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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10349 Biblia the Byble, that is, the holy Scrypture of the Olde and New Testament, faithfully translated in to Englyshe.; Bible. English. Coverdale. 1537. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. 1535 (1535) STC 2063.3; ESTC S5059 2,069,535 1,172

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to sto●de styll hangeth vp fyue kynges and taketh the cities Chap. XI The Heythē kynges gather thē selues together agaynst Israel but they are discomfited and their cities wonne Chap. XII The names of the kynges whom Iosua and the Israelites slewe are here rehearsed euen one and thirtye Chap ▪ XIII The remnaunt of the londe on this syde Iordane Chap. XIIII The dealinge out of the londe Chap. XV. The londe that fell vnto Iuda by lott Chap. XVI The lot of Ephraim Chap. XVII The lot and porcion of Manasse Chap. XVIII Men are sent out of the seuen trybes to consyder the londe and to deale it out The porcion of Ben Iamin Chap. XIX The porcion of Simeon Zabulon Isachar Aser Nephtali and Dan. Chap. XX. The partinge out of the fre cities Chap. XXI Of the cities and suburbes of the Leuites Chap. XXII The two tribes and a halfe are sen● home agayne with a charge to be diligent in kepynge Gods commaundement Of the altare of witnesse Chap. XXIII Iosua calleth the people together before his death exorteth them to cleue fast to the commaundementes of the LORDE Chap. XXIIII He calleth the people together i● Sichem and rehearceth the benefites of God vnto thē The couenaūt with God is renewed Iosua dyeth and so doth Eleasar The first Chapter AFter the death of Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE spake the LORDE vnto Iosua y e sonne of Nun Moses mynister My seruaunt Moses is deed vp now and go ouer this Iordane thou and all this people in to the londe that I haue geuen the children of Israel All the places that the soles of youre fete shal treade vpon haue I geuen vnto you as I sayde vnto Moses From the wyldernesse and this Libanus vnto the greate water Euphrates all the londe of the Hethites vnto the greate see towarde the west shal be youre border There shall noman be able to withstonde y t all thy life longe And like as I was with Moses so wil I be with the also I will not fayle the nether forsake the. Be stronge and bolde for vnto this people shalt thou deuyde y e londe which I sware vnto their fathers to geue it them Be strōge therfore and very bolde that thou mayest kepe and do euery thynge acordinge to the lawe that Moses my seruaunt commaunded the. Turne not asyde from it nether to the righte hande ner to the lefte y t thou mayest deale wysely whither so euer thou goest And let not the boke of this lawe departe out of thy mouth but exercyse thy selfe therin daie and nighte that thou mayest kepe and do euery thinge acordinge to it that is wryttē therin Then shalt thou prospere in thy waies and deale wysely Lo I haue commaunded the to be stronge and bolde Feare not and be not afrayed for the LORDE thy God is with y e whither so euer thou goest Then commaunded Iosua the officers of the people and sayde Go thorow the hoost and charge y e people and saye Prepare you vytayles for ouer thre dayes shal ye go ouer this Iordane that ye maye come in and take possession of the londe which the LORDE youre God shal geue you And to the Rubenites Gaddites and to the halfe trybe of Manasse sayde Iosua Thynke vpon the worde that Moses the seruaunt of y e LORDE spake vnto you and sayde The LORDE yo r God hath brought you to rest and geuen you this londe Let youre wyues and children and catell remayne in y e londe that Moses gaue you on this syde Iordane But ye youre selues as many as be fightinge men shal go forth before youre brethren in harnesse and helpe them tyll the LORDE haue broughte youre brethren to rest also as well as you that they also maye take possession of the londe which the LORDE yo r God shal geue them Then shal ye turne agayne in to the londe of youre possession that ye maye enioye it which Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE hath geuen you on this syde Iordane towarde y e Easte And they answered Iosua and sayde All that thou hast commaunded vs wyll we do and whither so euer thou sendest vs we wyl go thither Like as we haue obeyed Moses so wyl we be obedient also vnto the Onely that the LORDE thy God be with y e like as he was with Moses Who so euer disobeyeth thy mouth and herkeneth not vnto thy wordes in all that thou hast commaunded vs shal dye Onely be thou stronge and bolde The II. Chapter IOsua the sonne of Nun sent out two spyes preuely from Setim and sayde vnto them Go youre waye loke vpon the londe and Iericho They wente forth and came in to y e house of an harlot called Rahab and laye there Then was it tolde the kynge of Iericho Lo there are men come in this nighte from the childrē of Israel to spye the londe Then sent the kynge of Iericho vnto Rahab saynge Delyuer the men forth that are come vnto the in to thy house for they are come to spye out the whole londe Now as for the two men the woman had hyd them and sayde There came men in vnto me in dede but I knewe not whence they were And at the shuttinge in of the gate whan it was darcke they wente out so y t I can not tell whither they be gone folowe soone after them for ye shal ouertake them But she had caused them to clymme vp vnto the house toppe and hyd them vnder the stalkes of flaxe that she had prepared her vpō the toppe of the house Howbeit the men folowed after them in y e waye towarde Iordane euen vnto the ferye and whan they that folowed vpon them were gone forth the gate was shut And or euer the men layed them downe to slepe she wente vp to them vnto the house toppe and sayde vnto thē I knowe that the LORDE shal delyuer you the londe for the feare of you is fallen vpon vs and all the inhabiters of the londe are discoraged at youre commynge For we haue herde how the LORDE dryed vp the water in the reed see before you whā ye departed out of Egipte and what ye dyd vnto the two kynges of the Amorites Sihon and Og beyonde Iordane how ye roted them out and destroyed them And sence we herde therof oure hert hath failed vs nether is there a good stomacke more in eny man by the reason of youre commynge For the LORDE yo r God is both the God aboue in heauē and beneth vpon earth Sweare now then vnto me euen by the LORDE for so moch as I haue dealte mercifully with you that ye wyl also shewe mercy vpon my fathers house and geue me a true token that ye wyl let my father lyue and my mother my brethren and my sisters and all that they haue and delyuer oure soules from death The men sayde vnto her Yf we shewe not mercy and faithfulnesse vpon
men in Ben Iamin which all drue the swerde For whan the childrē of Ben Iamin sawe that they were smitten the men of Israel gaue them rowme to flye For they trusted to the watch which they had sett by Gibea And the watch made haist also brake forth vnto Gibea and wente vpon it and smote all the cite with the edge of y e swerde They were appoynted betwene them selues the men of Israel and the hynder watch to f●ll vpon them with the swerde whan the smoke of the cite arose Now whan the men of Israel turned them in the battayll and Ben Iamin beganne to smyte the wounded in Israel vpon a thirtie men and thoughte they are smytten before vs like as in the battayll afore then beganne there a piler of smoke to arise vp from the cite And Ben Iamin loked behinde them and beholde the flamme of y e cite wente vp vnto heauen And the men of Israel turned them and were fearce vpon y e men of Ben Iamin for they sawe that the euell wolde happen vnto them And they turned them before the men of Israel in the waye to the wyldernesse but the battayll folowed vpon them And them of the cite destroyed they amōge them And they compased Ben Iamin rounde aboute and folowed vpon them vnto Menuah and trode them downe tyll afore Gibea eastwarde And there fell of Ben Iamin eightene thousande men which were all men of armes Whan the remnaunt of Ben Iamin sawe that they turned them and fled towarde the wildernesse vnto the stonye rocke of Rimon But in the same strete they slewe fyue thousande men and folowed vpon them vnto Gideom and slewe two thousande of thē and so there fell the same daye of Ben Iamin fyue and twenty thousande men which drue y e swerde and were all mē of armes Onely sixe hundreth men turned backe and fled towarde the wyldernesse vnto the stonye rocke of Rimon and abode in the rocke of Rimon foure monethes And the men of Israel came agayne to the children of Ben Iamin and smote them that were in the cite with y e edge of the swerde both mē and catell and all that was founde and what soeuer was foūde in the cite they cast it in to the fyre The XXI Chapter THe men of Israel had sworē at Mispa and sayde Noman shal geue his doughter to the Ben Iamites to wife And the people came to the house of God in Silo abode there before God vntill the euenynge and lifte vp their voyce and wepte sore and sayde O LORDE God of Israel wherfore is this come to passe in Israel this daye But on the morow the people gat thē vp early and builded there an altare and offred burnt offeringes and deed offerynges And the children of Israel sayde Where is there eny mā of the trybes of Israel that is not come vp with the congregacion vnto the LORDE For there was a greate ooth made that who so came not vp to Mispa vnto the LORDE shulde dye the deeth And the children of Israel were sory for Ben Iamin their brother and sayde This daye is there one trybe lesse in Israel How wyll we do that the remnaunt maye haue wyues For we haue sworne by the LORDE that we wyl not geue thē wyues of oure doughters And they saide Where is there eny mā of the trybes of Israel that is not come vp to the LORDE vnto Mispa And beholde there was not one man of the citesyns of Iabes in Gilead Then sent the congregacion twolue thousande men of armes thither and commaunded them and sayde Go youre waye and smite the citesyns of Iabes in Gilead with the swerde the wemen also and the children but so that ye do after this maner Se that ye damne all them that are males and all the wemen that haue lyen with men And amonge the citesins of Iabes in Gilead they foūde foure hundreth damsels which were virgins and had lyen with noman those they broughte in to the hoost vnto Silo which lyeth in the londe of Canaan Then sent the whole congregacion and caused to talke with the children of Ben Iamin which were in the stonie rocke of Rimō and called vnto them frendly So the children of Ben Iamin came agayne at the same tyme and thy gaue them wemen which they had of the wemen of Iabes in Gilead and founde no mo after that maner Then were the people sory for Ben Iamin that y e LORDE had made a gappe in the trybes of Israel And the Elders of the congregaciō sayde What wil we do that the remnaunt maye haue wyues also for the wemē in Ben Iamin are destroied and they sayde The enheritaunce of them of Ben Iamin that are escaped must nedes remayne that there be not a trybe destroyed out of Israel we can not geue them oure doughters to wiues For the children of Israel haue sworne and sayde Cursed be he that geueth a wyfe to the Ben Iamites And they sayde Beholde there is a yearly feast of the LORDE at Silo which lieth on the northsyde of the Gods house and on the eastside of the strete as a mā goeth from Bethel vnto Sichem and lieth on the south side of Libo●a And they commaunded the children of Ben Iamin sayde Go youre waye and wayte in the vynyardes And whan ye se that the doughters of Silo go forth by cōpanyes to daunse get you out of the vynyardes and euery man take him a wyfe of the doughters of Silo and go youre waye in to the lōde of Ben Iamin As for their fathers and brethren whan they come to lawe with vs we wyll saye vnto them Be fauourable to them for they haue not taken thē in battaill but ye gaue thē not vnto them by time and it is youre faute The children of Ben Iamin did so and acordinge to their nombre toke them wyues from the daunse whom they caught by violence and wente their waye dwelt in their awne inheritaunce and buylded cities and dwelt therin The children of Israel also gat them vp from thence at the same time euery one to his trybe and to his kinred and departed thēce euery man to his awne inheritaunce At y t time was there no kynge in Israel and euery man dyd y e thinge y t was right in his awne eies The ende of the boke of the Iudges called Iudicum The boke of Ruth What this boke conteyneth Chap. I. Elimelech departeth from Bethleem with his wife and two sonnes in to the londe of the Moabites where the father dyeth and both the sonnes Ruth the wife of the one sonne goeth home with hir mother in lawe Chap. II. Ruth gathereth vp eares of corne in the felde of Boos hir houszbandes kynsmā Chap. III. Ruth lyeth her downe in the barne at Boos fete and he geueth her good wordes and ladeth her with sixe measures of barlye Chap. IIII. Boos marieth Ruth which beareth him Obed Dauids graundfather The
the LORDE as his father Amasias had done and soughte God as longe as Zacharias lyued which taughte in the visyons of God and as longe as he sought the LORDE God made him to prospere For he wente forth and foughte agaynst the Philistynes and brake downe y e walles of Gath and the walles of Iabne and the walles of Aszdod and buylded cities aboute Aszdod amonge the Philistynes For God helped him agaynst the Philistines against the Arabians agaynst them of Gur Baal agaynst the Meunites And y e Ammonites gaue Osias presentes his name came in to Egipte for he was exceadinge stronge And Osias buylded towres at Ierusalem vpon the cornerporte and on the valley gate and on other corners and made them stronge He buylded castels also in the wyldernesse and dygged many welles for he had many catell both in the medewes and in the playnes huszbandmen also and wynegardeners on the mountaynes and on Carmel for he delyted in huszbandaye And Osias had an hoost of men of warre goynge forth to the battaill which were nōbred vnder the hande of Ieiel the scrybe of Maesa the offycer vnder the hāde of Hanania of the kynges rulers And the nombre of the chefe fathers amonge the stronge mē of warre was two thousande and syxe hundreth And vnder the hande of the hoost thre hundreth thousande and seuen thousande and fyue hundreth mete for the battayll in the strength of an armye to helpe the kinge agaynst the enemies And Osias prepared for all the hoost shyldes speares helmettes brestplates bowes and slyngstones And at Ierusalē he made ordinaunce cōningly to be vpon the towres and in the pynnacles to shute arowes and greate stones And the fame of him came farre abrode because he was specially helped tyll he became mightie And whan his power was greate his hert arose to his awne destruccion for he trespaced agaynst the LORDE his God and wente in to the temple of the LORDE to burne incense vpon the altare of incense But Asarias the prest wente after him and foure score prestes with him valeaunt men and withstode kynge Osias and saide vnto him It belongeth not vnto thy offyce Osias to burne incense vnto the LORDE but vnto the prestes belongeth it euen vnto the children of Aaron which are halowed to burne incense Go forth out of the Sanctuary for thou offendest and it shall be no worshippe vnto the before God the LORDE And Osias was wroth and had a censoure in his hande And whyle he murmured with the prestes the leprosy spronge out of his foreheade in the presence of the prestes in the house of the LORDE before the altare of incense And Asarias the chefe prest turned his heade towarde him and so dyd all the prestes and beholde he was leper in his foreheade And they put him out from thence Yee he made haist himselfe to go forth for his plage came of the LORDE Thus became Osias y e kynge a leper vnto his death and dwelt full of leprosye in a fre house for he was put out of the house of the LORDE But Ioram his sonne had the ouersight of the kynges house and iudged the people in the l●nde What more there is to saie of Osias both first and last Esay the sonne of Amos hath wrytten it And Osias fell on slepe w t his fathers and they buryed him with his fathers in the pece of grounde beside y e kynges sepulcres for they sayde He is leporous And Iotham his sonne was kynge in his steade The XXVII Chapter IOtham was fyue and twentye yeare olde whan he was made kynge and reigned sixtene yeare at Ierusalem His mothers name was Ierusa the daughter of Sadoc he dyd righte in the sighte of the LORDE as did Osias his father sauynge y t he wente not in to the temple of the LORDE and the people yet marred them selues He buylded the hye porte of the house of y e LORDE and on the wall of Ophel buylded he moch and buylded the cities vpon the mountaynes of Iuda and in the woddes buylded he castels and towres And he fought with the kinge of the children of Ammon and ouer came them so that the childrē of Ammon gaue him y e same yeare an hundreth talentes of siluer ten thousande quarters of wheate and ten thousande of barlye So moch dyd the children of Ammon geue him also in y e seconde thirde yeare Thus became Iotham mightye for he gyded his wayes before the LORDE his God What more there is to saye of Iotham all his warres vnd his waies beholde it is wrytten in y e boke of the kinges of Israel Iuda Fyue and twentye yeare olde was he whan he was made kynge reigned sixtene yeare at Ierusalē And Iothā fell on slepe w t his fathers they buryed him in the cite of Dauid and Achas his sonne was kynge in his steade The XXVIII Chapter AChas was twentye yeare olde whan he was made kynge and reigned sixtene yeare at Ierusalem and dyd not that which was righte in the sighte of the LORDE as did Dauid his father but walked in the wayes of the kinges of Israel and made molten ymages vnto Baalim and brent incense in the valley of the children of Hennon and brēt his awne sonnes in y e fire after the abhominacions of the Heithen whō the LORDE expelled before the childrē of Israel And he dyd sacrifice and brent incense vpon the hye places and vpon the hilles and amōge all grene trees Therfore dyd the LORDE his God delyuer him in to the hande of the kynge of Syria so that they smote him and caryed awaye a greate multitude of his men presoners and broughte them to Damascon He was geuen also vnder the hande of the kynge of Israel so y t he dyd a greate slaughter vpon him For Pecah the sonne of Romelia smote in Iuda an hundreth twentye thousande in one daye which all were valeaunt men euē because they had forsaken y e LORDE God of their fathers And Sichri a mightie mā of Ephraim slewe Maeseia y e kinges sonne Asri●am the prynce of the house El●ana the nexte vnto the kynge And the children of Israel caried of their brethren presoners two hundreth thousande wemen sonnes and doughters and toke a greate spoyle from them and broughte the spoyle vnto Samaria But euē there was there a prophet of y e LORDE whose name was Obed which wēte out to mete y e hoost that came to Samaria and sayde vnto them Beholde because the LORDE God of youre fathers is wroth at Iuda therfore hath he geuen them ouer in to youre handes but ye haue slayne them so abhominably that it is come vnto heauē Now thinke ye to subdue the children of Iuda and Ierusalem to be bondmen and bond maydens vnto you Is not this a trespace then w t you agaynst the LORDE yo r God Herken now vnto me and sende y e presoners hence agayne whom
him vpō his holy hill for the LORDE oure God is holy The XCIX psalme O Be ioyfull in God all ye lōdes serue the LORDE w t gladnes come before his presence w t ioye Be ye sure y t the LORDE he is God It is he y t hath made vs not we oure selues we are but his people the shepe of his pasture O go youre waye in to his gates thē with thankesgeuynge in to his courtes w t prayse be thākfull vnto him speake good of his name For the LORDE is gracious his mercy is euerlastinge and his treuth endureth from generacion to generacion The C. psalme A thākesgeuynge of Dauid MY songe shal be of mercy and iudgment yee vnto the o LORDE wil I synge O let me haue vnderstondinge in the waye of godlynesse vntill the tyme that thou come vnto me so shal I walke in my house w t an innocent herte I wil take no wicked thinge in honde I hate the synne of vnfaithfulnesse it shal not cleue vnto me A frowarde herte shal departe fro me I wil not knowe a wicked personne Who so preuely slaundreth his neghboure him wil I destroye Who so hath a proude loke an hye stomacke I maye not awaye with him Myne eyes shal loke for soch as be faithfull in the londe y t they maye dwell with me and who so ledeth a godly life shal be my seruaunt There shall no disceatfull personne dwell in my house he that telleth lyes shal not tary in my sight I shal soone destroye all the vngodly of the londe that all wicked doers maye be roted out of the cite of the LORDE The CI. psalme HEare my prayer o LORDE and let my criēge come vnto the. Hyde not thy face fro me in the tyme of my trouble enclyne thine eares vnto me when I call O heare me and that right soone For my dayes are consumed awaye like smoke my bones are brent vp as it were a fyre brande My hert is smyttē downe and wythered like grasse so that I forget to eate my bred For the voyce of my gronynge my bone wil scarse cleue to my flesh I am become like a Pellicane in the wildernes and like an Oule in a broken wall I wake and am euen as it were a sparow sittinge alone vpon the house toppe Myne enemies reuyle me all the daye longe they laugh me to scorne and are sworne together against me I eate ashes with my bred and mengle my drynke with wepynge And that because of y e indignacion and wrath for thou hast taken me vp and cast me awaye My dayes are gone like a shadowe and I am wythered like grasse But thou o LORDE endurest for euer and thy remembraunce thorow out all generacions Arise therfore and haue mercy vpon Sion for it is tyme to haue mercy vpon her yee the tyme is come And why thy seruauntes haue a loue to hir stones it pitieth them to se her in the dust The Heithen shal feare thy name o LORDE and all the kynges of the earth thy maiesty For the LORDE shal buylde vp Sion and shal apeare in his glory He turneth him vnto the prayer of the poore destitute and despyseth not their desyre This shal be written for those y t come after that the people which shal be borne maye prayse the LORDE For He loketh downe from his Sanctuary out of the heauen doth the LORDE beholde the earth That he maye heare the mournynges of soch as be in captinyte and delyuer the children of death That they maie preach the name of the LORDE in Sion and his worshipe at Ierusalem When the people are gathered together and the kyngdomes also to serue y e LORDE He hath brought downe my strength in my iourney and shortened my dayes Yet wil I saye O my God take me not awaye in y e myddest of myne age as for thy yeares they endure thorow out all generacions Thou LORDE in the begynnynge hast layed y e foundacion of the earth and the heauens are the workes of thy hondes They shal perishe but thou shalt endure they all shall wexe olde as doth a garment as a vesture shalt thou chaunge thē and they shal be chaunged But thou art the same and thy yeares shal not fayle The children of thy seruauntes shall contynue their sede shal prospere in y e sight The CII A psalme of Dauid PRayse the LORDE o my soule all that is within me prayse his holy name Prayse the LORDE o my soule forget not all his benefites Which forgeueth all thy synnes and healeth all thy infirmities Which saueth thy life from destruccion and crowneth the with mercy louynge kyndnesse Which satisfieth thy desyre with good thinges makynge the yonge and lusty as an Aegle The LORDE executeth rightuousnesse and iudgment for all them y t suffre wronge He shewed his wayes vnto Moses and his workes vnto the children of Israel The LORDE is full of compassion and mercy longe sufferinge and of greate goodnesse He wil not allwaye be chydinge nether wil he kepe his anger for euer He hath not dealt with vs after oure synnes ner rewarded vs acordinge to oure wickednesses For loke how hye the heauē is in comparison of the earth so greate is his mercy also towarde them that feare him Loke how wyde the east is from the west so farre hath he set oure synnes from vs. Yee like as a father pitieth his owne children euen so is the LORDE mercifull vnto thē that feare him For he knoweth wherof we be made he remembreth that we are but dust That a man in his tyme is but as is grasse florisheth as a floure of the felde For as soone as the wynde goeth ouer it it gone and the place therof knoweth it nomore But the mercifull goodnesse of y e LORDE endureth for euer and euer vpon them y t feare him and his rightuousnesse vpon their childers children Soch as kepe his couenaunt and thinke vpon his commaundementes to do them The LORDE hath prepared his seate in heauē and his kyngdome ruleth ouer all O prayse the LORDE ye angels of his ye that be mightie instrēgth fulfillinge his commaundement that mē maye heare the voyce of his wordes O prayse the LORDE all ye his hoostes ye seruauntes of his that do his pleasure O speake good of the LORDE all ye workes of his in euery place of his dominion prayse thou the LORDE o my soule The CIII psalme PRayse the LORDE o my soule O LORDE my God thou art become exceadinge glorious thou art clothed with maiesty and honoure Thou deckest thy self with light as it were w t a garment thou spredest out the heauen like a curtayne Thou voltest it aboue with waters thou makest the cloudes thy charet and goest vpon the wynges of the wynde Thou makest thine angels spretes and thy ministers flammes of fyre Thou hast layed y e
praysed be the Lord whych hath not geuen vs ouer for a praye vnto their teeth Oure soule is escaped euē as a byrde out of the snare of the fouler the snare is broken and we are delyuered Oure helpe standeth in the name of the Lorde which hath made heauen and earth ¶ The .cxxv. Psalme ¶ The churche or congregacyon is in safetye when the Lorde defendeth it and shal be prosperous when he fauoreth it and purgeth the wycked theroute The songe of the steares THey that put their trust in the Lorde are euen as the mount Syon which may not be remoued but standeth fast for euer The hylles stande about Ierusalem euē so standeth the Lorde rounde about his people from this tyme forth for euermore That the rodd of the vngodly come not into the lot of the ryghtuous lest y e ryghtuous put their hande vnto wyckednesse Do well O Lorde vnto those y t be good and true of herte As for soche as turne backe vnto their awne wyckednesse the Lorde shall leade thē forth with the euyll doers but peace be vpō Israel ¶ The .cxxvj. Psalme ¶ He descrybeth the gladnes of the people returning agayne from Babylon vnder the fygure herof the reioysynge of the Christen whom the sonne of God hath made fre from the captiuyte of synne and deeth The songe of the steares VVhen the Lorde turneth agayne the captyuyte of Sion then shall we be lyke vnto them that dreame Then shall oure mouth be fylled wyth laughter and oure tonge with ioye Then shall it be sayd amonge the Heathē the Lorde hath done greate thinges for thē Yee the Lorde hath done greate thynges for vs all ready wherof we reioyse Turne oure captyuyte O Lorde as the ryuers in the south They y t sowe in teares shall reape in ioye He that now goeth in his waye wepynge beareth forth good sede shal come agayne with ioye bringe his sheaues with hym ¶ The .cxxvij. Psalme ¶ By the only liberalyte gyft of God is the house and housholde geuen the cytye defended ● meate mynystred chyldren those toward and thryftye obtayned The songe of the steares EXcept the Lorde buylde the house their labour is but lost that buylde it Except the Lorde kepe the cytye the watchman waketh but in vayne It is but lost labour that ye rise vp early and take no rest but eate the bredde of carefulnesse for loke to whom it pleaseth him he geueth it in slepe Lo chyldren and the frute of the wombe are an herytage gift y t cōmeth of y e Lorde Lyke as the arowes in the hande of the gyaunt euen so are the yonge children Happy is the man that hath his quyuer full of them they shal not be ashamed when they speake with their enemyes in the gate ¶ The .cxxviij. Psalme ¶ He that feareth God shall do well and fortunately at all ceasons The songe of the steares BLessed are all they that feare y e Lorde and walke in hys wayes For thou shalt eate the laboures of thyne awne handes O well is the happy art thou Thy wyfe shal be as y e frutefull vyne vpō the walles of thy house Thy chyldren lyke the Olyue braunches rounde aboute thy table Lo thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lorde The Lorde shall so blesse the out of Siō that thou shalt se Ierusalem in prosperyte all thy lyfe longe Yee that thou shalt se thy chylders chyldren and peace vpon Israel ¶ The .cxxix Psalme ¶ Althoughe the wycked do longe and greatly persecute the godly yet shall they not preuayle ouer them yee they shall at the length perish when the godly shal be in safetye The songe of the steares MAny a tyme haue they fought agaynst me fro my youth vp maye Israel now saye Yee many a tyme haue they fought agaynst me fro my youth vp but they haue not ouercome me The plowers plowed vpon my backe and made longe forowes But the rightuous Lorde hath hewen 〈◊〉 yocke of the vngodly in peces Let them be confounded turned bac●●ward as many as haue euyl will at a * 〈◊〉 Let them be euen as the haye vpon 〈◊〉 house toppes whych wythereth afore it 〈◊〉 pluckte vp Wherof the mower fylleth not his han●● nether he that byndeth vp the sheaues 〈◊〉 bosome So y t they which go by saye not so 〈◊〉 as y e Lorde prospere you we wish you 〈◊〉 lucke in the name of the Lorde ¶ The .cxxx. Psalme ¶ An earnest prayer of him that is oppressed with ●●●uersitie for his sinnes that surely hopeth to 〈◊〉 of God bothe forgeuenes of his synnes delyura●●● from hys aduersytyes The songe of the steares OVt of the a * depe call I vnto 〈◊〉 O Lorde Lorde heare my voy●● ▪ Oh let thyne eares 〈…〉 well the voyce of my complay●●● If thou Lord wylt be extreme to 〈◊〉 what is done a mysse Oh Lorde who 〈◊〉 abyde it But there is mercy wyth the that 〈◊〉 mayest be feared I loke for the Lord my soule doth wa● for hym and in his worde is my trust My soule doth paciently abyde y e Lor●● from the one mornynge to the other Let Israel trust in the Lorde for with 〈◊〉 Lorde there is mercy plēteous redemp●●●● And he shal redeme Israel frō al his synn● ¶ The .cxxxj. Psalme ¶ He sheweth y t he was not proude but meake 〈◊〉 The songe of the steares LOrde I am not hye mynded I haue 〈◊〉 proude lokes I do not exercyse my selfe in grea●● matters which are to hye for me But I refrayne my soule kepe it 〈◊〉 lyke as a childe that is weened from his 〈◊〉 yee my soule is euē as a ween●ed 〈◊〉 Let Israel trust in the Lorde ▪ from 〈◊〉 tyme forth for euermore ¶ The .cxxxij. Psalme ¶ He sheweth that the prosperyty 〈◊〉 of Christes kyn●●dome dureth euer that God is 〈◊〉 allwaye present 〈◊〉 his churche and congregacyon Thys doth he 〈◊〉 the fygure of Dauid of the ●●a●cke abydyng in 〈◊〉 The songe of the steares LOrde remēbre Dauid al his trou●●● How he swore vnto the Lorde 〈◊〉 vowed a vowe vnto the almyghtye 〈◊〉 of Iacob I wyll not come within y e taber●●●cle of my house nor clyme vp in my bedde ▪ I wyll not suffre myne eyes to slepe 〈◊〉 myne eye lyddes to ●●omber Vntyll I fynde out a place for y e 〈◊〉 an habytacyō for the mightye one of 〈◊〉 shalt eate the laboures of thine owne hondes o well is the happie art thou Thy wife shal be as a frutefull vyne vpon the walles of thy house Thy children like the olyue braunches roūde aboute y e table Lo thus shal y e mā be blessed y t feareth the LORDE The LORDE shal so blesse the out of Sion that thou shalt se Ierusalē in prosperite all thy life longe Yee that thou shalt se thy childers childrē peace vpō Israel The CXXVIII psalme MAny a tyme haue they fought
departe out of y e londe of the Caldees and ye shall be as the rammes that go before the flocke For lo I will wake vp an hoost of people from y e northren londe bringe them vpon Babilon these shal laye sege to it wynne it Their arowes shal not mysse like as a connynge archer shuteth not wronge And the Caldees shal be spoyled all they that spoyle them shal be satisfied saieth the LORDE because ye were so chearfull glad to treade downe myne heretage fulfilled youre pleasures as the calues in the grasse and triumphed ouer them like the bulles when ye had gotten the victory Youre mothers shal be sore confounded and they that bare you shal come to shame She shall be the leest set by amonge the nacions vyode waist dried vp No man shal be able to dwell there for the feare of y e LORDE but she shal be whole desolate All they that go by Babilon shall stonde still be abashed shal wondre at all hir plages Go forth in yo r araye agaynst Babilon rounde aboute all ye that can hādle bowes shute as her spare no arowes for she hath synned agaynst the LORDE Crie out vpon her vpon her agaynst her roūde aboute she shal yelde herselfe her foundaciōs shal fall hir walles shall come downe for it shal be the vengeaunce of the LORDE Yee vēgeaunce shal be taken of her as she hath done so shal she be dealt withall They shal rote out the sower from Babilon him y t handleth the sickle in haruest For feare of the swearde of the enemie euery man shall get him to his owne people euery man shal fle to his owne londe Israel is a scatred flocke the Lyons haue dispersed them First the kinge of the Assirians deuoured them last of all this Nabuchodonosor kynge of Babilon hath brussed all their bones Therfore thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes the God of Israel Beholde I will viset the kinge of Babilon his kingdome as I haue visited the kinge of the Assirians and will bringe Israel agayne to his pleasaunt pasture that he maye fede vpon Charmel Basan and be satisfied vpon the mount of Ephraim Galaad In those dayes and at the same tyme saieth the LORDE yf the offence of Israel be sought for there shal none be founde Yf men enquere for the synne of Iuda there shal be none for I wil be mercifull vnto them whom I suffre to remayne ouer Go downe o thou avenger in to the enemies londe viset them that dwell therin downe with them and smyte them vpon the backes saieth the LORDE do acordinge to all that I haue commaunded the. There is gone aboute the londe a crie of a slaughter greate murthur namely on this maner How happeneth it that the hammer of the whole worlde is thus broken brussed in sonder How chaunceth it that Babilon is become a wildernes amonge the Heithen on this maner I my self haue layed wayte for the thou art taken vnawarres art thou trapped snared for why thou hast prouoked y e LORDE vnto anger The LORDE hath opened his house of ordinaunce brought forth the weapens of his wrath For the thinge that is done in the londe of the Caldees it is the LORDE of hoostes worke These thinges shal come vpon her at the last they shal breake in to hir preuy chābres they shall leaue her as bare as stones that be layed together vpon heapes They shall so destroye her y t nothinge shal be left They shal slaye all hir mightie souldyers and put them to death Wo be vnto thē for the daye tyme of their visitacion is at honde Me thinke I heare already a crie of them that be fled escaped out of the londe of Babilon which shewe in Sion the vengeaunce of the LORDE oure God the vengeaunce of his temple Yee a voyce of them that crie agaynst Babilon Call vp all the archers agaynst Babilon pytch youre tentes rounde aboute her that none escape Recompence her as she hath deserued and acordinge as she hath done so deale with her agayne for she hath set vp her self agaynst the LORDE agaynst y e holy one of Israel Therfore shal hir yonge men fall downe in the stretes all hir men of warre shal be roted out in y t daye saieth the LORDE Beholde I speake vnto the o thou proude saieth the LORDE God of hoostes for thy daye shal come euē the tyme of y e visitaciō And the proude shal stomble fall no man shal helpe him vp I wil burne vp his cities with fyre it shal consume all that is rounde aboute him Thus saieth the LORDE of hoostes The children of Israel Iuda suffre violence together All they that haue them in captiuyte kepe them fast wil not let them go but their avēger redemer is mightie whose name is the LORDE of hoostes he shal manteyne their cause he shal make the londe shake iudge them that dwell therin one with another The swearde shall come vpon the Caldees saieth the LORDE vpon them that dwell in Babilon vpon their prynces vpō their wyse mē The swearde vpon their soythsayers as for those they shall become fooles The swearde vpō their worthies so that they shal stonde in feare The swearde vpon their horsmen and charettes vpon all the comon people that dwell vnder thē so that they all shal become like women The swearde vpon their treasure so that it shal be stollen awaye The swearde vpon their waters so that they shal be dried vp For the londe worshippeth ymages delyteth in straunge wondrefull thinges Therfore shal wilde beestes Apes Estriches dwell therin for there shal neuer man dwell there nether shal eny man haue his habitacion there for euermore Like as God destroyed Sodom Gomorre with the cities that laye there aboute saieth the LORDE So shal noman dwell there also nether shal eny mā haue there his habitacion Beholde there shal come a people from the north with a greate bonde of men many kinges shal stonde vp from the endes of the earth They beare bowes buclers cruell are they vnmercifull Their voyce roareth like the raginge see they ryde vpon horses come weapened to fight agaynst the O Babilon As soone as the kinge of Babilon heareth tell of them his hondes shal waxe feable Sorowe and heuynes shall come vpon him as a woman trauelinge with childe Beholde like as the Lyon commeth vp from the pleasaunt medowes of Iordane vnto the grene pastures of Ethan so wil I dryue thē forth and make them runne agaynst her But whom shal I chose out ordene to soch thinge For who is like me or who wil stryue with me or what shepherde maye stonde agaynst me Therfore heare the councel that the LORDE hath geuen vpon Babilon and the deuyce that he hath taken vpon
vs go make a couenaunt with the Heithen y t are rounde aboute vs for sence we departed from them we haue had moch sorow So this deuyce pleased them well and certayne of y e people toke vpon thē for to go vnto y e kynge which gaue them licence to do after the ordinaūce of the Heithen Then set they vp an open scole at Ierusalem of the lawes of the Heithē and were nomore circumcised but forsoke y e holy Testamente and ioyned them selues to y e Heithē were cleane solde to do myschefe So when Antiochus beganne to be mightie in his kyngdome he wente aboute to optayne y e londe of Egipte also that he might haue the dominion of two realmes Vpon this entred he in to Egipte with a stronge hoost with charettes elephantes horsmen a greate nombre of shippes and beganne to warre agaynst Ptolomy the kynge of Egipte But Ptolomy was afrayed of him and fled and many of his people were wounded to death Thus Antiochus wāne many strōge cities and toke awaye great good out of the londe of Egipte And after that Antiochus had smytten Egipte he turned agayne in the Cxliij yeare wente towarde Israel and came vp to Ierusalem with a mightie people and entred proudly into y e Sanctuary and toke awaye the golden altare the candilsticke and all y e ornamētes therof the table of the shewbred the pouringe vessel the chargers the golden spones the vale the crownes and golden apparel of the temple and brake downe all He toke also the syluer and golde the precious Iewels and the secrete treasures that he foūde And when he had taken awaye alltogether caused a greate murthur of men and so fulfilled his malicious pryde he departed in to his owne londe Thus there arose greate heuinesse and misery in all the londe of Israel The prynces and the elders of the people mourned the yōge men and the maydens were defyled and the fayre beutye of women was chaunged the brydegrome and the bryde toke them to mournynge the londe and those that dwelt therin was moued for all the house of Iacob was brought to confucion After two yeares the kynge sent his chefe treasurer vnto the cities of Iuda which came to Ierusalem with a greate multitude of people speakīge peaceable wordes vnto thē but all was disceate for when they had geuen him credence he fell sodēly vpon the cite and smote it sore and destroyed moch people of Israel And when he had spoyled the cite he set fyre on it castinge downe houses and walles on euery syde The women their children toke they captiue and led awaye their catell Then buylded they the castel of Dauid with a greate and thicke wall and with mightie towres made it a stronge holde for them Besyde all this they sett wicked people and vngodly men to kepe it stoared it with weapens and vytales gathered the goodes of Ierusalem and layed thē vp there thus became it a theuysh castell And this was done to laye waite for the people that wente in to the Sanctuary and for the cruell destruccion of Israel Thus they shed innocent bloude on euery syde of y e Sanctuary and defyled it In so moch that the citesyns were fayne to departe and the cite became an habitacion of straungers beynge desolate of hir owne sede for hir owne natyues were fayne to leaue her Hir Sāctuary was clene waisted hir holy dayes were turned in to mournynge hir Sabbathes were had in derision and hir hono r brought to naught Loke how greate hir glory was afore so greate was hir confucion and hir ioye turned in to sorow Antiochus also the kynge sent out a commission vnto all his kyngdome that all the people shulde be one Then they left euery man his lawe and all the Heithen agreed to the cōmaundement of kynge Antiochus Yee many of the Israelites consented there vnto offerynge vnto Idols and defylinge the Sabbath So the kynge Antiochus sent his messaungers with his commission vnto Ierusalem and to all y e cities of Iuda that they shulde folowe y e lawes of the Heithē and for bad ether burnt offerynge meat offerynge or peace offerynge to be made in the temple of God that there shulde no Sabbath ner hye feast daye be kepte but commaunded that the Sanctuary and the holy people of Israel shulde be defyled He commaunded also that there shulde be set vp other altares temples and Idols to offre vp swynes flesh and other vnclene beastes that men shulde leaue their children vncircumcised to defyle their soules with all maner of vnclennesse abhominacions that they might so forget the lawe and chaūge all the holy ordinaunces of God and that who so euer wolde not do acordynge to the commaundement of kynge Antiochus shulde suffre death In like maner commaunded he thorow out all his realme and sett rulers ouer the people for to compell them to do these thynges commaundinge the cities of Iuda to do sacrifice vnto Idols Then wente the people vnto the Heithen by heapes forsoke the lawe of the LORDE and committed moch euell in the londe yee and chaced out the secrete Israelites which had hyd them selues in corners and preuy places The xv daye of the moneth Casleu in the Cxlv. yeare set kynge Antiochus an abhominable Idol of desolacion vpon the altare of God and they buylded altares thorow out all the cities of Iuda on euery syde before the dores of the houses and in the stretes where they brent incense and dyd sacrifyce And as for the bokes of the lawe of God they brent them in the fyre and rente them in peces What so euer he was that had a boke of the Testament of the LORDE founde by hym yee who so euer endeuored himself to kepe the lawe of the LORDE the kynges commaundement was y t they shulde put him to death And thorow his anctorite they executed these thinges euery moneth vpon the people of Israel that were founde in the cities The fyue and twentye daye of the moneth what tyme as they dyd sacrifice vpon the altare which stode in the steade of the altare of the LORDE acordinge to the commaundement of kynge Antiochus they put certayne women to death which had caused their children to be circumcised Not only that but they hanged vp the children by the neckes thorow out all their houses and slewe the circumcisers of them Yet were there many of the people of Israel which determed in them selues that they wolde not eate vncleane thinges but chose rather to suffre death then to be defyled with vncleane meates So because they wolde not breake the blessed lawe of God they were cruelly slayne And this greate tyranny increased very sore vpon the people of Israel The II. Chapter IN those dayes there dyd stōde vp one Matathias the sonne of Symeon the prest out of the kynred of Ioaris frō Ie Ierusalem and dwelt vpon the mount of
For the LORDE shal not holde him ●ngiltie that taketh his name in vayne Remembre the Sabbath daie that thou sanctifie it Sixe dayes shalt thou laboure and do all thy worke But vpon the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the LORDE thy God thou shalt do no maner worke in it nether thou ner thy sonne ner thy doughter ner thy seruaunt ner thy mayde ner thy catell ner thy straunger that is within thy gates For in sixe dayes the LORDE made heauen and earth and the see and all that therin is and rested vpon the seuenth daye therfore the LORDE blessed the seuenth daye halowed it Honoure thy father and thy mother that thou mayest lyue longe in the londe which the LORDE thy God shal geue the. Thou shalt not kyll Thou shalt not breake wedlocke Thou shalt not steale Thou shalt beare no false wytnesse agaynst thy neghboure Thou shalt not lust after y e neghbours house Thou shalt not lust after thy neghbours wife ner his seruaūt ner his mayde ner his oxe ner his Asse ner all that thy neghboure hath And all the people sawe the thonder and the lightenynge and the noyse of the trompet and how that the mountayne smoked and were afrayed and stackerd stode a farre of and sayde vnto Moses Talke thou with vs we wil heare and let not God talke with vs we might els dye And Moses sayde vnto the people Be not afrayed for God is come to proue you and that his feare maye be before youre eyes y t ye synne not And the people stode afarre of But Moses gat him in to the darcke cloude where in God was And the LORDE spake vnto him Thus shalt thou saye vnto the children of Israel Ye haue sene that I haue talked w t you from heauen therfore shal ye make nothinge with me goddes of syluer and golde shal ye not make you Make me an altare of earth wher vpon thou mayest offer y ● burnt offerynges peace offerynges thy shepe and thine oxen For loke in what place so euer I make y e remembraunce of my name there wil I come vnto the and blesse the. And yf thou wilt make me an altare of stone thou shalt not make it of hewen stone For yf thou lift vp thy tole vpon it thou shalt vnhalowe it Morouer thou shalt not go vp vpon steppes vnto myne altare that thy shame be not discouered before it The XXI Chapter THese are the lawes that thou shalt laye before them Yf thou bye a seruaunt that is an Hebrue he shal serue the sixe yeares in the seuenth yeare shall he go out fre and lowse Yf he came alone then shal he go out alone also but yf he came maried then shall his wife go out with him Yf his master haue geuē him a wife she haue borne him sonnes or doughters thē shal the wife and y e children be the masters but he shall go out alone Neuertheles yf the seruaunt saye I loue my master and my wife and children I wil not go out fre then let his master brynge him before the Goddes and holde him to the dore or post and bore him thorow the eare with a botkin and let him be his seruaunt for euer Yf a man sell his doughter to be an hand mayde then shal she not go out as the men seruauntes But yf she please not hir master and he haue not maried her then shal he let her go fre but to sell her vnto a straūge people he hath no auctorite for so moch as he hath despysed her Yf he promyse her vnto his sonne then shal he do vnto her after the lawe of doughters But yf he geue him another wife then shall he mynishe nothinge of hir foode rayment and dewtye of mariage Yf he do not these thre then shal she go out fre and paye nothinge He that smyteth a man that he dye shall dye the death Yf he haue not layed wayte for him but God let him fall in his hande vnawares then wil I appoynte the a place where he shal flye vnto But yf a man presume vpon his neghboure and slaye him with disceate then shalt thou take the same fro myne altare that he maye be slayne ▪ Who so smyteth his father or mother shall dye the death He that stealeth a man and selleth him so that he be founde by him the same shall dye the death Who so curseth father and mother shal dye the death Yf men stryue together and one smyte another with a stone or with his fist so that he dye not but lyeth in bedd Yf he ryse and go forth vpon his staff thē shall he that smote him be vngiltie saue that he shal paye the losse of his tyme and geue y e money for healynge him He that smyteth his seruaunt or mayde with a staff that he dye vnder his handes the same shall suffre vengeaunce therfore But yf he endure a daye or two then shall he suffre no vēgeaunce therfore for it is his money Yf men stryue and hytt a woman with childe so that y e frute departe from her and no harme happen vnto her then shall he be punyshed for money as moch as the womans huszbande layeth to his charge and he shall geue it acordinge to the appoyntement of the dayes men But yf there come harme vnto her there thorow then shal he paye soule for soule eye for eye toth for toth hande for hande fote for fote burnynge for burnynge wounde for wounde strype for strype Yf a man smyte his seruaunt or his mayde in the eye and destroye it he shal let them go fre and lowse for the eye sake In like maner yf he smyte out a tothe of his seruaunt or mayde he shall let them go fre and lowse for the tothes sake Yf an oxe gorre a man or a woman that he dye then shall that oxe be stoned and his flesh not eaten so is the master of the oxe vngiltie But yf the oxe haue bene vsed to push in tymes past it hath bene tolde his master and he hath not kepte him and besydes that slayeth a man or a woman then shal y e oxe be stoned and his master shal dye But yf there be money set vpon him then loke what is put vpon him that shall he geue to delyuer his soule Likewyse shall he be dealte withall yf he gorre a sonne or a doughter But yf he gorre a seruaunt or a mayde then shall he geue their master thirtie syluer Sycles and the oxe shal be stoned Yf a man open a well or dygge a pytt and couer it not and there fall an oxe or Asse therin then shall the owner of the pytt make it good with money and restore it vnto his master but the deed carcase shal be his owne Yf one mans oxe gorre another that he dye then shall they sell the lyuynge oxe and deuyde the money and the deed carcase
thou hast made Oh what is man y t thou art so myndfull of him ether the sonne of mā that thou visitest him After thou haddest for a season made him lower thē the angels thou crownedest him with hono r glory Thou hast set him aboue the workes off thy hondes thou hast put all thinges in subieccion vnder his fete All shepe and oxen yee and the beastes of the felde The foules of the ayre the fysh of the see and what ●o walketh thorow the wayes of the see O LORDE oure gouernoure how wonderfull is thy name in all the worlde The IX A psalme of Dauid I Wil geue thākes vnto the o LORDE with my whole herte I wil speake of all thy maruelous workes I wil be glad reioyse in the yee my songes wil I make of thy name o thou most hyest Because thou hast dryuē myne enemies abacke they were discōfited perished at thy presence For thou hast manteyned my right and my cause thou syttest in the Trone that art the true iudge Thou rebukest the Heithen and destroyest the vngodly thou puttest out their name for euer and euer The enemies swerdes are come to an ende thou hast ouerthrowen their cities their memoriall is perished with thē But y e LORDE endureth for euer he hath prepared his seate vnto iudgmēt He gouerneth y e worlde with rightuousnes ministreth true iudgmēt vnto the people The LORDE is a defence for the poore a defence in the tyme of trouble Therfore they y t knowe thy name put their trust in y e for thou LORDE neuer faylest thē that seke the. O prayse the LORDE which dwelleth in Sion shewe y e people of his doinges And why he maketh inquysicion for their bloude and remembreth them he forgetteth not the complaynte of the poore Haue mercy vpō me o LORDE considre the trouble that I am in amōge myne enemies thou that liftest me vp from y e gates of death That I maye she we all thy prayses within the portes off the doughter Sion and reioyse in thy sauynge heal●h As for the Heithen the are sunckē do●ne in the pytte that they made in the same nette which they spred out priuely is their owne fote takē Thus y e LORDE is knowne to execute true iudgment whē the vngodly is trapped in the workes of his owne handes Sela. The wicked must be turned vnto hell and all the Heithen y t forget God But the poore shal not allwaye be out of remembraunce the paciēt abydinge of soch as be in trouble shall not perish for euer Vp LORDE let not man haue the vpper hāde let the Heithē be cōdemned before the. O LORDE set a scolemaster ouer thē that the Heithē maye knowe them selues to be but mē Sela Here the Hebrues begynne the x. psalme WHy art thou gone so farre of o LORDE wilt thou hyde thyselff in tyme of trouble Whyle y e vngodly hath the ouer hande the poore must suffre persecucion O that they were taken in the ymaginacions which they go aboute For the vn godly maketh boost of his owne hertes desyre the cuvetous blesseth him self and blasphemeth the LORDE The vngodly is so proude and full of indignaciō that he careth not nether is God before his eyes His wayes are allwaye filthie thy iudgmentes are farre out of his sight he defyeth all his enemies For he sayeth in his herte Tush I shal neuer be cast downe there shal no harme happē vnto me His mouth is full of cursynge fraude and disceate vnder his tōge is trauayle sorow He sytteth lurkynge in the gardens that he maye pryuely murthur the innocent his eyes are set vpō the poore He lyeth way ●inge secretly as it were a lyon in his denne He lurketh that he maye rauysh the poore yee to rauish the poore when he hath gotten him in to his nett Then smyteth he then oppresseth he casteth downe the poore with his auctorite For he sayeth in his herte Tush God hath forgotten he hath turned a waye his face so y t he will neuer se it Aryse o LORDE God lift vp thine honde and forget not the poore Wherfore shulde the wicked blaspheme God and saye in his herte Tush he careth not for it This thou seist for thou considrest the mysery and sorowe The poore geueth himselff ouer in to thy hande and committeth him vnto the for thou art the helper of the frendlesse Breake thou y e arme off the vngodly and malycious search out the wickednesse which he hath done that he maye perish The LORDE is kynge for euer ye Heithen shal perish out off his londe LORDE thou hearest the desyrous longinge off the poore their herte is sure that thine eare herkeneth therto Helpe the fatherlesse and poore vnto their right that the vngodly be nomore exalted vpon earth The X. A psalme of Dauid IN the LORDE put I my trust how will ye then saye to my soule that she shulde fle as a byrde vpon youre hill For ●o the vngodly haue bēt their bowe and made redy their arowes in the quyuer that they maye priuely shute at them which are true of herte The very foundacion haue they cast downe what cā the rightuous thē do withall But the LORDE is in his holy temple the LORDES seate is in heauen He cōsidereth it with his eyes his eye lyddes beholde the children of men The LORDE seith both the rightuous and vngodly but who so deliteth in wickednes him his soule abhorreth Vpon the vngodly he shal rayne snares fyre brymstone storme and tempest this rewarde shal they haue to drynke For the LORDE is rightuous ād he loueth rightuousnes his countenaunce beholdeth the thīge y t is iust The XI A psalme of Dauid HElpe LORDE for there is not one saynte more very fewe faithfull are there amonge the children off men Euery man telleth lyes to his neghbo r they do but flater with their lippes and dissemble in their herte O that the LORDE wolde rote out all disceatfull lippes ād the tonge that speaketh proude thinges Which saye Oure tōge shulde preuayle we are they that ought to speake who is lorde ouer vs Now for the troubles sake off the oppressed because of the complaynte of the poore I wil vp sayeth the LORDE I wil helpe thē and set thē at rest The wordes of the LORDE are pure wordes euē as y e syluer which from earth is tried and purified vij tymes in the fyre Kepe thē therfore o LORDE and preserue vs frō this generacion for euer And why when vanite and ydylnes getteth the ouer hande amonge the children of men all are full of y e vngodly The XII A psalme of Dauid HOw longe wilt thou forget me o LORDE for euer how longe wilt thou hyde thy face fro me Oh how lōge shall I seke councell in my soule how longe shall I be so vexed in my herte how longe shal myne enemie triumphe ouer me Considre ād heare me o LORDE