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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08832 The benefit that Christians receiue by Iesus Christ crucified translated out of French into English, by A.G. Paleario, Aonio, 1503-1570.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1580 (1580) STC 19116; ESTC S926 54,090 122

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had ment to say if a man know not himself to be a sinner nor thirst after righteousnesse hée cannot tast of the swéetnesse of Iesus Christe how swéete it is to talke of him to thinke of him and to follow his most holy life But when we once throughly knowe our owne infirmity by meanes of the law let vs hearken too S. Iohn Baptist who poynteth vs too the soueraigne Phisition with his Finger saying Beholde the Lambe of GOD which taketh away the sinnes of the worlde For hée it is that deliuereth vs from the heauie yoke of the Lawe abrogating and disanulling the curses and sharpe threatninges of the same healing all our infirmities reformyng our free will returning vs too our ancient innocency and repairing in vs the image of our God insomuch that according to S. Paules saying like as by Adam we bée all dead so by Iesus Christ we are al quickened And it is not to beléeued that the sinne of Adam which we haue by inheritance from him shoulde be of more force than the righteousnesse of Christe that which we also inherite by faith It séemeth that man hath great cause to complayne that without any reason why hée is conceaued and borne in sinne and in the wickednes of his parents by meanes of whō death reigneth ouer all men But nowe is all our sorow taken away in as muche as by a like meane without any occasion geuen on our behalfe righteousnes and euerlasting life are come by Iesus Christe and by him death is s●aine whereof Saint Paul maketh a very godly discourse which I purpose too set downe héere following Wherfore faith he like as by one man sin entred into the world death by sinne euen so death went ouer al men forasmuch as al men haue sinned For vntil the law sinne was in the worlde but sinne was not regarded as long as there was no law Neuer the latter death reigned from Adam vnto Moyses euen ouer them also that sinned not after the like manner of the transgression of Adam who was a figure of him that was to come But yet the gift is not so as is the offence for if through the offence of one many be dead much more the grace of God and the gift by grace which is by one man Iesus Christe hath abounded vnto many Neither is y ● gift so as that which entred in by one that sinned For the fault came of one offence vnto condemnation but y ● gift is of many offences to iustification For if by the offēce of one death reigned through one much more shall they which receiue the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousnesse reigne in life through one that is Iesus Christ. Likewise then as by the offence of one that fault came on al men to condēnation so by the righteousnesse of one the benefite abounded toward all men to the iustification of life For as by one mans disobediēce many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shal many also bée made righteous Moreouer the lawe entred thereupon that the offence should abound neuerthelesse where sinne abounded there grace abounded muche more that as sin hath reigned vnto death so might grace also reigne by righteousnesse vntoo eternall life through Iesus Christe our Lord. By these wordes of S. Paul wée manifestly perceiue the thing to be true which we haue said héereto fore that is to wit that the law was geuen too make sinne knowne which sinne wée doe also knowe not to be of greater force than Christes righteousnesse wherethrough we be iustified before God For euen as Iesus Christ is stronger than Adam was so is his righteonsnesse more mightie than the sinne of Adam And if the sinne of Adam was sufficient enough to make al men sinners and children of wrath without any misdéedes of our owne muche more shall Christes righteousnesse be of greater force to make vs all righteous and the children of grace without any of our owne good workes which cannot be good vnlesse that before we doe them we our selues be made good as Augustine also affirmeth Hereby a man may know in what errour they bée who by reason of some great offence despaire of Gods good wil imagining that he is not willing to forgeue couer and pardon al sinne hauing already punished and chastized all our ●●●es and iniquities in his owne onely begotten and dearly beloued sonne and consequently graunted a generall pardon to all mankinde which euery body enioyeth that beléeueth the gospel that is to say which beléeueth the happy tidings of the Apostles haue published through the whole world saying We beséeche you for Iesus Christes sake bée yée reconciled vnto GOD for he that neuer knew sinne was made a sacrifice for our sinne that we might become righteous in him The prophet Esay for seeing this great goodnesse of God writeth these heauenly wordes which doe so well paint out the passion of our Lorde Iesus Christ and the cause thereof as it is not to be founde better described evē in the writings of the Apostles Who saith he wil beléeue our report and to whom is the arme of the Lord reuealed But hée shall growe vpp before him as a branch and as a roote out of a dry grounde hée hath neither forme nor beautie when wée shall sée him there shal be no fourme that wée should desire hym Hée is despised a●d reiected of men he is a man full of sorrowes and hath experience of infirmitie wee hidde as it were our faces from him hée was despised and wee estéemed him not Surely hée hath borne our infirmities and carried our sorrowes yet we did iudge him as plagued and smitten of God humbled but he was wounded for our transgressions he was broken for our iniquities The chastisement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes we are healed All we like shéepe haue gone astray wee haue turned euery one to his owne way and the Lorde hath laide vpon him the iniquitie of vs all he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet did he not open his mouth He is brought as a shéepe to the slaughter as a shéepe before the shearer is dumme so he openeth not his mouth O great vnkindnesse O thing abhominable that we which professe our selues Christians and heare that the sonne of God hath taken all our sinnes vpon him and washed them out with his precious blood suffering himselfe to bee fastened too the Crosse for our sakes shoulde neuerthelesse make as though we woulde iustifie our selues and purchase forgeuenesse of our sinnes by our owne woorkes as who woulde say that the desertes righteousnesse and bloodshed of Iesus Christe were not enough too doe it vnlesse we came to put too our workes and righteousnesse which are altogether de●iled and spotted with selfe loue selfcliking selfprofite and a thousande other vanities for which wee haue neede to craue pardon at Gods hand rather then reward Neither doe we thinke
bee called a little worlde as wherein a man may beholde the soueraigne wisedome of the woorkemaister if thy soule wherein shineth the inuisible image of the euerlasting God if thine owne life if the consideratiō of so great abundance of good things wherof he geueth thee the vse euery day are not sufficient ynough to moue the affections of thy heart at leastwise yet oughtest thou of reason too bee inflamed and prouoked by the benefite of all benefites and by that moste precious gifte which he hath made vntoo thee of his owne proper and onely Sonne who is the very image of his substance and in whom dwelleth the whole fulnesse of the Godheade together with al the treasures of Wisedome and al knowledge Yea and so muche ought it too mooue thee the more because that without hauing regarde that thou werte his great enimie hee hath layde all thine infirmities pon his backe and made him to die vppon the crosse for thy sake punishing thy sinnes in him for the which thou thy selfe haddest deserued eternall damnation Goe nowe thou vnthankefull person and deuize all the excuses that thou wilte and they shall serue to no purpose but too accuse thee and too geue sentence against thy selfe The woonderfull creation order and gouernment of this huge worlde can giue thee knowledge of his fatherly loue wisdom and infinite power although not in al pointes to the ful But in Iesus Christ crucified all the bowelles of Gods mercy are opened vntoo thee at large and perfectly Ther is no more any veyle that can hinder thee from the knowing of so great loue Seest thou not how that at his death the veyle was rente asunder in the middes And when he cryed that all was finished and bowed downe his holy head he gaue a token that peace was made between God man Let vs therefore henceforth learne O my brethrē to acknowledge the soueraine benefite which we haue receiued by Iesus Christe crucified Let vs beholde the perfectnesse of his life and his most holy doctrine Let vs open our eyes at the vnmeasurable brightnesse of his euen lasting trueth and let vs with all our force followe the way wherein hee hath gone afore vs. Let vs with a cheerefull and glad hearte imbrace the Crosse which hee hath set afore vs and discharging our shoulders from all burdens and all sinne wherein wee 〈◊〉 wrapped let vs runne with pacience too the combate that is appointed for vs● hauing an eye to the beginner and accomplisher of faith Iesus Christe who in steede of worldly glory susteyned the Crosse and despised all the shame thereof Let vs put of the old man with all his wretched and combersome doinges and greeuous burdens and clothe our selues with the new man whose yooke is sweete and burden light Let vs by true faith runne betweene the armes of his mercy and pray him to vouchsafe to lighten vs and to make vs capable of all his graces and specially of the great benefite that wee haue receiued of him by his crosse Concerning the which forasmuche as there is lighted into my hands a little treatise compiled in the Italian tongue where in he is merueilously wel liuely drawne with another maner of pensil than painters vse I thought it good to put it into Frenche too the end that my Countreymen also might take profite by it and receiue like comforte as I haue receiued by it and specially the simple people and suche as haue no great depth of knowledge For it semeth that the Author whosoeuer he was was wholly mynded to apply all thinges vnto them without seeking or affecting any finenesse of speech or great darknesse of sentences But euen as in Sommer time we see the Riuer Saon goe gently to ioyne himself with the Riuer of Rhone without doing any domage to any body euen so goeth this man slyding so smoothely into the bosome of his deare spouse Iesus Christ without staying at any other thing that ouermalicious shoulde hee bee which woulde looke awry on him or by any meanes let him of his course And thus my brethren fare yee well in God who enrich you with his gracious gifts from day to day Amen Of the benefite that Christians receiue by Iesus Christ crucified The first Chapter Of Originall sinne and of mans wretchednesse THe holie scripture sayeth that God created man after his owne Image likenes making him as in respect of his body impassible and as touching his soule righteous true good merciful and holy But after that he being ouer com with desire of knowledge had eaten of the Apple that God had forbidd●● him he lost the saide image and likenes of God became like the brute beasts like the diuel who had abused him For as touching his soule hee became vnrighteous vntrue cruell p●●●●lesse and the enimy of God and as touching his body he became passible and subiect to a thousand inconueniences and diseases and not onely like but also inferiour to brute beasts And euē as if our forefathers had obeyed God they shoulde haue left vs theyr righteousnesse and holynesse as an heritage euen so by being disobedient vnto God they haue left vs the inheritance of vnrighteousnes wickednesse and Gods displeasure in such sort as it is vnpossible for vs through our own strength to loue GOD or to frame ourselues vnto his holy will May wee bee enimies vnto him as to o●e that must punish our sinnes because hee is a iust iudge and therefore can wee not any more trust wholy to his holy mercy To be short our whole nature was corrupted by Adams sinne And like as erst it had superiorite aboue all creatures so became it an vnderling to all the bondslaue of Satan sinne death condemned to the miseries of hell 〈◊〉 he lost his iudgement altogeather and began to say that good was euill and euill g●d estéeming false things to be true and true things to be false Which thing the Prophet considering saith● that all men are lyers 〈◊〉 that there is not one that doeth good because the Deuill like a stout man of armes ruleth his owne pallace that is too 〈◊〉 the world wherof he became a prince and Lord. Ther● is no tongue that can expresse the thousandth part of our mise rie in that wee beeing created by Gods owne hand haue lost the saide image of God and are become like the Deuill and too like to him in nature and cōdition willing whatsoeuer he willeth and likewise refusing what soeuer he misliketh By reason wher of being giuen vp for a pray to that wicked spirite there is no sinne so greevous which euery one of vs would not be ready to doe if the grace of God stay vs not And this our depriuation of righteousnesse and this forward inclination to all vnrighteousnes and naughtinesse is called original sinne the which wée bring with vs from out of our mothers wombe so as we be borne the children of wrath and it hath had
he take no liberty to sinne for this doctrine belongeth to none suche as honor themselues with the name of Christians confessing Christ with their mouth and yet deny him in theyr déedes But it cōcerneth the true Christians who though they fight manfully against the fleshe the worlde and the Deuil doe notwithstanding fall dayly and are constreyned to say Lorde forgeue vs our offences These are they to whom we speak to comfort them and to holde them vp that they fall not into despayre as though the blood of Christe washed vs not from all sinne and that hée were not our aduocate and the Attonementmaker for his members And therefore when wée bée prouoked too doubt of the forgeuenesse of our sinnes and that our owne cōscience beginneth to trouble vs then must wée furnishe our selues with true faith out of hād haue recourse to the precious blood of Iesus Christe shed for vs vpō the altar of the crosse distributed to his Apostles at his last Supper vnder the veile of a most Holy Sacrament which was ordeined by Christ to the end y ● wée shoulde celebrate the remembrance of his death and that by the same visible Sacrament our troubled consciences might be assured of our attonement with God The blessed Iesus Christe made his last Will when he said this is my body which is geuen for you and this is my blood of the new Testament which is shed for many for the forgeuenesse of their sinnes Wée knowe that a Testament saith S. Paul although it be but a mans Testament yet neuer thelesse if it be allowed no man dispiseth it or addeth any thing to it and that no Testament is of force til the testator be dead but hath ful power after y ● parties decease Then did Iesus Christe make his Testament wherin he promiseth forgiuenesse of sinnes and the grace and good fauor of him selfe and of his father togeather with mercy and euerlasting life And to the intent that the saide Testament shoulde be of ful force he hath confirmed it with his owne precious blood and with his owne death By reason whereof Saint Paul sayeth that Iesus Christe is the Mediator of the newe Testament that by his dying for the the redemption of those transgressions which were in the former testament they that are called might receiue the promise of the eternal inheritance For whersoeuer is a Testament there must also be y ● death of the Testator for the Testament is confirmed by the death of the partie insomuch as it is of no value so long as the maker of it is aliue Wherefore we be very certaine assured by the death of Iesus Christe that his Testament is auaileable whereby all our misdéedes are pardoned and we made heyres of eternal life And for a token and faithfull pledge héereof in stéed of a Seale he hath left vs this Diuine Sacramente which not onely giueth our soules assured hope of their euerlasting Saluation but also warranteth vnto vs that immortality of our flesh forasmuch as it is euen nowe quickened by that immortall flesh of his in a certaine maner becōmeth partaker of the immortalitie therof he that is partaker of that diuine flesh by faith shal not perish for euer But vnto him that receiueth it without the saide faith it turneth too a dangerous poyson bicause that like as whē bodily sustenance findeth the stomacke incumbred with euill humors it corrupteth likewise and worketh great anoyance euē so if this spirituall foode light into a sinfull soule that is full of malice and misbeliefe it casteth it headlong intoo some greater ruine not through it owne default but because that too the vncleane and vnbeléeuer all thinges are vncleane notwithstanding that the thinges bee sanctified by the Lords blessing For saith S. Paul be that eateth of that bread drinketh of that cup unworthily is is giltie of the body and blood of the Lord and hée eateth drinketh his own damnation bicause he maketh no differēce of the Lordes body For he maketh no difference of the Lords body which presumeth to the Lords supper without faith and charity And forasmuch as he beleueth not that body to be his life and the cleanser of all his sinnes he maketh Iesus Christe a lyar and treadeth the sonne of god vnder foote and estéemeth the blood of the Testamente whereby he was sanctified but as a cōmon worldly thing and doth great wrōg to the spirite of grace he shal be punished very sore at Gods hād for this his vnbelief and wicked hypocriste For whereas he reposeth not that trust of his iustificatiō in the passiō of our Lord Sauior Iesus Christ yet neuerthelesse he receiueth this most holy Sacrament and maketh protestation that he putteth not his trust in any other thing Wherby he accuseth himselfe and is witnesse of his owne iniquitie and condēneth himselfe to euerlasting death by refusing the life which GOD promiseth him in that holy Sacrament And in this point when the Christiā féeleth that his enimies are like to ouercome him that is too wit when he beginneth too doubt whether hee haue receiued forgiuenesse of his sinnes by Iesu Christe and that he shall not be able to withstand the Deuill and his temptations and that the accusation of his owne doubtfull conscience comes too presse him so as he beginneth too feare least Hell fire should swallow him vp death hold him in his euerlasting bands by reason of gods wrath I say when the good Christian féeleth himselfe in suche an agony Let him get him to his holy Sacrament with a good hearte and stout courage and receiue it deuoutly saying in his heart and answering his enemies thus I confesse I haue deserued a thousand hels and euerlasting death by reason of the great sinnes which I haue committed But this heauenly Sacramēt which I receiue at that preset assureth me of the forgiuenesse of all my misdoinges of mine attonement with God For if I haue an eye to my works there is no doubt but I acknowledge my selfe a sinner condemne mine owne self in such wise as my cōscience should neuer be quiet if I should thinke that my sinnes are pardoned mée for my workes sake But when I looke to the promises and couenants of God who promiseth me forgeuenes of my sinnes by the blood of Iesus Christe I am as sure I haue obteined it that I haue his fauour as I am sure y ● he which hath made y ● promises couenants cannot lye nor deceiue and through this stedfast faith I become righteous by Christes righteousnes wherthrough I am saued and my conscience quieted Hath he not geuen his most innocent body into the hands of sinners for our sins Hath hee not shed his blood to wash away my iniquities Why then doest thou vexe thy selfe O my soule put thy trust in the Lorde who beareth thée so great loue that to deliuer thée