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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16951 An aduertisement of corruption in our handling of religion To the Kings Majestie. By Hugh Broughton. Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612. 1604 (1604) STC 3843; ESTC S106724 70,396 114

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two seauens CHRIST shal be killed and not for him selfe therevpon the Citie and holy place shall he destroy the GOVERNOVRS owne people to come and their ende shal be with a Flood and at the ende of warre it shall haue a finall iudgement to desolation But he shall confirme the Testament for many the last Seaven when in HALFE THAT SEAVEN he shal ende the Sacrifice and Oblation Afterwardes by an Armie abominable he shall make a desolation even till vtter destruction and finall iudgement flow vpō the desolate The heades of the Angel Gabriel his speach DAniel is taught how long Sion shal be holy for sacrificing how long Circumcision Sabbates the Pascha of Lamb or kid and all sacrifices shal continue at Ierusalem how many yeares even to the houre of the day from his prayer are vnto the death of our Lord for our eternall life to confirme the Testament for many and to end all Moses lawes that Iewes and Gentiles may be one body All this the booke called A true Chronicle commended by I.C. dedestroyeth whose wordes with the folio shal be shewed A deniall of the main vse of the prophecie fol 170. It is a great pitie that the message of the holy Angel conteyning a most excellent Prophecie from Gods owne mouth should be so perverted and depraved as it hath bene by those whiche pick out this sense as though he sayd there should be from the outgoing of the commaundement to Messias 69. weekes 483. yeares in all· A strange interpretation and such I dare boldly say it as by the Ebrew text can never be vpheld Reply for Messias HEre M. Lively sheweth as litle learning as euer did any that professed Ebrew as little Christianity as euer any of faith and as litle modestie as any can shewe that one man should check all Churches The Hebrician denyeth Messias to be CHRIST our redeemeer would make it an adiectiue Therein first his Hebrew cometh into question Either Messias is neuer a propre name of here it is a propre name and here twise In all other places a pronowne is affixed or a substantiue in the genetive case As myne annointed thy annointed his annointed the annointed of God the Priest which is annointed Here Dan. 9. twise there is no pronown and here it must be a propre name Messias or Christ And it is neuer vsed for an adiectiue being set before the substantiue as here Messias Nagid Messias the King And hence Saint Iohn tooke the name And hence all the Talmudikes in all their commentaries though cōmenting vpon this place they directly do it not Yet Rabbi Iuda commenting vpon Daniel here saith Messias Nagid is Messias the hope of Israel Nagid forgoer cōmander of the natiōs Es 55. The very Iew cōfesseth this much And the Zohar vpon Genesis talking of the serpent saith By the serpent Messias shal be kild and many of Israel with him And al the churches in Christendome hold Messias here to be the son of God our Redeemer and our England helde that the last seaven of 70. had our Lordes preaching Our Church Scotland Fraunce Spaine Heydelberg Geneva so doth M. Liuely should liue in more modesty then so to pitie vs for holding the rock of salvation as the Angel taught this saying In the end of Seaventie seavens from Daniels prayer CHRIST or MESSIAS shal be slaine not for him selfe but consecrating him self for the redeemed or anointing or shewing him self the sonne of God For that doeth the terme annointing shew in that place M. Liuely dareth despise all Christendome where he is most vnlearned and senseles borowed the oth of Q. E. by I.C. to his iudaisme Of a bad translation and foolisher sense fol. 156. Ver. 25. from the going forth of the word to build againe Ierusalem vnto Messias the governour shal be seaven weekes he meaneth seaven seavens of yeares but loveth darknes three score two weekes it shal be builded againe street and wall Thus he translateth And having differed extreemely from all Christendome and all reason thus he would overcome by boldnes Maister Livelies boldnes fol. 171. THat interpretatiō which I haue made leauing a stay or rest at seuen weekes as the halfe sentence being past and continuing the 62. weekes with the other part of the sentence following to the end of the verse not referred to the former as part of one whole number with them by the Hebrew text is most sure and vndoubted and iustifiable against all the world contayning that which God himself in his owne words hath vttered neither more nor lesse but the verse same which Gods Angell deliuered to Daniel by word and Daniel to the Church by writing in the holie tongue and this once againe it is From the going forth of the word to b●●ld againe Ierusalem vnto Messias the gouernour shall be seauen weekes and threescore two weekes it shall be builded againe street and wall and in troublesome times Marke the words consider their order and weigh well the rests As I finde in the Hebrew so I haue Englished that is the trueth of interpretation bee it vnderstood as it may Reply MAister Liuely setteth such a face vpon errour as never was heard in Christendome to disturbe the graunted rule of salvation And it is great pitie that some tooke him not in hand that know bitternes of style and are eloquent in that kinde His outfacing of the trueth and Christianity drew Iohn Cant to subscribe vnto him He might with as good learning haue subscribed to the Alkoram Machmad bragged that Gabriel taught him And chalenged Daniels name Chamudoth whiche the Angel Gabriel gaue him Machmad and Chamudoth in Ebrew bee all one The false prophet had some other name Or by some close iudgement of God his parents gaue a name helping to deceipt As for my poore skill in reprehending the deceaued extreemly I hartely confesse that I want due vehemency will borow Ovid as Vergil translating Homer to confesse how I come short of abilitie to blame the subscribing to M. Liuelies Ebrew Divinitie Historie Non mihi si centum Deus ora sonantia linguis Ingeniumque capax totumque Helicona dedisset Omnia prosequerer Si vox infragilis pectus si firmius esset Both poëtes both the best translate Homer iliad 2. Could I tell how to shew how much I. C. his subscription to M. Liuely hath iniuried Christianitie and particularly the Church of England Positions of old graunted new doctrine from Maister Liuely subscribed by I. C. shal be laid downe First The Church of England beleeved that the Angell Gabriel told Daniel of a Decree past in Gods word and to ensue by Cyrus presently to restore and builde Ierusalem And that from this Decree from Daniels prayer should be 70. seavens of yeares vnto our L. his death Whether he should die in the middest of the last seaven or last yeare that doth not shew much
could thinke that Iuda was in Babylon aboue 130. And their millions will rather come short then come so farre as 130. yeares And M. Livelies 230. marre the strongest prophecie for the salvation of the world and light of the New Testament So the holy story doth receyue extreeme disgrace What kinde of testimonies M. Liuely bringeth to rent all the last holy Prophetes the stretch the liues in them 100. yeares more then their liues will suffer MAister Liuely citeth Iulius Africanus for Cyrus first yere to be in Olympiad 55. And ill set by Beroldus in Olympiad 80. Aunswere to Olympiades MAister Liuely hath seene or might three treatises iustly checking them which holde Olympiades in any accompt or accompt by Rome or the Archontes of Apollodorus or the distances which Exatosthenes maketh betwixt Cyrus and Xerx thence to The Peloponnesian warres and how Thucidides and Demosthenes make fifty yeares for 35. And how from Lysanders vnwalling of Athens he maketh 34 yeares where Isocrates Strabo with Lysias would make but ten twelue thence to Phil. Macedon for never an one And the true accomptes of Greekes living in Persicq times were brought forth against one that had better skill then M. Liuely in Greeke and did all that Greeke could doe for defence that he might well say as Hector in Vergil Si Pergama dextrâ Defendi possent etiam hâc defensa fuissent And as careles VC-alegon had soone his house on fire for resistance past all hope so M. Liuely might haue seene what would become of his Librarie For Olympiades this was part EZekiel prophecied in Olympiad 48. by Clemens and by him Aggei ninety yeares after in Olympiad 48 So our Ecclesiasticall skill maketh Ezekiel and Aggei of one age This wil be small commendation for right reverend Fathers that haue taken so many hundreth thousande poundes sterling for teaching Diuinitie To make Ezekiel prophecying in the fift of King Sedekias kild by Nabucodonosor Aggei that built the Temple by his tongue to be of one and the same Olympiad in sad trueth and trueth to examine an Angels prophecie Reuerend Fathers should haue dealt more reuerendlie then to check Gods word for the very houre of our redemption set in Daniels time sure for all the world more reuerendly they should haue dealt then to alter the borders which Prophetes and Angels had settled More of this stuffe shal be shewed Xexes in of Esthers time and Oebotas a Greeke and Gelo King of Syracusa were of one time and dealers in the same warres Yet Oebotas warred then in Olympiad the sixt and so Gelo built Camarina in Olympiad the third by the commētarie vpon Pindarus So by our Ecclesiasticall men King Cyrus should be in Antiochus Epiphanes dayes Or Xerxes in King Ezekias time Thus we corrupt religion by ignorance of all groundes of study This ground is sure worthy of all interteynment which Thalmud Ierusalemy citeth but cōfirmed afore in the Gospel Ein dibre Thorah zaricin chizuk Thaaniut fol. 66. col 1. The words of the Law need no fortification So our Lord sayth I receaue no testimony from men When Abraham saw Ismael persecute Isaak he knew that that time four hūdreth yeares Israel should come from Egypt as well as Moses in the end So Ezekias knew fiftine yeres afore he died when he should die so well as they that saw his death So Ieremy knew seauenty yeares before Babel fell when it should fall as well as Daniel that saw it fall so Daniel knew that 490. yeares from his prayer Christ our Lord should confirme the covenant for Heathē as well as the Disciples knew that it was done And all Iewes of any religion in the Gospell looked at the same time for the kingdom of heaven to appeare by the plain proprietie of Gods word Further dotage in Olympiades may be wayed Chilon the wise the Old Lacedemonian of Solons age was Ephorus in Sparte in the fiftie sixt Olympiad of Solons age and much ancienter then Cyrus Sosigenes in Laertius is the authour By Pamphyla a learned Romane woman which wrote of Olympiades whose worke Photius honoreth in his Librarie it was the sixt Olympiade when this Chilon was Ephorus So by Olympiades there is a doubt of 200. yeares that is 50 Olympiades when Chilon one of the seaven sages florished Whose time without Olympiades helpe is knowen wel enough So for the deceaved these Olympiades if they be not farre enough out of the way by them selues these Olympiades would prick them forward And it must needes be counted a most grievous iniurie against the Maiestie of God to torment all the Byble by them and to deny the gracious light of Salvation whiche the holy Angel Gabriel left as mount Sion that can not be mooved And as the mountaynes are about Ierusalem so are holy Scriptures about that oration of the holy Gabriel who taught all at Babels fall that 490. yeares after that yeare the King of Glory should be kild but death should not holde him but his iustice should appeare by his Resurrection that he was kild not for him selfe but to make reconciliation for our sinnes and to seale Vision Prophet and to make Heathen syssoma one body with Israel The Lord knew that as plain a prefixed time as time could bee prefixed was needfull for all the world And the holy Angel might not speake deceipt as Iuppiter in Homer by a dreame deceaved Agamemnon by the word NOW saying Now thou shalt take Troy Agamemnon tooke it for THAT DAY but Iuppiter meant that yeare and so caused for amendes to Achilles infinite slaughter of Greekes By M. Liuely the Angel deceaued all that ever read his wordes till M. Liuely came to teach their right meaning and he should no more be an holy Angel then Iuppiters dreame was a God Our reverend fathers might haue spared the Princes authoritie frō cōfirming such Agamemnonean dreames They that adventure their eternall state on this that they will with all hart might and strength that Gods grace will graciously afford further the trueth and light of the Gospell will not reioyce to haue their authority vsurped to the Eternall destruction of their People and them selves This cosinage to check the holy Angel by Olympiades to turne the prophecy from light to darknes from trueth to falshood from Christ his name to prophane Atheistes from his covenaunt in the Lords supper vnto a covenant of Romane dogges with as dogged Iewes from the times beginning certen and cleare to all heartes of sage vnto one never knowen afore M. Liuely told and to end not at our Lordes death to ende Moses there but to ende at Ierusalems fall and sacrifice to be lefull so farre this matcheth Eves fall by the Serpent and passeth the building of Babel And Esay thought and taught that by Cyrus Decree Ierusalem should be built And seeing he gaue them vnder letters Patentes leave to returne to Ierusalem to builde the Temple the Decree for City and Temple