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A02203 Epigrams and sentences spirituall in vers, of Gregori Nazanzen, an auncient & famous bishop in the Greke churche Englished by Tho. Drant. Gregory, of Nazianzus, Saint.; Drant, Thomas, d. 1578? 1568 (1568) STC 12345.5; ESTC S4328 27,951 96

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they guardon had A nother sort dysease With sectes and frantike scysmes The east and weasterne seas God is not now their God But Paule Apollo Peter Or he is eche mans God To him that semeth meter For men and not for Christ Good iudged must we be So that our Christ in vayne Displayed was on tre And nayled was in vayne Forth whose thrise blessed bludde Issued all our name And all our worshippe good Now Lust before our eyes A clottered cloude hath rould And in vs Christian lyfe Hath caught a crasie could Now auarice doth raygne By stelth she clekes and glenes Nowe pride doth proule for prayse By lewde apparant meanes Nowe enuie clappes her handes An others hurt to spie Althoughe therby the worthe She wynne not of a flye To what so they do preache They God protest before Yet they apertly partes Mayntayne and factions sore They speake not as they thinke Ther saynges and ther mynde Or selde or neuer in one Contunynge shalt thou finde The woulfe in shepishe tyre A simple soule doth loke They couer for the fyshe A mortall hidden hoke Both those whiche haue no guides And those which haue suche guides Without or with suche guids All into mischeife slids Life hooly or prophane Life dissolute or strayte Gods word and mans deuice Are déemed by one rate One custome still we haue And still is like to stande That he that is the worst Best prosperse in the lande The Lord confounde that soule That errors did inuent That hatefull head that first Into the world them sent To them the world giues place To them gods selfe giues place The wills and féese of men They purchase thicke in space Rewards are all their owne Which shal be ours at length Thoughe now we toile in vayne Ormatchde with stéere and strength Our Iudges iudge it so It ruleth what they say Dame iustice from our coasts An outlawe is awaye All 's one Christ man the starrs The sunne the darke the lyght Proude Lusifer the blacke And heuenly angells bright The Trayter Iudas hath With Peter one rewarde Samaria is to Ierusalem comparde Gould siluer stone and brasse An ownce and dramme are one A like the puddles vile And fountaines clere in stone All thinges are nowe alike All thinges are now confusde As matter with out forme Which first they sayd was vsde In buildyng of the world The Amonittes of yore Nor Moabittes might treade With in the Temple doore Bicause they hurt Gods folke And they which with their mockes Disquyeted Gods churche God signd for hewynge blocks And tancards for to beare Thus did the wicked spéede At Gods indifferent hands They had no better méede But Leues ofspringe aye Prehemynence had great With in the temple they Were ministers in seate The seruice they sustaynde The cuers on them did bide All offices of chardge Mongst them they did deuide Within and out the churche Thus they did practise well In hooly deades deuout As then they did excell We we O death to synne Do honoure muche present What planctiue Pooet can These dayes enoughe lament A wake from vyce O world Tyme now for to repent And God with hartie praier Is likly to relent You shall haue happie helthe You shall haue present ayde If warned by my wordes In tyme you wil be staide But yf my whightlie heares And sawes you do dispies If younkers Rashe and bould Yée iudge for to be wise If some with deathfull noyse And foolyshe perlouse dynne Do sott your sensles hart And of me conquest wynne Our light I do protest To darknesse that doth turne And Gods fyre puysant hande That shall make all to burne I will not take their parte I dare not be their mate Nor of their rede peruerse Once will I knowe the state We come not in one shippe We sayle not in one Bardge I will not walke their waye Nor sincke with them for chardge Let them post out the race Which rashly they haue runne And speadely dispatche Whiche lightly they begonne The helthfull arcke of Noys I laboure to assende To skape that is to come Their doolefull dreadfull ende I will steppe from their pathe And voide the shenfull showre That grysely hydeous plague On Sodome that did powre In this our yearthly corps That Sodome hath a place The visage of the wise With duste it doth deface It rangeth vp and downe It doth seduce the harte And is the motiue cause From path to make vs starte I hope to take suche hede To purge this Sodome out That safely I maye smyle At stormes which lowdly route With fixt intentiue mynde And heaunly meanyng will Purposinge godly thinges Not common with the ill Unto the persons thrée One godheade I will fare And to my sauior Christ Which sitts in iudgement chare Wheare alle thinges shal be ope And euident in sight In Gods eauen wayinge hande The skole shall payse aright And vprightlie and iuste Shall all be donne in sighte The othe of Nazensen being made Bishoppe BY Christ I swere aboue With God coeternall Begot before all worldes And not begonne at all His Fathers image true Most like vnto the same Which once for mans great loue From skyes dissendyng came I swere and swere againe By Gods allmightful grace That I no errors false Nor fickle will imbrace Nor that in other sence The sentence of the lorde I le chaunge or with my wordes Make worse his precious worde If of the trynall powre The honoure I deuide Or if I fréet in neade And from thy seruice slide If I for vpmost romes Do euer throng or thrust Or if me captyue drawe With corde suche longing luste If I on mortall man My confidence do laye And on so weke a helpe My flotyue shippe shal staye If that in waues of welth My mynde be pufte with pride Or if to soft delights My wanton hart shall slyde If I a iudge assignde Right iudgment shall renye Or if the higher rome Do make me loke more hie If I treade not aright Or cease from doinge well If I delight to se The wicked beare the bell If malice fréete my fleshe If I do gibe or skorne At any mans myschaunce Or at my fooes forlorne If fansie make me madde If that my breast be blinde If that my tonge doth talke And tattle out of kinde If rashlye I do hate Or seke reuenge on fooe If emptie from my house I let a poore man gooe If I féede not those brestes That thrist for Christ his worde Then other men regarde And loke on them O Lorde The labours ould and great Which me haue ouer loode Comitt them to the wynds To carry them abroade This is my lawe of lyfe The which if I imbrace Nor thought nor deade is myne O Christ it is they grace A spirituall dompe In heuie hard affayres The comfort of my greife My keper trustie true The prope of my beleife Was aye the Godheade bright Releude in these our coasts Ariude at our rude cares
finde Blame our selues not the deuill Why doe we blame the Deuill why doe we so Why doe we morne that he doth make vs sinne Our liues at randone louse why let we go The fault or hoallie we or chiefe are in In this our fleshe the fier we beare aboute The feende doth blowe to make the flame flashe out Dreames vaine Beleue not dreames let them not thee deceiue Nor let eche fearfull fansie the agriese If that thou happe some vision gladde to haue Be thou not proude therof in any wyse Suche folishe fraude and fonde delightfull pelfe From Satan comes euen from his very selfe Hope the beste To all thy deedes a prosprous ende propounde For if that God to doinges whiche be ill No hinderer but a suffrer oft be founde The acte that 's good no doubt he furder will Though ill thee good doe seame for to appall Yet ill at length shall finde and feele the fall Learning and vvisedome Wisedome is safer thing then prosprous lucke Fortune doth faune and sclender stroke doth yealde But witte and wysedome giue the stronger plucke And only they doe rule in towne and fielde Learning doth passe the brightest gift of mynde A surer treasure shal we neuer finde Stoutenesse and courage Be stoute and sterne but not in deades iniust If thou wilt be gods dearling deare and childe But when thy case is good and needes thou must Let dastarde feare and dreede be quite exilde Theirs manye ils that 's causers of decaye The hemlocke and the Scorpion poyson paie An olde man vvithout vvitte a younge vvithout courage A yonge man lesse of courage then an olde An olde man then a yonge man lesse of witte Unsitting and vnsemely both we holde The age doth make the vertue kyndly fitte Let him be wyse as sone as he is olde And him before his age of courage bolde VVorke and vvatche Eche man in feare must worke his sauing health So muche the more the nearer death doth stande Olde age wyl eftsones steppe on vs by stealth The trumpet soundes our ende to be at hande Be ready therefore all both more and some Be ready O the dreadfull iudge doth come VVisedome better then riches A droppe of lucke before a tunne of skill Giue me so sayde a bolde curmogine chuffe Phy quoth the learned man thou pratest ill And harke how litle I esteme thy stuffe ▪ One droppe of skyll my harte wolde better please Then of good lucke an hundred hudgie seas VVe deny God tvvo vvayes In worde and deede our God we deny So shetteth vp my litle pamflet booke The Deuill doth daungerous lurke vnto thee nye Not farre from thee but rounde about the looke Thy soule to saue in present longe distresse Giue euer thankes to God and blith him blesse FINIS Against the Arians Hipocrites and disceuers O Preistes that vnto God Hould sacred signes in handes On whom commission great And charge of people standes Betwixe whose onlye armes Godes workmanshippe doth swaye You which both God and man In one partakynge laye Ye groundselles of the worlde Of lyfe yelept the light Ye workers of the worde You blest to all mens sight Christbearers that shoulde be Now Lordes you set aloaft With Pantackles and moilles Your fete are feanced softe To pageanes and to plaies Ye sawnter vp and downe On Theaters ye shine The freshest in the towne Pretensed outward shape Ye conterféete and steale But in Religion true Pure inwardly to deale You are from that as farre As miserable stockes As most infected shéepe Of all your scabye flockes Playe on thou carelesse crue As founde thou hast begunne With countenance graue pronounce Whiche lightly thou hast dunne How so euer thou me calles A person lewd and lyght And bids me get me farre Exiled from thy syght And dost with arrowes thicke Of opprobrie me smyte Wherin as well I sée Thou highlie dost delighte Yeat what my mynde me giues That bouldely will I saye To the a folke vnkinde My hart I will outlaye ▪ Euen as the water streames If sterne the whether blowe Compelled kepe beneath And downe ther swellinge throwe Then brymme again do rise With murmure and with heate And hie with spreadyng floode Orwart the feildes do beate So I can not inhoulde This dolore in my brest But out it forcing flyes Impacient of rest Geue good leue for to speake Forgiue what I auouche If I your galled ▪ myndes With wordes do chaunce to touche True pleadges of my téene Are wordes and of my care And though they bootlesse flye And bussinge beate the ayre Yet practyse proues it playne We tell it as we finde Talke presentlie doth ease The payned pensyue mynde Christs bodye and renowne His flocke spreade farre abroad Was quyet whilst it voyde Of right Relligion boade Nowe gods possession due Addicted vnto him It sperplith here and ther As waues amydde the brymme Or as the Pynetre frame With wanton Eastwinde strength From skyes abatinge power To his Christ came at lenght To humanekynde I knytte He God and man was heare And on his body bould A dreadfull death did beare For our outragiouse synnes Forth lardge his bloude did streame That with suche pension proude Our synnes he might redeme Then readye shéepe to dye His ministers he sent Who throughe out many realmes His worde vpbearinge wente And sweet accompted death That came from cruell hande For with godes honoure highe It seamed well to stande That all his seruantes true Attendant to his state On his worde with their worde On bloude with bloude should waite But who our body shakes Whence springs this mischeifes load Howe commes the mone so darke That once so brigome boade Howe coulde that brockishe Boare Our Haruest so destroye Who ardent angrye séekes Our kindred to annoye Since first he Adame wrought From euerlastyng blysse A forcye ferce assault To giue he doth not misse Yet totally our kynd Nathlesse his wilye pate He compasse not with craft Nor stirde them from their state The sperklynge worde of God That candle blasyng bright Throughe landes and countryes farre Upheaued by his light The eager martires hartes Wer boulned more to die The more that they the rage Of Tirantes dire did spie Then Satan slye that spied Our souldyers victores still Amongste their vnderguides Dissentious séede did spill The cheiftane tayne awaye The armye can not bide The shippe that fletyng gaie Uppon the surge doth ride The Pylott yf he mysse With winde his warped lowe Or wrekyng all her wares Her self on rockes doth throwe So Cyties houses flockes Ther absent guides do rewe The waganers not skilde Their wagons ouerthrew Whoseuer heares mongst vs What myscheifes craule and crepe Will therfore blame and banne The shepard not the shepe For manquellers were once Appoynted romes to lurcke And romes assigned weare For Pagans Sabott worke For seruyce of the Iues Erected was a place Whiche kinges and Rulers stoute Made euen with grounde in space Howe well I will not saye Nor do I honoure those That
Appointed in gods light Him to redeme our God was glad In mortall body playne The slaughter of the mansleer To rescue with his bane With gall he vanquisht gulteny With nayles the hands iniust Exalted hie the vanquisht yearth And Adams fruyttre dust Ould Adame to reuiue againe So he to quarters fower His armes out strechd and vnto hym Drewe all men with that power In that one man and with his bludde The coastes of syne skower And vnto vs set open heauen By conquest great of sinne ▪ That to that hooly vpright hill We might haue passage in O kynge who can seke out thy sence And sentence so profounde That knowes the windes the droppes of showers And sands of al the ground Who can thy secret steppes bewray Of thy so close aduise Almightie that dost all thinges se And rule in dreadfull wise Whiche is in all the world so wide Our féeble beames se the Unperfectly as we the bulke Of flashing lightnynge se Whiche forthwith flitteth in the ayre Yet this we certayne hould That those which certayne here to fore To death and synne were soulde By the and by thy preciouse death Haue wonne a better houlde The world vs wronge and wrapt in toyle In heauy seasons past The earth obaide their earthlie prince Blowne prostrate with his blast And fannynge fawning flattering puffs Now vs this heauenly kinge In mariage knyt from yearthly soyle To heauenly world will bringe Of his busye and wordly affayers WHilst that with cares opprest My parents deare in extreame age I tender and looke to And dolors deape with presence swage Me confortinge in that I excecute myne office due And as me Nature binds Performe my seruice loyall true I se me snaard in sinne For which lyes ope the pitt of hell And that drawes me from god Which I do thinke of dutye well My corps and pensyue ghost Continuall carcking ouergoose And pulls me downe to earth Who earst in soule to heauen vproose My seruants dissolute Are hartbreake greater then I wist They maisters hate seuere They hooly vse eauen as them list To maisters shape vnkinde To gentle maisters theues iniuste Still stéeringe vp our wrathe And to reuenge excesse of lust Our Fathers goods at home Our Ke●●rs burdens great abroade For taxes and for toules We pricked are as néete with goade With mercments hard exacte The richemans fredome from him flyes In thraldome lyes his tounge A bout his stocke the chatchpole plyes The iudges kepe aloaft Fatt placed soft one benches hie Of comynalls a worlde For speady iustyce houle and crye To counteriarring pleas Our casis tiede as ruled lawe The simple they inlincke Wide nettes they weue far them throw For this they swéet and swelt For this they taulke for this they toile To treade downe truth for gayne By skules they skudde and rownyng rolle The seriaunt sittes at barre To ether part he wil be soulde The worst man is the beast If most he haue to giue of goulde Who can go by these trapps Who from their snares by sleight can slide In these so peruest tymes Onlesse that god become his guide Or to the wicked sort He must leaue welth and wicked gayne Or with the soile of synne His soule and selfe must totall stayne As if thou stand at fyer Which fast hath spread forth pitchy smoke Or therof thou shalt smell Or stifled sent wil make the choke From Egipt and Babilon to the holie Lande FLye blacke Egiptus lande Fly Pharo and his godlesse prankes A contry seake aboue Leue captyue fieldes and Babills banks Delight not neare the fludde In shady places to he founde Loue not that warblinge harpe Ne yet their Musickes doolefull sounde Thy dame Assiriase yoake Abandon bouldly forth of hande Make hast with swift exployte To retche the bands of hooly land A plot at last suruey When longe thy temple firme may stand ▪ That lande I whilom lost Whilst longe I seke it mornyng soore About my head poore wretche A bushe of heare hanges whitly hoore From Sodome to the mounte WHo runnes his race forth right Thrise happie man of all is he Nor Sodome brent to dust For vggly synne lookes backe to se But cuntry soile forgettes And postinge hies to mountayne rocke Lest he a blocke of salt Be made and to the world a mocke Conflict of fleshe and spirit AYe me who vnto heauen and saintes So glad and fayne would go But bide in wouen wrethed still Within this corps of woe So diuerse is this daungrous life So raging ruffles synne I knowe of saftye harbowre none To shrowde my body in So soden coursinge cares come on With suche posthast they speade My ioye my comfort and my hart They eat vp as they feade But lose my God and set me frée From these my earthly bonds And place me prest amonge thy sainctes Amide thy heauenly stronds ▪ A brething to God LOoke vp my soule contemne That earth which doth the so impound Least that with payes of synne My carkasse plowng the grouffe to ground Short is this blisse of life As that which dreame a sunder knapps Tyme as it tumbles on Brings heauy heaps of hurtfull haps A puerer world ther is Which aye shal be and euer was A liuly life to lyue A place of pleasance swete to passe ▪ The world vyolent DEare world not truly deare ▪ Why roulst thou me arownde so fast As thoughe against my will I whurled were with whurlewind blast Muche like the litle Ante Who thoughe it doth with stande it stoute By force of greater strength Is easy drawen and dragd aboute My soule comes from aboue Compact I was of earth and ayre My corps comes from beneath My ghost from gods mouth yssude fayre With daungers great I stryue Which partly harme me through my fooes And this rebelliouse fleshe Doth partly eke increase my wooes O world I ende my dayes Preserue my flocke from ieopardy As delphin fysh in lande So in the ayre behould I dye Better to dye or to lyue AS in the ayre the foules As in the sea the shipp So runne I out my race So tyme awaye doth trippe Nothing doth certayne bide But that which we do sinne Suche is the heauie hap That we are lapped in I like it not to liue As ill I like to dye In both respects I quake If thou demande me why My synnes are growen so great They ouerlode my heade And worse they would me plague Alas if I were deade This life is suche a lumpe So massye to sustayne And when thou goost from hence Thou goost to further payne Of both sides feare is great The beast that I can finde Is Christ to fly to the To try thy mercye kynde Vnlodge the deuill AWaye from me all findes Al spirittes that worke my smart For God is dinted deape And grayled in my hart Begonne lest I forgooe Of mynd the stedy staye Yee maisters of the yearth Be trudginge hence awaye Mortifying With care with fastings prayers With watching
much and liuelonge toile These our dysloyall lymmes We ought to tame and put to foyle Art thou an honest man Thy selfe to passe contende thou still Unhonest art thou yet Content therfore to be lesse ill But Hypocrites do rayne Those after god will cutt awaye And for ther glosinge life With payne he will them sharply pay The strouted streched fleshe And heauy belly agrauate Will scarcely get to heauen So strayt and narrowe is the gate The felicitie of a Christian is Christ. LEt others gape for gould And followe banquet huffinge cheare Which in short life is short So gliding sliding outworne gear For pastures and for paks For grownd and grayne let others prodd And let them eke commaunde Their Satten suytes and silkes at nodde Let me haue only Christ Whom I in soule may perfitt se What seuer elles their is I pray the take it world to the. The life miserable and synne vnquyet WHy sends thou me o Christ Within this fleshe my soule to tyre Into this gastfull life And dongeon drent in deadly myre If that man be a god As in some points he is they saye Then god I am thy lote And sole on the my life doth staye My knees haue lost their strength Unpuysant are my members all Mée age and great disease And carcke and heauy frinds make fall Yet sinne doth not abate But me it fast pursues apase As when to eat theyr fleshe The dogge the Hare or hart doth chase Or gentle stay this gréefe Or me a man forworne sustayne From warfare me vnwinde And sone acquyt from present payne Let darknesse good induce Forgetfulnesse vnto my brayne The vanitie of this lyef A passage vnto God WHy bore my Mother me Why bore she me into this wooe Into this thorny daye Alas the day why did she so If that she felt no care Nor euer in hir fleshe felt fraye An happie one was she Begotten in a lucky daye But if hir stormes were stearne If many tymes and soore she fought Against hir will it was I thinke that me to world she brought All men haue now their trades And sundry liues they thick pursue He shreds the earth with share And he with shipp the waters blue He hunteth and he haukes And he in cheualry delights He learns the muses art And vaunting verses fresh indites And he by plays and prancks By seafold scornes by termes and trickes Aduances him for price And fast the fées of men he lickes But Christ is my rewarde My fée is longe corosyue care And soiorning disease That maks my carkasse lancke and spare Care cruche me for a tyme Me cruche and crouse nor on me rue In tyme I shal be well And bidd all care and carke adue The knovvlege of the Trynitie is blesfulnesse WHy bore my mother me That god I can not fully knowe Nor eauen so as I would His prayse I can not full out blowe The brightsome leamynge light Of Godhead daseleth quyte my brest Thee smalest parte therof Not fully in my skil doeth reast The light conuayes it selfe I morne nor can it perfit fele No more then leuen I knowe Which downe from heauen doth headlong réele But if aboue o Lord I face to face shall loke on the I will not blame my dame O happie then and well is me O sonne of god me saue And take me from this bitter myre And make me happie with Of latter life the happy hire Wher I shall se the plaine And seing plaine tryumphe aloude And not in parcill wise Thus still suruay the in a cloud A prayer for quiet death KInge Christ the light of men And pilloure bright of Gregory To me that stragling straye And wilsom wander farre and nye Staye tyrante Pharao Do by his hand o Christ I praye Staye those exactinge deuills Whiche on vs tasks so felly laye And from this Egipt yoake And from this mud that doth vs soyle Kidd vs and from this plague So full of death and trudginge toile Geue vs a passage good And quyet saffe addresse our waye If that our fooe arise And giue assault to make vs staie Then to vs fearefull folke In hast the read sea swift deuide That on the sands dryshodde Twixt walles of waues we glade may glyde Forth to the holy lande And cuntry coasts that longe shall duer Which thou Christ gauste to vs To haue and houlde saffe standyng suer That true maye be thy worde Wherin we only put our trust Then which nothing we thinke To be more stable and more iust The straungers fountaynes swéete And brokes of pleasance them imbarre Put by their threatning braggs And dolefull warre set from them farre So when the sacred soile We shal inioy reposd at ease With carrouls goodly swete We euer will the praise and pléese Finall repentaunce All is vanitie MY ende of life is come A shipman I the mayne hath past For me doth now remayne ▪ Due for my sinnes a bitter blast The vggly shade of hell Fercefyers darksome profound night Now all my crymes must come And be detected bare in light But in this latest acte Rue on me Christ and stand me nye And now my neadfull wante O Sauiour deare do thou supplye I suffer in my soule And troblouse feares do me agrize That anger thine on me Should fall in wrekful woofull wise Fayne would I passe from paynes That so my hart consume and eate And carry hence with me My busy destnyes dreadfull great But dying vnto you Which after me suruiue behinde I do protest with faith And tell you truly as I finde Beleue me deare my frinds There is no profit of this lyfe The death ther of doth bring A lasting life deuoide of strife A repulse to the deuill A passage to heauen A Farewell to the worlde DEpart thou from my breast A waye thou subtile deuil and slye Depart thou from my lyfe And from my body by and by Thefe Serpent Bellyall Fyer Beast gaper Dragon death and vice Thou Frensy darknesse night That into guile dost all intyce Inchaunter full of spite That dost in murder pleasure much Our parents that vndost With sinne and death and pestlence such Go get the to the seas Christs so commaunds or to the rockes As did the legion once Take vp thy rome in swinishe flockes Forlorne be faringe hence The death of Christ will ells the paye That death in all my partes That death in all my hart doth staye Christs death before my fete The death of Christ is all my ioye Thou crafty wilt thou not Surceasse to worke me mor annoye Wilt thou not go aside Wilt thou not fling the headlong downe On Sodome set thine eys That now for sinne dispeopled towne To lewd blasphemouse flokes The Godhead great that proude dispise Begonne and do not vexe My hoary head in tempting wise With thy malignaunt thought Thou makst my mynde both blacke bloe Wilt nether thou for me Nor yet for God wilt thou hence gooe Gods will doth the discharge No
bryng Before the time no tract of time The same awaye can wringe Riches The seruant swift of vice is welthe All powers with headye swaye To mischiues auckward do decline And leades to losse awaye Frendeshyp A trustie frinde is treasure best In honoure and distrese No person lewde for any cause In frendshippe do possesse Care The carefull breast deuoures the bones A mery pleasaunt mynde Doth kepe the body fat and fayer Conserued in his kynde Temperance in aboundance Aboundance can not shunne excesse The meane it can not kepe For fyer inflamd and full in course A way doth swiftly swepe VVyne The mynde and wyt is feabled sore By to much beluyng wyne For fyer the more that it is fedde More fully it doth shyne Feare of iudgement He that of iudgment stands in awe His wrath doth better tame For those that iudge of wrath it selfe In wrathe will iudge the same Affliction to affliction Hard case it is to adde more ill To him whom ills oppresse Yet one ille oft by profe we trye An other doth redresse Lastinge glorie Eternall glory lastynge fame To conquere let vs cast For that which heare we scrambling k Ore casteth as a blaste Anger an il counsailer That counsaile practise not wher to Thy wrath doth the inthrall For that which wrathe doth counsaile the No counsaile is at all Ill vvomen The dragon hath his noysome ill The Adder hath his smarte The Adders smart the Dragons ill Doth dwell in womans harte Marke the ende The skulles of dead the heades of quicke Apparant bald and bare Do proue that that will vs forsake For which we carcke and care Suche father suche child A yonge crabbe if he crepe awrye With foule vntoward pace Did not the Breader so likwise What iudge you in this case Like of like When Nature shall reuelt from kynde And bridle glad hir moade Then shall the scholmaister that 's badde Bring forth his scholers good Beauty and Pittie With diuerse godly ornamentes Thy corps and mynd imbroyde Dispise not thou the fatherles Nor let them be distroide Gods blessyng If God do lardgly giue increase ▪ No enuy can preuaile If god withdrawe his rich increase No trauaile can auaile Order and povver Set more by order then by power For order that aright Uphouldeth power hath in it selfe A greater power and might Dreading and melling They that in other matters mell And others chaunces dreade In dreadinge daungers not ther owne Their proper dread do speade The lavve of like Why dost thou viper payne abhorre In bringing forth thy yonge Assay what throwes had once the wombe Wherof thy selfe art spronge The stout are gloriouse None euer yet in any world Renowmed was for feare For conquests stout and bargings stoute Do strike vp glory cleare Dreames The want of sleape ingenders dreames Then slepe that can not spie A thinge it self in vision sées A broken fantasie Handling of rebelles Force only rebells can perswade Force rebells doth restrayne Force can subdue and rule prescribe To hugie Giaunts mayne The people a beast of many heads The headles people bearyng swaye Some skilles prince doth rayne The people is of all good thinges Confusion platt and plaine An ydle worke An Idle worke to be a worke Who could or can deuise Which eche wiseman by better right As foolishe will despise Gould a Rethorician If gould come once to speake in place Mans Rethorique pleadeth mumme For gould can pithily perswade Thoughe it in speache be dumme VVorldly peace Heare they may liue at their harts ease And take a worldly rest Which dote vpon the wicked world And like hir chaffer best Frinde and fooe A frind by all possible meanes His frind will gladly pleasure The fooe is he that hurts his fooe Without iust cause and measure Light shipping Swyme balauncd lightly in the sea Not ouer full of freight Lest thou an ouerloden barcke Do sinke or brast for weighte Musing of death Remember euer death at hande Thinke still vppon thy graue So thou of death when she shall strike The lesse of dread shalt haue The mynd a Temple Reare vp to God within thy mynde A Temple builded well So God the Lord of Heauen and earth At home with the will dwell Knowe thy selfe Knowe well thy selfe and what thou art And howe thou first beganne So shalt thou knowe the ofspringe fyrst And brittle state of man The steadfast mynde The dayes turmoyle vs swift in vayne From lyght to nouell lyght The man of God theternall lighte Hath placed in his sight Vanyties On thinges whiche swiftly come and gooe If thou thy trust repose So mayst thou trust the bubbes of fluddes Which swiftly comes and gooes Deades and woordes Like errour count it to offende In liuing and in talke When once thy tounge hath troade awrye Thy life awry will walke Hooly orders reliques It s wickednesse that wicked men Should hooly orders take Of reliques and relligiouse bones The worshippe formde forsake The path of vertue Tread out the tract of lyfe well leade Sincke not but stande vp still If thou woulds stande stande not within Their threshoulds who be ill Of sevnge The stepps of the deuill He seeth not who séeth not that That sinne bread smart in space We knowe the deuill not by his face But note him by hys trace ▪ The sicke man feleth not The pacient sicke his daunger deape If that he will not tell Him vrgent force of present death From life will sone expell VVordes and vvorkes Let wordes be thyne and workes be mine The cursed lyuer vyle Standes neade of praising blasing words And pledars pleasaunt guyle Idlenes Slouth breadeth lust and therfore thou Haue euer what to doe Lest that thy light vnconstant mynde Doe wauer to and fro Treasure standing Be ryche in God those riches vayne Whiche in this world we finde Are very like the cobwebbes which The spiders weake haue twinde Vertue passing This world hath naught that worthy is Why longer we should lyue Except those graces we respect Whiche vertue sole doth giue Faith Let vs kepe close our faith in hart Nor vauntingly it sell The one is easy washd away The other long doth dwell The meane Be not to iust be not to wyse Extreames of all thinges flye Shunne both extreames and that persue Which twixt the twayne doth lye Bouldnesse vvith discretion Except thou rule thy stomacke ferce It neuer wil be stoute The discret wyse most worthy things Most bouldly bring aboute Lavve and Lavvyer The lawes of God peruse in brest So shalt thou be in fee Retainde of him whose lawes and sawes Of heauenly vertue bee Please and displease Be good thy selfe and whom thou oughst Those franckly doe contempne And for to please the godles crue As shamefull that condemne VVary in praysing Thy selfe well lyvde the wicked sort Thou canst not well commende For all wyl thinke that thyne owne life To path vncleane wyll bende Duresse trieth Aduersitie doth trie the good As golde is tride by flames The well disposed persons hurtes Doe neuer turne to shame Denying of Father He that his father doth deny Denieth not him alone For by the father God did worke As causes ioynde in one A good name a good possession Mothes eate vp all thy goodes with thee In tumbe shall not be cladde At death thyne only honour is A good name to haue had Spare straungers and the dead Spare straūgers much but more thē spare Whiche hence are gone away And left behinde them what they had Them selfes inclosde in clay An other life In Gods name leaue and quite forsake The worlde and worldly vayles And vp to skyes with course direct And courage speade thy sayles The Trinitie the fountaine The ishue of all honest actes From God must haue their course The thrise and most blest trinitie Of goodnesse well and source Mans life This course of guilfull life Whiche flitteth forth of hande A toppe is litle suer And litle like to stande It rouleth vp side downe It runnes without redresse When moste it semes to staye It so muche stayes the lesse We holde it but in flight It fadeth when it bides It skipping sone is paste Yeat hard at last it slides It drawes and eke redrawes With it a stackring state We may discriue it thus Which realeth in this rate This raging reastles life So chaunging eury hower A dreame a smother light Of grasse a fleting flower A christian life Eche Christian man becomes Teares watching toyll ▪ and payne And rage of strong affectes In glouing hart do strayne His belly to imbarre To Christe him to inthrall To mynde the latter daie And trembling quake withall FINIS