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A05311 The sanctuarie of saluation, helmet of health, and mirrour of modestie and good maners wherein is contained an exhortation vnto the institution of Christian, vertuous, honest, and laudable life, very behoouefull, holsome and fruitfull both to highest and lowest degrees of men ... / written in Latin verie learnedly and elegantlie by Leuinus Lemnius of Zirizaa, physitian, and Englished by H.K. for the common commoditie and comfort of them which understand not the Latine tongue ... Lemnius, Levinus, 1505-1568.; Kinder, Hugh. 1592 (1592) STC 15454.5; ESTC S3877 132,793 266

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miserable Mat. 24. and sorrowfull dayes for so he prouideth for his children in the middest of their troubles Yet a verie little while Hebr. 10. and he that shall come will come and will not carie as he himselfe promiseth saying Reuel 22. Behold I come shortly and my reward is with me to giue euery man according as his worke shall be Therefore he will come shortly to comfort vs which haue the 〈◊〉 fruits of his Spirit Rom. 8. which mourne in our selues and looke and waite for the adoption euen the deliuerance of our bodie Philipp 3. 1. Thess 4. And he will come to change o●… vile bodies and make them like vnto his glorious bodie to receiue vs vp in glorie that we may euer be with him Bur we must beware that we esteeme not the length nor shortnesse of the Lords comming by our owne imaginations but with all pacience ●… be constant and reioyce in all our tribulations 2. Pet. 3. for the Lord is not slacke concerning his promise O how ioyfull shall his comming bee to all them that looke for the same paciently and faithfully O how terrible and dreadfull shall the fight of him bee to them the pierced him Zach. 12. Phis 3. 2. Tim. 3. Heb. 6. Luke 16. 17. Marke 16. Luke 16. 20. Ioh. 12. Rom. 9. Rom. 2. Mat. 25. 2. Cor. 5. to the enemies of his crosse to them that resist the truth to them that crucifie him afre● to the hypocrites and vnbeleeuers to them that ●…stifie themselues and haue not attained the righteousnesse of faith Vpon them shall that elect and precious stone fall and all to grind them to powder Vpon them shall come indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish vpon the soule of euery man that doth euill When the sonne of man commeth in his glorie and all the holy Angels with him then shall he sit vpon the throne of his glorie and before hi● shall be gathered all nations Therefore remembring and considering that we must all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ that euery man may receiue the things that are done in his bodie according to that he hath don whether it be good as euill It behooueth vs as the Psalmist saith to number our dayes Psal 90. that wee may applie our hearts v●… wisdome The daies of our pilgrimage as Iacob saith are few and euill Gen. 47. which when they are past wee can not call againe as the Poet hereunto alludeth V●… irreuocabile tempus Let vs therefore follow the admonition of the Apostle Ephes 5. and redeeme the time because the dayes are euill and recompence the race of lewde life that we haue runne with godly conuersation all the residue of our age And forasmuch as wee commonly consume and lose the most and best part of our age and life time especially youth in vanities and friuolous delights wee must beware Luke 21. least our hearts be oppressed and ouercome with cares with sensualitie with intemperance with concupiscence and voluptuousnes and so death come hastily vpon vs and preuent vs Eccles 12 before we remember our creator now in the dayes of our youth wealth and prosperitie 1. Thess 5. and least the day of the Lord comming as vncertainly and suddenly as a theefe in the night take vs vnwares and finde vs vnprepared and prouided But let vs watch diligently and continually for the defence and safegard of our houses that is to say of these our earthly and transitorie tabernacles Mat. 24. our fraile bodies and let vs not suffer them to be broken vp and digged through and the treasures of our soules dearely bought Hebr. 9. and our consciences purged with the bloud of Iesus Christ to be spoyled and caried away vnto perdition by the vncleane spirite which neuer resteth vntill he returne vnto the place from whence he came out Mat. 12. if he can find ingresse and regresse possibly and maketh the end of his captiue farre worse and more miserable then the beginning And let vs through assured faith in Christ Iesus Mat. 6. lay vp for our soules incorruptible and vnmoueable treasures in heauen and whilest we are in these tabernacles let vs keepe surely and safely the same treasures of the grace of Christ Iesus in these our earthen vessels 2. Cor. 4. Happie are they that haue their loynes girded about and waite for their master with their lights or lamps burning in their hāds Luke 12. the light whereof shineth to the glorie and praise of God and to the good example of men and edification of the Church of Christ whose godly vertuous and honest conuersation euen the Gentile superstitious idolatrous people beholding 1. Pet. 2. are moued and induced thereby to extoll and magnifie the name of god in the day when God dooth mollifie open and illuminate their blind and hard harts by the light of the Gospel of Iesus Christ If we would consider howe short momentanie miserable our life is we should neuer bee drawne with any earthly pleasures and worldly delights which indeed are nothing else but miseries from the most comfortable contemplation cogitation and desire of that life to come which so farre excedeth this as no heart is able to conceiue nor tongue expresse For as the Apostle sayeth The thinges which eie hath not seene neither eare hath heard 1. Cor. 2. neyther came into mans hart are which God hath prepared for them that loue him Esai 64. So that no mortall man can thinke Gods prouidence towards his The eternitie of which incomprehensible and inexplicable felicitie may be perceyued by these wordes Eccles 18. lyke as drops of rayne are vnto the sea and as a grauell stone is vnto the sand euen so is a thousand yeares vnto the daies euerlasting But as for our life what is it els but a vapour Iam. 4. that appeareth for a little tyme and then vanisheth awaie Dauid very aptly likeneth and resembleth the life of man somtyme to a spanne Psal 39. Psal 90. somtime to a shadowe somtime to sleepe sometime to a wind that passeth ouer and cōmeth not agayne sometime to a dreame somtime to a tale that is told Psal 49 62 102 103 73. 78. the remembrance whereof is soone and suddainly gone sometime to vanitie sometime to a flower to hay to grasse to beasts that perish And therefore he oftentimes complaineth of the shortnesse of his age and life time Full well in deed may our life be likened to a dreame the delights pleasures therof do so soone vanish away euen as cōmonly it cōmeth to passe in a dreame when one awaketh For a man dreameth that he hath great plētie of delicious meates and banketting cheare when he awaketh he feeleth nothing but hunger Againe in sleepe a man weeneth that he hath abundance of riches golde and siluer and worldly wealth and being awaked findeth nothing but pouertie
growing on trees called Polipodie sene rubarbe wilde or bastard saffrō or as we call it English saffron epithyme which is a weed that groweth winding about thyme and hath a flower like thyme It is vsed as a gentle purger of melancholie cassia manna which is a maner of dew congelated on trees and plants and so is gathered in certaine countreys and reserued as a gentle purger of choler It is also called Melaerium As for scamonie the roote of the herbe tripolium commonly called Turbit Mezereon and such like strong purgatiue medicines doe debilitate and ouerthrowe the strength and therefore are not to bee ministred but vnto them that bee of strong nature and constitution when as a shrewd knotte requireth a shrewd wedge Things that binde the belly But if the belly be more loose then is conuenient for the health it may be stinted and stayed with often vsing of red mynt and with the confection or syrop therof tempered with honie which is euery where to be had in the Apothecaries shoppes Quinces likewise that haue tender mosinesse any confection of them do binde corroborate the belly likewise red roses To these may you adde medlers before they come to their kindly moystnes softnes and tendernes in like maner heppes whose kernell within is full of stones but they are of a sweet and pleasant taste and therewithall tarte and binding Rhus Ponticum which our countrey 〈◊〉 Ribes or Respes which stirreth vp the app●tite marueilously and driueth away the ab●…ring and loathing which a weak stomack 〈◊〉 when it is ready to vomite and strengthneth ●… with vertue retentiue especiallie in sum●… time when as cholericke humor washeth 〈◊〉 intrayles much and prouoketh fluxe to which vse and effect the iuice therof being tempered with sugar What it is that Auicenna calleth Rob. which Auicenna calleth Rob in singular medicine and ready remedy for it stayeth the panch that is annoyed with too great a fluxe it raiseth vp the weaknesse of the appetite and stirreth vp a good desire to eate as doe also pomegranates hauing within them red kernels full of corners which bee i● taste somtime sweete somtime tarte Studious and politique persons must often times purge the pores by which the excrements are euacuated CHAP. 28. The pores are ordained to purge the excrements GOD the Creator of mans body hath not without great cause and good consideration made so many passages and wayes for the purging out of humors and the clensing forth of excrements lest in very deede man shoulde happen to bee ouerthrowen with the great abundance of them and bee suffocated and ●trangled with the vapours which proceede from them So the head purgeth and exone●ateth it selfe by the nostrels eares and roufe of the mouth with spitting and sneesing The breast and lungs bringe out fleume by the artery of the voyce or windepipe with coughing The stomacke or ventricle draweth out the pumpe or sinke by vomite and belchings The bowels cleanse themselues by the belly or panche and shutting foorth ven●ositie at the backe doore doe washe the gutter cleane from fylth and dregges The reynes and bladder deriue and cary the vrine by the passages and conduits thereof And the superficiall or outward parte of the body dryueth out the soote-like vapours and sweat-breeding exhalations by the skin that is full of pores and hath a passage thorow it by many little holes Wherefore seeing that the body cannot continue in sound and perfect health vnlesse all the partes thereof bee well ordered and in good state and fulfill euery one their function and office without any annoyaunce or hurte care and diligence must bee employed herein specially that no disorder or distemperance growe vp in the bodie whereby the action or working of the instruments thereof might either bee marred or made worse For the minde vseth the ministerie of these and thereby bringeth to passe excellent enterprises If some disease molest if the head bee troubled with heauinesse if fleume be grieuous if the 〈◊〉 or strangurie or dropping of the vrine do● vexe if dimnesse or blearenesse corrupt the eyes if the handes or feete bee afflicted with the gowte Horat. in Arte. If any man with noysome scabbe or iaundise troubled be mans minde can not speedily fulfill or execute any office affayres or businesse appointed For which cause those men may bee reputed wise which seeke to haue regard of health to purge and clense the body and the partes thereof from all excrements For so the mind or intellectiue power is more cleare and made the more apt able and conuenient for euery action A great sorte of men neglecting all comely and due order and hauing no respect of health doe gape for riches and are onely and wholly bent vnto the desire of getting and scraping of worldly goods together when as yet notwithstanding sound health is better then golde Health is better thē golde and nothing more worthy to bee wished for then the tranquilitie and quietnesse of the minde Horace confirmeth the same in these verses Horat. lib. 1 epistol 12. Ad Iccium If belly and sides be well in health and feete doe feele no paine What greater good in royall wealth can to a King remayne No house no ferme no heape of coyne the owners body saues From feuers nor from cares the minde which tosse like raging waues And to the ende he might bring euery man to a temperate and moderate vse of things he addeth further Horat. lib. 1 Epistol 2. Ad Lollium The owner must be sound in health if he minde well to vse His substance and acquired wealth and counsaile not refuse To which wordes the wise Hebrue plainly and wholly agreeth thus Eccles 30. Better it is to bee poore being whole and strong then to bee rich and not to haue health Health and good liking is aboue all golde and a sound bodie is better thā great riches There is no riches better then health of bodie nor any delight greater thē the gladnesse of the minde and ioy of the heart Wisd 4. Eccles 30. Therefore felicitie must not bee measured by the abundant plenty of riches or prosperous successe of things but by perfect health and vnreproueable soundnesse of body and mind For in very deede that man both liueth and hath the fruition of health and welfare which enioyeth the pleasure commoditie of these things without any annoyance or inconuenience Holesome precepts necessary and requisite aswell for the minde as for the body CAP. 29. THere bee three thinges accompted very holesome in the opinion and iudgement of all men and therefore it is meet for euery man to obserue them namely To feede without fulnesse Not to refuse labour To conserue the seed of nature To the which I haue opposed iump so many very vnholsome things which do not only bring sicknes diseases but also do accelerate old age before the time and destroy men with hasty death vz. To bee stuffed
doe shore and proppe vp a vine whereon it is sustained and being as it were maried ioyned and nayled thereunto groweth vp exceedingly and spreadeth it selfe very largely For as a vine destitute of proppes and shores Matrimony compared to a vine falleth downe and lyeth flat on the ground so doth matrimonie also fall and houshold wealth decay vnles it be vpholden with mutuall helpe and diligence of man and woman But if there be any enormitie in this societie if any inconuenience suspitions tumults disquietnesse or discord doe inuade the maried couple it must be rather imputed and ascribed to the affections perturbations Mens affections are to be blamed not nature and waywardnesse of both sexes then to this institution and ordinance For these enormities are not proper to wedlocke but be the offences and vices of our depraued and corrupt nature and of a troublous mind which we haue gotten by the spot of originall sinne vpon which all the blame ought to be layed How and by what meanes it may be brought to passe that death be not terrible to a man of lewd and naughtie nature CHAP. 56. COnsidering that in humane estate there is nothing permanent nothing sure stedfast but all things yea euen the best commended most approued are momentanie fraile We must haue no trust in caducall things transitorie and doe soone faile and fall there is no cause why a man should greatly loue like extoll and esteeme the same and be delighted withall more then is meete but rather erect and lift vp his minde and heart vnto the heauenly habitations and regarde consider meditate and muse vpon thinges perfect sure and eternall For whosoeuer fixeth in his heart vndoubted trust in GOD the father by Christ Iesus and thereupon groundeth the sure hope and expectation of immortalitie Assured trust in Christ putteth away the feare of death he need not feare any imminent chaunces and endammagements he hath 〈◊〉 cause to dread sicknesse calamities daungers no nor finally death whereof those men specially be sore afrayd who are destitute of the Spirit of God not endued with any knowledge of the deitie For they which put the● confidence in GOD being strengthened and supported with his holy spirit doe boldly and manly without any feare or discouraging stand and abide against all aduersities For as S. Paule saith Rom. 8. 2. Tim. 1. Gal. 4. We haue not receiued the spirit of bondage or of feare but the spirit of adoption of power and of loue by whom we boldly cry Abba father Herein saith S. Iohn 1. Ioh. 4. is the loue perfect with vs that we should haue trust in the day of iudgement There is no feare in loue but perfect loue casteth out all feare for feare bringeth painfulnesse or trembling dread Therefore to the end we may shake off all feare and driue out of our minds all dread of death and whatsoeuer it be that causeth trembling horror let vs cast all our care on our bountifull father and referre and erect all our thoughts our hope Coloss 2. our prayers and our whole trust and confidence vnto him and vnto Iesus Christ who hath purged cleansed and cleared vs with his bloud Christ hath ouercome death and hath deliuered vs and set vs at libertie from sinne and from the tyrannie of death and hath blotted out rased and quite cancelled the obligation or handwriting which was against vs A similitude of thē that be in great debt wherewith wee were bound and as it were indebted to the diuell Moreouer Christ our Sauiour to the end he might comfort and fortifie mens fearefull minds and declare that all our hope and trust consisteth and resteth in him saith thus Ioh. 16. Be of good comfort I haue ouercome the world Now is the Prince of this world iudged that is to say he which brought in death is repulsed by my death and condemned in iudgement and deposed from his power to doe hurt whereof hee is depriued Ioh. 14. The Prince of this world commeth and hath not any thing in mee By the comfort of which words he sheweth manifestly that Satan Christ is a terror to Satan and those which in this world by sinne are his confederates hath no power against Christ or his members which cleaue vnto him Comfortable sentences and bee graffed in him by faith These holesome and liuely sermons worke this effect in the mindes of those men which leane and trust vnto his defence that casting away the feare of death they lustily cheerefully and couragiously enuirone and fortifie themselues against any assaults or inuasions of troubles or calamities whatsoeuer and declare their inuincible magnanimitie and with great confidence breake forth into these words Psal 25. Myne eyes are euer looking vnto the Lord for he shall plucke my feete out of the nette Psal 27. The Lord is my light and my saluation whom then shall I feare The Lord is the defender of my life of whom then shall I be afrayed If an hoast of men were layed agaynst me yet shall not my heart bee afrayed Psal 3. I will not feare thousands of people that compasse mee about If there rise vp warre agaynst mee yet my hope is in him Psal 23. Though I walke in the middest of the shadowe of death I will feare no euill for thou art with mee Iob. 13. Though hee kill mee I will put my trust in him that is to say If he cast vpon mee the horrour of death and if I must b●… spoyled of my life yet for all that I will trust in him who by his prouidence will make a way and vse meanes to saue mee Psal 118. Hebr. 13. The Lord is my helper I will not feare what flesh shall do vnto mee And that saying of Ieremie Ieremy 17. Behold say they where is the word of the Lord Let 〈◊〉 come And I was not troubled following this the sheepeheard and thou knowest I haue not desired the day of man that is A place of Ieremy expounded I looke not for helpe of any other but of thee so that I regard not a whit neither doe I feare them which threaten my death Be not thou a terror vnto mee O my hope in the day of my affliction Let them be afeard but let not me feare Saint Paule being inflamed with the same feruent and ardent zeale of faith and trusting vnto the ayde and protection of GOD pronounceth assuredly and boldly that there is nothing in the world so dreadfull or horrible that can put godly mens mindes in feare of plucke them away from the loue of GOD and sure trust reposed in him For I surely perswade my selfe saith he Rom. 8. that neither death neither life neither angels or inuisible spirites neither principalities or powers neither things now at hand nor things to come neither any other creature shall be able to separate vs from the loue of GOD which is