about the streets going in a solemne Procession is but a round Cake being closed vp in a Boxe or Pixe which they cause to be adored with great veneration It remaineth now that wee come to the third propertie which I haue obserued in the Masse to wit Sacriledge which already hath beene sufficiently discoursed in our former proceeding and yet we will note a fewe obseruations more This holy and diuine Sacrament was instituted to make a Communion of the faithfull in the body and bloud of our blessed Lord and by celebrating it commonly in remembrance of his death and passion But Noble Ladyes your Priests doe conuert all to a contrary end not onely in that which they doe in the sacrifice but in meere robbery and stealth beside For they take from the people the Communion in chiefe yea that which is the principall fruite of this Sacrament restraining it to the Priests onely And the people there present are made no more but silly spectatours of that which the Priest doth alone by himselfe without knowing or vnderstanding what hee saith or doth I know you will answere me as God forgiue me for it I my selfe haue often done that the priest beeing the publike Minister doth communicate in the names and behalfes of all that are present at his Masse Why then let me faire Ladyes mooue this question Where is any such commandement throughout the whole booke of God that wee should see the Priest to haue one Supper for himselfe first then at his leasure to communicate another to vs ●urely as we cannot liue by that which another eateth but of and by that which wee our selues doe eate Euen so as needfull is it for vs that wee should communicate in this holy and diuine Sacrament to liue in the true life of Iesus Christ who hath giuen himselfe therein to vs Not that any other there should receiue it for vs but that wee ought and should receiue it our selues thereby to haue Christ make his dwelling in vs. Alas good Ladyes let vs not seeke to bee wiser then our Lord and Maister for if wee doe it is but in vaine And well you know that hee neuer saide Behold the Priest or Minister of the Church bee eateth and drinketh for you and I haue so appointed it But hee spake plainely without any sophistication and said Take eate drinke you all of this And after him his faithfull Seruant Saint Paul writing to the children by adoption among the Corinthians said Wee are many partakers of one and the same bread And againe Let euery man eate of this bread and drinke of this cup. The countersaite pretence then which they doe alleadge can no way couer or maske their sacriledge because the commaundement is precisely to all faithfull people to take eate and drincke in this holy Supper And Saint Chrysostome hath spoken very well to this purpose Wee are no longer saith hee vnder the olde Law where the Priest did eate his portion and the people had the rest But here one body is giuen to all and likewise one cup And what soeuer is in the Eucharist Sacrament is common as well to the people as the Priest And gratious Ladyes desire them but to satisfie you in this one particular poynt namely that if they beleeue or giue any credit to the Canons of their owne Popes they cannot then but confesse and acknowledge their sacriledge for these bee their owne words All they that are present at the Masse and communicate not confesse themselues to bee excommunicated For their Canons further say That the consecration being ended all are to communicate or else they are depriued of entring into the Church For so did the Apostles set downe the ordinance and wee hold the same in the holy Romaine Church Moreouer in the Canons that beare the title By the Apostles it is thus ordained That all they which continue in the Church to the end of Mosse and doe not receiue the Sacrament ought to be corrected as perturbers and disquieters of the Church According to that which was ordained in the Counsell of Antioche That all they which entred into the Church should behaue themselues well and heare the Sermon and if they abstained from the Sacrament they ought to bee excommunicated vntill they had bin sufficiently chastised for that vice And therefore Saint Chrisostome in his Homilies vpon the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Ephesians doth reproue them very sharpely that in his time would be present in the assembly at the Communion and yet not communicate What say you to this sweete Ladyes when you see how many are present with your selues at their daily Masses and yet none of you are suffered to communicate but the Priest himselfe onely Besides all this the prayers which they yet vse to say in their Masse do likewise very sufficiently conuince them for when the Church retained her wonted puritie the people were then receiued to the Communion and behold what their prayers then contained and yet doe Lord thou hast filled and satisfied thy familie with thy holy giftes to wit the Sacrament And another speaks thus We being filled and satisfied with the sacrifice of thy pretious body most holy bloud c. And another We pray thee lord that these things may be carryed by the hands of thy holy Angell vnto thy high Altar speaking of the oblations of the faithfull in receiuing the bread and wine vsed in the Sacrament To the end that all others as well as wee that shall receiue the participation of the Altar in the blessed body and holy bloud of thy Sonne may be filled with all happy benedictions These are the very true words dere Ladies vsed in their prayers wherein if you will not credit me I desire you to reade them your selues for your further satisfaction And doubtlesse they would neuer haue spoken in this manner if the Priest onely had then communicated as now a dayes you see he doth Otherwise it had beene to say one thing and performe the contrary as you may perceiue hath happened since for now they haue vtterly depriued the people of the Communion Tell me then I intreate yee is it not a mockery of God and of the people to tell them that they are pertakers in those giftes of the Altar and yet all the while to giue them iustnothing at all In