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A10053 Prince Henry his first anniversary. By Daniel Price Doctor in Divinity, one of his Highnesse chaplaines Price, Daniel, 1581-1631. 1613 (1613) STC 20299; ESTC S115209 19,273 39

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12 And now death Natures midwife began her final act of dissolution this fatall day friday a day which long before his highnesse accounted dismall proved to be the day of blacknesse and darknesse a day of clowds gloomishnes there never was since the time of Christ the like and Lord let never be the like any more after it even to the yeares of many generations Now the infallible signes of vnsatisfiable death approaching the disiointing Cōvulsions trembling agonies came vpō him Nature wasting like a dying Lampe in that day his starres begin to be darkned the keepers of his house to tremble the strong men to bow themselues the grinders to cease they that looke out of the window to be darkened Now the siluer Cord is ready to be loosed the golden pitcher breaking at the fountaine and the wheele breaking at the Cesterne Now now HEE is going to his long home and the mourners go about in the street O miseram faciem orbis O wofull countenance of a Court that now appeared the Eccho and reclamation of sighes sobs the throwes of sorrow of outcryes and vnspeakeable Lamentation sounded not only in that wofull house and therein in the Chambers of death but in all the Court all the city men passing along by each other as if they had bin come out of the graues Teares groanes heavy lookes dissheveld lockes and lamentations filling all places speach life seeming to be strangers to men the saddest time sablest world that ever our Country knew It exceeds invention to imagine it and is able to cast a perpetual dampe vpon the vnderstanding that shal conceiue it my hand pen heart all my faculties sinke vnder this burden I lacke Agamemnons vaile The delight of mankinde expectation of nations is expiring where how whence is Comfort to bee had I shal never forget ever to pity those poore souls with wringing hands breaking harts whose shrikes and outcries are able to pearce Adamāt Are sins more prevailing then prayers Where is the power and violence of praier which opened and shut and sealed vp heaven brought downe fire and staied the sunne in the firmament No hope no helpe all miracles ceased No balme in Gilead nothing in the strength and extracts of nature no Elixir in Art to recover to repaire this irrecoverable consumption It was providence that disposed it and doth silence question But was the charge so strict as that the great Tyrant Death would smite neither small nor great but Israels Prince the Ioshua Iosiah Maiesties first borne Religions second Must the Rose be blemished before it was fully bloomed or the fig tree blasted before it was time to bring forth fruit O crueltie of that savage monster Death O Death thou child of sinne and father of confusion hast thou not already triumphed enough in funerall solemnities thy applause in the cries of widdowes and orphans by the disorder and desolation of thy vniversall dominion that as many ages as haue beene since the world was created so many conquests hast thou obtained and yet thy all devouring throat the graue vnsatisfied But againe I see the finger of providence imposing silence forbidding question Yet my eares tingle with the dolefull tune of that wofull time The bell now calleth him to the triumphant Church by day Death durst not approach by night he vndertakes this deed of darknesse The redoubled sound of that solemne but sorrowfull knell strooke all hearts with a chilling killing feare now hope was without helpe the ayer was troubled with the scriching outcries and all knees bowed all faces plentifully bedewed the world in an extasie as if some especiall part of nature were dissoluing Now were the last prayers of the family who without intercession were all that day assisted by many honourable and infinite lamentably sobbing soules whereof the Chappell vestry entry and whole Court were ful all ioyning with strong cries weeping eyes bleeding hearts did commend his blessed soule to be bathed in the pretious blood of his Saviour And so not long after quietly patiently blessedly he expired and yeelded his spirit into the hands of his immortall maker Even then when that inauspicious aspect of the planets did portēd some ominous disaster when only Saturne and Iupiter appeared aboue and Sol Mars Mercury Venus and Luna lay hid below not daring to be witnesses of that heavie and horrid effect of that horrible coniunction Learne hence all yee firre trees that Cedars may fal and Princes the Gods of the earth may die They are men helplesse men mortall men corruptible men in the frames of their bodies and in the cogitations of their minds Happy therefore is he that hath the God of Iacob for his refuge Happy is hee whose hope is in the Lord his God! And blessed be our God who in the vnconceavable wisdome of his divine wil hath freed blessed Prince HENRY from the fetters of the flesh Who when he had shewed him the world to loath the world enfranchised him from this earthly prison and dungeon and possessed him now with greater libertie Where being exalted in greatest glory hee is nowe in his presence where there is fulnesse of ioy and at his right hād pleasure for euermore Where there is an immortall immarcessible crowne wherewith already hee is adorned in that kingdome of continuance where sorrow shal never be felt sicknesse never be feared where ioy cannot be touched with sadnesse nor health tainted with sicknesse where there is all good without any evill and all trouble all punishment and all feare is done away And finally blessed bee that God who hath out of his fountaine of goodnesse once againe opened the windowes of the mornings mercy and restored a new light to those sorrowfull soules who sate in darknesse and in the shadow of death and hath restored the voice of ioy and gladnesse vnto our most gracious K. IAMES and the family of St IAMES by the setling of that house and the happy shining of our day starre CHARLEMAINE the apparant heire of his blessed Brothers vertues and titles the Parallel of former and absolute patterne of future Princes whose stemme and stock long may it florish vnder the branches of those Royall Cedars his renowned Parents that so with much happinesse his Highnesse may bring forth his fruit in due season to all good mens good and Gods great glory Amen
stirred all of all estates to the consideration of their states and did much affect his highnesse as appeared both by his great attention and commendation thereof Blessed Prince by this Esay 38 1. preparing as Hesekias was warned to set his house in order because he must die Learne hence yee Courtly Gallants yee that prorogue the tearme of your lifes as the Prophet spake Zephany yee that put farre from you the day of the Lord set your houses in order you must die an account must be made did yee but know what houre the theefe Death will come yee would watch if at that time the house bee not built by faith or built and not prepared by hope or prepared and not swept by repentance or swept for a time and not dayly set in order by meditation of mortalitie If there be no care of the spirituall Oeconomy at that day at that houre yee shall drinke the bitter cuppe of the dregges of destruction O then al of yee that eat as if yee did not care to liue and yet build as if yee did not thinke to die yee that preferre Hagar before Sara Bern. Gen. 16 3. Gen. 30.4 and neglect Rahel in regard of Bilha yee that respect not that poore pining fainting Inmate the soule stand in your watchtowers looke towards the vvest to the setting of the sunne dispose of your bodies your soules that your eyes may see your salvation One put his barnes in order and that night they tooke away his soule Achitophel put his house in order and that day he went and hanged himselfe Esay 38.1 but Hesekias set his house in order set his soule in order and so recovered health to body and soule Princes doe partake of a kind of omnipotency their braue followers potentate friends Beaux maiesticke roabes treasured vp riches delicate fare faire Palaces pleasures as if Paradise were recovered their delights as if heaven were come to dwell on earth as the nation of the Iewes cary with them a Savour of their stained stemme murtherous progeny so all these vanities cary a sent and shew of earthly perishing mortalitie Sorrow sicknesse death be Courtiers and of great command they haue their groomes in every office of the house To say no more If Salomon in all his royalty did remember his Creator in the daies of his youth before the evill dayes came Eccles 12.1 before the yea s drew nigh wherein hee might say I had no pleasure therein then linger no longer whosoever thou art in the morning sowe thy seed worke while it is day provide with Ioseph the barnes before the famine Gen. 41. Gen. 6.13 Luk. 15.11 Luk. 16.1 and with Noah the Arke before the flood Let the prodigall child vniust steward vnwise virgin serue thee as examples to terrifie thee But to incite thee to rowse vp that panting fainting breath of thy soule Remember the carefull resolution of this rare Prince whose mintadge may lend character to all the world 5 When the sunne of his Highnesse life was ascending to the meridian his and our Ecclipse began before the noone-tide of nature the night of death set vpon him When all the worlds Eccho of him was that which Antigonus spake of Pyrrhus maximum futurum si senesceret Pluz then did that great Tyrant death first beate then batter all the naturall forces all the principall parts of his bodily fortresse The besiege was not long but cruell when HEE forecasting the worst of events and encountering them before they came caried this character of the valiant D. Hall Char. of val often to looke death in the face and with a religious constancie to passe by it with a smile at once shewing both his content and contempt of death O you vaine froathy fondlings of the world who are enimies to God because strangers to goodnesse in whom custome of sinne hath left no sense of shame and desire of life no feare of death learne hence and tremble at the lesson what it is to walke early and dayly with your maker learne what it is to provide deaths paymēt before the day Shall he that was Natures mirrour the delight and delicacy of mankind being as deere to the world as heauen deare to him shall HE so ballace himselfe with holy wisdome that he provides to floate steddily in the midst of his tempestuous shipwrack shal he in the strength of nature heate of blood beautie of youth and glory of his time prepare so timely at once both to welcome and contemne death And will yee yee earthly Glowormes neglect so certaine vncertaine a point of state as the prevention of death by provision for death your daily surfets nightly riots hourely quarrels are attended not only with surquedry but mortalitie If ever place or age time or person had had a priviledge or immunitie frō death then yee might continue to flatter your selues and to betray your soules but whenas all that soiourne vpon the face of the earth must returne into the wombe and tombe of the earth that the Arkes of your bodies bee full of holes and yee take water at a thousand breaches when that art of offence the duell whereof the divell is the Master is so frequent that beyond the ancient but abhorrent māner of humane murthers as the infants of Bethlehem in the cradles Eglon in the parlour Saul in the mountaine Mat. 2.16 Iudg. 3.12 1. Sam. 26. 2. Chr. 32.21 Ishbosheth on his bed Zenaeherib in the Temple all other places whatsoever forraine and domesticke stream with the blood of single combat of which bloody issue your selues be the Authors the actors the abettors To which adde the namelesse and helplesse infirmities by outrages and sicknesses wherevnto yee are subiect And vpon this consideration turne your eyes inwardes into your owne Anatomies obserue whether yee need Cautions in this kind that seeing examples moue not precepts may prevaile 6 But whither goe I Blessed Prince he was both an apt scholler and an excellent Master his vnderstanding was illumined with the beames of divine truth God acquainted him with his word and in his word with his will Hee made sure for his soule accounted it no safety to bee vnsetled in the foreknowledge of his finall estate How were the devout and frequent observations of his morning religious offices without intercession privately continued as if with David he had vowed Psal 5.3 My voice shalt thou heare in the morning O Lord in the morning will I direct my praier vnto thee This our morning starre preventing the morning watch in his morning offring as if to him Omnis dies esset vltimus dies Iob. 1. Ps 55.18 Rupertus Vitriacus Bon avent Aust in Psal Vespere Dominus in cruce mane in resurrectione meridie in ascensione enarrabo vespere patientiā morientis annuntiabo mane vitam resurgentis orabo vt exaudiat meridie sedens ad dextram Patris Sanctuary
PRINCE HENRY HIS FIRST ANNIVERSARY HEB. 11.38 Of whom the world was not worthy BY DANIEL PRICE Doctor in Divinity one of his Highnesse Chaplaines AC OX AT OXFORD Printed by Joseph Barnes 1613. TO THE RIGHT REVEREND Father in God his Honourable Diocesan the Bishop of EXETER and Visitor of Exeter College RIght Reverend Father my duty hath often incited me to performe some due observance to your Lordship Your honourable care of our flourishing College hath been my remembrancer pleaded with me as the Elders did with our Saviour for the Cēturion Hee is worthy that thou shouldst doe this to him he loueth vs Luk. 7.5 and his predecessour built our synagogue Your LP. hath been long a painefull carefull father to the Church to our tribe to our College and God hath extraordinarily blessed you that before your eyes your two eyes your two learned worthy sonnes in your dayes and in your Church serue at the Altar The reason that I presume to present this to your Honour is because you truly honoured him whom it concernes that was the excellent ornament of his age present and true mirrour to posteritie Your especiall observance of him in his life being made knowne to his Highnesse by the worthy Gentleman my ever honoured friend Mr Richard Connock had beene as truly rewarded as it was gratiously receaued h●d he liued But he is translated and now raigneth in heaven not for a day as Adontah or for a weeke as Zimri for a moneth as Shallum for six months as Zachary for two yeares as Elah for three yeares as Asa for forty yeares as David or fifty fiue as Manasses but forever and ever where in time you shall meet him to remaine with him without all time My selfe with my best devotions shal ever rest at your honourable disposall while I am DANIEL PRICE Exeter Coll. Decemb. 7. The fatall day of Prince Henries funerall PRINCE HENRIES FIRST ANNIVERSARY WHeresoever the Gospell shall bee preached mention shal be made of Mary Magdalen Mark 14.9 not only for loving her Lord in life when shee came to weepe to wash to wipe his blessed feete but also for that when he by whom shee lived was dead and shee for whom he died enforcedly left aliue shee provided her ointments for his dead bodies ornamēts to pay him the last tribute of external duties of sepulchral obsequies Her former action in the house perfumed the house only her later affection manifested at the graue hath persumed her memory through the world Chris●● A sinner to annoint her Saviour It is strange often doth the heaven bath the earth but never did the earth bath the heaven til Magdalens teares yet more strāge that though the life yet the loue of her Maister could not languish in her colde brest though shee missed his heavēly word to kindle it and his bodily presence to cherish it yet shee followeth through the shadow of death at the crosse and passeth to the chambers of death at the graue post funera funus after Nichodemus and Iosephs odors Ioh. 19.38 prepared by art and applied by devotion shee casts into the rich treasury her two mites of loue and lamentation and giues the world a checke who performeth duties of loue only in life and makes eie Service the most harty observance A meditation that since I conceived hath laboured so farre with me that I presume to bring forth this hasty but harty manifestation of my boundlesse desires endlesse duties to the memory of that late gracious now glorious Prince beyond all titles in his worth all sorrowes for his death whom no eie with iudgement ever beheld without ravishment lest therfore the remembrāce decay with the losse or the mothe of neglect infest the Princely vesture of great HENRIES memory seeing Pharaoh had his Pyramis Ioseph 2. Sam. 18.18 and Absolon his piller and that in the bad made worse kept vow of Ieptha the daughters of Israel went yearely to lament the daughters of Ieptha Iudg. 11.29 Why should PRINCE HENRYES Anniversarie bee an eie sore to any that are pleased with worse obiects Why should not the remembrance of our Iosias be like the perfume made by the art of the Apothecary Ecclas 49.1 sweet in all mouthes pleasing in all minds In favours done our memories ought to bee fraile but in benefits receaued eternall Right deare in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints Psal how much more in the eies of his Saints the death of this Prince ought to be pretious who living was vertues child Religions friend the Churches advocate Common-wealths hope the poores Master and Gods deare servant 2 Hune tantum terris fata ostendere Honourable and renowned plant as the first flowre of the fig-tree in the prime and bloming of his age hee was translated into heauen and why did not heauen and earth remoue their stations sunne and moone loose their motions and summer and winter period their seasons at this cause of sorrow What in the world shall make shewe to sence of stabilitie what creature is a fixed starre if such a Prince must die whom besides the by earthly healps of drugges and amulets the divine hopes of vertues prayers teares plaints could not keep aliue yet he is aliue on earth in al good mens thoughts in heauen in all Gods ioyes though our eies cannot now hehold him because HE is to bright a sunne for our weake sight our lookes must be limited to a meaner light we must rather humble our selues to the twilight of inferior things then celestiall spirits To follow him in the pace that nature lent him his life or to the place where nature left him his death deserveth a various curious tract were rather an Annall thē an Annuall remēbrance to think hereby to add to him reputation that smoaking vapour drawne from earthly honour of popular admiration were frivolous neither profit to him dead or approved of the wise aliue To excuse the cause of doing this were to accuse the manner of doing it and therefore without Apollogie let this testifie that I am a perpetuall votarie to the honoured memorie of blessed PRINCE HENRY that whatsoeuer any other wants be I may not bee censured for want of duty that so while I shall runne the race of my sinfull daies and continue the passage of my fleeting pilgrimage higher powers not otherwise disposing or displeasing hereat Iudg. 11. I may as the daughters of Israel once a yeare bestow some odors or ointments vpō my Princely Masters monument and burne some incense to his memories excellence 3 All the world were sate to see harken how his Highnesse hopefull youthfull age should be employed for in HIM a glimmering light of the Golden times appeared all lines of expectation met in this Center all spirits of vertue scattered into others were extracted into him Pliny Epi. Xenoph. Cy. rop Fox Acts monuments 2. Vol. so that