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A67927 Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 2, part 2] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1583 (1583) STC 11225; ESTC S122167 1,744,028 490

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thee and I will send my wrath vpon thee vpon thee I say O Englande and punish thee according to thy wayes and rewarde thee after all thyne abhominations Thou hast kindled the fire of Gods wrath and hast stirred vp the coales For thou waste once lightned and hadst tasted of the heauenly gifte and wast become partaker of the holy ghost haddest tasted of the good word of God Yea it is yet in thy mouth sayth the Prophet Alas O Englād thou knewest thy Lorde and maisters wil but diddest nothing thereafter Thou must therefore sayeth hee suffer many stripes and many sharpe strokes and walke on in the glittering and hot flame of thine owne fire and in the coles that thou hast kindled This commeth to thee from my hande saith the Lorde namely That thou shalt sleepe in sorrowe yea euen so thou shalt The plain truth telleth the tale the immutable iustice of the euerliuing God and the ordinarie course of his plagues from the beginning confirmeth the same The ioy of our heart sayeth Ieremie is gone oure glory is fallē away our mery singing is turned into mourning the garland of our head is fallen Alas and weale away that euer we sinned so sore Wo worth all abhominations and wickednesse wo woorth cloked hypocrisie woe worth our carnall liberty wo worth our most cursed idolatrie For because of these things sayth the Lorde ye shall perish with sword hunger and pestilence Wherfore let all the wicked enemies of Christe and all the vnbeleuers look to be tormented and vexed with al hellish furies and cleane wythout hope at Gods accompting day which know not God in Christ to be their very righteousnesse their life their onely saluation alone sauiour nor beleeue not in him They must sayth S. Iohn needes abide and pearish wyth their sinnes in death and in eternall damnation But we be the children of Saintes as the elder Toby did aunswer and looke for an other life which God shall geue to all them which chaunge not theyr faith nor shrinke not from him Reioyce therefore ye Christian afflicted brethren for they can not take our soules and bodies out of the handes of the almighty which be kept as in the bosome of our most swete and louing father and if we abide fast in Christ and turn not away like weathercocks surely we shall liue for euer Christ affirmeth the same saying My sheepe heare my voyce I knowe them they hearken vnto me and to no straungers and I geue them euerlasting life for they shall not be lost nor no manne shall plucke them oute of my handes no nor yet this flattering world with all his vaine pleasures nor any tyranne with his great threates stout bragges can once mooue them oute of the way of eternall life What consolation and cōfort may we haue more pleasant and effectuous then thys God is on our side fighteth for vs he suffereth he smarteth and is afflicted wyth vs. As the world can doe nothing against his might neyther in taking away or diminishing of his glory nor putting him from his celestiall throne so can it not harme nor hurte any one of hys children without his good will For we are members of his body oute of hys fleshe and of hys bones and as deare to him as the apple of his eye Let vs therefore with an earnest faith set fast hold and sure feeling vpon the promises of God in the gospell let vs not be sundred from the same by any temptation tribulation or persecution Let vs consider the verity of God to be inuinsible inuiolable immutable Promising and geuing vs his faithfull souldiours life eternal It is he onely that hath deserued it for vs it is his onely benefite of his only mere mercy vnto him only must we render thāks Let not therefore the vaine fantasies and dreames of men the foolish gauds and toyes of the world nor the crafty delusions of the deuil driue and separate vs from our hope of the crowne of righteousnes that is layd vp in store for vs against the last day Oh that happy and merry last day I meane to the faithfull when Christ by his couenaunt shall graunt and geue vnto them that ouercome and keepe hys woordes to the ende that they may ascend and sitte in seate with him as he hath ascended sitteth on throne with hys father The same body and soule that is now wyth Christ afflicted shall then be with Christ glorified now in the butchers hands as shepe apoynted to die then sitting at Gods table with Christ in his kingdom as Gods honorable and deare children where we shall haue for earthly pouertie heauenly riches for hūger and thirst saturitie of the pleasant presence of the glory of God for sorrowes troubles and colde yrons celestiall ioyes and the company of aungels and for a bodely death life eternal Oh happy soules Oh precious death and euer more blessed right dear in the eyes of God to you the spring of the Lord shal euer be florishing Then as sayth Esay the redeemed shal returne and come againe into Sion praising the Lorde and eternall mercies shal be ouer their heads they shall obtaine mirth and solace sorrowe and woe shal be vtterly vanquished yea I am he sayeth the Lord that in all things geueth you euerlasting consolation To whom with the Father and the holy Ghost be glory and praise for euer Amen Robert Samuel An other letter wrytten to the Christian congregation by Robert Samuel wherein he declareth the confession of his faith The beliefe of the hert iustifieth and the knowledge with the mouth maketh a man safe Rom. 10. Feare not the curse of mē be not afraid of their blasphemies and reuilings for wormes and mothes shal eat them vp like cloth and woolle but my righteousnesse shall endure for euer and my sauing health from generation to generation Esay 51. COnsidering with my selfe these pearillous times pearishing daies and the vnconstante and miserable state of man the decay of our faith the sinister reporte and false sclaunder of Gods most holy word these vrgent causes in conscience do constraine me to confesse and acknowledge my faith and meaning in Christes holy Religion as S. Peter teacheth me saying be readye alwayes to geue an aunswere to euerye man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you and that with meekenes and feare hauing a good conscience that when they backbite you as euill doers they may be ashamed for asmuche as they haue falsly accused your good conuersation in Christ. As touching my doctrine for that little talent that God hath geuen mee God I take to recorde mine owne conscience and mine auditorie knoweth that I neither in doctrine nor maners willingly taughte any other thinge then I receiued of the holye Patriarckes Prophetes Christe and hys Apostles For it were not onely sinne but also the verye parte of a cursed miscreant to
sub hoc pane corpus domini accipimus Zwinglius controlling hym sayd sub signo panis corpus domini accipimus and the other controlled him in like case Greene. Then M. Greene proued theyr opinions of the sacrament to be one in effect being rightly weighed and though theyr words dyd not sound al one yet they meant one thing and theyr opinions were all one as he proued by diuers other examples Feck Then Fecknam desired hym that he woulde not so wilfully caste himselfe away but to be rather conformable to reason and that my Lord Byshoppe there present would be good vnto hym and would graunt him respite if hee woulde demaund it for a fortnight or three weeks and that hee shoulde choose anye learned man whome he would and shoulde goe with hym home to his house and that hee whome he would choose woulde willingly take the paynes to reade and conferre the Doctoures wyth him and open the Doctours myndes meaninges vnto hym Boner Then Boner sayd that hee was proud and an obstinate boy and therfore hee bad Fecknam to holde hys peace and to call him no more M. Greene for sayd hee you ought not to call an hereticke maister Pendle After this Doctor Pendleton alledged to hym this text out of the xxii of Luke Ex hoc non manducabo illud donec impleatur in regno Dei Here sayd he you muste confesse your opinion to be false ells you must saye that Christ was a lyer for Christ sayde I will eate no more of this while it bee fulfilled in my fathers kingdome If Christ did eate no more the bread whē he spake these wordes then must you say that he was a lyer for hee dyd eate bread after with hys Disciples before he ascended But if you say he dyd eate hys body then and after but breade it will not agree with the Scriptures nor with go●d reason Greene. Then Greene aunswered and sayd that thys was spoken by anticipation as one of theyr owne Byshops which is now dead did say Pendle Then Doctour Pendleton sayd that that was no sufficient discharge nor no sufficient aunswere for him in this case for sayd he it is well knowne that that bishop was of a contrary opinion to you and that he dyed a good christian man Greene. To whiche wordes Greene sayd I do not cal hym to witnesse in this case as though he were a sufficient man to proue my saying to bee true in this matter but I doe alledge hym agaynst you as Paule did the scripture whiche he found grauen in the aultar of the Atheniens agaynst themselues ignoto Deo These with many other wordes were betweene them which I doe ouerpasse because it were to longe to stande vpon recitall of euery thing Last of all the Byshop asked him if he would recant He sayd nay he would not But my Lord sayd he in old tyme there were no men put to death for theyr conscience vntill such time as Byshoppes found the meanes to make it death to beleue contrarye to them but excommunication my Lorde was the greatest penaltie which men hadde for theyr conscience yea in so muche that S. Augustine wrote and commaunded that no man should be put to death for his opinion Boner Then Boner sayd that when saincte Augustine sawe what inconueniences followed of that commaundement he wrote agayne to the Temporall rulers commaundyng them to punishe their bodyes also Greene. But sayde Greene hee bad not put them to death Boner He bad punish them quoth Boner Greene. Yea sayd Greene but not put them to death Bo. That they should be punished quoth Boner again This talke ended he asked Greene if he woulde recant and returne to theyr Romishe mother Whiche when hee denyed the Bishoppe pronounced the sentence difinitiue agaynst hym and so committed him to the Sheriffes of London who caused him to be carried to Newgate And as he was goyng thether ther met with him two gentlemen being both his speciall frendes minding belike to comfort this theyr persecuted brother but at theyr meeting theyr louing and friendly hartes not able anye longer to hide themselues were manifested by the aboundaunce of theyr pittifull teares To whom when Greene sawe them he sayd in these or like wordes Ah my friends is this your comfort you are come to geue me in this my occasion of heauinesse Must I who needed to haue comfort ministred to me become now a comforter of you And thus declaring his moste quiet and peaceable minde and conscience he chearefully spake to them and others vntil he came to the prison doore into the which he ioyfully entred and there remayned alwayes either in praier whervnto he much gaue himselfe or els in some other godlye meditations and exercises vnto the xxviii day of Ianuary when hee with hys other aboue mentioned brethren went most chearefully vnto the place of their tormentes often repeating as well by the waye as also at the stake these Latine verses following Christe Deus sine te spes est mihi nulla salutis Te duce vera sequor te duce falsa nego In English thus O Christ my God sure hope of health besides thee haue I none The truth I loue and falsehoode hate by thee my guyde alone During the tyme of hys imprisonment in Newgate diuers of hys frendes had accesse vnto him to whome he gaue sundry godly exhortations wherewith they were not only well contented but for better remēbrance aswel of the same his instructions as also of hys own good and godly person they desired him to write somewhat in their bookes which request he willingly graunted as in maner here ensueth These verses were written in a booke of mayster Hussey of the Temple Behold thy selfe by me such one was I as thou And thou in tyme shalt be euen dust as I am now Bartlet Greene. ¶ These verses were also written in a booke of mayster William Fleetwood of the same house My resting roode is founde vayne hope hap a dew Loue whome you list with chāge death shall me rid frō you Bartlet Greene. Amonges others diuers and singular good vertues of this good manne especially in him was to bee noted such a modest nature so humbly thinking of himselfe as in few men is to be found euer de●ecting hymselfe vnder that was in him and euer seeming to be lesse then he was so that nothing lesse hee coulde abide then to heare of hys prayse or commendation as well declareth not onely his letter written to M. Philpot wherin he doth earnestly expostulate with hym for slaundring hym with prayse of his witte and learning and other manifold vertues of great excellency but also by his owne speache and aunsweres in his examination wherein he casteth from hym all knowledge of learning and cunning when notwithstanding he had more in hym then to anye mennes eyes dyd appeare So great and admirable was this gift of modesty grafted in the nature of
maiesticall maner therof 750 R O. Robert De Artois a noble man of France exciteth king Edward the 3. to make claym to the kingdome of Fraunce 376. Robert Brakenbery true to hys Prince 728. Robert Braybroke byshop of Lōdon 443. Robert Bacon a bloudy and cruel● enemy to the Sayntes of God● 1912. Robert Barnes hys story 1192. Robert Cosin Martyr hys story 818. Robert Chapell his trouble and persecution .641 abiured ibid. Robert Dynes Martyr his story and Martyrdome 2042. Robert Drakes hys story .1895 hys examination and death 1896.1897.1898 Robert Edgore hys death 2103.2104 Robert Farrar of London a sore enemy filthy talker by the good Lady Elizabeth 2097. Robert Grosthead made Byshop of Lincolne 279. Roberts Gentlewoman her trouble and deliueraunce 2073. Robert Grosthead Byshoppe of Lincolne his cōmendatiō books trouble and death .325 hys articles agaynst the Pope 325. Robert Glouer Martyr and his Brother theyr trouble persecution and death 1709.1710.1711 1712.1713 Robertus Gallus his Prophesies agaynst the Pope 322 Robert Harrison Martyr 1277 Robert Kyng Robert Debnam hanged for takynge downe the Roode of Douer Courte 1031 Robert Kylwarby Archbyshoppe of Caunterbury 336 Robert Lambe with other moe Martyrs 1267 Robert Lawson Roger Bernard Martyrs theyr Storyes 1917 1918.1919 Robert Miles aliâs Plūmer martyr his story 2047 Robert Milles Martyr his story and martyrdome 2042 Robert Packington murthered 1130 Robert Parson of Heggeley hys examination and aunsweres 641 Robert Pigot Martyr his Story examination and constaunt martyrdome 1715.1716 Robert Smith Martyr .1689 his examinations and answeres .1691.1692.1693.1694 his Godly Letters to diuers of hys Frendes 1696.1698.1699.1700.1701.1702 Robert Samuell Martyr his story and death .1703.1604 hys letters 1705.1706 Robert Twing spoyled of his benefice by the Papistes 276 Robert Streater Martyr 1708 Robert Southam Martyr his story martyrdome 2037.2038 2039 Robert Williams scourged 2062 Roger Acton knight why executed as a traytor 587 Roger Byshop of London excommunicated the Popes Usurers 278 Roger Clarke Martyr his Story and Martyrdome 1231.1232 Roger Holland Martyr .2037.2038.2039 his examination and aunsweares .2039.2040 his death and martyrdome 2039 2042 Roger Mortimer earle of Marsh executed 376 Roger Cooe his examination condemnatiō and martyrdome 1707 1708 Rogers burned in Northfolke 1241 Roger Onley proued not guilty of treason 703 Rogers his story and martyrdome 1484. his examinations and answeares .1485.1486 hys condemnation .1488 his admonition to the Byshoppes out of prison .1489.1490 his Propheticall sayinges .1492 hys constaunt martyrdome for the truth 1493 Rockewood Persecutor hys death 2101 Rood of Paules in London set vp with Te Deum solemnly song 1472 Roode sette vppe in Lankeshyre 1474 Rhodes besieged .744 and wonne of the Turkes 748 Rodolphe Archbishop of Caunterbury 198 Rogation dayes in olde time without superstition 128 Rochester besieged of the Barons 332 Rome why aduaunced aboue other Cittyes .18 sacked destroyed 987 Rome full of all abhominations .697 not the Catholicke Church and why 1803 Rome not supreame head ouer other Churches 1759 Rome described in her Colours 322 Rome how it beganne to take head ouer other Churches 120 Rome proued to be Babilon .478 Antichristes neast 562 Romaynes punished by their owne Emperours for contemning● Christ and his true Religion 31. Romaynes olde theyr fayth 20 Romanes 23. brought into England to be beneficed 287 Romanus his lamentable history death 89 90 Romeshot confirmed by Canutus 163 Romish prelats displaced by queene Elizabeth and good Bishoppes placed in theyr stead 2125 Rowland Taylour Doctour and Martyr his life and story .1518 cited .1519 appeareth before Winchester theyr conference together .1520 depriued of his benefice 1521 Rounde Table built in Windsour 384 Rough Martyr his story and martyrdome 2028.2031.2034 Rollo a Dane first Duke of Normandy 141 Roper Martyr his story persecution and death 1794 Rochtailada Martyr his Story 391 Rose his trouble for the Gospell .2082 his examinations .2083.2084.2085 his deliuery 2086.2087 Rose Allin her story .2005 her hand burned by Edmund Tyrill 2006 2007 Rose Minister with 30. godly persons taken in Bowchurch at the Communion 1480 Rota an Office in the Courte of Rome full of all abhomination 857 Roy burned in Portingall for the Gospell 1398.1027 Roth Martyr his story and martyrdome 2013.2014.2015.2016.2017.2018.2019 R V. Rubricke of the 5. woundes after the Papistes 1398 S A. SAbinus publisheth the Emperors decree 82 Sabinianus Bishop of Rome 120 Sabina Martyr his story 4 Sacrament called breade of Saynt Paule of the Chanon of the masse it selfe and of the fathers 534 Sacrament defined .1183 why called the body of Christ. 1392 Sacrament of the Lordes bodye called breade of Saynt Cyprian 62 Sacrament hath two thinges in it to be noted 500 Sacrament is not to be considered in nature but what it is in mistery 1432 Sacrament in one kind contrary to the worde of God practise of the primitiue Church and Fathers in all ages 1150.1151 Sacramentall mutation in the Lordes Supper what and howe 1761 Sacrament hath both commaundement and promise annexed 1611 Sacramentes are confirmations of Gods grace towards his people 1707 Sacrament made an Idoll by the Papistes 28 Sacramentes take theyr names of those thinges whiche they represent .1129 not Christes body in deede but in representation onely 1130 Sacramentes without theyr vse are no Sacramentes .1809.1815 ministred in one kinde by the papistes .1820.1821 abused ibid. oughte to bee ministred in bothe kindes and not in one as the papistes do 1890 Sacrament neither chaunged in substaunce nor accidence .1380 they are seales of Gods grace towardes vs. 1431 Sacrament of the Aultar no Sacrament 1977 Sacrament of the aultar ouerthroweth the Lordes supper 1626 Sacramente of the Aultare who brought in 544 Sacrament of Penance 544 Sacrifice of Christ once offered sufficient for all 1432 Sacrifice propiciatory of the masse is derogatory to Christes death and passion 1761 Sacrifice of the Church and Sacrifice for the Church 1615 Sacrifice of Christ not many tymes offered but once for all 484 Sadoletus Cardinall his desperate death 2106 Safe conducte graunted to Iohn Hus. 596 Sagaris Martyr 4 Saladine slayeth Christian Captaynes and is put to flight hymselfe 245.246 Salisbury the first Byshop therof 183 Sanctus his notable constancy and cruell martyrdome 46 All Sayntes day first instituted with the day of all soules 137 Sayntes not to be called vppon or prayed vnto 1108.1109 Sayntes are not to be worshipped 1741 Sayntes of the Popes Traytors 579 Saynt Stephen the Ringleader of all Christes holy Martyrs 32 Saynt Iohns Gospell translated into English by Beede 127 Saynt Iohn of Beuerleyes miracles reproued 125 Saynt Iames the Apostle Martyred 32 Saynt Edmond Chanon of Salisbury Canonized a Saynt 270 San Romayne his story and constant martyrdome for the trueth 928.929.930 Saynt Peters body clothed in siluer in Rome 130 Saynt Martin persecuted 955 Saynt Bridget 419 Saynt Elizabeth her Story 273.268 San Bene●o 931 Sarton burned at Bristow for the truth of Christes Gospell 2149 Saunders his life and
hee was a man altogether cast away in this worlde if hee did not looke wisely to himselfe And yet though his cause were neuer so daungerous he might somewhat in relenting to aucthoritie and so to geue place for a time helpe both hym selfe out of trouble and when oportunitie and occasion should serue preferre his cause which he then went about to defend declaring farther that he had many welwillers and friendes whiche woulde stande on his side so farre forth as possible then were able and durst do adding hereunto that it were great pitty that he being of such singuler knowledge both in the Latine Greeke both ready and rype in all kind of learning and that namely aswell in the Scriptures as in the auncient Doctours should now sodeinly suffer all those singuler giftes to perishe with him without little commoditie or profite to the world and lesse comfort to his wife and children and other his kinsfolkes friendes And as for the veritie of your opinion in the sacrament of the body and bloud of our sauiour Christ It is so vntimely opened here among vs in England that you shall rather do harme then good wherefore be wyse and be ruled by good counsell vntill a better oportunitie may serue This I am sure of quoth the gentleman that my Lord Cromwell and my Lorde of Caunterbury much fauouring you and knowyng you to bee an eloquent learned young man and nowe towardes the felicitie of your lyfe young in yeares olde in knowledge and of great forwardnes and likelihoode to be a most profitable member for this Realme will neuer permitte you to susteyne any open shame if you will somewhat bee aduised by theyr Counsayle on the other side if you stand stiffe to your opinion it is not possible to saue your lyfe For like as you haue good friendes so haue you mortall foes and enemies I most hartily thanke you quoth Mayster Frith vnto the generall both for your good will and for your counsayle by the which I well perceaue that you minde well vnto me howbeit my cause and conscience is suche that in no wise I may not nor cannot for no worldly respect without daunger of damnation starte aside and flye from the true knowledge and doctrine whiche I haue conceyued of the supper of the Lorde or the Communion otherwise called the sacrament of the aultar for if it be my chance to be demaunded what I thinke in that behalfe I must needes saue my knowledge and my conscience as partly I haue written therein already though I should presently lose xx lyues if I had so many And this you shall well vnderstand that I am not so furnished eyther of Scriptures or auncient Doctors Scholemen or other for my defence so that if I may be indifferently heard I am sure that mine aduersaryes cannot iustly cōdemne me or mine assertion but that they shall condemne with me both S. Augustine and the most parte of the olde writers yea the very Byshoppes of Rome of the oldest sorte shall also say for me defend my cause Yea mary quoth the gentleman you say well if you might be indifferently heard But I muche doubt thereof for that our Mayster Christ was not indifferently hearde nor shoulde bee as I thinke if he were nowe present agayne in the worlde specially in this your opinion the same beeing so odious vnto the worlde and wee so farre off from the true knowledge thereof Well well quoth Fryth then vnto the Gentleman I know very wel that this doctrine of the Sacrament of the Aultar which I holde and haue opened contrarye to the opinion of this Realme is very hard meate to be digested both of the Cleargye and Layety thereof But this I will say to you taking the gentleman by the hand that if you liue but twenty yeares more whatsoeuer become of me you shall see this whole Realme of mine opinion concerning this Sacrament of the Aulter namely the whole estate of the same though some sort of men perticularly shall not be fully perswaded therein And if it come not so to passe then account me the vaynest man that euer you heard speake with tongue Besides this you saye that my death woulde bee sorrowfull and vncomfortable vnto my frendes I graunt quoth he that for a small tyme it would so be But if I should so mollify qualifye and temper my cause in such sort as to deserue onely to be kept in prison that would not onely be a much long griefe vnto me but also to my friendes woulde breede no small disquietnesse both of body and of minde And therfore all thinges well and rightly pondered my deathe in this cause shall bee better vnto me and all mine then life in continuall bondage and penuryes And almightye GOD knoweth what he hath to doe with his poore seruaunt whose cause I now defend and not mine owne from the which I assuredly doe entend GOD willing neuer to start or otherwise to geue place so long as God will geue me life This communication or like in effecte my Lorde of Caunterburyes Gentleman and Fryth had comming in a Whery vpon the Thames frō the Tower to Lambeth Now when they were landed after some repast by them taken at Lambeth the Gentleman the Porter and Fryth went forward towardes Croydon on foote This Gentleman still lamenting with himselfe the harde and cruell destiny towardes the sayde Fryth namely if hee once came amongst the bishops nowe also perceiuing the exciding constancye of Fryth deuised with himselfe some waye or meanes to conuey him cleane out of theyr handes and thereupon considering that there was no mo persons there to conuey the Prisoner but the Porter and himselfe he tooke in hand to winne the Porter to his purpose Quoth the Gentleman vnto Perlebeane the Porter they twayne priuately walking by themseues wythout the hearing of Fryth you haue heard this man I am sure and noted hys talke since he came from the Tower Yea that I haue righte well marked him quoth the Porter and I neuer hard so constant a man nor so eloquent a person You haue heard nothing quoth the gentleman in respecte of his both knowledge and eloquence if he might liberally either in Uniuersity or pulpit declare his learning you woulde then much more maruell at his knowledge I take him to be suche a one of his age in all kind of learning and knowledge of tonges as this Realme neuer yet in mine opinion brought forth yet those singuler giftes in him are no more considered of our Byshops then if he were a very Dolte or an Idiot yea they abhorre him as a deuill therfore couet vtterly to extinguish him as a member of the Deuill without any consideration of gods speciall gifts Mary quoth the Porter if there were nothing els in him but the consideratiō of his personage both comly and amiable of naturall disposition gentle meek and humble it were pity that he should be cast away Cast away quoth the
1424 Articles decreed vpon in the Coūsell of Constance 644 Articles of peace betwene Englād and Scotland 368.379 Articles of Iohn Hus to be inquired of 650 Articles agaynst Winchester with his aunsweres to the same 1350 1351.1352 Articles ministred to 7. Godly martyrs taken at Islington by Bishop Boner 2037.2038 Articles set vp vpon church dores agaynst king Henry the 4. 518.519 Articles of the studentes of Paris agaynst the Friers 408.409 Articles gathered out of Ioh. Hus his bookes and falsly wrested by the Papistes 613.614.615 Articles of Cardinall Poole to bee inquired of in his visitation 1969 Articles of Winchester agaynst D. Barnes with his reply 1198 Articles agaynst Iohn Hus obiected in the Counsel of Constāce 600 Articles of the Parliamente of Fraunce agaynst the Pope 353 354 Articles of Iohn Wickeliffe condemned in the Counsell of Constance 449.450 Articles deuised by king Henry 8. for reformation of Religion 1094.1095.1096 Arthur his trouble and persecuciō 998.999 Arundell Archbyshop of Caunt and the Byshop of London persecutors of the Gospel .507 proued a traytor by parliament .512 banished the land ibid. Arundell Bishop of Caunterbury his death 2103 A S. Asclepiades bishop of Antioch cōfessor .55 Martyred 61 Ashes prohibited to be vsed in time of Lent 1299 Ashdons wife martyr her story 1983.1984 Ashwednesdaye at Basill of Gods owne making 872 Assembly of the Nobles at Chesterfield where they were ouerthrowne 335 Assembly of the Nobles at Salisbury 198 Assirius a riche senatour Martyr 75 A T. Athalas martyr plucked in sonder 98 Atkins Martyr his story Martyrdome for the trueth of Christes Gospell at Rome 2151.2152 Athens razed to the ground by the Turkes 742 Athelwolphe sonne of king Egbert 136 A. V. Aucocke his trouble for the Gospel dyed in prison and buryed in the fieldes 1561. Audley Lord his pittie vppon the persecuted with his iudgement of the popish priestes 1228. Aue Maria a salutation no praier 1741. Augustine Packington the Byshop of Londons marchaunt 1019. Auies 10. for one Pater noster 1601. Auinion taken by the Pope and French king 271. Auington martyr his story 1914. Aultar where it is howe to be taken and who is the true aultar 1991.1992 Auies tolling by whome inuented 710. Aultars taken downe and why .1331 with reasons prouing the same ibid. Aurelius Ambrosius hys comming into England 113. Aurelius Martyr 65. Aurelianus his merueilous abstinence and death 75. Aurelianus mouer of the ix persecution agaynst the Christians 75.76.77 Auricular confession not grounded vpon the word of God 27.493.75.1105 Auricular confession why instituted why to be detested 1653. Auricular confession with the abuses thereof 1172. when it began and by whom .1172.1404 Reproued .493 the minister of Lust .508 Not necessary 540. Austen Barnher seruaunt to M. Latimer and a good minister 1654. Austen sent into England by Gregory .116 his questions to the Pope wherein he desireth to be resolued .116 Aunsweres to the same questions 117. Austen made Archbishop hys letany miracles and story .116 hys great and excessiue pride 119. Authority of the Church 1824 Authority of the Church alledged agaynst Heretickes and why 1616 Authority of Councelles aboue the Pope 593 Authors writing of the my●acles of certayne Martyrs suspected 4 5 Authors of the Turkes story 757 Authors of the Canon law reproued .493 found contrary to thēselues 495 Authors disagreement aboute the liues and times of certayne martyrs 38 A Z. Azades an Euenuche and a courtier Martyred for the truth 98 B ante A. BAbilas bishop of Antioch Martyr his godly story life and constant Martyrdome for the truth 61. Backster her noble story 664. Bagley priest and Martyr his story and martyrdome 666. Bakers and Millers punishment first inuented 339. Baiazetes the 2. the x. Emperour of the Turkes 744. Baiazetes the 4. Turkish Emperour his story .738 ouercome of Tamerlanes 739. Baifield Martyr his story .1021 articles ministred agaynst hym with his aunswers to the same .1021.1022 his condemnation degradation and martyrdome 1203.1204 Baker Martyr his story Martyrdome 2058. Baldwine elect Archb. of Canterbury his strife with the monks 239. Bane doctor a cruell persecutor of Gods saints 1954. Bangor Abbey built 119. Baulding a persecuter strikē with lightning 2101. Baptisme abuses .28 how abused by the papists .1693 water therof geueth not the holy ghost ibi Baptising in riuers not in fontes vsed 119. Baptisme without bishoppyng is sufficient and saueth .1306 how to be ministred to Infidels .1842 how to the children of the Christians ibid. Baptisme in the mother tongue to be administred 1104.1105 Baptisme of water no cause of fayth 1994. Baptisme may be ministred to any singular person .1816 not in the fayth of the promisers .1810.1818 of great antiquitie in the church .1840 is of God and not of men ibid. ought to be ministred to the English people in english 1904 Baptisme in the faith of the true church of Christ and not in the tottering faith of the promisers 1813.1818 Baptisme vsed amongest the olde Romains without so many foolish ceremonies as it is now pestered withall 119. Baptising of bels and of dead men 6.159.861 Barnes doctor his story trouble for the Gospell .1192 he beareth a fagot and flieth into Germany .1193 sent as Embassador .1194.1203 his death and martyrdome 1199.1200 Barbara finall widow her story martyrdom with 6. others 1980 1981. Barnes of the Popes destroyed 275. Barons of England their warre with K. Henry the 3. 331.332.333.334 Barons their supplication in the behalfe of Iohn Hus. 605. Barriers and Turney sport turned into bloudshed 338. Barton Chancellor of Oxford 434 Bartholomew the apostle crucified and beheaded 32. Barber his recantation at Oxford 1207. Bartholomew Cornemonger hys persecution and trouble 642. Bamford Martyr his story 1602. Bartholomews built 191. Barton persecuted 641. Bartholomeus Cassaneus plaged of God 2107. Bartholomew a Bookebinder Martyr 955. Barthelet Greene Gentlemā martyr his story .1844.1851 His apprehension ibid. his letter to M. Philpot .1852 his examination condemnation and confession .1853.1854.1855 his letters 1855.1856 his martirdom 1858 Barwike recouered from out of the handes of the Scots 340.341 Barwike yelded vp to K. Edward the 3. who appointed captaines ouer it 376. Barwike geuen to the Scottes by K. Henry .6 712. Basill reformeth religion 871. Basill graunteth safeconduct to the Christian Bohemians for their commyng to the Councell 657.675 Basill Citizens wise behauiour at the Councell 682. Basilides of a persecutor made a most constant Martyr 54. Bassianus Emperour surnamed Carocalla 57 Bassinet doctor his orations 946. Basset his story and persecution 1039. Baineham Martyr his tragicall story 1027. his condemnation constant martyrdome 1028.1029.1030 Badby his persecution examination and martyrdome 521.522 Battaile betwene Edmund Ironside and king Canutus stayed by an Oration 162. Battaile bloudy betwene 2. Popes for S. Peters chaire 169. Battaile at Barnet 715. Battaile at Tewkesbury 716. Battaile of Prince Edward with Erle Simon at Eusham 333. Battaile betweene the K. of England