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A08610 The monument of matrones conteining seuen seuerall lamps of virginitie, or distinct treatises; whereof the first fiue concerne praier and meditation: the other two last, precepts and examples, as the woorthie works partlie of men, partlie of women; compiled for the necessarie vse of both sexes out of the sacred Scriptures, and other approoued authors, by Thomas Bentley of Graies Inne student.; Monument of matrones. Part 1-4. Bentley, Thomas, student of Gray's Inn.; Abergavenny, Frances Nevill, Lady, d. 1576.; Marguerite, Queen, consort of Henry II, King of Navarre, 1492-1549. Miroir de l'âme pécheresse. English & French.; Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548. Lamentacion of a sinner.; Tyrwhit, Elizabeth, Morning and evening prayers.; Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548. Prayers or meditacions. 1582 (1582) STC 1892; ESTC S101562 669,543 1,114

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health and my tongue shall sing of thy righteousnesse Thou shalt open my lips O Lord and my mouth shall shew thy praise For thou desirest no sacrifice else would I giue it thee but thou delightest not in burnt offerings The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit a broken and contrite hart O God shalt thou not despise O be fauourable and gratious to Sion build thou the walles of Hierusalem Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousnesse with the burnt offerings and oblations then shall they offer yong bullocks vpon thine altar 5. Domine exaudi Psal 102. HEare my praier O Lord and let my crieng come vnto thee Hide not thy face from me in the time of my trouble incline thine eares vnto me when I call O heare me and that right soone For my daies are consumed awaie like smoke and my bones are burnt vp as it were a firebrand My hart is smitten downe and withered like grasse so that I forget to eate my bread For the voice of my groaning my bones will scarse cleaue to my flesh I am become like a Pellicane in the wildernesse and like an Owle that is in the desert I haue watched am euen as it were a Sparowe that sitteth alone vpon the house top Mine enimies reuile me all the daie long and they that are mad vpō me are sworne togither against me For I haue eaten ashes as it were bread and mingled my drinke with weeping And that because of thine indignation and wrath for thou hast taken me vp and cast me downe My daies are gone like a shadowe and I am withered like grasse But thou O Lord shalt endure for euer and thy remembrance throughout all generations Thou shalt arise and haue mercie vpon Sion for it is time that thou haue mercie vpon hir yea the time is come And why thy seruants thinke vpon hir stones and it pitieth them to see hir in the dust The heathen shall feare thy name O Lord and all the kings of the earth thy Maiestie When the Lord shall build vp Sion and when his glorie shall appeare When he turneth him vnto the praier of the poore destitute and despiseth not their desire This shall be written for those that come after and the people which shall be borne shall praise the Lord. For he hath looked downe from his Sanctuarie out of the heauen did the Lord behold the earth That he might heare the mournings of such as bee in captiuitie and deliuer the children appointed vnto death That they may declare the name of the Lord in Sion and his woorship at Hierusalem When the people are gathered togither and the kingdomes also to serue the Lord. He brought downe my strength in my iournie and shortened my daies But I said O my God take me not awaie in the midst of mine age as for thy yeares they endure thoroughout all generations Thou Lord in the beginning hast laid the foundations of the earth and the heauens are the worke of thy hands They shall perish but thou shalt endure they shall all waxe old as doth a garment And as a vesture shalt thou change them and they shall be changed but thou art the same and thy yeares shall not faile The children of thy seruants shall continue and their seed shall stand fast in thy sight 6. De profundis Psal 130. OUt of the deepe haue I called vnto thee O Lord Lord heare my voice Oh let thine eares consider well the voice of my complaint If thou Lord wilt be extreame to marke what is done amisse oh Lord who may abide it For there is mercie with thee therefore shalt thou be feared I looked for the Lord my soule doth wait for him in his word is my trust My soule flieth vnto thee Lord before the morning watch I saie before the morning watch O Israell trust in the Lord for with the Lord there is mercie and with him is plentious redemption And he shall redeeme Israell from all his sinnes 7. Domine exaudi Psal 143. HEare my praier O Lord consider my desire hearken vnto me for thy truth and righteousnesse sake And enter not into iudgement with thy seruant for in thy sight shall no man liuing be iustified For the enimie hath persecuted my soule he hath smitten my life downe to the ground he hath laid me in the darkenesse as the men that haue beene long dead Therefore is my spirit vexed within me and my heart within me is desolate Yet doo I remember the time past I muse vpon all thy works yea I exercise my selfe in the works of thy hands I stretch foorth my hands vnto thee my soule gaspeth vnto thee as a thirstie land Heare me O Lord and that soone for my spirit wareth faint hide not thy face from me least I be like vnto them that go downe into the pit O let me heare thy louing kindnes betimes in the morning for in thee is my trust shew thou me the waie that I should walke in for I lift vp my soule vnto thee Deliuer me O Lord from mine enimies for I flee vnto thee to hide me Teach me to doo the thing that pleaseth thee for thou art my God let thy louing spirit leade me foorth into the land of righteousnesse Quicken me O Lord for thy name sake and for thy righteousnesse sake bring my soule out of trouble And of thy goodnesse slaie mine enimies and destroie all them that vexe my soule for I am thy seruant Glorie be to the Father to the Sonne and to the holie Ghost As it was in the beginning is now and euer shall be world without end Amen Heerevnto you may adde as occasion and time will serue these select and notable Psalmes of Dauid as they are at large in the Psalter that is to saie the 5 7 13 17 22 25 31 35 42 43 55 56 57 69 71 77 86 88. Other Psalmes or Praiers compiled out of holie Scriptures verie necessarie to be vsed of the afflicted soule for obteining the remission of sinnes and mitigation of miseries O Lord of lords GOD almightie great and dreadfull which by thy word hast made heauen earth the sea all things conteined in them Nothing is able to resist thy power thy mercie is ouer all thy works All things be vnder thy dominion and rule both man and beast and all liuing creatures Thou art mercifull to whome thou wilt and hast compassion on whome it pleaseth thee Thy counsell shall stand for euer and whatsoeuer thou wilt shall be done Power dominion and glorie is thine which art aboue all things and in all things and in vs all Thou art Father of mercies and God of all grace peace and comfort which wilt not the death of a sinner nor delightest in the damnation of soules O Lord God which art rich in mercie and of thine especiall loue towards vs euen when we were thine enimies didst send into the world thine onelie begotten Sonne Iesus Christ that whosoeuer beleeueth dulie in him
of thee their God Notwithstanding when thou O God thereby well hadst tamed their fiercenesse and hadst brought them to this point that they could find no help in anie thou gratiouslie heardst them crieng vnto thee in their distresse and deliueredst them from their miserie and broughtst them from the dongeons of the prisons and darkenesse of death breaking their iron fetters in sunder O praise yee therefore this so great mercie of the Lord before him and declare his woonderfull actes to other mortall men who hath broken the brasen gates and hath dashed in peeces their iron barres How manie also being driuen awaie through persecution vnto that prophane Babylon euen auoiding so much as laie in you the sight of the wicked enimies did confesse with most dolefull silence euen with abundance of teares both your sinnes and sorowes at the flouds of Euphrates being mindfull of Zion And though you caried your harps euen to be your comfort in so great calamitie yet being outragiouslie mocked and derided in your miserie by the enimie that draue you awaie into most miserable captiuitie you were faine to hang them vp vpon the sallowe trees and make no noise in the sight of the persecutors as they that sawe more cause rather to mourne than sing in that time and place Notwithstanding the Lord did not forget you for euer but seeing the crueltie of the persecutors in his good time turned awaie your captiuitie mourning and restored you to libertie and ioie againe so that you liue and see the daie wherein Babylon is destroied and hir children dashed against the stones For the Lord hath giuen hir prosperitie vnto vs to deale with them againe as they haue dealt with vs. Yea the Lord hath armed his people with double edged swords in their hands wherewith they may punish the prophane Gentiles and auenge the crueltie of the oppressed also may drawe their kings and nobles bound in chaines and iron fetters euen to execute the iudgements appointed and commanded by thee O Lord. And this verelie is the dignitie and the honour of all them whome God hath receiued to his fauour Wherefore O ye glorious people vpon whome the Lord hath bestowed so manie benefits now see that yee in this your great quietnesse and rest sing triumph Praise the Lord in deede O Israel and delight thy selfe in setting foorth his praise continuallie whose worke thou art as it were newlie formed being deliuered from so manie not dangers but deaths What shall I speake Lord furthermore of them who by their owne foolishnesse going in the waie of wickednesse and being oppressed by manifold plagues and diseases doo dailie suffer the reward of their madnesse and loathing all manner of meate are at deaths dore whom notwithstanding thou O Lord diddest heare crieng vnto thee in their miserie and thou deliueredst them out of their distresse yea thou speaking but one word diddest take awaie all the cause of their deadlie disease and restoredst them to health Let these men also I saie praise this thy so great mercies O Lord and publish thy maruellous works before other mortall men Let them offer the sacrifices of praise vnto thee O God in the middle multitude of the people standing about them and let them rehearse with great ioie what he hath done for them in the assemblie of the cheefest Go to therefore O all yee people praise the Lord our God together with me who when wee were oppressed with Pharaos tyrannie was mindfull of vs and with a strong force deliuered Israel from the slauerie of Egypt and hath giuen this dominion to be possessed by ELIZABETH his handmaid for his mercie endureth for euer CAP. III. O All yee people I saie tribes kindreds and inhabitants of the earth both noble and simple rich and poore clap your hands and praise this most holie God with most ioifull voices Giue vnto the Lord the praise of all power worship and glorie giue him the honour due vnto his name and maiestie For lo he is come to gouerne the earth The Lord himselfe reigneth amongst you and gouerneth the whole world with a iust and righteous gouernement and ruleth altogether with the scepter of his iustice and truth Go to therefore O yee yong striplings and old men yong children maidens matrones and you also all other that loue feare God come I praie you praise y e name of y e Lord euen of our most mightie IEHOVA together with mee For he alone deserueth most high praise as he that is more deepe than the verie earth and more high than the heauens and far aboue all the powers and potentates of the world Go to also O ye damsels and virgins stir vp your ioie to daie with songs of praise vpon timbrell lute but voide of wantonnesse so that your ioie may tend to the glorie of God your onlie strength and celebrate this daie of your deliuerance as festiuail to the Lord our deliuerer O ye Uirgins and damsels vnmaried now reioice with me I saie and sing vnto the Lord a triumphant song Praise the Lord also O ye brides in your marriage songs with glorie and maiestie that ye liue to see my daies and that the flower of your youth is not consumed in the flame of Gods furie For the time was when you being desolate and vnmarried did remaine pensife without your marriage songs and liued solitarie sitting at home among the soote of pots but now the women that durst not come out of their houses come foorth glittering like gold and shining like dooues as white as snowe and boldlie diuide the spoile of the enimie Go to therefore O ye damsels of Iuda and multitude of Uirgins seeing ye haue so great cause to reioice shew not your selues vnthankfull in anie wise but praise the Lord together with me in Hymnes and celebrate his name with spirituall songs for his victories goodnesse and mercie towards vs. Come foorth yee daughters of Zion I saie and breake out into gladnesse with me reioice you of the iust iudgements of God vpon our enimies yea compasse you Zion round about account hir towers consider diligentlie hir wals and bulworks and set foorth the praises of hir peace and palaces so that yee may spread foorth the memorie thereof euen to all posteritie And doo you let all men to vnderstand that this is God euen our owne God for euer which hath not forsaken vs neither will leaue vs no not in the last minute of our life Go to now therefore I beseech you let vs altogether praise the Lord as we are bounden let the whole companie of vs Uirgins plaie vpon the Timbrels on euerie side and corner of the citie Zion one exhorting and answering another by course and that with new and excellent songs of praise to the glorie of God Let vs magnitie that mightie and eternal name of his for it is holie let vs continuallie come before the Lord and worship him for he is holie For what should we rather doo
pleased thy gratious goodnesse freelie of thine owne accord to elect and choose vs to saluation afore the beginning of the world and euen like continuall thanks be giuen vnto thee for creating vs after thine owne image for redeeming vs with the pretious bloud of thy deere Sonne when we were vtterlie lost for sanctifieng vs with thy holie spirit in the reuelation and knowledge of thy sacred word for helping and succouring vs in all our need and necessitie for sauing vs from all dangers of bodie and soule for comforting vs so fatherlie in all our troubles and afflictions for sparing vs so long and giuing vs so large time of repentance These benefits O most mercifull father like as we acknowledge to haue receiued of thine onlie goodnesse euen so we beseech thee for thy deere sonne Iesus Christes sake to grant vs alwaie thy holie spirit whereby we may continuallie growe in thankefulnesse towards thee be led into all truth and comforted in all aduersitie Strengthen our faith O Lord kindle it more and more in feruentnesse and loue towards thee and our neighbours for thy sake Suffer vs not most deere father to receiue thy word anie more in vaine but grant vs alwaie the assistance of thy grace and holie spirit that in hart word and deede we may sanctifie and doo woorship to thy holie name that we may help to amplifie thy kingdome and that whatsoeuer thou sendest we may bee hartilie well content with thy good will and pleasure Suffer vs not to lacke the thing O father without the which we can not serue thee but blesse thou so all the works of our hands that we may haue sufficient and not to be chargeable but rather helpfull vnto others Be merciful O Lord vnto our offences and seeing our debt is great which thou hast forgiuen vs in Iesus Christ make vs to loue thee and our neighbors so much the more Be thou O father our Captaine and defender in all temptations Hold thou vs by thy mercifull hand that we thereby may be deliuered from all inconuenience and end our liues in the sanctifieng and honouring of thy holie name through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen ¶ On the seuenteenth daie of Nouember commonlie called The Queenes daie Sundrie formes of Christian praiers and thanks-giuings vnto God for the preseruation of the most vertuous Ladie Elizabeth our most deare and dread souereigne Quéene of England France and Ireland defender of the faith c. verie necessarie to be vsed as generallie of all faithfull subiects continuallie so especiallie of the Mother and hir Daughter vpon the seuentéenth daie of Nouember and euerie Sabboth and holie daie in honourable remembrance of that ioifull Sabboth rest and peace from carefull mourning which that memorable seuententh daie brought to vs the banished exiles of England and persecuted members of Christ by the most happie entrance of hir most roiall and excellent Maiestie into this hir Emperiall Crowne and kingdome A Psalme Mother COme O all you that feare God come hither I praie you and giue eare a while and reherse with me y e great benefits that he the Lord hath bestowed vpon vs. Daughter For lo when the most mightie men gathered their power against vs and laie in wait for our life they conspired togither to worke our destruction as though the Lord had determined the same and exhorted one another saieng God hath forsaken them therefore persecute them now flieng awaie and take them being destitute of all helpe Moth. These men our aduersaries I saie wheresoeuer we remoued or went by sea or by land laie in wait most diligentlie for vs yea multitudes of the cruell enimies did not ceasse craftilie to enuiron and beset vs round about and ran vpon vs with gaping mouthes like raging and roring lions of malicious minds to bring vs to extremitie and to deuoure vs. Daugh. For thy sake O Lord alone were we killed euerie daie neither were we in anie better condition than sheepe appointed of butchers to the slaughter Moth. Manie of vs wandered in the waste wildernesse and sought strange cities commodious to dwell in halfe dead and killed with famine and thirst ouerwhelmed with the shadowe of death and being cast downe by the burthen of our miseries laie downe flat cleauing to the earth Daugh. The bands of death compassed vs round about and bound vs most wicked men like most raging flouds made vs afraid enuironing vs round about Moth. We were snared and cast fast bound with chaines into most darke dungeons yea we tasted the heate of the fire and the force of the water Daugh. Then we called vpon the Lord in these extremities We called vpon the Lord I saie and he heard our voice out of his high palace and receiuing into his eares the crie that we made vnto him he deliuered vs from our miseries and distresse Moth. He gathered vs home which were scattered from the East the West from the North South and brought vs from the dungeons of the prisons and darkenesse of death breaking the fetters and giues of iron in peeces Daugh. The Lord hath deliuered our life from death he staid the teares of our eies and established our feet that they did not fall he hath brought vs out of our distresse Hence haue we our light whereby he causeth vs to shine and hath driuen awaie our darkenesse Moth. Therfore will we praise thee O Lord among the nations and will sing lauds vnto thy Maiestie yea we will declare thy power and will shew foorth thy praise and mercie earlie in the morning because thou hast defended vs and wast our refuge in extreme dangers Daugh. Oh acknowledge and declare ye openlie that the Lord is good for his bountious goodnesse is for euer Let all the sincere worshippers of the Lord now confesse that his louing kindnesse is perpetuall Praise ye the Lord. Moth. Glorie be to the Father and to the c. Daug. As it was in the beginning is now c. ¶ The Versicles Mother O Lord shew thy great mercie vpon vs miserable sinners Daughter And grant thine euerlasting helth and saluation vnto vs. Moth. O Lord saue Elizabeth our gratious Queene and Gouernor Daugh. Which putteth hir onlie confidence in thee O God hir tower Moth. Oh send hir still continuall helpe from thy most holie place Daugh. And euermore from dangers all defend thou hir most roiall Grace Moth. O let not the infernall fo haue anie aduantage of hir Daugh. Nor let the wicked enimie once approch to hurt hir Moth. Indue hir ministers alwaie with righteousnesse and equitie Daugh. And make thou thy chosen seruants full ioifullie to praise thee Moth. O Lord saue thy people from all perils and dow them with thy gifts Daugh. And blesse thou thine inheritance with all thy bountious benefits Moth. In our time O Lord giue vs thy peace which passeth all vnderstanding Daugh. Bicause none other God dooth fight for vs but onelie thou our King Moth. O soften thou our hardened
counted as sheepe appointed to bee slaine neuerthelesse in all these things wee ouercome through him that loueth vs. For I am sure that neither death nor life neither Angels nor rule neither power neither things present neither things to come neither quantitie or qualitie neither anie creature shall bee able to depart vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesu our Lord. They are not by this godlie faith presumptuouslie inflamed nor by the same become they loose idle or slowe in dooing of godlie works as carnall men dreme of them so much the more feruent they be in dooing most holie and pure works which God hath commanded them to walke in They wander not in mens traditions and inuentions leauing the most holie and pure precepts of God vndone which they knowe they be bound to obserue and keepe Also they worke not like hirelings for meede wages or reward but as louing children without respect of lucre gaine or hire They be in such libertie of spirit and ioie so much in God that their inward consolation can not be expressed with tongue All feare of damnation is gone from them for they haue put their whole hope of saluation in his hands which will and can performe it neither haue they anie post or piller to leane to but God and his smooth and vnwrinkled Church For he is to them all in all things and to him they leane as a most sure square piller in prosperitie and aduersitie nothing doubting of his promises and couenants For they beleeue most surelie they shall be fulfilled Also the children of God be not curious in searching the high mysteries of God which be not meet for them to knowe neither doo go about with humane and carnall reasons to interpret Scripture persuading men by their subtile wits and carnall doctrine that much knowledge of Scripture maketh men heretikes without they temper it with humane doctrine Sophistrie Philosophie and Logicke wherewith to bee seduced according to the traditions of men after the ordinances of the world and not after Christ S. Paul doth most diligentlie admonish vs which arts are not conuenient meet to be made checkmate with Scripture For the Scriptures be so pure and holie that no perfection can be added vnto them For euen as fine gold doth excell all other mettals so doth the word of God all mens doctrines I beseech the Lord to send the learned and vnlearned such abundance of his holie spirit that they may obeie and obserue the most sincere and holie word of God and shew the fruits thereof which consisteth chieflie in charitie and godlie vnitie that as we haue professed one God one faith and one baptisme so we may be all of one mind and one accord putting awaie all biting and gnawing For in backbiting slandering and mis-reporting our Christian brethren we shew not our selues the Disciples of Christ whom we professe In him was most high charitie humilitie and patience suffering most patientlie all ignominie rebukes and slanders praieng to his eternall father for his enimies with most perfect charitie and in all things did remit his will to his fathers as the Scripture doth witnesse when he praied in the Mount A godlie example and lesson for vs to followe at all times and seasons as well in prosperitie as in aduersitie to haue no will but Gods will committing and leauing to him all our cares and greefes and to abandon all our policies and inuentions For they be most vaine and foolish and indeed verie shadowes and dreames But we be yet so carnall and fleshlie that we run headlong like vnbrideled colts without snaffle or bridle If we had the loue of God printed in our harts it would keepe vs backe from running astraie And vntill such time as it please God to send vs this bit to hold vs in we shall neuer run the right waie although wee speake and talke neuer so much of God and his word The true followers of Christs doctrine haue alwaies a respect and an eie to their vocation If they be called to the ministerie of Gods word they preach and teach it sincerelie to the edifieng of others and shew themselues in their liuing followers of the same If they be maried men hauing children and familie they nourish and bring them vp without all bitternesse and fiercenesse in the doctrine of the Lord in all godlinesse and vertue committing the instruction of others which apperteine not to their charge to the reformation of God and his ministers which chieflie be Kings and Princes bearing the sword euen for that purpose to punish euill dooers If they be children they honour their father and mother knowing it to be Gods commandement and that he hath thereto annexed a promise of long life If they be seruants they obeie and serue their maisters with all feare and reuerence euen for the Lords sake neither with murmuring nor grudging but with a free hart and mind If they be husbands they loue their wiues as their owne bodies after the example as Christ loued the congregation and gaue himselfe for it to make it to him a spouse without spot or wrinkle If they be women maried they learne of S. Paule to be obedient to their husbands and to keepe silence in the congregation and to learne of their husbands at home Also they weare such apparell as becommeth holinesse comlie vsage with sobernesse not being accusers or detractors not giuen to much eating of delicate meats and drinking of wine but they teach honest things to make the yong women sober minded to loue their husbands to loue their children to be discreet chaste houswifelie good and obedient vnto their husbands that the word of God be not euill spoken of Uerelie if all sorts of people would looke to their owne vocation and ordeine the same according to Christs doctrine we should not haue so many eies and eares to other mens faults as we haue For we be so busie and glad to find and espie out other mens dooings that we forget and can haue no time to weigh ponder our owne which after the word of God we ought first to reforme and then we shall the better helpe an other with the straw out of his eies But alas we be so much giuen to loue and to flatter our selues and so blinded with carnall affections that we can see and perceiue no fault in our selues And therfore it is a thing verie requisite and necessarie for vs to praie all with one hart and mind to God to giue vs an heauenlie light and knowledge of our owne miseries and calamities that we may see them and acknowledge them trulie before him The twelfe Chapter The conclusion with a Christian exhortation to the amendement of life IF anie man shall be offended at this my lamenting the faults of men which be in the world fantasing with themselues that I doo it either of hatred or of malice to anie sort or kind of people verelie in so dooing they shall doo me
for our offences Indue vs with loue and charitie to all men make vs readie to forgiue to loue and pardon our enimies persecutors and slanderers Turne our harts minds from all impietie couetousnesse blasphemie pride gluttonie fornication and all other detestable euils And if at anie time we haue defeated the fatherlesse of his right the widowe of hir dowrie or gathered togither our goods wrongfullie by violence oppression fraud collusion or deceit giue vs grace to make restitution and to aske with sorowfull plaints and fluds of teares from the bottome of our harts pardon and free forgiuenesse of thee for such and all other our offences whatsoeuer wee haue done or committed in thought word will and deed against thy diuine Maiestie or anie other our brethren and sisters Take awaie from vs ali bitternes cursed speaking and backbiting Giue vs grace to come woorthilie by the vertue of a true and fruitfull faith to this holie and blessed supper that our soules feeding faithfullie on thy sweetest flesh and drinking thy deerest bloud wee may both in bodie and soule be nourished by thee to euerlasting and endlesse glorie in heauen where with thee and the felowship of thy chosen Saints we shall enioie the fruition of the euerlasting kingdome which thou hast ordeined for all those that ouelie and alone without wauering doo build vpon thee Sanctifie and make cleane our harts and minds by the power of thy holie Ghost the verie comforter of thy chosen Purge thou our cankred consciences infected with sinne by the working of thy good grace least that by the presuming to this thy table O Lord we incur thy displeasure and being vnrepentant for our offences we be found vnmeet ghests to come to thy holie banket and so we eate and drinke to the vtter confusion of our soules and bodies Giue vs grace therefore good Lord to conuert vs wholie vnto thee and we shall be turned from all our sinne and iniquitie Giue vs grace to rest onlie vpon thee and we shall be made safe Giue vs thine aid from aboue we beseech thee by faith to striue with the man of sinne and so to vanquish him that he may die to vs and we may liue to thee which art the giuer of life Grant this O most gratious God for Iesus Christ his sake to whom with thee and the holie Ghost be giuen all praise honour and glorie for euer and euer Amen A praier or thankesgiuing to be said after the receiuing of the Communion WE giue thee most hartie thanks O heauenlie Father that hast at this present fed vs and refreshed our hungrie soules with the flesh and bloud of our Sauiour Christ not carnallie but spirituallie Giue vs grace therefore continuallie by the meanes of an increasing and fruitfull faith to beleeue that thy flesh is meate indeed and thy bloud is drinke indeed and that vnneths we eate thy flesh and drinke thy bloud we can not enter into thy kingdome nor be saued in the daie of thy comming Giue vs grace therefore being vnprofitable seruants and vnwoorthilie called by the reason of the multitude of our sinnes to banket at thy table whereas the celebration of thy supper hath beene vsed and thy death by the visible elements of bread and wine represented vnto vs to offer vp vnto thee continuallie the fruits of true repentant and sorowfull harts that thy name may be glorified we by thy grace comforted thy displeasure turned to loue thy wrath to compassion our sinnes pardoned and forgotten and our names written in the booke of life And as it hath pleased thee at this present to account vs for thy ghests and not onlie to feede vs with visible creatures namelie bread and wine but also in soule which is thine owne similitude to cherish vs with thy flesh and bloud wheron by the vertue of a liuelie faith we haue to our great comforts most plentifullie fed so now O Lord we beseech thee of thine abundant goodnesse to increase our faith that it may wax strong in thee and fruitfull to exercise the works of charitie and loue to all men that therby as we haue now been at the celebration of thy glorious and blessed supper so we may whensoeuer it shall please thee to call vs to thine heauenly banket be found furnished not emptie not naked but armed and couered with fruitfull faith and truth and so as thy ghests or vessels of honour enioie the participation of thy heauenlie and rich palace whereas ioies neuer vade but continuallie endure Take from vs the burden of our corruption set vs free from the cursed clog of sinne deliuer vs from the snares of death and destruction Giue vs willing minds to obeie and heare thy commandements clense thou our harts from all iniquitie and giue vs grace henceforth to walke in newnesse of life and godlie conuersation that thy name may be glorified and we saued in the daie of thy comming to iudgement Grant this for Jesus Christ his sake our mediatour and aduocate Amen A godlie praier to be said of euerie Christian especiallie at burials GOod Lord which with thy hands doest staie the frame engin of the earth and rulest the course of the swift heauens disposing and ordering all things by thy diuine prouidence which hast apointed bounds to our life which we can not pas I besech thee that by my liuing I learning to die mortifieng by thy spirit the affections of the flesh though not expelling them yet subduing the rage of them it may at the last by the hauen of death land in the most glorious citie of euerlasting life where our bodies which are now darke miserable and corruptible shall be most bright glorious and incorruptible like to the immortall and shining bodie of our Lord Iesus Christ We shall be like to Christ our Sauiour euen as he is so shall we be And as we haue borne the image of the earthlie so shall we beare the image of the heauenlie and shine like to the sunne as the face of Christ did in his transfiguration Oh Lord Iesus blessed Sauiour which by thy death hast triumphed ouer sinne and death thou hast troden on the sting of the monster our hidious enimie the gates of hel haue not preuailed against thee grant to me a true and liuelie faith by which men passe from earth to heauen from death to eternall life This can we not doo without thee thou must be our mediatour For a child of a nights birth is not pure in thy sight In sinne were we borne and by nature we are the children of perdition and firebrands of hell but thou O blessed Sauiour art the perfection of the lawe to them that beleeue As death came by sinnes so by thy death and pretious bloudshedding is death conquered and exiled and we that beleeue washed and clensed of our sinnes All the Prophets beare witnesse that they which beleeue in thy name shall receiue remission of their sinnes If we confesse our sinnes thou art righteous to
beloued Saints and redie to crowne them with euerlasting glorie In thee are legions of Angels singing of sweet Hymnes and songs that set foorth the praise and honor of thy name in thee are the felowship of heauenlie citizens in thee resteth the sweete solemnitie of all such as returne from this miserable pilgrimage vnto thy glorie the companie of the Prophets Apostles and victorious armie of Martyrs holie men and women which haue vanquished the pleasures of the world haue their abiding with thee There are yoong children and maidens which haue passed ouer their daies in holinesse of life publishing thy praise in all puritie and pietie Euerie one reioiceth in his degree though not equall in glorie yet like in ioies and gladnesse For there reigneth perfect charitie God is all in all whose Maiestie without end they see continuallie and still in beholding him their loue increaseth Of this eternall blessednesse the holie Apostle Peter had as it were a shadowe or a tast vpon the mount Thabor at the transfiguration of Christ from whence he desired he might not depart Paule also had a proofe of it when he was rapt or taken vp into the third heauen where he heard words and sawe things so maruellous and secret as far passeth all mans vnderstanding and such as were not to be told or reuealed vnto men Moses his face became so bright through the conuersation that he had with the diuine glorie vpon mount Sinai that the Israelites could not abide it What then shall become of vs when perpetuallie with thee which art the Lord of all glorie we shall be conuersant after the maner of thy children and familiar friends Who is he then that will not seeke and desire by all meanes possible to be a dweller there both for the desire of peace ioie and eternitie and for the perfect sight of God Contrariwise who is able to expresse the torments appointed for the vngodlie and vnrepentant liuers in that deadlie place called Hell which Sathan himselfe abhorreth What other thing can be there but continuall paines eternall tribulation and infinite calamitie repleat with all euils There dwell wicked and ouglie Angels whose horrible lookes bring sudden feare greeuous paines and fearefull death with continual clouds of euer-during darknes There is nothing but howling wailing lamentation and mourning without all end fearfull scriches confused cries are there in all places suddenlie raised There the woorme of conscience neuer dieth in that damnable dungeon there is fire vnquenchable and perpetuall gnashing of teeth The miserable soule findeth there no rest but is afflicted with all kind of torments and such as can neuer be expressed all which endure for euer Alas little auaileth it those that are subiected as firebrans of hell to crie vnto the Lord for he will not heare them Then shall they knowe that all things which they had in this life are vaine and such things as they thought to be pleasant to be found more bitter than gall or poison Then where is the pleasure of the flesh so termed falslie For there is none other pleasure but to feare the Lord. Then shall they confesse and saie that the iudgement of God is true and righteous saieng Did we not heare of this and yet would not be conuerted from our wicked deeds But then shall nothing preuaile No sorowe can find comfort no complaints anie remorse no torments ease nor painfull passions an end such and so exceeding are the vexations of the second death wherewith all the bodies and soules of the vnrighteous shall for euer be enuironed Sith therefore O heauenlie Father and most gratious God it seemeth good to thine eternall wisdome by the knowledge of thine euerlasting truth to giue me knowledge of thine inestimable mercie offered freelie vnto me in Iesus Christ my mercifull Sauiour in whose bloudie death and painfull passion I am assured of eternall life and blessednesse Giue me grace to print in my remembrance thy manifold mercies that feeding my soule by faith in thee I may attaine vnto those endlesse ioies that thou hast prepared for thine adopted sonnes and chosen children in the kingdome of euerlasting righteousnesse and so escape those euerlasting torments which thou hast prepared for the diuell and his Angels From the which place of wofull vexation and endlesse miserie deliuer me O heauenlie Father for the loue of Iesus Christ his sake to whom with thee and the holie Ghost be all laud and praise for euer Amen A praier to be said of the sicke at the houre of death MOst mightie art thou O Lord in all thy deeds and most holie in all thy waies Blessed be the name of my father my God and glorious Creator who by his diuine power and celestiall prouidence of nothing made all things fish flesh foules fruites trees hearbes and all other things whatsoeuer are conteined both in heauen earth seas and the nethermost parts thereof Man concerning the outward parts thou by thy celestiall prouidence and fatherlie bountie framedst and createdst of claie but concerning the inward substance of thy creature man thou didst fashion and make him euen according to thine owne similitude and likenesse Moreouer such and so great was thy loue and good will towards him that all the creatures or works of thy creation serued to this vse In earth thou madest him lord and king ouer the fruits thereof the beasts of the field the foules of the aire and the fishes of the little flouds and great waters In the firmament thou hast placed the glistering Sunne with his orient beames to giue him light by daie and therewith thou hast giuen him the Moone and the starres to gouerne him by night For the which cause aboue all other the works of thy creation man should and ought of right to giue thee that glorie that to thee belongeth But alas such and so great is the corruption of our fraile and sinfull flesh that for all these thy graces wee are carried awaie from thee and enter into contempt of thy precepts For which cause thou oftentimes doost correct and punish vs to the intent we might thereby feeling thy rod of correction be driuen to imbrace hartie and true repentance But when thy threats and the stripes of thy displeasure laid vpon vs can not take place amongst vs thou oftentimes giuest vs vp to folowe our lusts and affections but at last when thou dooest behold our enormities thou in a moment by the power of thy diuine iustice restrainest the rope of our disordered libertie and cuttest in sunder the bridle of our voluptuousnes either by sudden death sword fire famine sicknesse or other the diuine sentences of thy conceiued ire to the intent that other thy creatures might by the terrour of thy iustice auoid sinne and learne to amend their liues least they fall into the like calamitie or danger True and most true it is good Lord that by the exercise of sinne we are the children of death and destruction but by grace of
the almightie and victorious conquerour sweete Iesus Christ we are the adopted sonnes of thy Father and made fellowe-heires with thee our perfect Emanuel In whose name with all humilitie and lowlinesse of hart and mind I come vnto thee in this great extremitie of sicknesse and danger of death beseeching thee to be present with me to forget mine offences to thinke vpon thy mercies And although I haue not deserued so much as the least drop of thy fauour by meanes of the great burden of my sinnes which are in the presence of thy diuine Maiestie most ouglie and loathsome to behold yet respect thou not O Father mine iniquitie but haue an eie I beseech thee to the merits of my Sauiour Christ Iesus to whom as my Mediator Sauiour and Redeemer I appeale who hath promised comfort and sweete consolation to all those that in his name flie vnto thee for releefe I confesse that woorthilie thou hast visited me with this sicknesse and disease and yet not according to the multitude of my sinnes but in the fulnesse of miseration and fatherlie pitie Giue me grace therefore in these bitter brunts of death who vehementlie at this present beginneth to combat with fainting and feeble life constantlie to cleaue vnto thee Let not the pleasures of this wicked world be a let or impediment for me to come vnto thee let not my fraile and feeble flesh subiect to sinne which hath through my transgression made me a bondman to death mooue me to despaire in thy great mercie neither yet let the caueling aduersarie the enimie of mankind at my last end triumph ouer me Giue me patience to suffer and gladlie to beare and abide this thy scourge and visitation and so fortifie me in soule and bodie that so long as life shall endure in me I may neuer cease to call vpon thy holie and blessed name Yea and when death is most busiest make thou me most constant yea when he seeketh most stronglie to assaile my feeble bodie giue me thy grace good Lord that I may in spirit hart mind and all the powers of my soule giue praises vnto thee that of thy grace and inestimable kindnesse hast sent thy sonne Christ Iesus to ransome me by his bloudie death and passion from the power of hell Giue me grace therfore now that thou hast appointed thy messenger death to finish the daies of my pilgrimage and to call me by his summons from out of this vale of miserie and wretchednesse to build stedfastlie vpon him and faithfullie to hope for life and saluation in alone through him Let the remembrance of my former wickednesse be no more thought vpon let mine offences be blotted out of thy glorious sight Behold my sorowfull true repentant hart which come vnto thee with teares not building on my merits but vpon thy mercies Though I be sinfull thy sonne my Sauiour is righteous though I be wicked yet he is most holie though I be full of impietie yet he is full of all goodnesse though I haue greeuouslie offended thee yet he hath fullie contented thee though I haue transgressed thy lawe yet he hath fulfilled the same and hath promised in his bloud to wash awaie their sinnes that by faith continue in him constant to the end I therefore in this my great and painfull agonie beholding death to be at the gates of my bodie come vnto thee by the vertue of a fruitfull faith beseeching thee when thou shalt see it meete and conuenient that he shall dissolue the bands of this vading life which endureth but a while for a thousand yeeres are as yesterdaie in thy sight to take my soule into thy glorious and blessed hands and so to confirme me in thy truth that at the last when it shall please thee by the sound of a trumpe to raise my bodie from the graue when and in which time bodie and soule shall vnite and come before thy presence I may by faith in thee passe ouer the mount of my corruption shake off the bands of sinne be set free from death and destruction and being by the vertue of thy righteousnesse made holie I may triumph with happie victorie ouer sinne death and all the powers of hell and enter with thee and the felowship of thy chosen Saints into euerlasting rest Grant this most louing Father for Christ Iesus sake to whom with thee and the holie Ghost be rendred all laud glorie honour and praise for euer Amen The Lord God be mercifull to me pardon and forgiue me my sinnes looke vpon me with his gratious and blessed countenance preserue me from the second death and euerlasting destruction of bodie and soule The Lord God iustifie me in his death and bloud cloath me with his euerlasting righteousnesse and register my name in the booke of life The Lord God comfort my guiltie conscience with the euerlasting light of his bountifull fauour and lot my place among his Saints in his heauenlie kingdome The Lord God for his mercies sake after this my bodilie death giue me the fruition of his presence in his rich palace of endlesse glorie to whose mercifull protection I commend with all humilitie and reuerence my soule Lord Iesus preserue me Lord Iesus comfort me Lord Iesus refresh me Lord Iesus praie for me For onlie into thy hands that hast redeemed mee O Lord God of truth I commend my soule Amen A deuout meditation to be vsed after praier REmember not O Lord God thine anger against me an offender but be mindfull of thy mercie towards me a true penitent Forget that through pride I haue prouoked thee to ire and fauourablie harken vnto my praier What is Iesus but a Sauiour Therefore O bountifull Iesu be thou my Sauiour rise vp in thine owne strength to helpe me Saie vnto my soule I am thy safegard In thy goodnesse doo I trust in thee is my helpe And forasmuch as thou hast willed that we should without ceasing seeke and sue vnto thee behold I beeing counselled and foretold by thy commandements doo now both aske seeke and knocke But thou which commandest me to aske graunt that I may receiue thou biddest me seeke make me to find thou hast taught me to knocke open vnto me that stand knocking strengthen me that am weake restore me that am lost reuiue me that am dead by sinne make me to serue thee to liue to thee to giue my selfe wholie to thee I knowe my God that because thou madest me I owe my selfe vnto thee and for that thou hast redeemed me I should owe thee more than my selfe But behold I haue no more to giue neither can I giue my selfe vnto thee vnlesse thou make me willing therevnto Take thou me draw me vnto thee that as I am thine by creation so I may be thine by following of thee which liuest and reignest for euer and euer Amen A Praier deciphering in Alphabet forme the name of the right Woorshipfull Ladie MARY FANE M MOst mightie art thou Lord in all thy deedes
Iesus Christ our Lord and onelie Sauiour to whom with thee and the holie Ghost be giuen all honour glorie praise and thankes-giuing not onelie of me miserable sinner and vnwoorthie wretch but also of all men Angels and creatures both in heauen and in earth from this time foorth for euermore Amen Luke 15 verses 6 7. Reioice with me saith Christ For I haue found my sheepe which was lost yea I saie vnto you there is ioie in heauen in the presence of the Angels of God ouer one sinner that repenteth more than ouer ninetie and nine iust persons which neede no repentance A praier to be vsed for the conuersion of anie notorious sinner that doth open penance in the Church PItifull God omnipotent Lord and mercifull Father who for that good will thou bearest vnto vs in Iesus Christ thy deere sonne wilt not the death and destruction of a sinner but rather that he by the inspiration and moouing of thy holie spirit conuert and liue who also doost witnesse the vertue and strength of thy word to be such that it causeth the mountaines to shake the rocks tremble and the flouds to drie vp behold we thy children and people here prostrate before thee most humblie beseech thee for Iesus Christs sake pitifullie to looke vpon all sinners and especiallie vpon this our sister here present who once was baptised in thy name and hath professed hir selfe subiect to this religion and vnto the discipline of thy Church though Satan alas now for a while hath so blinded hir that wilfullie shee hath contemned both the one and the other But O Lord as thou alone knowest so maist thou alone change and mollifie the harts of the impenitent sinners thou I saie which by the voice of the prophet Nathan awakedst Dauid from his deadlie securitie and who without anie prophet didst beate downe the pride of Manasses in the prison after that he had filled Ierusalem with all kind of impietie thou which turnedst the hart of Peter at the onelie looke of thy deere sonne our Lord Iesus Christ after that fearfullie with horrible imprecations hee had thrise denied and openlie forsworne thee thou which openedst the eies of the blind excommunicate man and causedst him to beleeue thy saiengs which forgauest the woman taken in adulterie sentst hir awaie vncondemned of thee hir accusers thou I saie O Lord whose mercies without measure endure for euer To thee doo we praie for this our sister heere presentlie punished and dooing open penance for hir offences earnestlie desiring thee O father of mercies first so to pierce and moue hir heart with the feare of thy seuere iudgements which sufferest no child of thine to go vncorrected in this world to the end they may escape vnpunished in the world to come and so to open hir eies that she may begin to see and vnderstand how fearefull and terrible a thing it is to fall into thy hands and to prouoke thy wrath and indignation against hir Let it please thy Maiestie by the vertue of thy holie spirit so to mollifie hir hard hart I saie that she may now at length feele how greeuouslie she hath offended both against thee and the Church and giue hir thy grace to acknowledge accuse and damne as well before vs whome she hath offended as before thy presence this hir contempt and sinne so notorious and damnable least that by hir obstinacie and wilfull rebellion thy Church and congregation being further prouoked be compelled with greefe of harts to cut hir quite off from thy mysticall bodie whome we O Lord vnfeinedlie desire to receiue within the Church as a liuelie member of thy deere sonne our Lord Iesus Christ Heare vs mercifull father call backe againe this our deere sister from eternall destruction where-into Sathan would leade hir that we all who before thy presence euen for hir rebellion and transgressions doo mourne may receiue hir againe with gladnes and ioie and so render praise and honour vnto thee before this thy holie congregation We grant our selues O Lord vnworthie whome thou shouldest heare because we cease not to offend thee by our continuall transgressing of thy holie precepts Looke not vpon vs mercifull father in this our corrupt nature but looke downe to thy deere sonne whome thou of thy meere mercie hast appointed our head high Bishop aduocate mediator and onlie propitiator In him and in the merits of his death we humblie beseech thee mercifullie to behold vs and suffer not the most innocent bloud of thy deere sonne shead for vs and this our penitent sister to be prophaned by the tyrannie and sleight of Sathan but by the vertue of the same let our sister be brought to vnfeined repentance and conuersion that so she may escape that fearfull indignation into the which she appeareth to haue fallen Grant I saie O Lord vnto this our sister the repentance of the hart and sincere confession of the mouth to the praise of thy name to the comfort of thy Church and to the confusion of Sathan And vnto vs grant O Lord that albeit we cannot liue altogether cleane from sinne and void of offences yet that we fall not into the like horrible crimes of impietie and contempt to the dishonour of thy holie name to the slander and offence of our brethren and sisters and infamie of thy holie Religion and Gospell which we professe Let thy godlie power O Lord so perpetuallie assist and strengthen our weakenesse and conduct vs in all the course of our whole life that neither the craft of Sathan nor the tyrannie of sinne drawe vs vtterlie from the obedience required in true Christians but that contrarilie beeing subiect to the voice of thy Church and to the ministers of the same vnder thee by holinesse and innocencie of life we may declare to the wicked generation what difference there is betweene the children of light and the children of darkenesse that all men seeing our good works may praise thee in the daie of visitation This we aske of thee O heauenlie Father in the boldnesse of our head and mediator Iesus Christ praieng furthermore as he hath taught vs Our Father c. Another praier to be said of the beholders of anie offender in the Church or else-where ALmightie God and most mercifull father whose iudgements are vnsearchable and whose waies are past finding out teach vs to iudge wiselie of this our sister and all other afflicted with thy hand not condemning them but rather profiting by them that their example may leade vs to repentance and bringing foorth such fruits as thou requirest of all those that are planted in thy Church least by continuing fruitlesse we prouoke thee at the last to the cutting of vs downe And because thou hast giuen vs a sauiour able to heale all our infirmities deliuer vs by him O Lord from all the bonds of Sathan that being set at libertie by him we may fore-see the straight doore and enter into it leauing the wide gate that leadeth
exceeding riches that thou hast For if to thine enimies which loue thee not as the most part of this world be if to them thou giuest so plentifullie thy riches heere what shall we thinke that with thy selfe thou hast laid vp for thy freends How good thou art all creatures generallie and particularlie do teach What creature is there in the world which thou hast not made for our commoditie I will not saie how that thou mightest haue made vs creaturs without sense or reason if thou hadst would But amongst all things none dooth so teach vs thy great loue towards vs as dooth the death of thy most deerlie beloued sonne who suffered the paines and terrors thereof yea and of hell it selfe for our sakes If this thy loue had beene but a small thing it would neuer haue lasted so long nor Christ would neuer haue died Praiers and meditations to be vsed in the foure seasons of the yeere and first In the Spring-time ALmightie renewer of all things Lord Iesu which hast made this most goodlie world for our sakes which hast garnished the heauens with so manie lights vnto the vse of the daie and the night which temperest the earth with sundrie times and seasons ordeined by thee to be the nourisher of man and beasts and now thou being restored to life all things renew and confirme to vs the hope of resurrection promised by thee The medowes afore being withered waxe greene againe with new grasse the herbs are garnished with diuers gems of flowers the corne herbeth seeds buried in holes shoote foorth trees being dead afore waxe yoong againe with new boughes and being goodlie decked with new blossoms giue vs hope of fruit The sunne it selfe increaseth the grace of his light brieflie the whole face of nature springing againe whithersoeuer we turne our eies dooth speake out and preach thy goodnesse towards mankind wherethrough with sundrie solaces thou dooest ease and mitigate to vs being through our fault driuen out of Paradise our deserued exile Grant I saie O good God that we which being borne againe through baptisme haue put off the old man made now a new creature neuer slide againe to old age but that we may be euer greene with perpetuall innocencie by the pleasant breathing on of thy spirit that we may be adorned dailie more and more with the flowers of vertues proceeding to fruit woorthie of that Gospell which with the Father and the holie Ghost reigne through all worlds Amen In the Summer MOst wise Gouernor and Ruler of all things Iesu Christ behold the yeere obeieng thy commandments waxeth hot with the feruour of the sunne preparing ripe fruits vnto the vse of thy seruants humblie we beseech thee which art our true Sunne without whom nothing is bright in our soules neither bringeth foorth anie fruit stretch the beames of thy grace into the earth of our spirits that daily they may waxe hot more more with the fire of thy gratious loue and that they may bring foorth sundrie fruits of wholesome good works For thou hast witnessed in thy holie Gospell that thou art singularlie delighted with this meate and drinke This is the raine that thy feruent loue thirsted for this is also the meate that the holie Apostle Paule hungered for euen before he vnderstood and did knowe what it meant Thou camest into the world to send fire among vs neither diddest thou desire anie thing more than that it should be kindeled except our hart be touched with the beames of thy grace Increase Lord Iesu that that thou hast giuen finish that that thou hast begun vntill we growe to perfect men vnto the measure of thy fulnesse Thou hast put off mortalitie but thou hast not put off loue towards vs but euen now fulfillest the office of a mightie and friendlie Aduocate for vs with God the Father to whom equall in power and authoritie thou reignest with the holie Ghost Amen In Haruest WE giue thanks vnto thee most mercifull Father maker of heauen and earth that by thy good prouidence the yeere is waxen ripe powring out vnto vs plentious abundance of victuals grant we humblie beseech thee that as thy bountiousnes ministreth sundrie and rich abundance of fruits to the susteining nourishment of our bodies so by the grace of thy spirit without which there is no good thing brought foorth is nourished or liueth let the affection of godlinesse waxe ripe and be made vp in our minds that abiding in the faith of thine onelie begotten Sonne through all our life wee may be fruitfull in good works and also receiue a plentifull haruest in the resurrection of the iust by the same our Lord Iesu Christ which liueth and reigneth with thee in the companie of the holie Ghost for euer Amen In Winter O God the most wise maker and gouernor of the world at whose commandement by time appointed course is changed and turned into it selfe by the same behold as it were the old age and death of the yeere Winter is come whose sadnesse and incommodities be more easie vnto vs bicause of the plesantnes of the Spring time which shall shortlie succeed According to the ensample of the yeere our inward man flourisheth in his childhood is feruent in youth waxeth ripe in mans age falleth awaie and dieth in his old age but the hope of liuing againe asswageth the houre of death which is sure vnto vs euen for this cause that thy sonne hath promised it which is the euerlasting truth which also can no more be deceiued or deceiue than hee can cease to be thy sonne Through this thy sonne our inward man knoweth no old age or death but by his gift it euer flourisheth with innocencie it is euer feruent in the studie of godlinesse it euer bringeth foorth fruit and powreth out that that she hath receiued vpon other and as much as the bodies courage faileth so much more the spirit flourisheth We beseech thee that thou wilt maintaine and increase those things which thou hast vouchsafed to giue vs through thine onelie begotten sonne which liueth and reigneth with thee for euermore Amen Another praier to be said at all times and seasons of the yeere O Euerlasting GOD Creator of all things in whose hands lieth the disposition of all times and seasons qualifie we beseech thee the inclinations of thy creatures heauen and earth with such naturall and kindlie moderation as may most serue to the commoditie health and welfare of all mankind that we may receiue the fruits of the earth to our comfortable sustentation dulie honoring and praising thy holie name therefore Mortifie within vs the old roots of our natiue iniquitie killing them as it were with the winter of a cold lust to ensue them Sowe the seeds of thy grace within vs that wee may spring vp in all godlinesse Send vs the feruencie of thy spirit that we may shew foorth the ripe fruits of a liuelie faith that when it shall be thy good pleasure to appoint thy final
is the daie which the Lord hath made we will reioice and be glad therein and euermore sing Halleluiah Halleluiah The Praier OF thy woonderfull victorie and resurrection from death and glorious kingdome O Sonne of God it was said In that daie the roote of Iesse shall stand to be a signe to the people vnto him shall the nations flie and his rest shall be glorie Thou art that blessed branch of Dauid thou tookest mans nature vpon thee and camest of the line of Dauid but in the time of thy humiliation thou wast but a sprig as it were in a drie ground a notable and heauenlie plant but oppressed with miseries Thy soule dried awaie being beaten with the mightie tempest of Gods displeasure against our sinnes notwithstanding that goodlie roote through the power of thy diuine nature was not vtterlie choaked Thou art deliuered from the midst of death and by thy diuine power thou standest victoriouslie ouer thine enimies and art readie to bring vs thy souldiers from all euils and make vs partakers of thy most glorious conquest in thy kingdome which is altogither otherwise than the triumph and glorie of this world Death endeth all the pride power and pompe of this world but thy death and rest is glorious thy kingdome and glorie beginneth when our life is ended O Christ Sonne of God how woonderfull was thy rest Man at the first was made to be a noble and holie Temple wherein a perpetuall Sabboth should be celebrated and a diuine nature should abide filling and comforting him with plentie of heauenlie riches But this rest was turned into vnquietnes and this ioie into sorowe through the hatred of sathan thine enimie which prophaned this temple and sabboth brought in an horrible misorder and wickednes Wherefore it pleased thine almightie Father of his goodnes to send thee his onlie Sonne from his owne bosome to restore againe this Sabboth Hence it was that after a woonderfull manner in the daie of the great Sabboth according to the lawe of Moses thine humane nature through death which separated the soule from the bodie rested in the sepulchre and the word which forsooke not that nature no not at the graue reuiued that flesh the third daie and so thou rosest againe when the time of our redemption was expired victoriouslie vnto thy kingdome and giuest an eternall Sabboth and rest to such as flie vnto thee O Sonne of God call thou sinners euen vs miserable and vncleane persons vnto that sacred feast which in this world through thee the cheefe Priest is begun and shall be then made perfect when the elect for euermore shall followe the Lambe whithersoeuer he go Put on vs the festiuall garment the garment of thy righteousnes and benediction that we putting awaie the leauen of malice and wickednes may celebrate the feast in the sweet bread of sinceritie serue thee in purenes of liuing and truth This yeare from thine incarnation 1582. are passed 3091 yeares since the first passouer which the Israelites did celebrate going out of Egypt so long hast thou preserued thy Church and we beseech thee preserue it euerlastinglie notwithstanding the rage of the diuell and his ministers And as thou defendedst thy people which eate of the Lambe and moreouer going through out Egypt slaiedst in thy righteous iudgements all the first borne in the land so assist vs that with a liuelie faith we may feed on thee the true Lamb. Keepe vs among all the miseries of this last age of the world The carcases remaining were cast awaie and condemned but thy oblation is gratefull in the sight of God it appeaseth the wrath of the eternall Father and by the eating of thee which art the Lamb of God taking awaie the sinnes of the world righteousnes and life is giuen to beleeuers The word raiseth againe and quickneth the flesh that vnto vs ingraffed therevnto by faith the like life may be giuen and the bodie of sinne mortified in vs and thou liue and reigne in vs for euermore wherefore let thy glorious rest be in vs. We are made of earth and after sinne our bodies were appointed to the earth yea the vngodlie shall abide for euer in the earth and neuer appeare in thy glorious heauen But after thou touchedst the death with thy liuelie flesh thou madest it light thou tookest awaie the heauinesse thereof Through the blast of the first serpent manie times euen mans flesh is turned into verie serpents And in the graue of the wicked more horrible is the filth of spirituall dragons and serpents which deuour them euerlastinglie and keepe them in perpetuall death But thou O Sonne of God makest the graues of thy saincts euen pleasant chambers as it were Thou driuest far awaie from thence all filthinesse of sathan Thou settest about them the watchmen euen thy pure Angels which bring their soules into paradise commending them into the hands and bosome of thy Father and keepe also their ashes which both were and shall be at thy returne the house of the holie ghost Beautifie vs in like manner with this thy glorie of true knowledge and calling vpon thee Be present with vs at the point of death receiue our soules at their departure into thine hands shew thou thy comfort ioie till at the resurrection of mankind thou crowne thine elect with perfect endlesse glorie a taste wherof might be seene in those fortie daies after thy resurrection Neuer was there so goodlie a world as that was when thou rosest from death and broughtest out of their graues a great companie of thy Saincts as the Scripture plainelie but breeflie for the vngodlie doth testifie Familiarlie did the holie fathers and matrones remaine with thy sweet mother and Apostles Pleasant speeches and much talke was made no doubt of the miseries of man of the vnspeakable benefits gotten by thee and of the glorie of eternall life O Lord raise thou vp our harts that with a true desire we may long to come into this faire companie Let vs turne our selues in cogitation vnto that holie assemblie Let vs hearken vnto and learne thy wisedome reuealed in thy word In this life thy Church is in darkenesse in miseries men are occupied in the obseruation of outward ceremonies as those godlie women they will annoint thy bodie Manie times thy Church seemeth to be depriued of thy sweet presence and vttereth these sorrowfull words They haue taken awaie my Lord and I can not tell where they haue laid him But O Sonne of God amend the mortall darkenesse within vs kindle in our soule thine inward seruice which pleaseth thee manifest thy selfe vnto vs in affliction speake these comfortable words in our calamitie vnto vs Weepe not that euen in death we may thinke with our selues that thou art present and after death rise againe to the fruition of eternall life with thy blessed Saincts Amen Another ALmightie God and most mercifull heauenlie Father who hast raised vp thy Sonne for our iustification as thou gauest him to