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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13925 Here begyn[n]eth a newe treatyse deuyded in thre parties The fyrst partie is to know, [et] haue i[n] mynde the wretchednes, of all mankynde. The seconde is of the co[n]dycion and manere of the vnstedfastnes, of this world here. The thyrde parte i[n] this boke you may rede of bytter death, and why it is to drede. Rolle, Richard, of Hampton, 1290?-1349. aut 1542 (1542) STC 24228; ESTC S103664 34,994 80

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begynne And thus we may acompte re●en and rede An hondred synnes agaynst one good dede The thyrde cause is for to shewe amonge For oft tymes our dedes be done with wronge And nat in good maner as they ought to be And perchaunce they be done out of charyte And therfore our good dedes pure good are nought But saynt Austyne sayth our euyl pure euyl are wrought ▪ ¶ Omnes iniusticie nostre quasi pannus menstruatus ¶ He sayeth our good dedes may be sene As a cloth defouled with thynge vnclene Therfore for certayne knoweth no maner man Howe he shall fare when he his way take can But we shall byleue without any maner drede That euery man shall haue after his owne dede But therof be we nat syker in our lyfe dayes As wytnesseth an holy man and in this maner sayes ▪ ¶ Nescit homo vtrum sit dignus pro actibus suis amore vel odio ¶ He sayeth for certayne a man knoweth nought Thoughe he haue here neuer s● moche good wrought Whyther that he be worthy after his dede To haue the loue of God other els hatred And also Isodore as the boke telleth vs Accordeth well therto and sayeth all thus ¶ Seruu dei dum bonum agit vtrum sit ei ad bonum incertus est c. ¶ He sayeth the man that is Goddes seruaunt That to all goodnes maketh his haunt yet is he nothynge certayne in thought Whyther it be good to hym other it be nought Wherfore our lyuynge is here full harde As wytnesseth the holy man saynt Bernarde ¶ Quis potest hic vitam suam ducere sine tribulatione dolore ¶ He sayeth who may here this lyfe lede Without trybulacyon anger and drede Therfore saynt Bernarde sayeth thus here And speaketh of mannes lyfe in this manere ¶ Terret me tota vita mea que diligentur discussa apperet michi aut peccatum aut sterilitas aut res sunilata et imperfecta c. ¶ Saynt Bernarde the holy man sayeth this All my lyfe here sore greueth me ywis For yf it well and euen dyscussed be Nothynge elles it semeth to me But synne that the soule moste dereth Other barayne thynge that no fruyte bereth And yf any fruyte myght theron seme It must thus be sayde ryghtly to deme Other a faynynge thynge to shewe in syght Other a thynge that is done nought by all ryght So it may for nothynge ben forth brought To please almyghty God that made vs all of nought So that all a mannes lyfe is with sorowe lad Therfore no wonder thoughe a man selde be glad What may a synfull man say therto Syth he that was an holy man of lyfe euermo Coulde no maner fruyte in hym selfe se Than may another man drede and sory be Of this lyfe here that euer is so vnclene In the whiche there may no fruyte be sene ¶ Of the fourth encheason why men dredeth death THe fourth encheason is and the last to tell Why men dredeth death y t is so bytter fell Is for a mā knoweth nat whyther to wende To ioy other to payne after his lyfes ende For so wyse a man was neuer yet none That wyst when to death he shulde gone Ne whyther he shulde from hence fare To ioy without ende or els to care For when deuylles and the Aungelles bryght Hath desputed our lyfe aryght Whyther that God wyll vs dampne or saue For than our dome we shall haue And whyther that we shall to ioy or payne And therfore in certayne putteth vs saynt Austayne ¶ Bene de die nouissiino vnusquisque pensare debet quia vnumquemque in eodem statu quo inuenerunt eum suus nouissimus dies talis eum dominus iudi cabit in nouissimo iudicio c. ¶ Euery man he sayeth that hence shall away Shulde haue drede of his last day For in what maner state that he than be founde In suche he shall be demed in a lytell stounde Therfore the last day that may vs befall Our day of dome we may well call But at our last day when Goddes sone shall come Than with our bodyes vp we shall be nome Before our Lorde God that almyghty kynge is That all thynge shall deme that day ywis For all bodyes shall wende in to that place Where soules shall be demed throughe Goddes grace And other they shall haue full ioy yfere Other full payne when they be there And afterwarde they shall both togyther dwell Whyther that they wende to heauen other to hell But here in earth shall the bodyes all Abyde tyll the day of dome shall fall And that day shall be full streyght and harde As this boke telleth sonne hereafterwarde But the synfull soule goeth than to hell There without ende in payne for to dwell But the good soule than goeth full euen Without any lettynge in to the blysse of heauen But many a soule that God wyll saue He graunteth them mercye that it wyll craue For in the blysse of heauen may no soule be se But he for his synnes penytent before he Other here doth penaunce as Clarckes telleth With a contryte herte who God forgyueth And when manues soule is clensed well Of all deedly synnes and also of venyell Throughe penaunce here done and also almysdede Aungelles full soone to heauen shall hym lede Or els when it is passed from the body away Into the payne of hell that shall last ay Therfore euery man that can wysdome Shulde here beware or that death come And make hym all redy and clense hym clene Of all maner of synnes that none be sene So that death hym fynde clene of all When the body and soule departe shall And euermore thynke vpon his lyfes ende Whyle that he lyueth here or he hence wende And so he may hym kepe from the deuylles seruyse And thus teacheth vs all Salomon the wyse ¶ In omnibus operibus tuis memorare nouissim● tua ¶ He sayeth thynke euery man on thyne endynge day If that thou thynkest almyghty God to pay Euer when thou thynkest any thynge begynne Than shalt thou nat fall in to any maner synne And thynke that thou shalt dye and knowest neuer whan Nother in what state thou myght be than Therfore vpon the morne when thou seest lyght Thynke that thou mayest dye longe or it be nyght And when thou goest to bed yf thou be wyse Thynke that thou shalt dye haply or thou aryse For saynt Austyne the holy man sayth thus in his boke Let euer thyne herte thyne last day loke ¶ Nowe haue ye harde this treatyse yrade And this in your conscyence openly sprade For the loue of our lorde Iesu Pray for hym that this boke drewe And for hym also that redeth it here Whyther so be that he go ferre other nere As for the moste synfull man that lyueth by breade That God forgyue hym his synnes or he be deade And that God saue them both from all wyckednes And mayntayne theyr lyues in all goodnes And brynge them both to that ioyfull place To endles ioyes in syght of Goddes face Unto that same ioy he vs brynge That for our loue maked al thynge Sende vs to that ioy that is fayre and bryght Where euermore is day and neuer nyght Amen FINIS ¶ Imprynted by me Robert wyer dwellynge in saynt Martyns parysshe at the sygne of saynt Iohn̄ Euangelyst besyde Charynge Crosse. ☜ Ad imprimendum solum
¶ Here begyn̄eth a newe Treatyse deuyded in thre parties The fyrst parte is to know haue ī mynde The wretchednes of all mankynde The seconde is of the cōdycion and manere Of the vnstedfastnes of this world here The thyrde parte ī this boke you may rede Of bytter death and why it is to drede THe myght of the Father almyghty The wyt of the Sone all wytty And the goodnes of the holy Ghoste God and Lorde of myghtes moste Be our helpe and our spede Nowe and euer in all our nede And specyally at this begynnynge And brynge vs all to good endynge AMEN BEfore or that any thynge was wrought And or begynnynge was of ought Before all tymes we shulde mene The same God was euer in godhed clene And euer is full in his godhed And thre persons and in onelychehed And wolde euer with the father and the sone With the holy Ghoste in one hed bewone And is Lorde in substaunce and beynge And euer was without begynnynge Begynnynge of hym myght there neuer none be For euer he was God in Trynyte And euer is wyse and full of wyt And euer almyghtye God as he is yet That myght was euer in his trone There was neuer God but he alone The same God was without begynnynge And maker fyrste of all thynge Without begynnynge we shall hym call And endles Lorde of creatures all And ende of all thynge is he As men may in holy bokes se And as he made all thynge So shall he at the last make anendynge Of all thynges both in heauen and hell Of man of fende and of aungell That after this lyfe shall euermore leue And all other creatures to death be dreue But God that vs made and the worlde began Is nowe and euer shall be both God and man And all thynge throughe his myght made he For without hym may nothynge be All thynge he ordeyned after his wyll In his kynde to stande styll And therfore creatures that dombe be Can no reason but buxom men them se Loueth hym as the boke beareth wytnes In theyr maner and as theyr kynde is For all thynges that God hath wrought Doth theyr kynde and passeth it nought And loueth theyr maker and honour in kynde And so in that maner they haue hym in mynde And syth creatures that reason hath none Loueth hym in kynde that they haue taken Than shulde man that hath reason and fay His Lorde honour by all maner of way And nat to be of worse condycyon Than the brute beestes that can no reason For all thynge that God made both more and lasse Man is pryncypall and shulde all other passe As ye shall here afterwarde soone That God made of all thynge for man one For God to mankynde had great delyte Seynge that he made all thynge for mannes proffyte Heauen and earth and all the worlde brode He made fyrste but man tyll the last abode And hym in lykenesse of semely stature As hym thought moste worthye creature Passynge all beestes that haue any kynde And gaue hym reason both wyt and mynde Euer for to knowe both good and euyll And therto gaue hym wyt at wyll Both to chuse and to holde Good or the euyll whyther he wolde GOd ●rdeyned man also to dwell In earth here both in flesshe and fell And knowe his werkes and hym honour And kepe his cōmaūdementes in euery houre And yf a man to God boxum become To heauen blysse he shall be nome And yf he wyll from goodnes wende To paynes of hell that hath none ende Therfore I holde a man woode That taketh the wycked and leueth the good And God made man of moste dygnyte And of all creatures in earth moste fre For after his lykenes he made hym ywys As he shulde haue parte of his blysse And moste God our Lorde to hym gyueth More than to any creature that in earth lyueth For when Adam had done amysse And for his synnes brought from blysse God toke mankynde for his sake And for his ●oue harde death can take And with his blode agayne hym bought And after to heauen blysse hym brought Thus great loue God shewed vnto man And moche more kyndenes than I tell can Wherfore euery man both learned and lewed Shulde thynke vpon the loue that God shewed And that kyndenes haue in his mynde That God hath done to all mankynde And serue hym both nyght and day And fynde to please hym in all that he may And spende his w●ttes in his seruyce And theym wyll holde in all maner wyse But a man knowe kyndely what God is And hym selfe also that he be one of his And howe a man greueth God that doth nought well And maketh hym throughe synne both fearse and fell And howe mercyable God is nyght and day And howe greuous to euery mannes pay And howe ryghtfull and howe sothfast And euer more hath ben both fyrste and last And what he doth to all mankynde That euer shulde haue hym in mynde For the way that bryngeth a man to heauen blysse And bryngeth a man also out of anguysshe Pryncypally that is the way of mekenes Drede and loue of God in all symplenes Than may that before the way of wysdome Unto the whiche way may no man come Without full knowynge of God here And of his power also and his werke so dere And or that he may that knowynge wynne Hym behoueth to knowe hym selfe within And elles he may no knowynge haue The foresayde way of wysdome to craue But many men hath good vnderstandynge And yet be of many thynges vnknowynge And of some thynges hathe knowynge none That myght oft make Goddes wyll to be done Suche men had nede to lerne euery day Howe that they shulde here God pay And knowe the thynge that myght them lede To mekenes and loue and God to drede The whiche is the way as I tell ywys That leadeth a man euen to heauen blysse For in great perryle of soule is that man That hath wyt and mynde and no good can And wyll nought learne for no sawe The werkes of God neyther his lawe And knoweth nat the tenne hestes But lyueth as vnskylfull beestes That hath neyther reason nor mynde But leueth euer agaynst his kynde For he excuseth nought his vnconnynge That vseth nat his wyt in learnynge And namely of the thynge that he shulde knowe That shulde make his herte full lowe And he that can nought shulde learne more To knowe what hym nedeth in Goddes lore For an vnconnynge man throughe learnynge May be brought to good vnderstandynge And of many thynges both knowe and se That hath ben before and after shall be That to mekenes myght moue his wyll The more to loue God and to flye the euyll MAny man delyteth tryfles to here And aboute folye setteth all his chere And euermore is besy both in wyll thought To lerne thynges y ● helpeth the soule nought And thynges that nedefull were to knowe To lysten or to learne they be full
speaketh ¶ Domine non est in morte qui memor sit tui ¶ Lorde he sayth that man alyue is nought That in tyme of death hath nat the in thought But men may vnderstande therby The death of soule throughe synne namely For the man that of God myndeles is It semeth in soule that he deade is For God vysyteth vs by euery maner way Where that the tokens of death fele we may For yf we coulde vs well vnderstonde The tokens of death eche day doth vs fonde Wherfore me thynketh all that here semeth Is more deade than alyue as wyse men demeth For the boke telleth and wytnesseth before That a man anone as he is bore Begynneth towarde his death to drawe And with dyuerse euylles often is guawe As angers and syckenes that falleth all day The whiche deathes throwes call we may And in other wayes and perylles many one That oft greueth men in flesshe and in bone Than is our byrth here but abydynge A bodely death that is our endynge For the longer that a man waxeth olde The more may this lyfe death be colde Than semeth our lyfe here nothynge elles But as it were death as the boke telles And to that other lyfe come we nought Tyll death this lyfe to ende hath brought But when death of our lyfe hath made an ende Than knowe we nought whyther for to wende Whyther that we shall to well other to wo But certes to that one we shall go And to good men than death is the way To the ioy of heauen that lasteth ay And to the wycked men that passeth that entre In the payne of hell they shall euer be Therfore saynt Dauid the holy prophete Thus speaketh to God with wordes swete ¶ Qui ●xaltas me de portis mortis vt annūciē oēs landes tuas ¶ Lorde almyghty God forsoth thou arte he That from the gates of death hast take me So that I may tell passynge all thynges The great multytude of thy praysynges In the holy gates of thy doughter Syon That gate as Clarckes telleth that can theron Is holy Churche that God fyrste chea●e Throughe the whiche men cōmeth to the gateof peace And by the gates of death as we may se The bytter death of hell vnderstande may be From that same place God kepe vs myght and day And grau●t vs his loue as he well may Therfore we shulde hym serue and his wyll worche In the trewe beleue of holy Churche So that we may than afterwarde wende To the cytte of peace that hath none ende But all men that shall to that place come Hence shall wende throughe death all and some But that death to them is nothynge euyll That lyueth here in earth after Goddes wyll And in suche holy lyfe stedfastly dwelleth As saynt Austyne the holy man in a boke telleth ¶ Mala mors illi putanda non est quem in vita sua boni actus processerunt ¶ He sayeth men shulde nat to them euyll death wene That in good dedes wolde his lyfe mene For nothynge maketh a man so hye of boste As euyll dedes that foloweth the death moste For all be deedly that synne wyll do And therfore saynt Austyne sayeth thus therto ¶ Non potest male mori qui bene vixerit vix bene moritur qui male vixerit ¶ He sayeth he may no euyll death haue That lyueth on earth throughe Goddes lawe But vnneth may men by any reason Dye in good death that leadeth his lyfe in treason But that man that hateth this lyfes lykynge Dare neuer drede of deathes cōmynge or after his death here no payne hym deres As Caton wytnesseth in this verse ¶ Non metuit mortem qui sit contempnere vitam ¶ He sayeth he that can this lyfe despyse Shall nat drede death in no maner wyse For so dyd martyres that theyr death sought For after this worlde nothynge they wrought And also holy men wylled to death be dyght To dwell in heauen with God almyght As the bokes of theyr lyues telleth to vs For so dyd an holy man that sayeth thus ▪ ¶ ●upio dissolui ● esse cum christo ¶ I couet he sayeth hence for to wende Out of this lyfe and be with Chryste without ende For holy men thought here this lyfe Was nothynge els but sorowe and stryfe Therfore they coueyted the ende of theyr day As sayeth an holy man as I tell may ¶ Melius est dies mortis ꝙ dies natiuitatis ¶ He sayeth better is the day of death alone Than the day of byrth that is full of mone For a good man dyeth for to go vnto rest Theyr lyfe is endeles and ioy alther mest When the soule from the body shall begon As in Apocalyps wytnesseth saynt Iohn̄ ¶ Beati mortui qui in domino moriuntur ¶ Blessyd be all they in dede and in worde That dyeth here in earth in the honour of our lorde For all that men seth in good lyfe ende They dye with God and to hym shall wende In to the ioy of heauen that is on hyghe Well is hym that throughe death that stede may nyghe And doubteles thoughe holy men dyed here wele yet the paynes of death they shall fele But when they shall a newe lyfe wynne When the body and soule departeth atwynne Somedele they shall than haue drede Throughe mankynde and throughe manhede Syth that Chryste dred death in his passyon Throughe kynde of his flesshe as it was reason Than ought a man both lesse and more The bytter paynes of death drede full sore ¶ The .ij. encheasō why mē dredeth death THe seconde encheason is as I in boke rede Why that death is so greatly to drede For the dredfull syght of many foule fendes That a man shal se than few other frendes When that this lyfe here draweth to y ● ende And woteth nat whyther he shall with them wende For when the lyfe of a man is in doubte Than wyll deuylles come hym aboute To take the soule with them away In to the payne of hell and that is theyr pray For as wode Lyones they shall than fare And on hym grenne rore and stare And horryble rollynge and on hym blere And with hydeous lokes to make hym fere And so they wyll stande at his endynge If that they myght in wanhope hym brynge Throughe suche thretuynge as they wyll than make And throughe drede that they shall take Throughe hydeous syghtes that they then wyll shewe The horryble company that stande shall in rewe And therfore the prophete saynt Ieromye Wytnesseth these wordes in his prophe●ye ¶ Omnes amici eius apprehend crunt eam inter angustias ¶ He sayeth that amonge his anguysshes great His ennemyes shulde hym take and nought let Than is no wonder thoughe the deuylles come To the synfull man when death hath hym nome As the deuyll to saynt Bernarde came at the last day To brynge the holy man in to great afray ¶ Howe the deuyll came and appered vnto