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death_n adam_n sin_n transgression_n 6,929 5 10.8054 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01724 Foure sermons vpon the seuen chiefe vertues or principall effectes of faith and the doctrine of election: wherein euerie man may learne, whother he be Gods childe or no. Preached at Malden in Essex by Master George Gifford, penned from his mouth, and corrected and giuen to the Countesse of Sussex, for a Newyeeres gift. Gifford, George, d. 1620.; Josua, Richard. 1582 (1582) STC 11858; ESTC S118830 40,121 112

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not haue done thus The Prophete Dauid when hee had committed murther and adultery being reprooued by Nathan although hee knewe rightwel that the Diuel was a great furtherer in the matter likewise hee might haue thought vpon the fonde dealing of the woman which so indiscretly washed her selfe in such a place as others might see her yet hee letteth these goe and to the ende hee may wholy and fully condemne himself he looketh home to the welspring of all this foule and beastly sinne and saith Beholde I was borne in wickednesse and in sinne hath my mother conceiued mee as if he shoulde say O Lorde I cannot seeke any way to be excused for all this rebellion against thee is conceiued and bred in mine owne corrupt brest I brought the roote of it from my mothers wombe This is a good lession for vs to learne for so long as wee doe not knowe it but like partial and corrupt Iudges go about to excuse our selues to rid our hands of that we haue committed we shal neuer come to any sincere repētāce Further weare here to obserue in this place that al corruptiō comming from this lust if wee will repent indeede wee must begin heere For if they bee changed onely in their outwarde deedes and wordes and this inward sicknes not healed they haue gained nothing no more thē a man which would destroy a tree and doth no more then loppe shred of certaine boughes and twigges leauing the stumpe and roote behynde for so long as this doth liue in them they may well seeme in the eyes of men to bee very great conuerts if they bee ignorant idiots are become suche as haue gotten some skill and knowledge from drunkardes ruffians adulterers and suche like they become sober and modest and of good behauiour as this may bee done before men and yet the hart nothing altered before God for there bee many causes which may mooue men to seeme outwardlye to bee godly when the hearte within is fraught with loathsome lustes and full of rotten corruptions whiche make men still altogether abhominable before God To bee short therefore a man shall neuet rightly iudge of him selfe whether hee haue repented vnlesse hee looke to the bottome of this sore that it may be healed The greatest multitude of men being as blind as beetles in this point imagine that repentance is a very light easie thing which they can haue when they list when a man of wisdome saith this that here lieth so deep a matter that heere be rootes which are hard to be pulled vp hee is moued to bee the more carefull least he deceiue himselfe Looke therefore euery man to his thoughts for by them is the trial made if the thoughts be chāged the inward desires altered so that of prophane and worldly they are become holy and heauenly then hee may boldly say I haue a newe hearte and there is a right spirite renued in mee I haue repented I haue not plaide the hypocrite I feele an vpright heart toward God I feele the corrupt fountaine stopped so that the filthy matter and stinking mudde doeth not boyle foorth as it did It may also bee demaunded heere whether this iuste bee not a sinne or a corruption of it selfe because S. Peter saith that corruption resteth in it The place which I alleadged out of the 51. Psalme doeth prooue it to bee a sinne also it may bee proued out of the fifth to the Romans Where Saint Paule proueth that infants haue sinne because they are subiect to death which is the reward of sinne although as hee saith they sinne not after the similitude of the transgression of Adam Therefore if wee had none other but this it were enough to condemne vs and vtterly to cast vs away Let vs neuer cease therefore vntill wee feele a change in our selues euen in this secrete infection for otherwise wee shall neuer bee able to flie the corruptions whiche are in the world or as Saint Iames speaketh in the first Chapter of his Epistle to keepe our selues vnspotted of the worlde so long as wee carie the corrupt world in our own brest neither shal our religion be pure for thus it is saide if any man among you seemeth religious and refraineth not his tongue but deceiueth his owne hearte this mans religion is vaine Pure religion and vndefiled before God euen the father is this to visite the fatherlesse and widowes in their distresse and to keepe himselfe vnspotted of the worlde The seconde Sermon vpon the 5. 6. and 7. verses 5 Therfore giue euen al diligence thervnto ioyne moreouer vertue with your faith with vertue knowledge 6 And with knowledge temperaunce and with temperaunce patience and with patience godlines 7 And with godlines brotherly kindenesse and with brotherly kindnes loue ANd hereunto giue al diligence c. He hath declared in the former verses among other chief matters this one especiallv to howe great holinesse and purenesse through sanctification we be called which was chiefly expressed in these wordes that by them yee may bee made partakers of the diuine nature in that yee flie the corruption which is in the worlde through lust vnto this now he ioyneth an exhortation requiring at their handes not only to put to their diligence but also as hee saith euen all diligence For as it is the greatest and chiefest thing which we are to looke after so there is required at our handes to giue our principal care and studie thereunto this equitie must easily be graunted that if we cannot obteine or get the thinges of this life which are small in comparison vnlesse wee put to our diligence for God will haue it to bee so that then of good right looke howe much heauenly things exceede in dignitie the earthly so much must the care and diligence bestowed vpon them exceed How far almost are all men from this doctrine both in practise and iudgement first when we see the exceeding trauel paines which they sticke not willingly to bestowe in getting the beggerly trash of this world either riches or honours they wil ryde and run early and late by night and by day by sea and by land winter and sommen wearing out their bodies almost pine and sterue themselues with hunger and bearing their braines with as great diligence as can be possible but when it commeth to these things which S. Peter speaketh as things of no price they pass by them in such wise that they are here euen as slouthfull and carelesse as they are diligent in the other For iudgement in this behalfe if a man talke with these worldly men they wil shew their minde and opinion aske them why they bee so careful for these worldly things their an swere is readie wee shal otherwise come short of them and go without them why do ye not seeke as fast for heauenly thinges they be the greatest they be in deede the greatest but we commit that to God wee wil not meddle with