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death_n adam_n sin_n transgression_n 6,929 5 10.8054 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16100 Cristian praiers & godly meditatio[n]s vpon the epistle of S. Paule to the Romanes briefly conteyninge the summe of euery chapiter orderly, worthy to be vsed of al the faythfull in this wretched and sinfull time / translated out of Italian into English. 1569 (1569) STC 2985.5; ESTC S1814 15,923 97

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faith thy holy law is destroyed but I through experience that thou geuest me of my selfe am constrained to say the contrary that thy lawe is confirmed and established by fayth sith it is so that the man which is not iustified through faith doth feare thée as a sharpe and rigorous iudge where as he that is iustified by faith loueth thée worshippeth thée as a father the one as a most vile slaue serueth thée for feare the other as a right louing sonne serueth thée for loue Whereupon to the one thy commaundements do appeare very greuous and vnto the other they be very pleasant The one hauing thespirite of the world through the wisedome of the flesh loueth himselfe and the world the other hauing thy spirite by faith loueth thée and his neighbour for thy sake and the more faith encreaseth so much the more groweth charitie in that which cōsisteth al the obseruation of the lawe Therfore my Lord encrease in vs faith so that in vs may be established and fulfilled thy holy lawe to thy honour and glory ¶ Vpon the iiij Chapiter O My Lord if that noble Abraham could not glory in thy sight that he was iustified by his works what ought I vnhappy sinner to hope of my workes Wherfore like as he beleuing thy promises was fréele iustified by faith so I besech thée that I may obtaine from thy mercy the frée remission of my sinnes beleuing on Iesus Christ And like as Abraham receaued the circumcision of the flesh for a token of the iustice of faith semblably let me receyue from thy spirite the circumcision of the harte to thintent that I may serue thée in holines and in iustice all the dayes of my lyfe And euen as Abraham receiuing the promise of posteritie innumerable as the starres he doubted not through infidelitie neither be considered his bodie vnable to procreation by age neither his wyfe which was baren by nature but beinge strengthned by fayth and trustinge through thy word for that which he could not loke for by his naturall reason he beleued that hée should be the father of many nations and geuing glory to thée beleued assuredly that thou wast able to perfourme that which thou haddest promised which raisest vp the dead and with thy word geuest being to thinges which as yet be not likewise promising me my Lord by thy mercy the remission of sinnes and to take me for thy sonne also to geue me euerlasting lyfe graunt me grace that I thereof may not doubte through vnfaithfulnes neyther permitte me to behold so much my vnworthines that I should not fasten the eyes of my minde alwayes stedfastly vpon thy veritie the which is more able to saue me then my iniquitie to damne me and geue me a fayth so strong that hopinge through thy promise for that which I could not trust for by my sinnes I may beleue by the merites of thy onely begotten sonne to become of the child of wrath the child of grace and inheritour of eternall lyfe and that I may render thée dew glory beleuing stedfastly that nothing is impossible to thée whom though I be dead in sinne thou canst reuiue with thy iustice If my soule bée brought in a maner to nothing through iniquitie thou hast power to geue it a being most noble and immortall restoringe in it thy image The which grace my Lorde I besech thée that thou wilt graunt vnto me and to all other thy elects through Iesu Christ our Lord the which by thy ordinaunce died vpon the crosse for our sinnes and rose againe for our iustice ¶ Vpon the v. Chapiter MY Lord we are iustified through the liuely faith which thou hast geuen vs and be reconciled vnto thée through Iesu Christ our redéemer which hath brought vs vnto his kingdome by the meanes of fayth Graunt vs O Lord grace to continue in thy grace and augment in vs fayth in such wise that our soule may reioyce and glory not onely in hope of eternall glory but also in the tribulations of this present life knowing for a suretie that tribulation worketh pacience and pacience probation probation hope which deceaueth not by thy increadible loue that thou heare bearest vs wherof the holy ghost rendreth a most certein testimony which is geuen vnto our spirite and the passion of thy onely begotten sonne the which to obey thy will died vpon the crosse for vs miserable sinners and thy enemies where as scarse might be founde one that wold die for his frende either for one iust vertuous man If therfore thy charitie toward vs hath ben so great that while we were euill and wicked Christ dyed for vs much more now that we are iustified through hys bloud we shal be saued from thy anger by him because that being thy enemies hée hath brought vs in fauour with thée by his death much more now being reconciled we shal be saued through his life O Lord God write these most sweete thoughts with thy finger in our hartes that being crucified by thy grace we may here glory that thou art our God and our father through Iesus Chryst thy sonne our redéemer Amen My Lord God man was by thée created vnto thy image similitude that is most holy iust and Lorde of the world but he through his disobedience became vniust vngodly deceitfull and seruaunt of the Deuill neither should this our misierie euer haue had an end if thy mercy had not ordeyned it from euerlastinge that thy onely begotten should be the beginning the middest and th end of our saluation Therfore we can not so much bée sory for the sinne of Adam as we ought to be thankefull vnto thée for thy benifites because that like as by Adam sinne entred into the world and so death euen so through Iesu Christ is come vnto vs life iustice and grace a great deale more and of more force which wée haue receiued from thy kindnes by Iesu Christ than the hurte that Adam hath done vs through his transgression because that one sinne alone hath condemned vs and the grace of Christ doth deliuer vs from many sinnes And if by the sinne of Adam death hath reigned in the world much more through Iesus Christ life shall reigne in those that receiue the aboundaunce of grace and of iustice which he geueth to the faithfull Therfore like as the disobedience of our first parents made vs sinners worthy of eternal death so the obedience of thy sonne maketh vs iust and worthy of eternal life And if afterward the lawe taking place sinne dyd abound the Gospell comming after the lawe grace hath much more abounded to thend that like as sinne hath reigned which leadeth to death so now grace may reigne that iustifieth guideth such as beleue vnto eternall lyfe through Iesus Christ thy sonne and our redéemer ¶ Vpon the vj. Chapiter O Iesu Christ my Lord we are dead and buried in baptisme and be risen againe with thée as thy true members Therfore my