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A19560 Institutiones piƦ or directions to pray also a short exposition of the Lords Prayer the Creed the 10 Com[m]andements Seauen Penitentiall Psalmes and Seauen Psalmes of thanksgiuing. by HI. Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626.; Isaacson, Henry, 1581-1654. 1630 (1630) STC 599; ESTC S101694 117,554 422

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Heauen his Fathers bosome did the Lord Iesus behold the earth and had compassion vpon all the Sonnes of men 20 To heare and pitie the groaning of the prisoners such as did groane vnder the burden of the law and to loose and set at liberty by his passion and intercession those of the posterity of Adam that are appointed to suffer death for not fulfilling the same 21 To the end that they being so deliuered may declare and shew the power and the Name of the Lord which is Iesus the Sauiour in Sion his Church and magnifie and extoll his praise in Ierusalem his holy habitation 22 When the faithfull people which are yet dispersed ouer the face of the earth are gathered together and made one congregation and the Kingdomes of the earth which are yet in darknesse are instructed to serue thee the only Lord of Heauen and earth 23 He euen the Lord in the time of this expectation hath weakened and abated my strength so that I can doe no good of my selfe in the way of this my earthly pilgrimage he hath shortned and cut off my dayes by afflicting me for my sinne 24 I said yet in this weakenesse and anguish of my soule O my God withdraw not now thy mercy from me and take me not away out of this world in the midst of my dayes in the chiefe time of my strength as for thy yeeres as they are from all eternity so shall they endure throughout all generations euen for euer 25 Of old at the beginning of time hast thou of thine owne power layd and created the foundations of the earth the visible world anwd all things in it and the heauens and firmament thereof are the onely worke of thy almighty hands and power 26 They euen heauen and earth and all things in them shall passe away and perish from the forme they now haue but thou O Lord the creator of them shalt endure immutable Yea without all doubt all of them as thou hast decreed shall waxe old and consume with age like a garment long worne and as a vesture or garment shalt thou by the sound of the last trump change and dissolue them and they shall yeeld to thy power and be changed 27 But thou O Lord art the same alwayes vnchangeable and thy yeeres being from all eternity shall haue no end but continue for euer 28 The children and posterity of thy faithfull Seruants begotten by the seedes-men of thy Word shall continue in grace in this life and their righteous seed shall stand fast and be established for euer together with them in glory hereafter and enioy euerlasting happinesse before thee in thy blessed presence Glory be to the father c. 6 Psalme 130. 1 OVt of the depth of tentations dangers and sorrowes for my sinnes wherein my Spirit is almost ouerwhelmed haue I by feruent prayer cryed and called vnto thee O Lord who onely art able to giue me reliefe 2. Lord of thy mercy haste thee and heare my voyce and petition and deliuer me from my misery O my God Let thine eares of pitie and compassion be attentiue to consider and well weigh the lamentable voyce of my humble supplications and let not my prayer returne vnpitied or vnheard of thee 3 If thou Lord contrary to thy disposition shouldest be so exact and extreame as in the rigour of thy Iustice to marke the iniquities which we by our naturall corruption dayly fall into and punish vs accordingly O good Lord who none not the most vpright shall be able to answere one for a thousand or stand before thee without much horror at thy Iudgement seate 4 But for the comfort of poore wretched sinners and to keepe vs from vtter desperation we finde it recorded by the holy Spirit that There is forgiuenesse of sinnes and mercy towards sinners repenting with thee by Iesus Christ who came to saue sinners and yet this mercy of thine is tyed with such conditions that thou who also art Iust mayest be also feared lest thy lenity be abused 5 I for my part wait and confidently expect for the Lord to receiue mercy from him My sinfull but repentant soule doth wait to receiue consolation and in his Word whereby he promiseth mercy to repentant sinners doe I hope and place my whole confidence because I know that he which hath promised is Iust 6 My sinfull Soule in this expectation waiteth for the Lord and tarieth his good pleasure to comfort it more earnestly then they that in a disconsolate long night watch for the morning yea I say it againe more zealously then they that are weary of the night and watch for the light of the morning 7 Let Israel and all Gods faithfull people hope still and put their trust in the goodnesse of the Lord and not without cause For with the Lord though hee iustly take vengeance on vs for our sinnes yet there is euer was and will bee found Mercy towards penitent sinners and with him by Iesus Christ is not onely forgiuenesse for a few sinnes but plenteous redemption from the captiuity of the Deuill and sinne 8 And he euen Iesus Christ by his merits and intercession shall redeeme and saue Israel and each of his faithfull seruants from all his iniquities and the punishment due for them Glory be to the Father c. 7 Psalme 134. 1. HEare my earnest and humble Prayer O Lord which in misery I make vnto thee Giue eare and be not deafe to my supplications in the time of my distresse but in thy faithfulnesse and truth which endureth for euer answer me and grant my petition which I make not trusting in any merits of mine owne but in thy righteousnesse 2 And my further petition to thee is that thou enter not into the throne of thy Iudgement by strictly examining my misdeeds and dealing rigorously with me thy poore Seruant who hath misspent his talent for in thy all-seeing sight shall no man liuing in this vale of misery be iustified or found innocent 3 For the old enemie of mankinde the Deuill hath by his malice persecuted and sought to entrap my soule to separate it from the loue of thee he hath smitten and cast my life and soule downe to the ground and filled me full of earthly desires he hath made and caused me to dwell and take pleasure in the darkenesse of my sinnes as those that are without sence and haue beene long dead 4 Therefore O Lord considering my desperate estate is my spirit ouerwhelmed with griefe within me and my heart is disquieted within me and is also desolate and sore troubled 5 I yet in the midst of the sorrowes that are in my heart doe remember what I haue read and heard what thou hast done in the dayes of old how that thou hast beene gratious to the penitent and seuere against the vnrepentant sinner I meditate also on all thy workes but especially on that of thy mercy and I muse and exercise my selfe in contemplating on the worke
O Lord that I haue offended thy Maiestie in Repeat the sinnes thou canst call to minde And not onely these doe I acknowledge but all the rest which I haue committed from my Infancy to this present houre wittingly or ignorantly in thought word or deed against Thee my neighbour and my selfe O Lord I confesse my weaknesse I doe not that which I should Rom. 7.19 and would doe but that which I should not and am vnwilling to doe I doe not regarding or fearing thy incomprehensible glory venerable presence terrible power exquisite Iustice nor thy goodnesse vnspeakeable for which if thou shouldest enter into iudgement what would become of me But O Lord for as much as thou art a Father of mercies and dost not desire the death of a sinner if hee returne vnto thee by vnfeined repentance I most humbly in the Name and Mediation of our blessed Sauiour Christ Iesus craue pardon for them Lord I repent helpe my impenitencie and heare my request Be mercifull to mee a sinner and pardon all my offences whereof thou O Lord knowest me to be guilty And I beseech thee O Lord for the time to come to mollifie my heart water it with the dew of thy heauenly Grace that I may not alwaies bring forth Thornes and Weedes fit for nothing but the fire Conuert me O Lord I shall be conuerted open mine eyes direct my heart and wayes Draw me after thee and being conuerted suffer me not to returne againe with the Dogge to his vomit 2. Pet. 2.22 And for as much O Lord as thou hast appointed the Night to refresh our bodies I humbly pray thee to defend mee as well sleeping as waking from the snares of the Deuill Psal 31.5 O Lord into thy hands I commend my Spirit which thou by thy pretious death and passion hast redeemed Suffer it not to sleepe in sinne and in it to lie languishing vnto death and so be buried in the graue of thy Iudgements but watch ouer it I beseech thee and defend it vnder the shadow of thy Wings Let me not be oppressed with vnnecessary sleepe but raise me in due time to thy Seruice and Praise Thou knowest O Lord that of my selfe I haue no strength waking much lesse when I sleepe I humbly therefore pray thee to defend my soule body goods and all things which thou hast bestowed vpon me this night from all euill and damage and so to dispose of me that I bee not troubled with any terrors terrified with any vaine phantasies weakned by any sicknesse or impouerished with any casualties or crosses Keepe me O Lord from all euill dreames and vncleane thoughts and compasse me with a wall of thy mercies that the Tempter approach not to my Bed so that being preserued by thy protection and refreshed with comfortable rest I may arise and offer vnto thee my daily bounden duty and seruice euen praise and thankes to thy most Holy Name Or thus O Blessed Lord Iesus Christ to whose inexhaustible bounty we owe all honour and praise I giue thee all possible thankes that thou hast vouchsafed to keepe me this day from all euill so that none of thy fearefull Iudgements to which I was iustly lyable haue fallen vpon me but of thy vnspeakeable mercy thou hast preserued mee from them and hast also liberally and with a bountifull hand supplyed me with the necessaries of this life notwithstanding my great and manifold sinnes committed against thee O Lord I confesse that I haue wasted the time which thou hast giuen mee for repentance altogether idely vainly and vnprofitably not so much as considering or taking notice that this day might haue beene the last of my life but haue added and heaped vp sinne vpon sinne in thy alseeing sight as if I had stood in no feare of thee at all dayly renewing as much as in me lay thy torments and passions for which I haue deserued that the earth should open vnto me and hell deuoure mee and which that it is not come to passe I ascribe withall thankefull acknowledgement to thy infinite mercy and goodnesse O Lord I acknowledge that it is of thy goodnesse alone that I am thus preserued from al thy iudgements seeing that many calamities haue befallen diuers others who haue lesse deserued them then my selfe That therefore some haue perished by water some by fire some by sword others by sudden and violent death and that I liue that some haue beene taken blinde some lame some distracted in their sences that others haue sustained much damage in their worldly estate and I haue escaped and not been punished in any of these kindes to what shall I ascribe and attribute the cause surely to thy mercy alone for which I cannot giue vnto thee sufficient thankes But O Sweete Sauiour as thy mercy exceedeth so doe our necessities increase thou canst not want matter for thy mercy to worke vpon by reason of our inabilities to helpe our selues wherefore I further pray thee that this night following may be also safe and prosperous vnto me that by a sweete sleepe and comfortable refreshing I may be fitted when I awake to serue thee with a thankefull and chearefull heart And because O Lord that this life hath not one certaine houre Psal 13.4 I beseech thee to enlighten mine eyes that I sleep not in death and grant that after I haue rested quietly I may by thy grace and mercy arise to serue thee in singlenesse of heart Lighten O Sauiour my darkenesse and mercifully keepe me from all dangers of this night Saue mee waking and keepe me sleeping that I may watch in thee and rest in peace There is nothing that more resembleth our life then the Day nor Death then the Night nor the Graue then our Beds O Lord therefore when I am laid downe and by sleepe made vnable to helpe my selfe being like vnto a dead man defend me then by thy power from the crafts and assaults of the enemy that he doe me no harme so that though my body sleepe my soule may watch vnto thee and contemplate of the life to come And graunt that hauing passed the night quietly I may arise as well from the sleepe of sinne as from my naturall sleepe and with all alacrity passe the day following in thy seruice and in the end of my pilgrimage by thy merits receiue the Crowne which thou hast promised to those that loue thee in that day which no night shall follow and in that heauenly Kingdome where thou raignest togither with the Father and the Blessed Spirit world without end Euening Prayer Psal 141.2 LEt my prayer O Lord be set forth in thy sight as the incense and let the lifting vp of my hands be an euening Sacrifice Psal 55.18 In the Euening Morning and at noone day will I pray and that instantly and thou Lord shalt heare my prayer Psal 91.5 Blessed be thou O Lord who hast preserued me from the arrow that flyeth by day and