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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13070 A fift proceeding in the harmony of King Dauids harpe That is to say, a godly and learned exposition of 5. other moe [sic] psalmes of the princely Prophet Dauid: beginning with the 68. and ending with the 72. psalme, being the last part of the first tome, or one halfe of the booke of psalmes. Written in Latin by the reuerend Doctor Victorinus Strigelius: professor of diuinity in the Vniuersity of Lipsia in Germanie. Anno. 1576. Translated into English by Richard Robinson citizen of London. 1594. Seene, and allowed.; Hypomnēmata in omnes Psalmos Davidis. Psalm 68-72. English Strigel, Victorinus, 1524-1569.; Robinson, Richard, citizen of London. 1598 (1598) STC 23363; ESTC S113498 57,243 82

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beginning of impracation or cursing and of gratulation or reioycing For hee curseth the enemies of Christ but he reioyceth at the welfare of the godly ones The declaration of the Psalme comprehendeth the description of the pompe The Lord commeth and bringeth with him his hoast of them which preach the Gospell Out of these are described the Apostles and Bishops as it were Princes of prouinces or countries which do comfort and refresh these countries afflicted and persecuted The Lord ascendeth vpon high hee leadeth in his triumph the captiues hee distributeth his gifts vnto his soldiours and people and threatneth punishment vnto his enemies The people go before and one commeth after which singeth the song of triumph This is almost the scope of this Psalme which let the godly ones reade not so much for the wonderfull and delectable diuine excellencie of eloquence wherewith it aboundeth ❧ The Psalme and Exposition thereof Let God arise and let his enemies bee scattered Let them also that hate him flee before him Like as the smoake vanisheth so shalt thou driue them away and like as the waxe melteth at the fire so let the vngodly perish at the presence of God LIKE as the next Psalme following describeth Christ humbled upon the Crosse and by reason of our sinnes sirtuing with most bitter sorrowes in this Psalme setteth forth Christ risen from death to life and gloriously sitting at the right hande of his Father He beginneth then with the effects of the most ioyfull resurrection of Christ namelie by the destruction and scattering abroad of his enemies and by the reuiuing or restoring of his church as if he said when Christ was dead and buried not onlie the blind and raging Iewes leaped for ioy but also the Deuill and his companions namelie sinne and death triumphed at full as if Christ shoulde so for euer remaine in the graue But this graund guide of life the third daie rising againe had a glorious triumph ouer the Iewes and the whole kingdome of the Deuill often times repeating that saying of the Prophet Osea cap. 13. 14. O death I will be thy death O graue I will be thy destruction For although the stubborne and vncurable Iewes carried stately mindes as then and resisted the Apostles with a malignant countenance yet in the xl yeare after Christes resurrection they suffered grieuous and iust punishmentes for their outrages And the kingdome of the deuill sinne and death is so broken and crushed in peeces by Christ that it can bring no danger vnto the godlie ones Let vs therefore with S. Paule sing this triumph song 1. Cor. 15. 55. O death where is thy sting O graue where is thy victory The sting of death is sinne and the strength of sinne is the Law But thankes be to God which hath giuen vs victory through our Lorde Iesus Christ verse 56. 57. And what is more elegant then the describing of these enemies which he here vseth comparing them unto smoke and ware Great is the pride of smoke when it bursteth out of the top of the chimney and his spreading heat couereth the ayre So an Image of waxe maketh both a terrible shew of grauitie ● of hardnes but as the smoke which séemeth to pearce the verie firmament is scattered by the wind here and there and as the image of ware laide to the fire melteth quite awaie So the enemies of the Gospell and of the Church by the breath of Christes mouth which is both winde and flame are either healed or taken vtterlie awaie and destroied altogether So in like maner Athanasius compared Iulian the Apostat vnto a little cloud whome the Sunne within a while after should so driue away and vanquish that no man should sée anie trace therof more With these debasings and downfalles of the enemies of the gospell and of the church agreeth that sentence of Isay ca. 51. 7. Feare ye not the reproch of men neither be yee afraide of their rebukes verse 8. For the moath shall eate them vp like a garment and the worme shall eat them like wooll But let the righteous be glad and reioyce before God Let them also be merry and ioyfull An other effect of Christs resurrection is the reuiuing or restoring of his Church for as Saint Paule saith Rom. 14. 17. The kingdome of God is not meate and drinke but righteousnesse peace and ioy in the holie Ghost It is indéed Righteousnesse as thus frée remission of sinnes reconciliation with God and free acceptation vnto life euerlasting It is Peace thus Tranquillitie of heart rising from faith hope a good conscience Finallie it is Ioy thus Consolation which is the vanquisher of all feares and doubtings All these benefites are the effects of Christs passion and resurrection which saint Paule acknowledgeth Phil. 3. 12. He hath not yet attained vnto but he tooke he saide the right course whereby he might attaine vnto this reach of wisdome The same thing let vs also confesse and craue of God that hee would illumine and increase in our hearts this light acknowledging the benefites of Christ O sing vnto God and sing praises vnto his name magnifie him that rideth vpon the heauens as it were vpon an horse praise him in his name yea and reioyce before him Not only in the heart saith Dauid let true knowledge of Christ shine whereto is ioyned spirituall ioy but let the toong also magnifie this Lord risen from death to life and raigning for euer who though he be the sonne of Dauid after the Sencalogie yet is hee declared the Sonne of God by his rising from death to life and by sending his holie spirit as in Rom. cap. 1. ver 3. 4 it is said This Lords diuinitie vnited to his humanitie and his victorie triumphes and benefits see that ye honor saith Dauid and in them rest and sweetlie repose your selues For he doth not thumpe nor thunder it out but is carried faire and softlie and suffereth suters to haue easie accesse vnto him Let no man therefore be driuen from him but let all and euerie one come vnto this Lord trusting in his most swéete promise who saith Matth. 11 28. Come vnto me all ye that labour and are laden and I will refresh you And where he saith Magnifie him that rideth vpon the heauens that maie be vnderstoode Make your way before him and is spoken as touching our true repentance not fained with amendment of life for the first step vnto health is To know the disease and seeke a Phisition But contrariwise it is a heauie signe if the minde being sicke know neither the disease nor looketh for phisicke Let vs therefore acknowledge our maladies namely sin and death and let vs craue to haue right medicine laide to these miseries by the phisition and sheepheard of our soules euen the sonne of God who came therefore into the world to saue sinners He is a father of the fatherlesse and defendeth the cause of the widowes euen God in his holy habitation
daie and making his glorious triumph and beginning his euerlasting kingdome in vs he restoreth vs vnto righteousnesse and life euerlasting as Daniel in the 9. cap. 24. verse saith Seuenty weeks are determined vpon thy people and vpon thy holy citie to finish the wickednesse to seale vp the sinnes to reconcile the iniquitie and to bring in euerlasting righteousnesse c. But although this destinction of the effects of the passion and resurrection of Christ seeme vaine vnto manie men yet notwithstanding seeing the Apostle S. Paule so often speaketh hereof and speciallie in the 3. cap. Philippians 10. verse That I may knowe him and the vertue of his resurrection and the fellowship of his afflictions and be made conformable vnto his death c. let vs without feare of cauilling follow the speech or saying of Paule and let vs know that we must consider both the merit and efficacie of Christ crucified and risen from death to life Like as Paul in 5. Rom. 6. ioyneth together grace and the gift by grace And S Iohn Baptist saith 1. cap. verse 17. by Christ came grace and truth These are not spoken to corrupt the article of iustification wherein we discerne wiselie imputation from gifts and expreslie do affirme that we haue remission of sinnes and reconciliation with God and imputation of righteousnesse for the onelie obedience and merit of Christ but so that the full and whole benefit of Christ be not thereby obscured which is not onelie imputation but also a reuiuing and raising againe from death to life and glorie euerlasting To be briefe it is one thing to speake of the article of iustification and an other thing to speake of the whole kingdome of Christ which containeth as the ancients do speake graces priuatiue and positiue that is not onelie deliuerances from euils but also restorings vnto or giftes of euerlasting blessinges But so often as wee dispute of these matters in Churches and Schooles let vs follow Paules rule which biddeth vs 2. Tim. 2. 15. To deuide the word of truth aright and not indirectlie to confuse or separate the members from the bodie against the Analogie of the faith and against the simple and natiue meaning of euerie article The Article of iustification admitteth no copulatiue because of the exclusiues so often repeated Freely without workes without law in the seede not in the seeds And the Article touching the kingdom of Christ cannot be expounded without coupling together grace and the gifte by grace neither doe these striue betweene themselues because when wee seeke for consolation in feares of conscience we do not dispute of giftes but we are troubled touching remission of sinnes and reconciliation with God which is onelie obtained by faith for Christes sake whome in his bloudshedding God hath ordained our mercifull redeemer and Sauiour This is not the wisedome of vaine and secure minde but of the godlie ones who are mortified and quickened yea brought downe into hell and againe are plucked as it were out of the iawes of hell For the Lord heareth the poore and despiseth not his prisoners Let heauen and earth praise him the sea and all that moueth therein For God will saue Syon and build the cities of Iuda that men may dwell there and haue it in possession The posterity also of his seruants shall inherit it and they that loue his name shall dwel therein These last verses in this Psalme need no long decalration or interpretation for they exhort euerie creature to the aduauncing of the honour of God and of his sonne our Lord Iesus Christ and they promise stabilitie vnto the Church according to that saying Matth. 16. 18. The gates of hell shall not preuaile against her Wherefore sith it needeth not to make long commentaries vpon matters so euident I conclude the exposition of this Psalme And I beseech God to seale in the hartes of manie men the natiue meaning of the articles of the Christian faith Amen To him that excelleth ¶ A Psalme of Dauid to put him in rememberance for his deliuerance Deus in adiut orium meum intende The Argument SHort indeede is this Song but long is the effectuall conclusion thereof For it teacheth that by three Engins the walles of Faith are mightely shaken whereof the first is greatnesse of temptation and calamities The second is multitude or concourse of tempests or stormes and the third is the long continuance of these For whom doth not greatnesse ouercome him the same multitude of calamities do weaken and bring low but whome neither of these twaine doe ouermaster yet euen him doth long looking for helpe vtterly discourage These all may be plainely seene in Iob as it were in a looking glasse when worde was brought to this most holy man Iob of the losse of all his substance and death of his children whom his house slew when it fell vpon them Hee was so far from impatience not shewing any token thereof that hee euen as it were praised God with a notable verse saying cap. 1 verse 21. If wee haue receiued good thinges of the handes of the Lord why should we not also suffer euill thinges The Lord hath giuen the Lord hath taken away as it hath pleased the Lorde so is it come to passe blessed therefore be the name of the Lord. But this so holy man when hee could not bee remooued from his purpose with greatnesse of calamities at the verie last of all being vanquished and sore broken with concourse of aduersities and with the long continuance thereof cryed out cap. 3. ver 3. Let the day perish wherein I was borne and the night when it was said there is a man child conceiued c. He therfore that standeth let him take heed he fall not For the diuell knoweth a thousand sleights wherewith the wals and towers of faith except they be by God defended may easilie be raced and ouerthrowne And seeing there is much danger in delay This Psalme three times rehearseth a praier vnto God to hasten his helping hand verse 1. Hast thee O God c. Hast to helpe me O Lord v. 6. Thou art my helper and my redeemer O Lord make no long tarrying For althought it is not in our power to prescribe God anie certaine meane or certaine time of deliuerance yet after a sort we must craue that God woulde euen at the very first instant according to his prouidence deliuer his church and the godly ones which are exercised in greatest miseries This indeed is not only to aske and seeke but also to knocke Or as the lawyers vse to say to cite God peremptorily And such a searching for finding and knocking for opening according to that most sweet saying ceaseth to our most wishful desires Aske and ye shal haue seeke and ye shall find knocke and it shall be opened vnto you Thus much for the Argument of this Psalme ❧ The Psalme and Exposition thereof Haste thee O God to deliuer mee make hast to