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A19465 Certain most godly, fruitful, and comfortable letters of such true saintes and holy martyrs of God, as in the late bloodye persecution here within this realme, gaue their lyues for the defence of Christes holy gospel written in the tyme of their affliction and cruell imprysonment. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555, Exhortacion to the carienge of Chrystes crosse. Selections.; Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556. Copy of certain lettres sent to the Quene, and also to doctour Martin and doctour Storye. Selections.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Soveraigne cordial for a Christian conscience.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Whether Christian faith maye be kepte secret in the heart, without confession therof openly to the worlde as occasion shal serve.; Ridley, Nicholas, 1500?-1555. Frendly farewel. 1564 (1564) STC 5886; ESTC S108888 571,783 726

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them they harken vnto me and to no straungers and I geue them euerlastyng lyfe Iohn 10 for they shall not be loste nor no man shall plucke them out of my handes no nor yet this flatte ryng world wyth al his vayne pleasures nor any Tyranne wyth his great threates and stoute bragges can once moue them out of the way of eternall lyfe What consolation and cōfort may we haue more pleasaunt and effectuous then this God is on our side and fighteth for vs he suffereth he smarteth is afflicted with vs. As the world can do nothing against his might Esay 4 neither in takyng away or diminishing of hys glory nor putting him from his celestial throne so can it not harme nor hurte any one of his chyldren without his good wyll Ephesi 5 for we are members of hys bodye out of his flesh and of his bones and as deare to him as the apple of his eye Let vs therfore with an earnest fayth set fast hold and sure feeling vpon the promises of God in the gospel and let vs not be sundred from the same by any tēptation tribulation or persecution Let vs consider the verity of god to be inuincible inuiolable and immutable promising and geuing vs his faythfull souldiours life eternall It is he onely that hath deserued it for vs it is his only benefite and of his only mere mercy vnto hym only must we render thākes Let not therfore the vayne fantasies and dreames of mē the folish gauds and toyes of the world nor the crafty delusions of the deuil driue separate vs from our hope of the crown of righteousnes that is laid vppe in store for vs against the last day Oh that happy and mery last day I meane to the faythfull when Christ by hys couenaunt shall graunte and geue vnto them that ouercome and kepe hys wordes to the ende that they maye ascende and sit in seate with him as he hath ascended and sitteth on throne wyth hys father The same body and soule that is now wyth Christ afflicted shal then be wyth Christ glorified nowe in the butchers handes as shepe appointed to die 2. Timo. 2. then sitting at gods table wyth Christ in hys kyngdom as gods honourable and dere childerne where we shall haue for earthly pouerty heauenlye riches for hunger and thirst saturitye of the pleasaunt presence of the glory of God Psalm 16. for sorrowes troubles and colde irons celestial ioyes and the company of Aungels and for a bodely death lyfe eternall Oh happy soules oh precious death and euermore blessed righte deare in the eyes of god to you the spring of the Lord shall euer be florishyng Then as sayth Esay the redemed shall returne come againe into Sion praysing the Lord and eternall mercyes shal be ouer their heades they shall obtaine myrthe and solace sorrowe and woe shall be vtterly vanquished yea I am euen he sayeth the Lord that in all things geueth you euerlastyng consolation To whom with the Father and the holy ghost be glory and prayse for euer Amen Robert Samuell An other letter written to the Christian cōgregation called the fayth of Robert Samuell The beliefe of the hart iustifyeth and to knowledge with the mouth maketh a man safe Rom. 10. Feare not the curse of men be not afrayde of theyr blasphemies and reuilinges for wormes and mothes shall eate them vppe lyke cloth and woll but my ryghteousnesse shall endure for euer and my sauing healthe from generation to generation Esay 51. COnsidering with my self these perillous times 2. Timo. 3. perishing daies the vnconstant and miserable state of man the decay of our fayth the sinister reporte false slaūder of gods most holy word these vrgent causes in coscience do constrayne me to confesse acknowledge my fayth and meanyng in Christes holy religion as S. Peter teacheth me saying 1. pet 3 be readye alwayes to geue an answere to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you and that with mekenes feare hauing a good cōscience that whē they backbite you as euill doers they may be ashamed for asmuche as they haue falselye accused your good conuersation in Christe As touching my doctrine for that litle talent that god hath geuen me god I take to recorde mine own conscience mine auditorie knoweth that I neither in doctrine nor maners willinglye taughte any other thing then I receaued of the holy Patriarckes Prophets Christ hys Apostles For it were not only sinne but also the very part of a cursed miscreant to deny to belye or betray the innocēcie of that heauēly doctrine or to be ashamed to cōfesse stād to the defence of the same Mar. 8. seing the christ plāted it with his most precious blood and all good men haue more estemed the true infallible word of god then al this transitorye worlde or their own mortal liues And I beleue this doctrine of the Patriarkes Prophets Christ hys Apostles to be sufficient absolutely perfect to enstruct teach me al the holy church of oure duties towards god the magistrates our neighbours Fyrst principally I do assuredly beleue wtout any douting that there is one deitie or diuine essence infinite substāce which is both called is in dede god euerlasting vnbodely vnpartable vnmeasurable in power wisdome goodnesse the maker preseruer of al things as wel visible as inuisible yet there be three distinct persons al of one godhead or diuine being of al one power coequal cōsubstantial coeternall the father the sonne the holy ghost I beleue in god the father almighty c. As touching god the father of heauē I beleue as much as holy scripture teacheth me to beleue The father is the first person in trinitie Ephesi ● first cause of our saluation which hath blessed vs with al maner of blessings in heauēly things by Christ which hath chosē vs before the foūdations of the worlde were layd that we should be holy without blame before him who hath predestinate vs ordeyned vs to be his childrē of adoption through Christ Iesu Act. 17. Psal 176. In him as it is sayd we liue we moue haue our being he nourisheth feedeth geueth meate to euery creature And in Iesus Christ hys onely sonne oure lord I beleue that the word that is the sonne of god the second person in trinitie did take mans nature in the wombe of the most blessed virgin Mary Heb. 1. So that there be in hym .ii. natures a diuine nature an humaine nature in the vnitie of persō inseperable conioyned knyt in one Christ truly god trulye mā the expresse perfect image of the inuisible god wherin the wil of god the father shineth apparantly wherin mā as it were in a glasse maye behold what he ought to do that maye please god the father Borne of the virgin Mary ●●trulye
the present tyme appeareth not pleasaunt but payneful but afterward it rendreth the fruit of ryghtuousnes on them whiche are exercised in it Wherfore let vs be of good chere good brethren and let vs pluck vp our feble members that were fallen or began to fainte harte handes knees and all the rest and let vs walke vprighte and straighte that no lymping nor haultyng bryng vs out of the way Let vs looke not vpon the thinges that be presente but with the eyes of our fayth let vs stedfastlye beholde the thynges that bee euerlastyng in heauen and so choose rather in respect of that which is to come with the chosen members of Christ to beare christes crosse then for this short life time to enioy all the riches honors and pleasures of the broad world Why shoulde we christians ferre death Can death depryue vs of Christ which is all our comforte our ioye and our lyfe Nay forsothe But contrary deathe shall delyuer vs from thys mortall bodye whyche lodeth and beareth downe the Spirite 2. Cor 5. that it can not so well perceyue heauenly thinges in the whiche so long as we dwell we are absent from God Wherfore vnderstandyng oure state in that we be christians that yf our mortall bodye whiche is oure earthlye house were destroyed we haue a building 2. Cor. 5 a house not made wyth handes but euerlastyng in heauen c therefore we are of good cheare and knowe that when we are in the bodye we are absente from God for we walke by faythe and not by cleare syghte Neuerthelesse we are bolde and hadde rather be absent from the bodye and presente wyth God wherfore we stryue whether we be presente at home or absent abroad that we may always please hym And who that hath true faith in our sauiour Christ whereby he knoweth somewhat truly what Christ our Sauiour is that he is the eternal sonne of God lyfe lyght the wisdome of the father all goodnes al rightuousnesse and whatsoeuer is good that hart can desire yea infinite plēty of al these aboue that that mans hart can eyther conceyue or thynke for in him dwelleth the fulnesse of the godhead corporally and also that he is geuen vs of the father and made of God to be our wisdome 1. Cor. 1. our rightuousnes our holines and our redemptiō who I say is he that beleueth this in dede that would not gladly be with his maister Christ Phili. 1. Paule for this knowlege coueted to haue bene losed from the body and to haue bene with Christ for that be counted it much better for himselfe had rather to be losed than to liue Therfore these wordes of Christ to the thiefe on the crosse that asked of him mercy were full of comfort and solace this daye thou shalt be with me in paradise Luke 23. To dye in the defence of Christes gospell it is oure bounded duety to Christ and also to our neyghbor To Christ Rom. 9 1. Iohn 3. for he died for vs rose again the he might be lord ouer all And seyng he dyed for vs we also saieth S. Iohn shoulde ieopard yea geue our lyfe for our bretherne And this kynd of geuyng and losyng is gettyng and wynnyng in deede for he that geueth or loseth his lyfe thus getteth and wynneth it for euermore Apo. 14. Blessed are they therfore that die in the lorde and if they die in the Lordes cause they are most happy of all Let vs not then feare death which can do vs no harme otherwise than for a momēt to make the flesh to smart but that our faith which is surely fastened and fyxed vnto the worde of god telleth vs that we shall be anone after death in peace in the handes of god in ioy in solace and that from the death we shall go straight vnto life For S. Iohn saith Iohn 11. Iohn 5 he that liueth beleueth in me shal neuer dye And in an other place he shall depart from death vnto life And therfore this death of the christian is not to be called death but rather a gate or entraunce into euerlastynge life Therfore Paule calleth it but a dissolution and resolution and both Peter and Paule 2. Pet. 1. 2. Cor. 5 a puttyng of of this Tabernacle or dwelhouse meanyng thereby the mortal body as wherin the soule or spirit doth dwell here in thys world for a smal time Yea this death may be called to the christian an ende of all miseries For so long as we liue here Actes 14. we must passe through manye tribulations before we can enter into the kyngdome of heauen And now after that death hath shot hys bolt al the christian mans enemies haue done what they can and after that they haue no more to do What coulde hurte or harme poore Lazarus that lay at the ryche mans gate hys former penury and pouerty hys miserable beggerye and horryble sores and sycknes For so soone as deathe had stricken hym with his dart so sone came the angels Luke 16. caried him straight vp into Abrahams bosome What loste he by death who frō misery payne is set by the ministery of Aungels in a place both of ioye and solace Farewell deare brethren farewel and let vs comfort our hartes in all troubles and in death with the word of God for heauen and earth shall perishe but the word of the lorde endureth for euer Farewel christes dearely beloued spouse here wandring in this worlde as in a straunge land farre from thyn own countrey and compassed about on euery hande with deadly enemies which cease not to assaulte thee euer seekyng thy destruction Farewell farewell O ye the whole and vniuersall congregation of the chosen of god here lyuyng vpon earth the true churche militant of Christ the true mysticall bodye of Christ the very household and family of god and the sacred temple of the holy ghost Farewell Farewel O thou little flocke of the hygh heauenly pastor Christ Luke 12 for to thee it hath pleased the heauēly father to geue an euerlastyng and eternall kyngdome Farewell Farewell thou spirituall house of god thou holy and roi all priesthode thou chosen generation thou holye nation thou wonne spouse Fare wel Farewell N. R. ¶ This that followeth which he further wrote concerning his cruell handlyng in the scholes at Oxford also of the condēnation of him O. Cranmer M. Latymer c we would not here omitte though in order in should before haue bene placed next after the preface to his disputation Folio 78. KNow gentle Reader that maister Prollocutour dyd promyse me in the disputations publikely that I should see myne aunswers how they were collected and gathered of the Notaries and that I should haue licence to adde or diminishe to alter or chaunge afterwarde as I should thynke best would make for me to the aunsweryng of the propositions He promised moreouer publikely that I shoulde haue both tyme and
people they do communicate the same both to heauen and earth to euery thing elles As for example when the Prophets do foreshowe the ouerthrowes of realmes peoples how do they say that the whole shape of the worlde shal be moued therat Loke vpō Esay how he whē he prophecieth the fall of Babilon doth say that the starres shall not shyne from heauen the sunne shal be darkened in his rising the mone shall not geue her light And afterwards he saith I wil shake the heauens the earth shall be moued out of his place Esay 13. But the historyes do witnesse that there are wonderful chaunges of al creatures both heauenly earthly in the ouerthrowes and destructions of realmes people Agayne when Esay doth Prophecye of the kingdome of Christ he doth promyse new heauens new earth and that so excellent and new that he sheweth the former heauens earth to be vtterly forgotten Esay 63. Wherto the Apostle agreeth making Christ the repairer of al things in heauen in earth Ephesi 1. Col. 1. Howe dyd both heauen and earth geue their seruice to the Israelites cōming forth of Egipte aswel in preseruing them as in destroying their enemyes How did the sunne shyne longer thē it was wont to do for Iosue to ouercome hys enemies How did euē the very Angels fyght for Ezechias against the Assirians Read the .30 chap. of Esay And behold the history of Christ cōsider how the Angels reioyced how the starre brought the wise men to Christe howe the Aungells were ministers vnto him in the wildernesse howe the deuilles confessed hym In his death how dyd all the whole world shew compassion The sunne was darkened the earth dyd quake the rockes claue a sunder the vaile of the temple rent a sunder When he arose both heauē for the Angels with great heauēly brightnesse appeared and earth which was moued dyd reioyce the Angels were preachers of it In hys ascension also dyd not a bryghte cloude receaue him and take hym vp Dyd not the Angels testifye of hys returne When he sent the holy ghoste and made his new couenaunte of grace dyd not all the whole worlde serue thereto by thunder smoke fyer earthquake Now how wonderfully they will do their seruice to Christ comming to iudgement it is more plaine then I nede to rehearse And in asmuch as we are the members of Christe he being our head we may sone see how that all thyngs haue a certayne compassion with man do after their kinde as the Apostle writeth loke for a deliuerance from vanitye which they shal obteyne in their restauration I therfore tolde you how that I do take the Apostle to meane by euery creature simply euē al the whole shape creatures in the world He doth attribute vnto them how that they looke for the perfection of our saluatiō how that they are subiecte to vanitie howe that they are subiecte in hope how that they grone and trauel attributing these things vnto the senseles creature by trāslation from man to signifye the societie cognation and cōsent which all euery creature hath with man that as euery all thinges were made for man so by the man Christ al and euery thing both earthly and heauenly shal be restored These thinges you know in effecte I spake vnto you to stirre vp both my self and you to a deper consideratiō of our blessed state which now we enioy in hope which wil neuer deceaue vs the more to occasion vs to desire the ful fruition of the same But I do remēber that you were something troubled with some doutfulnes hereabout Therfore I purpose now to write of thys matter more at large therby to occasion vs both to see better through the helpe of gods spirit that which we desire I pray God graunt vnto vs both for his mercies sake I meane the felicitie of his childrē and the happie state which one day in very deede my dere hart we shal fully possesse and both together prayse the Lord with al hys Saintes world without end Amen Amen Thys was your doubt If so be that S. Paul dyd meane by all creatures simply as I haue spoken that they shal be deliuered from corruption into suche a state as shall adorne the fredome of Gods children whether that plantes beasts and other thinges hauing life shal bee restored If yea then you would know whether al thinges that haue bene shal be restored also And after thys you wil perchaunce aske in what place they shall be what they shall do and so forth As I thinke vpon this matter and as I am accustomed to answere such questiōs cōming to me I wil here write for an answere vnto you also not douting but that therwith you wil be satisfyed because I know your hart is satisfyed with godlye sufficient answeres Thus I thinke All euery creature groneth traueleth as yet hoping loking for my restauration for they be subiect to corruption for my synnes sake but they al shal be deliuered by my Christ frō the bondage of corruptiō thē whē he shal restore vs his mēbers Thys wil I muse on way with my self that I may dulye knowe both in me and in al other things the atrocitie and bitternesse of synne whieh dwelleth in me so may the more hartely geue ouer my self wholy to the lord Christ my Sauiour that he may with what crosse soeuer shal please him sley synne in me and bring me after his own wil way to newnesse of life Wherunto that I for my part may faythfully withal my whole hart do my diligence in mortifying the desires of my flesh in labouring to obey the desires of the spirite to liue a life acceptable to him I besech him of his grace And that I maye do this cherefully cōtinue in thys purpose diligence I wil fasten my minde as much as the Lord shal enable me to cōsider this my so great happinesse wherunto I shal be restored in the resurrection the which resurrection doutles shall be adourned by the whole shape of the world deliuered frō corruptiō These thinges wil I thinke on these things wil I pause on herein wil I as it were drowne my self being careles of thys I meane what partes of the world the Lorde Christ wil restore with me or how he wil do it or what state or condition he wil geue it It is enough enough for me that I and all the whole world with me shal be much more happie thē now I can by any meanes conceaue By reasō hereof I will prayse and glorifye my Lorde and by hys grace I wil study to please hym with al my hart with all my soule with all my strengthe singing vnto him that he both doth wel and hath done and made al thinges wel to hym be eternal glory for euer This is my cogitation in thys matter and not mine only He meaneth that most godly and learned father M.