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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10708 The. holie. Bible. conteynyng the olde Testament and the newe.; Bible. English. Bishops'. Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575. 1568 (1568) STC 2099; ESTC S122070 2,551,629 1,586

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it be with me 6 The dayes are comming that Iacob shall take roote Israel shal be greene and florishe and the world shal be filled with fruite 7 Hath he smitten hym as sore as he did the other that smote hym Or is he slayne with so sore a slaughter as they that slue hym 8 Thou wylt punishe it in the braunches yet not beyonde measure for in the day that the east winde bloweth sore it taketh away the fruites 9 By this meanes therfore shall the iniquitie of Iacob be purged and this is all the fruite namely the taking away of his sinne if he make all the stones of the aulter of idols as chalke stones that are beaten in sunder that their groues and images ryse not vp agayne 10 Els shall the strong citie be desolate and the habitation forsaken and left like a wildernesse there shall the Calfe feede and there shall he lye and eate vp the graffes therof 11 When the braunches of it are drye they are broken of the women come and set them on fire for it is a people of no vnderstanding and therfore he that made them shall not fauour them and he that created them shall geue them no grace 12 And in that day shall the Lorde make a threshing from the middest of the riuer Euphrates vnto the riuer of Egypt and ye chyldren of Israel shal be gathered together one to another 13 In that day shall the great trumpe be blowne so that they which were lost in the lande of Assyria and they that were banished in the lande of Egypt shall come and worship the Lorde in the holye mount of Hierusalem The .xxviij. Chapter 1 Against the pride of Ephraim 9 and against false priestes and preachers 1 WO be vnto the crowne of pryde euen to the drunken people of Ephraim whose great pompe is as a floure that fadeth away vpon the head of the valley of suche as be in wealth and are ouerladen with wine 2 Behold there commeth a vehement and sore day from the Lord like an vnmeasurable hayle and perillous tempest euen like the force of mightie and horrible waters that violently beareth downe all thinges 3 The crowne of the pryde of the drunken Ephraemites shal be troden vnder foote 4 So that the floure of his fayrenesse and beautie whiche is in the head of the valley of fatnesse shall fade away as doth an vntimely ripe figge before haruest whiche when a man espieth he loketh vpon it and whyle it is yet in his hande he eateth it vp 5 In that day shal the Lord of hoastes be the crowne of glory and diamonde of beautie vnto the residue of his people 6 He wylbe also a spirite of perfect knowledge to him that sitteth in iudgement and strength vnto them that turne away the battayle to the gate of the enemies 7 But they are out of the way by reason of wine yea farre out of the way are they thorowe strong drinke The priest also and the prophete are gone astray by the meanes of strong drinke they are drunken with wine they go amisse thorowe strong drinke they fayle in propheciyng and stumble in iudgement 8 For all tables are full of vomit and filthynesse that no place is cleane 9 Whom then shall suche one teache knowledge and whom shall he make to vnderstande the thing that he heareth for they are as ignoraunt as young chyldren that are taken from the milke and are weaned 10 For they that be suche must take after one lesson another lesson after one commaundement another commaundement for one rule another rule after one instruction another instruction there a litle and there a litle 11 For he that speaketh vnto this people is euen as one that vseth rudenesse of speache and a straunge language 12 If any man say vnto them lo this is the rest wherewith ye may ease hym that is weerie this is the refreshing they wyll not hearken 13 Therfore shall the word of the Lord be vnto them lesson vpon lesson commaundement vpon commaundement rule vpon rule instruction vpon instruction there a litle and there a litle that they may go on and fall backwarde be brused tangled and snared 14 Wherfore heare the word of the Lord ye mockers ye that haue rule of this people whiche is at Hierusalem 15 Because ye haue sayd We haue made a couenaunt with death and with hell are we at agreement and though there go foorth a sore plague it shall not come vnto vs for we haue made falsehood our refuge and vnder vanitie are we hid 16 Therfore thus saith the Lorde God Beholde I lay in Sion for a foundation a stone euen a tryed stone a precious corner stone a sure foundation who so beleueth let hym not be to hastie 17 Iudgement also wyll I laye to the rule and righteousnesse to the balaunce so that the hayle shall sweepe away as a broome your vayne confidence and the priuie place of your refuge shall the waters runne ouer 18 And thus the couenaunt that ye made with death shal be disanulled and your agreement that ye made with hell shall not stand yea when the sore plague goeth foorth ye shal be troden downe vnder it 19 From the tyme that it goeth foorth it shall take you away for early in the morning euery day yea both day and night shall it go thorowe and when the noyse thereof is perceaued it shall gender vexation 20 For the bed is narrowe and not large and the couering so small that a man can not winde him selfe vnder it 21 For the Lord shall stand as in mount Perazim and shal be wroth like as in the valley Gibeon that he may do his worke his straunge worke and bryng to passe his acte his straunge acte 22 Nowe therefore see that ye be no mockers lest your punishment increase For I hearde of the Lorde of hoastes that there shall come a short ende vpon the whole earth 23 Heare ye then and hearken vnto my voyce consider and ponder my speache 24 Doth not the husbandman plowe all the day and openeth and breaketh the clottes of his grounde that he may sowe 25 When he hath made it playne wyll he not spreade abrode the fitches and sowe comin and cast in wheate by measure and the appointed barlye and rye in their place 26 God wyll instruct hym to haue discretion euen his God wyll teache hym 27 For fitches shall not be threshed with an harrowe neither shall a cart wheele be brought thorowe the comin but the fitches are beaten out with a staffe and comin with a rodde 28 But the seede that bread is made of is threshed though it be not alway a threshing and the cart wheele must be brought ouer it lest he grinde it with his teeth 29 This also commeth of the Lorde of hoastes which worketh with wonderfull wysdome and bringeth excellent workes to passe The .xxix. Chapter 1 A prophecie against Hierusalem 13 and
and her walles shall come downe for it shal be the vengeaunce of the Lorde yea vengeaunce shal be taken of her and as she hath done so deale ye with her 16 Roote out the sower from Babylon hym that handleth the sicle in haruest for feare of the sworde of the enemie euery man shall get hym to his owne people and euery man shall flee to his owne lande 17 Israel is a scattered flocke the lions haue dispearsed them First the kyng of the Assyrians deuoured them last of all this Nabuchodonozor king of Babylon hath brused all their bones 18 Therfore thus saith the Lorde of hoastes the God of Israel Beholde I wyll visite the kyng of Babylon and his kyngdome as I haue visited the kyng of the Assyrians 19 And wyll bryng Israel agayne to his pleasaunt pasture that he may feede vpon Charmel and Basan and be satisfied vpon the mount of Ephraim and Galaad 20 In those dayes and at the same tyme saith the Lorde yf the offence of Israel be sought for there shal none be founde yf men enquire for the sinne of Iuda there shal be none for I wyll be mercifull vnto them whom I suffer to remayne 21 Go downe O thou auenger into the enemies lande and visite them that dwell therin downe with them smite them vpon the backes saith the Lorde do accordyng to all that I haue commaunded thee 22 There is gone about the lande a crye of a slaughter and great murther namelye on this maner 23 Howe happeneth it that the hammer of the whole worlde is thus broken and brused in sunder Howe chaunceth it that Babylon is become a wildernesse among the heathen on this maner 24 I my selfe haue layde a snare for thee and thou art taken vnawares thou art trapped and snared for why thou hast contended agaynst the Lorde 25 The Lorde hath opened his house of ordinaunce and brought foorth the weapons of his wrath for the thyng that is done in the land of the Chaldees it is the Lorde of hoastes worke 26 Come agaynst her for this is her ende breake vp her chestes threshe her as ye threshe corne destroy her that nothyng shal be left 27 Slay all their mightie souldiers and put them to death Wo be vnto them for the day and tyme of their visitation is at hande 28 Me thynke I heare alredy a crye of them that be fled and escaped out of the lande of Babylon which shewe in Sion the vengeaunce of the Lorde our God the vengeaunce of his temple yea a voyce of them that crye agaynst Babylon 29 Call vp all the archers agaynst Babylon pitch your tentes rounde about her that none escape recompence her as she hath deserued and accordyng as she hath done so deale with her agayne for she hath set vp her selfe agaynst the Lorde agaynst the holy one of Israel 30 Therfore shall her young men fall downe in the streetes and all her men of warre shal be rooted out in that day saith the Lorde 31 Beholde I speake vnto thee O thou proude saith the Lorde God of hoastes for thy day shall come euen the tyme of thy visitation 32 And the proude shall stumble and fall and no man shall helpe hym vp I wyll burne vp his cities with fire and it shall consume all that is rounde about hym 33 Thus saith the Lorde of hoastes The children of Israel and Iuda suffer violence together all they that haue them in captiuitie kepe them fast and wyll not let them go 34 But their auenger and redeemer is mightie whose name is the Lorde of hoastes he shall maynteyne their cause he shal make the lande shake and iudge them that dwell therin one with another 35 The sworde shal come vpon the Chaldees saith the Lorde vpon them that dwell in Babylon vpon their princes and vpon their wise men 36 The sworde vpon their soothsayers as for those they shall become fooles the sworde vpon their worthies so that they shall stande in feare 37 The sworde vpon their horsemen and charrettes and vpon all the cōmon people that dwell among them so that they shall all become lyke women The sworde vpon their treasure so that it shal be stollen away 38 A drought vpon their waters so that they shal be dryed vp for the lande worshippeth images and delighteth wonderfully in idols 39 Therfore shall wylde beastes Lamia and Cat of mountaynes and Estreches dwell therin for there shall neuer man dwell there neither shall any man haue his habitation there for euermore 40 Like as God destroyed Sodome and Gomorre with the cities that lay there about saith the Lorde so shall no man dwell there also neither shall any man haue there his habitation 41 Beholde there shall come a people from the north with a great bonde of men and many kynges shall stande vp from the endes of the earth 42 They beare bowes and bucklers cruell are they and vnmercifull their voyce roreth like the ragyng sea they ryde vpon horses and come weaponed to fight agaynst thee O Babylon 43 Assoone as the king of Babylon heare tell of them his handes shall waxe feeble sorowe and heauinesse shall come vpon him as a woman trauayling with chylde 44 Beholde like as the lion commeth vp from the swellyng of Iordane vnto the dennes of Ethan so wyll I dryue them foorth and make them runne agaynst her But whom shall I choose out and ordayne to such a thyng for who is like me or who wil striue with me or what sheephearde may stande agaynst me 45 Therfore here the counsayle that the Lorde hath geuen vpon Babylon and the deuice that he hath taken vpon the lande of the Chaldees The least among the people shall drawe them out and loke what pleasaunt houses they haue they shall lay them waste 46 The noyse at the wynnyng of Babylon shall moue the earth and the crye shal be hearde among the gentiles The .lj. Chapter 1 Howe Babylon shoulde be ouerthrowen 59 Ieremie geueth his booke to Saraias 1 THus hath the Lorde sayde Behold I wyll rayse vp a perilous wynde agaynst Babylon her citizens that beare euyl wyll against me 2 I wyll sende also into Babylon fanners to fanne her out and to destroy her lande for in the day of her trouble they shal be about her on euery syde 3 Moreouer the Lorde wyll say vnto the bowmen and to them that aduaunce them selues in their armoure Ye shall not spare her young men kyll downe all her hoast 4 Thus the slayne shall fall downe in the lande of the Chaldees and the wounded in the streetes 5 As for Israel and Iuda they shall not be forsaken of their God of the Lord of hoastes yea for the holy one of Israels sake haue the Chaldees fylled their lande full of sinne 6 * Flee away from Babylon euery man saue his lyfe that ye be not rooted out with her wickednesse for the tyme of
the archers founde him and he was wounded of shooters 4 Then saide Saul to his harnesse bearer Drawe thy sword and thrust me through therwith that these vncircumcised come not and do me shame But his harnesse bearer would not for he feared exceedingly So Saul caught a sword and fell vpon it 5 And when his harnesse bearer saw that Saul was dead he fell on a sword also and dyed 6 And thus Saul and his three sonnes and al they of his house dyed together 7 And when all the men of Israel that were in the valley sawe how they fled and that Saul his sonnes were dead they forsoke their cities and ran away and the Philistines came and dwelt in them 8 And it fortuned that on the morowe when the Philistines came to strip the dead bodies they founde Saul and his sonnes ouerthrowen in mount Gilboa 9 And when they had stript him they toke his head and his harnesse and sent them into the lande of the Philistines rounde about to shewe them vnto their idols and to the people 10 And they put his harnesse in the house of their god and set vp his head in the temple of Dagon 11 And when all they of Iabes in Gilead hearde all that the Philistines had done to Saul 12 They arose all the strongest of them and fet away the body of Saul and the bodies of his sonnes and brought them to Iabes and buried the bones of them vnder an oke in Iabes and fasted seuen dayes 13 So Saul dyed for his trespasse that he trespassed against the Lorde in that he kept not the word of the Lorde and in that he sought and asked counsaile of a woman that wrought with a spirite 14 And asked not of the Lorde and therefore he slue him and turned the kingdome vnto Dauid the sonne of Isai ¶ The .xj. Chapter 3 After the death of Saul Dauid is annoynted in Hebron 5 The Iebusites rebell against Dauid from whom he taketh the towre of Sion 6 Ioab is made captayne 10 His valiaunt men 1 THen all Israel gathered them selues to Dauid vnto Hebron saying 2 Beholde we be thy bones and thy fleshe And moreouer in tyme past euen when Saul was king thou leddest Israel out in And the Lorde thy God sayde vnto thee Thou shalt feede my people Israel and thou shalt be captayne ouer my people Israel 3 Therefore came all the elders of Israel to the king to Hebron and Dauid made a couenaunt with them in Hebrō before the Lorde And they annoynted Dauid king ouer Israel according to the worde of the Lorde by the hande of Samuel 4 And Dauid and all Israel went to Hierusalem which is Iebus where as were the Iebusites the inhabiters of the lande 5 And the inhabiters of Iebus sayde to Dauid Thou commest not in here Neuerthelesse Dauid wan the castel of Sion which is called the citie of Dauid 6 And Dauid sayde Whosoeuer smyteth the Iebusites first shal be the principall captayne and a lorde So Ioab the sonne of Zaruia went first vp and was made the chiefe captayne 7 And Dauid dwelt in the castell Sion and therefore they called it the citie of Dauid 8 And he built the citie on euery syde euen from Millo round about and Ioab repaired the rest of the citie 9 And Dauid prospered waxed great the Lorde of hoastes was with him 10 These are the principall men of power whom Dauid had and that claue to him in his kingdome with all Israel to make him king according to the word of the Lorde ouer Israel 11 And this is the number of the mightie men whom Dauid had Iosobeam the sonne of Hachmoni the chiefe among thirtie he lift vp his speare against three hundred and wounded them at one tyme. 12 After him was Eleazar his vncles sonne an Ahothite which was one of the three mightiest 13 He was with Dauid at Pasdammim and there the Philistines were gathered together to battaile And there was there a parcell of grounde full of barly and the people fled before the Philistines 14 And they stept foorth into the middest of the fielde and saued it and slue the Philistines and the Lorde gaue a great victorie 15 And the three of the thirtie chiefe captaynes went to a rocke to Dauid into the caue Adullam And the hoast of the Philistines abode in the valley of Rephaim 16 And when Dauid was in the holde the Philistines watch was at Bethlehem that same tyme. 17 And Dauid longed and sayde Oh that one woulde geue me drinke of the water of the well that is at the gate at Bethlehem 18 And the three brake through the hoast of the Philistines and drewe water out of the wel that was by y e gate at Bethlehem and toke it and brought it to Dauid Neuerthelesse Dauid woulde not drinke of it but rather offered it to the Lorde 19 And sayd my God forbyd it me that I shoulde do this thing Shall I drinke the blood of these men that haue put their liues in ieoperdie for with the ieoperdie of their liues they brought it therefore he would not drinke it And this did these three mightiest 20 And Abisai the brother of Ioab he also was captayne among three For he lyft vp his speare against three hundred and wounded them and had a name among the three 21 Yea among three he was more honorable then the two for he was their captayne Howbeit he attayned not to the first three 22 Banaia y e sonne of Iehoiada the sonne of a very strong man which had done many actes of Cabzeel he slue two strong lions of Moab went downe and slue a lion in a pit in time of snowe 23 And he slue an Egyptian whose stature was euen fiue cubites long and in the Egyptians hand was a speare lyke a weauers beame And the other went downe to him with a waster plucked the speare out of the Egyptians hand and slue him with his owne speare 24 Such thinges did Banaia the sonne of Iehoiada and had the name among the three mightiest 25 And was honorable among thirtie but attayned not vnto the first three And Dauid made him of his counsaile 26 The other men of armes were these Asahel the brother of Ioab Elhanan his vncles sonne of Bethlehem 27 Samoth the Harodite Helez the Pelonite 28 Ira the sonne of Ickes the Thekoite Abieser the Anatothite 29 Sibbecai the Husathite Ilai the Ahohite 30 Maharai the Nepthophathite Heled the sonne of Baana the Nethophathite 31 Ithai the sonne of Ribai of Gibea that pertayned to the children of Beniamin Benaia the Phirathonite 32 Hurai of the riuers of Gaas Abiel the Arbathite 33 Azmaueth the Baharumite Elihaba the Salabonite 34 The sonnes of Hassem the Gezonite Ionathan the sonne of Sage an Hararite 35 Ahiam the sonne of Sacar the Hararite Eliphal the sonne of Vr. 36 Hepher the Mecherathite Ahia the Pelonite 37 Hezro the Carmelite
wyll fall into the pit whiche he hath made 16 For his labour shall come vpon his owne head and his wickednesse shall fall vpon his owne pate 17 I wyll prayse God accordyng to his ryghteousnesse I wyll sing psalmes vnto the name of the most high God The argument of the .viij. psalme ¶ Dauid setteth foorth the magnificencie of God acknowledged of babes and abiectes of this world he maruayleth at Gods workes and at the great exceeding loue of God to man who is exalted to that excellencie that he is Lorde ouer all thinges in this worlde ¶ To the chiefe musition vpon Gittith a psalme of Dauid 1 O God our Lorde howe excellent is thy name in all the earth for that thou hast set thy glory aboue the heauens 2 Out of the mouth of very babes and sucklinges thou hast layde the foundation of thy strength for thyne aduersaries sake that thou mightest styll the enemie and the auenger 3 For I will consider thy heauens euen the workes of thy fingers the moone and the starres whiche thou hast ordayned 4 What is man that thou art myndfull of him and the sonne of man that thou visitest hym 5 Thou hast made hym somthyng inferiour to angels thou hast crowned him with glory and worship 6 Thou makest hym to haue dominion of the workes of thy handes and thou hast put all thinges in subiection vnder his feete 7 All sheepe and oxen also the beastes of the fielde the foules of the ayre and the fishe of the sea and whatsoeuer swymmeth in the seas 8 O God our Lorde howe excellent great is thy name in all the earth ¶ The argument of the .ix. psalme ¶ Dauid prayseth God for the victorie that he had obtayned ouer his enemies attributyng it wholly to God He besecheth God to continue his mercy towarde hym that he may continually set foorth his prayses ¶ To the chiefe musition at the death of Labben a psalme of Dauid 1 I Wyl prayse God with all myne heart I wyl recite all thy marueylous workes 2 I wyll be glad reioyce in thee I wyll sing psalmes vnto thy name O thou most hyest 3 For that myne enemies are returned backwarde are fallen and perished at thy presence 4 For that thou hast geuen iudgement in my ryght and cause thou that iudgest right hast sit in the throne of iudgement 5 Thou hast rebuked the Heathen and destroyed the vngodly thou hast abolished their name for euer and euer 6 O thou enemie thou thoughtest to bryng vs to a perpetuall desolation * and to destroy our cities so that there shoulde remayne no memory of them 7 But God wyll sit for euer he hath prepared his throne for iudgement 8 For he wyll iudge the world in iustice and minister iudgement vnto the people in righteousnesse 9 God also wyll be a refuge for the oppressed euen a refuge in tyme of trouble 10 And they that knowe thy name wyll put their trust in thee for thou O God hast neuer fayled them that seeke thee 11 Sing psalmes vnto God abiding at Sion declare his notable actes among the people 12 For he maketh inquisition of blood he remembreth it and forgetteth not the complaynt of the poore 13 Haue mercy on me O God consider the trouble whiche I suffer of them that hate me lift me vp from the gates of death 14 That I may shewe all thy prayses within the gates of the daughter of Sion and reioyce in thy saluation 15 The Heathen are sunke downe into the pit that they made their owne foote is snared in the same net whiche they had layde priuily for other 16 God is knowen by the iudgement that he hath executed the vngodly is trapped in y e worke of his owne handes this ought to be considered alwayes Selah 17 The wicked shal be turned vnto hell and all people that forget God 18 But the poore shall not alway be forgotten neither shall the hope of the humble afflicted perishe for euer 19 Aryse vp O God let not man preuaile let the Heathen in thy sight be iudged 20 Put them in feare O God that the Heathen may knowe them selues to be but men Selah The argument of the .x. psalme ¶ The prophete as left in the handes of wicked aduersaries complayneth to God of their pryde malice crueltie euill maners craft and prosperitie he prayeth God to succour the fatherlesse and oppressed and to represse the malice of the wicked 1 WHy standest thou so farre of O God why hidest thee in the tyme of trouble 2 The vngodly of a wylfulnesse persecuteth the poore but euery one of them shal be taken in the craftie wylines that they haue imagined 3 For the vngodly prayseth according to his owne heartes desire and blessing the couetous he blasphemeth God 4 The vngodly looketh so proudly as though he cared for none at all neither is the Lorde in all his thoughtes 5 His wayes are alwayes greeuous but thy iudgementes are farre aboue out of his sight and therfore he snuffeth at all his enemies 6 He hath sayde in his heart tushe I can not be remoued for I can not be touched at any tyme with harme 7 His mouth is full of cursing and of deceate and of fraude vnder his tongue is labour and mischiefe 8 He sitteth lurkyng in theeuishe corners of the streates and priuily in lurking dennes he doth murther the innocent he eyeth diligently hym that is weake 9 He lieth in wayte lurking as a Lion in his denne he lyeth in wayte lurkyng * that he may violently carry away the afflicted he doth carry away violentlye the afflicted in halyng hym into his net 10 He croucheth and humbleth him selfe so that a number of thē that be weake fall by his myght 11 He sayeth in his heart tushe the Lord hath forgotten he hydeth away his face and he wyll neuer see it 12 Aryse vp O Lorde God lift vp thine hande forget not the afflicted 13 Wherefore shoulde the wicked blaspheme the Lorde whyle he sayeth in his heart that thou wylt not call to accompt 14 Surely thou hast seene this for thou beholdest labour and spite that thou mayest take the matter into thy hands he that is weake leaueth it for thee for thou art the helper of the fatherlesse 15 Breake thou the power of the vngodly and malitious searche thou out his vngodlynes and thou shalt finde none afterwarde in him 16 God is king for euer and euer but the Heathen shall perishe out of the lande 17 O God thou hast hearde the desire of the afflicted and thou wylt settle their heart 18 Thou wylt be attentiue with thyne eare to geue iudgement for the fatherlesse and oppressed so no man in the earth shall once go about hereafter to do them violence ¶ The argument of the .xi. psalme ¶ Dauid trusting in God complayneth of them who would not suffer him to hide him selfe in the
after and the people which shal be borne shall prayse the Lorde 17 For he hath loked downe from his high sanctuarie out of heauen did God beholde the earth 18 That he might heare the mourninges of such as be in captiuitie and delyuer the children of death 19 That they may declare y e name of God in Sion and his prayse at Hierusalem 20 When people were gathered together kyngdomes to serue God he afflicted my strength in the way he shortened my dayes 21 But I say O my God take me not away in the middest of myne age as for thy yeres they endure throughout all generations 22 Thou hast before tyme layde the foundation of the earth and the heauens are the worke of thy handes 23 They shall perishe but thou wylt remayne styll they all shall waxe olde as doth a garment and as a vesture thou wylt chaunge them and they shal be chaunged 24 But thou art and thy yeres can not fayle the children of thy seruauntes shal dwell and their seede shal be maynteyned in thy syght ¶ The argument of the .ciii. psalme ¶ The prophete stirreth vp hym selfe and all that is within hym to blesse God for such benefites as both he hym selfe and all the Israelites haue at his handes receaued in that he pardoneth their sinne redeemeth them from death and maketh his holy wyll knowen vnto them beyng men miserable and of a short lyfe Finally he calleth vpon angels and all sortes of men with all their power to blesse God who is kyng of heauen and earth 1 BLesse God O my soule and all that is within me prayse his holy name 2 Blesse God O my soule and forget not all his benefites 3 Who forgeueth all thy wickednesse and healeth all thine infirmities 4 Who redeemeth thy lyfe from destruction and crowneth thee with mercie and louyng kyndnesse 5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good thynges causyng thy youth lyke an Egles to be renued 6 God executeth iustice and iudgement for all them that are oppressed with wrong 7 He made his wayes knowen vnto Moyses his workes vnto the children of Israel 8 God is full of compassion and pitie loth to be angry and exceedyng great in mercie 9 He vseth not to continue in chydyng neither reserueth he his anger for euer 10 He dealeth not with vs accordyng to our sinnes nor rewardeth vs according to our wickednesse 11 For accordyng to the hyghnesse of heauen aboue the earth his mercie preuayleth to them that feare hym 12 Loke howe farre distaunt the east is from the west so farre a sunder setteth he our sinnes from vs. 13 Yea lyke as a father pitieth his owne children euen so is God mercifull vnto them that feare hym 14 For he knoweth wherof we be made he remembreth that we are but dust 15 The dayes of man are as the dayes of an hearbe he florisheth as a flowre in the fielde 16 For the winde passeth ouer it and it is no more seene and the place therof knoweth it no more 17 But the mercifull goodnesse of God endureth for euer and euer vpon them that feare hym and his righteousnesse vpon childers children 18 Euen vpon such as kepe his couenaunt and thinke vpon his commaundementes to do them 19 God hath prepared his seate in heauen and his kyngdome ruleth ouer all 20 Blesse God O ye his angels mightie in operation who fulfyll his worde in hearkening vnto the voyce of his word 21 Blesse God all ye his hoastes you his ministers that do his pleasure 22 Blesse God all you his workes in all places of his dominion O my soule blesse thou God The argument of the .ciiij. psalme ¶ The prophete blesseth God the creatour and gouernour of all thinges by whose prouidence man beast hath the vse of the ayre cloudes angels earth hilles valleys bread drinke trees sunne moone day nyght and sea 1 MY soule blesse thou God O God my Lord thou art become exceeding great thou hast put on glory and maiestie 2 Who is decked with light as it were with a garment spreadyng out the heauens like a curtayne 3 Who seeleth his vpper chaumbers with waters and maketh the cloudes his charriot and walketh vpon the wynges of the wynde 4 He maketh his angels spirites and his ministers a flaming fire 5 He hath layde the earth sure vpon her foundations that it can neuer moue at any tyme. 6 Thou coueredst it with the deepe lyke as with a garment the waters stande vpon the hilles 7 At thy rebuke they flee at the noyse of thy thunder they bluster downe apace 8 The hilles mount aloft and the valleys settle downe beneath vnto the place where thou hast layde a foundation for them 9 Thou hast set them their boundes which they shall not passe neither shall they returne agayne to couer the earth 10 Who also causeth the springes which runne betweene the hilles to flowe into the riuers 11 All beastes of the fielde drinke therof and the wylde asses quench their thirst 12 The foules of the ayre haue their habitation nigh vnto them singing out of the midst of the bowes of trees 13 He watereth the hilles from aboue the earth is replenished with the fruite of thy workes 14 He causeth grasse to growe for cattell * and hearbes for the vse of man 15 That he may bryng foorth foode out * of the earth both wine that maketh glad the heart of man and oyle to make hym haue a chearefull countenaunce also bread to strengthen mans heart 16 The trees of God be satisfied euen the Cedars of Libanus which he hath planted 17 Wherin the birdes make their nestes in the fyrre trees the storke buyldeth 18 The high hilles are a refuge for goates and so are the stonie rockes for comes 19 He hath made the moone for certayne seasons and the sunne knoweth his goyng downe 20 Thou makest darknes and it is night wherein all the beastes of the forrest do go abrode 21 The Lions do roare after a pray and in seeking their meate of God 22 When the sunne ariseth they recoyle backe and lay them downe to rest in their dennes 23 Man goeth foorth to his worke and to do his seruice vntyll the euening 24 O God howe manyfolde are thy workes thou hast made them al in wisdome the earth is ful of thy ryches 25 So is the sea it selfe large and wyde in compasse wherein are thinges creeping innumerable both small and great beastes 26 There go the shippes and there is that Leuiathan whom thou hast made to take his pastime therin 27 These wayte all vpon thee that thou mayest geue them meate in due season 28 When thou geuest it them they gather it and when thou openest thyne hand they are filled with that which is good 29 When thou hydest thy face they are troubled when thou takest away their spirite they dye and are turned agayne to their dust 30 When thou sendest
the kinges daughter of the south shall come to the kyng of the north for to make an agreement but she shall not retayne the power of the arme neither shall he continue nor his arme but she shal be deliuered to death and they that brought her and he that begat her and he that comforted her in these tunes 7 But out of the bud of her rootes shal one stande vp in his steede whiche shall come with an armie and shall enter into the fortresse of the kyng of the north and do with them as he list and shall preuayle 8 And shall also cary captiues into Egypt their gods with their molten images with their pretious vessels of siluer and of gold and he shall continue more yeres then the kyng of the north 9 So the kyng of the south shall come into his kyngdome and shall returne into his owne lande 10 Wherfore his sonnes shal be styrred vp and shall gather together a mightie great hoast of people one shal come and ouerflowe and passe through then shall he turne agayne and be stirred vp at his fortresse 11 Then y e king of the south shal be angry and shal come foorth to fight with him euen with the king of the north for he shall set foorth a great multitude the multitude shal be geuen into his hande 12 Then the multitude shal be proude and their heartes shal be lifted vp for he shall cast downe thousandes but he shall not still preuayle 13 For the kyng of the north shall returne and shal set foorth a greater multitude then afore and shall come foorth after certayne yeres with a mightie armie and great riches 14 And at the same time there shal manye stande vp against the kyng of the south â–ª so that the seditious chyldren of thy people also shall exalt them selues to establishe the vision but they shal fal 15 So the kyng of the north shal come cast vp amount take the strong cities and the armes of the south shall not resist neither his chosen people neither shal there be any strength to withstand 16 And when he commeth he shall handle him as he list and no man shal stand against him he shall stande in the pleasaunt lande whiche by his hande shal be consumed 17 Agayne he shall set his face to enter with the power of his whole kyngdome and his confederates with hym thus shall he do and he shall geue hym the daughter of women to destroy her but she shall not stande on his side neither before hym 18 After this shall he turne his face vnto the iles and shall take many but a prince shall cause his shame to light vpon him beside that he shall cause his owne shame to turne vpon him selfe 19 For he shal turne his face toward the fortes of his owne lande but he shal be ouerthrowen and fall and be no more founde 20 Then shall stande vp in his place a rayser of taxes in the glory of the kingdome after a fewe dayes he shal be destroyed neither in wrath nor in battel 21 In his steede there shal stande vp a vyle person to whom they shal not geue the honour of the kingdome but he shall come in peaceably and obtaine the kingdome with flatteries 22 And the armes shal be ouerflowed with a flud before hym and shal be broken also the prince of the couenaunt 23 And after the leage made with him he shall worke deceiptfully for he shall come vp and ouercome with a small people 24 He shal enter into the quiet and plentifull prouince and he shal do that which his fathers haue not done nor his fathers fathers he shall deuide among them the pray and the spoyle and the substaunce yea and he shall forecast his deuices against the strong holdes euen for a tyme. 25 Also his power heart shall he stirre vp with a great armie against the kyng of the south the kyng of the south shal be moued vnto battayle with a great and a mightie hoast also neuerthelesse he shal not stande for they shall forecast deuices against him 26 Yea they that feede of the portion of his meate shal destroy him and his armie shall ouerflowe and many shall fall and be slaine 27 These two kinges hartes shal be to do mischiefe they shall talke of deceipt at one table but it shal not prosper for yet the ende shal be at y e time appointed 28 Then shall he go home agayne into his lande with great substaunce and set his heart against the holy couenaunt so shall he do and returne to his owne lande 29 At the tyme appointed he shall come agayne and go towarde the south but the last shall not be as the first 30 For the ships of Chithim shall come against him therfore he shal be sorie and returne and fret against the holy couenaunt so shall he do he shall euen returne and haue intelligence with them that forsake the holy couenaunt 31 And armes shall stande on his part and they shall pollute the sanctuarie of strength and shall take away the dayly sacrifice and they shall set vp the abhominable desolation 32 And such as wickedly breake the couenaunt shall he cause to sinne by flatterie but the people that knowe their God shall preuayle and prosper 33 Those also that haue vnderstanding among the people shall enfourme the multitude and for a long season thei shall fall with sworde with fire with captiuitie and with the taking away of their goodes 34 Nowe when they shall fall they shal be holpen with a litle helpe but many shall cleaue vnto them faynedly 35 Yea some of those that haue vnderstanding shall fall that they may be tryed purified and made whyte tyll the tyme be out for there is a tyme appointed 36 And a kyng shall do what hym list he shall exalt and magnifie hym selfe against al that is God yea he shal speake marueylous thinges against the God of Gods and he shall prosper tyll the wrath be fulfilled for the determination is made 37 He shall not regarde the God of his fathers nor the desires of women yea he shall not care for any God for he shall magnifie him selfe aboue all 38 But in his place shall he honour the God Mauzzim and the God whom his fathers knewe not shall he honour with golde and siluer with pretious stones and pleasaunt thinges 39 Thus shall he do in the holdes of Mauzzim with a straunge God whom he shall acknowledge he shall encrease his glory shal cause them to rule ouer many shall deuide the land for gayne 40 And at the ende of tyme shall the king of the south pushe at hym the king of the north shall come against him lyke a
spirite of discipline fleeth from deceipt and withdraweth hym selfe from thoughtes that are without vnderstanding and is declared when wickednesse commeth 6 For the spirite of wysdome is louing and will not absolue hym that blasphemeth with his lippes for God is witnesse of his raynes and a true beholder of his heart an hearer of his tongue 7 For the spirite of the Lorde filleth the rounde compasse of the worlde and the same that vpholdeth all thinges hath knowledge also of the voyce 8 Therfore he that speaketh vnrighteous thinges can not be hid neither shall the iudgement of reprofe let him escape 9 And why inquisition shal be made for the thoughtes of the vngodly and the sounde of his wordes shall come vnto God so that his wickednesse shal be punished 10 For the eare of ielousie heareth all thinges the noyse of the grudginges shall not be hid 11 Therefore beware of murmuring whiche is nothing worth and refraine your tongue from sclaunder For there is no worde so secrete that it shall go for naught and the mouth that speaketh lyes slayeth the soule 12 O seeke not your owne death in the errour of your lyfe destroy not your selues thorowe the workes of your owne handes 13 For God hath not made death neither hath he pleasure in the destruction of the liuing 14 For he created all thinges that they might haue their being and the generations of the worlde were healthfull and there is no poyson of destruction in them nor the kyngdome of hell vpon the earth 15 For righteousnesse is euerlasting and immortall but vnrighteousnesse bringeth death 16 Neuerthelesse the vngodly call it vnto them both with workes and wordes and whyle they thinke to haue it their friende they come to naught they haue made an agreement with it for they are worthy to be of her part ¶ The .ii. Chapter The imaginations and desires of the wicked and theyr counsayle against the faythfull 1 FOr the vngodly say reasoning with them selues but not a right our life is short and tedious and in the death of a man there is no remedie neither is there any man knowen to haue returned from the graue 2 For we are borne at all aduenture and we shal be here by more fortune after as though we had neuer ben for our breath is as a smoke in our nosetrilles and wordes as a sparke raysed out of our heartes 3 Whiche being extinquished our body shal be turned into ashes and our spirite shall vanishe as the soft ayre 4 Our life shall passe away as the trace of a cloude and come to naught as the miste that is driuen away with the beames of the sunne and put downe with the heate thereof Our name also shal be forgotten by litle and litle and no man shall haue our workes in remembraunce 5 For our tyme is a very shadowe that passeth away and after our ende there is no returning for it is fast sealed so that no man commeth agayne 6 Come on therefore let vs enioy the pleasures that are present and let vs chearefully vse the creatures like as in youth 7 Let vs fill our selues with good wine and oyntment and let there no flowre of the tyme escape vs 8 Let vs crowne our selues with rose buddes afore they be withered 9 Let there be no fayre medowe but our lust go thorowe it Let euery one of vs be partakers of our volupteousnes let vs leaue some token of our pleasure in euery place for that is our portion and this only our lot 10 Let vs oppresse the poore righteous let vs not spare the wydowe nor olde man let vs not regarde the heades that are gray for age 11 Let the lawe of vnrighteousnesse be our strength for the thing that is feeble is nothing worth 12 Therefore let vs defraude the righteous and why he is not for our profite yea he is cleane contrary to our doinges he checketh vs for offending against the lawe and slaundereth the faultes of our maner of liuing 13 He maketh his boast to haue the knowledge of God yea he calleth hym selfe Gods sonne 14 He is made vnto vs for reproffe of our thoughtes 15 It greeueth vs also to looke vpon him for his life is not like other mens his wayes are of another fashion 16 He counteth vs but vayne persons he withdraweth hym selfe from our wayes as from filthynes he commendeth greatly the latter ende of the iust and maketh his boast that God is his father 17 Let vs see then if his wordes be true let vs proue what shall happen in the ende of hym 18 For if the iust man be the sonne of god he wyll receaue hym and deliuer hym from the handes of his enemies 19 Let vs examine him with despitefull rebuke and tormenting that we may know his meekenesse and proue his pacience 20 Let vs condempne him with the most shamefull death for as him selfe saith he shal be rewarded of God 21 Suche thinges do they imagine and go astray for their owne wickednesse hath blinded them 22 As for the mysteries of God they vnderstande them not they neither hope for the rewarde of righteousnesse nor regarde the worship that holy soules shall haue 23 For God created man to be vndestroyed yea after the image of his owne lykenes made he hym 24 Neuerthelesse thorowe enuie of the deuyll came death into the worlde and they that helde of his side do finde it The .iij. Chapter 1 The conseruation and assuraunce of the ryghteous 7 The rewarde of the faythfull 11 Who are miserable 1 BVt the soules of the ryghteous are in the hande of God there shal no torment touche them 2 In the syght of the vnwise they appeared to die their ende is taken for miserie 3 And their departyng from vs to be vtter destruction but they are in rest 4 For though they suffer payne before men yet is their hope full of immortalitie 5 They are punished but in few thinges neuerthelesse in many thinges shal they be well rewarded for God proueth thē and findeth them meete for hym selfe 6 As golde in the furnace doth he trye them and receaueth them as a burnt offeryng and when the tyme commeth they shal be loked vpon 7 They shall shyne and runne through as the sparkcles among the stubble 8 They shal iudge the nations and haue dominion ouer the people and their Lorde shall raigne for euer 9 They that put their trust in him shall vnderstande the trueth and such as be faythfull shall perseuer with hym in loue for his saintes haue grace mercie and he hath care for his elected 10 But the vngodly shal be punished accordyng to their owne imaginations for they haue dispised the righteous and forsaken the Lorde 11 For who so dispiseth wisdome and nurture he is vnhappy and as for the hope of such it is but vayne their labours vnfruitfull and their workes vnprofitable 12 Their wyues are vndiscrete and
raigneth after the death of Ptolomeus 22 Sion is besieged of Ionathas 42 Demetrius seing that no man resisteth hym sendeth his armie againe 54 Tryphon moueth Antiochus against Demetrius 60 Demetrius is deliuered by the succour of Ionathas 63 After his deliueraunce he breaketh his couenaunt that he had made 1 ANd the king of Egypt gathered an hoast like the sande that lyeth vpon the sea shore and many shippes went about thorow disceyte to obtayne the kingdome of Alexander and to ioyne it vnto his owne realme 2 Vpon this he toke his iourney into Syria vsing gentle wordes so that he was letten into the cities men came foorth to meete hym for king Alexander had commaunded them so to do because he was his father in lawe 3 Nowe when Ptolomi entred into any citie he left men of warre to kepe it and this he did thorowout all the cities 4 And when he came to Azotus they shewed hym the temple of Dagon and Azotus that was brent vp with the other thinges which were destroyed the dead bodies cast abrode and the graues that they had made by the way side for such as were slayne in the fielde 5 And tolde the king that Ionathas had done all these thinges to the intent they might get him euyll will But the king sayde not one worde therto 6 And Ionathas mette the king with great honour at Ioppa where they saluted one an other and toke their rest 7 So when Ionathas had gone with the king vnto the water that was called Eleutherus he turned againe to Hierusalem 8 Nowe Ptolomi had gotten the dominion of the cities vnto Seleucia vpon the sea coast imagining wicked counsels against Alexander 9 And sent ambassadours vnto Demetrius saying Come let vs make a bonde betwixt vs so shall I geue thee my daughter that Alexander hath and thou shalt raigne in thy fathers kingdome 10 I repent that I gaue Alexander my daughter for he goeth about to slay me 11 And thus he slaundered Alexander because he woude haue had his realme 12 Thus he toke his daughter from him gaue her vnto Demetrius and forsoke Alexander so that his malice was openly knowen 13 And Ptolomi came to Antioch where he set two crownes vpon his owne head the crowne of Egypt and of Asia 14 In the meane season was king Alexander in Cilicia for they that dwelt in those places had rebelled against hym 15 But when Alexander hearde of this he came to warre against hym So king Ptolomi brought foorth his hoast and mette him with a mightie power and chased him away 16 Then fled Alexander into Arabia there to be defended and king Ptolomeus honour increased 17 And Zabdiel the Arabian smote of Alexanders head sent it vnto Ptolomi 18 But the thirde day after died king Ptolomi hym selfe and they whom he had set in the strong holdes were slayne one of another 19 And Demetrius raigned in the hundred threscore and seuenth yere 20 At the same time gathered Ionathas them that were in Iurie to lay siege vnto the castle which was at Hierusalem so they made many instrumentes of warre against it 21 Then went there certayne vngodly persons whiche hated their owne people vnto king Demetrius and told hym that Ionathas besieged the castle 22 So when he hearde it he was angry and immediatly came vnto Ptolomais wrote vnto Ionathas that he should not lay siege to the castle but come and speake with hym at Ptolomais in all haste 23 Neuerthelesse when Ionathas heard this he commaunded to besiege it He chose also certayne of the elders and priestes of Israel and put him selfe in peryll 24 And toke with him golde siluer clothing and diuers presentes and went to Ptolomais vnto the king and found● him gracious 25 And though certayne vngodly men of his owne people made complayntes vpon him 26 Yet the king intreated him like as his predecessours had done before and promoted hym in the sight of all his friendes 27 Confirmed hym in the hye priesthood with all the worship that he had afore and made him his chiefe friend 28 Ionathas also desired the king that he woulde make Iurie free with the three head cities of Samaria and the landes perteyning therto vpon this did Ionathas promise hym three hundred talentes 29 Wherunto the king consented and gaue Ionathas wryting of the same conteyning these wordes 30 King Demetrius sendeth greeting vnto his brother Ionathas and to the people of the Iewes 31 We sende you here a copie of the letter which we did write vnto our cosen Lasthenus concerning you that ye shoulde knowe it 32 King Demetrius sendeth greeting vnto Lasthenus his father 33 For the faythfulnesse that our friendes the people of the Iewes kepe vnto vs and for the louing kindnesse which they beare towarde vs we are determined to do them good 34 Wherfore we assigne vnto the coastes of Iudea the three gouernemētes Afferema Lydda and Ramatha whiche are added vnto Iurie from Samaria and all the landes pertayning therevnto to be freely separated for such as do sacrifice in Hierusalem both concerning the paymentes whiche the king toke yerely aforetime the fruite also of the earth and trees 35 As for other tithes and tributes that belonged vnto vs we discharge them therof from this time foorth 36 In like maner we graunt vnto them all the customes of salt crowne taxes which were brought vnto vs and this freedome shal they haue firme and stedfast from this time foorth for euermore 37 Therefore see that ye make a copie of these our letters and deliuer it vnto Ionathas that it may be set vpon the holy mount in a conuenient place 38 After this when Demetrius the king sawe that his land was in rest and that no resistaunce was made against him he sent away all his hoast euery man to his owne place except certayne bandes of straungers whom he brought from the Iles of the heathen wherefore all his fathers hoast hated him 39 Now was ther one Tryphon that had ben of Alexanders part afore whiche when he saw that all the hoast murmured against Demetrius he went to Samalcue the Arabian that brought vp Antiochus the sonne of Alexander 40 And lay sore vpon him to deliuer hym this young Antiochus that he might raine in his fathers steade He tolde him also what great euyll Demetrius had done how his men of warre loued him not so remayned there a long season 41 And Ionathas sent vnto king Demetrius to driue them out which were in the castle at Hierusalem and those that were in the fortresses for they dyd Israel great harme 42 So Demetrius sent word vnto Ionathas saying I will not only do these thinges for thee and thy people but at time conuenient I wil do both thee and thy people great worship 43 But now thou shalt do me a pleasure if thou wilt sende me men to helpe me for all myne armie is gone fro me 44 So
my realme shal be free 44 For the buylding also and repayring of the worke of the sanctuarie expences shal be geuen out of the kinges reuenues 45 Yea and for the making of the walles rounde about Hierusalem for the breaking downe of the olde and for the setting vp of the strong holdes in Iurie shall the costes and charges be geuen out of the kinges reuenues 46 But when Ionathas and the people hearde these wordes they gaue no credence vnto them neither receaued them for they remembred the great wickednesse that he had done vnto Israel and howe sore he had vexed them 47 Wherfore they agreed vnto Alexanander for he was a prince that had dealt friendly with them and so they stoode by him alway 48 Then gathered king Alexander a great hoast and brought his armie against Demetrius 49 So the two kinges stroke battayle together but Demetrius hoast fled and Alexander folowed after and fell vpon them 50 A mightie sore fielde was it continuing till the sunne went downe and Demetrius was slayne the same day 51 And Alexander sent ambassadours vnto Ptolomi the king of Egypt with these wordes saying 52 Forsomuch as I am come againe to my realme and am set in the throne of my progenitours and haue gotten the dominion ouercommed Demetrius 53 Conquered the lande striken a fielde with hym so that we haue discomfited both hym and his hoast and sit in the throne of his kingdome 54 Let vs nowe make friendship together geue me thy daughter to wyfe so shal I be thy sonne in lawe and both geue thee rewardes and her accordyng to thy dignitie 55 Ptolomi the king gaue aunswere saying Happy be the day wherein thou art come againe to the lande of thy progenitours and set in the throne of their kingdome 56 And nowe will I fulfill thy wryting but meete me at Ptolomais that we may see one another and that I may marry my daughter vnto thee according to thy desire 57 So Ptolomi went out of Egypt with his daughter Cleopatra and came vnto Ptolomais in the hundred threescore and two yere 58 Where king Alexander mette hym and he gaue Alexander his daughter Cleopatra and maried them at Ptolomais with great worship like as the maner of kinges is to be 59 Then wrote king Alexander vnto Ionathas that he shoulde come and meete him 60 So he went honorably vnto Ptolomais there he mette the two kinges and gaue them and their friendes great presentes of golde and siluer and founde fauour in their sight 61 And there came together against Ionathas certayne wicked men and vngratious persons of Israel making complayntes of him but the king regarded them not 62 As for Ionathas the king commaunded to take of his garmentes to cloth him in purple and so they did Then the king appoynted him to sit by him 63 And sayde vnto his princes Go with him into the middest of the citie make a proclamation that no man complayne against him of any matter and that no man trouble hym for any maner of cause 64 So it happened that when his accusers sawe the worship whiche was proclaymed of hym that he was clothed in purple they fled euery one 65 And the king made much of him wrote hym among his chiefe friendes made hym a duke and partaker of his dominion 66 Thus Ionathas went againe to Hierusalem with peace and gladnesse 67 In the hundred threescore fyft yere came Demetrius the sonne of Demetrius from Creta into his fathers lande 68 Wherof when Alexander heard tell he was right sory and returned vnto Antioch 69 And Demetrius chose Apollonius whiche had the gouernaunce of Celosiria to be his captayne So he gathered a great hoast and came vnto Iamnia sent worde vnto Ionathas the hygh priest saying 70 Darest thou withstande vs thy selfe alone As for me I am but laughed to scorne and shamed because thou diddest vaunte thy strength against vs in the mountaynes 71 Now therfore if thou trustest in thyne owne strength come downe to vs into the playne fielde there let vs trye the matter together for thou shalt knowe that I haue the strength of many cities 72 And shalt knowe who I am and the other that stand by me which say That your foote is not able to stande before our face for thy fathers haue ben twyse chased in their owne lande 73 And nowe howe wilt thou be able to abyde so great an hoast of horsemen and footemen in the fielde where as is neither rocke stone nor place to flee vnto 74 When Ionathas hearde the wordes of Apollonius he was moued in his mynde wherfore he chose ten thousand men and went out of Hierusalem and Simon his brother mette hym for to helpe hym 75 And they pitched their tentes at Ioppa but the citie kept hym foorth for Apollonius garrison was in Ioppa 76 Then Ionathas layed siege to it and they that were in the citie for very feare let him in and so Ionathas wan Ioppa 77 Apollonius hearing of this toke three thousand horsemen with a great hoast on foote and went to Azotus as though he woulde go further and came immediatly into the playne fielde because he had so many horsemen and put his trust in them 78 So Ionathas folowed vpon hym to Azotus and the army skirmished with his rereward and there they stroke the battayle 79 Nowe had Apollonius left a thousande horsemen behynde them priuily in the tentes 80 And when Ionathas knewe that such wayte was layed behynde them they went rounde about the enemies hoast and shot dartes at the people from the morning to the euening 81 As for Ionathas people they kept their order as he had commaunded them and the enemies horses were weery 82 Then brought Simon foorth his hoast and set them against the footemen for the horsemen were weery alredy So he discomfited them and they fled 83 And they that were scattered in the fielde gat them to Azotus and came into the temple of Dagon their idoll that they might there saue their liues 84 But Ionathas set fire vpon Azotus and all the cities rounde about it and toke their goodes and brent vp the temple of Dagon with all them that were fled into it 85 Thus were slayne and brent welnye eyght thousande men 86 So Ionathas remoued the hoast from thence and brought them to Ascalon where the men of the citie came foorth and mette him with great worship 87 After this went Ionathas and his hoast againe to Hierusalem with great substaunce of good 88 And when king Alexander heard these thinges he thought to do Ionathas more worship 89 And sent him a coller of gold as the vse is to be geuen vnto such as are of the kinges next blood He gaue him also the citie of Accaron with the landes belonging therto in possession The .xi. Chapter 3 The discention betwixt Ptolomeus and Alexander his sonne in lawe 17 The death of Alexander 19 Demetrius