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A00440 The auncient ecclesiasticall histories of the first six hundred yeares after Christ, wrytten in the Greeke tongue by three learned historiographers, Eusebius, Socrates, and Euagrius. Eusebius Pamphilus Bishop of Cæsarea in Palæstina vvrote 10 bookes. Socrates Scholasticus of Constantinople vvrote 7 bookes. Euagrius Scholasticus of Antioch vvrote 6 bookes. VVhereunto is annexed Dorotheus Bishop of Tyrus, of the liues of the prophetes, apostles and 70 disciples. All which authors are faithfully translated out of the Greeke tongue by Meredith Hanmer, Maister of Arte and student in diuinitie. Last of all herein is contayned a profitable chronographie collected by the sayd translator, the title whereof is to be seene in the ende of this volume, with a copious index of the principall matters throughout all the histories; Ecclesiastical history. English Eusebius, of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea, ca. 260-ca. 340.; Hanmer, Meredith, 1543-1604.; Socrates, Scholasticus, ca. 379-ca. 440. Ecclesiastical history. English. aut; Evagrius, Scholasticus, b. 536? Ecclesiastical history. English. aut; Dorotheus, Saint, 255-362, attributed name. aut 1577 (1577) STC 10572; ESTC S121374 989,961 618

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deuell in the same night transformed into an Angell of light reasoned vvith me sayinge vvhen thou art vp in the morninge goe on and persvvade them and bringe them vnto God if they demaunde ought of thee If in case they condescende and harken vnto thee doe it and ceasse not staggeringe nothinge at the matter to the ende many may be saued And agayne the deuell goinge before to prepare the vvaye vvhetted theyr vvitts to deuise mischief agaynst me seely vvretch he sovved in theyr mindes hypocrisie dissimulation and deceate but I o vnhappie creature skippinge out of my bedd at the davveninge of the daye colde not finishe my vvonted deuotion neyther accomplishe my vsuall prayer but vvishinge that all men might be saued and come vnto the knovveledge of the trueth folded and vvrapped my selfe in the snares of the deuell I gott me vnto the vvicked I required of them to performe the couenantes made the night before I seely soule not knovveing of any thinge and vve came vnto the baptisme O blinded heart hovve didest thou not remember O foolishe mynde hovve didest thou not bethinke thy selfe O vvittlesse brayne hovve didest thou not vnderstande O thou sense of vnderstandinge vvhere didest thou sleepe but it vvas the deuell vvhich prouoked thee to slumbre and slepe and in the end slevve thy vnhappy and vvretched soule he bound my mightie men and spoyled me of my knovvledge he bound my mightie men vvounded me I ansvvered but in a vvorde became reprochefully defamed I spake vvithout malice yet felt I spite the deuell raysed an assembly about me and pronounced agaynst me that vniuste sentence Origen sayth he hathe sacrificed O thou deuell vvhat hast thou done vnto me O thou deuell hovve hast thou vvounded me I bevvayled sometime the fall of Sampson but novve haue I felt farre vvorse my selfe I bevvayled heretofore the fall of Solomon yet novve am I fallen farre vvorse my selfe I haue bevvayled heretofore the state of all sinners yet novve haue I plunged in them all Sampson had the heare of his heade clypt and cropt of but the crovvne of glorie is fallen from of my heade Sampson lost the carnall eyes of his body but my spirituall eyes are digged out it vvas the vvilyenesse of a vvoman that brought him to his confusion but it vvas myne ovvne tongue that brought me to this sinfull fall And euen as he vvanted after the losse of his earthly possession So my tongue hauinge bolted out this vvicked sayinge depriued me of the spirituall giftes vvhich sometime haue flovved vvith heauenly ritches And euen as he beinge seuered from the Israelites and cleauinge vnto forayners endured these thinges so I goinge about to saue notorious sinners brought my selfe captiue vnto captiues and the bondeslaue of sinne Alasse my Churche liueth yet am I a vviddovver Alasse my sonnes be aliue yet am I barren Alasse euery creature reioyceth and I alone forsaken and sorovvfull Alasse o Church vvherein I vvas gladsome Alasse o seate vvherein I sate full mery Alasse o spirite vvhich heretofore camest dovvne vpon me vvhy hast thou forsaken me I am forsaken and become desolate because of the corruption and filth of mine iniquitie bevvayle me that am depriued of all goodnes bevvayle me o ye blessed people of God vvhich am banished from God bevvayle him that is bereued of the holye Ghost bevvayle me that am thrust out of the vvedding chamber of Christ bevvayle me vvho once vvas thought vvorthye the kingdome of God novve altogether vnvvorthye bevvayle me that am abhorred of the Angels seuered from the saincts of God bevvayle me for that I am condemned to eternall punishments bevvayle me for that I am here on earth and novve tormented vvith the pricke of conscience I doe feare death because it is vvicked I doe feare the dreadfull day of iudgement for that I am damned for euer I doe feare the punishment for that it is eternall I doe feare the Angelles vvhich ourseethe punishment because they are voyde of mercy I do feare out of measure all the tormentes and vvhat I shall doe I vvott not beinge thus on euery side besett vvith misery If there be any man vvhich can I beseche him novve assiste me vvith his earnest prayers and vvith his sorovvfull teares For novve it behoues me to shed infinite teares for my greate sinne vvho knovveth vvhether the Lorde vvill haue mercye vpon me vvhether he vvill pitie my fall vvhether he vvill tender my person vvhether he vvilbe moued vvith my desolation vvhether he vvill shevve mercie vnto me vvhether he vvill haue respecte vnto mine humilitie and encline his tender compassion tovvards me but I vvill prostrate my selfe before the thrasholds and porches of the Churche that I may entreate all people both small and greate and I vvill saye vnto them trample and treade me vnderfoote vvhiche am the foolishe salte the vnsauery salte treade me vvhiche haue no taste or relishe of God treade me vvhiche am fitte for nothinge Novve let the Elders mourne for that the staffe vvhereto they leaned is broken Novve lett the yong men mourne for that their schoolemayster is fallen Novve let the virgines mourne for that the aduauncer thereof is defyled Novve let the Priestes mourne for that their patrone and defender is shamefully fallen Novve let all the Clergye mourne for that their Prieste is fallen from the faythe Vvo is me that I fell so levvdely VVo is me that I fell moste daungerously and can not rise againe Asist me o holy spirite and geue me grace to repente Let the fountaynes of teares be opened and gushe out into streames to see if that peraduenture I may haue the grace vvorthely and throughly to repente and to vvype out of the booke of the conscience the accusation printed agaynst me But thou o Lord thinke not vpon polluted lippes neyther weye thou the tongue that hathe vttered levvde thinges but accept thou repentance afliction and bitter teares the dolour of the harte and the heauynesse of the soule and haue mercy vpon me and rayse me vp from out of the mire of corruption for the puddle thereof hathe euen choked me vp VVo is me that somtime vvas a pearle glisteringe in the golden garlande of glorye but novve throvven into the dust and trode in the myre of contempte VVo is me that the salte of God novve lyeth in the dung hill but hovve greate streames of lamentation shall vvype and purifie myne humble harte novve I vvill adresse my selfe and turne my talke vnto God vvhy hast thou lysted me vp and cast me dovvne For as thou haste exalted me vvith the deuine vvorde of thy heauenly vvisedome so me thinkes I sticke in the depth of sinne vvhich my selfe haue vvrought I had not committed this impietie vnlesse thou hadest vvithdravven thy hande from me But it is thy pleasure o Lorde vvhich art good to doe all thinges graciously and I of the other side beinge a foole haue foolishlye fallen But vvhy o Lorde haste thou shutt my
trodden of their felovv citizens vvere crushed to death At this lamentable slaughter the multitude being thus quayled vvas silent Besides these an innumerable more altercations to haue bene at Ierusalem Iosephus declareth teaching how that from that tyme sedition warres and often practises of mischeefs incessantly haue shaken not onely the city but all Iudaea vntil at length the vtter foyle by their besieging vnder Vespasian ouerreached them Thus hath vengeance lighted vpon the Ievves for their horrible fact committed agaynst Christ. CAP. VII How Pilate slewe him selfe I suppose it necessary to know this also how that it is reported of Pilate President in the tyme of Christ vnder Caius of whose tyme we made mention before that he fell vnto such misery so that necessity constrayned him to vse violence vpon him selfe and became his owne murtherer The iustice of God as it seemed best vnto his wisedome not long wincking at his wickednes Hereof the Graecians are witnesses which commit to memory in their historyes the Qlimpiades of tymes CAP. VIII Of the famine in the tyme of Claudius WHen as Caius had not fully helde the royall scepter the space of foure yeares Claudius the Emperour succeeded him vnder whome a great famine afflicted the whole world The same also haue they deliuered in their Commentaries vnto vs which farre dissent from our doctrine And the prophecy of Agabus the Prophet foreshewing in the Actes of the Apostles the famine that shoulde ouerspred the worlde came thus to passe Luke in the Actes signifieth this famine to be vnder Claudius saying that the brethren of the Churche of Antioche sent reliefe euery one after his hability vnto the faythfull inhabiting Iudaea by the handes of Paul and Barnabas CAP. IX The martyrdome of Iames the Apostle About that tyme that is vnder Claudius Herode the King stretched forth his hande to vexe certayne of the Churche and slevve Iames the brother of Iohn vvith the svvorde Of this Iames Clemens in the 7. of his Hypotyposeon reporteth a certayne history worthy of memory which he receaued by relation of his predecessors saying He truely vvhich drevv him before the tribunal seate vvhen he savv that he vvould vvillingly suffer martyrdome vvas thervvith moued voluntarily confessed him selfe to be a Christian Then vvere they both brought together but he in the vvay requested Iames the Apostle to pardon him vvhich after he had paused a litle vpon the matter turning vnto him aunsvvered Peace be vnto thee and kissed him and so they vvere both beheaded together Then Herode as the holy Ghost witnesseth perceauing the death of Iames to haue pleased the Ievves layeth wayt for Peter whome when he had taken he cast into prison whose death he had procured had not the Angel of the Lorde by diuine apparition assisted him by night miraculously lousing his fetters and restoring him to the office of preaching And such was the will of God concerning Peter CAP. X. How that Agrippa otherwise called Herode persecuting the Apostles and extolling him selfe felt the heauy hand of God to his destruction THe enterprises of the king against the Apostles of Christ passed not long vnpunished For immediatly after his priuy practises agaynst the Apostles as it is in the Actes when he was in Caesarea vpon an high solemne day arayed in a gorgeous and princely robe preaching vnto the people from his lofty tribunall seate the plague of God as messenger of iustice apprehended him and when as the whole multitude in compasse had showted to his prayse that to their hearing the voyce of God and not of man proceeded from him ▪ the Angell of the Lorde as the Scripture witnesseth smote him so that he was consumed of wormes and miserably finished his mortal life And that consent is worthy of memory which is found betwene holy Scripture in this miraculous fact and the history of Iosephus wher he deliuereth vnto vs a manifest testimony of the trueth to witt in the ninetenth booke of Iudaicall Antiquities writing this miracle in these wordes Novv vvas the thirde yeare of his Lieuetenantshipp throughout all Iudaea come to an ende vvhen he vvent to Caesarea vvhich of olde vvas called the tovvre of Straton there he published spectacles and stageplayes in the honour of Caesar and ordayned a solemne feaste day for his prosperous affayres Vnto this feaste frequented the vvhole multitude of those vvhich vvere chiefe in that prouince and aduanced to highest promotion and dignity The seconde day of these spectacles the king putting on a robe of siluer vvonderfully vvrought at the davvning of the day came to the theatre vvhere his siluer robe by reflexe of the sunne beames being lightned yelded so gorgeous a glistring to the eye that the shining thereof seemed terrible and intollerable to the behoulders Flatterers forthvvith one one thing an other an other thing bolted out such sentences as turned in the ende to his confusion saluting him for God and adding thervvithal be gratious though hitherto vve haue feared thee as man yet hēceforth vve confesse thee to be aboue mortall nature These thinges the king rebuked not neither repelled this impious flatterie But vvhen he a litle after looked about he behelde an Angell hanging ouer his head The same foorthvvith he supposed to be a messenger of euill vvho before vvas of goodnesse Sodenly he felt him selfe pricked at the hart vvith extreme vehemencie of paine in his bovvels heauily beholding his friendes saide I vvhich seeme to you a God am novve constrayned to end the race of this lyfe fatal destinie hath founde fault vvith your fonde flatteries vvhich of late you sounded to my prayse I vvhich vvas saluted immortall am novve caryed avvay redy to yeelde vp the ghost I his destinie no doubt is to be borne vvithall vvhich God hath decreed For vve haue liued not miserably but in that prosperous estate vvhich is termed blessed VVhen he had vttered these vvordes he sickned more more Then vvas he carefully circūspectly caried vnto the Palace but the rumor vvas spred abroad ouer al the contrey that vvithout peraduenture he vvould dye shortly The multitude foorthvvith together vvith vvomen and children couered vvith sackcloth after their contrey manner made supplication vnto God for their king so that all sounded of sorovve and lamentation The king lying in an high lodging and beholding the people prostrate vpon their knees could not refrayne frō teares But after that he had ben vexed the space of fiue dayes vvith bitter gnavving of his bovvels he ended this lyfe being the fiftie and fourth yere of his age and the seuenth of his raigne For the space of foure yeres he raigned vnder Caius Caesar gouerning the tetrarchie of Philip three yeres And the fourth yere that vvhich he tooke of Herode the other three yeres he passed vnder Claudius Caesar These thinges I deepely way that Iosephus and others together with the diuine scriptures hath truely alleaged But if any seme to mislyke
had perswaded the senate with these and the like reasons firste of all he rose and pronounced that all such of what age soeuer as were not fitte for feates of armes were they men or women myght boldly passe and depart the citie affirminge that if they woulde remaine and lynger in the cytie like vnprofitable members there was no hope of life they must nedes perishe with famine to which saying the whole seuate condescended so that he deliuered from daunger of death in maner as many as were besieged but specially those that were of the churche Agayne he perswaded to flyght all the christians throughout the citie not onely such as were within the compasse of the decree but infinite mo vnder colour of these priuely arrayed in womens attyre carefully he prouided that in the nyght season they should conuey them selues out at the gates and flye vnto the Romaines campe where Eusebius entertained all them that were afflicted with longe siege after the maner of a father and phisition and resteshed them with all care and industrie Such a coople of pastors orderly succeeding one an other did the church of Laodicea by the diuine prouidence of God enioye who after the warres were ended came thither from Alexandria we haue seene many peces of Anatolius works whereby we gather how eloquent he was howe learned in all kind of knowledge specially in those his bookes of Easter wherof at this present it may seeme necessary that we alleage some portion of the canons toutching Easter The nevy moone of the first moneth first yeare sayth he cōpriseth the originall cōpasse of nineteene yeares after the Aegyptians the sixe tvventieth day of the moneth Phamenoth after the Macedocians the xxij day of the moneth Dystros after the Romaines before the eleuenth of the calends of Aprill the sonne is found the xxvj of Phamenoth to haue ascended not onely the first line but also to haue passed therin the iiij day this section the first tvvelfe part they terme the aequinoctiall spring the entrance of moneths the head of the circle the seuering of the planets course but that sectiō vvhich foregoeth this they terme the last of the moneths the tvvelfe part the last tvvelfe part the ende of the planets course vvherefore they vvhich appoynted the first moneth for the same purpose celebrated the feast of Easter the fourteenth daye after the same calculation haue erred in our opinion not a little and this haue vve not alleaged of our ovvne brayne yea it vvas knovven of the Ievves of old and that before the comming of Christ and chiefely by them obserued The same may be gathered by the testimonies of Philo Iosephus Musaeus and yet not onely of them but of others farre more auncient to vvete of both the surnamed Agathobulus schoolemaisters vnto the famous Aristobulus one of the seuentie that vvere sent to trāslate the sacred holy scripture of the Hebrevves vnto the gracious princes Ptolemaeus Philadelphus his father vnto vvhome he dedicated his expositions vpon the lavv of Moses All these in their resolutions vpon Exodus haue giuen vs to vnderstande that vve ought to celebrate the feast of the Paschall Lambe proportionally after the aequinoctiall springe the first moneth comming betvvene and this to be found vvhen the sonne hath passed the first solare section and as one of them hath termed it the signifer circle Aristobulus hath added that it is necessarie for the celebration of the feaste of Easter that not onely the Sunne but the Moone also haue passed the aequinoctiall section In so much there are tvvo aequinoctiall sections the one in spring time the other in Autumne distant diameter wise one frō the other the daye of Easter allotted the fourtenth of the moneth after the tvvilight vvithout al faile the moone shal be diameter vvise opposite to the sonne as ye may easily perceaue in the full moones so the sonne shal be in the sectiō of the aequinoctial spring the moone necessarily in the aequinoctiall autumne I remēber many other profes partly probable partly layde dovvne vvith auncient assertions vvherby they endeuour to persvvade that the feast of Easter of svveete bread ought euer to be celebrated after the aequinoctiall space I passe ouer sundry their proofes arguments vvherby they cōfirme the vayle of Moses lavv to be remoued done avvay the face novv reuealed Christ him selfe the preaching passions of Christ are to be behelde Anatolius left behinde him vnto the posteritie toutching that the first moneth after the Hebrevves fell euer about the Aequinoctial space sundry expositions precepts of Enoch Againe Arithmeticall introductions cōprised in tenne bokes with diuers other monumēts of his diligēce deepe iudgemēt in holy scripture Theotecnus bishop of Caesarea in Palaestina was y ● first y ● created him bishop promised y ● he should succeede him in y ● seae after his death selues and whilest they heaped these things that is contention threatnings mutuall hatred and enmitie and euery one proceeded in ambition much like tyranny it selfe then I say then the lord according to the sayinge of Ieremie Made the daughter Sion obscure and ouerthrewe from aboue the glorie of Israell and remembred not his footestole in the daye of his vvrath The Lorde hath drovvned all the bevvtie of Israell and ouerthrovven all his stronge holdes And according vnto the prophecies in the Psalmes He hath ouerthrovven and broken the couenant of his seruant and prophaned his sanctuarie casting it on the grounde by the ouerthrowe of his churches he hath broken dovvne all his vvalls he hath layde all his fortresses in ruyne All they that passed by spoyled him and therefore he is become a rebuke vnto his neyghbours he lyfted vp the ryght hande of his enemyes he turned the edge of his svvorde and ayded him not in the tyme of battaile he caused his dignitie to decaye and cast his throne downe to the ground the dayes of his youth he shortened and aboue all this he couered him with shame CAP. II. Howe that the temples were destroyed holy scripture burned and the bishops ill entreated ALl these aforesayde were in vs fulfilled when we sawe with our eyes the oratories ouerthrowen downe to the ground yea the very fundations them selues digged vp the holy sacred scriptures burned to ashes in the open market place the pastors of the churches wherof some shamefully hid them selues here and there some other contumeliously taken derided of the enemies according vnto an other prophecie Shame is powred vpō the pates of their princes he made them wander in the crooked and vnknowen way Yet is it not our drift to describe the bitter calamities of these mē which at lēgth they suffred neither is it our part to record their dissention vnwonted guise practised among them before the persecution but only to write so much of them wherby we may iustifie the deuine iudgement of God
Iustus and the first Bishop of Ierusalem yet Petrus de natalibus Volaterran and Demochares all which three wrote the catalogue of these disciples doe name no such one Eusebius Clemens Alexandrinus and Paule himselfe doe call him an Apostle and no disciple The 2. is Timothee whome the three aforesayde writers doe not number The 3. Titus The 4. Barnabas so doth Clemens Alexandrinus and Eusebius call him this is that Barnabas which in the Actes of the Apostles as Antoninus writeth was otherwise called Ioses and hauinge land solde it and layde the price downe at the Apostles feete The 5. Ananias The 6. Stephan The 7. Philip Bishop of Tralleis in Asia Volaterran sayth he was Bishop in Thracia Demochares Petrus de natalibus doe say he was Bishop in Thracia afterwardes in Scythia Antoninus saith he dyed at Caesarea The 8. Prochorus whom Volaterran calleth Proculus The 9. Nicanor The 10. Simon Bishop of Bostra in Arabia Demochares Volaterran Petrus de natalibus doe saye he was Bishop of Tyre and Sidon The 11. Nicolas Bishop of Sapria yet say the aforesayd three autors it was Samaria The 12. Parmenas The 13. Cleopas The 14. Silas The 15. Siluanus The 16. Crescens bishop of Chalcedonia in Fraūce Volaterran calleth him Crisces Bishop of Chalcedonia Demochares Petrus de natalibus doe call him Chrysches Bishop of Chalcedonia S. Paule sayth he sent this Crescens into Galatia Eusebius sayth the Apostle sent him into Fraunce whereby it appeareth by some mens coniectures that the Epistle vnto the Galatians was writtē by S. Paule vnto the French men The 17. Epaenetus yet Volaterran hath none suche The 18. Andronicus The 19. Amplias Bishop of Odissa Demochares Petrus de natalibus doe call him Ampliatus and Bishop of Edissa Volaterran saith of Edessa The 20. Vrbanus The 21. Stachys the aforesaide autors doe call him Stateus The 22. Apelles Bishop of Smyrna Volaterran saith of Heraclea Demochares Petrus de natalibus doe say it was of Eradia The 23. Aristobulus Bishop of Brettania Volaterran saith Betania Demochares Petrus de natalibus doe saye it vvas Bethania The 24. Narcissus Byshop of Patrae Demochares Petrus de natalibus doe call him Tarcissus Byshop of Athens and Volaterran sayth he was Byshop of Athens The 25. Herodion Volaterran hath none suche The 26. Rufus The 27. Asyncritus The 28. Plegon The 29. Hermes Byshop of Dalmatia Volaterran Demochares Petrus de natalibus doe saye he was Byshop of Philipolis The 30. Hermas but the other writers haue none suche The 31. Patrobas ▪ Byshop of Nepotiopolis Demochares Petrus de natalibus doe saye of the nation Peli The 32. Agabus The 33. Linus The 34. Gaius Byshope of Ephesus after Timothee yet Origen sayth he was Byshop of Thessalonica The 35. Philologus The 36. Olympas the asoresayde three autors haue none suche Ambrose taketh this Olympas for the sister of Nereus but Origen doth not so The 37. Rodion the other writers remember none of that name The 38. Iason The 39. Sosipater bishop of Iconium Origen taketh him to be that Sopater of Berroea mētioned in the Acts of the Apostles The 40. Lucius whom Origē taketh to be Luke The 41. Tertius bishop of Iconium yet Demochares Petrus de natalibus doe say he was b. of Meiadum Volaterran hath none such The 42. Erastus bishop of Paneas whom Volaterran calleth Erastes b. of Meiadum but Demochares Petrus de natalibus haue none such The 43. Phigellus whom Volaterran calleth Philetus Philegus The 44. Hermogenes The 45. Demas The 46. Quartus The 47. Apollos b. of Caesarea yet Petrus de natalibus saith it was of Connia The 48. Cephas who as Dorotheus gesseth was he whom Paule reprehended at Antioch but it is a fable as it is to be sene in the censure laid downe in Eusebius pag. 15. 16. the aforesaid latine writers haue none such among the disciples The 49. Sosthenes The 50. Epaphroditus b. of Adriana as Demochares saith of Andriaca The 51. Caesar The 52. Marcus the cosin of Barnabas The 53. Ioseph The 54. Artemas whom Volaterran calleth Antomas The 55. Clemens The 56. Onesiphorus or Onesimus yet by the words of Paule they should not be one The 57. Tychicus b. of Chalcedō in Bithynia or as the former autors doe write of Colophonia The 58. Carpus Bishop of Berhoea Petrus de natalibus saith of Beronia and Volaterran saith of Cheronea The 59. Euodius The 60. Philemon The 61. Zenas The 62. Aquila the aforesayde Latine writers doe remember none suche The 63. Priscas whome the Latines doe call Priscus The 64. Iunias Origen and Ambrose doe call him Iulias The 65. Marcus otherwise called Iohn The 66. Aristarchus The 67. Pudas or Pudens The 68. Trophimus The 69. Marke the Euangeliste and the 70. Luke the Euangeliste Besides these 70. I finde others also in holye Scripture vvorthye the notinge namelye Symeon Niger Manahen Iude othervvise called Barsabas Crispus Alexander one that behaued him selfe verye stoutlye at Ephesus Secundus Mnason of Cyprus an olde Disciple Mercurius Nereus Fortunatus Achaicus Syntiches Epaphras Nymphas Archippus Eubolus the Eunuche Baptized of Philippe in the Actes vvhome Eusebius calleth a Disciple vvyth others Other vvryters as Vincentius and Antoninus haue founde out more namelye Sauinianus Potentianus Altinus Cis Maximinus Iohannes Senior Aristion Zozimus Euphrates Martialis Sidonius Lazarus Vrsinus Iulianus and no maruayle for Sayncte Paule vvitnesseth that Christe vvas seene after his resurrection of moe then fiue hundred brethren These be they whom God raised vp to plant the principles of his Gospell and the sounde of their feete was heard throughout the world these be they which fedde with Angelles and became themselues foode for wilde beastes they spared not their liues vnto the death they quenched the heate of fire they turned the edge of the sworde they stopped the mouthes of furious beastes they confounded the tyrants and foyledde the ennemies of the truthe I may say of them as Cyprian speaketh of the true Christians and Martyrs occidi poterant sed vinci non poterant Well they might be slaine but it was vnpossible to ouercome them And yet when the ennemie triumpheth that at lest wise he seemeth to haue brought his purpose about we may comfort our selues with this saying Sanguis martyrum semen Ecclesiae the bloude of the Martyrs is the seede of the Churche Christ him selfe foretolde that whosoeuer woulde be his disciple must take vppe his crosse and followe him These Prophets and these Apostles and these Disciples haue done no lesse Abel was murthered by Cain The children of Israel were oppressed vnder Pharao Elias was persecuted by Iezabel The Prophet Ioath was threatned by Ieroboam and slaine of a Lion Zacharie the sonne of Iehoida was stoned to death Micheas was throwne downe and his necke broken Amos was smitten with a clubbe on the temples of the heade and so brained Esaias was sawed asunder in two partes with a wodden sawe
●…ul a prea●…er ●ct 9. ●…alat 1. ●…iberius ●ould haue ●…d Christ ●…nonized in ●…e number the Gods ●he vvise●…me of god this behalf ●ertull in ●polog 〈…〉 skomme ●…al 19. Cornelius the Centurion is conue●ted vnto the fayth Act. 10. The Antiochians vver● first called Christians Act. 11. Anno Christi 39. 40. Caius Caligula Herode the Tetrarch exiled vvith h●… harlet Herodias Herode Agrippa King of the Ievv●… Ioseph An● lib. 18. cap. ● Philo Iudae● Ioseph A 〈…〉 lib. 18. cap. ● Apion Philo. Seianus an enemy vnto the Ievves Pilate vexed the Ievves Philo Iudaeꝰ The cruelty of Caius Caligula Ioseph bell ●…ud lib. 2. cap. 8. ●oh 19. ●oseph bell ●…ud lib. 2. ●ap 8. ●ilate plagueth the Ieves ●he death of ●late Act. 11. Claudij Anno 4. Christi Anno 46. 1 Corinth 16. 2. Corinth 9. Galat. 2. Act. 12. Clemens lib. 7. Hypot The tormentor of Iames suffred martyrdome with him Act. 12. Act. 12. Ioseph Anti. lib. 19. cap. 7. This Angell in Iosephus is an Ovvle The oration of Herode Agrippa a litle before his death If thou haddest lyued vvell no doubt thou sholdest haue died vvel ▪ thy life vvas very ill thine end farre vvorse Herode Agrippa king of the Ievves seuen yeres He vvas called somtimes Herod somtimes Agrippa Act. 5. Ioseph Ant. lib. 20. cap. 4. ●ct 11. These Adiabeni vvere a ●tion dwel●g beyonde ●phrates Io 〈◊〉 bel Iud. ●6 cap. 7. ●inꝰ Mar●in Apo This Helen was a common harlot Irenaeus lib. 1. cap. 20. calleth this Helen Selen Simon the father of heretickes The comb● of light and darkenes Simon 〈◊〉 commeth 〈◊〉 Rome Peter came to Rome der Clau● These 2. cap. in the greeke were one The Romaines request S. Marke to write a Gospell Clemens Papias 1. Pet. 5. Rome figuratiuely called Babylon Cap. 15. after the greeke Marke the ●rit preacher ●f the Aegy●tians Cap. 16. in he greeke ●hilo came ●o Rome vn●●r Claudius ●o Iudaeus Act. 4. Philo of the vvorshipers in Aegypt Mansions Churches Religious houses Study of holy Scripture Psalmes and Hymnes The continency of th● vvorshiper● ▪ Abstinence ▪ Virgines ▪ To compe● some to v●… chastity i● paganisme ▪ Allegoricall interpretations Synods Conference Fastinges Vigils Beddes made of leaues chasse and grasse Bread and vvater Bishops Deacons Act. 18. Anno Christi 51. The iustice of God for contemning his sonne Ioseph bell Iud. lib. 2. cap 11. Ioseph Anti. lib. 20. cap. 13 Ioseph Ant● lib. 20. cap. 1 Ioseph bel● Iud. lib. 2. c● 12. Act. 21. Coloss 4. Act. 28. Whereof reade the 25. cap. of this 2. booke 2. Timoth. 4. ●●mesbishop ●f Ierusalem Aegesippus lib. 5. Esay Iosephus Antiq. lib. 20. cap. 16. Ierome Mat. 10. Mark 3. Act. 1. Dorotheus in Synopsi Matth 13. 27 Mark 6. 15. Galat. 1. Act. 1. 15. 21. 1. Corinth 15. Galat. 1. 2. Euseb Eccl. hist lib. 3. cap 21. lib. 3. cap. 22. ●eron Cata. Eccle. Script Canon Apo. ●anon 84. Concil Lao●ic cap. 59. Concil Car●ag 3. cap. 7. ●nocen epi. ● Euxperiū p. 7. Gela. 1 Ierome ad Paul August de doctrina Christ lib. 2. cap. 8. Tertul. in Apolog Gaiu● Dionys Bishop of Corinth 1. Pet. 1. Peter the Apostle was martyred at Rome Anno Christi 70. Rom. 15. Paul beheaded at Rome vnder Nero. The first of the 10 persecutions was vnder Nero. Linus Anno Christi 70. 2. Timoth. 4. 2. epistles of Peter Forged writinges published vnder the names of the Apostles 14. epistles of Paul The epistle vnto the Hebrewes The actes of Paul counter sett Rom. 16. The booke of Hermes called Pastor was wont to ●e reade in ●he Church Rom. 15. Acts from 14 vnto 21. cap. 1. Pet. 1. Peter Paul had many felow laborers Timothe the first Bishop of Ephesus Titꝰ the first Bishop of Creta Luke wrote a gospell and the Actes of the Apostles Luc. 1. 2. Timoth. 2. Eusebiꝰ sayth Crescens was sent into Fraunce S. Paul 2. Tim. 4. sayth he sē● him to Gall● cia hereby we may gather that the epistle to the Galathians was writtē b● S. Paul vnto the Frēchm ▪ Vespasian i● proclayme● Emperour Anno Do. 7 ▪ Stephen stoned Act. 7. ● Iames beh●●ded Act. 1● Iames the first Bishop of Ierusal● martyred ▪ The Apo● persecute● Matth. 28 ▪ Matth. 24. Daniel 9. A million is tenne thousande Iosephus bel Iud. lib. 7. cap 17. sayth that the iust number came to seuen twenty hundred thousande Iosephus bel ●ud lib. 6. cap 11. ●●e cruelty ● seditious ● sons toge ●●r with ● famine ●●ed them Ioseph bell Iud. lib. 6. cap. 14. O tragicall factes Titus soroweth at the miserable sight of the Iewes that were dead Iosephꝰ with griefe vttered these wordes be●● Iud. lib. 6. cap. 16. Lib. 7. cap. 7. Ioseph lib. 7. Cap. 8. An horrible history A mother slayeth her owne childe to eate ●…uth 24. ●…osep bel 〈…〉 lib. 7. cap 〈…〉 saith the ●…ber was ●…e hūdred ●…usande Iosephꝰ saith the number of the captiues was four score and seuentenethou sande * Anno Domini 73. forty yeares iust after the passion of Christ Luk. 19. Luk. 21. Luk. 23. Ioseph bell Iud lib. 7. cap ▪ 12. A starre like a sworde A commet●… A light in the temple in the night time A cowe calued a lamb●… A great gat●… opening it selfe A deuill in the forme 〈…〉 man An army of souldiers in the cloudes A cōmotion in the aëre A voyce heard in the temple Let vs go hence One Iesus the sonne of Ananias 4. yeres before the warres cryed continually woe woe all about Ierusalem An oracle to be vnderstoode of Christ Psal 2. Psal 19. Iosephus lib ● cap. 5. Iosephus lib 7. bell Iud. cap. 18. sephus of ● selfe An ● lib. 16. cap ●el lud lib cap. 25. lib. contra Anem Iosep lib. 1. contra Apiō The Iewes acknowledg 22. bookes 5. Bookes of Moses 13. Bookes of the Prophets 4. Bookes of psalmes and admonitions This is foūd in losephus first booke against Apio● ▪ Titus created Emperour Anno Domini 81. Linus Anacletus Domitiā created Emperour Anno Domini 83. Anianus Abilius The 2. of the tenne persecutions was raised by this Emperour Domitian Clemens * Cap. 15. after the greke Philip. 4. * Cap. 16. after the greke The epistle of Clemens ●nto the Cointhians eade in the Churche ● Cap. 17. after the greke ●omitian dy ●d Anno Do ●ini 98. cap. 18. after 〈◊〉 greeke ●hn being ●iled into ●tmos An. ●omini 97. ●ote the relation ●naeus lib. 5 ●p 19. after 5 greeke * Cap. 20. after the greke Aegesippus The kinsmē of Christ according vnto the fleshe make an accompte of their fayth before Domitian the Emperour Tertullian Cap. 21. after the greeke Nerua created Emperour Anno Domini 99. Traian created Emperour Anno Domini 100. The 3. persecution of the 10. famous persecutions was vnder this Traian Cerdo Cap. 22. after the greeke Peter Linus Anacletus Clemens Euodius Ignatius Simeon Cap. 23. after the Greeke ▪ Irenaeus lib.